List of characters in Greek mythology / G

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The list of characters in Greek mythology includes characters from Greek mythology .

All figures known by name through literary or inscribed evidence are recorded. These include gods, demigods, hybrid beings or monsters, as well as human figures or animals that appear in myth. Nicknames, alternative names and group names are also included.


  • Name: German transcription of the name without accents or length characters. Names whose traditional transcriptions are formed with umlaut or begin with a U are listed here without umlaut and with the transcription Ou . Accordingly, z. B. Oedipus can be found under Oidipus or Uranos under Ouranos .
  • Greek: Ancient Greek spelling of the name.
  • Description: Contains a brief description of the figure in which it is classified as far as possible (god, nymph, satyr, son or daughter of ...).
  • Evidence: The detailed evidence is in the respective article and not in this list.

See also the general notes on the list of characters in Greek mythology .


Surname Greek description proof
Gabios Γάβιος Leader from Lydia , helps Dionysus in the fight against the Indians Roscher 1.1565. Nonnos : Dionysiacs 13,500.
Gadeiros Γάδειρος Son of Kleito and Poseidon
Gaia Γαῖα Goddess of the earth, one of the first in chaos, along with Tartaros , Eros , Nyx Roscher 1.1566-1586. Aristotle : Metaphysica 1,3.
Gaieochos Γαιήοχος, -άοχοσ this is Poseidon Roscher 1.1586 (1).
Gaieochos Γαιήοχος, -άοχοσ Epithet of Artemis or Hecate , protector of Boiotia Roscher 1.1586 (2). Sophocles : King Oedipus 160.
Galadras Γαλάδρας Son of Emathios, founds the city of Galadrai in Macedonia , after him the mountain Roscher 1.1586. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Γαλάδραι .
Galanthis Γαλανθίς this is Galinthias , Alcmene's servant maid Roscher 1.1586. Ovid : Metamorphoses 9,306.
Galas Γάλας, Γαλάτης this is Galates , son of the Cyclops Polyphemus Roscher 1.1586. Appian : Illyrica 2.
Galateia Γαλατεία Nereide , daughter of Nereus and Doris , "the milk white" Roscher 1.1586 (1). Hesiod : Theogony 250.
Galateia Γαλατεία Daughter of Eurytius , with Lampros mother of the "daughter" Leukippus Roscher 1.1586-1589 (2). Nonnos : Dionysiacs 6,300; 14.61.
Galates Γαλάτης, Γάλας Son of Heracles , eponymous hero of the Celts Roscher 1.1589. Diodorus 5.24.
Galatia Γαλατία Woman with ears of wheat in her left hand, leaning on an anchor, on a carnelian Roscher 1.1589. CIG 7051.
Galaxaure Γαλαξαύρη Okeanide , daughter of Okeanos and Tethys Roscher 1.1590. Hesiod : Theogony 353.
Galene Γαλήνη Nereid , "calm", freed from restlessness, soul filled in itself (Tranquilla) Roscher 1.1590. Hesiod : Theogony 244.
Galenus Γαληνός Ally of King Priam in Troy from Gargara , killed by Neoptolemus Roscher 1.1590. Quintus of Smyrna 10.89.
Galeos Γαλεός Son of Apollo and Themisto, "lizard", with a special kind of prophecy Roscher 1.1590. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Γαλεῶται, Ὓβλαι .
Galepsos Γάληψος Son of Thasos and Telephe , after im the city of Galepsos in Thrace Roscher 1.1591. Etymologicum magnum .
Galinthias Γαλινθιάς Daughter of Proitos, serves Alcmene , Heracles ' midwife , deceives Eileithyia Roscher 1.1591. Antoninus Liberalis 23.
Gallos Γάλλος from Phrygia , how Attis emasculated while serving the Cybele Roscher 1.1592 (1). Stephanos of Byzantium sv.
Gallos Γάλλος River god with cornucopia and reed stalks, on coins of Severus Alexander Roscher 1.1593 (2).
Gamelioi Γαμήλιοι θεοί Gods for the happy prosperity of marriage: Zeus , Hera , Aphrodite , Peitho , Artemis Roscher 1.1593. Plutarch : quaestiones Romanae c.2.
