April 2007

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This article covers the breaking news and events of April 2007. It was the warmest April since weather records began in 1880.

Daily events

Sunday April 1, 2007

  • Cologne / Germany : One of the four still missing containers of the ship Excelsior , which crashed in the Rhine on March 25th , which pose a threat to all users of the important shipping route, is sighted. Shipping traffic has largely returned to normal since March 30th.
  • Melbourne / Australia : The 12th FINA World Championships the FINA going to end. The German swimmers won a gold medal for the women and for the men over the long distance courses, but for the first time at the world championships no gold medal in the disciplines between 50 m and 800 m.
  • Middle East : The Arab League promises recognition to the State of Israel if Israel vacates the occupied territories and accepts the return of the Palestinian refugees. Jordan's King Abdullah II speaks of an opportunity for peace "for the whole region". The EU Foreign Affairs Representative Javier Solana and the current EU Council President , Chancellor Merkel , praised this Arab initiative, but stressed that both sides would have to settle their differences themselves and mentioned in particular demands against the Palestinians.

Monday April 2, 2007

Solomon Islands

Tuesday April 3, 2007

Viktor Yushchenko

Wednesday April 4, 2007

Thursday April 5, 2007

The Sea Diamond still under its old name Birka Princess
  • Prague / Czech Republic : The Czech government announces that it will reduce the country's income tax to a rate of 15 percent. According to the plans of the parties ODS and SZ, the previous four tax brackets will be abolished in favor of a single tariff, which would be the lowest in Europe. With this measure, the country wants to become suitable for the euro by 2012 and attract foreign investors.
  • Santorini / Greece : The Greek cruise ship Sea Diamond collides with a reef . The position of the ship is unstable, it is constantly sliding on a slope deeper into the water. Two French passengers are missing. The captain and several crew members face charges of negligent homicide.

Friday April 6, 2007

  • London / United Kingdom : The 15 British marines released by Iran yesterday stated at a press conference that, contrary to their "confession", which they had forced through pressure, they had not operated in Persian but in Iraqi territorial waters. Prime Minister Tony Blair insists that there has been no trade or agreement on the release. It is now time to reconsider the relationship between Britain and Iran.
  • Beijing / China : As the second largest emitter of carbon dioxide , the People's Republic wants to participate in international projects against global warming from 2013 . By 2010 the government wants to reduce China's energy consumption (measured by economic output) by 20 percent compared to 2005.

Sunday April 8, 2007

  • Beijing / China : After international protests against questionable practices, the government of the People's Republic passed a law that forbids all forms of organ trafficking and makes it a criminal offense. However, those executed should continue to play an important role as organ donors.

Monday April 9, 2007

  • Baghdad / Iraq : On the fourth anniversary of the fall of Saddam Hussein , the radical Shiite preacher Muqtada al-Sadr called for demonstrations against the presence of foreign troops in Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of people respond to this call, especially in Kufa and Najaf , the holy cities of the Shiites. They wave Iraqi flags, shout "Yes to Iraq", "Death to the USA" and "Occupiers should leave Iraq".

Tuesday April 10, 2007

  • Hamburg / Germany : The takeover battle for REpower Systems continues: The Indian turbine manufacturer Suzlon Energy submits an offer of € 150 per share and thus outbids the offer of the French nuclear group AREVA , which had bid 140.
  • Hamburg / Germany : The German satirical-critical Internet television magazine Fernsehkritik-TV by Holger Kreymeier is broadcasting the first episode.
  • Tehran / Iran : President Mahmud Ahmadineschad announces that uranium enrichment is to take place on an industrial scale in the future. To this end, the number of centrifuges is to be increased from the current 3,000 to 50,000.

