List of street names in Wiener Neustadt

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This list provides an overview of the streets, alleys and squares of Wiener Neustadt .


  • Ackergasse , from Volksbadgasse to the east to Mairegasse and on to Werftgasse, named in 1923 during the project planning after the then unobstructed fields
  • Adalbert-Stifter-Gasse , named after the writer Adalbert Stifter
  • Adele-Sandrock-Gasse , named after the German - Dutch actress Adele Sandrock
  • Adlergasse , previously Herrengasse, then Am Grübel, then Adlergasse after the former large pub Zum golden Adler
  • Albert-Janetschek-Gasse , named after the dialect poet Albert Janetschek (1925–1997) from Hochwolkersdorf
  • Albrecht-Dürer-Gasse , named after the German painter Albrecht Dürer
  • Alfred-Hochstätter-Gasse , named after Alfred Hochstätter (1902–1944), Raxwerke worker , sentenced to death as a resistance fighter and executed in the Munich-Stadelheim prison.
  • Alfred-Neubauer-Gasse , named after the German racing driver Alfred Neubauer
  • Alfred-Pischof-Gasse , named after the Austrian aviation pioneer Alfred von Pischof
  • Allerheiligengasse , -
  • Allerheiligenplatz , -
  • Alois-Wrubel-Gasse , named after the painter and sculptor Alois Wrubel
  • Alramsgasse , -
  • Altabachgasse , named after the flowing there Altabach which the fish Abach opens
  • At the Academy Park , named after the park within the walls of the castle in Wiener Neustadt , in today Theresian Military Academy is housed
  • At the Dreidrescherteich ,
  • On the Fischa bank , named after the warm Fischa that flows past
  • At the Fohlenhof , named after the Fohlenhof built by Count Kinsky in 1798 in the Academy Park
At the Haidbrunnen with the well building (2013)
  • At the Haidbrunnen , named after the Haidbrunnen
  • On the hay path ,
  • On the canal , named after the Wiener Neustädter Canal that used to run there to the former harbor
  • Am Kehrbach , named after the Kehrbach flowing there
  • At the small military hospital , named after the so-called part of the Hungarian quarter
  • At the Krebsenbachl , named after the Krebsenbachl that was filled in today
  • At the war hospital , named after the part of Josefstadt (Döttelbacher Siedlung) called the war hospital
  • At the Luckerweg ,
  • On the bridle path ,
  • At the Schafflerhof , named after the Schafflerhof in 1954, a path from Lichtenwörth to the Schafflerwegbrücke
  • At the triangle , named after the so-called part of the Hungarian quarter
  • At the Hohe Brücke , named after the bridge over the Wiener Neustädter Canal
  • At the Kehrbachbrücke , named after the bridge there over the Kehrbach
  • At the Zeiselmauer , named after the city wall
  • Andraegasse , named after Christoph Andrä, who established a textile industry in Wiener Neustadt in 1787
  • Anemonenseestraße , named after the nearby Anemonensee
  • Anna-Rieger-Gasse , -
  • Annagasse , -
  • Anton-Afritsch-Gasse , named after the initiator of the Kinderfreunde movement , the Austrian journalist and politician Anton Afritsch
  • Anton-Bruckner-Gasse , named after the Austrian composer Anton Bruckner
  • Anton-Stadler-Gasse , -
  • Anzengrubergasse , named after the Austrian writer Ludwig Anzengruber
  • Worker Alley , -
  • Arbeiterheimgasse , - named after the workers' home that stood here until the 1960s
  • Workers' gymnastics club way ,
  • Arndtgasse , -
  • Arnold-Schönberg-Gasse , named after the American composer of Austrian origin Arnold Schönberg
  • Aspanger line , named after the community of Aspang
  • On the Heide , named after Heide, the undeveloped area northwest of the city
  • Augasse , named after the nearby Schmuckerau am Fischabach
  • Augustingasse , -
  • Outer line of railway , named after the southern railway that runs there
  • Äußere Dammgasse , named after the southern runway running there , which is slightly above street level
  • Outer Maximiliangasse , southern part of Maximiliangasse that is not connected to it. Maximiliangasse, in turn, is named after Emperor Maximilian
  • Expositiongasse , named after the former exhibition area between Raugasse and Wiener Straße
  • Auwinkel , named after the nearby Schmuckerau recreation area
  • Aviatikergasse , named after the aviators, i.e. the pilots