Gamos Γάμος Personification of marriage and marriage, son of Eros Roscher 1.1593. Nonnos : Dionysiacs 40,402.
Ganges Γάγγης Son of Indos and nymph Calauria, sleeps drunk with his mother Roscher 1.1594. Plutarch : de fluviorum 7.
Ganyctor Γανύκτωρ from Naupaktos , father of Ktimenos and Antiphos, murderer of Hesiod Roscher 1.1594 (1). Pausanias 9.31.6.
Ganyctor Γανύκτωρ Son of King Amphidamas in Evia , in the contest between Hesiod and Homer Roscher 1.1595 (2). Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi 3.
Ganyctor Γανύκτωρ Singer in the wake of Dionysus to India, sings for the fallen Bakchai Roscher 1.1595 (3). Nonnos : Dionysiacs 40,226.
Ganymedes Γανυμήδης Shepherd boy, most beautiful of mortals, loved by Zeus , cupbearer of the gods Roscher 1.1595-1603. Libraries of Apollodorus 3,12,2.
Garamas Γαράμας this is Amphithemis , son of Apollon and Akakallis Roscher 1.1603. Apollonios : Argonautika 1.1042.
Gargaphia Γαργαφία Personification of the source at Plataiai , on mural in Pompeii Roscher 1.1604.
Gargar rice Γαργαρεῖς a people, the "thunders" Roscher 1.1604. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Γαργαρεῖς .
Gargaros Γάργαρος Son of Zeus , after him the city of Gargara and the summit of Ida near Troy Roscher 1.1604. Etymologicum magnum .
Gargasos Γάργασος Trojans , of Ajax the Lesser killed Roscher 1.1604. Hyginus : Fabulae 113; 115.
Gargettos Γαργηττός Father of the Ion , after him the demos in Attica and the Ionides Roscher 1.1604. Pausanias 10.25.5.
Garmathone Γαρμαθώνη Queen of Egypt, with Neilos mother of Chrysochoas, entertains Isis despite her grief Roscher 1.1605. Plutarch : de fluviorum 16.1.
Garywones ΓαρυΓόνης this is Geryones or Geryoneus Roscher 1.1605. CIG 7582.
Gathiadas Γαθιάδας Heros who protects those who take refuge from death Roscher 1.1605. Hesychios
Gauanes Γαυάνης Descendant of Temenus , brother of Aeropos and Perdickas Roscher 1.1605. Herodotus : Histories 8,137.
Gauas Γαύας this is Adonis in Cyprus Roscher 1.1605. Tzetzes , Scholion : Lykophron 831.
Gazoria Γαζωρία Epithet of Artemis in the city Gazoros in Macedonia Roscher 1.1606. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Γάζωρος .
Ge Γῆ see Gaia , goddess of the earth Hesiod : Theogony 116.
Gebeleizis Γεβελέιζις Demon of the Geten Roscher 1.1606. Herodotus : Histories 4.94.
Geeia, Geeios Γεεία, Γέειος Nicknames of Hera and Zeus Roscher 1.1606. Tzetzes , Scholion : Lycophron .
Counter ice Γηγενεῖς Nicknames of giants , giants with six arms, opponents of the Argonauts Roscher 1, 1606-1608.
Geinos Γήινος Αὐτόχθων Founder of culture, in the euhemeristic account of mythology in Phenicia Roscher 1.1608. FHG : Fragmenta 3,566.9.
Gelanor Γελάνωρ King of Argos , son of Sthenelas , host of the Danaids Roscher 1.1608. Pausanias 2,16,1.
Gelas Γέλας River god in Sicily, worshiped on coins as a youth, bearded man, bull Roscher 1.1608.
Gelchanos Γελχανός that is Welchanos , epithet of Zeus Roscher 1.1609. Hesychios
Geleon Γελέων, Τελέοντες Son of Ion , eponymous hero of the Phyle Geleontes Roscher 1.1610 (1). Herodotus : Histories 5.66.
Geleon Γελέων Nickname of Zeus on inscription from the Acropolis of Athens in the 1st century Roscher 1.1610 (2). CIA 3.2.
Gello Γελλώ, Γελώ Spirit of a girl who died unmarried and killed virgins and pregnant women Roscher 1.1610. Zenobios 3.3.
