List of decommissioned power plants in Germany

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This list provides an overview of decommissioned power plants and - if known - their respective nominal output .

Fossil-thermal power plants

Hard coal

power plant Power in MW Location Operating time operator Remarks
Rothensee thermal power station 4 × 25 MW,
1 × 3 MW
Magdeburg-Rothensee 1934–199? 1945: 2 × 25 MW and 1 × 3 MW dismantled as reparations,
197 ?: partially converted to natural gas,
199 ?: demolition for waste incineration
Mittelsteine ​​railway power station 32 MW Mittelsteine , Lower Silesia (now Poland) 1914-1945 Kingdom of Prussia, after 1920: Deutsche Reichsbahn Railway power plant for the Lower Silesian mountain routes
BASF Marl power plant Marl 196? –1989 first power plant with a 300 meter chimney in Germany
Cuno power plant 86 el , 25 th Herdecke 1908-2004 Municipal electricity company "Mark" AG (Elektromark)
Electricity works II (Darmstadt) 4.4 Darmstadt , Dornheimer Weg 1909-1975 City of Darmstadt, from 1912: Hessische Eisenbahn-AG (HEAG)
Electricity works Goebbelgasse Aachen , Goebbelgasse 1908–? City Aachen
Joint venture Hattingen 25th Hattingen , Isenbergstrasse 1912-1984 from 1925 VEW
Large power plant in Hanover 37.5 Ahlem near Hanover 1925–1950 (?) from 1927 PreussenElektra
Müllerstrasse thermal power station Munich-Isarvorstadt 1955-2001 Stadtwerke Munich
Schwabing thermal power station Munich-Schwabing 1908 - approx. 1960 Stadtwerke Munich The turbine hall was preserved and used as a district heating conversion station
Scholven high pressure power plant Gelsenkirchen-Scholven 1936–?
Aschaffenburg coal-fired power station 300 Aschaffenburg 1952-2000 E.ON (Bayernwerk) also  traction current
Bobrek power station Beuthen , Upper Silesia (now Poland) 1923-1945 Gräflich Schaffgott'sche Werke GmbH
Castrop-Rauxel power plant 295 Castrop-Rauxel 1956-2001 E.ON
Dettingen power plant 100 Karlstein  -2001 RWE
Dortmund power plant 2 Dortmund 1897 -? City of Dortmund, from 1925: VEW
Duisburg-Hochfeld power plant (HKW I and II) I: 95