Wednesday April 11, 2007

Thursday April 12, 2007

  • Baghdad / Iraq : An explosion shakes the Iraqi parliament building in the heavily secured Green Zone in Baghdad. According to the first press reports, at least two MPs are killed. In a suicide attack several hours earlier , which also killed several people, an important bridge over the Tigris in Baghdad is destroyed.
  • Bernese Oberland / Switzerland A Tornado fighter aircraft of the German Bundeswehr collides with a rock face near the Äbeni Flue in the Alps - Schwarzmönch and explodes. One of the two pilots managed to save himself with the ejection seat and was taken to the hospital in Vallon . The other pilot dies in the accident. The tornado belonged to the 1st Air Force Division (Fürstenfeldbruck) , Fighter-Bomber Squadron 32 in Lechfeld Air Base in the Augsburg district . The cause of the crash is currently unknown. It was not until April 9 that six combat aircraft of the same type were relocated to Afghanistan for use by the German Bundeswehr. The tornado came from Corsica on a navigation flight over Switzerland, during which the pilot had to fly to various destinations. Such flights of foreign military aircraft over Switzerland are permitted and not exceptional if the aircraft are not armed. The machine had landed in Emmen LU to refuel , ten minutes later it crashed.

Friday April 13, 2007

Günther Oettinger

Saturday April 14, 2007

  • Ankara / Turkey : More than a million people are demonstrating on Tandoğan Square against a possible candidacy for Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the so-called republic protests for the presidential elections in May.
  • Washington, DC / United States : Family drama in the US state of Minnesota: A 17-year-old secretly gives birth to a child in the laundry room of her parents' house and then kills it with 135 stab wounds. The young woman is then charged with premeditated murder.

Monday April 16, 2007

Norris Hall, this is where the second shooting took place in the rampage at Virginia Tech

Tuesday April 17, 2007

Wednesday April 18, 2007

  • Baghdad / Iraq : After five serious attacks in the Iraqi capital, more than 230 people are killed. The detonation of a car bomb near the market square in the Sadriyya district in central Baghdad alone killed 127 people.
  • Berlin / Germany : Federal Minister of the Interior Wolfgang Schäuble draws attention to himself with the proposal to no longer apply the principle of the presumption of innocence in relation to terrorism laid down in the Basic Law in the interests of internal security . This proposal is causing sharp criticism from the opposition and parts of the population.
  • Cardiff / United Kingdom : The UEFA Executive Committee has announced the venue for the 2012 European Football Championship Poland - Ukraine . The candidacy prevailed against the applications from Italy and Hungary-Croatia. It is the third double candidacy after Belgium / Netherlands 2000 and Switzerland / Austria 2008 that has come into play.
  • Malatya / Turkey : three people, including a German, had their throats cut during an attack on a Christian publishing house; another employee was seriously injured. The publishing house, which distributes Bibles in Eastern Turkey, among others , has previously been the target of threats several times because of its missionary work.

Thursday April 19, 2007

  • Baghdad / Iraq : After the devastating series of attacks in Baghdad on Wednesday, in which almost 200 people were killed, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki ordered a preliminary investigation against a high-ranking officer who was responsible for security in the particularly affected district of Al-Sadrija .

Friday April 20, 2007

  • Kabul / Afghanistan : The six Tornado reconnaissance aircraft of the German Bundeswehr in Afghanistan are operational. From now on, a maximum of two missions with two machines each will be flown a day.

Saturday April 21, 2007

"Blue Angels" in formation

Sunday April 22, 2007

Monday April 23, 2007

Tuesday April 24, 2007

  • Gaza City / Israel : The radical Islamic Hamas terminates the ceasefire with Israel agreed five months ago. The El-Kassim Brigades, the armed arm of Hamas, had previously committed to rocket attacks on Israel. The shelling is a reaction to the actions of the Israeli armed forces on 21./22. April in the West Bank, in which nine Palestinians were killed.

Wednesday April 25, 2007

  • Heilbronn / Germany : Two policemen are attacked by unknown perpetrators on Theresienwiese . The policewoman Michèle Kiesewetter is shot in the head and her colleague is in mortal danger. Since initial investigations show that two different weapons were used, the investigators assume that there are at least two perpetrators.