Gelon Γέλων Son of Hymaros and Aitna, after him the city of Gela in Sicily Roscher 1.1610 (1). Stephanos of Byzantium sv.
Gelon Γέλων, Γελωνός this is Gelonus , son of Heracles Roscher 1.1610 (2).
Gelonos Γελωνός, Γέλων Son of Heracles and Echidna , brother of Agathyrsus and Scythus Roscher 1.1610. Herodotus : Histories 4 : 8-10; 108.
Gelos Γέλως personifies laughter, in Sparta with a statue of Lycurgus and a chapel Roscher 1.1610. Plutarch : Lykurgus 25.4.
Gemon Γέμων Satyr , accompanies Dionysus on his way to India Roscher 1.1611. Nonnos : Dionysiacs 14,108.
Genea Γενεά Personification of the indigenous people of Phenicia , daughter of Aion , sister of Genos Roscher 1.1611. Philodemos : Byblos 2.5.
Genesious Γενέσιος Epithet of Poseidon , with sanctuary near Lerna in Argolis , compare Genethlios Roscher 1.1611. Pausanias 2,38,4.
Genetai Γενέται θεοί Gods to whom Xuthos sacrifices after he has seen the son again Roscher 1.1611. Euripides : Ion 1130.
Genethlios Γενέθλιος Daimon , the guardian spirit ruling over a gender Roscher 1.1611 (1). Pindar : Olympia 13.101.
Genethlios Γενέθλιος Nickname of Zeus as ancestral and family god Roscher 1.1611 (2). Pindar : Olympia 8.16.
Genethlios Γενέθλιος Nickname of Poseidon , venerated in Sparta , compare Genesius Roscher 1.1611 (3). Pausanias 3:15, 10.
Genetias Γενετιάς Nickname of Athena Roscher 1.1611. Gerhard : Greek Mythology 1,232.
Genetor Γενέτωρ Son of King Lycaon in Arcadia , one of the 50 wicked, by Zeus destroyed Roscher 1.1611 (1). Library of Apollodorus 3,8,1.
Genetor Γενέτωρ Nickname of Apollo , with an altar on Delos Roscher 1.1611 (3). Macrobius 3.6.
Genius Γένιος that is genius , on metric inscription, found at Ascaphus Roscher 1.1612. CIG 6810.
Genoas Γενόας  ? Prince of the Genoese, a people of the Molossians in Epirus Roscher 1.1625. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Γενοαῖοι .
Genos Γένος Son of Aion , invents fire from pieces of wood, father of Phos, Pyr and Phlox Roscher 1.1625. Philodemos : Byblos 2.5. FHG 3.565.
Georgos Γεωργός Epithet of Zeus in Athens, Roscher 1.1627. CIA 3.77.
Gephyraia Γεφυραῖα, Γέφυρα Nickname of Demeter Roscher 1.1627. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Γέφυρα .
Gephyritis Γεφυρῖτις Nickname of Athena Roscher 1.1627. Gerhard : Greek Mythology 1,231.
Gephyros Γέφυρος Dolione , killed by Peleus during the landing of the Argonauts on Kyzikos Roscher 1.1627. Apollonios of Rhodes 1.1042.
Geraistiades Γεραιστιάδες Nymphs in Gortyn on Crete , nourish and honor the young Zeus Roscher 1.1627. Etymologicum magnum sv.
Geraistos Γεραιστός Son of Zeus , eponymous hero for village and promontory on Euboia Roscher 1.1627 (1). Stephanos of Byzantium sv Γεραιστός .
Geraistos Γεραιστός Son of Mygdon, the city of Parthenopolis in Macedonia after his daughters Roscher 1.1627 (2). Stephanos of Byzantium sv Παρθενόπολις .
Geraistos Γεραιστός Cyclops , with a single eye on his forehead and a tomb near Athens Roscher 1.1627 (3). Libraries of Apollodorus 3,15,8.
Gerana Γεράνα Pygmy , mother of Mopsus , turned into crane by Hera Roscher 1.1627. Antoninus Liberalis 16.