II: 133

Duisburg-Hochfeld I: 1985-2018 II: 1965-2012 DVV
Elberfeld power plant 70 el , 198 th Wuppertal - Elberfeld 1888-2018 Bergische Elektrizitäts -versorgung-Gesellschaft mbH
Ensdorf power plant 430 Ensdorf 1961-2017 RWE Generation
Flingern  II power plant initially 22, later 58 Düsseldorf-Flingern 1913-1978 City of Düsseldorf
Franken II power plant 400 gain 1967-2001 E.ON
Gneisenau power plant Dortmund 1963-1990
GROWAG Großkraftwerk Altwürttemberg AG 2 × 15 Heilbronn 1923-1954 GROWAG, today EnBW , the building is now used as an event center and indoor climbing garden
Werdohl-Elverlingsen power plant 301 Werdohl 1912-2018 Brand
Heegermühle power plant 19.2 Eberswalde , on the Finow Canal 1909-1991 Märkisches Elektricitätswerk AG (MEW) / VEB Energiekombinat Frankfurt (Oder)
Hindenburg power plant Hindenburg , Upper Silesia (now Poland) 1897-1945 Upper Silesian Electricity Works (OEW)
Ibbenbüren power plant, Block A 150 Ibbenbueren 1967-1987 RWE Power AG
Karnap power plant Food karnap 1940–? Rheinisch-Westfälische Elektrizitätswerke AG (RWE)
Joint power station in Kiel 354 MWel (gross), 295 MWth district heating Kiel 1970-2019 Stadtwerke Kiel AG
Gustav Knepper power plant 360 Castrop-Rauxel 1971-2014 Uniper power plants
Koenigshütte power plant Königshütte , Upper Silesia (now Poland) 1898-1945 Upper Silesian Electricity Works (OEW)
Kruckel power plant Dortmund - Kruckel 1908–? built by RWE , taken over by VEW in 1908
Lahde power plant 120 Lahde 1941–? Preussische Elektrizitäts-AG (PreussenElektra)
Lünen power plant 507 Luenen 1938-2018 STEAG
Marbach I power plant Marbach am Neckar 1942-1981 Energy supply Schwaben (EVS), today EnBW
Lower Rhine power plant 15th Wesel 1910–? RWE
East Hanover power plant 140 Old Garge 1946-1974 Hamburg Electricity Works
Reisholz power plant 130 Düsseldorf rice wood 1909-1966 RWE
Berlin-Reuter thermal power station 132 MWel gross, 331 MWth district heating Berlin-Siemensstadt 1969-2019 Vattenfall Europe Wärme AG is only used for district heating (natural gas and PtH )
Rottweil power plant Rottweil 1916–?
Veltheim power plant Porta Westfalica 1959-2015 Veltheim GmbH community power plant
Westerholt power plant 300 Gelsenkirchen-Hassel 1959-2002, E.ON Blasted on December 3, 2006
Nike power plant Ibbenbueren 12 Ibbenbueren 1912-1958 Niedersächsische Kraftwerke AG (Nike), later RWE
Preussag ballast power plant Ibbenbüren 92 Ibbenbueren 1954-1985 Preussag
RWE- "Central" 1.2 Eating old people 1899–? Rheinisch-Westfälische Elektrizitätswerke AG ( RWE )
" South Central " 1 Wilhelmshaven , at the Kaiser Wilhelm Bridge 1909-1993 German Empire (Naval Treasury)
Westkraftwerk (Dresden) Dresden - Wilsdruffer suburb 1900–? City of Dresden Expanded in 1910 and 1927
Datteln power plant , block 1,
block 2,
block 3
Dates 1964-2014
1965 - 2014
1969 - 2014
E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH
Voerde power plant 2030 Voerde 1971-2017 STEAG
Power plant of the Frankfurt-Offenbacher Trambahn-Gesellschaft 0.19 Upper wheel 1884-1906 Frankfurt-Offenbach Tramway Company

Brown coal

KW name Power in MW Location Uptime Notes Chimney height in m operator
Brottewitz power plant 26th Mühlberg / Elbe 1991-2019; Self-contained power supply and steam supply for sugar factory Südzucker AG
Harbke power station 147.5 Harbke 1909–1990, VEB Energiekombinat Magdeburg 1 × 130

1 ×?

