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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the city of Griesheim
Map of Germany, position of the city of Griesheim highlighted

Coordinates: 49 ° 52 '  N , 8 ° 33'  E

Basic data
State : Hesse
Administrative region : Darmstadt
County : Darmstadt-Dieburg
Height : 95 m above sea level NHN
Area : 21.55 km 2
Residents: 27,473 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 1275 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 64347
Area code : 06155
License plate : DA, TU
Community key : 06 4 32 008

City administration address :
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Strasse 75
64347 Griesheim
Website :
Mayor : Geza Krebs-Wetzl ( CDU )
Location of the city of Griesheim in the Darmstadt-Dieburg district
Erzhausen Weiterstadt Griesheim Pfungstadt Bickenbach (Bergstraße) Alsbach-Hähnlein Seeheim-Jugenheim Modautal Mühltal Ober-Ramstadt Messel Eppertshausen Münster (Hessen) Dieburg Roßdorf (bei Darmstadt) Fischbachtal Groß-Bieberau Reinheim Groß-Zimmern Otzberg Groß-Umstadt Schaafheim Babenhausen (Hessen) Darmstadt Bayern Odenwaldkreis Kreis Bergstraße Kreis Groß-Gerau Landkreis Offenbachmap
About this picture
Aerial photograph 2007

Griesheim (dialect: Griesem) is the largest city in the Darmstadt-Dieburg district in southern Hesse with around 27,000 inhabitants . It is located around six kilometers west of Darmstadt and 35 kilometers south of Frankfurt am Main .

The Dagger complex , which in the course of the global surveillance and espionage affair turned out to be the most important NSA district in Europe, made Griesheim known in 2013. The first airfield in Germany was founded in Griesheim 1908th The landmark of Griesheim, also known in the region as the “onion town”, is the so-called “Zwewwelfraa” (onion woman) on the Griesheim market square.


Neighboring communities

Located in the Hessian town of Ried, Griesheim borders the urban district of Darmstadt in the east and the district of Groß-Gerau to the north-west with the town of Riedstadt in the west, the town of Groß-Gerau in the north-west and the municipality of Büttelborn in the north. Also north of Griesheim is the town of Weiterstadt , and south of the town of Pfungstadt , both of which, like Griesheim itself, belong to the Darmstadt-Dieburg district .

City structure

Griesheim only encompasses a district (Gmk.-Nr. 61079) with the city center, which was expanded in 1977 by the reorganization of the area of ​​the Sankt Stephans-Siedlung , which was forcibly divided into Darmstadt for 40 years . However, this blends seamlessly with the rest of the development.

Until 1937 the district “Siedlung Tann” also belonged to Griesheim, until this, together with almost a third of the Griesheim district (including the area of ​​today's St. Stephan), was removed to Darmstadt under the Nazi dictatorship against the will of the municipality.


Griesheim was first mentioned in a document with its own name on June 14, 1165; in older (donation) documents, settlements in this area are already mentioned as “accessories” to the Groß-Gerau royal court that are not named .

The statistical-topographical-historical description of the Grand Duchy of Hesse reports on Griesheim in 1829:

"Griesheim (L. Bez. Dornberg) Lutheran parish village; is 1 12 St. from Dornberg, has 359 houses and 2390 inhabitants, the except for 4 Cath., 1 Reform. and 121 Jews are Lutheran. The inhabitants, whose activity and industry are unique of their kind, conduct an extensive trade in forest seeds as well as field products, and supply the whole wide area with vegetables, onions, and official herbs. The community has a strong tree nursery, and has significant peat cutters that produce a good product. - The place that used to appear under the name Greorheim must have been considerable early on, since it had three altars. At the beginning of the Reformation there was a chaplain in addition to the pastor; The latter position was withdrawn in 1585 and the gradients were allocated partly to the school at Griesheim and partly to the second parish office at Darmstadt. In the 30 Years War, 1635, Griesheim was set on fire by soldiers and lay in a desert for several years. A well, which was discovered in the 17th century towards the Goddlau border, had a good reputation in 1671 and the following years, but fell again because the water did not have the healing powers ascribed to it. "

Historical place names

In the historical documents, the place is documented with changing spellings over the centuries (the year it was mentioned in brackets):

Griezheim (1165) Grizheim (1225) Grizheim; Grisheim (1234) Grießheim (1368)
Grisheim (1369) Gryesheym (1381) Grießen (1452) Semolina; Semolina (1475)
Gryeßheym (1493) Grisheimb; Griesheimb (1648)

Viticulture and Fir Seed Collection

In earlier times, an important source of income for Griesheim was viticulture. However, it suffered severely from the Thirty Years' War and was last mentioned in the 18th century. The wars in the Middle Ages left their mark on Griesheim, as did the plague. This eventually almost led to the extermination of Griesheim. In 1635 only 37 inhabitants were counted.

At the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century, the extraction and trade of fir seeds developed into an important trade in Griesheim. In addition, the place became a center of the engraving trade.

Military training area and August Euler airfield

In 1874 the community signed a contract with the Prussian War Ministry to set up an artillery range in the south-west of Griesheim, in Griesheimer Sand, a sand dune area that was then considered to be of poor agricultural quality. In 1908 , August Euler built Germany's first airfield in the northern part of the Griesheim military training area .

Partly incorporated into Darmstadt

In contrast to Eberstadt and Arheilgen , Griesheim escaped forced incorporation into Darmstadt in 1937, as a Griesheim regional farmer leader campaigned for the village to be independent. However, with 800 hectares, including the area of ​​the military training area , 27.6% of the district was incorporated into Darmstadt against the resistance of Griesheim's population and local politicians according to the Reichsstatthalter resolution. This was justified with the reassurance of Darmstadt as a garrison town and the expansion of settlement activity in line with National Socialist demands and took place at the instigation of Darmstadt City Council Holtz and the NSDAP district leader and Darmstadt mayor Wamboldt, who had very good relations with NSDAP Gauleiter Sprenger .

