List of characters in Greek mythology / N

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The list of characters in Greek mythology includes characters from Greek mythology .

All figures known by name through literary or inscribed evidence are recorded. These include gods, demigods, hybrid beings or monsters, as well as human figures or animals that appear in myth. Nicknames, alternative names and group names are also included.


  • Name: German transcription of the name without accents or length characters. Names whose traditional transcriptions are formed with umlaut or begin with a U are listed here without umlaut and with the transcription Ou . Accordingly, z. B. Oedipus can be found under Oidipus or Uranos under Ouranos .
  • Greek: Ancient Greek spelling of the name.
  • Description: Contains a brief description of the figure in which it is classified as far as possible (god, nymph, satyr, son or daughter of ...).
  • Evidence: The detailed evidence is in the respective article and not in this list.

See also the general notes on the list of characters in Greek mythology .


Surname Greek description proof
Nagis Νάγις Helmsman, after him the city of Nagidos in western Cilicia Roscher 3.2. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Νάγιδος .
Naia Ναία Bakchantin on an aryballos , a small vessel Roscher 3.2 (1).
Naia Ναία Naiad , spring nymph , worshiped in Teuthrone Roscher 3.2 (2). Pausanias 3,25,4.
Naiaden Ναιάδες Nymphs who watch over springs, streams, rivers, swamps, ponds and lakes Roscher 3.2.
Naios Νάιος Cult epithet of Zeus in Dodona , as god of moisture and fertility Roscher 3.2. Scholion , Iliad 16,233.
Nais Νάιος Bakchantin , dancing, on a black-figure crater Roscher 3.3 (1). CIG 4.7460.
Nais Νάιος Nymph , a nature spirit, a priestess, a female deity Roscher 3.3 (2).
Nakole Νακόλη Nymph , after her the city of Nakoleia in Phrygia Roscher 3.4. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Νακόλεια .
Nakolos Νάκολος Son of Daskylos , after him the city of Nakoleia in Phrygia Roscher 3.4. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Νακόλεια .
Nana Νάνα Daughter of the river god Sangarios , mother of Attis Roscher 3.4 (1). Pausanias 7:17, 11.
Nana Νάνα Epithet of Artemis on a dedicatory inscription found in Piraeus Roscher 3.4 (2). CIA 3.131.
Nanaia Ναναία that is Nana , by the name of Artemis Roscher 3.5.
Nanas Νάνας Son of Teutamides, descendant of Pelasgos, king of Larisa in Thessaly Roscher 3.5 (1). Library of Apollodorus 2,4,4,2.
Nanas Νάνας Celtic king, father of Petta in the founding legend of Massalia Roscher 3.7 (3). Athenaios : Supper 13,576.
Nannakos Νάννακος old King of Phrygia who foresaw the Deucalionic Flood Roscher 3.7. Zenobios 6.10.
Nao Ναώ (?) Nereid on a vase Roscher 3.8. CIG 8354.
Naoklos Νάοκλος Son of Kodros , oikist and founder of Teos Roscher 3.8. Pausanias 7,3,6.
Naos Ναός Great-grandson of Eumolpos of Eleusis , brought ordinations of Demeter to Pheneos Roscher 3.8. Pausanias 8.15.1.
Napaien Ναπαῖαι Nymphs of the forest valleys, belong to the mountain nymphs ( oreads ) Roscher 3.9. Virgil : Georgica 4,535.
Napaius Ναπαῖος Satyr , the Dionysus against the Indians follows Roscher 3.9 (1). Nonnos : Dionysiacs 14,107.
Napaius Ναπαῖος Nickname of Apollo from the city of Nape on Lesbos Roscher 3.9 (2). Stephanos of Byzantium sv Νάπη .
Nape Νάπη The hunter's dog Aktaion , one of 35 to 81 animals Roscher 3.9. Ovid : Metamorphoses 3.214.
Napes Νάπης Descendant of Scythians , king of the Scythians , brother of Palos Roscher 3.9. Diodorus 2.43.
Narasos Νάρασος Nickname of Zeus , in Panamara in Caria Roscher 3.9. CIG 2.2720.
