Steinhagen (Westphalia)

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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the municipality of Steinhagen
Steinhagen (Westphalia)
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Steinhagen highlighted

Coordinates: 52 ° 0 '  N , 8 ° 25'  E

Basic data
State : North Rhine-Westphalia
Administrative region : Detmold
Circle : Gutersloh
Height : 99 m above sea level NHN
Area : 56.41 km 2
Residents: 20,614 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 365 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 33803
Area code : 05204
License plate : GT
Community key : 05 7 54 040
Community structure: 3 districts
Address of the
municipal administration:
Am Pulverbach 25
33803 Steinhagen
Website :
Mayor : Klaus Besser ( SPD )
Location of the community Steinhagen in the district of Gütersloh
Gütersloh Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock Verl Rietberg Langenberg Rheda-Wiedenbrück Herzebrock-Clarholz Steinhagen Werther (Westf.) Halle (Westf.) Harsewinkel Borgholzhausen Versmold Kreis Paderborn Kreis Lippe Kreis Soest Bielefeld Kreis Herford Kreis Warendorf Niedersachsen Nordrhein-Westfalenmap
About this picture

Steinhagen is a municipality in North Rhine-Westphalia , Germany and belongs to the Gütersloh district .


Geographical location

Steinhagen is located in the Ems sand plain on the southern slope of the Teutoburg Forest , which runs through the municipality from northwest to southeast. This ridge also delimits the eastern Münsterland and the Westphalian Bay and at this point is part of the Weser-Ems watershed . The highest point is the Bußberg at 306 meters. The Kottenteich is the deepest at 70 meters. The distance to Bielefeld is 10 km and to Gütersloh 15 km.


Geothermal map of Steinhagen

The northern part of the municipality is located in the Teutoburg Forest ridge, with large parts of the municipal boundary running on the ridge. To the south, the municipality runs out into the Ems sand plain .

Steinhagen is counted on the northeast edge of the Münsterland basin, which has roughly the shape of a bowl. Here the rocks of the near-surface subsurface are steeply erected. They consist of clay marl , lime marl , limestone and marl stones , but also sandstones and sand marls from the Middle Ages (Lower and Upper Cretaceous). These rocks lie on a plinth made of folded rocks from the ancient world ( Devonian , Carboniferous ). In the transition area to the Münsterland, the chalk layers are increasingly covered by a thin, mostly sandy, loose rock layer from the Ice Age ( Quaternary ), which consists of river sediments from the Ems and ice-age deposits such as ground moraine or meltwater sands.

In the municipal area, the wet and dry soils are distributed irregularly. In the lowlands and valleys, the groundwater is close to the soil surface. There dominate groundwater soils Gleye , with a veil of shifting sand ( Quaternary are covered). This tends to form heather (podsolization), so that there are large areas of podsol gleye. With increasing drifting sand cover, the influence of groundwater decreases. Heath soils ( podsoles ) have formed on the drifting sands , locally with stone in the subsoil (e.g. near Brockhagen). Sandy-loamy soils made from boulder clay are predominant near Steinhagen . Over the impermeable layers of the bed load clay, the seepage water temporarily accumulates down to the topsoil. These waterlogged soils (pseudogleye) show a gray-red-brown spot pattern in profile. On the south-western slope of the Teutoburg Forest, the meltwater sands gave rise to Podsole. As a result of centuries of agriculture, some of these soils consist of deep humus , occasionally with plague application ( Plaggenesch ). On the upper slope of the Teutoburg Forest, z. B. on the Jakobsberg, limestones of the chalk are weathered to shallow clayey loam soils ( rendzinen ).

Steinhagen is medium to good, in the south-western area partly very good, for the use of geothermal heat sources by means of a geothermal probe and heat recovery through heat pump heating (see the adjacent map).

Expansion and use of the municipal area

Land use in Steinhagen

The community, classified as a large rural community, covers an area of ​​56.19 km², of which 6.93 km² in the Amhausen district, 25.85 km² in the Brockhagen district and 23.39 km² in the Steinhagen district. The predominant part consists of agricultural area and forest area, together around 79%, followed by built-up area and traffic area, together around 19%. The largest extension in north-south direction is around 8.3 km, in east-west direction around 11.5 km.

according to type of use
Building, open
and operational space

Surface of water
Sports and
green space
Area in km² 34.14 10.44 7.42 3.01 0.33 0.59 0.25
Share of total area 60.76% 18.58% 13.21% 5.36% 0.58% 1.05% 0.44%

Neighboring communities

Hall Werther BI-Dornberg
Harsewinkel Wind rose small.svg BI source
Gutersloh BI-Ummeln

Steinhagen borders in the east on the independent city of Bielefeld , in particular in the northeast on the Dornberg district , in the east on the Quelle district and in the southeast on the Ummeln district and in the south on Gütersloh . Harsewinkel joins in the west, Halle in the north- west and Werther in the north , each of which belongs to the Gütersloh district .