After the Second World War , the Griesheim politicians tried in vain to reverse the separation of the districts, also with reference to the areas of the military training area, which they wanted to use for an expansion of the fields and thus a drastic increase in vegetable production. At that time Griesheim was important for the supply of the surrounding cities with its agriculture. The then District Administrator Wink stood behind the community and demanded the restoration of the original community boundaries, although he doubted, among other things, that at that time there was still a military necessity.

The city of Darmstadt doubted that the incorporation took place for military reasons. On the Darmstadt side, City Council Holtz acted again, trying to prevent the restoration of the old municipal boundaries.

Ultimately, the years of efforts failed. In 1977, as part of the regional reform in Hesse with the Sankt Stephans settlement, 47.30 hectares were reclassified to Griesheim. In 2006, an exchange of land was agreed with Darmstadt, in which, by changing the border, another 40 hectares became part of the Griesheim district again in exchange for 24 hectares of arable land.

Destruction in World War II

During the Second World War , Griesheim was destroyed to over 65% by four air raids. Numerous civilians were killed or injured. The city was rebuilt under the mayors Daniel Müller and Georg Bohl.

After successful reconstruction, Griesheim was granted city rights by the Hessian state government on September 12, 1965 .

Territorial history and administration

The following list gives an overview of the territories in which Griesheim was located and the administrative units to which it was subordinate:


Griesheim belonged to the center of Pfungstadt whose tasks were carried out from around 1800 by the Pfungstadt office. In the Landgraviate of Hesse-Darmstadt, the judicial system was reorganized in an executive order of December 9, 1803. The “Hofgericht Darmstadt” was set up as a court of second instance for the Principality of Starkenburg . The jurisdiction of the first instance was carried out by the offices or the landlords . The Pfungstadt office was responsible for Griesheim. The court court was the second instance court for normal civil disputes, and the first instance for civil family law cases and criminal cases. The superior court of appeal in Darmstadt was superordinate . The main courts had lost their function.

With the formation of the regional courts in the Grand Duchy of Hesse, the regional court of Groß-Gerau was the court of first instance from 1821 . It followed:


Population structure

According to the 2011 census , there were 25,511 residents in Griesheim on May 9, 2011. These included 3638 (9.5%) foreigners of whom 1630 came from outside the EU , 1458 from other European countries and 550 from other countries. Of the German residents, 14.6% had a migration background . The inhabitants lived in 11,560 households. Of these, 3868 were single households , 3378 couples without children and 3111 couples with children, as well as 836 single parents and 367 shared apartments .

Population development

• 1629: 0146 house seats
• 1791: 1510 inhabitants
• 1800: 1655 inhabitants
• 1806: 1713 inhabitants, 275 houses
• 1829: 2390 inhabitants, 359 houses
• 1867: 3393 inhabitants, 529 houses
Griesheim: Population from 1791 to 2015
year     Residents
Data source: Historical municipality register for Hesse: The population of the municipalities from 1834 to 1967. Wiesbaden: Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt, 1968.
Further sources:; 1972: 1976: 1984: 1992: 2000: 2005: 2010: 2011 census; 2015:

Religious affiliation

 Source: Historical local dictionary

• 1829: 2294 Lutheran (= 94.73%), one Reformed (= 0.04%), 121 Jewish (= 5.06%) and 4 Catholic (= 0.17%) residents
• 1961: 9748 Protestant (= 71.15%) and 3398 Catholic (= 24.80%) residents
• 2011: 9730 Protestant (= 38.2%), 6410 Catholic (= 25.1%), 900 Orthodox (= 3.5%), 1100 non-believers (= 4.3%), 7096 other (= 27.8%) residents

Gainful employment

The municipality in comparison with the district, administrative district Darmstadt and Hesse:

year local community district Administrative district Hesse
Employees subject to social security contributions 2017 6,506 74,525 1,695,567 2,524,156
Change to 2000 + 18.8% + 21.1% + 16.1% + 16.0%
of which full-time 2017 60.9% 68.3% 72.8% 71.8%
of which part-time 2017 39.1% 31.7% 27.2% 28.2%
Only marginally paid employees 2017 1,520 15.305 224.267 372.991
Change to +21.3 ppp% + 14.4% + 9.0% + 8.8%
Branch year local community district Administrative district Hesse
Manufacturing 2000 34.5% 41.1% 27.0% 30.6%
2017 17.4% 31.3% 20.4% 24.3%
Commerce, hospitality and transport 2000 28.8% 26.1% 26.4% 25.1%
2017 23.7% 26.8% 24.7% 23.8%
Business services 2000 19.6% 11.6% 25.1% 20.2%
2017 34.6% 17.1% 31.6% 26.1%
other services 2000 14.9% 18.8% 20.1% 22.5%
2017 20.6% 23.6% 23.0% 25.4%
Other (or without assignment) 2000 02.1% 02.4% 01.4% 01.5%
2017 00.8% 03.8% 00.3% 00.4%

The Jewish community in Griesheim

The first Jewish roommate ("Hertz the Jew") was mentioned in 1656. He was a shopkeeper and cattle dealer. The second Jewish believer ("Jud Mosche", cattle and goods dealer) is recorded in 1683. From then on, the Jewish community continued to develop. The so-called “Judenhof”, which housed the Jewish school and rooms for the Sabbath, had existed since around 1748. The community grew and they moved the synagogue and Jewish school to Hintergasse, the first written evidence of this comes from the year 1812. The largest number of members was recorded in 1853: 195 of the 3,048 inhabitants were Jews. As a result of the waves of emigration in the 19th century, many Jews also left Griesheim.

