Medicinal products of plant origin in the small distilling book

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The drugs of plant origin in small Destillierbuch of Hieronymus Brunschwig are listed in the following table according to those used by the author's name and according to modern nomenclature. Those plants are also taken into account, of which Brunschwig only gave a botanical description without any information about their therapeutic use. In the fourth column the indications of the plant waters given by Brunschwig are presented, and an attempt is made to determine the direct sources for these indications. The indirect sources such as the works of Pedanios Dioscurides and Pliny the Elder are not included in this table.

leaf Current nomenclature Name and description in the small distilling book Information on effects and indications in the small distilling book. ----- Swell Illustrations
054r Achillea millefolium Garb A Warming of the stomach - B Roundworms - C Anemia - D Fresh wounds - E Blood cleansing

B, C = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17, Alsace. 1st quarter of the 15th century. Bl. 344rb.

D = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 254.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 295). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 54r)
121v Adonis vernalis Xpi wurtzel, liebelei, schwartz nieß wurtz A distinction is made between roots and herbs. Root : indication of the effectiveness of Helleborus niger (purge of black bile) handed down since Dioscurides . ----- Herb : for the first time at Brunschwig, a popular recipe "to extend life."
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 165). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 121v)
043r Agaricus campestris White grubs swam, white grubs, sure swam Information on the effects be of Lactarius piperatus taken
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 203). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 42v)
018r Agrimonia eupatoria Agrimonia, Agrimenig, Adermeng, Bruch Wurzel A Cough - B Cleansing the spleen - C Dropsy - D Jaundice - E Blood purification - F Internal congestion - G Mouth rot - H Kills worms - I Unclean wounds - K Four-day fever - L Sore in the throat

A, B, C = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17, Alsace, 1st quarter of the 15th century, sheet 340va. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104r.

A, B, C, H, E, F = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474. Sheet 97v-98r.

B, C, I = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 5.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 9). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 18r)
096r Agrostemma pallida Rats krut… that grow in the grain is blooming with cleynen purple colors, rat in the grain A dwindling limbs - B migraines (nail in eyes) - C fistulas

A, C = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 188v.)

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 310). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 96r)
052r Ajuga reptans Gunsel, guldin. Güldin gunsel is the name of myn. Myn blům gybt bloen schyn. A Intestinal inflammation - B Tired limbs - C Abdominal pain - D External wounds - E Clotted blood in the abdomen - F Mouth ulcers - G Stinging in the abdomen - H External swelling - I Loss of speech after a stroke - K Black tongue with fever

A, C, D, E, F, G = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17, Alsace. 1st quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 344ra.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 132). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 51v)
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 379). Right: Small distilling book (copy from the Medical History Institute Zurich) (sheet 51v)
104r Alchemilla xanthochlora Synnow, our frowen coat… a krut the length and height as I have learned from the sanickel ( Sanicula europaea ). A Inflamed wounds - B Makes women's breasts hard and firm - C For broken people

A, C = Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 106r-v.).

A = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 32.

Left: Gart der Gesundheit 1485. Right: Small distilling book 1500 (sheet 104r)
032r Alisma plantago-aquatica Wegrich ... water plantain, frog frog
043r Allium cepa. var. ascalonicum Eschlouch A Clotted blood in the abdomen - B Harms the eyes - C Against stomach grief - D Worms in the stomach - E Semolina in the loin, kidney and bladder - F Harmful moisture in the stomach

B, C, D, F = booklet about the burnt-out waters . Discount.

D = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 30.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 454). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 43r)
122v Allium cepa var. Cepa Common Zibeln, vlch A Loss of speech after being bitten by a poisonous animal - B Pulled into the nose for headache - C Prophylaxis against toothache - D Makes hair grow - E Expels roundworms in the body

B, D = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 103.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 109). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 122v)
070v Allium porrum Louch A Cold blood vomiting - B Makes women fertile - C Nosebleed - D Hard stomach and lumbar pain - E Wound healing - F Injury to the birth canals after childbirth

A = Gabriel von Lebenstein .

A, B, C, E, F = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 303.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 375). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 71v)
065r Allium sativum Knoblouch A throat swelling - B urinary tract gravel - C cough and shortness of breath - D stool constipation - E roundworms - F urinary emptying disorder - G urinary tract stone

A, B, C, E, F, G = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469, sheet 181v-182r).

B, C, E, F, G, = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 4.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 14). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 65r)
107r Allium victorialis Sig wurtz, long. Spicanardi is a blům in the shape of the long sig wurtz from the Latin herba victorialis Apotropaic effect
120r Allium victorialis Sig wurtz, long. Also that you wear the ( lady's hair fern Adiantum capillus-veneris ) with a kruts root of the Latin herba victorialis on your neck in bag tongues long syg wurtz dz you won't get sore and you can find about wynden sint / darumb sigwurtz or everyone is called harnsch würt / vmb dz ir wurtzel over dug like herlin in the shape of pantzer Apotropaic effect
063v Althaea officinalis Ibisch, Ybisch root, wriggling wildly A tumor - B skin disease caused by heat (free) - C hemostasis - D urinary tract stone and giant - E head lice - F fresh wounds - G swollen wounds - H intestinal bleeding - I drives the afterbirth - K blood urine - L cleans the urinary bladder - M Warms the stomach - N shortness of breath - O softens and changes - P stimulates menstrual bleeding - Q softens the stomach

A, D, F, G, H, I, K, O, = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469, sheet 193r-v.)

A, B, D, H, L, O = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 12.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 15). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 63r)
087r Amanita muscaria Chanterelle ... There are also other swims, the sint wide and thick / red on top, boiled in milk with wyssen bletterlin. The mosquitoes die from irem food, from the Latin mustineti, and in Tütscher tongues mosquitoes called swam Use as an insecticide = Konrad von Megenberg . Book of nature . = Albertus Magnus (13th century) in his treatise "De vegetabilibus."
051v Anagallis arvensis Gaucheil, calmcar crut; maior, red flowers, man A Against infection for men - B Fresh wounds
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 53). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 51v)
051v Anagallis foemina Gaucheil, calmcar crut; minor, blo hymel color blooms in the size of the red with a pointed stalk, wiblin A Against infection for women - B Fresh wounds
085v Anchusa Ox tongue. With regard to the intensity of the effect, Brunschwig differentiates between three ox tongue species. In his opinion, Anchusa azurea is the most effective, followed by Anchusa arvensis , followed by Anchusa officinalis A runny nose - B nonsense / mania - C good for menstrual bleeding - D promotes memory and understanding - E strengthens the heart - F jaundice - G expels bad moisture from the lungs - H stitch - I heart fever - K strengthens all organs - L Bad breath - M For blood cleansing in skin diseases

B = Gabriel von Lebenstein

A, C = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

E, F, G, H, I = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 348ra-rb.

F, G, H, I = Heidelberg. Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel 2nd quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 23v.

E, F, I = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104v.

B, D, E, G, I = Gart of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 54.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 80). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 85r)
085v Anchusa officinalis Ox tongue, against bump, bushels tongue with a single stem with purple farwen flowers
085v Anchusa arvensis Ox tongue. … Clein ox tongue vff grained or bowed corners grow with vast cleinen flowers. Sin tribe is rarely found on an elbow
021v, 085v Anchusa azurea Ox tongues like a stud with calm leaves and blows flowers like burretsch
103v Anemone nemorosa Rain würmlin. There is also another sanickel called wild sanickel / the roots of the tütschen rain würmlin called würt / the krut with wyssen flowers in which meyen grow / and soon afterwards again passed
040r Anethum graveolens Dillen is a krut almost like fennel . Growing at the ends vff II elbow high A Makes you tired and calm - B Increases the milk for women - C Against flatulence and belching - D Mouth rinse for the teeth - E Cramping of the limbs - F Nausea - G Urinary emptying disorder - H Abdominal pain and indigestion - I Diarrhea - K Swelling - L Against unchastity - M Stomach ache and indigestion

B, C, D, F, G, H, I, M = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

K = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 96r.

A, B, C, G, H = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 14.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 27). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 40r)
020r Angelica archangelica Angelica, zam; roots of the holy spirit, breast root A Preventive agent in times of epidemics (Pestilentz) - B Chest tightness and mucus - C Digestive weakness - D Strengthening against infection. ----- A, B, C, D = galangal spice treatise (Heidelberg. Cpg 620.Southwest Germany 15th century sheet 92v-93r).
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 291). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 20r)
020r Angelica Sylvestris Angelica, wild; bůchalter, sin wurtzel has no taste
035v Anthemis cotula Toads bloom. Camillen ... Eyns that one calls toad blooms. And stinks and likes to dig instead of mud
065r Anthriscus cerefolium ssp. cerefolium Körbel krut growing to the length and height of two elbows high A For broken and fallen people - B Kidney stone - C Makes bowel movements - D Good for the stomach - E Strengthens the heart - F Repels fever (Ritten) - G Good for the mind and senses - H Stitches in the side - I Lung diseases

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace, 1st quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 345ra.

B, C, D, E, F, G, I = Heidelberg. Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel 2nd quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 23v.

A, B, D, E, F, G, H = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103r-v. = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474. Sheet 102r-v.

A, B = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 86.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 108). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 65r)
064v Anthriscus sylvestris Kölber kernels grow vff eim stalk vff an elbow and a half high A “Nature spoiled by love, which threatens to turn into husky” - B Brings menstrual bleeding - C Regulates the woman's milk production - D Makes you happy

A, C = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 316r.

045r Apium graveolens Epff, winter epff A Heat swelling - B Makes you tired and calm - C Missing - D Wounds - E Makes you urinate and expels urinary gravel

A, D = Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 126r. = Guy de Chauliac . Grand surgery. (Translation: Nicaise 1890, p. 640)

Left: Gart der Gesundheit 1485. Right: Small distilling book 1500 (sheet 45r)
018v Aquilegia vulgaris Agleya ... is a herb with a long stem, an elbow and a half high. The other part with blown flowers. And quite a few with white flowers and that seldom blur. A for poisoned - B yellow stomach - C heavy weight and apostems in the abdomen - D stomach overactive - E constipation - F stomach anger - G heart disease and general weakness

B, C, D, G = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 340va.

A, B, D, G = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104r.

C = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 162.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 508). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 18v)
104r Arctium lappa Burdock. ... There are also other burrs that hunch on the cleyder with large, wide leaves
059r Aristolochia clematitis Holwurtz ... the opposite sex is long ... referred to as tütsch osterlutz or long holwurtz or biber wurtz. Ouch from a number of hinisch krut, that vmb that the rosses that hinsch with is dispersed. ... Easter Lucia A Heals disease of the penis - B Cramp and inflammation of the limbs (Podagra) - C Bad legs - D Abdominal pain - E Epilepsy - F Stitching in the side - G Swelling and swelling of the abdomen - H Flowing wounds - I Intestinal prolapse - K Fistulas - L Haubt flow - M numbness - N cleansing after birth - O spleen addiction - P fever - Q vaginal inflammation

G, I = Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666.Southwest Germany 1478, sheet 125v-126r)

B, H, K, N = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 11.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 41). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 84v)
059r Aristolochia rotunda Holwurtz A tremors in the hands - B wounds - C hardness of the spleen - D side pain - E cramp - F frost in humans - G makes a lot of semen and semen - H inflammation of the limbs (podagra) - I epilepsy - K stomach pain

B, D, F, I = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 10.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 40). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 59r)
080r Armoracia rusticana Horseradish, horseradish, kroner A Brown flakes - B Cancer - C Fistulas - D Itchy skin lichen (Ziterschen) - E Itchy and oozing rash in small children (Megere) - F Intestinal pain - G Indigestible food in the stomach - H Urinary stone - I Cleans the kidney and bladder - K Cleans the chest and is good for coughing - L liver apostems - M ear infection - N liver constipation - O causes embarrassed cold dampness due to vomiting and cures three- and four-day fever - P urination disorder - Q indigestible food in the stomach - R soreness ( Wolf) on the legs

F, G, H, I, O, Q = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

G, H, I, Q = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 346vb. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103v.

B, C, G, H, I, K, M = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 338.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 385). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 80r)
104v Artemisia abrotanum Schoßwurtz, garthagen, schoß wurtz ... with a superfluous strong, wolf-smelling taste, in lengde eynes ellenbogens high no in the form of the seffen boum A wheezing - B clears the chest - C cough - D lumbar addiction - E brings about the missing menstrual period - F makes urination - G sciatica - H poisoning - I fever - K worms in the stomach - L spider bite - M heart oppression in young people - N Abdominal grim - O pain in the lower abdomen (Bermuter) - P main addiction - Q stops the menstrual period - R for disease prevention - S opens the uterus - T drives away apostems - V drives away the stone - X dripping urination (cold seich) - Y urinary disorder - Z Dito

A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I, K = Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469, sheet 180r-v).

M, N, O, P = booklet about the burnt-out waters . Stabwurtz.

H, K, V, X, Y, Z = booklet about the burnt-out waters . Gertelen.

A, B, C, E, H, K, L, N, O, P, T, V, X, Y, Z = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 2.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 2). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 104v)
112r Artemisia absinthium Wermůt A Magic remedy - B Warms the stomach - C Strengthens the brain, headache from cold - D Eyesight - E Roundworms - F Loss of appetite and nausea - G Liver and spleen congestion from cold - H Blood purification - I Softens the stomach, calms diarrhea and heals Constipation - K brings menstrual bleeding - L stomach grim - M makes urination - N pubic lice - O broken - P expels poison - Q sponges on buttocks and pubic - R fresh wounds - S cleans old wounds and damage - T mixed with ink to prevent it from being eaten by mice - V Four-day fever - X Inner apostems - Y Mange - Z Indigestible food and drink - AA Brings good color - BB Makes good language - CC Poisoning? - DD stomach strengthening - EE three-day fever and epilepsy - FF drusen and pestilentz - GG antidote against poppy seeds and bilsen - HH as steam for the hearing - II mouth rinse - KK pain and paralysis of the limbs - LL pharyngeal tumor (uvula) - MM cold liver

D, G, M, S, Z, HH, = Gabriel von Lebenstein . (Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 106v-107r.)

B, E, F, H, M, DD = little book about the burnt-out waters .

B, D, E, F, G, I, K, O, T, V, HH, II = Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 3.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 3). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 111v)
112r Artemisia cina Wormsat. ... called sat by the bag worm. One usually brings it from genoa, also because it grows and little ends up at other ends
031v Artemisia vulgaris Bucken, byfus, sunnen wendel belt, sant Johanns krut A Brings the menstrual period (literally from the German Macer, not from the garden of health) - B Ditto - C Recovery in the puerperium - D Drives stillbirth - E Diseases women secretly take place - F Cough - G Urination disorder - H Stein - I Jaundice - K Warms the cold uterus - L Poisoning - M Insomnia - N Dropsy - O Mites in the hair - P Promotes beard growth - Q Strengthens the chest and a cold stomach - R Clogged liver and spleen - S Fatigue of the limbs - T Cleans the uterus

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, Q, T = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469, sheet 179v-189r.)

A, B, C, D, K, T = Gabriel von Lebenstein

A, B, G, H, I, K, O, P, Q, R = little book about the burnt-out waters .

A, B, C, D, G, H, I, L, S, T = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 1.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 39). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 31v)
019v Arum maculatum Aron, Pfaffen zagel ... and if the krut vergeet, then the long red kölblin would turn into a cloudy green color. And if it tastes zyttig, it wins red berries , like a red carell . A For broken people - B Unclean wounds - C Cleans the stomach

C = Frankfurt. Ms, germ. Qu. 17, sheet 350ra. Serpentine water.

B = Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 127r. Jarus. = Guy de Chauliac . Grand surgery. (Translation: Nicaise 1890, p. 653)

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 1). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 19v)
058v Asarum europaeum Hasel wurtz A Heat on the limbs - B Hot liver - C Hot skin disease (beautiful) - D Has an abortive effect - E Fever - F Promotes menstrual bleeding - G Makes urination - H Against dropsy

A, B, C, E = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103r.

D = Hildegard manuscripts

B, E, F, G, H = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 19.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 47). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 58v)
108v Asparagus officinalis Spargen is a herb with eyner vast breyten roots wyt vß spreit mit vil zincken, vnd sin trunk or stalk is a plant with zincken, almost like the cleinen creates hew ... and one has to eat sin stalk zů, in quite a few, she wants it it was like a salad A Drives urine - B Expels semolina and stones in the kidneys and bladder - C Against intestinal pain - D Opens up spleen and liver obstruction - E Urinary evacuation disorder - F Abdominal anger - G Lumbar and kidney pain - H Cleans bladder and kidney - I Hip pain - K Jaundice

A, B, C, D, E, F, G = little book of the burnt-out waters .

D, E, G, I, K = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 389.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 524). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 108v)
078r Asplenium ruta-muraria Muer rods, stone slides A Clears inflammation of the liver - B Rotting of the liver - C Corrupted liver in a man who has been too chaste

A, B = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 88.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 87). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 78r)
102r Asplenium trichomanes Against death krut, the krut from the Latin capille veneris, and from some small stone ferns, so that the stalk is small like a bouquet of feather in the fern, and from some iungkfrowen has, so the bletlins that are small lentils wide are streaked by the stemlin, the stemlin glych is the hor A Head grind and hair loss - B Cleans the chest of mucus - C Breaks the urinary tract stone - D Jaundice and splenic sore - E Cleans the stomach and intestines from cholera - F Urinary emptying disorder - G Scroplets

A, D, C, E, F = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485. Chapter 88.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 420). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 120r)
035v Atriplex hortensis Milten, Schißmilt Has a laxative effect on stool
082v Atropa belladonna Dolwurtz
016r Ballota nigra Horehound, menlichs; god forget ... the menlin brun schwartz far is gilych den great neßlen with a high, square stalk two elbows high. The sheets resembled the little ones, then they were swords in green colors “Menlin would be used to man.” Effects like Marrubium vulgare
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 279). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 15v)
122v Bellis perennis Cytless crut, extremely popular A Loss of appetite - B broken rib or bone - C wound healing - D soft stomach - E limb lameness - F intestinal disease

B, C = Nikolaus Frauenlob. Heidelberg. Cpg 583.Sw-Germany 1453-1483, sheet 17r-v.