Thursday April 26, 2007

Friday April 27, 2007

Sergei Lavrov
  • Berlin / Germany : During a protest at the Berlin Reichstag , strangers reveal a poster with the inscription "Der Deutschen Wirtschaft" above the facade, which almost covers the portal inscription Dem deutscher Volke . The demonstrators are finally taken from the facade by the so-called height rescue of the fire brigade and like four other demonstrators who unveiled a banner inside the Bundestag during a mutton jump vote with the inscription “The wishes of the economy are inviolable” and threw banknotes into the plenary handed over to the police.
  • Gera / Germany : The 2007 Federal Horticultural Show opens in the Hofwiesenpark . This year it is spread across the Gera and Ronneburg locations .
  • Hamburg / Germany : Hamburg Marketing GmbH announces that the German event of the global Live Earth concert series will take place on July 7, 2007 in the Volksparkstadion .
  • Tallinn / Estonia : After a memorial for the Red Army has been removed , there are serious riots in the Estonian capital Tallinn by around 200 rioters from the Russian minority and diplomatic tensions with Russia. "The Estonian government spat on these graves," said Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during the NATO Foreign Ministers' meeting in Oslo .

Saturday April 28, 2007

  • Karbala / Iraq : A suicide attack with a car bomb in the Iraqi city of Karbala kills 60 people and injures 170 others. The assassin blew himself up at a checkpoint near a Shiite sanctuary on a busy street. Security forces then prevented an angry crowd from setting the provincial administration on fire.

