Oberamt Ansbach
The Oberamt Ansbach was one of the 15 administrative areas of the Principality of Ansbach .
The Ansbach office originally only consisted of the Ansbach court box office. Over time, the offices listed below were acquired. In the 18th century, the Vogtämter Bruckberg, Flachslanden, Vestenberg and Unternbibert were administered by a joint Vogt . Most recently, the sovereignty ( high court , lower court outside the Etter , church sovereignty , tax sovereignty ) extended to an area that roughly corresponded to the district court of Ansbach . About the Virnsberger area that had German Order Coming Virnsberg the provincial government in full. The places Frickendorf , Götteldorf , Kettenhöfstetten , Ruppersdorf and Stockheim belonged to the Brandenburg-Bayreuth municipal bailiff's office in Markt Erlbach . Here the sovereignty extended to the lower court outside the Etter, the church and tax sovereignty. The high court was limited to the arrest of criminals who were then extradited to the court box office in Ansbach. The same applied to the manors Frohnhof , Rügland and Unternzenn , which belonged to the knight canton of Altmühl .
Within the upper office there were places whose village and community rule was taken over by foreign rulers. Ballstadt, Birkach, Graefenbuch, Oberheßbach, Unterheßbach had the Eichstättische Vogtamt Lehrberg as village lords, who could decide lower court matters within the Etter. There were also foreign masters in the manorial system of individual properties.
From 1791/92 the principality of Ansbach was administered by the Prussian state as Ansbach-Bayreuth . In 1797 the Ansbach District was formed, the size of which roughly corresponded to the Ansbach Office.
Hofkastenamt Ansbach
The court box office exercised the high court over all places of the upper office Ansbach.
The Hofkastenamt Ansbach exercised the village and community rule over the following places:
- Alberndorf , Ansbach , Bernhard winds , Beutellohe , Brodswinden , Brünst , Oberdautenwinden , Deßmannsdorf , Dornberg , Egloff winds , Elpersdorf in Ansbach , Eyb , forestry , Gebersdorf , Geisen reason , Grüb , Haas transition , Häslabronn , Hennenbach , Hirschbronn , courtyards , Hürbel am Rangen , Kammerforst , Katterbach , Klein Habersdorf , Kurzdorf , Kurzdorf , Lengenfeld , lying Bach , Meinhard winches , Neubronn , Neudorf , Neunkirchen , Neuses , Oberdombach , upper Eichenbach , Petersdorf , Pfaffengreuth , Schalkhausen , Schmalach , Steinbach , Steinersdorf , Strüth , Tiefthal , Thierbach , Thurndorf , Untereichenbach , Warzfelden , Wasserzell , Weihenzell , Wengenstadt , Wernsbach , Wüstenbruck , Zailach , Zellrüglingen .
The Hofkastenamt Ansbach had in the following places manors (in brackets the number of property is stated):
- Immediately: Ansbach (207), Alberndorf (7), Ballstadt (2), Bernhardswinden (9), Beutellohe (4), Brodswinden (17), Bruckberg (6), Büchelberg (6), Cadolzhofen (4), Deßmannsdorf (4 ), Dornberg (16), Egloffswinden (13), Elpersdorf (12), Eyb with Aumühle (10), Gebersdorf (5), Geisengrund (1), Gotzendorf (3), Gräfenbuch (1), Grüb (9), Haasgang (9), Häslabronn (7), Hennenbach (3), Hirschbronn (3), Höfen bei Elpersdorf (8), Hürbel am Rangen (11), Illesheim (1), Immeldorf (1), Kammerforst (6), Katterbach ( 4), Kleinhabersdorf (7), Kurzendorf near Ansbach (18), Kurzendorf near Häslabronn (3), Lengenfeld with Hohenmühle (19), Meinhardswinden (16), Moratneustetten (3), Neubronn (3), Neudorf (18), Neunkirchen (14), Neuses near Ansbach (9), Oberdautenhaben (6), Oberdombach (1), Obereichenbach (7), Oberschönbronn (1), Obersulzbach (3), Petersdorf (8), Pfaffengreuth (3), Ratzenzüge (2) , Reckersdorf (4), Röshof (5), Röttenbach (1), Rutzendorf (1), Sachsbach (1), Schalkhausen (29), Schmalach (1), Schmalenba ch (6), Schmalnbachshof (1), Steinbach with Büchenmühle and Streitmühle (4), Steinbach near Bruckberg (6), Steinersdorf (12), Steinmühle near Weihenzell (1), Stettberg (2), Strüth (17), Thierbach ( 2), Tiefenthal (6), Untereichenbach with Schockenmühle (4), Unterrottmannsdorf with Weidenmühle (1), Untersulzbach (2), Warzfelden (14), Wasserzell (8), Weihenzell with Neumühle (25), Weinberg (2), Wengenstadt (2), Wernsbach near Ansbach with Alexandermühle (23), Wernsbach near Windsbach (1), Wüstenbruck (6), Zailach (17), Zandt (1), Zellrüglingen (12).