Geras Γῆρας God of old age, son of Nyx , Roman Senectus, counterpart to Hebe Roscher 1.1628. Hesiod : Theogony 225.
Geren Γέρην Son of Poseidon , after him the place on Lesbos Roscher 1.1628. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Γέρην .
Gergithios Γεργίθιος Nickname of Apollo , with a sanctuary in Gergis Roscher 1.1628.
Geron Γέρων this is the sea god Nereus in Gythio Roscher 1.1629. Pausanias 3,21,9.
Geryon Γηρυών, Γηρυονεύς Son of Chrysaor and Kallirrhoë , has three bodies, killed by Heracles Roscher 1, 1630-1638. Hesiod : Theogony 287.
Giants Γίγαντες Giants, sons of Gaia who wanted to overthrow the Olympian gods Roscher 1,1639-1673. Homer : Odyssey 7.56; 10.120.
Gigantoletira γιγαντολέτιρα Nickname of Athena , on a carnelian Roscher 1.1674.
Gigantoletor γιγαντολέτωρ Nickname of Zeus , on a gem Roscher 1.1674.
Gigarto Γιγαρτώ Maenad in the wake of Dionysus against India, fights with Lykurgos and Morrheus Roscher 1.1674. Nonnos : Dionysiacs 21.77.
Gigas Γίγας Son of Hermes and Hiereia, father of Ishenus Roscher 1.1674. Tzetzes , Scholion : Lykophron 42.
Giglon Γίγλων Leader of the arachotes, fights with Deriades against Dionysus Roscher 1.1675. Nonnos : Dionysiacs 26,146.
Gigon Γίγων, Γιγῶν King of the Ethiopians, defeated by Dionysus , after him the city of Gigonos Roscher 1.1675 (1). Stephanos of Byzantium sv Γίγωνος .
Gigon Γίγων, Γιγῶν Epithet of Dionysos , according to the promontory Gigonis on Thermaic Gulf Roscher 1.1675 (2). Etymologicum magnum sv Γιγωνίς .
Gigon Γίγων, Γιγῶν this is gingron Roscher 1.1675 (3).
Gingras Γίγγρας, -ρης this is Adonis Roscher 1.1675. Iulius Pollux 4.76.
Gingron Γιγγρών, Γιγῶν an Egyptian Heraclid Roscher 1.1675. Hesychios sv Γιγγρών
Glanis Γλάνις Prophet, faked by Aristophanes , older brother of Bakis Roscher 1.1675. Suda . Pindar : fragment 64.
Glaphyros Γλάφυρος Son of Magnes , founder of Glaphyrai in Thessaly Roscher 1.1675. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Γλαφυραί .
Glauke Γλαύκη Nereid , daughter of Nereus and Doris , shining sea level Roscher 1.1675 (1). Homer : Iliad 18:39.
Glauke Γλαύκη Nymph in Arcadia , in Tegea on an altar in the temple of Athene Alea Roscher 1.1676 (2). Pausanias 8.47.2.
Glauke Γλαύκη Wife of Upis, mother of the third Artemis Roscher 1.1676 (3). Cicero : De natura deorum 3.23.
Glauke Γλαύκη Daughter of King Creon of Corinth , wife of Jason , poisoned by Medea Roscher 1.1675 (4). Diodorus 4.54.
Glauke Γλαύκη Danaide , one of almost 50 who stabbed the groom Alkis Roscher 1.1676 (5). Library of Apollodor 2,1,5.
Glauke Γλαύκη Daughter of Cychreus of Salamis , with Aktaios mother of Telamon Roscher 1.1676 (6). Libraries of Apollodorus 3,12,6.
Glauke Γλαύκη Amazon who went into battle "like a man" Roscher 1.1676 (7). Hyginus : Fabulae 163.
Glauke Γλαύκη Meliad , nymph and dryad who lives in ash trees Tzetzes : Gods 101.
Glauke Γλαύκη Daughter of the titans Kronos and Rhea
Glaukia Γλαυκία Daughter of Scamander , lover of Deimachus , who follows Heracles to Troy Roscher 1.1676. Plutarch : quaestiones Graecae 41.
Glaukippe Γλαυκίππη Danaide , one of nearly 50 who stabbed the bridegroom Potamon Roscher 1.1677. Library of Apollodor 2,1,5.