E = garden of health . Mainz 1485. Chapter 333.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 351). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 122v)
106v Berberis vulgaris Surrouch, pea, verich is a stud bringing a long, round fruit in the thickness of white grains A Roemheld syndrome - B Appetite stimulation - C Internal heat - D Thirst - E Menstrual period too heavy

A, B, C = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century sheet 349va. = Heidelberg, Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103v. = Heidelberg, Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 99v. Stranger.

B, C, D, E = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 55.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 72). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 106v)
080r Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris Mangolt krut, roman köl A hot headache - B hoarseness - C drawn into the nose against headache

C = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 63.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 70). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 80r)
028r Betonica officinalis Bathonie, brun bathonie A Cold headache - B Against thirst - C Four-day fever - D Very severe - E Clarifies the eyes - F Heals damage - G Eye drops - H Ear pain - I Urinary emptying disorder - K Bladder stone - L Liver constipation - M Dropsy - N Wound healing - O Makes pale rosy color - P Strengthens the stomach and digestion - Q Nausea and vomiting - R Softens and cleanses the chest and lungs - S Cleans the spleen - T Grits teeth - V Age cough and chest - Tight - X Jaundice - Y Brings menstrual bleeding - Z Brings a good stomach - AA Against harmful drugs - BB Epilepsy - CC Poisoned - DD Poisonous animal bites - EE Softens the stomach - FF Pain in the hips, kidneys and bladder - GG Bloody- purulent expectoration - HH main wounds and bone fracture - II tooth pain - KK Podagra of the feet - LL bite of the angry dog

C, D, E, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, V, Z, BB, CC, EE, FF, GG = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459 -1469. Sheet 193v-193r.)

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 64). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 28r)
023v Betula spec. Bircken with white rind Foliage : A urinary gravel - B inflammation of the penis. Juice : A wounds - B open damage. All effects according to Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 421.
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 443). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 23v)
021v Borago officinalis Burretsch, borage Herb : A inflammation after an insect bite - B stomach grim - C abdominal swelling - D bloody diarrhea - E shortness of breath - F dark eyes - G ringing in ears - H strengthens the heart - I strengthens the brain - K mania - L heart fever - M pleases the heart and mind

E, H, K, L, M = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469, sheet 202r.) = Constantinus africanus . De gradibus liber. Druck Basel 1536, p. 348

L, M = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 56.

Flowers : A blood purification - B melancholy - C stinging of the heart - D prevention of leprosy - E paralysis - F rivers from the head - G febrile illnesses - H jaundice - I heat of the liver - K blood purification instead of bloodletting - L opens veins and organs

B, C = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469, sheet 202r.)

B, C, D, G, K, L = Pseudo-Arnaldus de Villanova . Preservation and preparation of the wine . 13th / 14th century

E, F = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

A, B, H, = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 56.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 78). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 21r)
094r Brassica oleracea var. Sabellica ? Römscher köl, kruser köl
038r Brassica oleracea conv. capitata var. alba ? Cabs krut, you know krut has big heads
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 57). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 38r)
094r Brassica oleracea conv. capitata var. rubra ? Red köl
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 239). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 94r)
098v Brassica rapa subsp. rapa ? Ruben, zam
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 383). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 98v)
091r, 123r Bryonia alba and Bryonia dioica Wild zitwan, hundß kürbs, shit růben… is a krut fleeing vff den zünen like wynden. The first with green bears resembled the cloudy ones. When they get quittery, they get red like the red kyrsen or the red coral A Foot gout - B Cleans the bad stomach - C Brings bowel movements - D Hot skin inflammation - E Red spots on the face - F Freckles (rusemelin) under the eyes - H Reddened face - I Aids digestion - K Wandering rheumatism
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 75). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 123r)
091v Calendula officinalis Ringel flowers is a herb growing a little longer and higher than the eyns elbow high with eyner vast beautiful goldt farwen flowers A eye diseases - B major diseases

A, B = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 139). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 91v)
059r Calluna vulgaris Heid ... herb vff one and a half span high with pretty cleinen lybfarben blümlin vff the stemlin. A eye disease
Small distilling book (sheet 59r)
078v Caltha palustris Moß blooms, gel mey blooms, dutter blooms… bringing a bloom in meyen is like an eyer dutter growing in moss A dry eye disease

A = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469, sheet 105r.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 309). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 78r)
114r Calystegia sepium Winden krut, wyß bells krut Herb: A urination disorder. Flowers: A panacea (with reference to the practice of a Freiburg doctor) - B urinary disorder
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 499). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 114r)
056r Cannabis sativa Hemp krut A headache - B heat
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 86). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 56r)
110v Capsella bursa-pastoris Teschel krut, seckel krut, seckel abschnyd A blood flows - B wounds - C - nose bleeding - D bleeding wounds - E stops the menstrual period - F urinary tract stone

A, B, C, D, E, F = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

A, C, D, E, F = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 67.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 353). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 110r)
121r Carthamus tinctorius Wild saffron, flor; with broad resting dystillechten leaves vnd originate from vff III ellen bogen hoch A erysipelas
Left: Gart der Gesundheit 1485. Right: Small distilling book 1500 (sheet 121r)
030v Centaurea cyanus Blow korn blooms A redness of the eyes - B fur of the eyes - C fistulas - D cancer

A, B = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

C, D = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 192.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 171). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 30v)
038r Centaurium erythraea Dusent güldin krut, aurin, fever krut… the clein with a dry stalk vff one and a half span high with a rotfar blümlin A Warms the stomach - B Expels intestinal worms - C Fever - D Fresh wounds - E Scars - F Expels stillbirth - G Broken bones - H Stomach flatulence - I Podagra and hip disease - K Hardness of spleen and liver - L Intestinal pain - M abdominal pain

B, D, F, I, = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469, sheet 192r.)

A, B, H, L, M = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 340vb. = Heidelberg. Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel 2nd quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 24v. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102v.

C, K = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 83.

D = Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 126v. = Guy de Chauliac . Grand surgery. (Translation: Nicaise 1890, p. 644)

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 112). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 38r)
035v Chamaemaelum nobile Toads krut ... the other toads krut don't stink
035v Chamomilla recutita Camillen… the camillen blům has a good taste, vnd grows vff den veldern or in a potted ground. A Abdominal pain - B Bowel pain - C Grim stomach - D Strengthens the brain - E Headache from cold - F Jaundice - G Fatigue of the limbs - H Urinary emptying disorder - I Stone in the kidney and bladder - K Shortness of breath - L Brings menstrual bleeding - M Drive out the dead child - N fever - O clogging of the liver and spleen - P sliminess of the uterus - Q uterine pain - R damage to the genital organs in women and men - S swelling of the stomach - T inflammation in the crotch in women and men - V Bloodless stool (Wysse Rur) - X Heavy lung - Y Liver complaints - Z Poisonous snake bites - AA Leprosy - BB Smelly wounds - CC Stomach strengthening - DD Warms the stomach - EE Cold in the marrow and legs

D, E, F, H, I, O, Y = Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666. Südwestdeutschland 1478, sheet 114v.).

D, G, H, I, L, M, N = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

R, T = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 345va.

D, E, G, H, I, K, M, N, S, X, Y, AA, CC, DD = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 84.

Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 126v. = Guy de Chauliac . Grand surgery. (Translation: Nicaise 1890, p. 643)

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 85). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 35v)
053v Cheiranthus cheiri Gel violen, gel negel floral A Strengthens the senses and brings them back - B Strengthens the liver - C Strengthens the kidneys - D Makes women fertile - E Cleanses after childbirth - F To recuperate after too much chaste - G Warms the cold heart - H Sharpens sense and reason - I Pleases the mind - K Strengthens the blood and marrow - L Condition after a stroke - M Trembling of the hands - N Temperates the heart - O Pleases the blood - P Spots under the eyes - Q Headache and insomnia

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q = little book about the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 514). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 53v)
106r Chelidonium majus Schelwurtz, golt wurtz A fur and spots on the eyes - B eye redness - C jaundice - D pain in the lower abdomen (bermuter) - E for wound care - F pestilence bladders - G toothache - H spots on the face - I fever - K cancer and fistulas - L Rude von Cold - M obstruction of the liver and spleen - N Übergell

A, B = Gabriel von Lebenstein .

A, B, D = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

A, B, C, G, L = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 85. ----- Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 126v. = Guy de Chauliac . Grand surgery. (Translation: Nicaise 1890, p. 644)

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 106). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 106r)
035v Chenopodium bonus-henricus Good heirich, schmyrbel Same effect as ravenwort - mercurialis
116r Chenopodium rubrum Weggras… but there is also a different krut from the bag blůt krut called geren grow vff mistetten stetten broad feist bloůt red bleter with a rotten stalk vff elbow high
114v Cichorium intybus Wegwyß, wegwart, weglůg Herb and root. A Heat in the stomach - B Strengthens the heart and stomach - C Liver heat - D Protection against pestilentz - E Black leaves - F Hellish fire - G Lung disease - H Strengthens heart and people - I Dissenteria - K Throat disease (leaf) - L Lung disease - M obstruction of the liver - N loss of limbs - O poisonous animal bites - P obstruction of the spleen

A, B, C = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century. Sheet 350rb. = Heidelberg, Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel 2nd quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 26r. = Heidelberg. Cpg 575. Constance 1459. Sheet 48r. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104r.

A, E, F, M, O, P = Gart of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 93.

Flowers. A heavy eyes - B makes the eyes bright and clear - C fur and spots of the eyes - D nail in the eyes - E liver heat

A, B, C, D, E = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 106v.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 116). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 114v)
036v Cnicus benedictus Cardus benedictus, blessed thistle Indications complete as in the treatise on “Kardobenediktenwasser”, Wiener Codex 2999, sheet 121v-124, around 1500. Printed in: Hans. J. Vermeer. Cardo benedicta das edilst krautt. In: G. Keil et al. Specialist literature of the Middle Ages. Stuttgart 1968, pp. 421-432
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 88). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 36v)
090r Colchicum autumnale Quelcken root, vucht root, cytic root Root. A drive pubic lice away in hair - B Vickwartzen - C bruise

B = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 212.

Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 126v. = Guy de Chauliac . Grand surgery. (Translation: Nicaise 1890, p. 648)

Flower. A holes in the penis - B Vickwartzen

A, B = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 212.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 375). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 90r)
113v Conium maculatum Wuntscherling, angry A Hellish fire - B Keeps women's breasts small - C Breaks in children - D Hot dropsy - E Hot drops - F Swallowed mosquito (?! - Brunschwig advises drinking 1 lot of hemlock water- !?)

A, B, D = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 87.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 115). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 113v)
095v Consolida regalis Knight spur A Unnatural heat - B cough - C pestilentz - D poisoned in the abdomen - E reddened eyes - F constipation - G intestinal and face - H vomiting - I urinary disorder - K drives out the stone - L semolina in the kidney and bladder - M severe weakness in unnatural heat

E, F, G, H, K, L = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

E = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 96.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 216). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 95v)
073v Convallaria majalis Mey Bluemlin A Against ingested poison - B Bite from poisonous spiders or worms - C Bite from a rabid dog - D Bee sting - E Helps with childbirth - F Makes eyes clear - G Strengthens the brain and mind - H Strengthens the heart - I Epilepsy - K Protection against leprosy - L Regulates menstrual bleeding - M Loss of speech - N Brings the milk back out - O Trembling of the hands - P Wiggling head and limbs - Q Urinary disorder - R Stinging of the heart - S Heat of the liver - T Inflammation in the male Gender - V Soothes the menstrual period - X Loss of speech after a stroke - Y ??? - Z Hot Rash (Nice)

E, H, I, K, M, Q, S, T, X, V = Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666.Southwest Germany 1448, sheet 124r.)

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 256). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 73v)
114r Convolvulus arvensis Winden ... a different shape the wind have a cleiner krut mitt the first ( Calystegia sepium ) vff der erden hyn flichten with cleinen know brunlechten glöcklin
114r Convolvulus scammonia Schmer wurtz. Winden ... there are still vylerley shape of the winds as ... fesciresin schmer wurtz krut
099r Cornus mas Kirsen, Welsch-; Red kirsen ... there is also a different sex of the red kirsen growing in Alsace ... in tütscher tongues welsch kirsen
057v Cornus sanguinea Hart trigeln ... is a stud or a cleins boeumlin with wide cruses bleter resembled the erlin A mouth ulcers - B disease of the penis
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 57). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 57v)
058v Corylus avellana Hazel nut Harvested at the time of the summer solstice. A rowing and trembling hands
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 313). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 58r)
074r Cucumis melo Millunas, quake, pfedem Fruit: A Stone - B Power to urinate - C Cleans the kidneys

A, B, C = seeds. Garden of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 276. (After Ibn Butlan , 11th century)

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 285). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 74r)
110v Cuscuta epilinum and Cuscuta europaea Tottern, sid ... spreyten is over other crops than vff is flat or small and the same is growing A Liver disease - B Cleans and strengthens the lungs - C Expels superfluous juices - D Jaundice - E Urinary tract stone - F Sore stomach - G Clarifies the eyes - H Cold uterus - I Missing menstrual period - K Urinary tract stone with acute symptoms - L Impure, rough skin - M Strengthens The stomach - N Ditto - O Moves the urine - P Cleans the veins - Q Fever in infants - R Skin impurities

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K = little book of the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 149). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 110v)
066r Cydonia oblonga . Kütten, quidichen Fruit. A Strengthens the stomach and relieves diarrhea

A = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 100.

Blossoms. A Relieves excessive menstrual bleeding - B Strengthens the heart - C Relieves nausea and vomiting

A, B = booklet about the burnt-out waters . ----- B, C = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 100

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 118). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 65v)
056r Cynoglussum officinale Hunß tongues, oygers A Fickwartzen - B wounds - C old damage

A, B = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 99.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 117). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 56r)
088v Cytisus scoparius Pfrymen Blossoms. A Urinary tract stone - B Jaundice - C Good for the skin - D Fatigue of the limbs - E Makes urination - F Cleans the kidneys and bladder

A, C, D, E, F = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1569, sheet 104v.

A, E, F = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 196.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 218). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 88v)
100v Dactylorhiza Stendel wurtz das wyblin, hendel wurtz A Swelling inside and out - B Increases nature - C Strengthens and strengthens - D New and old wounds

B, D = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 355.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 413). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 100v)
033v Daucus carota Besteow, Pestennaw, Morchel A Lame limbs - B Provokes coitus and increases sperm

B = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 62.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 340). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 33v)
040v Dictamnus albus Diptam A Pestilentz - B Poisoned - C Stone

A, B, C = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 100r.

A = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 146.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 157). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 40v)
064r Dipsacus sativus and / or Dipsacus sylvestris Cards, bůben strel Herb in May. A mouth ulcers - B erysipelas - C addiction - D external tumors - E stomach and liver heat - F burn - G moist ulcers - H fresh wounds - I ear pain - K intestinal and period pain - L brain anger - M ear wax - N Festering wounds

A = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469, sheet 104v.

K, L, M = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 414. Virga pastoris.