Braunschweig coal mines (1915–1952) and VEB Energiekombinat Magdeburg (1952–1990)
Muldenstein railway power station 11.3 Muldenstein 1912-12. November 1994, traction power plant 3 × 103 Deutsche Reichsbahn or Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR)
Power plant south 230 Bitterfeld ( Saxony-Anhalt ) 1915–1990, 300 m long machine hall, total coal consumption: 170,000,000 t (corresponds to 70,833 coal trains per 240 t), electrical energy generated from 1915–1988: 73,639,980,650  kWh 2 × 145, 4 × 88 1915–1945 Griesheimer Chemische Fabrik Elektron AG, 1946–1969 VEB Elektrochemisches Kombinat Bitterfeld (EKB), 1969–1990 VEB Chemiekombinat Bitterfeld (CKB)
"City of Görlitz" lignite works 1.103 near Kohlfurt ( Lower Silesia ) (today: Węgliniec , Poland ) 1895-1920, 3 × 500 hp
Niederlößnitz power station 0.34 Wahnsdorf , today Radebeul ( Lößnitzgrund ) 1895–1928 and 1945–1962, 1896: 2 × 250 hp steam engines Electricity works Niederlößnitz (community association) , from 1920  Electricity association Gröba
Lossewerk Kassel-Bettenhausen 1912–?
Kleinsaubernitz power station 0.441 Malschwitz-Kleinsaubernitz 1912–1927/1930, 2 × 300 hp Upper Lusatian lignite stock corporation.
Fortuna  I power plant Fortunagrube near Bergheim-Oberaussem 1912-1965 Rheinische Elektrizitätswerke im Braunkohlenrevier AG (REW)
Großkayna power plant Braunsbedra-Großkayna 1920-1972 Elektrizitätswerk Sachsen-Anhalt AG (Esag), later VEB Energiekombinat Halle
Zschornewitz power plant 597 Zschornewitz 1915–1998, July 1, 1992 steam power plant shut down / December 31, 1998 gas turbine power plants shut down 2 × 100 Elektrowerke AG (EWAG), VEB Kraftwerke "Elbe", later VEAG , today Vattenfall Europe
Halle-Trotha power plant (old plant) (also "Rudolf Breitscheid") 40 (originally) Halle (Saale) 1926-1993 lastly energy supply hall
Arzberg power plant 89 + 107 (+220) +130 Arzberg 1915–2003, the 220 MW block was operated with natural gas 193 BELG / EVO / EON Bavaria
Lauta power plant 173 [(1938)] Lauta 1917–1990, built to supply the "Lautawerk" (aluminum works) with energy United Aluminum-Werke AG (VAW), then Mitteldeutsche Kraftwerk AG, since 1919: Elektrowerke AG (EWAG)
Trattendorf large power plant 160.5 Trattendorf 1918–1945 (dismantling as reparation ) Niederlausitzer Kraftwerke AG, since 1919: Elektrowerke AG (EWAG)
Fortuna  II power plant Fortunagrube near Bergheim-Oberaussem 1922-1988 73 Rheinische Elektrizitätswerke im Braunkohlenrevier AG (REW), later: RWE
Finkenheerd power plant 270 MW el (96 MW) el Brieskow-Finkenheerd , on Brieskower See 1923–1992 (change in machine inventory due to dismantling and machine damage) 6 × 110/125 Märkisches Elektrizitätswerk (MEW) / VEB Energiekombinat Frankfurt (Oder)
Large Main-Weser power station 32 el
356 th
Borken (Hesse) 1923-1991 100 and 160 Main-Weser Power Plant Union, later: Preußische Elektrizitäts-AG ( PreußenElektra )
Plessa power plant 54 Plessa 1927–1992, 1946 dismantling of turbine 4 (20 MW) as a reparation payment 115.2 / 120 Electricity Association Gröba / Elster
"Y power plant" Leverkusen 1936–1986 (?), Of the "chimney-free power plant" type (power plant engineer Karl Hencky) IG Farbenindustrie AG, after 1945 Bayer AG
Vockerode power plant 576 Vockerode 1937–1994, 432 MW lignite and 144 MW gas / oil 140 VEB Kraftwerke "Elbe", VEAG , today Vattenfall Europe
Upper Lusatia power plant Neusalza-Spremberg 1898–?
Espenhain power plant 450 Aspen grove 1942–1990 / 1996 AG Sächsische Werke, since 1940: AG for fuel systems (AKA), after 1945 German-Soviet AG Sächsische Werke
Trattendorf Power Plant Plant I and III 450 Trattendorf 1954-1996 LAUBAG
Hagenwerder power station 1500 Goerlitz-Hagenwerder 1958-1997, 4 × 75, 2 × 100, 2 × 500 4 × 75 m, 1 × 100 m, 1 × 250 m VEAG , today Vattenfall Europe
Old Lippendorf power station 600 el
550 th
Neukieritzsch-Lippendorf 1968-2000, 4 x 100 + 4 x 50 300 VEAG , today Vattenfall Europe
Lübbenau power plant 1300 Luebbenau 1959–1994, Plant I 6 × 50 MW, II 6 × 100 MW, III 4 × 100 MW (last block blown up in 2010) 7 × 140 m VEAG
Mumsdorf power plant 60 (net) Mumsdorf 1968-2013 Mibrag
Thierbach power plant 840 Kitzscher-Thierbach 1969-1999, 4 x 210 MW 300 VEAG , today Vattenfall Europe
Vetschau power plant 1200 Vetschau 1964-1996, 12 x 100 MW VEAG
Hirschfelde power plant 330 Zittau-Hirschfelde 1911-1992 VEAG
Wölfersheim power plant 124 Wölfersheim , Wetterauer Revier, Hesse 1913-1991 HEFRAG (100% subsidiary of PreußenElektra )
Schwandorf power plant Schwandorf -Dachelhofen, Upper Palatinate Revier, Bavaria 1930-2002 235 Bavarian Brown Coal Industry AG (BBI)
Nossener Brücke thermal power station Dresden - Löbtau 1965-1993, 1995 CCGT replaced building new dikes
Central heating plant Dresden - Wilsdruffer suburb
Guben thermal power station Guben 1964-2001 130 VEB man-made fiber works Guben
Goldenberg power plant 40 Hürth 50 ° 51 '40.5 "  N , 006 ° 50' 07.3"  O! 550.8612425506.8353725 1905 - 2015, Continued supply of steam for the neighboring chemical park and paper manufacturer 110 m RWE Power


