List of large stone graves in Brandenburg

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List of large stone graves in Brandenburg (Brandenburg)
Little Gottschow
Bad Freienwalde
Heart leap
Klein Ziethen
Stolzenhagen (Oder)
Mutton stall
Mehlsen's rest
Great Kienitz
Stolzenhagen (Wandlitz)
Stolzenhagen (Waltersdorf)
The great stone graves of Brandenburg
regional groups Prignitz group (preserved / destroyed) Uckermärkische group (preserved / destroyed); continues in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Central Brandenburg Group (preserved / destroyed)
Yellow pog.svg Yellow ffff80 pog.svg
Dark Red 800000 pog.svg Red ff0000 pog.svg
Blue pog.svg Blue 00ffff pog.svg

The list of large stone graves in Brandenburg includes all known large stone graves in the area of ​​today's state of Brandenburg .

List of graves

  • No .: Calls (if available) the number of the grave in the reference work Atlas of Megalithic Tombs in Germany by Ernst Sprockhoff
  • Grave : gives the name of the grave and common alternative names
  • Location : Names the community and, if applicable, the district in which the grave is located.
  • District : Name the district to which the municipality belongs. BAR: Barnim district ; LDS: District of Dahme-Spreewald ; MOL: District of Märkisch-Oderland ; OHV: Oberhavel district ; OPR: District of Ostprignitz-Ruppin ; PM: District of Potsdam-Mittelmark ; PR: Prignitz district ; TF: Teltow-Fläming district ; UM: Uckermark district
  • Type : differentiation between different types of graves
    • Urdolmen : small square or rectangular burial chamber with four wall stones and a cap stone, with or without access
    • Extended dolmen : rectangular burial chamber with at least four wall stones on the long sides, two cap stones and access on one narrow side
    • Großdolmen : rectangular burial chamber with at least six wall stones on the long sides, three cap stones and access on one narrow side
    • Passage grave : rectangular, trapezoidal or convex grave chamber with at least three wall block pairs on the long sides and access to a long-side
    • Chamberless megalithic bed : elongated complex with a rectangular or trapezoidal mound and a stone enclosure and wooden structure, stone packing or earth pit instead of a megalithic burial chamber
    • Ramp box : mostly above-ground trapezoidal or rectangular submegalithic burial chamber with access on the narrowest side; similar to an enlarged or large dolmen but smaller