  • Babenbergerring , named after the Austrian ducal family of the Babenbergs
  • Badener Strasse , named after the city of Baden
  • Bahngasse , named after the railway or train station to which it leads
  • Bahnhofplatz , named after the train station
  • Barbaragasse , -
  • Bartholomeusgasse , -
  • Bauergasse , -
  • Baumgartgasse , -
  • Baumkirchner Ring , named after Andreas Baumkircher , who defended the city in the north in 1452
  • Baurat-Schwarz-Gasse , named after Karl August Schwarz, the Baden-Württemberg building officer
  • Beethovengasse , named after the German composer Ludwig van Beethoven
  • At the chafers ,
  • Berninigasse , -
  • Bertha-von-Suttner-Gasse , named after the Austrian writer Bertha von Suttner
  • Birkengasse , named after the birch plant species of the same name
  • Street of leaves , -
  • Bleriotgasse , named after the French aviation pioneer and first person to fly over the English Channel in an airplane, Louis Blériot
  • Blumauer Weg , named after the municipality of Blumau in the Baden district
  • Blumengasse , -
  • Böheimgasse , named after the Austrian weapons historian Wendelin Boeheim
  • Boomsgasse , -
  • Bösendorfergasse , named after the Viennese piano maker Ignaz Bösendorfer
  • Bräuhausgasse , named after the former Wiener Neustädter brewery
  • Bräunlichgasse , named after Karl Friedrich Bräunlich, who established a textile industry in Wiener Neustadt in 1787
  • Breitenauer Gasse , named after the municipality of Breitenau located in this direction from the center of Wiener Neustadt
  • Brodtischgasse , -
  • Brombeergasse , named after the plant genus of the same name
  • Brückengasse , -
  • Brüder-Renner-Gasse , named after the Renner boys , pioneers of Austrian aviation
  • Brunner Straße , named after the village of Brunn on the Schneebergbahn
  • Burgenlandgasse , named after the federal state of Burgenland
  • Bürgermeister-Dr.-Haberl-Gasse , named after the Wiener Neustädter Mayor Dr. Karl Haberl , who served from 1886 to 1897
  • Mayor-Jakob-Hayden-Gasse , -
  • Burggasse , named after the castle
  • Burgplatz , named after the castle
  • Burkhardgasse , named after the local Villa Burkhard , which in turn is named after the wire pen manufacturer Heinrich Burkhard



  • Dachensteingasse , named after the Dachenstein castle ruins
  • Daimlergasse , named after the German engineer Gottlieb Daimler
  • Dammgasse , named after the embankment of the southern railway located here
  • Dänklgasse , named after the co-founder of the chapel of the same name in the Viennese street Friedrich Dänkl
  • De-Cente-Gasse , named after the Wiener Neustadt pottery manufacturer Joseph De Cente
  • Deutschgasse , -
  • Dexelgasse , -
  • Dietrichgasse , named after the male first name Dietrich
  • Dir.-Dr.-Mayer-Gasse , -
  • Dir.-Eduard-Wedl-Gasse , named after the former director of the Wiener Neustädter Sparkasse and founder of the Wiener Neustädter Musikverein Eduard Wedl
  • Dir.-Heinrich-Weghofer-Gasse , -
  • Dir.-Show-Alley , -
  • Domgasse , named after the cathedral of Wiener Neustadt
  • Domplatz , named after the cathedral of Wiener Neustadt
  • Döttelbachgasse , named after the part of Josefstadt called the Döttelbacher Siedlung, also known as the war hospital
  • Dr.-Alexander-Schärf-Straße , named after the coffee machine entrepreneur Alexander Schärf
  • Dr. Arthur Hochstetterplatz , -
  • Dr.-Beirer-Gasse , named after the Wiener Neustädter lawyer Jörg Beirer
  • Dr.-Eckener-Gasse , named after the German airship designer Hugo Eckener
  • Dr.-Habermayer-Gasse , -
  • Dr.-Ludmilla-Weippl-Gasse , -
  • Dr.-Oertel-Gasse , named after the playwright and writer Dr. Rudolf Oertel
  • Dr.-Richard-Fröhlich-Gasse , -
  • Dr.-Waldstein-Gasse , named after the former Vice President of the District Court Wr. Neustadt, Dr. Wilhelm Waldstein
  • Drehergasse , named after the lathe operator
  • Dreipappelstraße , named after the (originally probably three) poplars that can be found here
  • Dreisporengasse , -