Narkaia Ναρκαία Epithet of Athena , whose shrine in Elis founded the Narkaios Roscher 3.10. Pausanias 5,16,7.
Narcaios Ναρκαῖος Son of Dionysus and Physkoa, Athene Narkaia built a sanctuary in Elis Roscher 3.10. Greek anthology 9,617.
Nark Νάρκη Personification of freezing, with Phrixos, the personified shudder Roscher 3.10. Greek anthology 9,617.
Narnakios Ναρνάκιος Nickname of Poseidon Roscher 3.21.
Narthekephoros Ναρθηκοφόρος Nickname of Dionysus as the bearer of Thyrsus Roscher 3.21 (1). Orphic Hymn 42.1.
Naryandis Ναρυανδίς Nickname of Demeter , on an inscription on the Temple of Zeus in Panamara Roscher 3.21.
Narcissus Νάρκισσος Son of Kephissus and Leiriope , in love with his reflection Roscher 3: 10-21. Pausanias 5,16,7.
Nasamon Νασάμων The progenitor , son of Amphithemis and Tritonis, kills the Argonaut Kanthos Roscher 3.21. Apollonios : Argonautika 4,1494.
Nasiotas Νασιώτας Epithet of Apollo , on an inscription in Chalia Roscher 3.21. CIG 1.1607.
Nastes Νάστης Son of Nomion, brother of Amphimachus , leader of the Carians for Troy Roscher 3.22. Homer : Iliad 2,867.
Nauarchis Ναυαρχίς Nickname of Aphrodite , on marble slab in Kerch Roscher 3.22.
Naubolides Ναυαρχίς Sons of Naubolos, also of the alleged Phaiakians Naubolides Roscher 3.22. Homer : Odyssey 8,116.
Naubolos Ναύβολος Argiver , son of Lernos, grandson of Proitus, father of Clytoneos Roscher 3.22 (1). Apollonios : Argonautika 1,134.
Naubolos Ναύβολος Phokians , son of Ornytos, with Perin Eike father of the Argonauts Iphitus Roscher 3.22 (2). Apollonios : Argonautika 1.207.
Naubolos Ναύβολος Father of the Phaiac Euryalus Roscher 3.23 (3).
Nauklos Ναῦκλος that is Naoklos , son of Kodros Roscher 3.23.
Naukrate Ναυκράτη Slave of Minos , with Daidalos mother of Icarus Roscher 3.23. Tzetzes : Chiliades 1.498.
Nauplios Ναύπλιος Son of Poseidon and the Danaide Amymone Roscher 3.23 (1). Scholion , Apollonios Rhodes 4.1091.
Nauplios Ναύπλιος Son of Clytoneos, grandson of Naubolos Roscher 3: 24-28 (2). Apollonios : Argonautika 1,134.
Nausicaa Ναυσικάα Daughter of the Phaiac king Alcinous , finds the shipwrecked Odysseus Roscher 3: 28-41. Homer : Odyssey 6.62.
Nausimedon Ναυσιμέδων Son of the Euboean king Nauplios , brother of Oiax and Palamedes Roscher 3.41. Library of Apollodorus 2,1,5,14.
Nausinous Ναυσίνοος Son of Odysseus and Calypso , brother of Nausithoos Roscher 3.41. Hesiod : Theogony 1018.
Nausithoe ΝαυσιΘόη Nereid , one of the 50 daughters of Nereus and Doris Roscher 3.41. Libraries of Apollodorus 1,2,7.
Nausithoos Ναυσίθοος King of the Phaiacs , son of Poseidon and Periboia, father of Alcinous Roscher 3.41 (1). Homer : Odyssey 6.7.
Nausithoos Ναυσίθοος Theseus' helmsman on his way to Crete Roscher 3.42 (2). Plutarch : Theseus 17.
Nausithoos Ναυσίθοος Son of Odysseus and Calypso , brother of Nausinous Roscher 3.42 (3). Hesiod : Theogony 1017.