In 1933, the year the National Socialists came to power, 84 Jews lived in Griesheim . The National Socialists also committed atrocities in Griesheim . For example, it is documented that a Jew was ordered to the town hall by NSDAP members in March 1933 and was beaten by them with rubber truncheons and steel rods, among other things, so that his face was almost unrecognizable and his back fell into a single indefinable, bloody mass transformed. This fellow citizen of Griesheim was later murdered in the Dachau concentration camp.

In 1938, Jewish shops in Griesheim were also looted during the “ Reichspogromnacht ”. SA members desecrated the synagogue, destroyed and burned the interior and smashed the memorial in honor of local Jewish citizens who died in the First World War . A crowd stormed the Löb department store, the doors were broken into and the department store was looted. The elderly owner Otto Löb was found hanged in the Büttelborn hedges under unexplained circumstances. 27 Jews managed to flee abroad in time, seven died in Griesheim by 1940. The remaining 50 Jewish fellow citizens were deported and murdered.

The first stumbling blocks were laid in Griesheim in 2010 ; two pieces in front of the former Löb department store (for Ludwig and Otto Löb). At the end of 2012, the stumbling blocks were broken out of the sidewalk by strangers and stolen. In March 2013 the new Stolpersteine ​​could be laid again together with the artist Gunter Demnig . Currently (as of 2013) a working group of the museum association is dealing with the fate of the Jews in Griesheim and the laying of further stumbling blocks is planned.


City Council

The local elections on March 6, 2016 produced the following results, compared to previous local elections:

Distribution of seats in the 2016 city council
A total of 37 seats
Parties and constituencies %
SPD Social Democratic Party of Germany 33.6 13 50.1 19th 59.6 22nd 64.6 24
CDU Christian Democratic Union of Germany 31.8 12 24.5 9 28.2 10 27.6 10
GREEN Alliance 90 / The Greens 16.9 6th 18.2 7th 7.4 3 - -
WGG Griesheim voter community 11.9 4th 4.7 1 4.8 2 7.7 3
FDP Free Democratic Party 5.8 2 2.5 1 - - - -
total 100.0 37 100.0 37 100.0 37 100.0 37
Voter turnout in% 43.6 42.9 44.0 49.7


According to the Hessian municipal constitution, the mayor is chairman of the magistrate , which in the city of Griesheim includes ten honorary councilors in addition to the mayor . Geza Krebs-Wetzl (CDU) has been elected mayor since February 2, 2017.

Results of the direct elections
year Candidates Political party %
2016 (runoff) Geza Krebs-Wetzl CDU 52.3
Gabriele Winter SPD 47.7
Voter turnout in% 45.9
2010 Gabriele Winter SPD 57.1
Thomas Höhl 41.2
Uwe Bauer REP 1.7
Voter turnout in% 53.3
2004 Norbert Leber SPD 92.9
Voter turnout in% 39.5
1998 Norbert Leber SPD 83.0
Günther Jacob CDU 13.7
Maja Werner GREEN 3.3
Voter turnout in% 60.0
Incumbent since 1822
Term of office Surname Political party
since 2017 Geza Krebs-Wetzl CDU
2011-2017 Gabriele Winter SPD
1987-2011 Norbert Leber SPD
1968-1987 Hans Karl SPD
1953-1967 Georg Bohl SPD
1945–1952 Daniel Müller SPD
1938-1945 Friedrich Seibert NSDAP
1930-1938 Philipp Feldmann
1920-1929 Georg student
1919-1920 Heinrich Hofmann
1917-1919 Heinrich Phillip Feldmann
1909-1917 Philipp Kunz
1901-1909 Heinrich Zöller
1882-1900 Johannes Massing
1849-1880 Jakob Leber
1838-1848 Daniel Funk
1836-1837 Nicolaus Merker
1831-1835 Valentin Massing
1825-1830 Valentin Göbel
1822-1824 August Heinrich Keller

badges and flags

Banner City of Griesheim.svg

coat of arms

Griesheim coat of arms
Blazon : “In red a golden goose foot, above a silver heraldic rose with a golden clasp; both enclosed by a silver horseshoe. "

The coat of arms consists of a red-colored court seal , which contains a horseshoe and in it a flower blossom and a goose foot. The goosefoot evolved from the arrow-shaped Tyr rune . The flower shown above is a court rose, from which it can be concluded that Griesheim had its own jurisdiction early on. The horseshoe is a symbol of a village with a wealth of horses and is also used in other coats of arms of the region ( Pfungstadt , Messel , Gernsheim ).


The flag of Griesheim was approved by the Hessian Ministry of the Interior on March 3, 1975 , and is described as follows: "The city coat of arms in the widened white central track of the red-white-red flag cloth."

Town twinning

There are city ​​partnerships with the following cities:

Culture and sights

Architectural monuments

The city of Griesheim has brought out a historical tour. He leads the interested citizen through the western district of Griesheim. Explanations and notes are given for all important historical buildings and points. There are also signs with information on the historic buildings.

Dealing with Griesheim's architectural monuments

At the beginning of the 20th century, the old bakery, first mentioned in 1454, was torn down. The communal oven mentioned in the same document remained in place for a few years. Also around the turn of the century, the construction of the "Gesundbrunnen" from the late 17th and early 18th centuries, a former healing spring, was demolished by the locals. Only a weathered memorial stone reminds of them today. When the old town center was destroyed except for a few buildings during the Second World War, the landmarks of Griesheim were not rebuilt. Signs still remind of the old town hall, the train station, the Reifenrath'sche Haus and the Stark'sche Haus. In the period that followed, most of the few remaining monuments were demolished and so Griesheim can only show a handful of historical buildings today. But the quality of these structures was also reduced; z. For example, most of the historical fixtures in the Luther Church were removed and the organ built by Johann Grorock around 1600 was melted down (the wooden pipes were burned). Most of the old school complex was also torn down. The still existing former cookery school building has been greatly simplified.

