C. William Ramseyer

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C. William Ramseyer

Christian William Ramseyer (born March 13, 1875 in Collinsville , Butler County , Ohio , †  November 1, 1943 in Washington, DC ) was an American politician . Between 1915 and 1933 he represented the state of Iowa in the US House of Representatives .


In 1887, William Ramseyer came to Davis County , Iowa, where he settled near Pulaski . There he attended public schools including the Southern Iowa Normal School , which he graduated from in 1897. He then attended until 1902 the Iowa State Teachers College in Cedar Falls . Ramseyer worked as a teacher for the next nine years. He made it to the head of Bloomfield High School . After studying law at the same time at the University of Iowa in Iowa City and being admitted to the bar in 1906, he began practicing his new profession in Bloomfield . Between 1911 and 1915 he was a district attorney in Davis County.

Politically, Ramseyer was a member of the Republican Party . In 1914 he was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington in the sixth constituency of Iowa. There he took over on March 4, 1915, succeeding Sanford Kirkpatrick of the Democratic Party . After eight re-elections, he was able to complete nine consecutive terms in Congress by March 3, 1933 . The First World War and, from 1929, the Great Depression fell during this period . During this time the 18th , 19th and 20th amendments to the constitution were discussed and passed. It was about the alcohol ban, the nationwide introduction of women's suffrage and the redefinition of the deadlines between the congressional and presidential elections and the respective beginning of the term of office. For the elections of 1932 Ramseyer was no longer nominated by his party.

After his tenure in the House of Representatives, William Ramseyer was employed at the United States Court of Claims in Washington. He stayed there until his death in 1943. He was buried in Bloomfield.

Web links

Commons : Christian William Ramseyer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files