Preserved graves

No. dig place district Type Remarks image
Bagemühl stone grave 7 Brüssow , OT Bagemühl AROUND unknown Bagemühl 7.jpg
459 Great stone grave Carmzow Carmzow-Wallmow , OT Carmzow AROUND Extended dolmen or ramp box Documentation and emergency recovery 1956 Megalithic tomb Carmzow.jpg
458 Great stone grave Dedelow Prenzlau , OT Dedelow AROUND Extended dolmen Megalithic grave Dedelow.jpg
Großsteingrab Ellershagen ("bread stones") Halenbeck-Rohlsdorf , OT Ellershagen PR unknown 1985 excavation
Large stone grave Felchow 1 Schöneberg (Uckermark) , OT Felchow AROUND Large stone grave or stone box According to Beier a stone box, according to Kirsch a large stone grave or a stone box
Large stone grave in the Gramzow Forest Gramzow , AROUND unknown questionable, only mentioned in Schuldt, but not in Kirsch and Beier
460 Large stone grave in mutton stall Brüssow , Hammelstall municipality AROUND Extended dolmen Finds recovered Bruessow-Hammelstall Extended Dolmen-3.jpg
Great stone grave Hessenhagen 1 Flieth-Stegelitz , OT Hessenhagen AROUND presumably chamberless giant bed Construction possibly unfinished
Great stone grave Hessenhagen 2 Flieth-Stegelitz , OT Hessenhagen AROUND presumably chamberless giant bed Construction possibly unfinished
Large stone grave Mehlsen's peace Gransee , OT Seilershof OHV unknown possibly identical to the destroyed Gransee stone grave
453 Great stone grave Mellen Lenzen (Elbe) , OT Mellen PR Passage grave Great stone grave Mellen
464 Great stone grave Mürow 1 Angermünde , OT Mürow AROUND Extended dolmen Excavation 1965 Great stone grave Mürow 1
457 Great stone grave Neuenfeld 1 Schönfeld (Uckermark) , OT Neuenfeld AROUND Urdolmen Neuenfeld grave 1 Urdolmen-2.jpg
Great stone grave Neuenfeld 2 Schönfeld (Uckermark) , OT Neuenfeld AROUND unknown at Kirsch erroneously listed as destroyed
Great stone grave Neuenfeld 3 Schönfeld (Uckermark) , OT Neuenfeld AROUND unknown in Schuldt, Beier and Kirsch erroneously listed as destroyed
Great stone grave Schmiedeberg 5 Angermünde , OT Schmiedeberg AROUND probably an enlarged dolmen
456 Great stone grave Schönfeld Schönfeld (Uckermark) AROUND unknown Megalithic grave Schönfeld.jpg
461 Great stone grave Schwaneberg 1 Randowtal , Schwaneberg residential area AROUND Extended dolmen Megalithic grave Schwaneberg.jpg
Great stone grave Schwaneberg 6 Randowtal , Schwaneberg residential area AROUND unknown
Great stone grave Stegelitz 1 Flieth-Stegelitz , OT Stegelitz AROUND unknown Stegelitz grave 1.jpg
454 Stegelitz 2 stone grave (Suckow stone grave) Flieth-Stegelitz , OT Stegelitz AROUND Extended dolmen or ramp box Special excavation 1910 Stegelitz grave 2.jpg
455 Urdolmen of Trebenow ("Hünenstein") Uckerland , OT Trebenow AROUND Urdolmen deprived; Subsequent excavation in 1904 Trebenow Urdolmen-1.jpg
462 Large stone grave Wollschow 1a Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND Chamberless giant bed Contained two stone boxes (Wollschow 1b and 1c, the former preserved), which are presumably subsequent burials Wollschow grave 1.jpg
Great stone grave Wollschow 2 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND Urdolmen Wollschow grave 2.jpg
Large stone grave Wollschow 3 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND Urdolmen Wollschow grave 3.jpg
Large stone grave Wollschow 4 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND Urdolmen Wollschow grave 4.jpg
Great stone grave Wollschow 5 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND Urdolmen Wollschow grave 5.jpg
463 Great stone grave Wollschow 23 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND Extended dolmen or ramp box Wollschow grave 23.jpg
Large stone grave Wollschow 27 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND probably Urdolmen

