March 2008

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This article covers breaking news and events in March 2008.

Daily events

Saturday 1st March 2008

Sunday March 2, 2008

Dmitry Medvedev

Monday March 3, 2008

Tuesday March 4, 2008

Wednesday March 5, 2008

Dresden Elbe Valley

Thursday March 6, 2008

Friday March 7, 2008

  • Hamburg / Germany : The CDU and the Greens agree on coalition talks for a joint state government in the state of Hamburg.
  • Zwickau / Germany : A former Stasi employee ( IM "Schubert" ) obtained an injunction against the exhibition "Christian Action in the GDR" at the Zwickau Regional Court , which then had to be temporarily closed.

Saturday March 8, 2008

Sunday March 9, 2008

Monday March 10, 2008


Tuesday March 11, 2008

Endeavor space shuttle

Wednesday March 12, 2008

Thursday March 13, 2008

Friday March 14, 2008

Tibet, China

Saturday March 15, 2008

  • Gërdec / Albania : In the Gërdec ammunition depot near Vora, around 15 kilometers west of Tirana, 26 people were killed and around 300 injured in an explosion. Hundreds of buildings were destroyed, and the wider area is littered with fragments and duds. See more here: Gërdec explosion disaster
  • New York / United States : Seven people died when a construction crane collapsed in a busy area in Manhattan . The approximately 90 meter high crane fell with full force on several residential buildings.

Monday March 17, 2008

Tuesday March 18, 2008

Wednesday March 19, 2008

  • India : The criticized Dalai Lama meets with leaders of Tibetan exiles for discussions in which he outlines his long-term considerations. The head of the Tibetans threatens to resign if the violence does not end. The attitude towards the Summer Olympics in Beijing is also controversial . Pope Benedict XVI. calls for an end to violence. According to Tibetan exile, at least 140 people have died in the protests so far.

Thursday March 20, 2008

Saturday March 22, 2008

Ma Ying-jeou, Taiwan election winner

Sunday March 23, 2008

  • Iraq : More than 50 people died again in fighting between the two conflicting parties in Mosul , Baghdad and other places. Among other things, the Green Zone in Baghdad is under fire.

Monday March 24, 2008

Tuesday March 25, 2008

  • Anjouan / Comoros : The military of the island state of Comoros occupies the island of Anjouan.

Wednesday March 26, 2008

Thursday March 27, 2008

Friday March 28, 2008

Saturday March 29, 2008

  • Harare / Zimbabwe : The presidential , parliamentary and regional elections are taking place.
  • During the global environmental campaign Earth Hour , the lights should go out for an hour.

Sunday March 30, 2008

Monday March 31, 2008

See also

Web links

Latvia in March 2008
Commons : March 2008  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Environmental zones in Germany. In: . Retrieved June 5, 2019 .
  2. Chaos after "Emma". In: . March 2, 2008, accessed June 5, 2019 .
  3. Wikinews: Hurricane gusts pushed Lufthansa Airbus off the runway
  4. Medvedev elected (accessed June 18, 2017)
  5. Handelsblatt: Venezuela and Ecuador deploy armies (accessed on March 3, 2008)
  6. n-tv: VW reaches for Scania (accessed June 18, 2017)
  7. Newsletter 01/2008. In: . 2008, accessed June 6, 2019 .
  8. Federal Foreign Office: Iran - Federal Government welcomes Security Council resolution (accessed on March 4, 2008)
  9. Tunnel versus bridge. In: . Retrieved June 15, 2019 .
  10. n-tv: End of mining on the Saar (accessed June 18, 2017)
  11. n-tv: McCain is through (accessed March 5, 2008)
  12. Handelsblatt: Egypt builds wall on border with Gaza (accessed March 7, 2008)
  13. Handelsblatt: Hamburg's green dare CDU experiment (accessed on March 7, 2008)
  14. ^ Spiegel online: "'Fear is still there'" (accessed on April 7, 2008)
  15. Westerwelle no longer excludes traffic lights. In: . March 8, 2008, accessed June 3, 2019 .
  16. n-tv: Obama wins in Wyoming (accessed June 18, 2017)
  17. ^ NZZ: New parliament elected in Malaysia
  18. Malaysia's Governing Coalition Suffers a Setback. In: . March 9, 2008, accessed May 17, 2019 .
  19. ^ NZZ: Zapatero's socialists continue to rule Spain
  20. Time: The decision on the Left Party applies
  21. German Bridge Construction Prize 2008. In: . Retrieved November 16, 2018 .
  22. Tagesschau: Successful start in Cape Canaveral ( archive) (accessed on March 11, 2008)
  23. Federal Constitutional Court: Hessian and Schleswig-Holstein regulations for the automated recording of license plates are void
  24. A 44 Kassel − Herleshausen. In: . Retrieved June 4, 2019 .
  25. ^ Period: Franco-German unification: dual leadership should lead the Mediterranean Union
  26. FAZ: The troy ounce costs more than $ 1000 for the first time
  27. n-tv: Search for Tibetans - Army marches on (accessed June 18, 2017)
  28. n-tv: Trümmerfeld Gerdec - Hope for Survivors (accessed on June 17, 2017)
  29. ReliefWeb Overview of Munitions Depot Explosion - Affected Area of ​​Gerdec, Albania (Disaster Map)
  30. ^ Albania's weak institutions , Neue Zürcher Zeitung, April 30, 2008 (accessed on May 1, 2008)
  31. n-tv: Crane collapse in New York - Another victim recovered (accessed June 17, 2017)
  32. Ex-Beatle has to pay (accessed on March 17, 2008)
  33. n-tv: Historical speech - Merkel in front of the Knesset (accessed on June 18, 2017)
  34. As Uighurs grow restive, China takes a tough line on Tibet. In: . April 4, 2008, accessed June 1, 2019 .
  35. n-tv: Dalai Lama speech in Delhi - Sharp tones from China (accessed on March 19, 2008)
  36. Deutsche Welle: Controversial Yves Leterme is the new head of government of Belgium (accessed on March 23, 2008)
  37. Reuters: Around 100 demonstrators arrested in front of NATO headquarters (accessed on March 22, 2008)
  38. n-tv: Opposition wins in Taiwan (accessed March 22, 2008)
  39. 4,000 dead US soldiers since the invasion . . March 24, 2008. Retrieved October 17, 2016.
  40. Tagesschau: demonstrators protest at ceremony in Olympia ( archive) (accessed on March 24, 2008)
  41. Landslide victory of the royalists in the elections in Bhutan (accessed on March 23, 2008)
  42. Number of US soldiers killed rises to 4,000 . March 24, 2016. Retrieved October 17, 2016.
  43. BBC: Battles on Comoros rebel island
  44. FAZ: Indians take over Land Rover and Jaguar (accessed on March 26, 2008)
  45. FAZ: Lidl had employees systematically spied on (accessed on March 26, 2008)
  46. Tagesschau: Nobody wants the buck ( archive)
  47. Investment protection in bilateral trade agreements between the Federal Republic of Germany and developing and emerging countries. In: . March 27, 2015, accessed November 20, 2018 .
  48. : Eamon Sullivan breaks own world record in 50 freestyle ( Memento from October 16, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) (English)