Community structure

Steinhagen is divided into three districts: in addition to the core community Steinhagen, the place consists of Amshausen and Brockhagen . The latter is characterized by rural and rural areas. The following table gives an overview of the population of the districts:

District Residents (including second residences) Outline of Steinhagen
Admin Steinhagen GT.svg
Amshausen 03.158
Brockhagen 03,282
Steinhagen 14,771
total 21,211


Precipitation diagram Steinhagen-Brockhagen

Steinhagen belongs to the moderate climatic zone of Central Europe. It is in the range of the sub-Atlantic maritime climate. The winters are mostly mild under the influence of the Atlantic and the summers are moderately warm. For the climate in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe region, to which Steinhagen belongs, see also the article Climate in Ostwestfalen-Lippe .

Due to the location in the sub-Atlantic maritime climate, a humid climate prevails all year round with relatively evenly distributed rainfall. Overall, the long-term average precipitation at the Brockhagen measuring station is 775 mm per year. Thus, more precipitation falls than the German mean (700 mm), but significantly less precipitation than from the measuring station in a north-easterly direction of the municipality. Due to the rain catching effect of the Teutoburg Forest, up to 1,200 mm of precipitation per year fall there due to incline rain .

See also: Climate in Ostwestfalen-Lippe


Conrad III. confirmed in 1147 the Herford monastery ownership rights to several Hagen (ie farms or farms), including the farms "Schabbehardt" and "Burde" in the settlement area of ​​today's Steinhagen. It is believed that these courtyards are the nucleus of today's place. It is documented that a Hagen in Burde with twelve courtyards was obliged to pay interest payments to Herford Abbey in 1300. In later documents "Burde" is also called "Nienhagen".

In the immediate vicinity of this Hagen, the Count von Ravensberg ( Hermann or Ludwig ) probably founded a settlement in the middle of the 11th century, which consisted of eleven free farms and was called "Steinhagen". In a Paderborn document dated August 2, 1258, the settlement is first referred to as "Steinhagen". Both settlement centers were united in the course of a church territorial reform in 1334. Little by little, the terms “Burde” and “Nienhagen” were no longer used in favor of “Steinhagen”.

In the Middle Ages, linen production experienced a huge boom. The origins of the linen trade lay in rural house spinning and house weaving. Both were operated in winter and initially served to cover personal needs. Soon, however, the landlords discovered the new source of income. From the 12th century onwards, manorial levies on flax bundles and linen towels were mentioned in the register of Herford Abbey. Flax and hemp must have been grown in the 13th century in the Steinhagen area. In the Herford lift registers there is a report of a boke mill near Borde. It is said to have been located on an arm of the Landbach, which is no longer recognizable today, near the Rueshop farm .

In the centuries that followed, the rural textile trade was seen as a sideline for hiring men and women to secure their livelihood. From the 14th to the 18th century, processing was therefore more found in the countryside than in the cities.

Also Friedrich Wilhelm , the Great Elector (1640-1688) and Count of Ravensberg, saw the linen trade as one of the most important economic factors of the county Ravensberg. That is why he called the Ravensberger Land “my dear spinning and linen land”.

In addition to flax, hemp cultivation and processing have been an essential branch of production since the High Middle Ages. It was cultivated in the Steinhagener and Brockhagener area and in the southern Ravensberger Land, especially in damp lowlands and rupture areas. Hemp products have also been exported to England, the Netherlands and North America. The fiber was used to make ropes and coarse fabrics such as ship sails and the like. a. used. The coarse shirts of overseas slaves were also often made of this fabric. Since the time of the Great Elector, the cultivation and manufacture of hemp and linen products have been regulated by the state, as has the entire economic life in the County of Ravensberg, to which Steinhagen belonged. Linen production was standardized and checked by laying orders (1669/1672). Electoral officials checked quality and dimensions; and set penalties and fees. Steinhagen and Brockhagen were named in the fee schedule. The most important document is the "Commercien-Edict" of 1688. Here a special regulation for Steinhagen and Brockhagen is recorded.

The successors of the Elector, as Prussian kings, also increasingly promoted the linen trade. Tax breaks, freedom of movement and exemption from military service have always prompted people to cultivate and process flax. Around 1720 there was hardly a farmer in the County of Ravensberg who did not grow flax.

From the end of the 18th century, hard times fell on the linen trade. The effects of the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars and the continental blockade imposed by Napoleon led to a decline in sales and the impoverishment of large parts of the rural population. During the time of the Kingdom of Westphalia , Steinhagen belonged to the Bielefeld district .