Destroyed graves

No. dig place district Type Remarks image
Great stone grave old gently Bad Freienwalde (Oder) , OT Altranft MOL unknown (presumably large stone grave) Discovered and destroyed in 1935
Great stone grave Angermünde Angermünde AROUND Extended dolmen or large dolmen destroyed around 1822; Finds recovered
Large stone graves near Arendsee Nordwestuckermark , part of the municipality Arendsee AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several graves
Great stone grave in Bad Freienwalde Bad Freienwalde (Oder) MOL probably Urdolmen
Large stone grave Bagemühl 5 Brüssow , OT Bagemühl AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Large stone grave Bagemühl 6 Brüssow , OT Bagemühl AROUND probably Urdolmen
Big stone grave Bagemühl 8 Brüssow , OT Bagemühl AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone graves near Barsikow Wusterhausen / Dosse , OT Barsikow OPR unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several plants; Bones and finds recovered
Great stone grave Battin Brüssow , part of the municipality Battin AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) Bones and finds recovered
Large stone grave Blumberg 1 Casekow , OT Blumberg AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Large stone grave Blumberg 2 Casekow , OT Blumberg AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Large stone grave Blumberg 3 Casekow , OT Blumberg AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Boberow 1 Karstädt , OT Boberow PR unknown probably destroyed in the late 17th century
Big stone grave Boberow 2 Karstädt , OT Boberow PR unknown destroyed around 1844
Large stone grave Boberow 3 Karstädt , OT Boberow PR unknown Destroyed around 1844, later remains probably still exist
Great stone graves near Bresch Pirow , OT Bresch PR unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several graves; Finds recovered
Great stone grave Crussow ("Hünkestein", "Hünkenberg") Angermünde , OT Crussow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Dedelow 1 Prenzlau , OT Dedelow AROUND unknown probably several graves
Great stone grave Dedelow 3 Prenzlau , OT Dedelow AROUND unknown
Great stone graves near Eickstedt Randowtal , OT Eickstedt AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several graves
Falkenhagen stone grave Falkenhagen (Mark) MOL Large stone grave or stone box Finds recovered around 1867
Large stone grave Felchow 2 Schöneberg (Uckermark) , OT Felchow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Großsteingrab Frauenhagen ("Hühnerhimmel") Angermünde , OT Frauenhagen AROUND unknown
Great stone graves near Fürstenwerder Nordwestuckermark , OT Fürstenwerder AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) several graves
Great stone graves near Gerswalde Gerswalde AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) several graves of unknown number
Great stone grave in Göritz Goritz AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) possible existence only attested by a cup stone
Gransee stone grave Gransee OHV Urdolmen or stone box Destroyed in 1838; Finds recovered
Great stone grave Greiffenberg (Great stone grave Bruchhagen) Angermünde , OT Greiffenberg (Angermünde) AROUND unknown Special excavation in 1962
Great stone grave in Groß Kienitz Blankenfelde-Mahlow , OT Großkienitz TF probably a large stone grave or stone box destroyed around 1920; later readings in the same place
Great stone graves near Güstow Prenzlau , OT Güstow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several graves
Great stone grave Heckelberg Heckelberg-Brunow , OT Heckelberg MOL unknown Finds recovered
Large stone graves at Herzsprung Angermünde , OT Herzsprung AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several graves; Finds recovered
Great stone grave Joachimsthal Joachimsthal BAR presumably chamberless giant bed
Great stone grave Klein Gottschow 1 Groß Pankow (Prignitz) , OT Klein Gottschow PR unknown (presumably large stone grave) destroyed around 1844
Great stone grave Klein Gottschow 2 Groß Pankow (Prignitz) , OT Klein Gottschow PR unknown (presumably large stone grave) destroyed around 1844
Great stone grave in Klein Ziethen Ziethen (Barnim) , OT Klein Ziethen BAR unknown discovered and destroyed 1985/86; Bones recovered
Great stone grave Klockow Schönfeld (Uckermark) , OT Klockow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) possibly identical to a grave in Schönfeld, OT Neuenfeld; probably several graves
Great stone grave Lichterfelde ("Moses grave") Schorfheide , OT Lichterfelde (Barnim) BAR unknown (presumably large stone grave) Capstone used for a war memorial in 1925/26
Great stone grave Melzow 3 Oberuckersee , living space Melzow AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Great stone grave Melzow 4 Oberuckersee , living space Melzow AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Great stone grave Melzow 14 Oberuckersee , living space Melzow AROUND probably Urdolmen
Great stone grave Mürow 2 Angermünde , OT Mürow AROUND unknown
Great stone grave Neuendorf Oderberg , Neuendorf residential area BAR unknown (presumably large stone grave) was in connection with a menhir plant
Great stone graves near Neuenfeld Schönfeld (Uckermark) , OT Neuenfeld AROUND unknown north of four other destroyed graves
Great stone graves near Neuhausen Berge (Prignitz) , OT Neuhausen PR unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several destroyed graves; Finds recovered
Great stone grave Niederfinow Niederfinow BAR unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Passow Passow (Uckermark) AROUND unknown found an amazon ax nearby
Great stone grave Pehlitz 1 Chorin , OT Pehlitz BAR unknown
Great stone grave Pehlitz 2 Chorin , OT Pehlitz BAR unknown
Great stone grave Pehlitz 3 Chorin , OT Pehlitz BAR unknown
Great stone grave Pehlitz 4 Chorin , OT Pehlitz BAR unknown
Great stone grave Pehlitz 5 Chorin , OT Pehlitz BAR unknown
Great stone grave Pehlitz 6 Chorin , OT Pehlitz BAR unknown
Great stone grave Pehlitz 7 Chorin , OT Pehlitz BAR unknown
Great stone grave Pehlitz 8 Chorin , OT Pehlitz BAR unknown
Great stone grave Pehlitz 9 Chorin , OT Pehlitz BAR unknown
Great stone grave Pehlitz 10 Chorin , OT Pehlitz BAR unknown
Great stone grave Pehlitz 11 Chorin , OT Pehlitz BAR unknown
Great stone grave Pehlitz 12 Chorin , OT Pehlitz BAR unknown
Great stone graves near Pinnow Pinnow (Uckermark) AROUND unknown several graves, possibly at different sites
Great stone grave Potzlow Oberuckersee , OT Potzlow AROUND unknown
Great stone graves near Prenzlau Prenzlau AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several graves
Great stone grave Pröttlin 1 Karstädt , OT Pröttlin PR unknown