Water collected from the funnels of the stem leaves in May. A mouth ulcers - B warts - C ulcers (sores) on hands and feet - D cosmetics for facial skin - E yellow spots on the face

A = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469, sheet 104v.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 493). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 64r)
066v Equisetum spec. Cats zagel krut, clein createshou; at height vff an elbow and a half high A Bloody diarrhea - B Testicular tumor - C Spitting blood - D Fresh wounds - E Damaged intestines - F Stops menstrual bleeding - G Cystitis - H Stomach and liver inflammation - I Dropsy - K Erysipelas - L Nosebleeds - M Urinary voiding disorder - N Nasal flow - P stone

A, C, D, H, K, L = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 221.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 102). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 66v)
078r Eryngium campestre Manß tru, ellend, rad thistle… is a ruch krut with hymel blo color green lichen leaves, vast sting, grow vff the hertten ruwen, with vyl spytzlgen buttons, a vastly long and narrow roots, the end of which is rarely found whether two man tyeff stot in the earth A Urination disorder - B Birth and fertility

A, B = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 429.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 366). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 77v)
109r Euonymus europaeus Spindel boum, spineln boum, hanhödel; Bringing a red fruit is like the klötzlin eyns hanes, and is a stud, not a big boum A Heavy in the bladder - B Cleans the kidneys - C Expels the tumor in the urine

A, B, C = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 161). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 109r)
117r Eupatorium cannabinum Wyld salbey… Eupatorium, manß krafft, heidensch wunt krut… The krut Eupatorium is a long krut vff III elbow high like heathen sore krut , the flowers above vff the stalk even resembled the toast a little wider growing on the waters of the tütschen manß krafft called, also of several tütschen heidensch wunt krut
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 166). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 116v)
118r Euphorbia platyphyllos Wolffmilch die big, Tüffelsmilch; A aglosten eyes = corns, warts.
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 178). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 118r)
118r Euphorbia cyparissias Wolffmilch with vil zincken with vyl esten with a schorechten gelen flowers. Stidig, clein wolffsmilch
118r Euphorbia helioscopia Wolff's milk with a few vff dishes stalk on est
109r Euphorbia lathyris Sprinck krut is a krut in length two elbows high with eym milk-proof stalk ... has grains wan that are quitting so they jump away A purges colera and phlegm and heals skin disease - B causes vomiting - C damp skin disease on the head - D unclean marks - E intestinal worms

A, B = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 395.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 452). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 109r)
084r Euphrasia rostkoviana Ougen comfort, ougen clar A Clarifies vision - B Eye pain - C Strengthens the eyes for old and phlegmatic people

C = Pseudo-Arnaldus de Villanova . Preservation and preparation of the wine . 13th / 14th century

A, C = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

A = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 160.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 167). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 84r)
029r Fagus sylvatica Bůchin loub A pubic lice in the hair
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 184). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 29r)
049r Filipendula vulgaris Filipendel, wild garb… sin leaves a little cleyner sint then peterling , sunder the sheaves resembled sint somehow have a stalk that vff the crown grows than the sheaves and the roots knot-proof or thrushed A Pestilentz - B Poisoning.
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 459). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 48v)
047v Foeniculum vulgare Fennel krut A Clarifies the eyes - B Sharpens the sight - C Cleans the heart - D Strengthens the brain - E Makes the chest wider - F Makes a good voice - G Cleans the lungs - H Calms the stomach heat - I Cleans the liver - K semolina in the urinary bladder - L drives out unchastity - M makes good color - N good for poisoning - O kills earwigs - P soothes stomach ache - Q drives away dropsy - R ulcers on the genitals - S jaundice and side pain - T congestion of the spleen - V heat of the liver - X Urinary evacuation disorder - Y Poisonous snakebites - Z main diseases - AA Brings menstrual bleeding - BB Increases the milk for the wet nurses - CC Nausea and vomiting - DD Star of the eyes - EE Makes coarse matter in the body subtle - FF More the sperm - GG Sleepiness

A, B, D, G, I, L, P, Q, DD = Gabriel von Lebenstein

A, B, K, P, T, X, DD, EE = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

A, B, E, F, G, H, I = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102v.

A, Z = Heidelberg. Cpg 558. North Bavaria 1470-1485, sheet 25v.

A, B, C, H, I, K, M, O, Q, R, Y, AA, BB, CC, DD = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 175.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 189). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 47v)
041v Fragaria vesca Earth tuber Berry. A Unclean sweat - B Bad heat and thirst - C Blood purification in case of leprosy - D Unclean skin diseases - E Ulcers in the mouth and throat - F Bad breath - G Heavy throat - H Good for the liver and against jaundice - I Spreads around the chest - K Good for the skin - L Strengthens the heart - M Brings menstrual bleeding - N Against weight loss - O Broken leg - P Bad leg - Q Wound healing - R Leper face - S Cleans and cools the eyes - T Cleans the blood - V Mange and scabs - X urinary tract stone

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, T, V, X = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

Herb. A jaundice - B breasts - C red eyes - D leprosy

A, B, C = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century sheet 343ra. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102v.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 188). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 41v)
047v Fraxinus excelsior Ash boum, stone ash Young leaves. A Impure skin - B Shivering mark - C Bad leg - D Broken blotting

Fruits (Fogels tongue). A Urinating - B More sperm and lewdness - C Melancholy - D Side pain

B, C = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 244.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 161). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 47r)
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 263). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 50v)
038v Fumaria officinalis Duben kröpff, erdtrouch, katzen körbel krut ... is a clein krut with brunfar blümlin at a height of one and a half spans growing vff eckern or wyn vines at gebuwend stetten A Jaundice - B Rash on the face - C Protects against leprosy - D Expels skin diseases on the body - E Internal and external pain - F Protects against pestilentitis - G Brings stool - H Mouth ulcers - I Flow in the face - K Swelling - L Clotted blood - M Cleans the menstrual period - N Makes you pretty - O Strengthens the stomach - P Moves the urine. Blood purification

C, D, M = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

A, B, D, E, K, L, N = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 342vb.

B, D, P = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 176.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 80). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 38v)
037r Galium aparine Cliben, cleb… the krut is the long elbow and a half high with vast cleinen bletlin zů ring vmb the stalk resembled eym stars, or the waltmeister . ... Clib like to grow is by the pool / or in the shallow. A stuffs the bowel movement - B jaundice

A = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 342rb.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 270). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 37r)
120v Galium odoratum Walt Meister, liver krut; in the form of the bletlin vmb the stem was like a star. ... Rarely found over a span and a half A Good of the liver, spoiled by too much unchastity - B rotten of the liver
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 145). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 120v)
076v Gentiana crutiata Model ger, sant peters wurtz, seiff krut, krutz wurtz, that is why the syn root krutz wyß is pierced through vnd when man syn krut rybet is wetted with water in the hand, so the hand in glicher wyß der seiffen is foaming. A Pestilentz - B Apostems, tightness and heaviness of the chest
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 368). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 76v)
047r Gentiana lutea Encian… is a herb with large long leaves eyner vast large bitter root in the taste. A Life extension through stomach cleaning - B Brings menstrual bleeding - C Repels the poisoning caused by menstrual bleeding - D Appetite stimulation
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 217). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 47r)
050v Geranium robertianum Gotts genad, storcken schnabel ... vff the techern likes to grow / with a bit of red stalks / in height by one and a half span / one bad taste / the leaves looked like peterling ... A Ulcers on the female sex - B bruise - C Vickwartzen - D back pain - E breast inflammation - F contusion and contusion
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 226). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 50v)
033v Geum urbanum Benedicten krut, negel krut was somewhat similar to the leaves of agrimonia vnd dz krut vnd ​​wurtzel is a long span, wellche wurtzel has a taste like the neglin A Cleans phlegm - B Digestive aid - C Good for the liver - D Wound healing - E Apostems - F Fistulas - G Birthmark, Anmal
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 13). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 33v)
120r Gladiolus communis Sigwurtz or all man harnsch ... the gestalt II are round and long, round in the size of a vast cleinen cybel
053r Glechoma hederacea Grundreb A Heart fever - B Jaundice - C Bad stomach - D Eliminates phlegm - E Pestilentz - F Haubt-Geschwer - G Makes urine - H congestion of the spleen and liver - I brings menstrual bleeding - K Gout - L Heavy limbs and large body in women .

B, H, K = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 164.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 163). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 53r)
050v Gratiola officinalis God’s right is not dz krut dz the latin gracia which is hot, dz by the waters
045v Hedera helix Ebbey A Haubt-Aching - B Jaundice - C Stone in the bladder and loin - D Makes urination - E Cleans the bowel and bladder. Contraindicated in pregnancy

C, E = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

A = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 163.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 162). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 45v)
112r Helichrysum arenarium Wormwood… Scicados citrini from the tütschen ryn bůmen or called iungling ( Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 367: Sticados citrinum heysset rynblumen or moth krut…)
054v Hepatica nobilis Güldin cle, liver krut A urinary tract semolina - B Cleans the kidneys, makes urine. - C Strengthens the liver
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 16). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 54v)
079r Hieracium pilosella Müsör krut has yellow flowers with vertical leaves, vff the right syten green vnd vff the last syten white, vff the earth hyn flychten with a cleinen vertical stem A lose weight - B bermutter - C intestinal gout - D dizziness in the head - E spitting blood - F spots under the eyes - G ascending the uterus - H kills roundworms - I swelling - K addiction - L nasty heated arid addiction

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H = little book about the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 53). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 78v)
051r Hordeum vulgare Barley krut A broken eyes

A = garden of health . Mainz 1485, Section 289. This section is in Gart without acknowledgment from the Physica (Book I, Chapter 4) of Hildegard von Bingen taken

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 318). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 51r)
060v Humulus lupulus Hops A blood purification from melancholy. Justify the spleen. - B pus and soreness in the ears

A, B = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 215.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (Suso), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 288). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 60v)
022r Hyoscyamus niger Bulsen krut is a large krut with a tall, tall stalk one and a half elbows high and broad, soft leaves A unnatural calm - B painful pain - C makes you sleep - D expels heat - E limb pain - F leprosy of the face - G heated parlis of the limbs

A, B, C = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

A, C, F, G = Codex Donaueschingen 793. 2nd half of the 15th century, sheet 32r.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 228). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 22r)
100r Hypericum perforatum Sant Johans krut sin bletter durch Lochert sint with vast cleinen Lochlin as the tips of the most subtle nodel A Epilepsy - B Blow - C Trembling and trembling of the limbs - D Diarrhea - E Protects against demons in the house - F Wounds

F = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 430.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 516). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 100r)
062v Hyssopus officinalis Hyssop, church isop, ispen A Shortness of breath and hoarseness - B Cough - C Lung heaviness - D Dampness in the chest - E Roundworms - F Opens damaged veins in the body - G Expels poisonous sweat - H Makes a beautiful face - I Inner apostems - K Toothache - L Dropsy from cold - M strengthens the stomach - N ringing in the ears - O spleen discomfort and stitching - P jaundice - Q keeps you healthy - R menstrual flow too heavy - S strengthens the heart, stomach and spleen - T makes the chest wide - V congestion of the liver

A, B, C, D, E, P, S = Gabriel von Lebenstein

A, B, C, D, F, G, T = little book about the burnt-out waters .

A, B, C, D, F, H, K, O = Gart of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 427.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 262). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 62v)
017v Inula helenium Alant the krut has a bit of a really wide, pointed leaf, resembled the krut called wul , but not so white or soft Herb and root. A urinary tract semolina - B broken in the body - C strengthens the skin - D strengthens the stomach - E strengthens all limbs - F stone in loin and bladder - G cleans kidney and bladder - H makes urination

A, B, F, G, H = Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666.Southwest Germany 1478, sheet 106v.)

D, H = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 154.

Root. A Narrow breasts - B Internal fractures - C Swelling of the mother and intestines - D Testicular swelling - E Stone - F Brings the menstrual period - G Semolina in the loin - H Drives the stillbirth - I Softens the stomach - K Gut the mass-intestine - L Quench the cough

A, E, G, I, K, L = Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666.Southwest Germany 1478, sheet 106v.)

A, E, L = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 154.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 37). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 17v)
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 177). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 17v)
022v Iris germanica var. Germanica Blow gilgen, blow swertel Blossom. A fever - B red dropsy - C liver disease - D swelling - E abdominal pain - F wounds - G cancer - H noli me tangere - I hot rashes - K ulcers, especially on the breasts

A, B, C, E, F, G, H = little book about the burnt-out waters .

Root. A swelling - B breast soft and early - C clean lungs - D humiliate coarse humores - E unclean weight - F stomach anger - G lax stomach - H yellow dropsy - I poisonous animal bites - K good for the spleen - L fever - M brings them Menstrual period - N Uterine pain - O Blemished skin - P Eye spots and nails - Q Hair grows - R Toothache - S Debris fracture - T Side pain - V Hipache sciata - X Urination disorder

F, H = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103r.

Flowers stamp. A Loss of speech

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 211). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 22v)
054v Iris pseudacorus Gel gilgen, kite wurtz A Too much menstruation
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 6). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 54v)
083r Juglans regia Nut, boum nut, welsch nut Green nuts. A Inflamed wounds - B Heated skin diseases - C Black peeling antria. Outer nut shell. A defense against plague - B ringing in the ears - C throat heaviness Squinancia

A = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 281. Sheets. A Open, not deep damage.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 312). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 83r)
120v Juniperus communis Weckolter beer, garnet beer A urinary semolina, diuretic - B joint disease from cold - C unclean weight - D diuretic, promotes menstrual bleeding - E drives off the dead birth - F bites of poisonous animals

A, B = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 218.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 229). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 120v)
107v Juniperus sabina Seuen boum A Dizziness - B Panaritium - C Yellow spots under the eyes - D Brings the menstrual period. Contraindicated in pregnancy - E Brings pleasure to nature

B = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 96v. = Physica of Hildegard von Bingen

B, D = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 353.

087r Lactarius piperatus chanterelle A Gesucht - B Red Bletterlin and Schnebel-Eyßlin on the face - C Only to be used externally - D Podagra of the feet - E Erysipelas

C, D = booklet about the burnt-out waters . Chanterelle. [9]

B = little book about the burnt-out waters . Swam. [10]

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 203). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 87r)
069v Lactuca sativa Lettuce A Cools and strengthens the liver - B Cools the blood - C Dysentery - D Dizziness from heat - E Prevention of paralis / drops - F Shaking limbs - G Insomnia - H Out of the senses - I Increases the milk of women - K Hot, dry cough - L Soothes the throat and clears the chest - M Cleans the bronchi - N Quenches thirst - O Heat from the stomach, kidneys and bladder - P Laxes the stomach

A, B, N, O = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 346rb.

B, G, I, N, O, P = Gart of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 223.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 240). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 69r)
041r Lactuca serriola Dudistel. A herb at all resembled the endiuie, only the diß milk gives and the endiuie no / with blow-colored peeling / lack of spines on the back than the gense thistle A Fever - B Strengthens the liver - C Spleen addiction - D One, three and four day fever - E Cools the blood - F Four day fever - G Cools the blood
066r Lagenaria siceraria Pumpkin A Urinary tract stone - B Makes urination - C Heated peeling on the head of the children - D Podagra of the feet - E Fever, heated skin disease - Fever - G Thirst - H Cough from heat - I Makes bowel movements

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. = Gart of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 91.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 147). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 66r)
040v Lamium album Doub nettle, dead nettle ... one with wyssen blümlin A flying worm - B sores on skin (bletz) - C discharge from women

B = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 347va.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 166). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 40v)
040v Lamium purpureum Doub nettle, dead nettle; the others bloom with brunfarwen
122r Lathyrus tuberosus Xpian wurtzelen is a krut vff spanning high with a vast sweet root ... round or sinwel in the size of half a kösten or equal to one cleinen fingerß A diseases of the chest - B cough - C Makes the voice bright and louder, good for hoarseness
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 223). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 121v)
072r Lavandula spec. Lukewarm A dizziness - B cramp - C cold addiction - D bad sick day with paralis - E tremors - F heavy tongue - G lame limbs - H toothache - I paralis with loss of speech - K mouth ulcer - L protects bread from mold - M pain from cold

D, G = little book about the burnt-out waters .

A, C, D, F = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 306va.

A, B, C, D, E = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century sheet 346ra.

A, B, C, D, F, G = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 102v.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 250). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 72r)
076r Lemna minor Merlins, duckweed A internal heat

A = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 232.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 253). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 76r)
054v Lepidium sativum Garden cross A tooth heavy - B swelling - C worms - D red rash (porpel)

A, B, C, D = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 344rb.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 376). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 54r)
070r Levisticum officinale Dear styckel, lobstickel A Sore throat - B Stitching in the side and chest - C Makes the face louder and more beautiful - D Urinary tract stones and grit in men - E Hoarseness - F Heavy in the throat - G Red rash on the leg - H Cancer on the mouth (together with Berberis vulgaris ) - I soreness and pain in the female sex

A, B, C, D = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

C, D, F = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 102v-103r.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 251). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 69v)
025r Ligustrum vulgare Beyn höltzin, wild yngrüen, fulbaum ... with the leaves is similar to the krut yngrüen in a number of ways . Leaves. A Lump on the penis - B Holes and soreness (fratte) on the penis - C Heals holes on the pubic of women - D Mouth ulcers - E Fistulas. Blossom. A Good for the lungs and wheezing - B Wounds and nasty holes - C Cancer - D Bad peeling - E Mouth ulcer, ulcers on the pubic women - F Gum inflammation
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 104). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 25r)
118v Lilium candidum Know gylgen Petals . A Inflammation of the eyes - B Makes the skin louder - C Fainting and weakness - D Heat around the heart - E Heat in the liver - F Tightness around the heart and chest - G Pain in the uterus - H Lung heaviness - I Loss of speech - K Dropsy - L Facilitates the birth - M Flow from the Haubt - N Heavy and uncleanness - O Exposure - P Makes cloudy wine clear - Q Ryßemet under the face - R Stone - S Makes the hard uterus soft - T Purulent discharge from the uterus - V Pain around the navel - X drives out dead birth - Y spots on the face - Z impetigo and serpigo - AA burns - BB poisonous animal bites - CC when a woman is too unchaste - DD moves the menstrual period - EE menstrual too heavy - FF wrinkles on the face

A, B, C, D, E, F = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

G, K, M, N = Heidelberg, Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel 2nd quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 26r.

Root. A Inflamed wounds - B Wrinkles in the face - C Blisters in the mouth - D With honey for mouth ulcers - E Rotten gums - F Itching - G Snakebite - H Clarifies the eyes. Herb and roots. A Rashes on the face - B Burns - C Sick limbs - D Fresh wounds - E Snakebite - F Bleeding of wounds - G Secretly cleanses women End

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 255). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 118v)
055r Linaria vulgaris Urine krut, flahs krut A redness of the eyes - B dropsy (together with the central root cortex of Sambucus ebulus )

B = partial garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 216.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 261). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 55r)
081r Lithospermum officinale Merhyrß, wyß Steinbrech; dz krut in der lengde an elbow and a half tall with wyssen herten somen was like a cleyns runds wiss steinlin A stone and semolina

A = booklet about the burnt-out waters . Saxifrage.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 335). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 81r)
071r Lonicera periclymenum Lienen bloom, our frowen lien, bacon lilies ... is a herb weaving vff other planting like vines and blooms twice in the year A pair of hearts - B chest tightness - C dropsy - D wheezing. Cleans the chest - E stone in loin and kidney - F unchastity - G redness under the eyes - H protection from leprosy - I enables clear vision - K blow - L limbs paralyzed and withered - M old wounds - N leg ulcers - O swelling - P Cleans the blood - Q Burns - R Cancer - S Fistula - T Mother or Am meal - V Cytic and dry grind - X Stains and bumps on the face - Y Cancer on the mouth - Z Wounds - AA Heals the gums - BB Clarifies the eyes - CC food in the gums

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

O = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century sheet 346ra.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 198). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 71r)
046r Lysimachia nummularia Egil krut is growing and weaving vff of the earth in the sloping or damp mats A clotted blood - B dysentery - C wounds

A = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 343rb.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 429). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 46r)
086v Malus domestica Apples that zam sint Rotten fruit. A cold fire that eats around - B black leaves - C water from ripe but not rotten apples strengthens and invigorates

C = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 325.