In the industrial age introduced by the subsequent industrial revolution, the rural ways of life tied to the local soil became fragile. The transformation of the economy began in Europe with the use of machines for textile production. In particular, competition from abroad with products of higher quality and lower prices aggravated the situation and put domestic wages under massive pressure. Nowhere must the need have been so bitter and hopeless as among the home weavers in the South Westphalian-Ravensberg region and in Silesia. Large parts of the impoverished rural population emigrated or moved to the large, flourishing and growing industrial cities because hand-weaving, which was done at home, had become economically unprofitable.

In the period that followed, Germany began specializing in the production of industrial flax.


Since the upheaval caused by the Reformation in the 16th century, which gradually established itself in Ravensberg and thus also in Steinhagen, the population of Steinhagen, as in the entire former old district of Halle , has predominantly belonged to the Evangelical Lutheran denomination .

Since Steinhagen is also a historical center of the New Apostolic Church , the proportion of New Apostolic Christians is particularly high in the Niehaus settlement in Obersteinhagen. The community there has over 500 members. In the Brockhagen district there has also been a research archive on the history of the apostolic communities since 2010 . The Brockhagen archive is looked after by the Apostolic History Network , which is also located there and operates outside of Germany.


On January 1, 1932, an inhabited part of the community of Künsebeck was incorporated (0.35 km²). As part of the North Rhine-Westphalian regional reform , the three municipalities of Steinhagen, Amshausen and Brockhagen from the Halle office and parts of the Hoberge-Uerentrup municipality were merged to form the new municipality of Steinhagen on January 1, 1973 as part of the implementation of the Bielefeld Act (§ 3).

Population development

Population development in Steinhagen from 1818 to 2017 according to the tables below (lower line: respective territorial status, upper line: current territorial status)

Steinhagen is the largest municipality (in terms of inhabitants) in the Gütersloh district. Steinhagen were not granted city rights.

The following overview shows the population of the municipality Steinhagen according to the respective territorial status, with some figures also according to the current territorial status. The figures are census results up to 1970 and 1987 and from 1975 official updates by the State Office for Data Processing and Statistics. The figures from 1975 to 1985 are estimated values, the figures from 1990 are extrapolations based on the results of the 1987 census. From 1871 and 1946, the figures relate to the local population , from 1925 to the resident population and from 1985 to the population at Location of the main residence . Before 1871, the number of inhabitants was determined according to inconsistent survey procedures. In 1974 the population figures in the entire municipality and in the municipality of Steinhagen with the former borders were determined by the State Statistical Office.

Steinhagen according to the territorial status at that time

year Residents
1818 (Dec. 31) 1,589
1831 (December 3) 1,659
1837 (Dec. 3) 1,818
1843 (December 3) 1,828
1849 (December 3) 1,880
1852 (December 3) 1,860
1858 (Dec. 3) 1,727
1867 (December 3) 1,812
1871 (December 1) 1,753
1885 (December 1) 1,797
1895 (December 1) 1.931
year Residents
1900 (December 1) 2.110
1905 (December 1) 2,269
1910 (December 1) 2,698
1925 (June 16) 3,027
1933 (June 16) 3,508
1939 (May 17) 3,896
1946 (Oct. 29) 5,693
1950 (Sep 13) 6,260
1961 (June 6) 7,677
1970 (May 27) 8,397
1972 (Dec. 31) 9.224

Steinhagen according to today's territorial status

year Residents
1939 (May 17) 06,909
1950 (Sep 13) 10,693
1961 (June 6) 12,377
1970 (May 27) 14,258
1972 (Dec. 31) 15,129
1974 (June 30) 15,514
1975 (Dec. 31) 15,771
1980 (Dec. 31) 16,220
1985 (Dec. 31) 16,056
1987 (May 25) 16,486
1990 (Dec. 31) 17.303
year Residents
1995 (Dec. 31) 18,591
2000 (Dec. 31) 19,619
2005 (Dec. 31) 19.902
2007 (Dec. 31) 19,938
2012 (Dec. 31) 20,197
2015 (Dec. 31) 20,749
2016 (Dec. 31) 20,660
2017 (Dec. 31) 20,715
2018 (Dec. 31) 20,701
2019 (Dec. 31) 20,585


Steinhagen belongs to the Gütersloh I - Bielefeld III state electoral district , in which Georg Fortmeier (SPD) was elected as a direct candidate in the 2010 and 2012 state elections . At the federal level, Steinhagen belongs to the Gütersloh constituency , in which Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU) was elected as a direct candidate in 2009 and 2013 .