Nautes Ναύτης Athena priest in Troy , companion of Aeneas Roscher 3.42. Virgil : Aeneid 5.704.
Nauteus Ναυτεύς a Phaiac Roscher 3.42. Homer : Odyssey 8,112.
Nautical Ναύτιος this is Nautes , priest of Athena Roscher 3.42. Dionysius of Halicarnassus 6.69.
Naxos Νάξος Son of Polemon, leader of the Carians , father of Leucippus Roscher 3.42 (1). Diodorus 5.51.
Naxos Νάξος Son of Endymion, eponymous hero of Naxos Roscher 3.43 (2). Stephanos of Byzantium sv.
Naxos Νάξος Son of Apollon and Akakallis , brother of Kydon , eponym of Naxos Roscher 3.43 (3). Scholion , Apollonios Rhodes 4,1492.
Neaira Νέαιρα Nymph , with Helios mother from Lampetia and Phaëtusa Roscher 3.43 (1). Homer : Odyssey 12,133.
Neaira Νέαιρα Nereid , with Aietes mother of Absyrtus Roscher 3.43 (2). Scholion , Apollonios Rhodes 3,242.
Neaira Νέαιρα Lover of Strymon, mother of Argos wife Euadne Roscher 3.43 (3). Library of Apollodorus 2,1,2,1.
Neaira Νέαιρα Daughter of the arcader Pereus, with Aleos the mother of the eye , Cepheus , Lycurgus Roscher 3.43 (4). Libraries of Apollodorus 3,9,12.
Neaira Νέαιρα Daughter of Amphion and Niobe Roscher 3.44 (5). Libraries of Apollodorus 3,5,6,1.
Neaira Νέαιρα Wife of Keleos , mother of Triptolemus Roscher 3.44 (6).
Neaira Νέαιρα Wife of Theiodamas , mother of Dresaios, who fights for Troy Roscher 3.44 (7). Quintus of Smyrna : Posthom 1,292.
Neaira Νέαιρα Wife of Hypsikreon, follows Promedon to Naxos Roscher 3.44 (8). Parthenios : Erotica 18.
Neaira Νέαιρα Beloved of Scamander , the Trojan river god Roscher 3.44 (10). Ovid : Ars amatoria 3, 6, 28.
Nealke Νεάλκη Wife of Hippomedon in front Thebes fell Roscher 3.44. Statius : Thebais 12,122.
Neandros Νέανδρος Son of king Makareus of Lesbos , father of Neandros, king of Kos Roscher 3.44. Diodorus 5.81.
Neanthes Νεάνθης this is Orestes Roscher 3.44. Hesychios sv.
Nebrophones Νεβροφόνη Nymph , in the wake of Artemis Roscher 3.69.
Nebrophonos Νεβροφόνος this is Deipylos , son of Jason and Hypsipyle Roscher 3.69 (1). Libraries of Apollodorus 1,9,17,2.
Nebrophonos Νεβροφόνος The hunter's dog Aktaion , one of 35 to 81 animals Roscher 3.69 (2). Ovid : Metamorphoses 3,211.
Nebros Νεβρός Asklepiade , ancestor of the Nebrides on Kos with Hippocrates Roscher 3.69. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Κῶς .
Nebutosualeth Νεβουτοσουαληθ Nickname of the goddess of the underworld in the magic papyri and on cursing tablets Roscher 3.69.
Neda Νέδα, Νέδη River nymph in Arcadia , daughter of Okeanos , for her the river Roscher 3.75. Pausanias 8,41,2.
Nedusia Νέδα, Νέδη Nickname of Athena , with sanctuary in Pherai , Messenia Roscher 3.76. Strabo : geographica 8,360.
Nedymnos Νήδυμνος Centaur , killed by Theseus at the wedding of Peirithoos Roscher 3.76. Ovid : Metamorphoses 12,350.
Neikea Νείκεα Personifications of hatred , daughters of Eris Roscher 3.86. Hesiod : Theogony 229.
Neikos Νεῖκος this is neikea , personification of hatred Roscher 3.86.
Neileus Νειλεύς old Egyptian king who built numerous canals, after him the Neilos Roscher 3.87 (1). Diodorus 1.19.