Glaucoma Γλαυκονόμη Nereide , daughter of Nereus and Doris Roscher 1.1677. Hesiod : Theogony 256.
Glaucoma Γλαῦκος (corrupt) Husband of Althaia, father of Leda Roscher 1.1677 (1). Scholion , Apollonios of Rhodes 1,498.
Glaucoma Γλαῦκος Son of Antenor and Theano , brother of Eurymachus , fights for Troy Roscher 1.1677 (2). Dictys Cretensis 3.26; 5.2; 4.7.
Glaucoma Γλαῦκος King of Messenia , son of Aipytus , father of Isthmius Pausanias 4,3,9.
Glaucoma Γλαῦκος Son of Epikydes in Sparta , punished for attempted perjury Herodotus : Histories 6.86.
Glaucoma Γλαῦκος King of the Lycians , son of Hippolochus, fights for Troy , with gold against bronze Roscher 1.1677 (5). Homer : Iliad 2,876; 3.313.
Glaucoma Γλαῦκος Lycian , son of Imbrasus, brother of the Lades of Frequency killed Roscher 1.1678 (6). Virgil : Aeneid 12,342.
Glaucoma Γλαῦκος Sea god , a fisherman transformed by miracle herb, "shiny blue" Roscher 1,1678-1686 (7).
Glaucoma Γλαῦκος Poseidon's sea ​​horse Roscher 1.1686 (8). Eustathios : Commentary on Iliad 918.19.
Glaucoma Γλαῦκος Son of Minos and Pasiphaë , raised to second life with a herb Roscher 1, 1686-1688 (9). Hyginus : Fabulae 136.
Glaucoma Γλαῦκος Pan, with father and eleven brothers, helps Dionysus against Deriades and the Indians Roscher 1.1688 (10). Nonnos : Dionysiacs 14.82.
Glaucoma Γλαῦκος Son of Priam , exchanges armor with Diomedes , killed by Agamemnon Roscher 1.1688 (11). Hyginus : Fabulae 115; 113.
Glaucoma Γλαῦκος Son of Sisyphus and Merope , with Eurynomial father of Bellerophon Roscher 1,1688-1690 (12). Pausanias 2,4,3.
Glaucothea Γλαυκοθέα , Goddess next to the sorceress Circe Audeessa called Roscher 1.1691. Etymologicum magnum 169.10.
Gleneus Γληνεύς this is Glenos , son of Heracles Roscher 1.1691 (1).
Gleneus Γληνεύς Leader of the Centaurs , marched with Dionysus against the Indians Roscher 1.1691 (2). Nonnos : Dionysiacs 14,187.
Glenos Γληνός, Γληνεύς Son of Heracles and Deianeira Roscher 1.1691. Library of Apollodorus 2,7,8.
Glisson Γλίσσων, Γλίσσας eponymous hero of the city of Glissas in Boiotien Roscher 1.1691.
Glos Γλῶς a hero Roscher 1.1691. Etymologicum magnum 741.53.
Glychatas Γλυχάτας Leader of the Sikanen in Sicily, killed by Heracles Roscher 1.1691. Diodorus 4,23,5.
Glyc Γλύκη Theseus ' companion when the Minotaur was killed on a vase Roscher 1.1691. CIG 8139.
Glykeroteroi Γλυκερώτεροι θεοί Cybele with Diana of Ephesus represented on Onyx - Cameo Roscher 1.1691. V. Lazari: opere d'arte di Venezia 110.423.
Glycon Γλύκον Hybrid creature , snake god in the Asklepios cult, Chimera , worshiped in Paphlagonia Roscher 1.1692. Lukian : Alexandros 18; 38.
Glyphios Γλύφιος from Troizen , attacks the seer Teiresias, who has been transformed into a woman, in the bathroom Roscher 1.1693. Eustathios : Commentary on Iliad 1665.48.
Goitosyros Γοιτόσυρος, Οἰτόσυρος God of the Scythians , identified with Apollo Roscher 1.1693. Hesychios
Golden ant Hybrid creatures , giant insects, bigger than foxes, mine gold when digging Pliny the Elder : NH 11,111.
