Timeline of human history

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Spread of anatomically modern humans (red) over the earth and previous colonization by Homo erectus (yellow) and Neanderthals (ocher); the numbers are years ahead of today .

The timeline of human history contains an overview of the expansion of man and the history of mankind in a multitude of linked partial aspects that extend from the beginnings of modern man (Homo sapiens) to the present day.

Classification pattern in historical science

High cultures , Bronze Age , Iron Age , Greco-Roman antiquity , " Axial Age ", Middle Ages , Modern Age including the Early Modern Age , " Saddle Age " and modernity , contemporary history .

Spread of man since the Stone Age

year event
−2,600,000 The beginning of the Paleolithic ( Early Stone Age ), the first representative of the genus Homo
−300,000 Transition of hominization to modern humans , emergence of Homo sapiens in Africa
−160,000 Beginning of the first wave of settlements
−110,000 Arrival of the people in the Middle East
−60,000 Arrival of the people in Australia
−45,000 Beginning of colonization in Europe
−40,000 Beginning of the settlement of Asia in a second settlement wave
−18,000 First traces of the Neolithic Revolution
−17,000 Oldest traces of pottery in Xianrendong and Diaotonghuan (China)
−15,000 Beginning of the colonization of America
−14,000 Proven domestication of dogs in the double grave of Oberkassel
−13,000 Ceramic vessels of the Jomon culture in Japan
−12,000 Natufien culture in the Levant
−11,000 Beginning of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent
−10,500 Gradual emergence of the first advanced civilizations in Mesopotamia
−9,500 Start of the Clovis culture in North America
−8,800 Beginning of the Folsom culture in North America
−8,500 Beginning of the domestication of the pig (see: History of pig farming )
−8,000 Oldest traces of growing grain in the Middle East
−7,400 Establishment of Çatalhöyük in Anatolia (see: History of Anatolia )
−7,000 Beginning of agriculture in the Archaic Period in Central and South America
−7,000 Domesticated rice in China
−7,000 Proven domestication of the pig in Anatolia
−4,000 Classical high cultures , beginning of antiquity
−2.200 Beginning of the Bronze Age in Mesopotamia ( prehistory )
−1,700 Beginning of the Iron Age in Asia Minor ( History of Anatolia )
−1,500 Second wave of settlement in Oceania
Distribution of high cultures
  • North asia
  • Central Asia
  • Middle East (West Asia)
  • South asia
  • East asia
  • South East Asia
  • Regions of Asia according to UNSD
    Asia, administrative divisions - de - colored.svg
    Administrative division of Asia
    Old Orient.PNG
    Old Orient (core / periphery contrasted in color)

    Geographical overview

    This overview of history by spatial allocation uses the 6 continents division into Asia , Africa , America , Antarctica , Europe and Australia / Oceania .

    History of asia

    Categories: Asian Prehistory and Early History , Asian History

    North Asian History (K)

    History of Russia (overlaps with the history of Europe )
    Prehistory of Siberia , history of Siberia

    Central Asian History (K)

    History of Kazakhstan
    History of Uzbekistan
    History of Kyrgyzstan
    History of Turkmenistan
    History of Tajikistan

    Near Eastern History (K)

    Chronologies of ancient oriental historiography
    Historical development of the ancient Orient
    History of Georgia
    History of Azerbaijan (Iran) , History of Azerbaijan
    History of Armenia
    History of Anatolia
    History of Cyprus
    History of Syria
    History of Assyria , History of Iraq
    History of lebanon
    History of Israel
    History of Jordan
    Pre-Islamic History of the Arabian Peninsula
    History of Saudi Arabia
    History of Kuwait
    History of Qatar
    History of the United Arab Emirates
    Ancient South Arabia , History of Yemen
    History of Oman

    South Asia (K)

    History of Iran
    History of Afghanistan
    History of Pakistan
    Tibetan history , Tibet chronological table , Tibetan monarchy
    History of India
    Indus culture ( chronological table )
    Mughal Empire
    British India
    Development of India since independence
    History of Nepal
    History of Bhutan
    Bengal , History of Bangladesh
    Sri Lanka's (Ceylons) history
    History of the Maldives

    East Asia (K)

    History of Mongolia
    History of China ( chronological table of China )
    History of japan
    History of Korea : History of North Korea , History of South Korea
    History of Taiwan

    Southeast Asian History (K)

    History of Myanmar
    Laotian history
    History of Thailand
    History of Cambodia
    History of Vietnam
    History of the Philippines
    History of Malaysia
    History of Indonesia
    West Timorese history
    History of East Timor
    Bruneian history

    Regions of Africa
    ██ North Africa
    Sub-Saharan Africa
    ██ West Africa
    ██ Central Africa
    ██ East Africa
    ██ Southern Africa

    Africa, administrative divisions - de - colored.svg
    Administrative divisions of Africa

