Globalization and World Cities Research Network

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Distribution of economically oriented world cities according to the GaWC study from 2010

The Globalization and World Cities Research Network ( GaWC ) is a think tank (Engl. Think tank), located at the Department of Geography of Loughborough University in Loughborough , England . Main area of research is the relationship of world cities or global cities and the process of globalization .

The GaWC was founded in 1998 by the British geographer Peter J. Taylor. Best known are the studies on the categorization of world cities in alpha, beta, and gamma orders.

City classification (2018)

The cities are classified as follows in the 2018 classification.


Cities at the alpha level connect the most important economic states and regions with the global economy and are divided into the four areas Alpha ++, Alpha +, Alpha and Alpha cities.

Alpha ++

Alpha ++ cities are cities that are most closely involved in the global economy:

Alpha +

Alpha + cities are highly integrated cities that meet advanced requirements:


Alpha -


Beta cities are cities that connect medium-sized economic regions with the global economy and are divided into three areas: Beta +, Beta and Beta cities.

Beta +


Beta -


Cities at the gamma level are cities that connect smaller economic regions with the global economy and are divided into three areas: Gamma +, Gamma and Gamma cities:

Gamma +


Gamma -

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The World According to GaWC 2018 . Globalization and World Cities Research Network. November 14, 2018. Retrieved November 24, 2019.