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Letovice coat of arms
Letovice (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Jihomoravský kraj
District : Blansko
Area : 5101 ha
Geographic location : 49 ° 33 '  N , 16 ° 34'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 32 '49 "  N , 16 ° 34' 24"  E
Height: 330  m nm
Residents : 6,745 (Jan 1, 2019)
Postal code : 679 61
License plate : B.
Street: Brno - Svitavy
Railway connection: Brno – Česká Třebová
Status: city
Districts: 17th
Mayor : Vladimír Stejskal (as of 2018)
Address: Masarykovo náměstí 210/19
679 61 Letovice
Municipality number: 581917
Website : www.letovice.net

Letovice (German Lettowitz ) is a city in the Czech Republic . It is located 40 kilometers north of the city center of Brno and belongs to the Okres Blansko .


City view from the west

Letovice is located at the foot of the Nedvědická vrchovina, Českotřebovská vrchovina and Moravskotřebovská pahorkatina in the Malá Haná ( Little Hanna ). The town lies on the left bank of the Svitava opposite the confluence of the Křetínka . On the northern outskirts of the city the Kladorubka flows into the Svitava. The Strážnice (443 m) rises to the northeast, the Nad Amerikou (553 m) and Pisečný vrch (522 m) to the east, the Drábovka (469 m) to the south and the Chrástky ( Eliasberg , 469 m) to the east . The northern border of the urban area corresponds to the course of the historical border between Moravia and Bohemia . State road I / 43 / E 461 runs through Letovice .

Neighboring towns are Nový Mlýn, Havírna and Třebětín in the north, Trávník, Kladoruby and Andělka in the northeast, America and Vísky the east, Podolí and Míchov the southeast, Jindřichov in the south, Lhota, Eliášova Hora and Zábludov in the southwest, Kněževísko and Vranová the west and Svitavice, Lazinov and Meziříčko in the north-west.


Letovice Castle
Brothers of Mercy Monastery

Archaeological finds show that the urban area has been settled since the Neolithic Age . Lethowicz was first mentioned in writing in 1145 in a document from Duke Otto III of Olomouc . Letovice was on the Strenitzer Landessteig, which connected Moravia with Bohemia. A wooden fortress was built on a promontory above the trade route, probably built by the Bořitov lords . The conversion of the fortress into a castle probably took place around 1250 under Hermann von Letovice. In 1241 the Tatars invaded from Olomouc and burned Letovice down.

In the second half of the 14th century, Jan von Letovice created a collection of sayings and sentences here. In 1399 the Letovice Castle was taken by Heralt von Kunstadt . Around 1400 a translation of Marco Polo'sIl Milione ” was created there , which later served Václav Hanka as the source of the old Czech script when forging the Grünberg manuscript . From the beginning of the 15th century, part of the Letovice estate belonged to the Lords of Ronow . In 1424 the Hussites captured the castle of their enemy Hynek von Ronow and burned Letovice down. From 1446 the two shares belonged to the families of Boskowitz and Lomnitz. In 1505 Ladislav von Boskowitz also acquired the Lomnicky share from the united Upper and Lower Letovice again into one rule. In 1544, Christoph von Boskowitz left the rule to Christoph von Hardegg and Glatz . The Reformation found its way under the Count of Hardegg. In 1613 Heinrich Wenzel von Thurn acquired Letovice through his marriage to Regina von Hardegg.

During the Thirty Years War the Swedes captured Letovice in 1645 and burned it down when they withdrew in 1648. In 1654 Karl Kaspar von Thurn sold the rule for 60,000 guilders to Georg Stephan von Würben and Freudenthal , who was not able to repair the war damage. He was followed in 1664 by Eva Forgácz , née Erdődy , two years later by Eliška Březnická von Náchod and in 1668 by György Szelepcsényi de Pohronc . It took a long time for Letovice to recover from the consequences of the war; in 1674 two thirds of the town's houses were still uninhabited. In 1711 Karl Ludwig von Roggendorf acquired the rule from the Szelepcsényi de Pohronc. He was followed in 1724 by Hermann Freiherr von Blümegen. In 1750 Heinrich Kajetan von Blümegen founded a calico factory . In 1782, Emperor Joseph II granted Letovice the privilege of holding a wool fair.

In 1820 the Counts Kálnoky von Kőröspatak bought Letovice. As an educator of Gustav Kálnoky lived January Erazim Vocel Castle Letovice. The commissioning of the railway from Brno to Bohemian Trübau by the Imperial and Royal Northern State Railways in 1849 promoted the further development of the town.