  • Ebenfurther Gasse , named after the city of Ebenfurth
  • Ebereschenweg , named after the deciduous tree of the same name
  • Eberhardgasse , -
  • Eckgasse - named after the bend in the middle of this alley
  • Eduard-Fischer-Gasse , named after the Austrian entrepreneur Eduard Fischer
  • Eggendorfer Gasse , named after the municipality of Eggendorf
  • Eichbüchler Gasse , named after the Eichbüchl district of Katzelsdorf
  • Eisengasse , named after the chemical element iron
  • Electrician path , named after the profession of the same name
  • Emil-Ertl-Gasse , named after the Austrian poet Emil Ertl
  • Emil-Jellinek-Gasse , named after the Austro-Hungarian businessman and diplomat Emil Jellinek
  • Emmerberggasse , named after the Emmerberg castle ruins
  • Emmerich-Kalman-Gasse , named after the Hungarian composer Emmerich Kálmán
  • Engelbrechtgasse , named after the former bishop of Wiener Neustadt, Peter Engelbrecht
  • Erlacher Gasse , named after the municipality of Bad Erlach
  • Erlengasse , named after the plant genus of the same name
  • Ernst-Wurm-Gasse , named in 1972 after the writer Ernst Wurm
  • Eschengasse , named after the numerous ash trees that were once part of the Fischa-Auen trees
  • Etrichgasse , named after the Austrian pilot Igo Etrich . Etrich was the first tenant of the hangar at the airfield, which was completed on July 26, 1909
  • Europaallee , named after the continent of Europe
  • Eyerspergring , -
  • Ezilingasse , -


  • Fahringergasse , named after the Austrian painter Carl Fahringer
  • Fasangasse , -
  • Felbergasse , -
  • Field path in the Ried Am Tiefen Weg ,
  • Felixdorfer Gasse , named after the community of Felixdorf
  • Ferdinand-Ebner-Gasse , named after the Wiener Neustadt philosopher Ferdinand Ebner
  • Ferdinand-Graf-von-Zeppelin-Strasse , named after the German airship designer Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin
  • Ferdinand Porsche Ring , named after the Austro-German automobile designer Ferdinand Porsche
  • Feuerwerkergasse , named after the former Wöllersdorf fireworks establishment
  • Fireworks facility , named after the former fireworks facility
  • Fischabachgasse , named after the Fischabach
  • Fischauer Gasse , named after the neighboring town of Bad Fischau
  • Fischauer Grenzweg , named after the border to Bad Fischau that runs here
  • Fischelgasse , named after the founder of the fish colony
  • Fliedergasse , named after the plant genus Lilac
  • Fliegergasse , named after the aviators
  • Flotowgasse , named after the German opera composer Friedrich von Flotow
  • Flugfeldgürtel , named after the Wiener Neustadt district of Flugfeld
  • Corridor , -
  • Föhrenseestraße , named after the Föhrensee
  • Föhrenwaldgasse , named after the Föhrenwald south of Wiener Neustadt
  • Formerweg , named after the former profession of the former
  • Fourlanigasse , named after the Wr. Neustädter Landesphysikus Dr. Andreas Fourlani
  • Francesco-Solimena-Weg , named after the Italian painter Francesco Solimena
  • Franz-Birbaumer-Gasse , named after the Austrian politician Franz Birbaumer
  • Franz-Brodinger-Gasse , named after the former Waldegger elementary school director Franz Brodinger
  • Franz-Erntl-Gasse , named after the Austrian painter Franz Erntl
  • Franz-Gruber-Gasse , named after the Austrian composer Franz Xaver Gruber
  • Franz-Johann-Leitner-Gasse , named after the folk poet Franz Johann Leitner
  • Franz-Kober-Gasse , -
  • Franz-Lehar-Gasse , named after the Austrian composer Franz Lehár
  • Franz-Liszt-Gasse , named after the Hungarian composer Franz Liszt
  • Franz-Mannsbarth-Gasse , named after the Austrian aviation pioneer Franz Mannsbarth
  • Franz-Schubert-Gasse , named after the Austrian composer Franz Schubert
  • Franz-Theodor-Csokor-Gasse , named after the Austrian playwright and writer Franz Theodor Csokor
  • Franz-von-Furtenbach-Straße , named after the founder of Furtenbach GmbH, Franz Erasmus von Furtenbach
  • Milling path , named after the milling cutter's profession
  • Frauengasse , named after the women
  • Freiligrathgasse , named after the German poet Ferdinand Freiligrath
  • Friedrich-Holzer-Gasse , named after the former director of the city library Friedrich Holzer
  • Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Gasse , named after the initiator of the German gymnastics movement, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn
  • Friedrichsgasse , named after Emperor Friedrich III.
  • Fritz-Haiden-Gasse , -
  • Fritz-Heindl-Gasse , -
  • Fritz-Kuhn-Gasse , named after the racing driver and employee at Austro Daimler Fritz Kuhn
  • Fritz-Pregl-Gasse , named after the Austrian chemist Fritz Pregl
  • Fritz-Radel-Gasse , named after the former Wr. Neustadt music professor Fritz Radel
  • Frohsdorfer Straße , named after the part of the municipality of Lanzenkirchen called Frohsdorf


