List of churches in the church district of Greifswald

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The list of churches in the parish of Greifswald performs all the existing 2012 to Pentecost Church Greifswald county the Pomeranian Protestant Church located church building on. At Pentecost 2012 the church district was merged into the Pomeranian Evangelical Church District of the newly formed Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany .

The following administrative districts and urban districts at that time were partially or entirely part of the church district and are marked with abbreviations in the list:

place Parish church County
construction time particularities Illustration
Old Jargenow Dersekow, Levenhagen, Görmin Chapel Alt Jargenow DM
Alt Jargenow, Kapelle, 2 (2009-10-22) .jpg
Alt Kosenow Ducherow Alt Kosenow Church OVP
14th century
Singular buttress that supports the choir wall and the nave at the southeast corner. The two choir windows with lead glazing were created by the Berlin artist Paul Förster in 1910. Alt Kosenow Church north side.jpg
Alt Pansow Dersekow, Levenhagen, Görmin Chapel Alt Pansow OVP
Dersekow Alt Pansow Chapel north view.JPG
Old Teterin Anklam Alt Teterin Church OVP
Ahlbeck (Heringsdorf) Ahlbeck / Usedom Ahlbeck Church OVP
19th century Built in 1894/95 as a neo-Gothic brick building, sandstone altar and cross, wooden barrel vault
Anklam Anklam Marienkirche (Anklam) OVP
Anklam Anklam Kreuzkirche (Anklam) OVP
20th century
Anklam Anklam Nikolaikirche (Anklam) Brick Gothic, war destruction, reconstruction, exhibitions Anklam-Nikolai-150214-069.JPG
Anklam Anklam Parish Church of Salvator 1901 Three-aisled, neo-Romanesque, plastered basilica; 1901 based on plans by Engelbert Seibertz; with saddle roof and turret, barrel vault in the central nave and groin vault in the side aisles, renovated in 2006 Anklam-110604-057.JPG
Auerose Ducherow Church of Auerose OVP
15th century Auerose Church south side.JPG
Bargischow Anklam Bargischow Church OVP
14th century BargischowKirche.jpg
Bansin Bansin Bansin Church OVP
20th century The youngest Protestant island church, built in 1938/39
Bansin Church 1.jpg
Farmer Lassan, Bauer and Pinnow-Murchin St. Nikolai to Farmer OVP
13th century
Behrenhoff Gützkow and Behrenhoff Behrenhoff Church OVP
13th century Behrenhoff-Church-111216.JPG
Benz Benz (Usedom) Benz Church OVP
13th century
medieval field stone building, visible since renovation in 1991/92, upper tower and interior fittings 18th / 19th century. Century with a remarkable painted coffered ceiling BenzKirche.jpg
Blesewitz Krien and Iven Blesewitz Church OVP
Blesewitz Church south side.JPG
Boldekow Spantekow, Boldekow, Wusseken Boldekow Church OVP
Boldekow Church West.JPG
Bugewitz Ducherow Bugewitz Church OVP
15th century Bugewitz Church south side.jpg
Busow Ducherow Busow Chapel OVP
13th century Busow Chapel Southwest.jpg
Dargibell Ducherow Dargibell Chapel OVP
15th century Dargibell Chapel Northwest.JPG