Sunday April 29, 2007

Abdullah Gul

Monday April 30, 2007

See also

Web links

Hesse in April 2007
( Acer pseudoplatanus )
Commons : April 2007  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. The warmest April since 207 years. In: focus.de . April 29, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  2. Almost everything "clear ship" again. In: ksta.de . April 1, 2007, accessed May 17, 2019 .
  3. DSV swimmers have no chance. In: spiegel.de . March 26, 2007. Retrieved February 28, 2017 .
  4. spiegel.de
  5. "Chemie-Ali" is supposed to die. In: spiegel.de . April 2, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  6. Chaotic situation after the tsunami in the Solomon Islands. In: Mittelbayerische.de . April 3, 2007, accessed May 18, 2019 .
  7. baz.ch : Devastation and many dead after the tsunami in the South Pacific ( Memento from September 30, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  8. ^ Humanitarian crisis threatens tsunami hit Solomons. In: reuters.com . April 3, 2007, accessed May 18, 2019 .
  9. www.dw-world.de - "New hostage ultimatum from Iraq"
  10. www.dw-world.de - "DNA analysis burdens Jan Ullrich"
  11. Pauli threatens to switch to the opponent At: netzeitung.de Pauli threatens to switch to the opponent ( Memento from April 6, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  12. bbu: Tsunami in the South Pacific makes thousands homeless. In: nzz.ch. April 3, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  13. Mass protest against dissolution of parliament. In: focus.de . April 3, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  14. Major General Walker considers suicide flight for British jet pilots in an emergency In: http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2007150271,00.html
  15. Kamikaze missions for British pilots - News. In: 20min.ch. February 22, 2010, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  16. TGV breaks world record on the track. In: spiegel.de . April 3, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  17. 2007 World Cup Canada IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship Women 2007 in Winnipeg
  18. Cabinet passes Consumer Information Act. In: spiegel.de . April 4, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  19. tagesschau.sf.tv - "US Parliament President Pelosi meets Assad"
  20. How culpable was the mother? In: stern.de . April 7, 2007, accessed April 5, 2019 .
  21. Wikinews: Ahmadinejad announces the release of British soldiers
  22. ↑ The Czech Republic is planning a tax haven. In: taz.de . April 5, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  23. distress cases April 2007. In: esys.org, Peter Walter. May 3, 2007, accessed November 27, 2018 .
  24. ^ Soldiers celebrate freedom with champagne ( Memento from April 19, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) In: kurier.at
  25. Climate change: China wants to take responsibility. (No longer available online.) In: diepresse.com. Archived from the original on December 20, 2016 ; Retrieved December 24, 2014 .
  26. Beijing wants to control organ trafficking. In: nzz.ch. April 8, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  27. Sadr incites militia, hundreds of thousands follow the call to protest. In: spiegel.de . April 9, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  28. Suzlon increases its offer for the shares of REpower Systems AG from EUR 126 to EUR 150 per share ( Memento of September 28, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) In: suzlonwindenergie.com
  29. Important Information Regarding the Public Tender Offer ( Memento of May 14, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) In: repower.areva.com
  30. Die Welt: "Al-Qaida presents the suicide bomber" , www.handelsblatt.com - "Attack on the seat of government shakes Algiers"
  31. ↑ Case against suitcase bombers adjourned. In: welt.de . April 11, 2007, accessed June 21, 2019 .
  32. ^ Bomb attack in the Iraqi parliament. In: spiegel.de . April 12, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  33. April 12, 2007 welt.de
  34. Bundeswehr tornado crashes into rock face. In: spiegel.de . April 12, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  35. ^ Bundeswehr tornado crashed in Switzerland. In: nzz.ch . April 13, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  36. zeit.de : Panic after earthquake in Mexico ( Memento from December 31, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  37. www.ftd.de - “Press Comments. 'Oettinger spread lies' " ( Memento from August 2, 2012 in the web archive archive.today )
  38. www.tagesschau.de (tagesschau.de archive)
  39. ^ Official website of the German Ice Hockey League. In: del.org. January 10, 2015, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  40. More than 230 dead in a series of attacks in Iraq. In: welt.de . April 18, 2007, accessed December 27, 2014 .
  41. Federal Interior Minister Schäuble wants to undermine the principle of the presumption of innocence. In: heise.de . April 18, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  42. Football: Poland and Ukraine are awarded the contract for Euro 2012
  43. Münchner Merkur: "Massacre in the Bibel-Verlag"
  44. Deutsche Welle: "Three dead in an attack on a Christian publishing house in Turkey"
  45. ^ Austria, Bundesliga 2006/2007, matchday 30. In: weltfussball.de. Retrieved January 24, 2017 .
  46. 2007 presidential election in France. In: Wahlrecht.de . June 16, 2007. Retrieved April 19, 2017 .
  47. Historic bank merger - Barclays swallows ABN Amro. In: spiegel.de . April 23, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  48. ^ Netzeitung.de : First trace in the murder of the police in Heilbronn ( Memento from June 4, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  49. handelsblatt.com
  50. www.dw-world.de - "Peace for Somalia?"
  51. www.manager-magazin.de - "Deutsche Telekom: Now a strike threatens"
  52. Bundestag scandal demonstrators abseil from the Reichstag ( memento from April 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  53. BUGA Gera and Ronneburg 2007. In: bundesgartenschau.de, Deutsche Bundesgartenschau-Gesellschaft mbH. Retrieved April 17, 2017 .
  54. ^ Benefit concert: "Live Earth" takes place in Hamburg. In: zeit.de . April 27, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  55. www.tagesschau.de - “Russia outraged after memorial removal. Estonia spits on our graves " (tagesschau.de archive)
  56. www.ftd.de - "60 deaths from attacks: Anger against authorities in Karbala" ( Memento from August 1, 2012 in the web archive archive.today )
  57. www.tagesschau.de - “Mass demonstration in Istanbul. 'No Sharia, No Putsch' " (tagesschau.de archive)
  58. Champions League 2006/07. In: kicker.de . Retrieved January 13, 2017 .
  59. Princess Sofía of Spain
  60. Google rejects allegations. In: manager-magazin.de . May 1, 2018, accessed November 30, 2018 .
  61. ↑ Wave of warning strikes hit Baden-Württemberg. In: Stimme.de . April 30, 2007, accessed December 24, 2014 .
  62. www.ftd.de - "Olmert because of 'haphazard warfare' under pressure" ( Memento from May 3, 2007 in the Internet Archive )