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Teyssières (France)
region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Department Drôme
Arrondissement Nyons
Canton Dieulefit
Community association Dieulefit-Bourdeaux
Coordinates 44 ° 28 '  N , 5 ° 9'  E Coordinates: 44 ° 28 '  N , 5 ° 9'  E
height 498-1,325 m
surface 28.09 km 2
Residents 88 (January 1, 2017)
Population density 3 inhabitants / km 2
Post Code 26220
INSEE code

Teyssières is a French municipality with 88 inhabitants (at January 1, 2017) in the region of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes in the department of Drôme ; it belongs to the canton of Dieulefit in the arrondissement of Nyons .


The municipality of Teyssières is located in the headwaters of the Lez , about ten kilometers north of Nyons and 33 kilometers southeast of Montélimar .

Neighboring municipalities of Teyssières are Montjoux in the northwest, Vesc in the northeast, Valouse in the east, Saint-Ferréol-Trente-Pas in the southeast, Condorcet , Aubres and Venterol in the south and Rousset-les-Vignes and Le Pègue in the west.


First documented mention as Castrum de Theycheriis in 1294. At that time joint property of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ( Maltese - Coming from Le Poët-Laval ) and the d'Isoard family from Aix-en-Provence , it later came to the houses Durand , Caritat (Dukes of Condorcet) and finally Rigot de Montjoux .

Population development

year 1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2007 2016
Residents 106 77 71 58 69 64 89 86


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Historical data from Teyssières on "Cercle Généalogique de la Drôme Provençale". (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on November 20, 2008 ; Retrieved February 28, 2012 (French). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.genea26provence.com

Web links

Commons : Teyssières  - Collection of images, videos and audio files