Neileus Νειλεύς Opponent of Perseus Roscher 3.87 (2). Ovid : Metamorphoses 5,187.
Neileus Νειλεύς Doric and Aeolian forms for Neleus , Νηλεύς Roscher 3.87 (3).
Neilos Νεῖλος River god of the Nile , son of Oceanus and Tethys , father and husband of Memphis Roscher 3.87-103. Tzetzes , Scholion : Lykophron 119.
Neilotis Νειλῶτις Nickname of Isis , goddess of childbirth Roscher 3.103. CIG 3.6202.
Nëis Νῆις Daughter of King Zethus of Thebes and Aedon , sister of Itylus Roscher 3.103. Scholion , Euripides : Phoenizer 1104.
Nëis Νῆις Son of King Zethus of Thebes , after im the gate of the city Roscher 3.103. Pausanias 9,8,4.
Nekydaimon Νεκυδαίμων Demon , from mortals, for incantations, in the Paris magic papyrus Roscher 3.103.
Neleia Νήλεια Nickname of Aphrodite , on inscription from Demetrias , Thessaly Roscher 3.104. Strabo : geographica 9.436.
Neleus Νηλεύς King of Messenian Pylos , son of Poseidon and Tire , twin of Pelias Roscher 3: 104-111 (1). Homer : Odyssey 11,235.
Neleus Νηλεύς Son of Kodros , founder of Miletus Roscher 3: 111-113 (2). Strabo : geographica 633.
Nelo Νηλώ Danaide , one of almost 50 who stabbed Menemachus , the groom Roscher 3.113. Library of Apollodorus 2,1,5,5.
Nemausus Νέμαυσος Heraclid , after him the city of Nemausus in Gaul Roscher 3.114. Stephanos of Byzantium sv.
Nemea Νεμέα Daughter of Asopus, after her Nemea with the games Roscher 3.115 (1). Pausanias 2,15,3.
Nemea Νεμέα Nymph and goddess of the Nemean games , daughter of Zeus and Selene Roscher 3.115 (2). Scholion , Pindar : Nemeen .
Nemeios Νέμειος, Νεμήιος Nickname of Zeus , from the valley near Kleonai and Phleius , with a temple Roscher 3.116. Pindar : Nemeen 2.4.
Nemean lion Λέων της Νεμέας invulnerable in the forests of the Argolida , strangled by Heracles Roscher 3.117.
Nemertes Νημερτής Nereid , daughter of Nereus , "who had the unmistakable mind of her father" Roscher 3.117 (1). Hesiod : Theogony 262.
Nemesis Νέμεσις Goddess of righteous anger , compensatory justice , vengeance Roscher 3,117-166. Pausanias 1,33,4.
Neomeris Νεόμηρις Nereide , daughter of Nereus and Doris Roscher 3.167. Libraries of Apollodorus 1,2,7.
Neonos Νέωνος Son of the light , father of Dotos Roscher 3.167. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Δώτιον .
Neophrone Νεόφρων Thessalians transformed into a vulture Roscher 3.167. Antoninus Liberalis 5.
Neoptolemus Νεοπτόλεμος Son of Achilles and Deidameia , hero in the Trojan horse Roscher 3,167-176. Homer : Odyssey 11,505.
Nepeia Νήπεια Daughter of Iasus, wife of King Olympus in Mysia Roscher 3.176. Scholion , Apollonios Rhodes 1,1116.
Nephalion Νηφαλίων Son of Minos and Pareia, brother of Eurymedon , slain by Heracles Roscher 3.177. Libraries of Apollodorus 3,1,2,5.
Nephelai Νεφέλαι two winged women next to Ixion , at his punishment Roscher 3.177.
Nepheles Νεφέλη cloud personified , giver of rain for the flourishing of seeds Roscher 3,177-180 (1).
Nepheles Νεφέλη Cloud created by Zeus in the form of Hera , with Ixion mother of the Centaur Roscher 3,180-182 (2). Pindar : Pythia 2.36.
