Arrondissement of Montluçon

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Arrondissement of Montluçon
region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Department Allier
Sub-prefecture Montluçon
Residents 107,615 (Jan. 1, 2017)
Population density 51 inhabitants / km²
surface 2,116.68 km²
Communities 89
INSEE code 031

Location of the arrondissement of Montluçon
in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region

The Arrondissement Montluçon is an administrative district in the Allier department in the French region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes . The main town ( sub-prefecture ) is Montluçon .


On March 4, 1790, with the establishment of the Allier department, a District de Montluçon was also founded, which was much smaller than the current arrondissement. With the establishment of the arrondissements on February 17, 1800, the Arrondissement Montluçon was founded from him and other areas.

On September 10, 1926, parts of the Gannat arrondissement, which had been dissolved that day, were slammed into him.


The arrondissement borders in the northwest and north on the arrondissement Saint-Amand-Montrond in the department Cher ( Center-Val de Loire ), in the east on the arrondissements Moulins and Vichy , in the south on the arrondissement Riom in the department Puy-de-Dôme and in the Southwest and west to the arrondissements of Aubusson and Guéret in the Creuse ( Limousin ) department.

There are seven constituencies (cantons) in the arrondissement:


The municipalities of the arrondissement of Montluçon are:

1. Ainay-le-Château (03003) 2. Archignat (03005) 3. Arpheuilles-Saint-Priest (03007) 4. Audes (03010)
5. Beaune-d'Allier (03020) 6. Bézenet (03027) 7. Bizeneuille (03031) 8. Blomard (03032)
9. Braize (03037) 10. Le Brethon (03041) 11. La Celle (03047) 12. Cérilly (03048)
13. Chambérat (03051) 14. Chamblet (03052) 15. La Chapelaude (03055) 16. Chappes (03058)
17. Chavenon (03070) 18. Chazemais (03072) 19. Colombier (03081) 20. Commentry (03082)
21. Cosne-d'Allier (03084) 22. Courçais (03088) 23. Deneuille-les-Mines (03097) 24. Désertines (03098)
25. Domérat (03101) 26. Doyet (03104) 27. Durdat-Larequille (03106) 28. Estivareilles (03111)
29. Haut-Bocage (03158) 30. Hérisson (03127) 31. Huriel (03128) 32. Hyds (03129)
33. Isle-et-Bardais (03130) 34. Lamaids (03136) 35. Lavault-Sainte-Anne (03140) 36. Lételon (03143)
37. Lignerolles (03145) 38. Louroux-Bourbonnais (03150) 39. Louroux-de-Beaune (03151) 40. Malicorne (03159)
41. Marcillat-en-Combraille (03161) 42. Mazirat (03167) 43. Meaulne-Vitray (03168) 44. Mesples (03172)
45. Montluçon (03185) 46. Montmarault (03186) 47. Montvicq (03189) 48. Murat (03191)
49. Nassigny (03193) 50. Néris-les-Bains (03195) 51. La Petite-Marche (03206) 52. Prémilhat (03211)
53. Quinssaines (03212) 54. Reugny (03213) 55. Ronnet (03216) 56. Saint-Angel (03217)
57. Saint-Bonnet-de-Four (03219) 58. Saint-Bonnet-Tronçais (03221) 59. Saint-Caprais (03222) 60. Saint-Désiré (03225)
61. Saint-Éloy-d'Allier (03228) 62. Saint-Fargeol (03231) 63. Saint-Genest (03233) 64. Saint-Marcel-en-Marcillat (03244)
65. Saint-Marcel-en-Murat (03243) 66. Saint-Martinien (03246) 67. Saint-Palais (03249) 68. Saint-Priest-en-Murat (03256)
69. Saint-Sauvier (03259) 70. Saint-Victor (03262) 71st Sainte-Thérence (03261) 72. Sauvagny (03269)
73. Sazeret (03270) 74. Teillet-Argenty (03279) 75th Terjat (03280) 76. Theneuille (03282)
77. Tortezais (03285) 78th Treignat (03288) 79. Urçay (03293) 80. Valigny (03296)
81. Vallon-en-Sully (03297) 82. Vaux (03301) 83. Venas (03303) 84. Verneix (03305)
85. Vernusse (03308) 86. Le Vilhain (03313) 87. Villebret (03314) 88. Villefranche-d'Allier (03315)
89. Viplaix (03317)

The largest municipalities in the arrondissement are the main town Montluçon with 35,653 inhabitants, followed by Domérat with 8,780 inhabitants and Commentry with 6,239 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2017).

Reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017

Arrondissement adjustments in 2017

As a result of the reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017, the 14 municipalities of Bellenaves , Chouvigny , Chirat-l'Église , Coutansouze , Ébreuil , Échassières , Lalizolle , Louroux-de-Bouble , Nades , Naves , Sussat , Valignat , Veauce and Vicq became the arrondissement Montluçon assigned to the arrondissement of Vichy .

Former municipalities since the nationwide reorganization of the cantons