KW name Power in MW Energy source Location Uptime Notes Chimney height operator
Kaiser Wilhelm Shaft (Clausthal-Zellerfeld) 4.5 water Clausthal-Zellerfeld 1912–1980 (closed)
Ottiliae shaft (Clausthal-Zellerfeld) 1.5 water Clausthal-Zellerfeld 1912–1980 (closed)
Bochum thermal power station 21st natural gas Bochum 2004 - 2018 RWE Generation SE
Cottbus diesel power plant diesel cottbus 1928-1959 City of Cottbus
Traction current thermal power plant Frankfurt am Main 12 Electric energy (traction current: 16 2/3 Hz) (used to heat the railway's own buildings and objects) Frankfurt am Main 1966- ?; Sale of land: 2009; demolished in 2015 DB energy
Freimann thermal power station 160 Natural gas (2 GT) Munich 1974-2015 Stadtwerke Munich
Schilling power plant (Hollern-Twielenfleth) oil Hollern-Twielenfleth 1962–? (shut down) 220 m Northwest German Power Plants AG (Hamburg)
Meppen-Hüntel power plant 627 gross gas Meppen 1974-2000 140 m RWE
Brunsbüttel gas turbine power plant 256 gross Heating oil Brunsbuettel 1973-2017 Vattenfall Europe GmbH
Oberhausen-Sterkrade thermal power station (HKW 2) 25 (gross) natural gas Oberhausen 1996-2019 Energy supply Oberhausen AG
Moorburg gas power plant 1000 gas Hamburg-Moorburg 1974-2001, blown up in 2004 256 m HEW , today Vattenfall Europe
Pleinting power station 725 (300 + 425) Heating oil EL Pleinting 1968–2011 (closed) 180 m E.ON
Rühle peat power plant 6.6 peat Meppen-Rühle 1929–1974 (closed) Siemens
Municipal power station (Schwerin) Gas / diesel Schwerin 1904-1967 City of Schwerin
Diesel engine operating power plant (Sömmerda) Sömmerda 1912–? Rheinische Metallwaren- und Maschinenfabrik AG ( Rheinmetall )
Wiesmoor peat power station 13 peat Wiesmoor 1909–1966 (closed and demolished) Siemens , then Nordwestdeutsche Kraftwerke AG
Cavern power station Drei-Brüder-Schacht (Oberwerk) Zug (Freiberg) 1914-1948, 1953-1972
Drei-Brüder-Schacht underground power station (substation) Zug (Freiberg) 1924-1951, 1953-1969

