Rukungiri District

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Location of Rukungiri
Location of Rukungiri
Basic data
Capital Rukungiri
Geographical center 1 ° 0 ′  N , 30 ° 0 ′  E Coordinates: 1 ° 0 ′  N , 30 ° 0 ′  E
North South expansion 70 km
East-west expansion 20 km
surface 2,860 km²
population 308,696 (as of 2002)
Population density 107.9 inhabitants / km²
Deepest point 615 m
The highest point 1864 m
Time zone UTC +3
ISO 3166-2 UG-412

Rukungiri is a district in the southwest of Uganda and borders on Lake Edward . The main town is Rukungiri of the same name . The district comprises the two counties Rujumbura and Rubabo. According to the 2002 census, it has 308,696 inhabitants on an area of ​​2860 km².

The district was created as North Kigezi in 1974 and was named Rukungiri in 1980 . In July 2001, part of the district was separated and the new Kanungu District was formed.


There are Ruhororo , Runyankore and Rukiga spoken.


The district lies at an altitude of about 615 to 1864 m above sea level. Rukungiri is also part of the Queen Elizabeth National Park .

Cities in Rukungiri

Web links