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Subject of the Russian Federation
Republic of Kalmykia - Chalmg Tangtsch
Республика Калмыкия - Хальмг Тангч ( Russian )
Хальмг Таңһч ( Kalmyk )
flag coat of arms
coat of arms
Federal district Southern Russia
surface 74,731  km²
population 289,481 inhabitants
(as of October 14, 2010)
Population density 3.9 inhabitants / km²
Capital Elista
Official languages Kalmuck , Russian
Kalmyks (57.4%)
Russians (30.2%)
Dargins (2.6%)
Kazakhs (1.7%)
Chechens (1.2%)
(as of 2010)
head Batu Sergeyevich Khasikov
Founded March 31, 1992 (November 4, 1920)
anthem Kalmuck hymn
Time zone UTC + 3
Telephone prefixes (+7) 847xx
Postcodes 358000-359999
License Plate 08
ISO 3166-2 RU-KL
Website www.kalm.ru
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About this picture

Coordinates: 46 ° 30 '  N , 44 ° 45'  E

Kalmykia , also Kalmykia and Kalmykia ( Russian Калмыкия ; Kalmyk Хальмг Таңһч Chal'mg Tangghtsch ) since 1992, an autonomous republic in the southern part of European Russia .

Kalmykia is the only region in Europe where Buddhism is the predominant religion. This is also symbolized by the flag of Kalmykia .

Geography and climate


Kalmykia is located on the northwest coast of the Caspian Sea and consists mainly of steppe . In the south lies the Manytn lowlands . As a result of poorly planned and implemented irrigation projects Kalmykia since the 1960s greatly from desertification (is desertification ) affected. In the meantime, the republic is referred to as the “first desert in Europe”.

The climate is continental - summer is hot and dry, winter is little snow, sometimes very frosty. These climatic properties worsen from west to east.


Ethno-linguistic map of the Caucasus region and Kalmykia

The Kalmyks are a Mongolian people who arrived and settled in the Lower Volga area in the early 17th century . They are the only majority Buddhist people in Europe .

Another significant minority are the Meshetes (2010: 3675 people). Smaller ethnic groups within the republic are the Tatars (2002: 1076 people) and the Belarusians (2002: 857 people).

Ethnic group VZ 1926 VZ 1939 VZ 1959 VZ 1970 VZ 1979 VZ 1989 VZ 2002 VZ 2010 1
number % number % number % number % number % number % number % number %
Kalmyks 107.026 75.6% 107,315 48.6% 64,882 35.1% 110.264 41.1% 122.167 41.5% 146.316 45.4% 155.938 53.3% 162,740 57.4%
Russians 15,212 10.7% 100,814 45.7% 103,349 55.9% 122,757 45.8% 125,510 42.6% 121,531 37.7% 98.115 33.6% 85.712 30.2%
Darginer 0 0.0% k. Ang. ?,?% 608 0.3% 4,961 1.9% 8,590 2.9% 12,878 4.0% 7,295 2.5% 7,590 2.6%
Kazakhs 193 0.1% 2.711 1.2% 8,550 4.6% 7,095 2.7% 6.132 2.1% 6.277 1.9% 5.011 1.7% 4,948 1.7%
Chechens 0 0.0% 10 0.0% k. Ang. ?,?% 4,791 1.8% 8,100 2.8% 8,239 2.6% 5,979 2.0% 3,343 1.2%
Avars 0 0.0% k. Ang. ?,?% 192 0.1% 863 0.3% 1.941 0.7% 3,871 1.2% 2,305 0.8% 2,396 0.8%
Ukrainians 14,606 10.3% 1,127 0.5% 1,589 0.9% 3,346 1.3% 3,706 1.3% 4,069 1.3% 2,505 0.9% 1,531 0.5%
Korean 0 0.0% 6th 0.0% 51 0.0% 284 0.1% 1,073 0.4% 643 0.2% 1,049 0.4% 1,342 0.5%
German 2,603 1.8% 4,150 1.9% 1,547 0.8% 5,212 1.9% 5,509 1.9% 5,586 1.7% 1,643 0.6% 1,071 0.4%
Other 1,954 1.4% 4,551 2.1% 4,089 2.2% 8,420 3.1% 11,799 4.0% 13,169 4.1% 12,570 4.3% 18.808 6.5%
Residents 141,594 100% 220,684 100% 184,857 100% 267.993 100% 294,527 100% 322,579 100% 292.410 100% 289,481 100%
1 5,790 people could not be assigned to any ethnic group. These people are probably distributed in the same proportion as the ethnically classified inhabitants.