- Indirect: Kaplanei Lehrberg: Schmalach (1); Church Eyb : Eyb (2), Wallersdorf (1); Church of Saxony : Saxony near Ansbach (1); Schalkhausen Church : Schalkhausen (1); Church Wernsbach b. A .: Schalkhausen (1); Parish Brodswinden : Brodswinden (9); Parish Neunkirchen : Mittelbach (1), Neunkirchen (1); Parish Obersulzbach : Obersulzbach (3); Parish of Saxony: Volkersdorf (2); Parish of Schalkhausen: Schalkhausen (1); Parish Weihenzell : Forst (1), Petersdorf (1), Schmalach (1); Parish Wernsbach: Wernsbach (1);Ansbach Hospital: Riedelhof (1), Schlauersbach (1), Stettberg (1), Ziegenhof (1).
Ansbach Abbey Office
The Ansbach Abbey took over the administration of the goods of the Gumbertus Abbey, which was dissolved in 1563 . The monastery goods formed a fund for church and school purposes within the Principality of Ansbach.
It exercised the village and community rule over the following places:
- Anfelden , Berndorf , Boxbrunn , Dombach im Loch , Gödersklingen , Gösseldorf , Höchstetten , Höfstetten , Käferbach , Kühndorf , Mittelbach , Moratneustetten , Oberbreitenau , Oberrammersdorf , Ratzenzüge , Schönbronn , Wallersdorf , Wippendorf , Wolfartswinden , Wüstendorf .
The pen Office Ansbach had in the following places manors (in brackets the number of property is stated):
- Immediately: Ansbach (64), Alberndorf (1), Alexandermühle, Anfelden (22), Aub (6), Bechhofen (2), Beerbach (1), Berndorf (10), Bernhardswinden (3), Beutellohe (1), Birkenmühle (1), Boxbrunn (7), Brodswinden (1), Büschelbach (2), Cadolzhofen (1), Deßmannsdorf (5), Dombach im Loch (5), Elpersdorf near Windsbach (11), Eyb (22), Gerbersdorf ( 1), Gödersklingen (17), Gösseldorf (9), Grüb (1), Hennenbach (1), Hinterholz (1), Hirschbronn (3), Höchstetten (9), Höfstetten (9), Käferbach (4), Kirschendorf ( 1), Kleinhabersdorf (2), Kühndorf (3), Külbingen (3), Kurzendorf (1), Lölldorf (2), Mittelbach (10), Mittelramstadt (2), Moratneustetten (21), Neubronn (5), Neukirchen ( 2), Neunkirchen (3), Neuses near Ansbach (5), Oberbreitenau (9), Oberdombach (6), Obereichenbach (1), Oberrammersdorf (11), Oberramstadt (3), Oberschönbronn (3), Obersulzbach (6), Petersdorf (1), Pfaffengreuth (1), Pfetzendorf (2), Ratzenzüge (8), Röttenbach (1), Rückersdorf (1), Sachsbach (2), Saxony near Leutershausen (1), Sch alkhausen (7), Schlauersbach (1), Schmalach (5), Schönbronn (6), Seiderzell (3), Steinbach (5), Thurndorf (1), Tiefenthal (3), Untereichenbach with Schockenmühle (6), Unterheßbach (2 ), Unterrottmannsdorf with Weidenmühle (4), Untersulzbach (5), Wallersdorf (10), Warzfelden (1), Wasserzell (8), Weidenmühle bei Eyb , Weihenzell (1), Wengenstadt (3), Wiebelsheim (2), Wippendorf ( 6), Wolfartswinden (3), Wüstendorf (8), Zailach (2), Zellrüglingen (1).
- Indirectly: Hospital Ansbach: Hennenbach (13).
Mayor and Council of Ansbach
The mayor and council of Ansbach had manors in the following places (the number of properties is given in brackets):
- Immediately: Ammelbruch (6), Ansbach (536), Ballstadt (1), Eyerlohe (1), Gösseldorf (1), Untereichenbach (1), Wallersdorf (1), Winden (1).
- Indirect: Land maintenance by the Ansbach Council: Atzenhofen (1), Brünst (5), Büchelberg (1), Deßmannsdorf (1), Dietenbronn (5), Hirschbronn (1), Hohenau (5), Käferbach (1), Kammerforst ( 1), Kurzendorf near Ansbach (1), Mitteldachstetten (1), Neuses near Ansbach (2), Oberdombach (1), Oberfelden (2), Pfaffengreuth (1), Röttenbach (2), Schmalenbach (2), Vehlberg (2 ), Wolfartswinden (1); St. Johannispflege Ansbach: Alberndorf (1), Atzenhofen (1), Bernhardswinden (1), Eckartsweiler (1), Eyb (3), Frommetsfelden (1), Grüb (1), Schalkhausen (1), Steinbach near Alberndorf ( 1), Untereichenbach (1).
Chancellery Ansbach
The Chancellery in Ansbach had manors in the following places (the number of properties is given in brackets):
- Kottensdorf (2), Leuzdorf (3) and Walpersdorf (1).