August Euler Airfield

Barracks of the DFS and later the US Army

The August-Euler-Flugplatz is a special airfield and is operated by the Technical University of Darmstadt ( TU Darmstadt ). It is located south of Griesheim on the former Griesheim area. It is the oldest airfield in Germany with a traditional past and houses the August Euler Aviation Museum.

Building of the German Research Institute for Gliding

Right next to the August Euler airfield is the site of the German Research Institute for Glider Flight (DFS), which was dissolved in 1945 . There are still several buildings from the 1910s and 1930s that have not been used since the withdrawal of the US Army.

Museum Griesheim

Museum (former Löb department store)

Everything that is connected to Griesheim and St. Stephan and helps to preserve the traditions is collected. Agricultural equipment, rural living and farming as well as typical handicrafts are shown. Important topics are also the archaeological finds from the Griesheim district and the local history from the verifiable beginnings to the most recent present, including the old shooting range and the St. Stephan settlement.

Stumbling blocks

In Groß-Gerauer Straße: Two stumbling blocks for Ludwig and Otto Löb are in front of the former Löb department store

In Oberndorferstrasse: three stumbling blocks for Joseph, Isaak and Martin Mendel.

In the back alley: four stumbling blocks for Martha, Gustav and Ludwig Löb and for Leopold Posnansky.

In Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße:
five stumbling blocks for Johanna, Lotte, Samuel, Walter and Ludwig Sternfels.
Two stumbling blocks for Arnold and Hermine Mayer
Four stumbling blocks for Julius, Alice, Günther and Helmut Rosenberg

In Pfungstädter Straße:
five stumbling blocks for Alma, Ludwig, Minna, Wilhelm and Zerline Wolff,
two stumbling blocks for Johanna and Leopold Mayer

Natural spaces

Griesheimer dune

Griesheim break

The Griesheimer Bruch is an approx. 35 hectare nature reserve on the western edge of the Griesheim district.

Griesheimer dune

The Griesheimer Düne (Griesheimer Sand), full official name: Griesheimer Düne und Eichwäldchen, is a 45 hectare nature reserve near Griesheim in the Darmstadt district and is home to rare animals and plants that occur in calcareous sand and steppe areas.

Playable and possessable city

Griesheim is the first playable city in Germany. In a project developed with the pedagogue Bernhard Meyer, over 100 play stations were set up throughout the city to make the public space, which normally takes little consideration for children, attractive again for the children. The trend that playgrounds for children are becoming islands in the middle of an environment that is boring for them was counteracted in Griesheim. In addition, there is the project “ Spielstraße on time”, in which residents of specially designated streets can apply to have their streets closed in the afternoon on a working day from spring to autumn. The so-called “Griesheimer” also indicates low-risk ways to cross roads on paths that are often frequented by children.

Griesheim is also the first city in Germany that can be owned. In a project that is unique in Germany, 161 special seating was set up at and between places that are important for the elderly throughout the city, for example at and between: butchers, bakers, other shops, public institutions, churches, old people's homes, the cemetery, etc. Invite you to take a breather and encourage elderly mobility. Thanks to the specially developed devices, you can stand up independently. Many older people would weigh up beforehand whether they can cope with a certain path and would be encouraged by the seating to put their project into practice. They also serve as a meeting point and enable seniors to sit down in an interesting place and observe the surroundings. In addition, there are inexpensive collective call taxis (AST) in Griesheim that can be used within the city.

With these two projects, the city of Griesheim has won several national and international awards and is exemplary worldwide for the integration of groups that are disadvantaged in public space, namely the youngest and the oldest. In Griesheim, disabled people are additionally supported by wheelchair-friendly sidewalks and public disabled toilets.

Regular events

Onion market

Every year the Griesheimer onion market takes place in Griesheim . For the first time this folk or city festival - at that time still under the name "Griesheimer Woche" - took place in July 1977 to bring old and new citizens closer together and to maintain and present old Griesheim traditions. In addition to culinary delights and other attractions, many stands also offer live music. The festival now takes place on the last or penultimate weekend in September in downtown Griesheim between Wagenhalle and Hans-Karl-Platz. In addition to the traditional parish fair (Kerb), in which, in addition to the old customs, mainly commercially interested, professional showmen take part, Griesheim is breaking new ground with the onion market. An amalgamation of various small and large clubs ensures an amusement mile running through the entire city center with local specialties and a lot of international flair every autumn.

Other Events

  • January, February: Mardi Gras with Garde day
  • April: Spring Sunday in Griesheim
  • May: Museum Festival
  • June: SPD party at the "Cold Corner"
  • July: company run
  • August: curb
  • September: onion market, jazz brunch, American Steels summer festival (market square), Berlin street festival
  • October: Wine press festival
  • October: Pumpkin Sunday
  • December: Christmas market (on the cross), Christmas market (Wagenhalle)



The first soccer team of SC Viktoria 06 Griesheim (SCV) currently plays in the Hessenliga.
The other pure football club in town is SV Croatia Griesheim. The SV St. Stephan 1953 Griesheim e. V. (SVS) also has a large football department; in TuS Griesheim 1899 e. V. (TUS), football is also played, albeit on a smaller scale.


The first men's team of TuS Griesheim plays in the Hessian league in the 2014/15 season.


Griesheim is known for its athletes, above all for the athletes of the TuS Griesheim 1899 e. V .; Among other things, the triathlon department is represented with a men's team in the 1st and 2nd Bundesliga and a women's team in the 1st Bundesliga. There are also many individual successes, especially the (marathon) runner.
Various city runs take place in Griesheim every year: Merck street run, company run, onion mile, New Year's Eve run and the Griesheim hour run, which takes place on the TuS site.