After the abolition of patrimonial Letovice formed from 1850 a market town in the district authority Boskovice . In 1880 there were people in Letovice in 2008, including 42 Germans. In 1906 the community school was inaugurated. In 1930 the population had grown to 3,117, who, with the exception of 93 Germans, belonged to the Czech ethnic group. On November 13, 1936, Letovice was raised to the rank of town. During the German occupation, the Za svobodu resistance group attacked Hotel Lamplota on the night of September 20-21, 1941 .

After the end of the Second World War, the Counts Kálnoky were expropriated. In 1952 Lhota was incorporated. At the beginning of 1961 the city was assigned to the Okres Blansko , at the same time Slatinka and Třebětín were incorporated. Further incorporations followed in 1968 with Zboněk, 1976 with Babolky, Dolní Smržov, Klevetov, Meziříčko and Novičí, 1980 with Kněževísko, Kochov and Zábludov and 1986 with Chlum, Jasinov, Kladoruby and Podolí. In 1991 Letovice had 4,562 inhabitants. After the Velvet Revolution, Lettowitz Palace was returned to Count Alexander Kálnoky, who sold it in 2004.

City structure

The town of Letovice consists of the districts Babolky ( Babolek ), Chlum, Dolní Smržov ( Unter Smerschow ), Jasinov ( Jasinau ), Kladoruby ( Kladrob ), Klevetov ( Klewetau ), Kněževísko ( Knieschewisko ), Kochov ( Kochau ), Letovice ( Lettowitz ) , Lhota, Meziříčko ( Meseritschko ), Novičí ( Novitschin ), Podolí ( Podol ), Slatinka, Třebětín ( Trebietin ), Zábludov ( Sabludow ) and Zboněk ( Sboniek ). The basic settlement units are Babolky, Bahna ( Bachna ), Chlum, Čtvrtky, Dolní Smržov, Eliášova hora ( Eliasberg ), Havírna ( Hawirna ), Jasinov, Kladoruby, Klevetov, Klín, Kněževísko, Kochov, Letovice-střkoez, Na Chlumísko, Meko. Novičí, Ořechov ( Orschechau ), Pod Křetínkou, Podolí, Průmyslový obvod I, Průmyslový obvod II, Slatinka, Trávník, Třebětín, U hájku, U koupaliště, U škrobku, U zámědány obora, Zámebludány Letovice also includes the settlements Andělka ( Engelbruch ), Dvorsko ( Dworsko ), Jindřichov ( Heinrichsthal ) and Nový Mlýn.

The municipal area is divided into the cadastral districts Babolky, Bahna, Chlum u Letovic, Dolní Smržov, Jasinov, Kladoruby, Klevetov, Kněževísko, Kochov, Letovice, Lhota u Letovic, Meziříčko u Letatovic, Novičí, Ořecholí u Letatinkí, Trávník u Kladorub, Třebětín u Letovic, Zábludov and Zboněk.

Partner municipality


St. Prokop Church
Letovice Castle
  • Church of St. Prokop, built 1370-1380
  • Rectory, verifiable since 1353
  • Monastery of the Brothers of Mercy, it was founded in 1751 and closed after 1914
  • Monastery Church of St. Wenceslas, built in 1773
  • Letovice Castle, it emerged from a fortress that was transformed into a castle around 1250 and after its destruction by the Swedes in the Thirty Years' War under the lords of Szelepcsényi de Pohronc, Roggendorf and Blümegen into a baroque castle. It got its current appearance in the 1830s under the counts of Kálnoky. A 27.6 hectare park adjoins the castle.
  • Letovice dam , a recreational area west of the town on the Křetínka
  • Celtic open-air museum Isarno, in a quarry at the foot of the dam of the dam
  • Water tower, at the cemetery, built in 1911 as part of the I. Brüsau waterworks, the 20 m tower is a technical monument

sons and daughters of the town

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.uir.cz/obec/581917/Letovice
  2. Český statistický úřad - The population of the Czech municipalities as of January 1, 2019 (PDF; 7.4 MiB)
  3. http://www.uir.cz/casti-obce-obec/581917/Obec-Letovice
  4. http://www.uir.cz/zsj-obec/581917/Obec-Letovice
  5. http://www.uir.cz/katastralni-uzemi-obec/581917/Obec-Letovice