Blossom. A redness and shape of the face

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 54). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 86v)
086r Malus sylvestris Wild apples A body grim - B water from unripe crab apples against rash on the face - C adjusts the dysentery - D melts the stone - E semolina in the kidney and bladder

C = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 266.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 118). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 86r)
034r Malva neglecta Struggling Root and stem. A Softens hard, hot things - B Brings sleep - C Hot, dry fever - D Stinging in the chest (pleurisim) - E Cleans wounds - F Ear swelling - G Swelling on arms and legs - H Tenesmas - I Softens stool - K Poisonous animal bites - L uterine pain - M scratching - N inner apostems - O blood dysentery - P stone - Q pain in the bladder - R spots on the body - S protects against pestilence - T fills hollow wounds - V inner apostems - X drives away scrofula

A, B, C = booklet about the burnt-out waters . Blossom. A Warms people who are grieving

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 272). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 34r)
019v Mandragora officinarum Alruns A - power to sleep - B painful pain from heat - C extinguishes heat on the body - D makes the limbs insensitive

A, B, C, D = Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 127r. = Guy de Chauliac . Grand surgery. (Translation: Nicaise 1890, p. 659)

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 276/77). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 19v)
071v Marchantia polymorpha Liver krut ... grows in old burner and on a number of fruits steinechten völsen with cleinen bletlin vff other lygen such as lungwurtz or lung krut, but cleiner A Febrile illnesses - B Hot jaundice - C Strengthens the liver - D After over-unchastity in men

A, B, C = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 156. Galium odoratum and Marchantia polymorpha thrown together

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 377). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 71v)
016r Marrubium vulgare Horehound, god forget it; wyblichs ... the leaves round, krusecht, bleych with a wyssen round stem one elbow high A Cough - B Narrow chest - C Good during pregnancy - D Brings good senses - E Earache - F Spitting blood - G Deception and evil fantasy - H Fresh wounds - I Open gravity - K Dropsy - L Strengthens the stomach - M Strengthens the chest - N Strengthens the lungs and liver - O Strengthens the kidneys and spleen - Strengthens the bladder

A, B, C, D, E, F, I = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 340va.

A, B, C, D, E = Heidelberg, Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel 2nd quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 24v. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104r.

A, B, C, E, I = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 256.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 179). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 15v)
101r Melilotus officinalis Steyn kle, long kle, yellow kle… are stam long and on Steynechten because of yellow blooms grow. A Against erroneous sense
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 283). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 101r)
072v Melissa officinalis Můter krut, hertz krut, balm Brunschwig lists the indications that were listed in the “miracle drug tract ” of melissa or hertzkraut . Manuscript Vienna Codex 2999.
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 282). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 72v)
026r Mentha aquatica Bach müntz, fischmüntz, rotmüntz with rotfarwen stems and leaves A Jaundice - B Warms the cold stomach - C Bad breath - D Pulled through the nose cleanses the skin - E Broken people
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 290). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 26r)
075r Mentha arvensis Field of mintz
075r Mentha crispa Balsam mintz, dyment, kruße mintz vnser frowen mintz mit langlechten bletlin strong taste is like balm
030r Mentha pulegium Boley A Warms the uterus - B Brings menstrual bleeding - C Against vomiting blood, blood urine and bloody stool - D Cold, liquid eyes - E Purifies the eyes - F Drives the afterbirth - G Rupture - H Warning against use as an abortion agent - I Liquefies the sputum - K Nausea and vomiting - L Depression (black colera) - M Abdominal anger - N Poisoned - O Snakebite - P Spleen addiction - Q Urination disorder - R Itching - S Pain during childbirth - T Cold flow from Haubt - V Chronic Haubt's disease - X Cold dampness in the ears - Y Podagra on the feet - Z nosebleeds - AA joint disease - BB Makes a pretty face - CC rysems under the face

T, V, X = Gabriel von Lebenstein

D, E, S, T, V, X = little book about the burnt-out waters .

A, B, C, D, E, F, H, S, V = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 341rb.

A, B = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102v.

B, F, G, H, I, L, M, O, P, Q, R, S, T, Y = Gart of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 300.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 368). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 29v)
075r Mentha silvestris Roßmintz with white round right-hand leaves and stalks
035v Mercurialis spec. Bingel krut A Purges what has, pulled through the nose - B Expels colera and phlegm - C Burns - D Old open damage
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 247). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 35r)
087r Morchella spec. Quite a few [mushrooms] grew cleyn sinwel [round] as a hütlin in the beginning of the glentzen [spring] vnd nement ab in meyen / from the latin morachi called morachi vnd in tütscher tongues morels. = Konrad von Megenberg . Book of nature .
079v More spec. Mulber A Sore throat (Squinancia) - B Sore chest, softening the bait - C Clotted blood after a fall - D Cough - E Gentle blood vessels - F Good for the eyes - G Zepflin and leaf in the throat

A, B, C = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century sheet 346va.

A, B = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103v.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 299). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 79v)
111v Myricaria germanica Tamariscen, burtschen, bertschen, portz ... is a stud who likes to grow by the stone real water vff dryer or four and a half elbows high like the seuenboum . But in the heathen sheep grow like a big boum bear fruit ... But here des da vil grows in the green (gravel banks) of the rinß. I never saw no fruit from it A Semolina in loin and bladder - B Spleen obstruction - C Spleen induration - D Melancholic dreams and fantasy - E Severe internal illness - F Strengthens the spleen

A, B, C = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 407.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 107). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 111v)
107r Nardostachys jatamansi Spicanardi… is a blům or a change in the shape of the long sig wurtz from the Latin herba victorialis genant [ Allium victorialis ] / one vast gůten taste from India to gon Allekayr brought from Allekayr gon Alexandria / from Alexandria gon Venice or Genoa, which it delivers from India sint A Cold sickness - B Fainting - C Heart disease - D Stomach cold - E Colon pain from cold

C, D = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 376.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 448). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 107r)
025v Nasturtium officinale Brun kress A urinary tract semolina - B worms - C lung disease - D against hair loss - E liver addiction. Too much harms the stomach

A, D, E = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

E = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 96r.

A, E = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 360.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 428). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 25v)
081v Nepeta cataria Besides krut, cats krut A makes you sweat - B promotes menstrual bleeding - C melancholy, bad appetite - D uterine pain - E fever with chills (Ritten) - F sting from a worm - G poisoned - H addiction - I four-day fever - K leprosy - L spots that for women after pregnancy - M ear worms - N worms in wounds - O moisture in the chest, tightness of the chest - P warms the kidneys - Q strengthens vision - R strengthens the stomach and all organs - S three-day fever - T liver sickness - V Lung ailment - X Makes a pretty color - Y Liver ache

A, B, E, F, G, L, O, R, T, Y = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 184v-185r.)

A, E = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 345rb. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103v. = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 102r.

B, D, I, R = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 347va.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 369). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 81v)
096r Nigella sativa Rats krut… Nigela is a black one who looked like rats . But vastly one noble taste, from the sachets called schartzer coliander
101v Nuphar lutea Sea flowers, koller roots, clusters of ears… yellow.
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 309). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 101v)
101v Nymphaea alba Sea flowers, koller root, horstrang ... white A Deletes bad heat - B Heated head - C Heated heart - D Lose weight (Ethica) - E Jaundice - F Cools the liver - G Hot dry cough - H Tightness in the chest and side (pleuresim) - I Stiffness in the intestines - K Softens the hot belly and stuffs the old liquid belly - L patches of skin from heat - M heat of pestilentz - N quenching thirst - O white, even better red Mophea - P consumes sperm - Q spleen apostems

A, C, F, L, O = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

A, B, C, F, K = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 279.

027r Ocimum basilicum Big basilies with the broad leaves ... big balilig A Palaris or Berly with paralysis of the limbs
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 62). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 27r)
027v Ocimum minimum Kruse basil, gariofilata A worm in people - B heart strengthen and delight
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 61). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 27v)
117r Orthilia secunda Wyntter grüen ... The menlin by den rivers bechen is growing like the boys byren boum bletter / therefore it is called by vylen bier boum wintter grüen ... stretch high A Fresh wounds - A [wrong instead of B] Old damage

A, B = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 316.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 361). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 117r)
060v Ononis spinosa Heckel krut are clein red blümlin the vff dyrren heaths on a thornnechten stalk stond. A Red spots and blisters on the face - B Good for the man who has lost his nature
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 260). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 60v)
100v Orchis spec. Stendel wurtz the menlin ... having a root is two roots clinging to each other like two muschat nut / called by several bags with erlob vnd rag wurtz A Strengthens and strengthens the stomach - B Makes the desire for unchastity great and increases the sperm - C Jaundice - D Makes urination

B = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 355.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 413). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 100v)
074v Origanum majorana Meigeron A Very cold - B Sick limbs - C Cold eyesache - D Urges the urine - E Falling (Rysen) urinary tract stone - F Paralisis of the limbs - G Paralisis with loss of speech - H Brings good memory - J Strengthens the brain and Haubt - K Warms the cold uterus - L Brings the menstrual period and expels white discharge - M Eliminates bad matter, makes the small-breasted wide around the chest and strengthens the heart - N Haubt-Fluss - O Strengthens the uterus

A, D, E, K, L, M, O = little book about the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 270). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 74v)
109v Origanum vulgare Toast, well gemůt, red food, red toast A Wheezing and tightness of the chest - B Leaf in the throat - C Swollen palate and throat - D Tooth heavy - E Preserves health

A, B, C, D, E = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 196v.)

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 325). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 109v)
101v Osmunda regalis Sant Cristofferus krut is a family of the varn, but is not known to yederman. A Cancer and Fistulas - B Mama - C Broken Man
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 438). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 101r)
016v Oxalis acetosella Dock ... the third ampfer kum one spanning high with pale green-colored leaves like eyn hertz or kle, growing in the welden or hedgerows called bachael by the crawling vnd in latin tongues Alleluia / or panis cuculi and from the sachets gouch ampffer
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 5). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 16r)
098v Paeonia officinalis Beonia roses, venedian roses A stroke with loss of speech - B stone in young children - C lumbar pain - D epilepsy

B, C, D = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 200v.)

B, D = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century sheet 348va.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 339). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 98v)
068r Papaver rhoeas Rattle roses, fast roses, red grain roses A Internal illness from heat - B Hot liver - C Wild Freisam - D St Anthonia Plag - E Too much menstrual bleeding - F Nosebleeds - G Mouth ulcers - H Black tongue - I Spots of leprosy - K Red meat - L Sexual ulcers in women - M swelling on the penis - N ulcer on the penis - O unnatural heat (beautiful) - P painful pain from heat - Q eye pain - R sick, unconscious heart

A, B, C, D, E, F, G = little book of the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 187). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 68r)
076r Papaver somniferum Magsat krut A Red spots under the face - B Makes the hands white - C Makes a good rest - D Main pain from heat - E Extinguishes all heat - F Sunburn

A, B, C, D = booklet about the burnt-out waters . Mauchen.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 328). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 75v)
108r Parietaria officinalis Sant peters krut, day and night… is a krut two elbows high, growing like by den tach trouffen, or nohe by den muren hyn A Blockage of the liver and spleen - B Pain in the tumor - C Cleans the kidney and bladder - D Pain in the lower abdomen - E Brings menstrual bleeding - F Against stomach ache - Uterine pain
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 329). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 108r)
087v Petroselinum crispum Peterling A Falling (cracks) urinary tract stone - B Semolina in the kidney and bladder - C Makes you urinate - D Cleans the liver, makes you sit down - E Makes the hair go out - F Urination disorder

A, B, C, F = galangal spice treatise (Heidelberg, Cpg 620.Southwest Germany 15th century sheet 85v.) = Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666.Southwest Germany 1478, sheet 113r.)

A, B, C, D, F = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 340). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 87v)
056v Phyllitis scolopendrium Hyrtzung, vil long, narrow leaves that grow from a root, have neither seeds nor flowers A blockage of the heart, strengthens the heart - B good for the spleen - C constipation of the liver - D hiccups - E four-day fever - F stone in loin and bladder - G heat in all limbs - H hot liver - I cancer - K swelling - L leaf in the throat - M Heavy dreams - N With Myricaria germanica against heavy dreams - O Expels coagulated blood from the heart - P Dripping urine - Q Heavy dreams - R Jaundice

C, E, G, H, I, R = Heidelberg. Cpg 558. North Bavaria 1470-1485, sheet 23v. = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 109r-v.

B, C, H, R = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103r.

B, D, M, N, Q = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 458). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 56v)
062v Physalis alkekengi Iuden kirsen, schlutten, boberellen is a krut elbow high with red color blanks, in which red over how the red kyrsen are A Urinary tract stone - B Semolina in the loin and bladder - C Moves the urine - D Weight of the kidneys and bladder - E Blood urination - F Gesucht

A, B, C = Pseudo-Arnaldus de Villanova . Preservation and preparation of the wine . 13th / 14th century = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century sheet 350ra.

A, B, C, D = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 24.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 17). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 62v)
045r Pimpinella anisum Enis the krut in gstalt is no longer like fennel. A removes heavy mucus from the stomach, warms the stomach - B winds in the abdomen

A, B = Pseudo-Arnaldus de Villanova . Preservation and preparation of the wine . 13th / 14th century

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 29). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 45r)
024v Pimpinella major Bibinelles, big ... to lack is sollicher scherpffe [like the little one] is called by some ... wild bestaw
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 364). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 24v)
024v Pimpinella saxifraga Bibinellen ... with eym subtle stalk vff an elbow high, with eynem vast cleinen wyßen blümlin, with eyner sharp roots in the taste of the mouth, in the temptation glychtz sheer the ymber A urinary tract stone - B semolina in loin and bladder, cleanses the kidneys - C makes face and hands louder and more beautiful - D pestilentz - E protection from pestilentz - F warms the uterus - G face - H brings menstrual bleeding - I makes it more difficult from the heart - K Removes bad moisture through the urine - L Poisoned

A, B, C = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century sheet 341va. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102r-v.

C, L = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 100r.

D, E, L = Brunschwig. Pest book 1500, sheet 17r.

117v Pisum sativum Bite, white; bulkheads, ships A fuck wait
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 354). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 117v)
105v Plantago lanceolata Away, more pointed; ripple A Ulcer between nose and eye - B roundworms - C four-day fever - D drives the afterbirth - E poisoning by worms and animal bites - F fresh and old wounds - G swelling - H cleans the bladder and kidney - I poisonous animal bites

E, F, G, I = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 350vb. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 105r. = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 109r.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 333). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 105v)
032r Plantago major Away, wider Root and herb. A Dropsy - B Hot cough - C Heated swelling - D Hot blisters - E Burn - F Bloody dysentery - G White dysentery - H Severe punched or stabbed sores - I Mouth and gum wounds - K Pulmonary consumption - L Fistulas - M Earache - N Hellish fire - O eye swelling - P gum swelling - Q throat seriousness - R antidote to spider poison - S falling sick days - T enchantment - V brings sweat - X damp wounds - Y spleen pain - Z bleeding wounds - AA bite of a nonsensical dog - BB heated bladder and loin sick days - CC roundworm - DD fever with chills - EE menstrual bleeding too heavy - FF helps the uterus - GG drives the afterbirth - HH beautiful - II pestilentz - KK protects the wounds Inflammation - LL To eat in wounds - MM Wolf on the thighs - NN fistulas - OO fistulas of the buttocks - PP weight and blisters in the mouth - QQ as an enema for damaged intestines - RR hemorrhoidal bleeding - SS bad bladders - TT - weight

R (1st movement) and T = Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 308. = Hildegard von Bingen . Physica , I / 101. De Plantagine

R poisoning; (2nd sentence - Vff a zit ...) seeds. A Bleeding wounds and nosebleeds. Blossom. A Good for the eyes - B Heavy - C Poisoned. A = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 350vb. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 105r.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 332). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 32r)
116v Polygonatum multiflorum Wiß wurtz, Sigillum salomonis A Clotted blood under the skin - B Urinary tract semolina - C Cleans the skin - D Freckles and brown spots on the face - E Mothers' marks - F Internal hardship. In the garden of health in 1485 a picture of the multi-flowered white sausage was placed in the chapter Dictamnus albus . Vitus Auslasser had already clearly depicted the many-flowered white root as early as 1479 .
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 164). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 116v)
116r Polygonum aviculare Away grass, drift away, away grass A Stuff diarrhea - B Wild fire - C Fever with chills - D Inflammation (nice or unsaved) in wounds - E Damaged ears - F Moves the urine and cleanses semolina of the urinary tract - G Enteral worms - H Rotten meat - I Black bloters - K Heat Clear

A, B, C, D, E, F = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 201v).