The official languages ​​are Kalmuck and Russian . The republic is extremely sparsely populated with an average of 3.7 inhabitants per square kilometer.


After the collapse of the Golden Horde in the 15th century, the Kalmuck Khan's accession to the Russian Empire was sealed by an agreement. In 1609 the Kalmyk Khanate was founded.

Kalmyks and Torghuud rulers

During the Soviet era , Kalmykia received the status of an Autonomous Region on November 4, 1920, and an Autonomous Oblast within the Russian Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) on October 22, 1935 . Under the Soviets the clergy and priests were persecuted and the temples (over 100) destroyed. In the German-Soviet war , most of Kalmykia was conquered by the German armed forces in July 1942 and subsequently, with the help of Prince Nikolai Tundutow , a Kalmuck cavalry corps with 3000 to 5000 volunteer Kalmucks was set up to fight on the side of the Germans. In December 1942, the Red Army recaptured the area.

In 1943 the republic was dissolved. The entire people of the Kalmyks were deported to the Asian part of the Soviet Union on charges of collaboration with the Germans , the republic capital Elista was renamed Stepnoi and the Kalmyks were removed from the list of peoples of the Soviet Union. After the rehabilitation of the Kalmyks, the city was renamed Elista again; on January 9, 1957, the area again became an Autonomous Oblast and again an Autonomous Republic ( ASSR ) within the RSFSR on July 29, 1958, and the Kalmyks returned home. After the dissolution of the USSR , Kalmykia retained its autonomous status as a republic within the Russian Federation (Federation Treaty of March 31, 1992 with Russia). Kirsan Ilyumschinov was President of the Republic from 1993 to 2010 . The parliament of the republic is called Volks- Chural , which refers to the Mongolian tradition of Kalmykia. On October 24, 2010 Alexei Orlov became the new head (president) of the Republic of Kalmykia.

Administrative division

The republic is divided into 13 Rajons and an urban district , which is the capital Elista. A total of two urban and 112 rural communities are subordinate to the Rajons.

Surname Name
Residents Area
(inh / km²)
Administrative headquarters Number of
Number of
I. Elista Элиста Элст 106,966 208 514 103.053 3,913   1 4th Location of Elista (Kalmykia) .svg
1 Gorodovikovsk Городовиковский район Башнтан район 17,268 1,099 15.7 9,480 7,788 Gorodovikovsk 1 6th Location of Gorodovikovsky District (Kalmykia) .svg
2 Iki-burul Ики-Бурульский район Ик Бурла район 11,065 6.363 1.7 - 11,065 Iki-burul - 13 Location of Iki-Burulsky District (Kalmykia) .svg
12 Yashalta Яшалтинский район Яшлтан район 16,676 2,416 6.9 - 16,676 Yashalta - 11 Location of Yashaltinsky District (Kalmykia) .svg
13 Yashkul Яшкульский район Яшкулин район 14,519 11,669 1.2 - 14,519 Yashkul - 13 Location of Yashkulsky District (Kalmykia) .svg
11 Justa Юстинский район Юстан район 10,312 7,996 1.3 - 10,312 Zagan Aman - 7th Location of Yustinsky District (Kalmykia) .svg
3 Kettschenery Кетченеровский район Көтчнрә район 10,379 6,548 1.6 - 10,379 Kettschenery - 9 Location of Ketchenerovsky District (Kalmykia) .svg
4th Lagan Лаганский район Лаганя район 19,189 4,685 4.1 13,770 5,419 Lagan 1 4th Location of Lagansky District (Kalmykia) .svg
5 Malyje Derbety Малодербетовский район Баһ Дөрвдә район 10.186 3,666 2.8 - 10.186 Malyje Derbety - 6th Location of Maloderbetovsky District (Kalmykia) .svg
6th Oktyabrsky Октябрьский район Октябрин район 8,940 3,686 2.4 - 8,940 Bolshoi Zaryn - 7th Location of Oktyabrsky District (Kalmykia) .svg
7th Prijutnoye Приютненский район Приютнин район 11,561 3.110 3.7 - 11,561 Prijutnoye - 8th Location of Priyutnensky District (Kalmykia) .svg
8th Sarpinski Сарпинский район Сарпан район 13,307 3,738 3.6 - 13,307 Sadovoye - 9 Location of Sarpinsky District (Kalmykia) .svg
10 Chernozemelsky Черноземельский район Хар Һазра район 12,847 14,192 0.9 - 12,847 Komsomolski - 8th Location of Chernozemelsky District (Kalmykia) .svg
9 Zelinny Целинный район Целинн район 19,951 5,258 3.8 - 19,951 Troitskoye - 11 Location of Tselinny District (Kalmykia) .svg