Municipal council

Town hall in Steinhagen
City council election 2014
Gains and losses
compared to 2009
 % p
Allocation of seats in the
municipal council 2014
A total of 34 seats
  • GAL: 4
  • SPD: 15
  • BA / STU: 1
  • FDP: 2
  • CDU: 12

The local council currently has 34 members from five parties who have come together to form four parliamentary groups. In addition, the mayor is the council chairman.

As in neighboring Halle, from 2004 to 2014 local politics were largely determined by the expansion plans for the A 33 motorway. In the 2004 local elections, for example, the Southern Road Union (STU) stood for election for the first time, and has made the further construction of the A 33 on a certain route its program. The Citizens' Alliance also stood for election for the first time. In 2013, both parties joined together to form the BA / STU community of voters. In the 2014 local elections, the BA / STU lost its parliamentary group status and currently only has one council member. In July 2018, one council member resigned from the CDU, so that the parliamentary group has only consisted of 11 members since then. The resigned councilor has since become one of two non-attached council members.

The following table shows the local election results since 1975:

2014 2009 2004 1999 1994 1989 1984 1979 1975
Political party Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats %
SPD 15th 44.97 13 37.13 11 31.33 12 36.41 16 37.87 15th 37.57 14th 37.23 16 41.86 16 41.59
CDU 12 34.68 11 31.78 12 35.83 15th 44.06 16 38.81 15th 37.11 15th 37.73 14th 34.54 16 39.66
Green 04th 12.57 04th 11.09 02 07.59 02 06.50 04th 10.16 03 07.74 03 08.50 - - - -
FDP 02 04.37 02 07.09 02 04.78 02 04.37 00 03.77 02 05.28 02 05.06 02 06.31 07th 18.74
UWG 1 - - 02 06.60 02 06.53 03 08.67 03 09.39 04th 12.17 04th 11.48 07th 17.29 - -
STU 2 - - 01 03.89 03 08.92 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Citizens Alliance - - 01 02.41 02 05.03 - - - - - - - - - - - -
BA / STU 01 03.41 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Individual applicants - - - - - - - - - - 00 00.14 - - - - - -
Total 3 34 100 34 100 34 100 34 100 39 100 39 100 39 100 39 100 39 100
voter turnout 57.55 61.33 61.88 65.26 85.34 73.11 74.49 79.57 87.73

1 independent community of voters, 2 southern route union, 3 without taking into account rounding differences


Mayor of the community has been Klaus Besser (SPD) since November 2, 1994 . He was re-elected in 1999 with 59.4%, in 2004 with 65.3%, in 2009 with 74.14% and in 2014 with 84.1% of the votes. Before 1994, Heinz Consbruch (CDU), brother of Paul Consbruch , was mayor.

coat of arms

DEU Steinhagen (Westphalia) COA.svg

The coat of arms of Steinhagen is divided into three parts. Above left blue split with a golden spike and right gold split with blue juniper . This refers to the Steinhäger specialty , for which the municipality is known. Below is the coat of arms of the Grafschaft Ravensberg (three red rafters on silver) to show the (former) affiliation to this area.

Town twinning

The municipality of Steinhagen maintains three European town twinning agreements, on the one hand with the Dutch municipality Woerden in the province of Utrecht since 1972 , on the other hand with the Italian municipality Fivizzano in the province of Massa-Carrara since 1988 and with Rūjiena in northern Latvia since 2019 .

Culture and sights


Steinhagen does not have a theater building or an ensemble . The auditorium of the school center (750 seats) is used for touring theater performances and concerts.


The Steinhagen Historical Museum exhibits a collection of historical distilleries and tools for the production of juniper brandy in the rooms of the former Schlichte distillery. In addition, old photos, certificates, traditional costumes, a historical stationery shop and a historical pharmacy and other objects related to the development and settlement history of Steinhagen can be viewed.


There are numerous secular and ecclesiastical choirs. Mention should be made of the men's choir Belcanto Steinhagen eV and the chamber choir Belcanto. The feelHarmonie choir has existed since 2005, with around 40 singers. The repertoire includes songs from many epochs of music history - from the Renaissance to the modern. In the district of Amshausen, the men's choir Amshausen was active in 1921 and performed with a 4-piece rhythm section, the choir sang pop and musical melodies. The Gütersloh Music School has a branch in Steinhagen. She organizes concerts and gives lessons. The Steinhagener Gymnasium has music classes, a big band, a philharmonic orchestra and choirs. In the Catholic parish of St. Hedwig, the Young Choir 4laut has been meeting since 2011 with a 4-part repertoire of new sacred songs, gospel and current music.