  • Gabelsbergergasse , named after the German inventor Franz Xaver Gabelsberger
  • Gärbergasse , -
  • Gartengasse , -
  • Gauermanngasse , named after the Austrian painter Friedrich Gauermann
  • Georg-Auer-Gasse , named after the Viennese journalist Georg Auer
  • Gerasdorfer Gasse , named after Gerasdorf am Steinfeld, a cadastral community of St. Egyden am Steinfeld
  • Ghegagasse , named after the Austrian engineer and builder of the Semmering Railway Carl von Ghega
  • Gießergasse , named after the former. Profession of caster , see Glockengießerei Hilzer
  • Gießhübelgasse , named after the corridor called Gießhübel in the south of Wiener Neustadt
  • Gilmgasse , -
  • Giltschwertgasse , -
  • Gorse Alley , named after the genus Gorse
  • Glockenheidegasse , named after the Glocken-Heide , a heather plant
  • Gottfriedgasse , named after the male name Gottfried
  • Grabengasse , -
  • Grandlgasse , -
  • Grazer Straße , named after the city of Graz
  • Grenzweg , so called because of the close border to Eggendorf
  • Grillparzergasse , named after the Austrian writer Franz Grillparzer
  • Gröhrmühlgasse , -
  • Grübelgasse , -
  • Pit lane , -
  • Grünangergasse , -
  • Grünbeckgasse , named after Heinrich Grünbeck, former abbot of Heiligenkreuz Abbey
  • Günser Straße , named after the Hungarian city ​​of Güns
  • Günthergasse , named after the male first name Günther
  • Gustav-Festenberg-Gasse , named after the Austrian poet Gustav von Festenberg
  • Gustav-Mahler-Gasse , named after the Austrian composer Gustav Mahler
  • Gutensteiner Strasse , named after the community of Gutenstein
  • Gymelsdorfer Straße , named after the district of Wiener Neustadt called Gymelsdorfer Vorstadt


  • Haderäckerweg , -
  • Haggenmüllergasse , named after Johann Baptist Haggenmüller (? –1780), Mayor of Wiener Neustadt
  • Haidbrunngasse ; named after the area called Am Haidbrunnen in the south of the Zehnerviertel
  • Hallengasse , -
  • Hamerlinggasse , named after the Austrian poet Robert Hamerling
  • Hammerbachgasse , named after the branch of the Warmen Fischa called Hammerbach
  • Hans-Grünseis-Gasse , named after the Wiener Neustädter painter Hans Grünseis
  • Hans-Kudlich-Gasse , named after the Austrian doctor and politician Hans Kudlich
  • Hans-Otto-Stagl-Gasse , named after the Austrian aeronautical engineer Hans Otto Stagl
  • Hans-Sachs-Gasse , named after the Nuremberg poet Hans Sachs
  • Hans-Umlauf-Weg , -
  • Hans-Vonmetz-Gasse , named after the Austrian painter and sculptor Hans Vonmetz
  • Hardlgasse , -
  • Hartiggasse , named after the sugar manufacturer Eugen Hartig
  • Main square , most important square and center of Wiener Neustadt
  • Heidegasse , named after the heather between Wiener Neustadt, Wöllersdorf-Steinabrückl and Felixdorf
  • Heidemühlgasse , named after the former Heidemühle near Steinabrückl
  • Heimkehrerstraße , previously Kochgasse , named after the prisoners of war who had returned from Russia after the Second World War and who arrived here at Wiener Neustadt train station in 1976 on the occasion of a returnees meeting
  • Heinrich-Bier-Weg , named after the aircraft designer Heinrich Bier
  • Heinrich-Heine-Gasse , named after the German poet Heinrich Heine
  • Heinrich-Pichler-Gasse , -
  • Heinrich-Sauer-Gasse , -
  • Heinrich-von-Neustadt-Gasse , named after the Middle High German epic and doctor Heinrich von Neustadt
  • Heinzelgasse , -
  • Heizergasse , named after the job description of the stoker
  • Hermanngasse , named after the first name Hermann
  • Hernsteiner Weg , named after the municipality of Hernstein
  • Herrengasse , named after the gentlemen
  • Herzog-Leopold-Strasse , previously Neugasse , named in 1890 after the Babenberg- Duke Leopold V , who founded the city of Wiener Neustadt with the ransom for Richard the Lionheart
  • Heugasse , named after the hay
  • Heunogasse , -
  • Himmelbachgasse , named after the Himmelbach that was filled in today
  • Hinterstoissergasse , named after the Austrian aviation pioneer Franz Hinterstoisser
  • Hochburggasse , -
  • Höfelgasse , named after the Austrian engraver Blasius Höfel
  • Höfleiner Gasse , named after the municipality of Höflein on the Hohe Wand
  • Hofrat-Dr.-Rudolz-Gasse , named after the music professor Rudolf Rudolz
  • Höggerlgasse , named after the local historian Adolf Höggerl
  • Hohe-Wand-Gasse , named after the Hohe Wand
  • Höllesweg , named after the cadastral community of Hölles in Matzendorf-Hölles
  • Hubertusgasse , named after the first name Hubertus
  • Hubsteingasse , -
  • Hussargasse , -