Vogtamt Lehrberg
The Vogtamt Lehrberg was originally a purely Eichstättisches office. Over time, the margraves acquired goods and rights there, so that the Vogtamt Lehrberg also became a margravial office. The margravial office exercised the village and community rule over the following places:
It had manors in the following places (the number of properties is given in brackets):
- Immediately: Lehrberg (52), Unterheßbach (1).
- Indirectly: Municipality of Lehrberg: Lehrberg (8); Hofkastenamt Ansbach: Buhlsbach (3); Chaplaincy Lehrberg: Lehrberg (4); Lehrberg parish council : Lehrberg (4).
Vogtamt Birkenfels
The Vogtamt Birkenfels has taken over administration of the goods of the manor Birkenfels of the Lords von Seckendorff , which they had sold to the Principality of Ansbach in 1538. It exercised village and community rule over the following places:
- Birkenfels , Borsbach , Hohenau , Ipsheim (together with Kastenamt Ipsheim ), Mitteldachstetten , Oberdachstetten , Obersulzbach , Untersulzbach .
It had manors in the following places (the number of properties is given in brackets):
- Immediately: Birkenfels (6), Borsbach (11), Flachslanden (3), Gräfenbuch (2), Hohenau (6), Ipsheim (17), Kellern (4), Lehrberg (2), Mitteldachstetten (9), Oberdachstetten (43 ), Obersulzbach (4).
- Indirect: Obersulzbach church: Berndorf (2); Parish Obersulzbach: Berndorf (1).
Vogtamt Flachslanden
The Vogtamt Flachslanden has taken over the administration of the Flachslanden property of the Lords of Posse , which they had sold to the Principality of Ansbach in 1536/52. It exercised the village and community rule over Flachslanden .
It had manors in the following places (the number of properties is given in brackets):
- Immediately: Borsbach (11), Flachslanden (49), Mitteldachstetten (3), Oberdachstetten (2).
- Indirectly: Flachslanden Church : Flachslanden (2); Parish Flachslanden: Flachslanden (3), Mitteldachstetten (1).
Vogtamt Bruckberg
The Vogtamt Bruckberg has taken over the management of the goods of the manor Bruckberg of the Lords of Eyb , which they had sold to the Principality of Ansbach in 1687. However, jurisdiction and rule were taken over by the Vogtamt Flachslanden . It exercised the village and community rule over the following places:
- Bruckberg , Reckersdorf , Steinbach .
It had manors in the following places (the number of properties is given in brackets):
- Immediately: Bruckberg (27), Steinbach (1).
Vogtamt Unterstbibert
The Vogtamt Unterstbibert exercised the village and community rule only over Unterstbibert .
It had manors in the following places (the number of properties is given in brackets):
- Immediately: Haasgang (2), Unternbibert (15).
- Indirectly: Church Unterstbibert : Unterstbibert (1); Parish Unterbibert: Unternbibert (1).
Vogtamt Vestenberg
The Vogtamt Vestenberg has taken over management of the goods of the manor Vestenberg of the Lords of Eyb , which they had sold to the Principality of Ansbach in 1724. It exercised the village and community rule over the following places:
- Noble seat , Külbingen , Neukirchen , Vestenberg .
It had manors in the following places (the number of properties is given in brackets):
- Adelmannssitz (10), Immeldorf (7), Külbingen (11), Neukirchen (2), Vestenberg with Schafhof (28)
- Friedrich Eigler : Schwabach (= Historical Atlas of Bavaria, part of Franconia . I, 28). Michael Laßleben, Kallmünz 1990, ISBN 3-7696-9941-6 , p. 362 .
- Johann Bernhard Fischer : Oberamt Ansbach . In: Statistical and topographical description of the Burggraftum Nürnberg, below the mountain, or the Principality of Brandenburg-Anspach. Second part. Containing the economic, statistical and moral condition of these countries according to the fifteen upper offices . Benedict Friedrich Haueisen, Ansbach 1790, p. 3–44 ( digitized version ).
- Hanns Hubert Hofmann : Neustadt-Windsheim (= Historical Atlas of Bavaria, part of Franconia . I, 2). Commission for Bavarian State History, Munich 1953, DNB 452071216 , p. 64 ( digitized version ).
- Manfred Jehle: Ansbach: the margravial chief offices Ansbach, Colmberg-Leutershausen, Windsbach, the Nuremberg nursing office Lichtenau and the Deutschordensamt (Wolframs-) Eschenbach (= historical atlas of Bavaria, part Franconia . I, 35). Commission for Bavarian State History, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-7696-6856-8 .
- Friedrich Gottlob Leonhardi : Oberamt Anspach . In: Earth description of the Franconian principalities of Bayreuth and Anspach . Hemmerde and Schwetschke, Halle 1797, p. 291-312 ( digitized version ).
- Gottfried Stieber: Head Office Anspach . In: Historical and topographical news from the Principality of Brandenburg-Onolzbach . Johann Jacob Enderes, Schwabach 1761, p. 8–9 ( digitized version ).