The triathlon department of TuS Griesheim 1899 e. V. is represented with one men's and one women's team in the 1st Triathlon Bundesliga .


In July 2013, the B senior team of the bowling department of SV St. Stephan 1953 Griesheim e. V. (SVS) in Sandhausen with 1748 points surprisingly German champion in the team competitions.


The judo club Tamanégi Judo Griesheim e. V. surprisingly became vice-champion in southwest Germany in its first regional league season in July 2013. So he qualified for the fight for direct entry into the 2nd Bundesliga and could make the sensation perfect this season.


The first team of the Schachverein Griesheim 1976 e. V. plays in the 1st Bundesliga and the second team in the Hessenliga, the third team in the district class. The club has its playroom in the Georg-August-Zinn house in Griesheim, the 1st chairman of the club is André Bitzer.

Table tennis

In the 2018/2019 season, SV St. Stephan has 8 men's teams and TUS Griesheim 2 men's teams and 3 women's teams. Both clubs also have numerous youth and student teams.

do gymnastics

At TuS Griesheim, both sports-oriented and competition-oriented gymnastics groups are offered. The children's gymnastics groups for 5 to 7-year-olds are the most frequently chosen sports start-up groups and offer basic training (strength, flexibility, body tension) from which the children can also benefit in all other sports. The competition group in apparatus gymnastics women was able to move up to the state league 3 in 2018 and won several Gau and Hessen championship titles. Currently (2019) 60 gymnasts aged five to 18 are active in the competitive field.

Economy and Infrastructure

Land use

The municipal area covers a total area of ​​2155 hectares, of which in hectares are:

Type of use 2011 2015
Building and open space 444 456
from that Living 283 293
Business 16 22nd
Operating area 32 33
from that Mining land 0 0
Recreation area 35 37
from that Green area 11 15th
traffic area 231 234
Agricultural area 1017 999
from that moor 0 0
pagan 0 0
Forest area 354 354
Water surface 36 35
Other use 7th 5

U.S. facilities

August Euler Airfield

The August-Euler-Flugplatz is also known under the two former names “Darmstadt Army Airfield” and “Griesheim (Army) Airfield”.

From 1949 to 2008 the US soldiers' newspaper “ The Stars and Stripes ” - European Edition, was printed as a daily newspaper (also appears on Sundays) on the grounds of the August Euler airfield in Griesheim. The European headquarters of the American army newspaper was housed there in a former air barracks of the Darmstadt aviation station.

After the Second World War, the airfield was used by the United States Army and the base of a rescue helicopter squadron. In 1992 "Darmstadt Army Airfield" was given up.

Between 2004 and 2008, five antenna systems were operated on the site of the August Euler airfield. In an article in the American Army newspaper The Stars and Stripes in 2003, it was written that it was a facility of the United States Navy (US Navy Europe).

Dagger Complex

Since 1951, the United States of America (USA) has been using a practice area near Griesheim on the former Griesheim and now Darmstädter district (Eberstädter Weg), which they built with barracks, a primary school and a baseball field, among other things . The area is known as the Darmstadt-Griesheim training area, but also as the “Darmstadt Training Center” or “Local Training Area 6910”. The latter name, especially the abbreviation, is often used in today's official documents. In 1999, the buildings were on the site of the new German headquarters of the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) , the news service of the US Army rebuilt. The purpose of the facility is unknown and is variously attributed to espionage by the National Security Agency (NSA) . The site has since been known as the Dagger Complex .


Based in Griesheim

With branches in Griesheim

Broadband expansion

The "Zweckverband NGA-Netz Darmstadt-Dieburg" was founded in the summer of 2013 for broadband expansion in the Darmstadt-Dieburg district. 19 municipalities from the Darmstadt-Dieburg district have joined this association. For these 19 municipalities, the broadband expansion was put out to tender in a public tender. The city of Griesheim has joined this association.

On April 25, 2014, an agreement was signed with Deutsche Telekom “on the establishment of high-speed Internet”. According to the press release, 96% of households are to be supplied with bandwidths of 25 to 50 Mbit / s in three expansion stages by 2017, Griesheim is therefore in expansion area 3. Further details of the agreement (for example, whether the supply is exclusively via landline or also via LTE will be realized and whether there are promises for the future first supply of new building areas via fiber optics) have not yet been announced.

On April 22, 2016, the city of Griesheim invited interested citizens to a “first groundbreaking ceremony at the construction site at the corner of Kreuzgasse and Groß-Gerauer Strasse (Jean-Bernard-Platz)”. Since then, the expansion in Griesheim has been indicated on the Telekom website with the target date “beginning of December 2016”.

In the meantime (as of September 23, 2016) the expansion area can be seen in detail on the Telekom expansion map. Accordingly, Griesheim will be supplied with 100 Mbit (VSL + vectoring) with the exception of the VSt close-up areas.


Elementary schools

  • Friedrich Ebert School
  • Schiller School
  • Carlo Mierendorff School

Further training

  • Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule (cooperative comprehensive school with upper school level)

Special schools

  • School at the pine forest
  • Albert Schweitzer School

Vocational schools

  • Friedrich-Aereboe-Schule (technical school: towards agriculture)

Adult education

The Volkshochschule Darmstadt-Dieburg offers courses at its Griesheim location.


Federal road

The B26 federal road crosses Griesheim lengthways . It forms the main traffic axis of the city and connects it in particular with Darmstadt.


Tram hall of the tram

A narrow-gauge steam-powered branch line to Darmstadt was put into operation on August 30, 1886. Electric trams followed in 1926. Today the lines 4 and 9 of the Darmstadt tram run along the federal road B26 ( B26 ) into the Darmstadt city center as well as in the immediate vicinity of the Darmstadt main station . The trams are operated by HEAG mobilo GmbH .

