Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. (born August 17, 1914 in Campobello Island , Canada , †  August 17, 1988 in Poughkeepsie , New York ) was an American politician . Between 1949 and 1955 he represented New York State in the US House of Representatives .


Franklin Roosevelt was the fifth child of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor . His older brother James (1907-1991) was a Congressman for the State of California . In 1933 he graduated from the Groton School in Massachusetts . He then studied at Harvard University until 1937 . After a subsequent law degree at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville , he was admitted to the bar in 1942. During World War II he served in the United States Navy . He was used both in Europe and in the Pacific . He was awarded many medals for his military achievements. Among them were the Purple Heart , the Silver Star and the Bronze Star . At the request of his father, he also took part in important war conferences, including the Casablanca Conference in January 1943 .

After the war, Roosevelt practiced as a lawyer. At the same time he was also politically active. In 1947 and 1948 he was Vice President of President Harry S. Truman's Civil Rights Committee . Then he sat until 1949 in a municipal committee in New York City ( Committee on unity in New York City ). Politically, like his father, he belonged to the Democratic Party . In the meantime he was also a member of the Liberal Party of New York . In 1952 and 1956 he took part as a delegate to the Democratic National Conventions , at each of which Adlai Stevenson was nominated as a presidential candidate.

After the death of MP Sol Bloom , Roosevelt was elected as the Liberal Party candidate in the due by-election for the 20th seat of New York as his successor to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC , where he took his new seat on May 17, 1949 started. After two re-elections as a Democrat, he could remain in Congress until January 3, 1955 . This period was marked by the events of the Cold War and the Korean War .

1954 Roosevelt renounced another congressional candidacy. Instead, he unsuccessfully sought the Democratic nomination for the upcoming gubernatorial elections . In the same year, his candidacy for the office of Attorney General in New York State failed . Since 1958 he has been in the car import business. In 1960 he supported his friend John F. Kennedy's presidential campaign . After his election victory, he wanted to appoint Roosevelt as Secretary of State for the Navy . That failed because of the veto of Defense Secretary Robert McNamara . Instead, Roosevelt State Secretary, was the Ministry of Commerce ( Under Secretary of Commerce ). In 1963 he was named chairman of the Appalachian Regional Commission by Kennedy . In 1965, the new President Lyndon B. Johnson made him head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission . A year later Franklin Roosevelt ran unsuccessfully for governor of the Liberal Party ; his running mate was Donald S. Harrington . Then he worked again in the car import industry. He also ran a farm where he raised cattle. Roosevelt was married a total of five times and had five children. He died of lung cancer in Poughkeepsie on August 17, 1988, his 74th birthday .


Web links

Commons : Franklin Delano Roosevelt junior  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Sol Bloom United States House Representative for New York (20th constituency)
May 17, 1949 - January 3, 1955
Irwin D. Davidson