John Flournoy Henry

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John Flournoy Henry (born January 17, 1793 in Henrys Mill , Scott County , Kentucky , †  November 12, 1873 in Burlington , Iowa ) was an American politician . Between 1826 and 1827 he represented the state of Kentucky in the US House of Representatives .


John Henry attended Georgetown Academy and Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia . In 1817, he finished his medical degree at the College of Physicians and Surgeons . During the British-American War he was active in Fort Meigs in 1813 in the medical service of the troops coming from Kentucky. Henry later practiced as a doctor and worked in agriculture. At the same time he began a political career.

In the 1820s he joined the movement against eventual President Andrew Jackson and became a member of the short-lived National Republican Party , which became the Whig Party in the 1830s . Following the death of MP Robert Pryor Henry , to whom he was apparently unrelated, John Henry was elected to the United States House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the due by-election for the twelfth seat of Kentucky , where he stood on December 11th He took up his new mandate in 1826. Since he was not confirmed in the following regular congressional elections, he was only able to end the current legislative period of his predecessor in Congress until March 3, 1827 .

After he left the US House of Representatives, Henry continued his medical career. In 1831 he became a professor at the Medical College of Ohio in Cincinnati . In 1834 he moved to Bloomington , Illinois and in 1845 to Burlington, Iowa. He also worked as a doctor in his new home. He died in Burlington on November 12, 1873, at the age of 80.

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