19th century BC Chr.
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19th century BC Chr. |
18th century BC Chr. |
17th century BC Chr. |
The 19th century BC Chr. Began v on January 1, 1900. And ended on December 31, 1801 BC. Chr. This corresponds to the period 3850 to 3751 before today , or the interval from 3546 to 3462 radiocarbon years .

Phaistos , Minoan settlement on the island of Crete.
Age / Epoch
- Subboreal (3710-450 BC).
- Early Bronze Age in Central Europe (from 2300/2200 BC to 1600 BC) - Bz A1b (2000 to 1850 BC) and Bz A2a (1850 to 1750 BC). Real bronze is now being used in weapons and equipment.
- Middle Bronze Age in Greece, Cyprus and the Near East / Middle East.
Events / developments
- 19th century BC Chr .:
- The late Harappa phase (Harappa 4) begins for the Indus culture .
- According to Indian tradition, further Aryan invasion waves reach the Indian subcontinent via the Chaiber Pass .
- The Amurrites invade southern Mesopotamia . Benefiting from the armed conflict between Isin and Larsa , shortly before 1900 BC they took part. Several cities such as Uruk , Ilip, Marad, Malgŭ and Maškan-Šapir and founded city kings.
- Byblos in Lebanon reached its heyday under Abischemu .
- For the first time the Hittites appear in Anatolia . They found their capital Ḫattuša .
- The first palaces were built on Crete , which marked the beginning of the old palace era .
- Starting from Bohemia , the Aunjetitz culture spreads to Saxony , Bavaria and the western Mediterranean area.
- The Culture du Rhône in Switzerland and in the Rhone Valley owes its prosperity to the trade between the Mediterranean and southern Germany (exchange of bronze objects for mussel shells). The culture developed its own metal processing that assimilated techniques from the Aunjetitz culture. Among other things, special ax and needle shapes are manufactured .
- In southeastern Spain, the Los Millares culture is being replaced by the El Argar culture .
- In the UK , the forms Wessex Culture . It arises from the amalgamation of significant indigenous groups of the Bell Beaker Culture with colonizing newcomers who were attracted by the copper and tin deposits in Cornwall .
- 1900 to 1500 BC Chr .:
- The Sukkalmah (or Ebartid) dynasty rules in Elam . Ebarat (around 1916 BC) is owned by his son Šilhaha around 1894 BC. Followed to the throne, who called himself Sukkalmah (great regent) and king of Anshan and Susa . At that time, Anschan was probably already a large city that was in close economic exchange with the rest of Iran, especially Bactria .
- Around 1900 BC Chr .:
- The port city of Lothal of the Indus culture is abandoned.
- The capital, Aššur , is emerging in Assyria and is developing into an important hub of trade routes between Anatolia, Iran and the Persian Gulf .
- Around 1894 BC Chr .:
- A state is formed in Babylonia .
- 1877 BC BC (also 1932 BC):
- Amenemhet II , third pharaoh of the 12th dynasty, is appointed co-regent by his father Sesostris I two years before his death .
- 1876 BC Chr .:
- According to biblical tradition , the Israelites invade Egypt after a two-year famine (1986 BC is also given as an alternative date).
- Around 1850 BC Chr .:
- Ashkelon , the capital of the Canaanite Kingdom , is a busy Mediterranean port exporting the products of its hinterland. The city is girded by a 2 kilometer long and 25 meter high wall and should have had around 15,000 inhabitants.
- 1844 BC Chr .:
- Sesostris II succeeds his father Amenemhet II as the fourth pharaoh of the 12th dynasty to the throne. Trade routes to the Red Sea , Sinai and Byblos are established under him . There are also trade relations with Crete .
- 1840 BC Chr .:
- The princely grave of Helmsdorf (Mansfelder Land), whose supporting culture is the Aunjetitz culture, can be dated to 1840 (± 60) years BC with the help of dendrodating . To be dated.

Head of a Sphinx Sesostris III.
- 1836 BC BC (also 1882/1878 BC):
- Death of Sesostris II and successor of his son Sesostris III. as the fifth pharaoh of the 12th dynasty.
- 1823 BC BC (also 1847 BC):
- Sesostris III. inspects the southern Nubian border and leads four campaigns against the Nubians .
