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Nowopskow coat of arms
Novopskov (Ukraine)
Basic data
Oblast : Luhansk Oblast
Rajon : Novopskov district
Height : 68 m
Area : 13.04 km²
Residents : 9,859 (2016)
Population density : 756 inhabitants per km²
Postcodes : 92300
Area code : +380 6463
Geographic location : 49 ° 32 '  N , 39 ° 7'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 31 '47 "  N , 39 ° 7' 2"  E
KOATUU : 4423355100
Administrative structure : 1 urban-type settlement , 5 villages
Address: вул. Шкільна 3
92300 смт. Новопсков
Website : unofficial. City website
Statistical information
Novopskow (Luhansk Oblast)

Novopskow ( Ukrainian and Russian Новопсков ) is an urban-type settlement and the administrative seat of the raion of the same name in eastern Ukraine with about 9800 inhabitants (2016).

View of Novopskow


Novopskow is located at the confluence of the Kamjanka (Ukrainian Кам'янка ), with the Ajdar in Sloboda-Ukraine . The settlement is located in the north of Luhansk Oblast, 130 km north of the Luhansk Oblast center and 34 km north of the nearest train station in Starobilsk .

In 2015, the Novopskow settlement community was established (Новопсковська селищна громада), which includes the following settlements and villages:


Today's Novopskow was founded in the middle of the 17th century by Russian and Ukrainian peasants who had fled serfdom under the name Sakam'janka (Ukrainian Закам'янка ). In 1708 Tsar Peter I initiated a punitive expedition against the village, during which the town was razed to the ground. In 1829 the village was converted into a military settlement and received its current name from the Russian city of Pskov . On June 10, 1942, the village was occupied by Wehrmacht troops and liberated by Red Army troops on January 23, 1943 . In 1957 Novopskow was given the status of an urban-type settlement. In the years 1975–1979 the Soyuz gas pipeline was built through the town, which crosses here with another pipeline.


Population development
1959 1970 1979 1989 2001 2016
4.185 6.168 7,724 9,062 10.115 9,859


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Demography of Ukrainian cities on
  2. Розпорядження голови Луганської облдержадміністрації, керівника Луганської обласної військово-цивільної адміністрації від 13 липня 2015 року № 296 "Про утворення Новопсковської об'єднаної територіальної громади"
  3. History of the Cities and Villages of Ukraine -Novopskow (Russian)