Nepheles Νεφέλη Wife of Athamas , mother of Phrixus and Helle Roscher 3,182-186 (3). Library of Apollodorus 1,9,1.
Nepheles Νεφέλη Nymph , companion and servant of Artemis Roscher 3.186 (4). Ovid : Metamorphoses 3,171.
Nephos Νῆφος Son of Heracles and the Thespiad Praxithea Roscher 3.186. Libraries of Apollodorus 2,7,8,7.
Neptunis Νεπτουνίς Nickname of the Amazon Hippolyte Roscher 3,201. Lycophron 1332.
Nereids Νηρεΐδες 50 daughters of Nereus and Doris , nymphs in the sea, protecting the shipwrecked Roscher 3,207-240. Homer : Iliad 18:38.
Nereus Νηρεύς Sea god, son of Pontus and Gaia , with Doris father of the Nereids Roscher 3,240-250. Hesiod : Theogony 233.
Nerites Νηρίτης Son of Nereus , brother of the Nereids , lover of Aphrodite , becomes a shell Roscher 3.272. Aelianus : de animalium 14.28.
Neritos Νήριτος Son of Pterelaos and Amphimede, brother of Ithakos and Polyktor Roscher 3.272. Homer : Odyssey 17.207.
Nerteroi νέρτεροι all gods of the depths of the earth: Hades , Persephone , Hecate , Echidna , Erinyes , Thanatos Roscher 3.273. Sophocles : Oedipus Colonus 1661.
Nesaie Νησαίη Nereide , daughter of Nereus and Doris Roscher 3.278. Homer : Iliad 18.40.
Nesimachus Νησίμαχος from Argos , with Mythidike father of Hippomedon Roscher 3.279. Hyginus : Fabulae 70.
Neso Νησώ Nereide , daughter of Nereus and Doris Roscher 3.279 (1). Hesiod : Theogony 261.
Neso Νησώ Daughter of Teukros , with Dardano's mother of Sibylla Roscher 3.279 (2). Lycophron 1465.
Nesos Νῆσος Greeks from Mycenae , killed by Eurypylos before Troy Roscher 3.279. Quintus of Smyrna : Posthom 6,616.
Nesson Νέσσων Son of Thessalos , was named after him Thessaly earlier Nessonis, lake at Larisa Roscher 3.279. Strabo : geographica 9.444.
Nessos Νέσσος a river god in Thrace , son of Oceanus and Tethys Roscher 3.280 (1). Hesiod : Theogony 341.
Nessos Νέσσος Centaur , son of Ixion , desired Deïaneira , the wife of Heracles Roscher 3,280-287 (2). Hyginus : Fabulae 34.
Nestis Νῆστις a Sicilian water goddess who gives food to everyone Roscher 3, 287-289. Eustathios : Commentary on Iliad 1180 : 14.
Nestor Νέστωρ King of Pylos , son of Neleus and Chloris , wise advisor to Agamemnon Roscher 3, 289-298. Homer : Iliad 1,250.
Nestos Νέστος River god in Thrace , father of the callirrhoe Roscher 3.298. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Βιστονία .
Nete Νήτη Muse of the Delphians , along with Mese and Hypate Roscher 3,299. Plutarch : quaestiones convivales 9,14,4.
Nikagora Νικαγόρα The wife of Echetimos, mother of Agasicles, brings Asclepius to Sikyon Roscher 3.303. Pausanias 2,10,3.
Nikaia Νίκαια Daughter of the river god Sangarios and the goddess Cybele , virgin huntress Roscher 3,303-305. Nonnos : Dionysiacs 15,169.
Nikainetos Νικαίνετος Trojan hero killed by Thrasymedes Roscher 3.305. CIG 6126b.
Nikaios Νικαῖος Nickname of Zeus on inscription from Myra in Lycia Roscher 3.305. CIG 3.4303b.
Nikandre Νικάνδρη A weaver at Alkinoë who had to work without wages Roscher 3,305 (1). Parthenios : Erotica 27.
Nikandre Νικάνδρη first priestess in Dodona , one of the three peleiads Roscher 3,305 (2). Herodotus : Histories 2.55.