Darmstadt Cross

At today's border between Griesheim and Darmstadt is the Darmstädter Kreuz , which connects the federal highway 26 ( B26 ) with the federal highway 5 ( BAB 5 ) and the federal highway 67 ( BAB 67 ).

Bus routes

Bus lines 42, 45 and 46 leave Griesheim in the direction of Riedstadt , Gernsheim , Groß-Gerau and Trebur .


The railway line from Goddelau-Erfelden via Griesheim to Darmstadt (part of the Riedbahn ) was opened in 1869 and double-tracked in 1901. Passenger traffic was discontinued at the end of 1970 and then the Deutsche Bundesbahn dismantled the tracks to Goddelau-Erfelden. The tracks in the direction of Darmstadt followed until 1991.


  • Daniel Dell (born November 1, 1868 in Griesheim, † January 23, 1941 in Griesheim), Art Nouveau artist
  • August Euler (born November 20, 1868 in Oelde, † July 1, 1957 in Feldberg (Black Forest)), German aviation pioneer and aircraft technician, opened Germany's first airfield in Griesheim in 1907.
  • August Liebmann Mayer (born October 27, 1885 in Griesheim, † probably March 12, 1944 in Auschwitz concentration camp ), German art historian, leading expert on Spanish painting
  • Walter Georgii (born August 12, 1888 in Meiningen; † July 24, 1968 in Munich), aviation pioneer, head of DFS in Griesheim
  • Elisabeth Langgässer (born February 23, 1899 in Alzey; † July 25, 1950 in Karlsruhe), writer, taught at the (former) Schiller School from 1920 to 1928.
  • Fritz von Opel (born May 4, 1899 in Rüsselsheim; † April 8, 1971 in Samedan, Switzerland), industrialist a. Rocket pioneer, developed one of the world's first liquid-powered rocket motors in Griesheim
  • Maxim Ziese (born June 26, 1901 in Griesheim, † July 16, 1955 in Cologne ), writer and playwright
  • Hans Jacobs (born April 30, 1907; † October 24, 1994), aviation pioneer and former head of department at DFS in Griesheim
  • Ludwig Wedel (born April 9, 1909 in Griesheim; † March 30, 1993), 1954–1969 was mayor of Groß-Umstadt , former member of the Hessian state parliament and in 1959 a member of the 3rd Federal Assembly .
  • Hanna Reitsch (born March 29, 1912 in Hirschberg, Silesia; † August 24, 1979 in Frankfurt / Main), well-known aviator, worked at DFS in Griesheim as a test pilot
  • Heinrich Keller (born August 25, 1918 in Griesheim, † August 23, 1990 in Hamburg), horn player and university professor
  • Hans Karl (born January 5, 1922 in Griesheim; † July 6, 1996), Mayor of Griesheim, member of the Hessian state parliament, member of the 4th Federal Assembly and namesake of the Griesheim market square
  • Richard M. Buxbaum (* 1930 in Griesheim), legal scholar
  • Karl Knapp (* 1933 in Griesheim), local historian, holder of the silver plaque of honor of the city of Griesheim and the State Order of Merit
  • Gottfried Milde senior (born April 14, 1934 in Breslau; † July 14, 2018 in Griesheim), politician, lived and worked in Griesheim
  • Lutz Ludwig Kramer (born January 14, 1954 in Potsdam), former singer and guitarist of the German rock group Agitation Free from Berlin and former member of Kommune 1 , lives and works in Griesheim.
  • Jürgen Schupp (born January 12, 1956 in Griesheim), social scientist
  • Gabriele Winter (* 1959), Mayor of Griesheim from 2011 to 2016
  • Nosie Katzmann (* 1959 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale ), music producer, lived in Griesheim in his youth, many of his songs go back to Griesheim
  • Gottfried Milde junior (born April 11, 1963 in Darmstadt), politician; grew up, alive and active in Griesheim
  • Katja Bornschein (born March 16, 1972 in Jugenheim ), national soccer player, started her career at TuS Griesheim and SV St. Stephan; lives in Griesheim
  • Sebastian Dehmer (born February 14, 1982 in Darmstadt, Hessen), Olympic participant and world champion in triathlon , ambassador of the city of Griesheim, lives in Griesheim.
  • Andrea Petković (born September 9, 1987 in Tuzla , Yugoslavia , today Bosnia and Herzegovina ), tennis player , lived in Griesheim, now with her sister in Darmstadt-Eberstadt
  • Olexesh (born February 25, 1988 in Kiev ), rapper, lives in Griesheim
  • Sebastian Rode (born October 11, 1990 in Seeheim-Jugenheim ), Bundesliga player, played for Viktoria Griesheim
  • Niko Opper (born February 4, 1992), European U17 football champion, played for SC Viktoria Griesheim
  • Norbert Leber, honorary mayor and honorary citizen of the city of Griesheim / mayor from 1987 to 2011