Evangelical Church in Steinhagen
Mosaic above the entrance of the Ev. church
Part of the former church ring

The Evangelical village church in Steinhagen has been a parish since 1334 . The two-aisled hall, which dates back to the 14th century, was given a transept-like extension by Karl Siebold in 1901 . A tower with a gable roof is in front of the building in the west. The equipment includes a remarkable winged altar , which was probably built around 1450/60 in the vicinity of Johann Koerbecke , a pulpit with late Gothic tracery fillings, a baptismal font from 1693 and a remarkable mosaic above the main entrance showing Archangel Michael fighting a dragon and the inscription carries " And if the world were full of devils ". At the time of its creation, this inscription took a stand against democratic currents in the country. The "Haspelkreuz" on the south side of the tower of the Steinhagener Church still reminds of the spinner days, which as a measure with the calibration stamp from 1778 shows two Brandenburg cubits (approx. 1,334 m) between four cones. In 1902 a major renovation took place in the church. Then the tower got its clock, a foundation of the Schlichte family. The war memorial in front of the church was dedicated on October 28, 1906.

In the center of Steinhagen only a few half-timbered buildings remained, most of them from the 18th and 19th centuries. 19th century date. The former church ring development was largely replaced by new buildings. The Ordelheide house, used as a home, is located on Alte Kirchstrasse (No. 4) . It is a hall house that is marked "1609" on the gate beam. In 1988 it was thoroughly renovated. The Alte Schmiede is located at Kirchplatz 22 , a single-storey half-timbered building from 1834 with a half-hipped roof, which today serves as a restaurant. Opposite is the Steinhäger house, Steinhagen's oldest restaurant. The off the church square on the southern edge of the end of the 70s / early 80s of the 19th century newly created marketplace located. Brinkhaus is a stately, 1715 designated timber-framed hall house with Utlucht , which was later extended by extensions.

Steinhagen's landmark can be seen on the roof of the Historical Museum, a 5-meter-high, green Steinhägerkrug .

Patthorst manor . The two-storey mansion with a half-hip roof was built in 1777–83 and expanded in 1840–64. The family tomb with the mausoleum, which was built in the form of a Doric temple in 1818, is located to the southwest of the property. The house is privately owned and cannot be visited.


Park in Steinhagen

A park-like area with a pond is open to the public to the west of Bahnhofstrasse at the level of the church square. It was redesigned in the course of the second town center renovation and has since been called the Bürgerpark. The approximately 2 hectare Manor Park Patthorst at the former hunting lodge of the Counts of Ravensberg is privately owned .

The municipality is part of the TERRA.vita nature park , formerly the Northern Teutoburg Forest-Wiehengebirge nature park.

Nature reserves and natural monuments

Egge (Naturschutzgebiet) Egge (Naturschutzgebiet) Egge (Naturschutzgebiet) Jakobsberg (Naturschutzgebiet) Jakobsberg (Naturschutzgebiet) Feuchtwiesen In den Wösten Feuchtwiesen In den Wösten Feuchtwiesen Ströhen Feuchtwiesen Ströhen Foddenbach-Landbach Feuchtwiese Vennheide Feuchtwiese VennheideSteinhagen (Westphalia)
About this picture
In Amshausen Switzerland at the Jakobsberg nature reserve
Friedrichshöhe with protected oak (left)

Steinhagen has six designated nature reserves with a total of 461.6 hectares . In absolute terms, this is the fourth largest area in the district and, in percentage terms, based on the municipal area, at 8.21%, the third largest area.

The Leberblümchenberg is part of the approximately 48 hectare Jakobsberg nature reserve in Amshausen and is home to a large number of liverworts . When the liverwort is in bloom from mid-March, it is a tourist attraction. A hiking trail that begins at the Friedrichshöhe excursion restaurant leads around the mountain and, among other things, to the Emilshöhe viewpoint , which offers views of the Münsterland. The hiking trails and benches in the Amshausen district are supervised and maintained by the Amshausen local history association. On the forecourt of the Friedrichshöhe pub there is an 18-meter-high protected pedunculate oak , which is one of the most important trees in the district. Their estimated age is between 300 and 500 years.

The Feuchtwiese Vennheide nature reserve in Brockhagen is a grassland complex on 130 hectares that is home to 19 plant species on the Red List of Threatened Species and a further 15 plant species on the North Rhine-Westphalian warning list. It also provides protection for two species of meadow birds on the Red List and four other species on the Warning List. Eleven species of grasshopper have been identified, five of which are endangered or critically endangered. With a further 21 documented butterfly species , three of which are on the Red List, the area has a remarkable biodiversity.

The Feuchtwiesen Ströhen nature reserve contributes to the preservation of rare plant communities and traditional breeding grounds, for example for curlew , lapwing and little owl .