Nike Νίκη Goddess of victory, the Roman Victoria , daughter of Styx and Pallas Roscher 3,305-358. Hesiod : Theogony 383.
Nikephoroi Theoi νικηφόροι θεοί Nicknames of Zeus , Aphrodite , Artemis , Roma, moon goddess, Athena , Demeter Roscher 3.358-361 (1) - (10).
Nikippe Νικίππη Daughter of Pelops and Hippodameia , sister of Atreus and Thyestes Roscher, 3.361 (1). Scholion , Euripides : Orestes 5.
Nikippe Νικίππη Daughter of Thespios , with Heracles mother of Antimachus Roscher, 3.361 (2). Libraries of Apollodorus 2,7,8,6.
Nikippe Νικίππη Demeter priestess in Dotion , as Demeter she warns the Erysichthon Roscher, 3.361 (3).
Nicodamas Νικοδάμας Pygmy , with Gerana, father of Mopsus Roscher 3.361. Antoninus Liberalis 16.
Nikodromos Νικόδρομος Son of Heracles and the Thespiad Nike Roscher 3.361. Libraries of Apollodorus 2,7,8,4.
Nikokreon Νικοκρέων King of Salamis in Cyprus , father of the Arsinoe Roscher 3.361. Antoninus Liberalis 39.
Nicomachus Νικόμαχος Son of Machaon and Antikleia , with twin Gorgasus a healer Roscher 3.361. Pausanias 4,3,10.
Nikon Νικών one of the Telchines , the pre-Greek indigenous people of the Aegean , who "enchant" Roscher 3,362. Tzetzes : Chiliades 7,125.
Nikondas Νικώνδας (?) Winged horse, a Pegasus , from which an Ephebe is fleeing, on an amphora from Nola Roscher 3,362.
Nicopolis Νικόπολις City goddess of Nicopolis in Epirus , on coins with tower crown and shoulder wings Roscher 3,362.
Nicostrates Νικοστράτη Nymph and seer in Arcadia , with Hermes mother of Euandros Roscher, 3.362 (1). Servius : Commentary on Aeneid 8,181.
Nicostrates Νικοστράτη Concubine of Oibalos, mother of Hippomedon Roscher, 3.363 (2). Scholion , Euripides : Orestes 457.
Nicostrates Νικοστράτη Daughter of the general Phoidos, sister of the Kallirrhoe Roscher, 3.363 (3).
Nikostratos Νικόστρατος Son of Menelaus and Helena , brother of Hermione Roscher, 3.363 (1). Pausanias 3:19, 9.
Nikostratos Νικόστρατος Founder of the Cretan city of Histoi, with the port of Kynosura Roscher, 3.363 (2). FHG : Fragmenta 4.293.
Nikothoe Νικοθόη Harpy , chased from the table of Phineus by the Boreads Roscher 3.363. Libraries of Apollodorus 1,9,21,6.
Nineudios Νινεύδιος Nickname of Zeus in Aphrodisias in Caria Roscher 3.364. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Νινόη .
Ninos Νίνος eponymous founder of the city of Nineveh in Assyria , son of Belos Roscher 3,369-371. Herodotus : Histories 1.7.
Niobe Νιόβη Daughter of Tantalus , sister of Pelops , is subject to the tantalid curse Roscher 3,372-423. Homer : Iliad 24,599.
Niobe Νιόβη Daughter of Phoroneus , sister of Apis , mother of Argos and Pelasgos
Nireus Νιρεύς King of Syme , son of Charopos and Aglaia , fights against Troy Roscher 3.423 (1). Homer : Iliad 2,671.
Nireus Νιρεύς Son of Poseidon and Kanake Roscher 3.424 (2). Libraries of Apollodorus 1,7,4,2.
Nireus Νιρεύς Katanians plunged into the sea, rescued by fishermen with a box of gold in the net Roscher 3.424 (3).
Niros Νῖρος Trojan , killed by Neoptolemus Roscher 3.424. Quintus of Smyrna : Posthom 11:27 .