Web links

Commons : Griesheim (Hessen)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hessian State Statistical Office: Population status on December 31, 2019 (districts and urban districts as well as municipalities, population figures based on the 2011 census) ( help ).
  2. Darmstadt Echo. August 26, 2014, p. 21.
  3. ^ NSA scandal Prism: a walk calls state security on the scene. In: Spiegel online. June 18, 2014, accessed November 2019 .
  4. Number 3: MacAulay-Brown - the rental hackers in the Dagger Complex. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . November 16, 2013, accessed November 2019 .
  5. ^ Opponents of the intelligence service demonstrate against US military premises. In: March 29, 2014, accessed November 2019 .
  6. New details on NSA locations. ( Memento from July 29, 2014 in the web archive ) on: , June 18, 2014, pp. 14–15. Retrieved July 23, 2014.
  7. ^ NSA locations in Germany: Griesheim. In: Spiegel Online , June 18, 2014, pp. 25–37, caption. Retrieved July 23, 2014.
  8. ^ A b c Georg Wilhelm Justin Wagner : Statistical-topographical-historical description of the Grand Duchy of Hesse: Province of Starkenburg . tape 1 . Carl Wilhelm Leske, Darmstadt October 1829, OCLC 312528080 , p. 88 ( online at google books ).
  9. a b c d e f Griesheim, Darmstadt-Dieburg district. Historical local lexicon for Hessen (as of March 23, 2018). In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS). Hessian State Office for Historical Cultural Studies (HLGL), accessed on March 25, 2018 .
  10. ^ Map of the 1910 military training area, 1: 25000. (No longer available online.) Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute for Geography and Geology, 2013, archived from the original on May 12, 2013 ; Retrieved July 14, 2013 .
  11. ^ Map of the military training area 1936, 1: 25000. (No longer available online.) Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute for Geography and Geology, 2013, archived from the original on May 12, 2013 ; Retrieved July 14, 2013 .
  12. Erich Kraft: The incorporation of Eberstadt into Darmstadt in 1937. (PDF; 500 kB) Retrieved in November 2019 .
  13. Ursula Eckstein: August Euler Airfield Darmstadt . Justus von Liebig Verlag, Darmstadt 2008, p. 145.
  14. A. Göller, A. Holtmann (Ed.): A century of aviation history between tradition, research and landscape management. The August Euler Airfield in Darmstadt-Griesheim. Darmstadt 2008.
  15. 53 Darmstadt residents become Griesheimers. Both municipalities agreed on a land swap in St. Stephan. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . March 14, 2006 .;
  16. ^ Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. State of Hesse. (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  17. ^ Grand Ducal Central Office for State Statistics (ed.): Contributions to the statistics of the Grand Duchy of Hesse . tape 1 . Großherzoglicher Staatsverlag, Darmstadt 1862, DNB  013163434 , OCLC 894925483 , p. 43 ff . ( Online at google books ).
  18. a b List of offices, places, houses, population. (1806) HStAD inventory E 8 A No. 352/4. In: Archive Information System Hessen (Arcinsys Hessen), as of February 6, 1806.
  19. Population according to nationality groups: Griesheim, Stadt. In: Zensus2011. Bavarian State Office for Statistics , accessed in May 2015 .
  20. Migration background in%: Griesheim, city. In: Zensus2011. Bavarian State Office for Statistics , accessed in May 2015 .
  21. ^ Households by family: Griesheim, city. In: Zensus2011. Bavarian State Office for Statistics , accessed in May 2015 .
  22. Hessen-Darmstadt state and address calendar 1791 . In the publishing house of the Invaliden-Anstalt, Darmstadt 1791, p.  120 ( online in the HathiTrust digital library ).
  23. Hessen-Darmstadt state and address calendar 1800 . In the publishing house of the Invaliden-Anstalt, Darmstadt 1800, p.  128 ( online in the HathiTrust digital library ).
  24. ^ Ph. AF Walther : Alphabetical index of the residential places in the Grand Duchy of Hesse . G. Jonghaus, Darmstadt 1869, OCLC 162355422 , p. 32 ( online at google books ).
  25. ^ Local elections 1972; Relevant population of the municipalities on August 4, 1972 . In: The Hessian Minister of the Interior (ed.): State Gazette for the State of Hesse. 1972 No.  33 , p. 1424 , point 1025 ( online at the information system of the Hessian state parliament [PDF; 5.9 MB ]).
  26. Local elections 1977; Relevant population figures for the municipalities as of December 15, 1976 . In: The Hessian Minister of the Interior (ed.): State Gazette for the State of Hesse. 1976 No.  52 , p. 2283 , point 1668 ( online at the information system of the Hessian state parliament [PDF; 10.3 MB ]).
  27. ^ Local elections 1985; Relevant population of the municipalities as of October 30, 1984 . In: The Hessian Minister of the Interior (ed.): State Gazette for the State of Hesse. 1984 No.  46 , p. 2175 , point 1104 ( online at the information system of the Hessian state parliament [PDF; 5.5 MB ]).
  28. local elections 1993; Relevant population of the municipalities as of October 21, 1992 . In: The Hessian Minister of the Interior (ed.): State Gazette for the State of Hesse. 1992 No.  44 , p. 2766 , point 935 ( online at the information system of the Hessian state parliament [PDF; 6.1 MB ]).
  29. a b municipality data sheet : Griesheim. (PDF; 222 kB) In: Hessisches Gemeindelexikon. HA Hessen Agency GmbH ;
  30. ^ The population of the Hessian communities (June 30, 2005). (No longer available online.) In: Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt . Archived from the original . ;
  31. ^ The population of the Hessian communities (June 30, 2010). (No longer available online.) In: Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt . Archived from the original . ;
  32. Population figures : Griesheim, city. In: Zensus2011. Bavarian State Office for Statistics , accessed in May 2015 .
  33. ^ The population of the Hessian communities (June 30, 2015). (No longer available online.) In: Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt . Archived from the original . ;
  34. ^ Religious affiliation : Griesheim, city. In: Zensus2011. Bavarian State Office for Statistics , accessed in May 2015 .