- 1818 BC BC (also 1842 BC):
- Death of Sesostris III, under which the Egyptian empire had reached its maximum extent. He is followed by his son Amenemhet III. as the sixth pharaoh of the 12th dynasty. It divides Egypt into four administrative districts.
- 1812 BC Chr .:
- Beginning of the reign of Sin-muballit , the 5th ruler of the 1st Dynasty of Babylonia .
- Around 1802 BC Chr .:
- The Sumerian city of Uruk is conquered by Rim-Sin I from Larsa . Uruk falls under the rule of Larsa (later to Babylonia), which meant the final end of the hegemony of Uruk.
- Amenemhet IV. Follows Amenemhet III. as co-ruling the seventh pharaoh of the 12th dynasty on the throne.
Natural events and disasters
- 1900 BC Chr .:
- Earthquake in Israel affects the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah , Zeboim and Adma .
- 1890 BC Chr .:
- In the Aegean Sea 35 kilometers northeast of Heraklion , a severe earthquake occurs, which leads to fires in Knossos . The number of victims is unknown.
- 1831 BC Chr .:
Inventions and discoveries
- 19th century BC Chr .:
- In Chiapas on the Pacific coast in Mexico , cocoa is used as a drink for the first time under the Mokaya culture .
- On the Yangtze River in China, bronze is smelted for the first time to make wine cups.
- Amber spreads from the coastal area of the Baltic Sea throughout Northern Europe .
- The inhabitants of Ḫattuša smelt iron for the first time .
- In the wet soil settlements of the Polada culture in northern Italy, there are remains of wood that document the further development of the wheel (transition from full disc wheel to spoked wheel with metal rims due to improved metallurgy).
- 19th century BC Chr .:
- 1877 to 1843 BC Chr .:
- In Dahshur the Amenemhet II pyramid is being built for Amenemhet II .
- 1844 to 1836 BC Chr .:
- 1836 to 1818 BC Chr .:
- In Dahshur Sesostris III. build the pyramid complex of the Black Pyramid . However, he was probably buried in the grave of Osiris near Abydos (Araba el Madfuna). In al-Madamud, northeast of Karnak , he commissioned the new Temple of Month .
- From 1818 BC Chr .:
- In Dahshur for Amenemhet III. the Amenemhet III pyramid was laid out, which already had serious defects before the end of construction.
- Amenemhet III. initiates the water level regulation on the Moeris through locks .
- 1803 BC Chr .:
- Start of construction on the Hawara pyramid in Hawara , the second pyramid of Amenemhet III.
Works of art
- 19th century BC Chr .:
- With the statues of Sesostris III., Amenemhet III., The dice player and the royal sphinxes, a new realistic style of sculpture is emerging in Egypt.
- Unique find of the gold chalice from Quetta in the area of the Indus culture ( Baluchistan ). Comparable vases date from the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. Chr. From Bactria .
- The bronze sword from Torupgårde on Lolland in Denmark was imported from Hungary .
- 1842 to 1836 BC Chr .:
- Pectoral of Sesostris II from the tomb of Princess Sithathoriunet in El-Lahun.
- 1836 to 1818 BC Chr .:
- The expressive portrait of Sesostris III. arises. It shows the ruler with melancholy features.
Writings / literature
- 19th century BC Chr .:
- In Egyptian literature, the works arise:
- In Upper Egypt, the Wadi-el-Hol script, the oldest known letter script in the world, is believed to be used by Semitic workers or mercenaries.
- On Crete is with hieroglyphic writing. Hieroglyphs are also used in Byblos .
- The Moscow papyrus is being written down.
- The existence of Jerusalem in Canaan is mentioned for the first time in Egyptian texts of condemnation .
- Akkadian prevails in the literature of Mesopotamia . The Sumerian v from the beginning of the second millennium. A dead language that only survives in scholarly circles. The Mesopotamian scribes come from the wealthy strata of society at the time because of their lengthy training in learning to read cuneiform . You are also an accountant and accounting officer and draw up contracts and historical documents. The Mesopotamian traditions and knowledge are passed on through their specialized profession.
- The Sumerian King List is recorded. Its purpose was to justify Isin's claims to supremacy in Sumer . Despite its tendency towards bias, it provides fairly precise rulers' genealogies as far back as the Flood .
