Market Erlbach District Court

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The district court of Markt Erlbach was a Bavarian district court of the older order that existed from 1812 to 1879 and was based in Markt Erlbach in what is now the district of Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim . In the Kingdom of Bavaria , the regional courts were judicial and administrative authorities, which were replaced in administrative matters by the district offices in 1862 and in legal matters by the local courts in 1879 .

In 1812 the district court of Markt Erlbach was established in the course of the administrative restructuring of Bavaria . This was added to the Rezatkreis .


Tax districts

As part of the municipal edict in 1811, the regional court was divided into 13 tax districts:

Rural communities

In 1813 the rural communities came into being . With the second community edict (1818), the rural communities received more powers. At the same time, some of the previously existing rural communities were split up. On January 4, 1821, Rothenhof came to the Ansbach district court . This decision was reversed on April 15, 1822. On January 4, 1822, Dagenbach, Einersdorf and Stöckach were umgemeindet on the left of the Zenn of the rural community Buch ( District Court Windsheim ) to Neuhof. On November 9, 1824, part of the hamlet of Erlachskirchen was handed over to the Cadolzburg district court . In the same year there were some reshuffles of rural communities. In 1824 there were the following 46 rural communities:

  • Altselingsbach with Hagenhofen, Hohenroth, Pilsenmühle and Röschenmühle;
  • Bräuersdorf with Brandhof, Erlachsmühle and Trübenbronn;
  • Well with Weihermühle;
  • Book with Fallhaus , Morbach and Oberulsenbach;
  • Book blades with wooden mill;
  • Dietenhofen with Mosmühle;
  • Dippoldsberg with Meiersberg;
  • Dürrnbuch ;
  • Ebersbach with Oberalbach and Trabelshof;
  • Ebersdorf with Andorf and Stolzmühle;
  • Eckenberg with Borbath;
  • Emskirchen with Sixtmühle and brickworks;
  • Eschenbach with Altziegenrück, Häringsmühle and Unterulsenbach;
  • Falkendorf with Dondörflein, Eckenmühle , Hessenmühle, Lenzenmühle;
  • Gunzendorf with Elgersdorf, Fallmeisterei, Gunzendorf, Plankstatt, Prackenhof, snow mill;
  • Hagenbüchach with Oberfembach;
  • Herpersdorf with Lentersdorf and Rothleiten;
  • Hirschneuses ;
  • Hohholz with Kaltenneuses, Tanzenhaid and Vierzehnmorgen;
  • Jobstgreuth with Haaghof and Wilhelmsgreuth;
  • Kappersberg with bones yard and brickworks ;
  • Kirchfembach ;
  • Klausaurach with Mettelaurach;
  • Kotzenaurach with Kappersberg, beinhof and brickworks;
  • Leonrod ;
  • Linden ;
  • Losaurach with Mosbach;
  • Market Erlbach ;
  • Mausdorf with Grieshof, Leitsmühle and Oberniederndorf;
  • Münchaurach with Dörflas, Lenkershof, Nankenhof;
  • Neidhardswinden with Finkenmühle;
  • Neudorf with Dietenholz, Neudietenholz and Walburg winds;
  • Neuhof with Adelsdorf, Dagenbach, Dietrichshof, Eichenmühle, Einersdorf, Hammermühle, Stöckach, Straussmühle, Vockenroth and Ziegelhütte;
  • Neundorf ;
  • Neuziegenrück with Neuselingsbach;
  • Oberfeldbrecht with Rothenhof and Unterfeldbrecht;
  • Oberreichenbach ;
  • Pirkach ;
  • Puschendorf ;
  • Schauerberg with Altschauerberg, Flugshof, Neuschauerberg and Riedelhof;
  • Seubersdorf with Oberschlauersbach;
  • Siedelbach with Blümleinsmühle, Haidt, Kemmathen, Mittel- and Wolfsmühle;
  • Unterreichenbach with book;
  • Trautskirchen with Dagenbach;
  • Wilhelmsdorf with Stadelhof, Unteralbachermühle and Ziegelhof;
  • Home of doubt with courtyards.

Further development

On April 1, 1836, the communities of Falkendorf, Münchaurach, Neundorf, Oberreichenbach, Puschendorf, Unterreichenbach and Zweifelsheim came to the Herzogenaurach Regional Court .

In 1840 the district court of Markt Erlbach was 3.93 square miles. There were 14,294 inhabitants, of whom 13,886 were Protestants, 112 Catholics and 296 Jews. There were 123 localities, including 5 markets, 5 parish villages, 7 church villages, 34 villages, 27 hamlets and 45 wastelands. There were a total of 39 communities, including 5 market communities and 34 rural communities.

On October 1, 1842, the Rural Municipality came Wilhermsdorf with Denzel mill , Fallmeisterei , Lenz house , Walkmühle from the district court Cadolzburg ashore court Erlbach. On January 30, 1851, Einersdorf and Stöckach were transferred to Trautskirchen.

On the occasion of the introduction of the Courts Constitution Act on October 1, 1879, a district court was set up in Markt Erlbach , the district of which was formed from the district of the Markt Erlbach regional court, which was repealed at the same time.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. a b c H. H. Hofmann, p. 196.
  2. For more information, see the individual local articles.
  3. ^ E. Vetter (1846), p. 94.