A, B, I, K = little book about the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 429). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 116r)
081r Polygonum bistorta Noter wurtz… has a red-colored crooked root like a snake A Pestilentz - B Bleeding wounds - C Deep wounds - D Cough - E Expels bad humors from the chest - F Urination disorder - G Frostbite on the feet - H Snake sting - I Smelly flesh in the nose (Polipus) - K Cancer on the Back - L Together with hemp seeds and chervil against bruises

C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 197v-198v.)

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 130). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 81r)
089r Polygonum hydropiper Phohen krut on spots, flöh krut A Vickwartzen
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 349). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 89r)
089r Polygonum persicaria Phohen krut vmb glichnüß sake syner bletter with the peach boum bletter on alone the sin bletter in the middle have dark or brunfar spots. A Vickwartzen
042v Polypodium vulgare Angelic sweet, stone fern, angelic sweet ... sin leaves tend towards the common fern and wechscht vff stone, sin root has a sweet taste in temptation. He also likes to look back on old booms A Cough - B Doreecht sense, melancholy and occlusion - C Sadness and melancholy - D Makes wide around the chest and soft in the body - E Heavy dreams - F Evil color, cleanses the blood. ----- B, C, D, E, F = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century sheet 343ra. ----- B, C, D, E = Heidelberg, Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel 2nd quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 24r. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 105r. = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 100v.
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 370). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 42v)
120r Polytrichum commune Wyder tod krut, clein stein fern, iungkfrowen har… it is also a different sex but not a krut sund a change with gold color stemlin like gold color hor, the güldin called wyddon
024r Portulaca oleracea Burtzel… a fisstes krut, with vast cleynen vnd eym pale rotfarwen round stalks, braiding vff of the earth growing in solid vnd well-fertilized soil, the merer teyl by zybeln… the merer part eaten in salad A vomiting blood and bloody stool - B stools the stool - C hot and dry cough - D makes you sleep - E heat of the liver - F intestinal worms of children - G quenches thirst - H protects against pestilentz, black tongue in fever - I heated blood - K wheezing - L bowel pain - M bladder pain
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 91). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 24r)
052v Potentilla anserina Genserich… is a krut high tension, quite a few with gel flowers, the bleter inside grinning, and necessarily knowing Herb with root. A Inflammation of the eyes - B Wrong eyebrows - C Dark eyes - D Blotting of the eyes - E Heal wounds - F Heal Wolff (soreness) - G Back pain - H White discharge in women. ----- G = little book about the burnt-out waters . Flowers. A Strengthens the whole person - B Cold - C Good for the eyes - D Dizziness - E Watery eyes - F Damp damage
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 464). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 52v)
109v Potentilla erecta Tormentill, rot wurtz, bloůt wurtz A poisoned - B pestilentz - C heavy people and cattle - D stuffs the stool, especially the bloody ones - E wounds - F eye diseases - G heals the whole body - H fistulas - I cancer - K fever - L heals all diseases, even the most severe - M strengthens the chest

C = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 105r. Rotwurt.

K = Heidelberg. Cpg 558. North Bavaria 1470-1485, sheet 27r. Birrkenknopff.

H = Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 128. = Guy de Chauliac . Grand surgery. (Translation: Nicaise 1890, p. 657)

A, B, F, K = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 396.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 481). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 109v)
049v Potentilla reptans Five-finger krut ... is a krut weaving vff of the earth with a long stem A stone - B semolina in the loin, cleanses the kidneys - C nosebleeds - D tremors - E old and new wounds - F apostems and swelling - G laxated - H extinguish heat

C, E, F, G = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 203r-v.)

A, B = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 343rb. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102v.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 345). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 49v)
058r Primula veris Heaven's key, Peter's key, know batheng A severe pain from cold - B warms stomach and liver - C good for pregnant women - D cleanses during menstrual bleeding - E poisonous animal bites - F bis of the raging dog - G severe and severe - H spots on the face - I urinary tract stone - K Semolina in the loin

A, B, C, D, E, F = booklet about the burnt-out waters . Bethonia.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 224). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 58r)
034v Prunella vulgaris Brunellen, brimel… is a krut having a brun blům, krut and stalk at the height of a spanning, and is even very similar to the güldin gunsel on the krut and not on the bloom A stitches in the side - B heavy in the abdomen - C bad, unnatural heat - D wounds - E ulcers and blisters in the mouth - F rides around the chest and heart, cleanses the chest - G spots of unnatural heat - H fainting of the heart - I sick Swollen bodies - K Unblessed and free young and old - L Protection from pestilentz - M Black tongue from heat - N Cleans the chest - O Urination disorder - P Pain in the back of the locks (Macer: pelvic floor in German) - Q One and three days Fever - Purulent ulcer of the uterus

O, P, Q, R = Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666.Southwest Germany 1478, sheet 124r-v.)

K, L, M = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

C, F, K, M, N = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 72.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 423). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 34v)
099v Prunus avium Schwartz kirsen, bird kirsen A Dropsy - B Stroke with paralysis of the limbs - C Swelling - D Stools the stool
088r Prunus armeniaca Peach the yellow
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 347). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 88r)
088r Prunus persica Peach the wyssen Leaves. A urinary tract semolina - B makes urine and cleanses the bladder - C roundworms in young children - D falling urinary tract stone - E worms in the ears - F painful pain

C = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 159v. Blossoms. A One- and three-day fever. Wallen of Pontomos

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 228). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 88v)
099r Prunus cerasus Red kirsen A Brings menstrual bleeding - B Diarrhea, especially bloody diarrhea - C Heat from the liver and stomach, strengthens the heart

B = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 120.

106v Prunus spinosa Sloes Unripe fruits (September). A Red and hot dysentery - B Makes soft breasts hard. Blossoms. A Apostems before they rise - B Remaining blood
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 360). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 106v)
052r Pyrola rotundifolia Groß gunsel ... has bletter after glych dem mangolt, but a little cleiner on all blooms ... A ulcer outside and inside - B ulcer (food) on the female sex

A = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century sheet 344ra. Guntzel the big one.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 130). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 52r)
117r Pyrola rotundifolia Wyntter grüen ... the wyblin in Mossechten stetten is ... resembling the mangolt of several large wintter grüen or holtz mangolt called ... tension up A fresh wounds - B old damage
117v Pyrus pyraster Beers wild, holtz byren A clogs bowel movements - B makes breasts hard and small
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 315). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 117v)
042r Quercus infectoria Eichboum one of the eichöpfel treyt
042r Quercus robur Eichboum one of the acorn quarrels A Red leaves under the eyes - B Makes white hands - C Clotted blood - D Relieves diarrhea - E Impurity and putrefaction of the liver - F Lung addiction and putrefaction of the lungs - G Stitches in the side - H Holes on the penis - I Old damage to the legs - K Strains excessive menstrual bleeding - L Stops bleeding in wounds - M Urination of blood - N Bleeding from wounds - O Heat and reddening of the legs from black peeling - P Falling (cracks) urinary tract stone and semolina - Q Damaged bowels after defecation

A, B, D, Q = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

D, E, F, G, P, Q = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 100v-101r.

C, K, L, M, N = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 343rb.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 42). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 42r)
050r Ranunculus ficaria Fuck waiting krut… sin root is created like the fuck warts and is a krut bletter in long one span, and yellow bliemlin, and weret not longer then vntz ußgond des meyen, so it disappears now you sin nyme mer fint. The bletter resembled the violen krut but was a little bit cleiner Leaves and roots. A fuck wait

A = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 9.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 492). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 50r)
091v Raphanus sativus Common radish Root. A urinary tract stone - B poisoning - C makes urination - D wasp or spider sting - E tooth heavy - F dropsy - G jaundice - H roundworms in the stomach - J makes the stomach sit well - K cools hot swelling - L cleans the stomach - M opens up internal constipation - N causes vomiting (surging) - O mushroom poisoning - P liquefies lung secretions - Q spleen swelling - R protects against star blindness - S spots on the face - T yellow spots on the face - V throat heaviness ( Squinancia) - X Purifies the voice - Y Cleans the lungs - Z Skin diseases (Impetigo and Serpigo) - AA Medicinal poisoning - BB Scorpion sting - CC Four-day fever - DD Increases pleasure - FF Moves the menstrual bleeding - GG Tearing stone

A, C, H, N, GG = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

A, B, C = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 346vb. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103v.

A, C, J, Q, S, T, CC, FF = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 339. Retich.

Leaves. A sours on hands and feet - B semolina in loin and bladder

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 384). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 91v)
096v, 098r Rosa spec. Roses ... Flowers. A Unnatural heat - B Holy fire and St. Anthonium fire - C Strengthens the skin - D Stops the menstrual bleeding, which is from heat - E Fainting from heat - F Mouth stink - G Red inflamed eyes - H Laxates the stomach hard from heat - I Relieves diarrhea from heat - K Hot liver - L Stomach heat - M Makes rest and sleep - N Cleans stinking wounds - O Strengthens and contracts - P Toothache from heat - Q Releases white dysentery (Lienteria) - R Dizziness and fainting - S strengthens the brain - T makes you happy - V red or free - X together with ivory

A, B, C, D, G, I, Q, V, X = Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666. Südwestdeutschland 14th / 15th century, sheet 101r.).

Buttons. A stops the bowel movement

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 398). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 96v)
097v Rosa alba Roses ... wyß zam filled roses A Strengthens and strengthens when the heart is faint - B Strengthens the limbs - C Weakness - D Brings peaceful sleep
028r Rosa canina Roses… Butter roses, hag roses, cherish, hyeffen, egelentyer roses… the leaves are a little red, and flowers like roses are not filled, they are like the olives, because they are red and they are filled and filled With a lot of somen, corner real like steinlin, vff der frůcht ein schwartz hütlin Foliage . A Pestilentz

Roses . A Cold nature and cold stomach - B Deafness of the ears

A = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 295). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 28r)
096v Rosa centifolia Roses .. red zam roses A Strengthens and cools the brain, heart and stomach - B Strengthens the mind and innate warmth - C Red and white dysentery - D Speed, fainting and vomiting - E Makes good bad breath - F Makes strong gums - G With other ingredients for the eyes - H passed out and weakness - I reddened eyes - K strengthens the skin - L clears the eyes - M takes dizziness, strengthens the liver - N red and white dysentery - O bleeding from wounds and nose - P coughing from heat - R hot heaviness - R [instead of S ] Strengthens the stomach - S Strengthens and strengthens the heart
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 398). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 97r)
096v Rosa gallica Roses ... heather or wild roses
092v Rosmarinus officinalis Horse marynes A Justifies and strengthens the mind and the innate warmth - B Strengthens the brain and the whole body - C Warms the skin and consumes phlegm and melancholy - D Lazy sweat - E Loss of appetite - F Warms the marrow in the legs - G Swelling of the legs the drop - H Opens the little veins - I Pestilentz - K Cleans the blood - L Heavy breath - M Makes you hearty - N Slimming - O Sharpens tongue and talking - P Makes the face louder - Q Protects against hair loss - R Protects against Antrax - S Fistulas - T Keeps you young - V Good for teeth and gums - X Bad wounds and pain - Y Displeasure and flow of the abdomen - Z Good for paralyzed bedridden people and for tremors - AA poisoning - BB Good for the uterus and for fertility (balm production from the flowers) - CC strengthens the heart and brain - DD weakness of the veins - EE blemishes and spots on the skin - FF keeps you young - GG eye drops - HH insensitive and lame limbs - II over-salted phlegm, fistula and cancer (rosemary flowers in Bra distilled) - KK Herz-Kälte.
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 31). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 92v)
029v Rubus fructicosus Bromber, scratchy A stone of the young children - B semolina in the loin and bladder - C leaf and uvula in the throat - D throat weight (Squinancia) - E seriousness in the throat

A, B = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104v. Bremen.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 300). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 29v)
061v Rubus idaeus Himpber, dog by A breaks the tearing stone - B power to urinate
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 500). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 61v)
078v Rumex obtusifolius Menwel wurtzel, wylder mangold, zytersch wurtz, streiff wurtz, grint wurtz ... with broad, red-colored leaves ... with stalks one elbow high A Rüdigkeit - B Zyterchen

A, B = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103v. Menwen.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 390). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 78v)
016r Rumex rugosus Dock with a high stalk vff one and a half ellen arch high with cleinen rotfar blůmlin just like a cleisn breyts semlin, grow vff the matt and know, also in various whips A thirst with fever - B febrile illness - C jaundice - D liver heat - E brings desire to eat - F Antonius Plag - G poisoned by heat - H hot things - I painful pain from heat - K tremors - L red eyes - M Heavy ears - N Pestilentz - O Stomach disease from heat

A, B, D, F, G, H, I, K, L, N, O = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

A, B, C, D = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 340vb. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102r. Ampffer.

094v Ruta graveolens Rut, wyn rut A Bad liver - B Unchastity - C Bad spleen, liver and stomach - D Vomiting and belching of the stomach - E Good for the lungs - F Lump on chest and ribs - G Wind in the stomach - H Addicted to heat - I Helps the intestines - K sharpens vision - L phlegm in the eyes - M dizziness - N dropsy - O cramp - P swelling of the head - Q paralis - R mange - S coldness of the limbs - T nasal polyp - V limb tremors - X pestilentz - Y Apostems des Haubts - Z roundworms in the stomach - AA drives the birth - BB clears the menstrual bleeding - CC cough - DD panaritium (worm) - EE boiling in the stomach - FF diarrhea - GG fever (Ritten) - HH poisoned - II strengthens nerves and veins - KK tooth and gum rot - LL pain in the veins - MM bite of the raging dog - NN poisonous animal bites - OO Protects the house from the devil - PP epilepsy - QQ limb pain - RR brings menstrual periods

B, C, F, K, N, P, T, Y, Z, AA, BB, CC, EE, GG, HH, MM, NN, RR = Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 183r-v.)

E, F, G, N, Z, AA, BB, MM, NN, RR = Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 107r-v.) = Heidelberg. Cpg 666.Southweast Germany 1478, sheet 91r.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 401). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 94v)
113r Salix alba var. Vitellina Wilgen, hor widen
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 405). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 113r)
113r Salix caprea

Willows - story

Wilgen, felber, wyß gilgen, wiblin A urinary tract stone - B urinary tract semolina - C reddening of the eyelids - D wild fire - E water from "menlin" (S. purpurea) against intestinal worms - F foot bath with water from "menlin" (S. purpurea) and "Wyblin" (S. caprea) together clogs the stomach. Drinking water from “menlin” and “wyblin” together promotes bowel movements - G Falling (risen) urinary tract stone - H Power to urinate - I “Menlin” and “wyblin” together for fistulas - K Bad moisture in people - L Red eyes - M Water from the "menlin" drives out the dead birth

Blossoms. A Good for the face (vision) - B Grind on the hood - C Makes the hair beautiful

A, B, C = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

113r Salix fragilis Wilgen, sprout widen
113r Salix purpurea Wilgen, Menlin, rot wyden See under Salix caprea E, F and I.
085r, 103r Salvia officinalis ssp. major Orecht sage the big
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 404). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 85r)
085r, 103r Salvia officinalis ssp. minor Orecht sage the cleyn
117r Salvia pratensis Wild sage the krut nit lenger then elbow high and grow in welden
118r Salvia sclarea Scharley, zamer
017r Sambucus ebulus Attich, savage gentleman; It is the holder glych with leaves and berries with a tall stalk, but not holtzecht that is as hard as the holder, nor does it grow tall. A makes bowel movements - B weak limbs - C swelling, especially dropsy - D day-to-day fever - E side pain - F constipation of the liver

C = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102r. = Heidelberg. Cpg 666.Southwest Germany 1478. Sheet 127v.

A, B, C, D = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 161.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 291). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 17r)
055v Sambucus nigra Holder Medium bark. A dropsy

A = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103r.

Leaves. A Hot legs and bad fractures

A = German Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 203v.).

Blossoms. A softens the chest - B swelling - C heat of the eyes - D dropsy - E old and cold damage - F protected from leprosy - G trembling of the hands - H strengthens the stomach - I rash under the face - K headache - L constipation of liver, spleen and kidneys - M three-day fever, rivers of melancholy - N Purgiert from below - O fur of the eyes

B = little book about the burnt-out waters . Kid

F, H, I, K, L = booklet about the burnt-out waters . Holerplüd

D = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103r.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 406). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 55r)
055v Sambucus racemosa Sambucus rubeus, but quite a few doctores write sint of sambuci agreste or siluestre gantz vnbekant
103v Sanicula europaea Sanickel is a krut vff one and a half span high, root, krut vnd ​​stalk A wound healing - B swelling in people and cattle - C open wounds

B = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 105r.

Left: Gart der Gesundheit 1485. Right: Small distilling book 1500 (sheet 103v)
062v Satureia hortensis A krut dz man also in several countries isop heiset and in latin tongues satureia, daruss clein isop besemlin are made in elsas, the clever ones are already doing zů
102r Saxifraga granulata Saxifraga maior is what do wyß bloom vnd sin somen red in the earth has attached to its roots A urinary tract stone - B semolina in loin and bladder - C makes urination, cleanses bladder and kidney

A, B, C = booklet about the burnt-out waters . Saxifrage.