  • Illnergasse , named after the Austrian aviation pioneer Karl Illner
  • In the pine forest , named after the south of Wiener Neustadt located Föhrenwald
  • In the Schmuckerau , named after the Schmuckerau, a recreation area in Wiener Neustadt
  • Industriegasse , named after the heeled in and around Wiener Neustadt Industry


  • J.-W.-Ganglberger-Gasse , named after the Austrian music director Johann Wilhelm Ganglberger
  • Johann-Giefing-Strasse , -
  • Johann-Nepomuk-Fronner-Gasse , named after the former Wiener Neustädter Magistrate Johann Nepomuk Fronner
  • Johann-Patzelt-Gasse , -
  • Johann-Schandl-Gasse , -
  • Johann-Strauss-Gasse , named after the Austrian composer Johann Strauss
  • Johann-Tscherte-Gasse , named after the Austrian architect Hans Tscherte
  • Johannes-Gutenberg-Straße , named after the German inventor of the printing press Johannes Gutenberg
  • Johannesgasse , named after the first name Johannes
  • Josef Adamcik Alley , named after the painter Josef Adamcik, of a mural and three paintings in St. Anton am Airfield created
  • Josef-Bierenz-Gasse , named after Josef Bierenz; In 1890 he built a park railway in Vienna's Prater , the forerunner of the Liliput railway
  • Josef-Feichtinger-Gasse , -
  • Josef-Kuckertz-Gasse , named after the musicologist Josef Kuckertz
  • Josef-Matthias-Hauer-Gasse , named after the Austrian composer Josef Matthias Hauer
  • Josef-Mohr-Gasse , -
  • Josef-Schrammel-Gasse , named after the Austrian musician and composer Josef Schrammel
  • Josefsplatz , named after Emperor Franz Joseph
  • Julia-Rauscha-Gasse , named after the Austrian politician Julie Rauscha
  • Julius-Leopold-Kinner-Gasse , named after the Austrian bookbinder and local politician Julius Kinner
  • Julius-Willerth-Gasse , -


  • Kaiserbrunngasse , named after the Kaiserbrunnen in Wiener Neustadt
  • Kaisersteingasse , named after the second highest Schneeberg summit, Kaiserstein
  • Kammanngasse , named after the former mayor of Wiener Neustadt, Franz Kammann
  • Karl-Graf-Gasse , named after the painter and teacher Karl Graf
  • Karl-Ludovsky-Park , also the mayor 's garden , on Petersgasse
  • Karl-Palka-Gasse , -
  • Karolinengasse , -
  • Kaserngasse , named after the Bechtolsheim barracks located here
  • Katzelsdorfer Straße , named after the neighboring municipality of Katzelsdorf
  • Kernstockgasse , -
  • Keßlergasse , -
  • Khleslgasse , named after the former bishop of Wiener Neustadt and Vienna Melchior Khlesl
  • Kindlergasse , -
  • Kischingergasse , named after the former mayor of Wiener Neustadt, Christoph Kischinger
  • Kleegasse , named after the plant genus Klee
  • Kleingasse , this alley is very short
  • Klenggasse , named after a former Klenganstalt
  • Köhlgasse , named after the German aviation pioneer Hermann Köhl
  • Kolkengasse , named after Kolk , a small depression at the bottom of flowing water
  • Kollonitschgasse , named after the Austro- Hungarian noble family Kollonitsch
  • Kolowratgasse , named after the Austrian film pioneer Sascha Kolowrat-Krakowsky
  • Komarigasse , -
  • Komzakgasse , named after the Austro- Czech composer Karl Komzák junior
  • Kornblumengasse , named after the plant species of the same name
  • Kornmühlengasse , -
  • Kranzlgasse , -
  • Kreßgasse , -
  • Kreuzgasse , named after the neighboring spinner on the cross
  • Krickelgasse , -
  • Krischgasse , -
  • Krumpöckgasse , -
  • Kunzgasse , -
  • Kupelwiesergasse , named after the Austrian painter Leopold Kupelwieser
  • Kurt-Ingerl-Gasse , named after the sculptor Kurt Ingerl by a municipal council resolution of June 29, 2005
  • Short street , located in the center of Wiener Neustadt and so called because it is the shortest of three streets