Nuclear power plants

KW name Power
in MW
Reactor type /
Location Uptime Notes operator
Greifswald nuclear power plant 2200 VVER -440 Lubmin 4 × - / 230 + 1 × - / 213, 1974-1989 VE Kombinat Kernkraftwerke Bruno Leuschner Greifswald, dismantling by Energiewerke Nord
Rheinsberg nuclear power plant 70 VVER -210 Rheinsberg The first nuclear power plant built abroad by the former Soviet Union and the first economically operated nuclear reactor in the GDR , 1966–1990 VE Kombinat Kernkraftwerke Bruno Leuschner Greifswald, dismantling by Energiewerke Nord
AVR (Jülich) 15th HTR Jülich first German high-temperature reactor, 1969–1988 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versuchsreaktor GmbH, dismantling by Energiewerke Nord
Großwelzheim nuclear power plant 25th
Superheated steam reactor -SWR
Karlstein am Main Experimental reactor, 1970/1971 Research Center Karlsruhe
Kahl nuclear power plant 16 SWR Karlstein am Main 1. German NPP (experimental reactor), 1961–1985 Test nuclear power plant Kahl GmbH, now RWE and Bayernwerk
KNK Karlsruhe 21st Breeder Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen Sodium Cooled Nuclear Reactor, 1979-1991 Nuclear power plant operating company MBH
Lingen nuclear power plant 268 SWR Lingen 82 MW from a fossil superheater, 1969–1979 VEW , now RWE
Mülheim-Kärlich nuclear power plant 1302 DWR Mülheim-Kärlich shut down due to incorrect building permit, 1987/1988 Société Luxembourgeoise de Centrales Nucléaires, subsidiary of RWE
Multipurpose research reactor Karlsruhe 58 DWR Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen Test facility for PWR , 1965–1985 Research Center Karlsruhe
Niederaichbach nuclear power plant 100 Pressure tube reactor Niederaichbach Carbon dioxide -cooled and moderated with heavy water , 1973/1974 Bayernwerk AG
Obrigheim nuclear power plant 357 DWR Obrigheim light water moderated , 1969–2005 EnBW
Stade nuclear power plant 672 DWR Hollern-Twielenfleth 1972-2003 E.ON and Vattenfall
THTR-300 nuclear power plant 308 HTR Feasting 1987/1988 HKG
Würgassen nuclear power plant 670 SWR Beverungen-Würgassen Closed due to technical defects, 1971–1994 PreussenElektra , now E.ON
Krümmel nuclear power plant 1402 SWR Geesthacht crumbs out of operation after an incident since 2007, shutdown as part of the energy transition, 1984–2011 Vattenfall and E.ON
Brunsbüttel nuclear power plant 806 SWR Brunsbuettel Out of service after an incident since 2007, shutdown as part of the energy transition, 1977–2011 Vattenfall and E.ON
Biblis nuclear power plant 2525 DWR Biblis 2 reactors, 1225 MW and 1300 MW gross, shutdown as part of the energy transition, 1975 / 77–2011 RWE
Unterweser nuclear power plant 1410 DWR Stadland Shutdown as part of the energy transition, 1979–2011 E.ON
Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant 1345 DWR Grafenrheinfeld Shutdown as part of the energy transition, 1982–2015 E.ON

Power plant shutdown notifications (shutdown list)

The Federal Network Agency leads the list of power plant decommissioning ads (closure list) a list of decommissioning ads legally entered into the production and storage operator. In the list of the Federal Network Agency, both the planned and the preliminary and final shutdowns are listed.

Individual evidence

  1. Short story HKW Rothensee  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  2. Anita Kuisle : power plant, school, hospital . A history of the Gärtnerplatzviertel. Verlag Franz Schiermeier, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-9813190-8-8 .
  3. Stadtwerke Duisburg's thermal power station in Hochfeld opens its doors to visitors for the last time. Retrieved May 23, 2018 .
  4. WSW say goodbye to the Elberfeld thermal power station with a big family party: Wuppertaler Stadtwerke. Retrieved January 4, 2019 .
  5. STEAG will close the Lünen power plant at the end of 2018. Accessed on January 4, 2019 .
  7. Power plants: Reuter - Vattenfall. Retrieved September 21, 2019 .
  8. ^ Henry Blumroth: Company closure: Brottewitzer sugar factory is history after 146 years. Retrieved September 19, 2019 .
  9. ^ Siegfried Graßmann: The Reichsbahnkraftwerk Muldenstein. In: The Deutsche Reichsbahn - 45 years of railway history in the GDR. Chapter 3.4, p. 1, GeraMond-Verlag, Gilching
  12. a b c Thüringer Mitteilungen des VDI, January-April 2006 edition, p. 25 ( Memento of the original from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  13. Herrmann Wygoda: Power plant makes space for apartments. In: Frankfurter Neue Presse, July 13, 2013.
  15. List of power plant shutdown notifications (shutdown list). Federal Network Agency . Retrieved March 5, 2017 .