  1. Number of the Rajons / District (Rajons in alphabetical order of their names in Russian )
  2. ^ City district


The only major city in Kalmykia is the capital Elista . The next largest towns are the two other cities of the republic, Lagan and Gorodowikowsk , as well as (with over 5000 inhabitants each in 2010) the district administrative centers of Troitskoye , Yashkul , Sadowoje , Malyje Derbety , Zagan Aman , Prijutnoje and Bolshoi Zaryn .

city Russian Kalmuck Residents
(October 14, 2010)
Elista Элиста Элст 103,749
Gorodovikovsk Городовиковск Башнта 9,565
Lagan Лагань Лагань 14,323


The chairman of the executive is the head of Kalmykia, who is elected by the people of Kalmykia. Until 2010, the designation of the office holders in the governor function of the Russian republics was president, since then they have also been called head in Kalmykia. The legislature of the republic is the Kalmyk People's Chural ; the word Chural refers to the Kurultais in the Mongolian Empire , since the Kalmyks are a Mongolian people as the titular nation . The Parliament is elected every five years to complete.


The republic is predominantly agricultural . Only in the capital Elista is there any industry . Oil and gas deposits in the coastal area of ​​the Caspian Sea are resources for foreign exchange .

National sport

Kirsan Ilyumschinow , who ruled Kalmykia as president from 1993 to 2010, tried to establish chess as a national sport of Kalmykia . Chess is taught to children from an early age; it is a regular subject at school .


  • Georgi Watschnadze, Russia without censorship. A balance sheet. Frankfurt am Main 1993, on Kalmückien pp. 202-205; polpred.com (PDF; 2.2 MB - older text describing the events of the early 1990s)
  • Joachim Hoffmann : Deutsche und Kalmyken 1942–1945 , Volume 14 of the individual publications on the military history of the Second World War , published by the Military History Research Office . Verlag Rombach, Freiburg im Breisgau 1977, ISBN 3-7930-0173-3

Web links

Commons : Kalmykia  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Administrativno-territorialʹnoe delenie po subʺektam Rossijskoj Federacii na 1 janvarja 2010 goda (administrative-territorial division according to subjects of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2010). ( Download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  2. a b Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Tom 1. Čislennostʹ i razmeščenie naselenija (Results of the All-Russian Census 2010. Volume 1. Number and distribution of the population). Tables 5 , pp. 12-209; 11 , pp. 312–979 (download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  3. Nacional'nyj sostav naselenija po sub "ektam Rossijskoj Federacii. (XLS) In: Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Rosstat, accessed on June 30, 2016 (Russian, ethnic composition of the population according to federal subjects , results of the 2010 census).
  4. Population of the Russian territorial units by nationality 2010. ( MS Excel ; Russian)
  5. Newspapers-and-magazines-foreign-unit-and-parties ( Memento of the original from December 18, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.zweiter-weltkrieg-lexikon.de
  6. Hans Schafranek , Robert Streibel : June 22, 1941: The attack on the Soviet Union. Picus Verlag, Vienna 1991, ISBN 3-85452-224-X , p. 136
  7. ^ Isabelle Kreindler The Soviet Deportated Nationalities: A Summary and an Update. In: Soviet Studies , Volume 38, No. 3, July 1986, pp. 394 f.
  8. Population figures 2010 ( MS Excel ; 562 kB) at the Federal Service for State Statistics of Russia (calculation as of January 1)
  9. GEO 05-2011 p. 116 ff.