  • Lachtengasse , -
  • Lackiererweg , named after the job of the painter
  • Lagergasse , named after the Wiener Neustadt warehouse there
  • Lambert-Pöcher-Gasse , named after the racing driver and employee of Austro-Daimler Lambert Pöcher
  • Lange Gasse , located in the center of Wiener Neustadt and the longest of three streets
  • Lannergasse , named after the Austrian composer Joseph Lanner
  • Lanzenkirchner Trift , named after the Trift located in the direction of Lanzenkirchen
  • Laubegasse , -
  • Lazarettgasse , named after the small hospital, part of the Hungarian quarter
  • Lederergasse , -
  • Leithafeldgasse , named after the Leithafeld , part of the Hungarian district
  • Leithakoloniestraße , named after the settlement on the Leitha
  • Leithamühlgasse , -
  • Leithasandgasse , -
  • Lenaugasse , named after the Austrian writer Nikolaus Lenau
  • Leubleingasse , -
  • Leutoldgasse , named after the Styrian Ministerial Leutold I.
  • Libellengasse , named after the dragonfly genus
  • Lichtenwörther Gasse , named after the neighboring municipality of Lichtenwörth
  • Liese-Prokop-Weg , formerly behind the Zeiselmauer , so called in 2007 after the death of the Austrian politician Liese Prokop
  • Lilienthalgasse , named after the German aviation pioneer Otto Lilienthal
  • Lilly-Steinschneider-Gasse , named after the Hungarian pilot Lilly Steinschneider
  • Lindbergh Lane , named after the American pilot Charles Lindbergh , the first non-stop alone the Atlantic from New York to Paris flew over
  • Left row of canals , named after the Wiener Neustädter Canal , on the left bank of which the alley runs
  • Lise-Meitner-Straße , named after the Austrian nuclear physicist Lise Meitner
  • Locatelligasse , named after the Italian composer Pietro Locatelli
  • Lokomotivstraße , named after the former Wiener Neustädter Lokomotivfabrik
  • Lorenzgasse , -
  • Luchspergergasse , named after the late Gothic sculptor Lorenz Luchsperger
  • Lucie-Caroline-Reiner-way , -
  • Ludwig-Boltzmann-Straße , named after the Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann
  • Luise-Kadletz-Weg , named after the painter Luise Kadletz


  • Mahleitengasse , - named after the Malleiten in the Fischau mountains
  • Mairegasse , -
  • Mandlinggasse , named after the Hohe Mandling
  • Margeritengasse , named after the daisy plant genus
  • Maria-Theresien-Ring , named after the Austrian princess, archduchess of Austria and queen of Hungary , Maria Theresa
  • Marie-Curie-Strasse , named after the Polish - French physicist Marie Curie
  • Marktgasse , -
  • Martin-Altomonte-Gasse , named after the baroque painter Martino Altomonte
  • Martinsgasse , -
  • Mathias-Derdak-Gasse , -
  • Matthias-Schönerer-Gasse , named after the Austrian railway pioneer Mathias von Schönerer
  • Matzendorfer Gasse , named after the village of Matzendorf
  • Maximiliangasse , named after Emperor Maximilian
  • Merbotogasse , named after Merboto, the first mentioned mayor of Wiener Neustadt
  • Messenhausergasse , named after the Austrian officer and writer Wenzel Messenhauser
  • Miesenbachgasse , named after the community of Miesenbach
  • Mießlgasse , named after the former mayor Felix Mießl and founder of the Felixdorf community
  • Millergasse , -
  • Millöckergasse , named after the Austrian composer Carl Millöcker
  • Middle way , -
  • Mittlere Gasse , so named because it is the middle of the three streets in the center of Wiener Neustadt
  • Mitterfeldgasse , -
  • Mohnblumengasse , named after the poppy flower
  • Molkereistraße , named after the former MOGROS dairy Wiener Neustadt, today part of NÖM based in Baden
  • Mollramgasse , named after the village of Mollram
  • Monheimer Gasse , named after Wiener Neustadt's twin town Monheim am Rhein
  • Moorgasse , named after the wet habitat moor
  • Moosgasse , named after the plant department of the same name
  • Möringgasse , -
  • Müllendorfer Gasse , named after the Burgenland municipality of Müllendorf
  • Muthmannsdorfer Gasse , named after the village of Muthmannsdorf