Golgos ΓόΛγος, Γόλγοι Son of Adonis and Aphrodite , founder of the city of Golgoi in Cyprus Roscher 1.1693. Scholion , Theocritus 15,100.
Gordios Γορδίας, Γόρδιος King of Phrygia , with Cybele father of Midas , founds Gordion , the knot inextricably linked Roscher 1.1694. Strabo 12; 568.
Gordys Γόρδυς Son of Triptolemus , seeks Io , populates Gordiene in Armenia Roscher 1.1694. Strabon 16; 747; 750
Gorgas Γοργάς this is Gorgon , a monster Roscher 1.1694. Suda
Gorgasos Γόργασος Son of Machaon and Antikleia prevails with brother Nikomachos over pharae Roscher 1.1694. Pausanias 4,30,2; 4,3,2.
Gorge Γόργη Danaide , one of almost 50 who stabbed the groom Hippothoos Roscher 1.1694 (1). Library of Apollodor 2,1,5.
Gorge Γόργη Daughter of Oineus and Althaia , with Andraimon mother of Thoas Roscher 1.1694 (2). Tzetzes , Scholion : Lykophron 1011.
Gorge Γόργη Daughter of Megareus, wife of Corinth , throws herself into the lake Eschatiotis Roscher 1.1695 (3). Etymologicum magnum sv Ἐσχατιῶτις .
Gorgon Γοργώ this is one of the three gorgons , a monster Roscher 1.1695 (1).
Gorgon Γοργώ see Anaxarete , a Cypriot girl Roscher 1.1695 (2).
Gorgon Γοργώ The hunter's dog Aktaion , one of 35 to 81 animals Roscher 1.1695 (3). Hyginus : Fabulae 181.
Gorgon Γόργων (corrupt) Son of Typhon and Echidna , with Keto father of the Gorgons Roscher 1.1695 (1). Hesiod : Theogony 270.
Gorgon Γόργων this is one of the three gorgons , a monster Roscher 1.1695 (2).
Gorgons Γοργόνες, Γόργων etc. Monster, everyone freezes to stone at the sight: Stheno , Euryale , Medusa Roscher 1, 1695-1727.
Gorgophones Γοργοφόνη Danaide , one of nearly 50 who stabbed the bridegroom Proteus Roscher 1.1727 (1). Library of Apollodor 2,1,5.
Gorgophones Γοργοφόνη Daughter of Perseus and Andromeda , wife of Perieres and Oibalos Roscher 1.1727 (2). Library of Apollodorus 1,9,5; 2,4,5.
Gorgophones Γοργοφόνη, -φόνος Nickname of Athena Roscher 1.1727 (3). Euripides : Ion 1478.
Gorgophonos Γοργοφόνος Son of Elektryon , grandson of Perseus , brother of Alcmene Roscher 1.1727 (1). Library of Apollodorus 2,4,5.
Gorgophonos Γοργοφόνος King in Epidaurus , founds Mycenae where he finds a sword scabbard Roscher 1.1727 (2). Plutarch : de fluviorum 18.7.
Gorgophonos Γοργοφόνος Surname of Perseus and Athena Roscher 1.1727 (3). Nonnos : Dionysiacs 18,305.
Gorgopis Γοργῶπις is Ino , wife of Athamas , step-mother of Phrixos locally with Corinth linked Roscher 1.1727. Scholion , Pindar's Pythia 4,288.
Gorgyieus Γοργυιεύς Nickname of Dionysus , with cult in Gorgyia on Samos Roscher 1.1728. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Γόργυια .
Gorgyra Γοργύρα Naiad , river nymph, with Acheron, mother of the underworld demon Askalaphos Roscher 1.1728.
Gorgythion Γοργυθίων Son of King Priam in Troy and Kastianeira , killed by Teukros Roscher 1.1728. Homer : Iliad 8.302.
Gortys Γόρτυς Son of Stymphelos , builder of the city of Gortys in Arcadia Roscher 1.1728 (1). Pausanias 8,4,5.
Gortys Γόρτυς Son of Tegeates and Maira , founders of Gortyn in Crete Roscher 1.1728 (2). Pausanias 8.53.1.