The Feuchtwiesen In der Wösten nature reserve has a size of 50 hectares and is home to small, moist to wet forest stands. In the Foddenbach-Landbach nature reserve , the two creeks mentioned above are left to meander naturally over an area of ​​approx. 87 hectares .

The Egge nature reserve has existed since 2008, making it the youngest of the protected areas. It is located with a size of approx. 53.6 hectares in the Teutoburg Forest in the northwestern municipal area.

The Kraalbusch was designated as a nature reserve as early as 1939 . However, due to the strong eutrophication of the water, which led to a complete loss of the valuable flora, the regulation was repealed in the 1970s.

At the playground on Mühlenstraße there is an approximately 200-year-old protected pedunculate oak, which is around 18 meters high and has a crown diameter of around 26 meters.


The following sports clubs in Steinhagen are noteworthy:

  • TSV Amshausen (soccer, jiu jitsu , jazz dance, archery)
  • TC Amshausen (tennis)
  • TuS Brockhagen (handball)
  • SCSA swimming club Steinhagen-Amshausen (swimming, water polo [women and men])
  • Spvg Steinhagen (soccer, handball, volleyball, table tennis, gymnastics, bike ball, badminton); the women's table tennis department of the club was German champion six times in a row between 1989 and 1994
  • Aviation Association Ravensberg-Steinhagen ( gliding , model making, model flying )
  • ZRFV Steinhagen-Brockhagen-Hollen eV (breeding, riding and driving club in the Steinhagen equestrian center)
  • Iceland Horse Riding Club Vinir eV
  • DLRG Steinhagen (lifeguards)

Regular events

In March and August every year the spring fair and the summer fair take place on the market square and around the Steinhagen church square. At the end of April / beginning of May the annual cookery market takes place on the market square. The Steinhagener Reitertage takes place annually in July. They are of national importance. The Heidefest is always held on the first weekend in September with a wine market and an election for the Heidekönigin .

The annual Christmas market on the first weekend in Advent is not of a commercial nature. The stands are mainly operated by associations, schools, kindergartens and parties that use the Steinhagen Action Group to use the profit for charitable purposes within the community.

Once a year on Saturday between Weiberfastnacht and Rosenmontag, the grand ceremonial meeting of the Carnival Club Cronsbachfunken Steinhagen eV (KCCF) takes place in the auditorium of the Steinhagen school center. With over 600 disguised guests, the major event during the carnival season.

The district of Brockhagen gained national importance between 1997 and 2003 through the Future Parade held there, a rave in the style of the Love Parade . At its peak, around 55,000 visitors were recorded. On the last weekend in August, the people of Brockhagen celebrate the village community festival.

Culinary specialties

Steinhagen is known for its juniper brandy, the Steinhäger .

Infrastructure and economy


Road traffic

Steinhagen is connected to the trunk road network in the direction of Bielefeld and Osnabrück via the federal motorway 33 . The south of Bielefeld can be reached via the L791, the western part of the Gütersloh district and the west of Bielefeld via the L778 and Gütersloh via the L782.

Between the districts of Steinhagen and Amshausen , the route of the A 33 , which was established in September 1968 and approved in June 2007, runs . After the Federal Administrative Court dismissed two pending lawsuits in August 2009, construction began in September 2009. The traffic opening was planned for 2014, but did not take place until April 4, 2018.

Rail and bus transport

The Steinhagen (Westf) train station and the Steinhagen (Westf) Bielefelder Strasse stop are on the Osnabrück – Bielefeld ( KBS 402 ) line, on which the “Haller Willem” RB regional train runs every hour (between Bielefeld and Halle, in some cases 30 minutes) 75 wrong. Local passenger transport is carried out by the NordWestBahn with Talent diesel multiple units for speeds of up to 120 km / h.

In road passenger transport associate regional buses to Bielefeld and Halle (Westf.). All districts can be reached with a call line bus . The network tariff “Der Sechser” ( OWL Verkehr GmbH ) applies to all local public transport and the NRW tariff applies to all tariff areas . In the direction of Osnabrück there is a transitional tariff to the Verkehrsgemeinschaft Osnabrück (VOS-Plus).

Pedestrian and bicycle traffic

Steinhagen is on the stretch of the BahnRadRoute Teuto-Senne , which leads from Osnabrück via Steinhagen and Bielefeld to Paderborn.

The Hermannsweg runs along the ridge of the Teutoburg Forest, i.e. on the northern boundary of the municipality, and is a hiking trail that connects Rheine with Velmerstot in Lippe . On this path at about 52 ° 2 '4.6 "  N , 8 ° 25' 47.9"  E you will find the Karl Carstens memorial stone , which reminds you that the former Federal President Karl Carstens crossed this point on one of his numerous hikes Has.