- 19th to 17th century BC Chr .:
- The creation myth Enūma eliš was born in Babylon . He describes the creation of the world, the battle of the god king Marduk against Tiamat , the mother of the abyss and the forces of chaos, as well as the creation of man by the god Ea .
- Early Babylonian cuneiform tablets from Tell Harmal / Šadappum on mathematics . At the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC, the four Sumerian basic operations , the determination of the square and cube roots, the calculation of the rectangular and circular areas, are added. The circle number π as well as the calculation of the trapezoidal area , the pyramid volume and the cone volume . The payment system is based on the 10 and 60 at the same time . Fractions are known, but not yet the number 0 .
Note: The years of government cannot be precisely determined in this century. Therefore, these are approximate estimates.

Upper part of a knee figure of Sesostris I.

Sphinx of Amenemhet II.
Pharaohs of Egypt
- Sesostris I (1919 to 1875 BC, also 1975 to 1930 BC)
- Amenemhet II (1877 to 1843 BC, also 1929 to 1895 BC)
- Sesostris II. (1844 to 1836 BC, also 1897/1880 to 1878 BC)
- Sesostris III. (1836 to 1818 BC, also 1878/1874 to 1855/1839 BC)
- Amenemhet III. (1818 to 1773 BC, also 1842 to 1795 BC)
- Amenemhet IV. (1802 to 1793 BC, also 1819 to 1810 BC)
- Nofrusobek (1793 to 1789 BC, also 1810 to 1806 BC or 1806 to 1802 BC), Pharaoh
Kings of Assyria
3rd dynasty:
- Šarru-kīn I (1920 to 1881 BC)
- Puzur-Aššur II (1880 to 1873 BC)
- Narām-Sîn (1872 to 1840 BC)
- Ērišum II. (1839 to 1812 BC)
4th dynasty:
- Šamši-Adad I (1808–1776 BC)
Kings of Babylonia
- Sumu-abum (1894–1881 BC)
- Sumulael (1880–1845 BC)
- Sabium (1844–1831 BC)
- Apil-Sin (1830–1813 BC)
- Sin-muballit (1812–1793 BC)
King of Byblos
- Abischemu (1820–1795 BC)
Kings of Elam
Simashki dynasty:
- Idattu-Napir (around 1890 BC)
Sukkalmah dynasty:
- Šilhaha (around 1900/1894 BC)
- Pala-Ishshan
- Lankuku
- Kuku-sanit
- Kuk-Kirmash
- Tem-sanit
- Kuk-Nahundi
- Kuk-Nashur I. (until approx. 1800 BC)
Kings of Ešnunna
- Ibâl-pî-El I. (? Until 1863 BC)
- Ipiq-Adad II (approx. 1862 to 1818 BC)
- Narām-Sin (1818 / 1808–1798 BC)
Kings of Isin
1st dynasty:
- Ur-Ninurta (1923 to 1896 BC)
- Būr-Sin (1895 to 1874 BC)
- Lipit-Enlil (1873 to 1869 BC)
- Erra-imitti (1868 to 1861 BC)
- Enlil-bāni (1860 to 1837 BC)
- Zambija (1836 to 1834 BC)
- Iter-pīša (1833 to 1831 BC)
- Ur-Dukuga (1830 to 1828 BC)
- Sîn-Māgir (1827 to 1817 BC)
- Damiq-ilīšu (1816–1794 BC)
Kings of Larsa
1st dynasty:
- Abisare (1906 to 1896 BC)
- Sumuel (1895 to 1867 BC)
- Nur-Adad (1866-1851 BC)
- Sin-Iddinam (1850 to 1844 BC)
- Sin-Eribam (1843 to 1842 BC)
- Sin-Iqisham (1841 to 1836 BC)
- Silli-Adad (1835 to 1835 BC)
- Warad-Sin (1834-1823 BC)
- Rim-Sin I. (1822–1763 BC)
Kings of Uruk
6th dynasty:
- Sin-Kashid (1885 to 1852 BC)
- Sin-Eribam (1852 to? BC)
- Sin-Gamil (? Until 1823 BC)
- Anam (around 1823 to 1818 BC)
- Irdanene (1818 to? BC)
- Rim-Anum (around 1805 BC)
- Nabi-Ilishu (? Until 1802 BC), the last ruler of Uruk, who was conquered by Larsa
- According to the Jewish calendar , the patriarch Terach , the father of Abraham, lived from 1882 to 1677 BC. Chr.