  • Nestroystraße , named after the Austrian playwright Johann Nestroy
  • Neubaugasse , -
  • Neudörfler Straße , named after the neighboring municipality of Neudörfl
  • Neue-Welt-Gasse , named after the New World, a depression between the Hohe Wand and the Fischau foothills
  • Neufelder Gasse , named after the town of Neufeld an der Leitha
  • Neuklostergasse , named after Neukloster Abbey
  • Neuklosterplatz , named after Neukloster Abbey
  • Neunkirchnerstraße , named after the city Neunkirchen , due to the dead straight course through the pine forest and Neunkirchner avenue called
  • Neurißgasse , -
  • Niederländergasse , -
  • Niklas-von-Leyden-Gasse , named after the Dutch sculptor Niclas Gerhaert van Leyden
  • Nikolaus-August-Otto-Strasse , named after the inventor of the Otto engine named after him, Nicolaus Otto
  • Nittnergasse , named after the Austrian aviation pioneer Eduard Nittner
  • Nungessergasse , named after the French pilot Charles Nungesser



  • Parsevalgasse , named after the German airship designer August von Parseval
  • Partschgasse , named after the Partsch car dealership, which also operates some regional bus routes .
  • Paul-Troger-Gasse , named after the Austrian painter Paul Troger
  • Pechergasse , -
  • Peischinger Gasse , named after the village of Peisching
  • Pernerstorfer Straße , named after the Austrian politician and journalist Engelbert Pernerstorfer
  • Peter-Schuster-Gasse , named after the writer Peter Schuster
  • Peter-von-Pusika-Gasse , named after the builder Peter von Pusika
  • Peter-Zumpf-Gasse , named after the writer Peter Zumpf by a municipal council resolution of June 29, 2005
  • Petersgasse , after the former. Church on the barrier St. Peter named
  • Petzoldgasse , -
  • Piestinger Weg , named after the municipality of Markt Piesting
  • Plankengasse , -
  • Plätzgasse , -
  • Pleyergasse , named after the former city judge Johann Paul Pleyer
  • Pöckgasse , named after the former mayor of the city Josef Pöck
  • Pognergasse , -
  • Polletgasse , -
  • Pottendorferstraße , according to the market town of Pottendorf named
  • Primelgasse , named after the genus of primroses
  • Prochgasse , named after the Austrian composer Heinrich Proch
  • Prof.-Dr.-Stephan-Koren-Straße , named after the Austrian politician Stephan Koren
  • Promenade , pedestrian path through the Academy Park and therefore called the Promenade
  • Puchberger road , after the municipality Puchberg am Schneeberg named
  • Puchheimgasse , -
  • Pulvergasse , -
  • Purgleitnergasse , named after the former mayor Johann Purgleitner


  • Radegundgasse , -
  • Raimundgasse , -
  • Raugasse , -
  • Raxgasse , - named after the Rax
  • Rebengasse , -
  • Right Fischapromenade , named after its location on the right bank of the Warm Fischa
  • Right canal line - named after the Wiener Neustädter Canal
  • Rennbahngasse , -
  • Resselgasse , -
  • Reyergasse , -
  • Richard-Wagner-Gasse , -
  • Richard-Waldemar-Gasse , -
  • Richtergasse , -
  • Robert-Blum-Gasse , -
  • Rosaliagasse , - named after the Rosaliengebirge
  • Roseggergasse , - named after Peter Rosegger
  • Rosengasse - named after the rose
  • Rowischgasse , -
  • Rudgergasse , -
  • Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse , -
  • Rudolf-Götz-Gasse , -
  • Rudolf-Hawel-Gasse , -
  • Rudolf-Kumbein-Gasse , -