Air traffic

Bielefeld, the next larger city, does not have a commercial airport. Therefore, somewhat longer journeys are to be accepted, which are comparable in terms of time to the journeys in a large city. There is a choice of 4 regional airports within one to one and a half hours driving distance, which means that the number of destinations that can be reached by direct flights is quite high. The Muenster / Osnabrueck Airport is 60 km away, the Paderborn / Lippstadt Airport is 65 km away. The Dortmund airport is about 90 km away, from Hannover is around 122 km away.

A little outside of Steinhagen, at Hof Meyer auf dem Ströhen, there is a balloon and airship port with a helicopter landing pad , which is operated by Air-Taxi-Service Bielefeld. The area includes a small runway , a helicopter hangar (300 m²) and an airship hangar (370 m²). There has been flight operations there since 1969. In September 1978 the first hot air balloon started on the Ströhen - at that time the only balloon in East Westphalia-Lippe in which guests were allowed to ride.


Print media

As daily newspapers, the Haller Kreisblatt , a subsidiary of the Neue Westfälische , as well as a local edition of the Westfalen-Blatt, appear with roughly the same circulation every Monday to Saturday . Both newspapers get their coat from their respective coat editorial offices in Bielefeld. Both newspapers report in the local section from all communities in the old district of Halle, including Steinhagen. In addition, the OWL am Sonntag newspaper , an offshoot of the Westfalen-Blatt , is published free of charge on Sundays . The "Steinhagener Schaufenster" an advertising paper with news and reports from all three districts appears 9 to 10 times a year.

Radio and television

Steinhagen belongs to the reporting area of ​​the WDR studio Bielefeld . Steinhagen has also been part of Radio Gütersloh's broadcasting area since 1991 , which it also covers as local radio in its reporting.

Public facilities

The municipality offers various services for its citizens in its facilities. The main office of the community library has been located at Kirchplatz 26a in Schlichte Carree since June 2018, and there is a branch in Brockhagen. A total of around 28,000 media are offered.

In each district, the community maintains public meeting places (Heimathaus in Steinhagen, Old Village School in Brockhagen and Old Fire Brigade in Amshausen).

Forest swimming pool in Steinhagen

The forest pool is an over 80 year old, repeatedly renovated outdoor pool. It is characterized by the fact that it does not have a brick pool, but is a natural swimming pool with a beach and is flowed through by the powder stream. The water quality is therefore regularly among the best in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. In the Steinhagen district there is also an indoor swimming pool with a 25 m lane, which is regularly heated to 29 ° C. In the immediate vicinity is the Cronsbach Stadium, the largest sports facility in the municipality, with a grass field including seating and standing stands, two grass training fields, an artificial turf field and athletics facilities. The Waldbad has also been the cradle of the Steinhagen-Amshausen swimming club since 1972.

The Steinhagen voluntary fire brigade with over 100 members is responsible for fire protection in the municipality and has three fire engines, one in Steinhagen, another in Brockhagen and a third in Amshausen. There is also an active youth fire brigade.

With the Gemeindewerke Steinhagen GmbH, the municipality has an independent supply company with the divisions electricity, gas, district heating, water and baths. Since 2011, only so-called green electricity has been sold by the municipal utilities via their own electricity network.


With the exception of comprehensive schools and special needs schools, the municipality offers all common types of schools. It is part of the special purpose association of the special needs school in Halle / Westf. involved. There are five primary schools spread across the municipality: the Laukshof primary school, the Amshausen primary school, the Brockhagen primary school, the Steinhagen primary school and the privately run Georg Müller primary school. Secondary schools are the Hauptschule (closed in 2011), the Realschule and the Steinhagen Gymnasium, which was founded in 2001. The Realschule has been run as an all-day school since 2010 and the Gymnasium since 2009. At the beginning of the 2013/14 school year, the aim was to establish a secondary school in addition to the grammar school, but this failed due to insufficient registration numbers (less than 75 registrations). The secondary school expires at the end of the 2015/2016 school year. A school canteen with 350 seats, built in 2012, is available for lunch.

In addition, there are offers for adult education from the Ravensberg Adult Education Center, a municipal association in which the cities of Halle, Werther, Borgholzhausen, Versmold and the municipality of Steinhagen have come together. The adult education center has been running the health forum on Steinhagener Kirchplatz since 2009.

In 2013, a total of 2,233 pupils were taught at the eight municipal schools in Steinhagen, 730 of them at the four primary schools, 1158 in secondary level I and 345 in secondary level II. 66 students from Steinhagen attended the Georg Müller primary school in Steinhagen in 2013.