- According to biblical tradition, the lifetime of Abraham and Isaac . According to the Jewish calendar, Abraham was supposed to be in 1812 BC. Born in 1948 years after the world was created.
- According to the Tibetan Bon tradition, 1856 BC The Dzogchen master Shenrab was born Wednesday .
Archaeological cultures
Cultures in North Africa
Egypt :
Middle Kingdom (2077 to 1781 BC)
- 12th Dynasty (1994 to 1837 BC, also 1938 to 1781 BC)
Middle Kingdom (2077 to 1781 BC)
Nubia :
- Kerma culture (3500 to 1450 BC) in Upper Nubia
- C group (2150 to 1540 BC) in Lower Nubia
Cultures in Africa
Ghana and Ivory Coast :
- Kintampo culture (2200-700 BC)

Foundation plaque of the Nanaia temple, built by Kudur-Mabuk and Rim-Sin I of Larsa, 1820 BC Chr.
Cultures in Mesopotamia and the Middle East
Mesopotamia :
- Isin Larsa Period (1924 to 1792 BC)
- Ancient Assyrian Period (2000 to 1800 BC)
Iran :
- Jiroft culture (4000 to 1000 BC)
- Elam : Old Elamite Period (2700 to 1600 BC)
Syria :
- Tell Brak (6000 to 1360 BC)
- Tall Leilan (5000 to 1726 BC)
- Tell Chuera (5000 to 1200 BC)
- Mari (2900 to 1759 BC)
- Turkey :
Bahrain :
- Dilmun culture (3000 to 600 BC)
Cultures in East Asia
China :
- The Longshan culture (3200 to 1850 BC) on the middle and lower Yellow River is coming to an end
- Baodun culture (2500 to 1700 BC) in Sichuan
- Lower Xiajiadian Culture (2200 to 1600 BC) in northeast China and Inner Mongolia
- Erlitou culture (2000 to 1500 BC) in Henan and Shanxi
- Zhukaigou culture (around 2000 to 1500 BC) in Inner Mongolia
- End of the Xia Dynasty (2200 to 1800 BC)
Korea :
- Late Jeulmon Period (2000 to 1500 BC)
- Go-Joseon (2333-108 BC)
Japan :
- Late Jōmon Period - Jōmon V (2050 to 1050 B.C.)
Vietnam :
- Đa-Bút culture (4000 to 1700 BC)
- Phùng Nguyên culture (2000 to 1500 BC)
- Dong Son culture (2000 BC to 200 AD)
Hồng-Bàng period (2879 to 258 BC)
- Middle Hồng-Bàng dynasty (1912 to 1055 BC)
Thailand :
- Ban Chiang culture (2100 BC to 200 AD, however, it was not re-dated until 1500 BC)
Cultures in South Asia
India :
Indus culture : Harappa phase
- Harappa 4 (1900 to 1700 BC)
- Ocre-Colored-Pottery culture (approx. 2200 to 1300 BC) in the plains of the Ganges and the Yamuna
- Painted Gray Ware culture (2170 to 900 BC) in the Ganges plain
- Cemetery H culture (1900 to 1300 BC) in the Punjab
Indus culture : Harappa phase
Rajasthan :
- Ahar Banas culture (3000 to 1500 BC)
Balochistan :
- Mehrgarh (7000 to 1700 BC)
Cultures in Central Asia
Turkmenistan and Afghanistan :
- Oasis culture (2200 to 1700 BC)
Kazakhstan and Western Siberia :
- Andronovo culture (2300 to 1000 BC)
- The Sintashta culture (2100 to 1800 BC) is coming to an end
Siberia :
- Okunew culture (approx. 2500 to 1500 BC) in southern Siberia
- Susgun culture (approx. 2000 to 1500 BC) in northern Siberia
Cultures in Europe

Middle Cycladic jug from Milos , around 1800 BC Chr.