Because in Spantekow, Boldekow, Wusseken Dennin Church OVP
Dennin Church Southeast.JPG
Dersekov Dersekow, Levenhagen, Görmin Dersekow Church OVP
13th century Church in Dersekow, view (2009-10-03) .JPG
Drewelow Spantekow, Boldekow, Wusseken Drewelow Church OVP
Drewelow Church Northwest.JPG
Ducherow Ducherow Ducherow Church OVP
14th century
(before 1307)
Ducherow Church Southeast.jpg
Garz (Usedom) Zirchow Garz Church (Usedom) OVP
13th century
medieval brick building with boulders, inside two remarkable votive ships, free-standing belfry Garz Church (Usedom) by SO.jpg
Goerke Liepen-Medow-Stolpe Gorke Church OVP
Görke Church Südwest.JPG
Gormin Dersekow, Levenhagen, Görmin St. Mary's Church (Görmin) DM
Görmin, Kirche, 1 (2009-10-22) .JPG
Gramzow Krien and Iven Gramzow Church OVP
Gramzow Krusenfelde Church 1.JPG
Greifswald Christ Church Greifswald OVP
Greifswald Christ Church.jpg
Greifswald Johannesgemeinde Greifswald Johanneskirche (Greifswald) HGW
Bugenhagenstrasse HGW Johanneskirche.JPG
Greifswald St. Jacobi, Greifswald St. Jacobi Church (Greifswald) HGW
Greifswald St. Marien, Greifswald St. Mary's Church (Greifswald) HGW
Marienkirche Greifswald.jpg
Greifswald St. Nikolai, Greifswald St. Nikolai Cathedral (Greifswald) HGW
Greifswald Wieck-Eldena, Greifswald Bugenhagen Church (Greifswald-Wieck) HGW
Greifswald village church-Wieck May-2009 SL272548.jpg
Gristow Neuenkirchen and Gristow Gristow Church OVP
Gristow Church, tower (2009-10-04) .JPG
Great Bünzow Groß Bünzow / Rubkow and Schlatkow Gross Bünzow Church OVP
Groß Bünzow church south side.jpg
Gross Kiesow Kemnitz, Hanshagen and Groß Kiesow St. Laurentius Church (Groß Kiesow) OVP
13th century rare frieze on the south side of the nave
Groß Kiesow, Church (2008-08-31) .JPG
Gützkow Gützkow and Behrenhoff Nikolaikirche OVP
Gützkow, Church (2009-10-22) .JPG
Grüttow Liepen-Medow-Stolpe Grüttow Church OVP
Grüttow Church Northwest.JPG
Hanshagen Kemnitz, Hanshagen and Groß Kiesow Hanshagen Church OVP
Hanshagen, Church (2008-08-31) .JPG
Heringsdorf Heringsdorf Church in the forest OVP
19th century
In 1848 the first church in the three seaside resorts was built according to plans by the Schinkel student Persius in the typical red brick, with a star of David on the church clock HeringsdorfKirche.jpg
Hohendorf Katzow, Hohendorf, Neu Boltenhagen Hohendorf village church OVP
13th century Hohendorf OVP Church 01.jpg
Iven Krien and Iven Church Iven OVP
Iven Church East Gable.JPG
Japenzin Spantekow, Boldekow, Wusseken Japenzin Church OVP
Japenzin Church South.jpg
Jarmshagen Neuenkirchen and Gristow Jarmshagen Chapel OVP
Jarmshagen Chapel (2009-10-03) .JPG
Kagendorf Ducherow St. Petri Church (Kagendorf) OVP
14th century (1300) Kagendorf Church Northwest.jpg
Kagenow Liepen-Medow-Stolpe Kagenow Church OVP
Kagenow Church south side.jpg
Karlshagen Krummin / Karlshagen Karlshagen Church OVP
20th century
Built in 1912, destroyed by bombing in 1943, rebuilt in 1953, thorough renovation in 1993.