023v Scrophularia nodosa Brun wurtz; with a glandular root vnnd brunfaren stalks, zů Oberst clein schellin, bletter resembled the nuts, but not burning A Vickwartzen - B reddening of the face
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 88). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 23v)
074v Sedum acre Muer pepper, ertweis; it is also a different but vast cleiner (as Sedum album ) vff two at the same time one finger long from the bags, called vnnd also vff the moor
074v Sedum album Muer pfeffer, muer trübel, katzen trübel ... it is like to grow on the old mudflowers with clean berries like white körnlin A Heated apostems and weights - B Panaritium (worm on the finger) - C Strikes back heated things

A, B, C = Heidelberg. Cpg 558. North Bavaria 1470-1485, sheet 23v. = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 109v.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 490). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 74v)
057v Sempervivum tectorum Husswurtz, dünderbar ... planted wurt vff hüser fůr den dund (thunder) A Extinguishes all heat - B Heated liver - C Heat of pestilentz - D Good for the hearing - E Addiction especially of men - F Bonded eyelids - G Hot swelling - H Extinguishes fire and hot misery - I Erisipela and hot apostems - K Hot podagra - L burn - M severe pain from heat - N brain anger

A = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

E = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 105r.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 57). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 57r)
061r Senecio nemorensis Heidensch wuntkrut… the right Heidensch wunt krut has a red, round, high stalk, vff dry-half elbow high with pewter-like leaves, the widen, in the form of a blessing, both of which grow with yellow flowers in the welden, both of which are the right heidensch sore krut , in the word A Wounds - B Old damage - C Soreness in the mouth - D Stained in wine and then best burned - Seriousness in the sex of men and women
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 12). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 61r)
037v Senecio vulgaris Crütz wurtz is a clein krut, growing vff the geerten eckeren, sundlich by zybeln or cabßkrut or bynetsch, in the height of eyns ellenbogen, when it throws up, with cleinen leaves A Jaundice - B Heated liver - C Strengthens the heart and body - D Roundworms

B, D = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 330). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 37v)
048v Silybium marianum Fedistel, vnser frouwen thistle, know thistle ... a stinging herb with a high stalk vnd breyt leaves, sprinkled with large spots of knowledge A Stinging in the body, especially in young children - B Blessed or free of young children - C Clotted blood - D Makes wide around the chest and heart - E Good for the lungs and spleen - F Inflamed liver - G Quenches thirst

A, B, E, F = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 518). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 48v)
107v Sinapis spec. Mustard krut A heavy teeth and gums - B shrinkage of the limbs - C warms the marrow in the legs - D cold addiction
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 436). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 107v)
109v Sinapis spec. Sprinck krut … F mustard was poked and biteed for four days and then burned and the glider do with grated mornings and evenings is good for the lambiness of the glider
061v Sisymbrium officinale Isen krut, dz wyblin with gels blümlin, vff ellenbogen hoch. Otto Brunfels and Hieronymus Bock . interpreted the "verbena woman" as a rocket
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 486). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 61v)
122r Solanum dulcamara Ye lenger ye dear, hinsch krut A Urinary tract stone - B Skinny cough, wide around the chest - C Hot gasp from heat

A = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 102.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 93). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 122r)
082v Solanum nigrum Nachtschet A Neck pain - B Major pain from heat - C Hot desires - D Beautiful - E Heat inside and out - F Ear pain - G Hot apostems and weight - H Chest pain from heat - I Hip pain from heat - K Sore throat - L Hot swelling - M Cools the liver - N Broken people - O horror at night - P Urinary tract stone - Q Makes you sweat - R Swollen breasts in women - S Strikes back heated matter (repercussion)

B, C, E, G, L, S = little book about the burnt-out waters .

S = Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 127v. = Guy de Chauliac . Grand surgery. (Translation: Nicaise 1890, p. 651)

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 455). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 82r)
118r Stachys germanica Scarlet, wylder scarlet
Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 70). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 118r)
059v Stellaria media Hüner serb krut, hüner derm, fogel krut A Heat of the liver - B Hot swelling - C Wounds - D Protects sick children from Geyicht - E To strengthen sick people

B = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 262. Morsus galline. Huner gut. Myer.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 301). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 59v)
020v Succisa pratensis From until, abis, teüfelsbis ... the root is filled in the ground, resembled someone who bit it off, with broad, pointed hornbeams, a little red flecklin in it, a tall stalk vff two allbows high or longer, with blown flowers glych of scabiose A Clotted blood - B Heavy in the abdomen - C Stinging - D Heavy around the heart, liver and chest - E Protection against pestilentz

A, B, C = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102r.

A, D = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 340vb.

Left: Gart der Gesundheit 1485. Right: Small distilling book (sheet 20v)
112v Symphytum officinale Walwurtz, beinwel, black wurtz A Fresh wounds - B Cracked lips - C Drunk alone not good except mixed with wine for broken people - D Hot limbs - E Wild fire - F Swelling - G Blood in the wounds - H Broken leg - I Broken person

C, D, E, F = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

A, C, G, H, I = Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 126v. Consolida. = Guy de Chauliac . Grand surgery. (Translation: Nicaise 1890, p. 644)

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 132). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 112v)
093v Tanacetum vulgare Reynfarn, würm sat… to children soberly give one and a half quintin vff eyn times kills the worm and it is vßtryben A clears heat - B urinary tract stone - C stone blockage in the urethra - D worms in the stomach

B, C = Heidelberg. Cpg 673.Southwest Germany 1447, sheet 30v. = Hildegard. Physica I / 111

A, C, D = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 399.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 464). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 93v)
088r Taraxacum officinale Pfaffen krut, mertzen blůme. The chapter “Dens leonis. Felryß ”in the Garden of Health (Mainz 1485, Chapter 152.) the relation to the dandelion remains uncertain Stalk. A Black peeling - B Bad blisters on the legs - C Good for the eyes - D Pain in the abdomen - E Flow in limbs and joints - F Stinging in the side

D = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

B, C = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 152.

Flowers. A Good for the eyes - B Makes the skin lighter under the eyes - C Extinguishes bad heat

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 400). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 87v)
089v Thymus serpyllum Quendel, hüner kull, wild boley… is a krut with all vff one spans high A Strengthens the head and the brain - B Animal bites - C Appetites and strengthens the stomach - D Sizzling in the stomach - E Softens the hard stomach - F Urination disorder - G One day fever - H Cold dampness in the head - J Strengthens vision - K Bruises - L Cold liver , Obstruction of the liver and spleen - M Heals the intestines after purulent stool (Lienteria) - N Improves hearing - O Strengthens the nerves - P Urinary evacuation disorder - Q Opens the nasal congestion - R Major complaints - S Speed ​​- T Nausea - V Strengthens the spleen - X grimacing and tearing in the abdomen - Y strengthens the liver - Z drives out the urinary tract stone with gagging - AA moves the urine

C, E, GK, L, M, Y = booklet about the burnt-out waters . Künlin herb.

A, B, C, E, H, P, R, T, X, Z, AA = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 348.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 429). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 89v)
070r Tilia cordata Lynde… dz other with cleinen bletter stein lind called
070r Tilia platyphyllos Lynde… one with big leaves A Epilepsy - B Pain in the lower abdomen - C Heart tremor - D Strengthens the eyes - E Urinary tract stone - F Spots and moles on the eyes - G Frozen hands and feet - H Warms the cold uterus - I Red spots under the face - K Sunburn - L Brings the women milk - M Burns - N Jaundice - O Swelling - P Expels bad moisture in the body - Q Loss of speech in the event of illness - R Warms up the cold stomach

A, B, C, E, G, H = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

A, B, C, E, G, H, R = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 108v-109r.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 161). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 70r)
029r Tragopogon pratensis Bocks beard ... knows the knowledge or mats with tall knodike stems by II elbow high, wearing is two or dry yellow flowers, even resembling the mertzen flowers ... but not so wide, and the crop with long, narrow, pointed leaves makes it possible a wyß schümlin would be found. Dz krut küwt in the mouth is sweet in taste Herb and stem without a root. A stabbing in the side
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 129). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 29r)
065v Trifolium pratense Kle, dry blat… syn blům in elsa's flesh blooms dar vmb that they are red in color resembled the righteous flesh growing vff the meadows and mats A Bad stomach - B Smelly breath - C White discharge in women

A, C = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 397.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 476). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 65v)
026r Tussilago farfara Brant latich, roßhůb… with broad, round leaves that are green over the syt, the last or vnder syt white, krut vnd ​​stalk vff a span long A Burn - B Internal damage from heat - C Vickwartzen - D Power sweat - E Water from the roots. Pestilentz - Moles and spots on the body

D, E, F = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 245. Lappacium rotundum. Hufflattich.

A, F = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 420. Ungula caballina. Brant lettuce.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 445). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 26r)
083v Urtica dioica Large nettle ... vff three and a half elbows high Root. A Old, cold grim in the body - B Old cough - C Apostems of the lungs - D Cleans desolate unclean wounds - E Drops of Paralisis or Berlin - F Cancer - G Fistula - H Podagra with apostem - I Polipus of the nose - K Nasal bleeding - L Pain in the lower abdomen - M Moves the stomach - N Lung addiction - O Drives the dead child out of the mother - P Stomach pain - Q Promotes menstrual bleeding

A, P = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 347va.

A, B, C, D, F, H, N, Q = Gart of Health . Mainz 1485, chapter 410.

Seeds. A Makes your hands white. Herb. A intestinal discomfort - B grim stomach - C ascending berm mother - D urinary tract stone, kidney sickness day from cold - E worms in the stomach - F cold cough - G heavy breath - H cold lungs - I flatulence in the abdomen - K desert impure Wounds and weight - L Oozing weight - M Dog bite - N Bletz

A, B, C, D = booklet about the burnt-out waters . Nettles.

C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L, M = Gart of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 410.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 504). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 83v)
037v Urtica urens Small burning nettles, pus nettles, serene nettles ... in the length of a spanner or one and a half A Vickwartzen - B Protection against freezing

B = Solothurn. Cod. S 386. Ravensburg 1463-1466, sheet 134r. = Karlsruhe. Cod. Donaueschingen 793. 2nd half of the 15th century. Sheet 32v.

107r Valeriana celtica Spicanardi… sant Marien magdalenen flowers, growing and discoveries are between Austrian and Austrian not from the Styrmack "... the old set up and allowed to take part in several places of the same [Valeriana celtica] two for one part spica nardi ..."
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 448). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 107r)
039r Valeriana officinalis Denmarck, Balderion, Katzen krut; grow is vff dryer elbow high Herb and roots : A Heavy and swelling - B Worms in children - C Fick-Wartzen - D Eye care after the bath - E Flowing Fickblatern - F Broken bones - G Broken people - H Prevention of infection - I Poisoned - K Cold limbs - L wounds - M Weight and apostems - N Low back pain - O To harmonize couples - P Makes cloudy wine louder - Q Eye pain - R Makes you sweat - S Pain in the limbs due to cold - T Vickblatern - U Prevention of infection

D, E, F, G, H, T, U = little book about the burnt-out waters . Valerian water

A, M = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 342vb. Dennenmarg. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 105r. Dennenmarck.

Root : A poisoned - B bite from poisonous animals - C one-day fever - D side pain

A, B, C, D = booklet about the burnt-out waters . Valtrian with Wurzen.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 323). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 39r)
115v Verbascum phlomoides Wullen krut, kunigs kertz A swelling - B rash on face - C respiratory disease - D hot skin - E burn - F itchy rashes - G erysipelas (beautiful) - H runny eyes - I rivers - K stomach grief

A, D, H, I = little book about the burnt-out waters . Sky prant.

A = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 350vb.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 469). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 115r)
061v Verbena officinalis Isen krut… the mendlin with hymel blo color blümlin, vff elbow high A Headache - B Jaundice - C Eye diseases - D Antidote - E Vick warts - F Three and four day fever - G Shortness of breath - I Lung disease - J Consumption of the lungs - K Strengthens the liver - L Makes good color - M Stomach pain - N Toothache - O Loin and bladder aches - P liver and spleen obstruction - Q worms in the abdomen - R constipation - S semolina and stones in the kidneys and bladder - T fistulas - V chest pain - X bloters in the abdomen - Y blood urine - Z long-term diseases without recognizable cause - AA heavy weight - BB drives away unchastity - CC constipation of the liver - DD stomach grim - EE vaginal inflammation - EE urinary tract stone

A, D, F, G, I, K = Gabriel von Lebenstein

A, C, D, G, Q = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

A, D, F, G, I, K, L = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 344va

D, L = Heidelberg. Cpg 638, Alsace 2nd quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 26r.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 486). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 61v)
027r Veronica beccabunga Bonen… There is also another krut… in Tütscher tongues bachbun. But billicher bachbon called because sin krut is similar to bonen krut, and is growing in the cups
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 180). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 26v)
052v Veronica chamaedrys Germander, blo menderlin ... blo bloom is wearing, and the gantz krut is at the height of a span, vast like to grow in the whip A drives out the stillbirth - B broken in the abdomen - C blood purification and delights the heart - D refreshes the liver - E nonsensical talking (okallen) - F mouth ulcer

C, D, E = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 344rb.

C, D = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102v.

Left: Gart der Gesundheit 1485. Right: Small distilling book 1500 (sheet 52v)
043v Veronica officinalis Erenbris; is a herb growing vff of the earth hyn flecken, in lengde one and a half spans in vngebuweten end A As a fragrance against infectious diseases - B As A - C As a sweat-inducing agent at the beginning of an illness - D Fresh wounds - E Bad damage - F Together with copper sulfate against red rashes on the face (tremors) - G Poisonous animal bites - H throats - Swelling - I Against scraping in the fabric - K Cleans bad blood - L Sweaty when the heat is flying - M Cleansing blood in the case of leprosy - N Makes you lean by activating the stomach - O Dizziness in the head - P Strengthens the memory - Q Together with the middle bark of bittersweet Nightshade goes wide around the chest and throws it out - R lung disease - S eructation of the lungs as an affect - T jaundice - V makes you urinate gently - X makes fat women thin so that they become fertile - Y is used by the lion as a remedy after a worm sting - Z others Animal stories of bears, water snakes, eels, "according to the teachings of a shepherd" - AA Makes sweating - BB Preparation instructions for the water
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 429). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 43r)
026v Vicia faba Bonen Bloom: A Scuffed eyes - B Skin spots - C Poisoning hidden in humans - D Red inflamed eyes - E Bloters in the eyes - F Pulls foreign bodies out of the muscles - G Bad bladders - H Makes a beautiful skin - I Restores menstrual bleeding - K Erysipelas ( Hellish for)

A, D, E = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

B, C, H = Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century sheet 341va. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104v.

Green beans A open legs. Bean pods A semolina in loin and bladder. Bean herb A Urinary tract stone in young children - B Poisoned - C Blood purification - D Makes skin beautiful

A, D = Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 99r. (under bean blossoms)

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 180). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 26v)
064r Vinca minor Ingrüen is a krut vff der erden hyn braiding glych the pages of the book boums , but a little spytziger A Cold Womb - B Cold Stomach
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 373). Right: reverse copy. Small distilling book (sheet 63v)
030v Viola odorata Blow violen A Heat in the case of a contagious disease (Pestilentz) - B Hot foot swelling (Podagra) - C Softens the stomach - D Cools the heart - E Painful eye inflammation - F Cools the liver - G Cleans the uterus - H Good for the nonsensical - I Cracks on the anus - K Hot dry cough - L Vickwartzen - M Spleen pain - N Quenching thirst, good for the stomach - O Ringing in the ears - P Rough scalp (Schyepen des houptes) - Q Stinging heart - R Brings eyesight back - S Fever - T Kills Worms in the body - V Inflammation of the gums - X Pulmonary consumption - Y Bleeding wounds - Z Epilepsy, especially in children - AA Heat internal organs - BB Shortness of breath - CC Strengthens the stomach and intestines - DD Cleans the kidneys - EE Unpleasant heat, especially in young people - FF Stomach ache - GG Heated headache - HH Loss of speech after skull injury - II Gets hard, heated things - KK Vickblotern

D, E, H, L, N, Q = little book about the burnt-out waters .

A, B, C = Frankfurt. Ms. germ qu. 17th Alsace, 1st quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 350va. = Heidelberg. Cpg 226, Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104r.

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 492). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 30v)
049r Viola tricolor Freissam krut, driualtigkeit blůme… dz grow wild is vff den gebuweten poultry A Overflowing heat in young children - B Dullness around the heart and chest - C Heaviness and swelling around the heart and chest - D Heaviness on the lungs - E Bad heat

A, B, C, D, E = booklet about the burnt-out waters .

Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 512). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 59r)
049r Viola tricolor var.maxima Freissam krut ... the zam planted sausage in the crop
017r Viscum album Affolter mistletoe hatt yellow pale green leaves glych the book tree , but longer and narrower A strengthens the lungs - B cough
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 54). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 17r)
090v Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris Vines, wild
090v Vitis vinifera ssp. vinifera Vines, zam Vine pruning in April : A Skin disease (male) - B General strengthening - C Skin cleansing on the face - D Blackheads (snow stains) on the face - E Blackheads (Eyngeling) on ​​the face - F The water dripping from the cut against warts and corns (Kregen ougen) - G Impetigo and Serpigo - H Hot skin diseases. Vine leaves : A Dries damp eyes - B Spitting blood - C Heavy in the intestines - D Hot abdominal flow - E Urinary tract stone - F Prevents unnatural cravings in pregnant women
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 494). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 90v)
104r Xanthium strumarium Pointed clettes, suw burdock, sharp burdock A urinary tract stone

A = garden of health . Mainz 1485, chapter 227

027v Not to be determined Blow meyblůmen, dz krut has a long stem, is not known to me. I escape those who know it
Left: Hortus sanitatis (BSB), Strasbourg 1497 (I, 289). Right: Small distilling book (sheet 27v)


  1. The identification is based on: Hermann Fischer 1929, pp. 110–112 and pp. 257–318 (synonym key) and on Heinrich Marzell. Dictionary of German plant names. Leipzig 1943–1958. In addition, Brunschwig's statements were compared with the plant descriptions and names of the fathers of botany .
  2. Fischer (1929, p. 110/2 and p. 281) interpreted Brunschwig's “Beyn höltzin” as Rhamus frangula . Fuchs (1543, Chapter 182 [1] ) and Bock (1551, Part III, Chapter 27 [2] ), however, related the name "Beinhöltzlin" or "Beinhüllezen" to Ligustrum vulgare and transferred the indications given in Brunschwig's "Beynhöltzin" also on Ligustrum vulgare.
  3. Text in Brunschwig: “… wide away water… is good for poisoned. Vff a quote to me a warrior frummer priest said / that he ate het in eim summerhuss with two gonde doors / in front of each door a garden / a krott crawled into the summer huss zů begeren the bread zů eat / the taste according to art when they cum what vff the swell or ynschrit of the doors loüffen from the heights a spynn down there was a stab because the krott gave a stymm / about some dz things / they were moved to lie through the open window of the summerhuss / they saw the krott abbyssen from the named krut / it came back in melted masses / but it was stung and the krut against eating something. Zů the third she came back / in which one zů the window vß jumped dz called krut then thett / when the krott came against as before. that krut she nym vand / bleet she herself / and died of hours. ”In addition: Albertus Magnus De animalibus libri XXVI. Borax. According to the Cologne original. Edited by Hermann Stadler (= contributions to the history of the philosophy of the Middle Ages, 15/16). Volume 2 Aschendorff, Münster 1920 (Book XXVI, 5). Digitalisat , Konrad von Megenberg . Book of Nature From the great Kroten. (Pfeiffer, Stuttgart 1861, p. 296. Digitized Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ) and Erasmus von Rotterdam . Familiarum colloquiorum formulae (Fcf) Basel (1518) 1531 Section: Amicitia. According to R. Thompson Craig ( Collected works of Erasmus , Volume 40, p. 1041), this section was first included in the Fcf in the September 1531 edition. This section may include a. reports that the toad heals itself from the spider's bite by eating plantain leaves. German translation: Friedrich Romberg, Berlin 1705, p. 393 Digital copy of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek . Erasmus' remarks are also mentioned in Hieronymus Bock . Kreuterbuch , Edition 1546, Book I, Chapter 75. Digitized Biodiversity Heritage Library

