Mubende District

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Location of Mubende
Location of Mubende
Basic data
Capital Exhausting
Geographical center 0 ° 32 '  N , 31 ° 41'  E Coordinates: 0 ° 32 '  N , 31 ° 41'  E
North South expansion 70 km
East-west expansion 140 km
population 436,493 (as of 2002)
Time zone UTC +3
ISO 3166-2 UG-107

Mubende is a district ( district ) in Central Uganda with 436,493 inhabitants. Like almost all districts of Uganda , it is named after its capital. Until July 1, 2005, the Mityana district also belonged to Mubende.

Kaweri coffee plantation

The Kaweri plantation in the Mubende district is Uganda's first large coffee plantation, which the Ugandan government has envisaged as a model for the country's agricultural development. This project was carried out in cooperation with the German Neumann Kaffee Group and its Ugandan subsidiary. Around 2000 smallholders had to give way to the coffee plantation without receiving adequate compensation.

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