Church karlshagen2.JPG
Katzow Katzow, Hohendorf, Neu Boltenhagen St. Johannis (Katzow) OVP
Katzow Church South-1.JPG
Kemnitz Kemnitz, Hanshagen and Groß Kiesow Holy Cross Church (Kemnitz) OVP
14th century
Kemnitz village church August-2009 SL273237.JPG
Klein Bünzow Groß Bünzow / Rubkow and Schlatkow Village church Klein Bünzow OVP
13th century Klein Bünzow Chapel southwest view.JPG
Kölzin Gützkow and Behrenhoff St. Marien (Kölzin) OVP
Koserow Koserow Koserow Church OVP
13th century only medieval brick church on the Baltic coast on the island of Usedom, 15th century. tower and Choranbau, last completely preserved medieval altarpiece on the island, larger than life crucifix also Vineta Cross called Koserowkirche.jpg
Krien Krien and Iven Krien Church OVP
Krien church south side.jpg
Kröslin Kröslin Kröslin Church OVP
Kröslin, Church (2009-10-25) .JPG
Crooked Krummin / Karlshagen St. Michael Church (Krummin) OVP
13th century Original parish church from 13th century, was Cistercian monastery in 1303, dissolved during the Reformation in 1563, tower and side buildings added in 1856/57, total renovation and interior design with old crucifix and new stained glass windows in 1992/93
Krummin, Church of St. Michael (2008-08-31) .JPG
Kuntzow Gützkow Kuntzow Chapel OVP
Chapel Kuntzow West.jpg
Lassan Lassan, Bauer and Pinnow-Murchin St. Johannis zu Lassan OVP
13th century Church of St-Johannis Lassan.jpg
Levenhagen Dersekow, Levenhagen, Görmin Levenhagen Church OVP
Levenhagen Church.jpg
Liepe (Usedom) Morgenitz Liepe Church (Usedom) OVP
Liepe Church.jpg
Liepen Liepen-Medow-Stolpe Liepen Church OVP
Churches Liepen Vorpommern north side.jpg
Loewitz Ducherow Loewitz Church OVP
17th century Löwitz-Church-0701p-098.jpg
Lubmin Lubmin-Wusterhusen Petrikirche (Lubmin) OVP
20th century
Petrikirche in Lubmin.JPG
Ludwigsburg Kemnitz, Hanshagen and Groß Kiesow Ludwigsburg Chapel OVP
Lüskow Anklam Lüskow Church OVP
18th century
Lüskow Church Northwest.JPG
Lüssow Züssow-Zarnekow-Ranzin Lüssow Church OVP
Lüssow Gützkow Church South.jpg
Medow Liepen-Medow-Stolpe Medow Church OVP
Medow Church Southwest.jpg
Mellenthin Morgenitz Mellenthin village church Original packaging
14th century Mellenthin Church P9010065.JPG
Mönchow Usedom / Stolpe / Mönchow-Zecherin Mönchow village church Original packaging
15th century
Moenchow Usedom Church.jpg
Morgenitz Morgenitz Morgenitz Church Original packaging
16th century
Netzelkow Zinnowitz Netzelkow Church Original packaging
15th century Brick church without a tower, medieval baptismal font and oldest bell of the Usedom island churches Netzelkow St. Marien Church 2010-08-06 014.JPG
New Boltenhagen Katzow, Hohendorf, Neu Boltenhagen St. Mary's Church (Neu Boltenhagen) Original packaging
13th century NeuBoltenhagen Marienkirche north side.jpg
Neuendorf B. Krien and Iven Church Neuendorf B Original packaging
Neuendorf B church south side.JPG
Neuenkirchen (near Greifswald) Neuenkirchen and Gristow Neuenkirchen Church (near Greifswald) Original packaging
Neuenkirchen near Greifswald, church (2008-07-29) .JPG
Neuenkirchen (near Anklam) Spantekow, Boldekow, Wusseken Neuenkirchen Church (near Anklam) Original packaging
Neuenkirchen bei Anklam Church south side.JPG
Nerd Liepen-Medow-Stolpe Church nerd Original packaging
Peenemünde Krummin / Karlshagen Chapel Peenemünde Original packaging
19th century
Octagonal half-timbered building, built in 1876 as a cemetery chapel, heavily neglected 1936–1989, rebuilt in 1993 true to the original.
