Municipio Simojovel

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Simojovel de Allende
Basic data
Country Mexico
State Chiapas
Seat Simojovel de Allende
surface 315 km²
Residents 40,297 (2010)
density 127.9 inhabitants per km²
founding 1915
INEGI no. 07081
Presidente municipal Viridiana Hernández Sánchez
Panorama Simojovels (1987)
Panorama Simojovels (1987)

Coordinates: 17 ° 9 ′  N , 92 ° 43 ′  W

Simojovel is a municipality in the Mexican state of Chiapas . The municipality has about 40,000 inhabitants and an area of ​​315 km². The largest place of the municipality and at the same time its administrative seat is Simojovel de Allende .

Geography and geology

The municipality of Simojovel is located in the north-central part of the Mexican state Chiapas at heights between 200  m and 2200  m . It belongs entirely to the physiographic province of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas and lies entirely in the hydrological region of Grijalva - Usumacinta . About 57% of the community area is forested, 27% is used for pasture land, 15% is used for agriculture.

The geology of the municipality is determined by 48% limestone with 35% sandstone - lutite and 17% sandstone; The predominant soil types are Luvisol (47%), Planosol (44%) and Phaeozem (9%). The municipality is located in mountains, which are composed of mostly siliciclastic sedimentary rocks of the Tertiary and limestones of the Upper Cretaceous and whose tectonics are characterized by folds , lateral shifts and thrusts ( Chiapas Thrust-Fold Belt ). The late Oligocene- Early Miocene parts of the strata sequence ( Mazantic slate , Balumtum sandstone ) are characterized by the presence of amber (so-called Chiapas amber ), which is the subject of intensive scientific research due to its inclusions of fossil arthropods .

The municipality of Simojovel borders on the municipalities of Huitiupán , Sabanilla , Tila , Yajalón , Pantelhó , Chalchihuitán , El Bosque , Jitotol , San Andrés Duraznal and Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacán .


The 2010 census counted 40,297 people in 7,379 residential units in the municipality. Of these, 26,731 people were registered as speakers of an indigenous language , including 18,619 speakers from Tzotzil and 5,868 speakers from Tzeltal . Almost 32 percent of the population were illiterate. 10,968 inhabitants were registered as economically active, of which almost 87% were men and 1% were unemployed. Over 68% of the population lived in extreme poverty.


The municipality of Simojovel comprises 122 inhabited localidades , of which only the main town is classified as urban by the INEGI . Seven places had a population of over 1000 in the 2010 census, 54 places had fewer than 100 inhabitants. The biggest places are:

place Residents
Simojovel de Allende 10,762
Pueblo Nuevo Sitala 02,437
La Pimienta 01,755
El Jardín 01,626
La Ceiba 01,275
Las Maravillas 01,204
Constitución 01.103
Guadalupe Victoria Dos 00.958
José Castillo Tielemans 00.827
Las Mercedes Esperanza 00.754

Web links

Commons : Municipio Simojovel  - collection of images