    History of africa

    History of the Mediterranean
    Discovery history of Africa

    History of North Africa

    History of Western Sahara
    History of Morocco
    History of Algeria
    History of Numidia
    History of Tunisia
    History of Carthage
    Part of the Roman Empire after the 2nd Punic War
    Roman province of Africa (Tunisia, partly Libya)
    The realm of the vandals in North Africa
    History of Libya
    History of Egypt
    History of Ancient Egypt
    Roman province of Aegyptus
    History of sudan
    Kingdom of Kush

    History of Sub-Saharan Africa

    West Africa

    History of Cape Verdes
    History of Mauritania
    History of Mali
    History of Burkina Faso
    History of Niger
    History of Nigeria

    Central Africa

    History of Chad
    Central African Republic
    History of Gabon
    History of Angola

    East Africa

    History of Ethiopia
    History of Somalia ( Somalia Timeline )
    The goldland punt ,
    Uganda , Kenya , Tanzania
    History of Zimbabwe
    History of Mozambique
    History of the Comoros
    History of Mayotte
    History of Madagascar

    South Africa

    History of Namibia
    History of Botswana
    History of Swaziland
    History of South Africa
    North America, administrative divisions - de - colored.svg
    Middle America, administrative divisions - de - colored.svg
    South America, administrative divisions - de - colored.svg

    History of america

    Settlement of America , discovery of America
    Discovery of America in 1492
    Decolonization of America

    History of north america

    History of the First Nations ( Alaska and Canada )
    History of Alaska
    History of Canada
    Indian wars , time table of the Indian wars
    United States history
    United States Indian Policy
    Chronology of the Racial Laws of the United States
    History of Mexico ( time table Mexico )

    History of Central America

    Mesoamerica : Chronology of Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica
    West Indies : History and Discovery of the Caribbean
    History of the Bahamas
    History of Cuba
    History of Hispaniola
    History of Haiti
    History of the Dominican Republic
    History of Puerto Rico
    History of Jamaica
    History of Grenada
    History of Belize
    History of Guatemala
    History of Honduras
    History of El Salvador
    History of Nicaragua
    History of Costa Rica
    History of Panama

    History of south america

    History of Colombia
    History of Venezuela
    History of Guyana
    History of Ecuador
    History of Peru
    History of Brazil ( time table Brazil )
    History of Bolivia
    History of Chile
    History of Paraguay
    History of Uruguay
    History of Argentina
    History of the Falkland Islands

    Antarctic history

    History of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
    Discovery and settlement of the South Shetland Islands
    List of Antarctic expeditions
    Large structure of Europe.png
    Greater division of Europe as proposed by the Standing Committee on Geographical Names
    Europe, administrative divisions - de - colored.svg
    Administrative division of Europe

    History of Europe

    European expansion

    Northern Europe / Scandinavia ( history ):

    History of Iceland
    History of the Faroe Islands
    History of Norway
    History of Sweden
    History of Denmark
    History of Finland

    Western Europe

    Dominions in the British Isles
    History of Ireland
    History of Great Britain
    History of france

    Central Europe

    History of the Baltic States
    History of Estonia
    History of Latvia
    History of Lithuania
    History of Germany
    History of Bohemia ( Czech history )
    History of Slovakia
    History of Poland
    History of Switzerland
    History of Austria
    History of Slovenia
    History of Croatia
    History of Hungary

    Eastern Europe

    History of Belarus
    History of Ukraine
    History of Russia (expansion across the Urals , overlaps with the history of Asia)

    Southern Europe

    History of Portugal ( time table Portugal )
    History of Spain
    History of Corsica , History of Sardinia , History of Sicily , History of Malta
    Roman Empire ( Rome chronological table ), history of Italy

    Southeast European History / Balkans

    Prehistory: Helladic period
    Early Helladic , Middle Helladic , Late Helladic
    Antiquity : Ancient Greece
    History of Greece
    History of Yugoslavia
    History of Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Paschalik Bosnia , Bosnian history
    Herzegovinian history
    History of Serbia
    History of romania
    History of Bulgaria
    History of Albania
    History of Macedonia
    History of Crete , Minoan culture

    History of the Mediterranean

    Oceania ISO 3166-1.svg

    Australia and Oceania : Cook Islands (CK) Fiji (FJ) Kiribati (KI) Marshall Islands (MH) Micronesia (FM) Nauru (NR) New Zealand (NZ) Palau (PW) Papua New Guinea (PG) Solomon Islands (SB) Samoa (WS) Tonga (TO) Tuvalu (TV) Vanuatu (VU)

    On the map, but belonging to Asia : Brunei (BN) People's Republic of China (CN) Indonesia (ID) Malaysia (MY) Philippines (PH) Taiwan (TW)

    Pacific Culture Areas-de.png
    Cultural division of Oceania

    History of the Australian continent

    Category: History of Australia and Oceania

    Since Australia and especially the islands of the Pacific Ocean were last settled in the course of human history , they do not have an extensive prehistory, and historiography usually only begins with the discovery in the course of European expansion .

    History of australia

    History of Oceania

    Micronesian history
    History of the Mariana Islands
    History of the Caroline Islands
    History of the Marshall Islands
    Story of Naurus
    History of the island of New Guinea
    History of the Solomon Islands
    History of Vanuatu
    Polynesian history
    History of New Zealand

    See also

    Web links