Great stone grave Pröttlin 2 Karstädt , OT Pröttlin PR unknown
Great stone grave Schapow 1 Nordwestuckermark , OT Schapow AROUND probably Urdolmen
Great stone grave Schapow 2 Nordwestuckermark , OT Schapow AROUND Urdolmen or stone box probably formed a complex with a destroyed monolith grave (Schapow 3)
Great stone graves near Schmargendorf Angermünde , OT Schmargendorf AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several graves
Great stone grave Schmiedeberg 6 Angermünde , OT Schmiedeberg AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Schmiedeberg stone grave 7 Angermünde , OT Schmiedeberg AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Great stone grave Schmiedeberg 8 Angermünde , OT Schmiedeberg AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Great stone grave Schmiedeberg 9 Angermünde , OT Schmiedeberg AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Great stone grave Schmiedeberg 10 Angermünde , OT Schmiedeberg AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Great stone grave Schmiedeberg 11 Angermünde , OT Schmiedeberg AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Great stone grave Schmiedeberg 12 Angermünde , OT Schmiedeberg AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Large stone grave Schmiedeberg 13 Angermünde , OT Schmiedeberg AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Schmiedeberg stone grave 14 Angermünde , OT Schmiedeberg AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Great stone grave Schmiedeberg 15 Angermünde , OT Schmiedeberg AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Large stone grave Schmiedeberg 16 Angermünde , OT Schmiedeberg AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Great stone grave Schmiedeberg 17 Angermünde , OT Schmiedeberg AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Great stone graves near Schöneberg Schöneberg (Uckermark) AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several graves
Great stone grave Schönermark Mark Landin , OT Schönermark AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Large stone grave Schulzendorf ("bridal bed") Sonnenberg , OT Schulzendorf OHV probably a large stone grave or menhir complex destroyed in the 18th or 19th century
Great stone grave Schwaneberg 2 Randowtal , Schwaneberg residential area AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Schwaneberg 3 Randowtal , Schwaneberg residential area AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Schwaneberg 4 Randowtal , Schwaneberg residential area AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Schwaneberg 5 Randowtal , Schwaneberg residential area AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Seehausen large stone grave Oberuckersee , OT Seehausen AROUND probably Urdolmen Hill fill still preserved
Great stone graves near Stahnsdorf Stahnsdorf PM unknown (presumably large stone grave) maybe several graves
Great stone graves near Stendell Schwedt / Oder , OT Stendell AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several graves
Stolzenhagen (Oder) stone grave Lunow-Stolzenhagen , OT Stolzenhagen (Lunow-Stolzenhagen) BAR probably an enlarged dolmen
Great stone grave Stolzenhagen (Wandlitz) (Großsteingrab Wandlitz) Wandlitz , OT Stolzenhagen BAR unknown (presumably large stone grave) Finds recovered
Large stone grave clay Brüssow , Stramehl municipality AROUND unknown
Great stone grave Trebenow 2 Uckerland , OT Trebenow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone graves near Vierraden Schwedt / Oder , OT Vierwaden AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several graves
Great stone graves near Wallmow Carmzow-Wallmow , OT Wallmow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) up to three graves; nearby reading finds
Great stone graves near Waltersdorf Schönefeld , OT Waltersdorf LDS unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several graves
575 Great stone grave in Wartin Casekow , OT Wartin AROUND chamberless giant bed contained a passage grave box
Great stone grave in Welsow Angermünde , OT Welsow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several graves
Great stone grave Werder Lindendorf , OT Sachsendorf- Werder MOL unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Wilmersdorf 1 Angermünde , OT Wilmersdorf AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several graves
Great stone grave Wilmersdorf 2 Angermünde , OT Wilmersdorf AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Large stone grave Wollschow 6 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND probably Urdolmen
Large stone grave Wollschow 7 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Large stone grave Wollschow 7a Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Wollschow 9 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Wollschow 10 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Large stone grave Wollschow 13 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Wollschow 15 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Large stone grave Wollschow 16 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Large stone grave Wollschow 18 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Large stone grave Wollschow 18a Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Great stone grave Wollschow 20 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Wollschow 24 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND probably Urdolmen
Large stone grave Wollschow 24a Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Wollschow 25 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown
Large stone grave Wollschow 26 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Wollschow 29 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown
Large stone grave Wollschow 29a Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Wollschow 33 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Large stone grave Wollschow 35 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown
Large stone grave Wollschow 36 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown
Large stone grave Wollschow 36c Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown
Great stone grave Wollschow 37 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Wollschow 42 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND Urdolmen or stone box
Great stone grave Wollschow 44 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown
Large stone grave Wollschow 45 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone grave Wollschow 46 Brüssow , OT Wollschow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave)
Great stone graves near Zichow Zichow AROUND unknown (presumably large stone grave) probably several graves; Finds recovered; nearby reading finds