Pelsin Anklam Pelsin Church Original packaging
Pelsin Church Southeast 2015.jpg
Pinnow Lassan, Bauer and Pinnow-Murchin Pinnow village church (Murchin) Original packaging
Pinnow Murchin Church south side.JPG
Preetzen Liepen-Medow-Stolpe Church Preetzen Original packaging
Putzar Spantekow, Boldekow, Wusseken Putzar Church Original packaging
Putzar Church Southeast.jpg
Quilow Ziethen Quilow village church Original packaging
Ranzin Züssow-Zarnekow-Ranzin Ranzin Church Original packaging
Ranzin, Church, 2 (2009-10-22) .jpg
Rathebur Ducherow Rathebur Church Original packaging
13th century (before 1271) Rathebur Church Northwest.jpg
Rebelow Spantekow, Boldekow, Wusseken Rebelow Church Original packaging
Rebelow Church West.JPG
Rosenhagen Ducherow Rosenhagen Chapel Original packaging
Church Rosenhagen northwest view.jpg
Rossin Ducherow Rossin Church Original packaging
15th century Rossin Church Southwest Feldsteinmauer.JPG
Rubkov Groß Bünzow / Rubkow and Schlatkow Rubkow village church Original packaging
13th century Rubkow village church south view.JPG
Sarnow Spantekow, Boldekow, Wusseken Sarnow Church Original packaging
13th century Sarnow Church north side.JPG
Schlatkow Groß Bünzow / Rubkow and Schlatkow Maria Magdalena Church (Schlatkow) Original packaging
Schmuggerow Ducherow Schmuggerow Church Original packaging
19th century (1889) Schmuggerow Church Southwest.jpg
Spandowerhagen Lubmin-Wusterhusen Bethlehem Church (Spandowerhagen) Original packaging
20th century (1966) Kröslin Spandowerhagen Bethlehem Church front view.JPG
Spantekow Spantekow, Boldekow, Wusseken Spantekow Church Original packaging
Spantekow Church 2012-08-11.jpg
Steinfurth Karlsburg Steinfurth burial chapel 1858 Neo-Gothic, brick building, funeral chapel Steinfurth-Chapel-150211-130a.jpg
Stumble on the Peene Liepen-Medow-Stolpe Wartislaw Memorial Church Original packaging
Stolpe Wartislawkirche 02.jpg
Stumble on Usedom Usedom / Stolpe / Mönchow-Zecherin Stolpe Church on Usedom Original packaging
Stolpe Usedom church south side.jpg
Stretense Spantekow, Boldekow, Wusseken Stretense Chapel Original packaging
Stretense Chapel Southwest.JPG
Tramstow Liepen-Medow-Stolpe Tramstow Church Original packaging
Tramstow Church Northwest.JPG
Ückeritz Koserow Koserow Church Original packaging
Usedom Usedom St. Mary's Church (Usedom) Original packaging
14th century
Usedom Kościół.jpg
Weitenhagen Weitenhagen Weitenhagen Church OVP
13th century
Weitenhagen, Church (2009-10-04) .JPG
Wieck (Gützkow) Gützkow Wieck funerary chapel 1859 Clinker brick building from 1859, architect Richard Lucae, reconstruction 1996–2003 Wieck-Kapelle-110924-024a.jpg
Wolgast St. Petri Wolgast St. Petri Church (Wolgast) Original packaging
14th century
St. Petri Church Wolgast-3.jpg
Wolgast St. Petri Wolgast St. Jürgen Chapel (Wolgast) Original packaging
15th century
Wolgast Chapel St Juergen.jpg
Wusseken Spantekow, Boldekow, Wusseken Wusseken Church Original packaging
Wusseken Church South.JPG
Wusterhusen Lubmin-Wusterhusen Wusterhusen Church Original packaging
13th century (1271)
Wusterhusen Johanneskirche Westseite.jpg
Zarnekow Züssow-Zarnekow-Ranzin Zarnekow Church Original packaging
Church Zarnekow Karlsburg Vorpommern - 01.jpg
Zemitz Katzow, Hohendorf, Neu Boltenhagen St. Michael (Zemitz) Original packaging
Zemitz Church north side.JPG
Ziethen Ziethen St. Mary's Church (Ziethen) Original packaging
Church Ziethen Vorpommern 1.jpg
Zinnowitz Zinnowitz Zinnowitz Church Original packaging
19th century
neo-Gothic brick building, interior with a surrounding wooden gallery and trapezoidal wooden ceiling
Zinnowitz Church.jpg
Zirchow Zirchow St. Jacobus Church (Zirchow) Original packaging
13th century
Kosciol sw. Jakuba w Zirchow.JPG
Züssow Züssow-Zarnekow-Ranzin Twelve Apostles Church (Züssow) Original packaging
Züssow, Kirche, 3 (2009-10-22) .JPG

Web links

Commons : Church building in the Vorpommern-Greifswald district  - collection of images, videos and audio files