Individual evidence

  1. Gart der Gesundheit . Peter Schöffer. Mainz 1485 (digitized version) . Photocopies from the uncolored reprint Munich 1966 are used. --- Hortus sanitatis . (Johann Prüss the Elder?). Strasbourg 1497. There are three editions. The following are used: Hortus sanitatis 1497 ( BSB ) = copy of the Bavarian State Library (digitized version) and Hortus sanitatis 1497 ( "Suso" ) = copy of the Suso library in Constance
  2. Hieronymus Brunschwig. Small distilling book . Güninger, Strasbourg 1500, sheet 54r (digitized version )
  3. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17, Alsace. 1st quarter of the 15th century. Bl. 344rb. (Digitized version)
  4. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 254 (digitized version)
  5. Small distilling book. Sheet 121v (digitized version )
  6. Small distilling book. Sheet 43r [3]
  7. Small distilling book. Sheet 18r (digitized version )
  8. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17, Alsace, 1st quarter of the 15th century, sheet 340va (digital copy )
  9. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104r (digitized version )
  10. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474. Sheet 97v-98r (digitized version )
  11. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 5 (digitized version)
  12. Small distilling book. Sheet 96r (digitized version )
  13. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 188v) (digitized version )
  14. Small distilling book. Sheet 52r (digitized version )
  15. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17, Alsace. 1st quarter of the 15th century, sheet 344ra (digitized version )
  16. Small distilling book. Sheet 104r (digitized version )
  17. ^ Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 106r-v) (digitized version )
  18. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 32 (digitized version)
  19. Small distilling book. Sheet 32r (digitized version )
  20. Small distilling book. Sheet 43r (digitized version )
  21. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Discount (digitized)
  22. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 30 (digitized version)
  23. Small distilling book. Sheet 122v (digitized version )
  24. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 103 (digitized version)
  25. Small distilling book. Sheet 70v (digitized version )
  26. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 303 (digitized version)
  27. Small distilling book. Sheet 65r (digitized version )
  28. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469, sheet 181v-182r (digitized version )
  29. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 4 (digitized version)
  30. Small distilling book. Sheet 107r (digitized version )
  31. Small distilling book. Sheet 120r (digitized version )
  32. Small distilling book. Sheet 63v (digitized version )
  33. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Elsass 1459-1469, sheet 193r-v) (digitized version )
  34. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 12 (digitized version)
  35. Small distilling book. Sheet 87r (digitized version )
  36. Konrad von Megenberg. Book of nature. (Edition F. Pfeiffer. Stuttgart 1861, pp. 401–402 (digitized version ) )
  37. ^ Carl Jessen , Ernst Heinrich Meyer : Alberti Magni ex Ordine Praedicatorum. De vegetabilibus libri VII. Historiae naturalis pars XVIII. Reimer, Berlin 1867. Book II / 87, p. 137. (digitized version) and Book VI / 345 (p. 517) (digitized version)
  38. Small distilling book. Sheet 51v (digitized version )
  39. Small distilling book. Sheet 85v (digitized version )
  40. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  41. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of the 15th century Sheet 348ra-rb (digitized version )
  42. Heidelberg. Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel 2nd quarter 15th century sheet 23v (digital copy )
  43. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104v (digitized version )
  44. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 54 (digitized version)
  45. Small distilling book. Sheet 21v (digitized version )
  46. Small distilling book. Sheet 103v (digitized version )
  47. Small distilling book. Sheet 40r (digitized version )
  48. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  49. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 96r (digitized version )
  50. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 14 (digitized version)
  51. Small distilling book. Sheet 20r (digitized version )
  52. ^ Galangal spice treatise (Heidelberg. Cpg 620.Southwest Germany 15th century sheet 92v-93r) (digitized version )
  53. Small distilling book. Sheet 35v (digitized version )
  54. Small distilling book. Sheet 65r (digitized version )
  55. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17. Alsace, 1st quarter of the 15th century, sheet 345ra (digital copy )
  56. Heidelberg. Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel 2nd quarter 15th century sheet 23v (digital copy )
  57. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103r-v [4]
  58. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474. Sheet 102r-v (digitized version )
  59. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 86 (digitized version)
  60. Small distilling book. Sheet 64v (digitized version )
  61. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 316r (digitized)
  62. Small distilling book. Sheet 45r (digitized version )
  63. Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 126r (digital copy )
  64. Small distilling book. Sheet 18v (digitized version )
  65. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17. Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century Sheet 340va (digitized version )
  66. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104r (digitized version )
  67. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 162 (digitized version)
  68. Small distilling book. Sheet 104r (digitized version )
  69. Small distilling book. Sheet 59r (digitized version ) , 084v (digitized version )
  70. ^ Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666. Südwestdeutschland 1478, sheet 125v-126r) (digitized version )
  71. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 11 (digitized version)
  72. Small distilling book. Sheet 59r (digitized version )
  73. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 10 (digitized version)
  74. Small distilling book. Sheet 80r (digitized version )
  75. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  76. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 346vb (digital copy )
  77. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103v (digitized version )
  78. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 338 (digitized version)
  79. Small distilling book. Sheet 104v (digitized version )
  80. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Elsass 1459-1469, sheet 180r-v) (digitized version )
  81. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Stabwurtz (digitized version )
  82. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Gertelen (digitized version )
  83. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 2 (digitized version)
  84. Small distilling book. Sheet 112r (digitized version )
  85. Gabriel von Lebenstein. (Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 106v-107r.) (Digitized version )
  86. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  87. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 3 (digitized version)
  88. Small distilling book. Sheet 112r (digitized version )
  89. Small distilling book. Sheet 31v (digitized version )
  90. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Elsass 1459-1469, sheet 179v-189r) (digitized version )
  91. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  92. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 1 (digitized version)
  93. Small distilling book. Sheet 19v (digitized version )
  94. Frankfurt. Ms, germ. Qu. 17, sheet 350ra. Serpentine water (digitized)
  95. Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 127r. Jarus (digitized version )
  96. Small distilling book. Sheet 58v (digitized version )
  97. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103r (digitized version )
  98. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 19 (digitized version)
  99. Small distilling book. Sheet 108v (digitized version )
  100. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  101. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 389 (digitized version)
  102. Small distilling book. Sheet 78r (digitized version )
  103. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 88 (digitized version)
  104. Small distilling book. Sheet 102r (digitized version )
  105. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485. Chapter 88 (digitized version)
  106. Small distilling book. Sheet 35v (digitized version )
  107. Small distilling book. Sheet 82v (digitized version )
  108. Small distilling book. Sheet 16r (digitized version )
  109. Small distilling book. Sheet 122v (digitized version )
  110. Nikolaus Frauenlob. Heidelberg. Cpg 583.SW Germany 1453-1483, sheet 17r-v (digitized version )
  111. Gart der Gesundheit. Mainz 1485. Chapter 333 (digitized version)
  112. Small distilling book. Sheet 106v (digitized version )
  113. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 349va (digitized version )
  114. Heidelberg, Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103v [5]
  115. Heidelberg, Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 99v. Wemdling (digitized version )
  116. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 55 (digitized version)
  117. Small distilling book. Sheet 80r (digitized version )
  118. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 63 (digitized version)
  119. Small distilling book. Sheet 28r (digitized version )
  120. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 193v-193r) (digitized version )
  121. Small distilling book. Sheet 23v (digitized version )
  122. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 421 (digitized version)
  123. Small distilling book. Sheet 21v (digitized version )
  124. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Elsass 1459-1469, sheet 202r) (digitized version )
  125. ^ Constantinus africanus. De gradibus liber. Printed in Basel 1536, p. 348 (digitized version)
  126. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 56 (digitized version)
  127. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Elsass 1459-1469, sheet 202r) (digitized version )
  128. ^ Pseudo-Arnaldus de Villanova. Preservation and preparation of the wine . 13th / 14th century (digitized version)
  129. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  130. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 56 (digitized version)
  131. Small distilling book. Sheet 94r (digitized version )
  132. Small distilling book. Sheet 38r (digitized version )
  133. Small distilling book. Sheet 94r (digitized version )
  134. Small distilling book. Sheet 98v (digitized version )
  135. Small distilling book. Sheet 91r (digitized version )
  136. (digitized version)
  137. On zitwan cf. Citric root .
  138. Small distilling book. Sheet 91v (digitized version )
  139. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  140. Small distilling book. Sheet 59r (digitized version )
  141. Small distilling book. Sheet 78v (digitized version )
  142. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469, sheet 105r (digitized)
  143. Small distilling book. Sheet 114r (digitized version )
  144. Small distilling book. Sheet 56r (digitized version )
  145. Small distilling book. Sheet 110v (digitized version )
  146. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  147. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 67 (digitized version)
  148. Small distilling book. Sheet 121r (digitized version )
  149. Small distilling book. Sheet 30v (digitized version )
  150. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  151. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 192 (digitized version)
  152. Small distilling book. Sheet 38r (digitized version )
  153. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Elsass 1459-1469, sheet 192r) (digitized version )
  154. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 340vb (digitized version ) , 342ra. (Digitized version)
  155. Heidelberg. Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel 2nd quarter 15th century sheet 24v (digitized)
  156. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102v (digitized version )
  157. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 83 (digitized version)
  158. Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 126v (digital copy )
  159. Small distilling book. Sheet 35v (digitized version )
  160. Small distilling book. Sheet 35v (digitized version )
  161. ^ Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666.Southwest Germany 1478, sheet 114v) (digitized version )
  162. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  163. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 345va (digitized version )
  164. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 84 (digitized version)
  165. Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 126v (digital copy )
  166. Small distilling book. Sheet 53v (digitized version )
  167. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  168. Small distilling book. Sheet 106r (digitized version )
  169. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  170. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 85 (digitized version)
  171. Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 126v (digital copy )
  172. Small distilling book. Sheet 35v (digitized version )
  173. Small distilling book. Sheet 116r (digitized version )
  174. Small distilling book. Sheet 114v (digitized version )
  175. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 350rb (digitized)
  176. Heidelberg, Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel, 2nd quarter of the 15th century, sheet 26r (digitized version )
  177. Heidelberg. Cpg 575. Constance 1459. Sheet 48r (digital copy )
  178. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104r (digitized version )
  179. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 93 (digitized version)
  180. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 106v (digitized version )
  181. Small distilling book. Sheet 36v (digitized version )
  182. Small distilling book. Sheet 90r (digitized version )
  183. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 212 (digitized version)
  184. Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 126v (digital copy )
  185. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 212 (digitized version)
  186. Small distilling book. Sheet 113v (digitized version )
  187. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 87 (digitized version)
  188. Small distilling book. Sheet 95v (digitized version )
  189. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  190. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 96 (digitized version)
  191. Small distilling book. Sheet 73v (digitized version )
  192. Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666. Südwestdeutschland 1448, sheet 124r.) (Digitized version ) (Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nürnberg 1474, sheet 103v-104v.) [6]
  193. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  194. Small distilling book. Sheet 114r (digitized version )
  195. Small distilling book. Sheet 114r (digitized version )
  196. Small distilling book. Sheet 99r (digitized version )
  197. Small distilling book. Sheet 57v (digitized version )
  198. Small distilling book. Sheet 58v (digitized version )
  199. Small distilling book. Sheet 74r (digitized version )
  200. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 276 (digitized version)
  201. Small distilling book. Sheet 110v (digitized version )
  202. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  203. Small distilling book. Sheet 66r (digitized version )
  204. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 100 (digitized version)
  205. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  206. Small distilling book. Sheet 56r (digitized version )
  207. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 99 (digitized version)
  208. Small distilling book. Sheet 88v (digitized version )
  209. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1569, sheet 104v (digital copy )
  210. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 196 (digitized version)
  211. Small distilling book. Sheet 100 (digitized version)
  212. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 355 (digitized version)
  213. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  214. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 62 (digitized version)
  215. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  216. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 100r (digitized)
  217. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 146 (digitized version)
  218. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  219. ^ Rage .
  220. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469, sheet 104v (digitized)
  221. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 414 (digitized version)
  222. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469, sheet 104v (digitized)
  223. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  224. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 221 (digitized version)
  225. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  226. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 429 (digitized version)
  227. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  228. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  229. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  230. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  231. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  232. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 395 (digitized version)
  233. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  234. ^ Pseudo-Arnaldus de Villanova. Preservation and preparation of the wine . 13th / 14th century (digitized version)
  235. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  236. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 160 (digitized version)
  237. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  238. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  239. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  240. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  241. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102v (digitized version )
  242. Heidelberg. Cpg 558. North Bavaria 1470-1485, sheet 25v (digital copy )
  243. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 175 (digitized version)
  244. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  245. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  246. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of the 15th century sheet 343ra (digital copy )
  247. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102v (digitized version )
  248. Small distilling book. Sheet [7] , 050v (digitized version )
  249. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 244 (digitized version)
  250. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  251. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  252. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 342vb (digital copy )
  253. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 176 (digitized version)
  254. Small distilling book. Sheet 37r (digitized version )
  255. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 342rb (digital copy )
  256. Small distilling book. Sheet 120v (digitized version )
  257. Small distilling book. Sheet 76v (digitized version )
  258. Small distilling book. Sheet 47r (digitized version )
  259. Small distilling book. Sheet 50v (digitized version )
  260. Small distilling book. Sheet 33v (digitized version )
  261. Small distilling book. Sheet 120r (digitized version )
  262. Small distilling book. Sheet 53r (digitized version )
  263. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 164 (digitized version)
  264. Small distilling book. Blatt50v (digitized version )
  265. Small distilling book. Sheet 45v (digitized version )
  266. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  267. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 163 (digitized version)
  268. Small distilling book. Sheet 112r (digitized version )
  269. Small distilling book. Sheet 54v (digitized version )
  270. Small distilling book. Sheet 79r (digitized version )
  271. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  272. Small distilling book. Sheet 51r (digitized version )
  273. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 289 (digitized version)
  274. Small distilling book. Sheet 60v (digitized version )
  275. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 215 (digitized version)
  276. Small distilling book. Sheet 22r (digitized version )
  277. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  278. Codex Donaueschingen 793, 2nd half of the 15th century, sheet 32r (digitized version )
  279. Small distilling book. Sheet 100r (digitized version )
  280. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 430 (digitized version)
  281. Small distilling book. Sheet 62v (digitized version )
  282. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  283. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 427 (digitized version)
  284. Small distilling book. Sheet 17v (digitized version )
  285. Gabriel von Lebenstein. (Heidelberg. Cpg 666.Southwest Germany 1478, sheet 106v.) (Digitized version )
  286. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 154 (digitized version)
  287. Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666.Southwest Germany 1478, sheet 106v) (digitized version )
  288. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 154 (digitized version)
  289. Small distilling book. Sheet 22v (digitized version )
  290. ↑ Liver disease. Cf. Max Höfler: German book of names of diseases. P. 710.
  291. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  292. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103r (digitized version )
  293. Small distilling book. Sheet 54v (digitized version )
  294. Small distilling book. Sheet 83r (digitized version )
  295. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 281 (digitized version)
  296. Small distilling book. Sheet 120v (digitized version )
  297. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 218 (digitized version)
  298. Small distilling book. Sheet 107v (digitized version )
  299. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 96v (digitized version )
  300. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 353 (digitized version)
  301. Small distilling book. Sheet 87r (digitized version )
  302. Small distilling book. Sheet 69v (digitized version )
  303. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 346rb (digitized version )
  304. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 223 (digitized version)
  305. Small distilling book. Sheet 41r (digitized version )
  306. Small distilling book. Sheet 66r (digitized version )
  307. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 91 (digitized version)
  308. Small distilling book. Sheet 40v (digitized version )
  309. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 347va (digitized version )
  310. Small distilling book. Sheet 122r (digitized version )
  311. Small distilling book. Sheet 72r (digitized version )
  312. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  313. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 306va (digitized version )
  314. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of the 15th century sheet 346ra (digital copy )
  315. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 102v (digitized version )
  316. Small distilling book. Sheet 76r (digitized version )
  317. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 232 (digitized version)
  318. Small distilling book. Sheet 54v (digitized version )
  319. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 344rb (digital copy )
  320. Small distilling book. Sheet 70r (digitized version )
  321. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  322. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 102v-103r (digitized version )
  323. Small distilling book. Sheet 25r (digitized version )
  324. Small distilling book. Sheet 118v (digitized version )
  325. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  326. Heidelberg, Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel, 2nd quarter of the 15th century, sheet 26r (digitized version )
  327. Small distilling book. Sheet 55r (digitized version )
  328. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 216 (digitized version)
  329. Small distilling book. Sheet 81r (digitized version )
  330. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Saxifrage (digitized)
  331. Small distilling book. Sheet 71r (digitized version )
  332. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  333. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of the 15th century sheet 346ra (digital copy )
  334. Small distilling book. Sheet (digitized version)
  335. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 343rb (digital copy )
  336. Small distilling book. Sheet 86v (digitized version )
  337. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 325 (digitized version)
  338. Small distilling book. Sheet 86r (digitized version )
  339. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 266 (digitized version)
  340. Small distilling book. Sheet 34r (digitized version )
  341. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  342. Small distilling book. Sheet 19v (digitized version )
  343. Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 127r (digital copy )
  344. Small distilling book. Sheet 71v (digitized version )
  345. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 156 (digitized version)
  346. Small distilling book. Sheet 16r (digitized version )
  347. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17. Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century Sheet 340va (digitized version )
  348. Heidelberg, Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel 2nd quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 24v (digitized version )
  349. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104r (digitized version )
  350. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 256 (digitized version)
  351. Small distilling book. Sheet 101r (digitized version )
  352. Small distilling book. Sheet 72v (digitized version )
  353. Small distilling book. Sheet 26r (digitized version )
  354. Small distilling book. Sheet 75r (digitized version )
  355. Small distilling book. Sheet 30r (digitized version )
  356. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  357. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 341rb (digitized version )
  358. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102v (digitized version )
  359. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 300 (digitized version)
  360. Small distilling book. Sheet 35v (digitized version )
  361. Small distilling book. Sheet 87r (digitized version )
  362. Konrad von Megenberg. Book of nature . Franz Pfeiffer (ed.). Stuttgart 1861, p. 401 (digitized version)
  363. Small distilling book. Sheet 79v (digitized version )
  364. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 346va (digitized version )
  365. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103v (digitized version )
  366. Small distilling book. Sheet 111v (digitized version )
  367. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 407 (digitized version)
  368. Small distilling book. Sheet 107r (digitized version )
  369. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 376 (digitized version)
  370. Small distilling book. Sheet 25v (digitized version )
  371. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  372. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 96r (digitized version )
  373. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 360 (digitized version)
  374. Small distilling book. Sheet 81v (digitized version )
  375. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 184v-185r.) (Digitized version )
  376. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century sheet 345rb (digitized version )
  377. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103v (digitized version )
  378. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 102r (digitized version )
  379. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 347va (digitized version )
  380. Small distilling book. Sheet 96r (digitized version )
  381. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 27v (addition with a writing from the 16th century): “Har zu wachssen. Item changes a krut jn the ryn ... " (digitized)
  382. Small distilling book. Sheet 101v (digitized version )
  383. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  384. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 279 (digitized version)
  385. Small distilling book. Sheet 27r (digitized version )
  386. Small distilling book. Sheet 117r (digitized version )
  387. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 316 (digitized version)
  388. Small distilling book. Sheet 60v (digitized version )
  389. Small distilling book. Sheet 100v (digitized version )
  390. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 355 (digitized version)
  391. Small distilling book. Sheet 74v (digitized version )
  392. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  393. Small distilling book. Sheet 109v (digitized version )
  394. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Elsass 1459-1469. Sheet 196v) (digitized version )
  395. Small distilling book. Sheet 101v (digitized version )
  396. The Garden of Health , Mainz 1485, chapter 294, interpreted "Os mundi sant cristoffels krut" with other indications than those given by Brunschwig 1500 for his Sant Cristofferus krut (digitized version )
  397. Small distilling book. Sheet 16v (digitized version )
  398. Small distilling book. Sheet 98v (digitized version )
  399. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 200v) (digitized version )
  400. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 348va (digitized version )
  401. Small distilling book. Sheet 68r (digitized version )
  402. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  403. Small distilling book. Sheet 76r (digitized version )
  404. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Mauchen (digitized version )
  405. Small distilling book. Sheet 108r (digitized version )
  406. Small distilling book. Sheet 87v (digitized version )
  407. Galangal spice treatise (Heidelberg, Cpg 620.Southwest Germany 15th century, sheet 85v) (digitized version )
  408. ^ Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666. Südwestdeutschland 1478, sheet 113r.) (Digitized version )
  409. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  410. Small distilling book. Sheet 56v (digitized version )
  411. Heidelberg. Cpg 558. North Bavaria 1470-1485, sheet 23v (digitized version )
  412. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 109r-v (digitized version )
  413. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103r (digitized version )
  414. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  415. Small distilling book. Sheet 62v (digitized version )
  416. ^ Pseudo-Arnaldus de Villanova. Preservation and preparation of the wine . 13th / 14th century (digitized version)
  417. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of the 15th century Sheet 350ra (digitized version )
  418. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 24 (digitized version)
  419. Small distilling book. Sheet 45r (digitized version )
  420. ^ Pseudo-Arnaldus de Villanova. Preservation and preparation of the wine . 13th / 14th century (digitized version)
  421. Small distilling book. Sheet 24v (digitized version )
  422. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 341va (digital copy )
  423. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102r-v (digitized version )
  424. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 100r (digitized)
  425. Brunschwig. Pest book 1500, sheet 17r (digitized version )
  426. Small distilling book. Sheet 117v (digitized version )
  427. Small distilling book. Sheet 105v (digitized version )
  428. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 350vb (digital copy )
  429. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 105 (digitized version)
  430. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 109r (digitized version )
  431. Small distilling book. Sheet 32r (digitized version )
  432. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 308 (digitized version)
  433. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 350vb (digital copy )
  434. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 105r (digitized version )
  435. Small distilling book. Sheet 116v (digitized version )
  436. Gart der Gesundheit, 1485, Chapter 146 (digitized version)
  437. Vitus Auslasser 1479, sheet 110r, Weyswurcz (digitized version )
  438. Small distilling book. Sheet 116r (digitized version )
  439. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 201v) (digitized version )
  440. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  441. Small distilling book. Sheet 81r (digitized version )
  442. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 197v-198v.) (Digitized version )
  443. Small distilling book. Sheet 89r (digitized version )
  444. Small distilling book. Sheet 42v (digitized version )
  445. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of the 15th century sheet 343ra (digital copy )
  446. Heidelberg, Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel, 2nd quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 24r (digitized version )
  447. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 105r (digitized version )
  448. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 100v (digitized version )
  449. Small distilling book. Sheet 120r (digitized version )
  450. Small distilling book. Sheet 24r (digitized version )
  451. Small distilling book. Sheet 52v (digitized version )
  452. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  453. Small distilling book. Sheet 109v (digitized version )
  454. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 105r. Rotwurt (digitized version )
  455. Heidelberg. Cpg 558. North Bavaria 1470-1485, sheet 27r. Birrkenknopff (digitized version )
  456. Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 128 (digital copy)
  457. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 396 (digitized version)
  458. Small distilling book. Sheet 49v (digitized version )
  459. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 203r-v) (digitized version )
  460. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 343rb (digital copy )
  461. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102v (digitized version )
  462. Small distilling book. Sheet 58r (digitized version )
  463. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Bethonie (digitized version )
  464. Small distilling book. Sheet 34v (digitized version )
  465. ^ Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666. Südwestdeutschland 1478, sheet 124r-v) (digitized version)
  466. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  467. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 72. (digitized version)
  468. Small distilling book. Sheet 99v (digitized version )
  469. Small distilling book. Sheet 88r (digitized version )
  470. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 159v (digitized version )
  471. Small distilling book. Sheet 99r (digitized version )
  472. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 120 (digitized version)
  473. Small distilling book. Sheet 106v (digitized version )
  474. Small distilling book. Sheet 52r (digitized version )
  475. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 344ra (digital copy )
  476. Small distilling book. Sheet 117r (digitized version )
  477. Small distilling book. Sheet 117v (digitized version )
  478. Small distilling book. Sheet 42r (digitized version )
  479. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  480. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 100v-101r (digitized version )
  481. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 343rb (digital copy )
  482. Small distilling book. Sheet 50r (digitized version )
  483. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 9 (digitized version)
  484. Small distilling book. Sheet 91v (digitized version )
  485. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  486. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 346vb (digital copy )
  487. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103v (digitized version )
  488. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 339. Retich (digitized version )
  489. Small distilling book. Sheet 96v (digitized version )
  490. (digitized version)
  491. ^ Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 666.Southwest Germany 14th / 15th century, sheet 101r.) (Digitized version )
  492. Small distilling book. Sheet 97v (digitized version )
  493. Small distilling book. Sheet 28r Butten Roses (digitalisat)
  494. Small distilling book. Sheet 098r Butten Rosen foliage, (digitized)
  495. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  496. Small distilling book. Sheet 96v (digitized version )
  497. Small distilling book. Sheet 92v (digitized version )
  498. ^ Pseudo-Arnaldus de Villanova . Preservation and preparation of the wine . 13th / 14th century (digitized version)
  499. Nikolaus Frauenlob . Elixir. (Heidelberg. Cpg 666. Südwestdeutschlang 1479, sheet 119v-120v. Hymeltawe.) (Digitized version )
  500. Small distilling book. Sheet 29v (digitized version )
  501. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104v. Bremen. (Digitized version)
  502. Small distilling book. Sheet 61v (digitized version )
  503. Small distilling book. Sheet 78v (digitized version )
  504. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103v. Menwen. (Digitized version)
  505. Small distilling book. Sheet 16r (digitized version )
  506. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  507. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17. Alsace 1st quarter of the 15th century Sheet 340vb (digitized version )
  508. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102r. Ampffer. (Digitized version)
  509. Small distilling book. Sheet 94v (digitized version )
  510. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 183r-v.) (Digitized version )
  511. ^ Gabriel von Lebenstein (Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 107r-v.) (Digitized version )
  512. Heidelberg. Cpg 666.Southweast Germany 1478, sheet 91r. (Digitized version)
  513. Small distilling book. Sheet 113r (digitized version )
  514. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  515. Small distilling book. Sheet 17r (digitized version )
  516. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102r (digitized version )
  517. Heidelberg. Cpg 666.Southwest Germany 1478. Sheet 127v (digitized version )
  518. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 161 (digitized version)
  519. Small distilling book. Sheet 55v (digitized version )
  520. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103r (digitized version )
  521. ^ Deutscher Macer (Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 203v.) (Digitized version )
  522. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Zickel (digitized version)
  523. Booklet of the burnt-out waters of Holerplüd (digitized version )
  524. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 103r. (Digitized version)
  525. Small distilling book. Sheet 103v (digitized version )
  526. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 105r (digitized version )
  527. Small distilling book. Sheet 62v (digitized version )
  528. Small distilling book. Sheet 102r (digitized version )
  529. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  530. Small distilling book. Sheet 23v (digitized version )
  531. Small distilling book. Sheet 74v (digitized version )
  532. Heidelberg. Cpg 558. North Bavaria 1470-1485, sheet 23v (digitized version )
  533. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 109v (digitized version )
  534. Small distilling book. Sheet 57v (digitized version )
  535. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  536. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 105r (digitized version )
  537. Small distilling book. Sheet 61r (digitized version )
  538. Small distilling book. Sheet 37v (digitized version )
  539. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  540. Small distilling book. Sheet 48v (digitized version )
  541. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters . (Digitized version)
  542. Small distilling book. Sheet 107v (digitized version )
  543. Small distilling book. Sheet 109v (digitized version )
  544. Small distilling book. Sheet 61v (digitized version )
  545. Otto Brunfels. Herb book 1532, p. 47 digitized version (digitized version)
  546. Hieronymus Bock. Herbal Book 1539, Part I, Cap. 32: The sibent mustard herb digitized (digitized)
  547. Small distilling book. Sheet 122r (digitized version )
  548. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 102. (digitized version)
  549. Small distilling book. Sheet 82v (digitized version )
  550. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  551. Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 127v (digital copy )
  552. Small distilling book. Sheet 118r (digitized version )
  553. Small distilling book. Sheet 59v (digitized version )
  554. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 262. Morsus galline. Huner gut. Myer (digitized version)
  555. Small distilling book. Sheet 20v (digitized version )
  556. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102r (digitized version )
  557. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17. Alsace 1st quarter of the 15th century Sheet 340vb (digitized version )
  558. Small distilling book. Sheet 112v (digitized version )
  559. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  560. Brunschwig. Surgery 1497, sheet 126v. Consolida. (Digitized version)
  561. Small distilling book. Sheet 93v (digitized version )
  562. Heidelberg. Cpg 673.Southwest Germany 1447, sheet 30v (digitized version )
  563. Hildegard. Physica I / 111 (digitized version)
  564. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 399 (digitized version)
  565. Small distilling book. Sheet 88r (digitized version )
  566. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 152 (digitized version)
  567. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  568. Gart der Gesundheit. Mainz 1485, Chapter 152 (digitized version)
  569. Small distilling book. Sheet 89v (digitized version )
  570. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Künlin kraut (digitized version )
  571. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 348 (digitized version)
  572. Small distilling book. Sheet 70r (digitized version )
  573. Small distilling book. Sheet 70r (digitized version )
  574. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  575. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 108v-109r (digitized version )
  576. Small distilling book. Sheet 29r (digitized version )
  577. Small distilling book. Sheet 65v (digitized version )
  578. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 397 (digitized version)
  579. Small distilling book. Sheet 26r (digitized version )
  580. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 245. Lappacium rotundum. Hufflattich (digitized version )
  581. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, chapter 420. (digitized version)
  582. Small distilling book. Sheet 83v (digitized version )
  583. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 347va. (Digitized version)
  584. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 410 (digitized version)
  585. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters . Nettles (digitized)
  586. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 410 (digitized version)
  587. Small distilling book. Sheet 37v (digitized version )
  588. Solothurn. Cod. S 386. Ravensburg 1463-1466, sheet 134r (digitized version )
  589. ^ Karlsruhe. Cod.Donaueschingen 793 2nd half of the 15th century sheet 32v (digitized version )
  590. Small distilling book. Sheet 107r (digitized version )
  591. Small distilling book. Sheet 39r (digitized version )
  592. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Valerian water (digitized version)
  593. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 342vb. Dennenmarg. (Digitized version)
  594. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 105r. Dennenmarck (digitized version )
  595. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Valtrian with Wurzen (digitized version )
  596. Small distilling book. Sheet 115v (digitized version )
  597. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. Himelprant (digitized version )
  598. [8] = Heidelberg. Cpg 638. Alsace / Basel 2nd quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 25r. (Digitized version)
  599. Small distilling book. Sheet 61v (digitized version )
  600. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  601. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter of 15th century sheet 344va (digitized version )
  602. Heidelberg. Cpg 638, Alsace 2nd quarter of the 15th century, sheet 26r (digital copy )
  603. Small distilling book. Sheet 27r (digitized version )
  604. Small distilling book. Sheet 52v (digitized version )
  605. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 344rb (digital copy )
  606. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 102v (digitized version )
  607. Small distilling book. Sheet 43v (digitized version )
  608. Small distilling book. Sheet 26v (digitized version )
  609. ↑ Little Book of the Burnt Waters. (Digitized version)
  610. Frankfurt. Ms. germ. Qu. 17th Alsace 1st quarter 15th century sheet 341va (digital copy )
  611. Heidelberg. Cpg 226. Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104v (digitized version )
  612. Heidelberg. Cpg 545. Nuremberg 1474, sheet 99r. (under bean blossoms) (digitized version)
  613. Small distilling book. Sheet 64r (digitized version )
  614. Small distilling book. Sheet 30v (digitized version )
  615. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  616. Frankfurt. Ms. germ qu. 17. Alsace, 1st quarter of the 15th century. Sheet 350va (digital copy )
  617. Heidelberg. Cpg 226, Alsace 1459-1469. Sheet 104r (digitized version )
  618. Small distilling book. Sheet 49r (digitized version )
  619. Booklet about the burnt-out waters (digitized version)
  620. Small distilling book. Sheet 49r (digitized version )
  621. Small distilling book. Sheet 17r (digitized version )
  622. Small distilling book. Sheet 90v (digitized version )
  623. Small distilling book. Sheet 90v (digitized version )
  624. Small distilling book. Sheet 104r (digitized version )
  625. Gart der Gesundheit . Mainz 1485, Chapter 227 (digitized version)
  626. Small distilling book. Sheet 27v (digitized version )