See also


Complete overview

  • Hans-Jürgen Beier : The megalithic, submegalithic and pseudomegalithic buildings as well as the menhirs between the Baltic Sea and the Thuringian Forest. Contributions to the prehistory and early history of Central Europe 1. Wilkau-Haßlau 1991.
  • Johann Christoph Bekmann , Bernhard Ludwig Bekmann : Historical description of the Chur and Mark Brandenburg according to their origin, inhabitants, natural characteristics, waters, landscapes, towns, clerical donors, etc. [...]. Vol. 1, Berlin 1751 ( online version ).
  • Ernst Friedel : Prehistoric finds from Berlin and the surrounding area. Verlag des Verein für die Geschichte Berlins, Berlin 1880 ( online ).
  • Barbara Fritsch et al .: Density Centers and Local Groups - A Map of the Great Stone Graves of Central and Northern Europe. In: October 20, 2010 ( PDF; 1.6 MB , XLS; 1.4 MB ).
  • Eberhard Kirsch : Finds from the Middle Neolithic in the state of Brandenburg. Brandenburg State Museum for Prehistory and Early History, Potsdam 1993.
  • Eberhard Kirsch: Contributions to the older funnel cup culture in Brandenburg. Brandenburg State Museum for Prehistory and Early History, Potsdam 1994.
  • Leopold von Ledebur : The pagan antiquities of the administrative district of Potsdam. A contribution to the antiquity statistics of the Mark Brandenburg. Berlin 1852 ( online version )
  • Ewald Schuldt : The Mecklenburg megalithic graves. Research on their architecture and function. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1972.
  • Ernst Sprockhoff : Atlas of the megalithic tombs of Germany. Part 2: Mecklenburg - Brandenburg - Pomerania. Rudolf-Habelt Verlag, Bonn 1967.
  • Ernst Sprockhoff: The cultures of the younger Stone Age in the Mark Brandenburg. Prehistoric research 4. Berlin 1926.
  • U. Uhl: The state of Neolithic research in the Potsdam district. Diploma thesis, Halle (Saale) 1983