Gorytoessa Γωρυτόεσσα Amazon who went into battle “like a man”, killed in front of Troy Roscher 1.1728. Tzetzes : Posthomerica 178.
Gozmaie Γοζμαίη local nickname of Athena , on inscription from Kanatha in Bataneia (Syria) Roscher 1.1728.
Graia Γραῖα Daughter of Medon, wife of Leucippus, after her the city of Graia in Boiotien Roscher 1.1728. Scholion , Iliad 2,498.
Graien Γραῖαι Goddesses, three gray-haired daughters of Phorkys and Keto , age Roscher 1, 1728-1738.
Graikos Γραῖκος Son of Zeus and Pandora, the Hellenes were called Graikoi after him Roscher 1.1738. Hesiod .
Granikos Γράνικος River god in Mysia , son of Oceanus and Tethys Roscher 1.1738 (1). Hesiod : Theogony 342.
Granikos Γράνικος Pelasger , founds Adramyttion , father of Thebe , wife of Heracles Roscher 1.1738 (2). Scholion , Iliad 6,396.
grass Γρᾷς Son of Echelaos , settled Aeolia in Asia Minor Roscher 1.1741. Pausanias 3.2.1.
Gration Γρατίων (?) Giant , son of Gaia , killed by Artemis Roscher 1.1741. Libraries of Apollodorus 1,6,2.
Gryphos Γρῦψ this is Gryps , a mythical creature Roscher 1.1741.
Gryne Γρυνη Amazone , eponyms of the city of Gryneia in Aiolis , desecrated by Apollo Roscher 1.1741. Servius : Commentary on Aeneid 4,345.
Gryneios Γρυνεῖος that is Gryneus , by the name of Apollo Roscher 1.1741.
Gryneus Γρυνεύς Centaur at the wedding of Peirithoos Roscher 1.1741 (1). Ovid : Metamorphoses 12,260.
Gryneus Γρυνεύς, Γρυνεῖος Epithet of Apollo after the city Gryneia in Aeolis Roscher 1.1742 (2). Strabo 13,622.
Gryno Γρυνώ (?) Daughter of Apollo Roscher 1.1742. Servius : Commentary Eclogae 6.72.
Grynos Γρῦνος (?) Son of King Eurypylos in Mysia , fights neighbors with Pergamos Roscher 1.1742. Servius : Commentary Eclogae 6.72.
Gryps γρύψ Mythical creature , hybrid creature , lion with an eagle's head and wings, strong and vigilant Roscher 1, 1742-1777.
Guneus Γουνεύς Helena suitor , leader of the Ainianas , fights against Troy Roscher 1.1777 (1). Homer : Iliad 2,748.
Guneus Γουνεύς from Pheneos in Arcadia , father of the Laonome , wife of Alcaios Roscher 1.1777 (2). Pausanias 8,14,2.
Guneus Γουνεύς Heros , appeased the rebellious Babylonians and Phoenicians Roscher 1.1777 (3). Tzetzes , Scholion : Lykophron 128.
Gyas Γύας (?) Trojans , companions of Aeneas , ship competition at the funeral games of Anchises Roscher 1.1777 (1). Virgil : Aeneid 1,222.
Gyas Γύας this is Gyges , hundred-armed giant Roscher 1.1777 (3).
Gyes Γύης this is Gyges , hundred-armed giant Roscher 1.1777.
Gyga Γυγᾶ Athene Enchorios Roscher 1.1778. Hesychios sv Ἀθηνα ἐγχώριος
Gyges Γύγης, Γύης hundred-armed giant Roscher 1.1778. Ovid : Lamentations 4, 7, 18.
Gynaikeia Γυναικεία Goddess for women whom no man was allowed to see, Roman Bona Dea Roscher 1.1778. Plutarch : Caesar 9.2.
Gynnis γυννις native god to Emesa in androgynous form, fused with Dionysus Roscher 1.1778. Theodoret : Epistulae 3.7.
Gyrapsios Γυράψιος Epithet of Zeus , on Chiern Roscher 1.1778. Tzetzes , Scholion : Lykophron 537.
Gyrton Γύρτων Brother of Phlegyas , founds Gyrton in Thessaly , seat of Ixion and Peirithoos Roscher 1.1778. Stephanos of Byzantium .