Steinhägerkrug on the historical museum

Established businesses

After the extensive decline of the distilleries, Steinhagen is characterized by a very broadly diversified industry. One of the globally known companies is Hörmann , a global company in the field of construction elements (doors, gates, frames and drives) with more than 6000 employees. It is headquartered in Steinhagen. Jung Pumpen GmbH is also active worldwide in the wastewater technology sector with around 350 employees. It too has its headquarters in Steinhagen. The world market leader is also the company Plasmatreat.

The distillery Zum Fürstenhof Robert H. Günther , which Steinhäger produces , is known nationwide ; the INA-Schaeffler KG , a manufacturer of rolling bearings , linear products as well as direct drives and Lütge Meier GmbH, a manufacturer of special parts for the automotive industry. Another company in Steinhagen is Runge publishing house delivery.

Balsam AG (specialist in sports floors) was based in Steinhagen and went bankrupt in 1994 due to mismanagement.


sons and daughters of the town

List of people who live (d) here


  • Evangelical parish Steinhagen (Ed.): 650 years parish Steinhagen . Steinhagen 1984.
  • Helmut Dellbrügge: Steinhäger. The schnapps from (East) Westphalia and his hometown . Verlag Busse + Seewald, 1993, ISBN 3-512-03116-1 .
  • Hans-Otto Busch (editor): 750 years of Steinhagen . Ed .: Heimatverein Steinhagen eV and municipality Steinhagen. Self-published, 2008, ISBN 978-3-00-021324-3 .
  • Jürgen Büschenfeld: Steinhagen in National Socialism . Publishing house for regional history, 2018, ISBN 978-3-7395-1145-0 .

Web links

Commons : Steinhagen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Population of the municipalities of North Rhine-Westphalia on December 31, 2019 - update of the population based on the census of May 9, 2011. State Office for Information and Technology North Rhine-Westphalia (IT.NRW), accessed on June 17, 2020 .  ( Help on this )
  2. ^ Geological Service North Rhine-Westphalia, Geoscientific Community Description Steinhagen (Westf.) ( Memento from August 3, 2012 in the web archive )
  3. Geological Service NRW: Using geothermal energy - Geothermal study provides planning basis ( Memento from September 14, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 369 kB)
  4. ^ State office for data processing and statistics North Rhine-Westphalia, municipal profile Steinhagen
  5. Steinhagen facts and figures. (No longer available online.) Steinhagen municipal administration, archived from the original on March 4, 2016 ; accessed on October 22, 2015 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. Article in Haller Kreisblatt from November 16, 2006
  7. ^ Gertrud Angermann: Country-City-Relationships. Bielefeld and its surroundings 1760-1860 . Coppenrath, Münster 1982. ISBN 3-88547-175-2 . Pp. 162-182.
  8. Stephanie Reekers: The regional development of the districts and communities of Westphalia 1817-1967 . Aschendorff, Münster Westfalen 1977, ISBN 3-402-05875-8 , p. 284 .
  9. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 323 .
  10. State Statistical Office of North Rhine-Westphalia: Municipal statistics of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia: population development 1816–1871 . Düsseldorf 1966, p. 189.
  11. State Statistical Office of North Rhine-Westphalia: Municipal statistics of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia: Population development 1871–1961 . Düsseldorf 1964, pp. 374-375.
  12. State Statistical Office of North Rhine-Westphalia: The resident population in the municipalities of North Rhine-Westphalia 1970: Results of the census on May 27, 1970 . Düsseldorf 1972, p. 41.
  13. ^ State Office for Data Processing and Statistics North Rhine-Westphalia: Special series on the 1987 population census in North Rhine-Westphalia, Volume 1.1: Population, private households and employed persons. Düsseldorf 1989, p. 110.
  14. ^ State Office for Data Processing and Statistics North Rhine-Westphalia: State database North Rhine-Westphalia
  15. Martin Bünermann, Heinz Köstering: The communities and districts after the municipal territorial reform in North Rhine-Westphalia . Deutscher Gemeindeverlag, Cologne 1975, ISBN 3-555-30092-X , p. 100 .
  16. ↑ State database NRW; Election results for the municipality code 05754040
  17. State Office for Data Processing and Statistics: Local elections
  18. Vote Manager community Steinhagen
  19. Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, Gutspark Patthorst (archive version). Archived from the original on July 26, 2009 ; Retrieved April 5, 2014 .
  20. ^ District of Gütersloh NSG Feuchtwiesen Vennheide (PDF, 128 KB). (PDF) Retrieved April 5, 2014 .
  21. ^ Neue Westfälische: A33 between Bielefeld and Steinhagen is officially opened . In: Bielefeld Mitte . ( [accessed on April 5, 2018]).
  22. ^ Steinhagen community library accessed on February 7, 2019