The Uckermark group

  • Friedrich Dehmlow: Materials on the prehistory and early history of the Oberbarnims. In: Acta praehistorica et archaeologica. Volume 7/8, 1976/77 (1978), pp. 123-242.
  • Carl Dormeyer: To the knowledge of the prehistory, especially the eastern part of the Uckermark. In: Home calendar of the Angermünde district. 1926, pp. 30-51 ( online ).
  • Hans Jürgen Eggers : The grave field of Wartin-Grünz, Randow district. 10. Supplement to the Atlas of Prehistory, 1964, pp. 33–60.
  • Hans Jürgen Eggers: The grave field of Wartin-Grünz, Randow district. 11. Supplement to the Atlas of Prehistory, 1969, pp. 39–74.
  • Horst Geisler: Great stone grave and medieval road block near Mürow, Kr. Angermünde. In: excavations and finds. Volume 11, 1966, pp. 122-128.
  • JO vd Hagen: Recent finds of Stone Age graves in the Uckermark. In: Mannus. Volume 7, 1915, pp. 33-60.
  • Hermanfrid Schubart : A stone chamber from Carmzow, Prenzlau district. In: Ground monument maintenance in Mecklenburg. Yearbook 1956. 1958, pp. 18-27.
  • Albert Kiekebusch : A block chamber cemetery near Wollschow in the Uckermark. In: News sheet for German prehistoric times. Volume 5, 1929, pp. 180-181.
  • Albert Kiekebusch: Stone Age graves, settlements and round walls in Wollschow. In: Journal of Ethnology. Volume 61, 1929, pp. 397-401.
  • Albert Kiekebusch: A block chamber cemetery near Wollschow (Uckermark). In: Mainz magazine. Volume 26, 1931, pp. 43-46.
  • Albert Kiekebusch: New giant stone graves in the marrow. In: District calendar Prenzlau. 1931, pp. 106-112.
  • Albert Kiekebusch: The giant stone burial ground near Wollschow as a cultural reserve. In: News sheet for German prehistoric times. Volume 9, 1933, pp. 113-117.
  • Albert Kiekebusch: The investigation of a new megalithic burial ground near Wolschow in the Uckermark. In: Researches and Advances. Volume 9, 1933, pp. 246-247.
  • Albert Kiekebusch: Activity report of the prehistoric department of the Märkisches Museum. In: News sheet for German prehistoric times. Volume 9, 1933, pp. 1-11.
  • Paul Müller: The Murow barrow. In: Yearbook of the Angermünde district. 1956, pp. 67-70.
  • Jens Parschau: The Neolithic settlement in the Uecker-Randow area. Diploma thesis, Halle (Saale) 1986.
  • Ewald Schuldt: The necropolis of Wollschow, Pasewalk district, and the problem of the Neolithic stone boxes in Mecklenburg. In: Ground monument maintenance in Mecklenburg. Yearbook 1974. 1975, pp. 77-144.
  • Hugo Schumann: The Stone Age graves of the Uckermark. Mieck, Prenzlau 1904.

for literature on the graves of the Uuckmark group located in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania see the list of megalithic stone graves in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Web links

Commons : Great stone graves in Brandenburg  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files