  35. ^ Jewish community Griesheim. In: Alemannia Judaica. Accessed November 2019 .
  36. ^ Result of the municipal election on March 6, 2016. 432008 Griesheim, Stadt. Hessian State Statistical Office, accessed in April 2016 .
  37. ^ Result of the municipal election of March 27, 2011. 432008 Griesheim, Stadt. Hessian State Statistical Office, accessed in November 2019 .
  38. ^ Result of the municipal election of March 26, 2006. 432008 Griesheim, St. Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt, accessed in October 2019 .
  39. Results of the municipal elections of 2001 and 1997. (No longer available online.) Hessian State Statistical Office, archived from the original ; accessed in October 2019 .
  40. ^ Griesheim voter community. In: website. Accessed November 2011 .
  41. ^ A b Mayor elections in Griesheim, city. Hessian State Statistical Office , accessed in November 2019 . Hessian State Statistical Office: direct elections in Griesheim
  42. Karl Knapp: Griesheim: from the Stone Age settlement to the lively city. Bassenauer, Griesheim 1991, DNB 940368986 , p. 370.
  43. Wappen Griesheim  HStAD inventory R 6 C No. 89 / 1-2. In: Archive Information System Hessen (Arcinsys Hessen).
  44. Approval of a coat of arms and a flag of the city of Griesheim, Darmstadt district of March 3, 1975 . In: The Hessian Minister of the Interior (ed.): State Gazette for the State of Hesse. 1975 No. 12 , p. 508 , point 412 ( online at the information system of the Hessian state parliament [PDF; 7.5 MB ]).
  45. A tour through the "Alte Griesheim" with explanations by Karl Knapp. (PDF; 1.6 MB) (No longer available online.) City of Griesheim, 2013, archived from the original on May 18, 2015 ; Retrieved August 25, 2013 .
  46. ^ August Euler Airfield, Darmstadt-Griesheim. Förderverein Luftfahrt Museum, accessed November 2019 .
  47. ^ Museum Griesheim. In: website. Accessed November 2019 .
  48. Project “Spielstraße on time”. (No longer available online.) In: Website. City of Griesheim, archived from the original ; accessed on March 29, 2014 .
  49. City that can be owned. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original ; accessed on March 29, 2014 .
  50. City that can be owned. ( Memento from August 14, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) In: Website of the “Bund Deutscher Baumeister, Architekten und Ingenieure e. V. “, Darmstadt-Bergstrasse district group. Retrieved March 29, 2014.
  51. City that can be owned. ( Memento of March 30, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) [PDF; 203 kByte]. Retrieved March 29, 2014.
  52. The playable city ( memento from March 30, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) In: Website of the city of Griesheim. Retrieved March 29, 2014.
  53. Land of Ideas. ( Memento of March 30, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) pp. 18, 19, [PDF; 177 kByte]. Retrieved March 29, 2014.
  54. Foundation Prize 2009 for “The Playable City”. In: website. “Lebendige Stadt” foundation, accessed in November 2019 .
  55. Darmstädter Echo, Monday, April 29, 2019, p. 20.
  56. ^ Sabine Eisenmann. In: Darmstädter Echo, Saturday, October 19, 2019, p. 24.
  57. Hessisches Statistisches Informationssystem In: Statistics.Hessen.
  58. ^ August Euler Airfield. German Peace Society, accessed November 2019 .
  59. Ursula Eckstein: August Euler Airfield Darmstadt . Justus von Liebig Verlag, Darmstadt 2008, p. 248.
  60. ^ Griesheim Army Airfield. In: Accessed November 2019 .
  61. Dismantling of foundations and floor slabs. ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Hessisches Baumanagement (HBM), July 24, 2009.
  62. Frank W. Methlow: "Stars & Stripes" leaves Südhessen. ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) In: Frankfurter Rundschau. September 22, 2008.
  63. Ursula Eckstein: August Euler Airfield Darmstadt . Justus von Liebig Verlag, Darmstadt 2008, p. 227.
  64. Reply of the Federal Government in a letter from the Federal Ministry of Defense of April 18, 2012 to the minor question from the MPs Cornelia Behm, Undine Kurth (Quedlinburg), Agnes Brugger, other MPs and the parliamentary group. (PDF; 371 kB) In: Deutscher Bundestag Drucksache 17/9367 17th electoral term April 20, 2012.
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  68. NSA hackers bug computers ordered online. In: time online. December 29, 2013, accessed December 30, 2013 .
  69. ↑ Waiting lists for burial sites under trees. In: FAZ . November 25, 2009 .;
  70. website. Polaris Germany GmbH, accessed November 2019 .
  71. ^ Turbomach GmbH. In: Member company. Business Association of South Hesse, accessed November 2019 .
  72. Website. In: nterra integration GmbH, accessed on July 30, 2016 .
  73. Broadband coverage in the Darmstadt-Dieburg district. (No longer available online.) Darmstadt-Dieburg district, archived from the original ; accessed on February 21, 2014 .
  74. ↑ Signing a contract for fast internet. (No longer available online.) In: Press release of the Darmstadt-Dieburg district. Archived from the original on March 4, 2016 ; accessed on June 21, 2014 .
  75. Fast Internet in the Darmstadt-Dieburg district a success - change at the head of the association assembly. In: Information provided by the Darmstadt-Dieburg district on broadband coverage. Retrieved July 30, 2015 .
  76. Information page of the city of Griesheim on the start of the Internet expansion. (No longer available online.) 2016, archived from the original on September 18, 2016 ; accessed on September 18, 2016 .
  77. Education & Advice Center Griesheim. Landesbetrieb Landwirtschaft Hessen, accessed in November 2019 .
  78. Chronicle of the Riedbahn. Private website, accessed November 2019 .
  79. ^ Karl Knapp: Griesheimer stories. Bassenauer, Griesheim 2006, ISBN 3-9806629-2-6 , pp. 82-83.
  80. Karl Knapp: Griesheim: from the Stone Age settlement to the lively city. Bassenauer, Griesheim 1991, p. 306, lines 3-6
  81. Karl Knapp: A tour through the "Alte Griesheim". (PDF) p. 4, lines 20–22, accessed on March 6, 2014.
  82. ↑ Your head full of music and notes. (PDF; 2.27 MB) In: Griesheimer Anzeiger. February 21, 2014, accessed October 2019 .