  • Sawmill settlement , -
  • Salzermühlgasse , -
  • Samuel-Morse-Straße , - named after the American inventor of the writing telegraph Samuel Morse ( Morse code )
  • Sand alley , -
  • Saubersdorfer Gasse - named after the nearby village of Saubersdorf (municipality of St. Egyden)
  • Schelmergasse , -
  • Schenkgasse , -
  • Scheuchensteingasse - named after the small town of Scheuchenstein (municipality of Miesenbach )
  • Schilfgasse , -
  • Schleiferergasse , -
  • Schleiferweg , -
  • Schleifmühlgasse , -
  • Schlögelgasse , -
  • Schlossergasse , -
  • Schmiedgasse , -
  • Schneeberggasse - named after the highest mountain in Lower Austria - the Schneeberg (Lower Austria)
  • Schnotzendorfer Gasse , -
  • Schönthalgasse , -
  • Gravel lane , -
  • Schrattensteingasse - named after the Schrattenstein castle ruins
  • Schreyergasse , -
  • Schulgartengasse , - named after the adjacent school garden of the BG Zehnergasse
  • School alley , -
  • Schützengasse , -
  • Schwarzenseegasse , -
  • Swimming pool alley , -
  • Sebald-Werpacher-Gasse , - named after the builder Sebald Werpacher
  • Way of the Cross , -
  • Semmeringgasse - named after the Semmering
  • Sibotgasse , -
  • Siglgasse , -
  • Singergasse , -
  • Sonnleitnergasse , -
  • Sonnwendgasse , -
  • Sparkassengasse , - named after the Wiener Neustädter Sparkasse
  • Spenglerweg , -
  • Sperberweg , -
  • Spitalgasse , - named after the regional hospital in Wiener Neustadt
  • Stadionstrasse - named after the Wiener Neustädter Stadion located here
  • Stadlgasse , -
  • Stahlgasse , -
  • Stampfgasse , -
  • Starhemberggasse - named after the Starhemberg castle ruins
  • Steinabrückler Gasse , named after the neighboring village of Steinabrückl
  • Steinfeldgasse , named after the Steinfeld , a dry gravel plain in the southern Vienna Basin
  • Stohanzlgasse , -
  • Strauchgasse , -
  • Strelzhofgasse , -
  • Südtiroler Platz , -
  • Sunzendorfer Gasse , -
  • Soup Lane , -


  • Technician way , -
  • Teichgasse , -
  • Theresienfelder Gasse , - named after Theresienfeld
  • Deep lane ,
  • Tischlergasse , -
  • Tritremmelgasse , -
  • Trostgasse , -
  • Tulpengasse - named after the tulips


  • Ulmengasse , - named after the elms
  • Ulschalkgasse , - named after one of the first inhabitants of the fish colony
  • Ungarfeldgasse , - named after a field name
  • Ungargasse , - Named after Hungary , this is an important arterial road (B53) to the east into Burgenland, which formerly belonged to Hungary


  • Vereinsgasse , -
  • Vidosichgasse , -
  • Viktor-Kaplan-Straße , - named after the inventor of the turbine of the same name, Viktor Kaplan
  • Viktor-Lang-Strasse , -
  • Volksbadgasse , -


  • W.-A.-Mozart-Gasse , named after Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Waisenhausgasse , - named after the orphanage in this street
  • Waldegger Gasse , - named after the village of Waldegg
  • Waldgasse , -
  • Waldschulgasse , named after the forest school
  • Wallygasse , -
  • Walter-Bilek-Gasse , -
  • Walthergasse , -
  • Warchalowskigasse , -
  • Waßhubergasse , -
  • Water alley , -
  • Wattgasse , -
  • Waxriegelgasse , -
  • Weidengasse , -
  • Weikersdorfer Straße - named after the village of Weikersdorf
  • Weinhebergasse , -
  • Weinwurmgasse , -
  • Werftgasse , - named after the shipyard in this alley (see also Wiener Neustädter Canal )
  • Werkstrasse , -
  • Werner-Heisenberg-Strasse , -
  • Wetzsteingasse , -
  • Weyprechtgasse , - named after the polar explorer Carl Weyprecht (see also Franz-Josef-Land )
  • Wielandgasse , -
  • Wiener Straße , named after Vienna , leads north from the center, partly on the B17.
  • Wiesenbachgasse , -
  • Wiesengasse , -
  • Wildgansgasse , - named after the poet Anton Wildgans
  • Willendorfer Gasse , - named after the village of Willendorf
  • Winzendorfer Gasse - named after the village of Winzendorf
  • Wohlfahrtgasse , -
  • Wolfgang-Pauli-Straße , - named after the Nobel Prize winner Wolfgang Pauli
  • Wöllersdorfer Straße , - named after the village of Wöllersdorf
  • Wopfinger Weg - named after the village of Wopfing


  • Zehnergasse , named for the fourth quarter of ten quarters , which in turn by Wilhelm Zehner is named
  • Belt of ten , idem
  • Zemendorfer Gasse , named after the Burgenland community of Zemendorf
  • Ziehrergasse , named after the Austrian musician Carl Michael Ziehrer
  • Zillingdorfer Gasse , named after the community of Zillingdorf
  • Zillingdorfer Weg , idem
  • Zimmermannweg , named after the profession of the same name
  • Zulingergasse , -
  • Dwarf alley , -
  • Intermediate way , -


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