Northeast Europe :
- Rzucewo culture (5300 to 1750 BC) in the Baltic States and Poland
- Narva culture (5300 to 1750 BC) in Estonia , Latvia, and Lithuania
Eastern Europe :
- Disappearance of the Abashevo culture (2500 to 1800 BC) in northern Russia
- Srubna culture (approx. 2000/1800 to 1100 BC) in the Ukraine and southern Russia

Red polished pottery from Enkomi , Eastern Cyprus, 1900 to 1725 BC. Chr.
Southeast Europe :
Greece :
- Mainland Greece, Middle Helladic phase MH (2000 to 1550 BC)
- Cycladic culture (3200 to 1100 BC), Middle Cycladic phase MK (2000 to 1550 BC)
Crete :
- Middle Minoan phase MM IB or MM II (1900 to 1800 BC)
Greece :
Central Europe :
- End of the bell beaker culture (2600 to 2200 BC) in central, western and southern Europe; however, it survived in Great Britain until 1800 BC. Chr.
- End of the Unterwölblinger Group (2300 to 1800 BC) in Lower Austria
- Straubinger Group (2300 to 1600 BC) in southern Germany and Switzerland
- Aunjetitz culture (2300 to 1550 BC) in Germany , the Czech Republic , Slovakia and Austria
- Culture du Rhône (2200 to 1525 BC) in France and Switzerland.
- The Adlerberg culture (2100 to 1800 BC) in southern Germany is coming to an end
- Wieselburg culture (2000 to 1600 BC) in Austria, Slovakia and Hungary
- Hilversum culture (1950 to 1185 BC) in the Netherlands
- Western Europe :

Spellenstein , a menhir near Rentrisch in Saarland, approx. 1800 BC Chr.
Megalithic cultures :
- Disappearance of the Los Millares culture (3200 to 1800 BC) with the Los Milares site
- Vila Nova de São Pedro (2700 to 1300 BC)
British Isles (from 3800 BC)
- Wessex culture (2000 to 1400 BC) in central and southern England - Wessex I (2000 to 1650 BC)
Stonehenge :
- Stonehenge 3 V (1930 to 1600 BC)
- Malta : Tarxien necropolis (2500 to 1500 BC)
Megalithic cultures :
Southern Europe :
- El Argar culture (2300 to 1500 BC) in southeastern Spain
- Bonnanaro culture (2200 to 1600 BC) in Sardinia
- Castelluccio culture (2200 to 1450 BC) in Sicily
- Capo Graziano culture (approx. 2200 to approx. 1430 BC) on the Aeolian Islands
- Polada culture (2200 to 1270 BC) in northern Italy
Cultures in america
Greenland and Northeast Canada :
- Independence I culture (2400/2300 to 1800/1000 BC)
- Saqqaq culture (2500/2400 to 900 BC)
North and Central America :
- Archaic period . Establishment of mounds in the eastern forest areas from 4000 BC. Chr.
- Ortoiroid culture (4950 BC to 300 AD) in the Caribbean ( Saba , Vieques , Puerto Rico )
- Mokaya culture (1950 to 900 BC) in Guatemala
South America :
- Chinchorro culture (7020 to 1500 BC) in northern Chile and southern Peru
- Valdivia culture (3950 to 1750 BC) in Ecuador - late stage, phases 6 and 7 (2381 to 1907 BC)
- Disappearance of the Norte Chico culture (3500 to 1800 BC) in Peru
- San Agustín culture (3300 BC to 1550 AD) in Colombia
- Huaca Prieta in Peru (3100 to 1800 BC) is abandoned at the beginning of the initial ceramic period
- El Paraíso in Peru (2540 to 1105 BC)
Web links
Commons : 19th century BC Chr. - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Individual evidence
- ↑ Jörg Klinger: The Hittites. CH Beck, 2007, ISBN 3-406-53625-5 , p. 34
- ↑ Erika Zwierlein-Diehl : Antique gems and their afterlife. Walter de Gruyter, 2007, ISBN 3-11-019450-3 , p. 315
- ↑ Donna Dailey and Mike Gerrard: Crete. Mair Dumont Spirallo, 2008, ISBN 3-8297-3229-5 , p. 51
- ↑ Klaas Veenhof : History of the Ancient Orient up to the time of Alexander the Great. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001, ISBN 3-525-51685-1 , p. 120