William McCreery (politician, 1750)

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William McCreery (* 1750 in the province of Ulster , Ireland ; †  March 8, 1814 in Reisterstown , Maryland ) was an Irish- American politician . Between 1803 and 1809 he represented the state of Maryland in the US House of Representatives .


William McCreery received a limited education in his Irish homeland. He later emigrated to the United States. He settled in Maryland where he worked in agriculture. Politically, McCreery joined the Democratic Republican Party founded by Thomas Jefferson . In the congressional election of 1802 he was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the fifth constituency of Maryland , where he succeeded Samuel Smith on March 4, 1803 . After two re-elections, he was able to complete three legislative terms in Congress by March 3, 1809 .

During his tenure as Congressman in 1803 , the Louisiana Purchase made by President Jefferson, the United States was significantly expanded. In 1804 the twelfth amendment was ratified. McCreery was temporarily chairman of the trade committee. After his time in the US House of Representatives, he worked again in agriculture. He had served in the Maryland Senate since 1811 . He died on March 8, 1814 at his country estate at Clover Hill , Baltimore County .

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