Nisaios Νισαῖος Cyclists killed in battle by Telamon Roscher 3.424 (1). Valerius Flaccus 3,198.
Nisaios Νισαῖος King of the Bistons , a Thracian tribe on the Nestos River Roscher 3.424 (2).
Nisos Νῖσος King of Megara , invincible because of Crimson Locke, father of Scylla Roscher 3,425-433 (1). Pausanias 1,19,5.
Nisos Νῖσος Son of Hyrtakos and Arisbe , brother of Asios , friend of Aeneas and Euryalus Roscher 3.433 (2). Virgil : Aeneid 9,177.
Nisos Νῖσος Son of Pandion and Pylia , brother of Aigeus and Pallas
Nissos Νίσσος Trojans , from Ajax of Telamon killed Roscher 3.433. Quintus of Smyrna : Posthom 3,231.
Nisyreites Νισυρείτης Surname of Apollo on inscription in Maionia Roscher 3.433.
Nitrodes Νιτρώδεσι Nymphs of the hot springs on Ischia in Nitroli Roscher 3.443. CIL 10.6786.
Noemon Νοήμων Lycians , fighting for Troy , killed by Odysseus Roscher, 3.448 (1). Homer : Iliad 5,678.
Noemon Νοήμων Pylier, fights against Troy , companion of Antilochus Roscher 3.448 (2). Homer : Iliad 23,612.
Noemon Νοήμων from Ithaca , son of Phronios, Telemachus lends a ship Roscher, 3.448 (3). Homer : Odyssey 2,386.
Nomeion Νομείων Leader of the horned Centaurs , accompanies Dionysus to India Roscher 3.452. Nonnos : Dionysiacs 14,192.
Nomia Νομία Nymph in Arcadia Roscher, 3.452 (1). Pausanias 8:38:11.
Nomia Νομία Nymph in Sicily , loves the shepherd Daphnis Roscher, 3.453 (2). Servius : Commentary Eclogae 8,68.
Nomion Νομίων Karer , father of Nastes and Amphimachos , fighter for Troy Roscher, 3.454 (1). Homer : Iliad 2,871.
Nomion Νομίων this is Nomeion , leader of the Centaurs Roscher, 3.454 (2).
Nomion Νομίων Thessalians , father of Antheus , grandfather of Aigypios Roscher, 3.454 (3). Antoninus Liberalis 5.
Nomios Νόμιος Nickname for gods as protectors of the herds: Pan , Hermes , Apollon , Dionysus Roscher, 3.454 (1).
Nomios Νόμιος a Pan, son of Hermes and Penelope, companion of Dionysus to India Roscher, 3.454 (2). Nonnos : Dionysiacs 14.87.
Nomios Νόμιος Brother of Aristaios , otherwise his nickname Roscher, 3.455 (3). Justin : Epitoma 13.7.
Nomos Νόμος Personification of the law Roscher, 3.455 (1). Pindar : fragment 169.
Nonakris Νώνακρις Wife of Lycaon in Arcadia Roscher 3.455. Pausanias 8.17.6.
Norax Νῶραξ Son of Hermes and Erytheia , a daughter of Geryon Roscher 3.455. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Ἐρύθεια .
Nostos Νόστος Demon of the mill, denotes abundance and abundance Roscher 3.469. Athenaios : Supper 14,618d.
Notos Νότος the personified south wind , brother of Euros , Boreas and Zephyros Roscher 3,469-471. Hesiod : Theogony 379.
Numenia Νουμηνία Nickname of Artemis in Delos Roscher 3.473.
Nutios Νούτιος Son of Laphrios, grandson of Kastalios, ruler of Delphi Roscher 3.491. Scholion , Euripides : Orestes 1094.
Nycheia Νύχεια Nymph who drew the Hylas into the spring in Mysia , along with Euneike and Malis Roscher, 3.491 (1). Theocritus 13.45.
Nycheia Νύχεια Spring nymph on Taphos , daughter of Oceanus and Thetys Roscher 3.491 (2). Greek anthology 9,684.
Nychia Νυχία Surname of Leto , Persephone Daeira and Artemis - Hecate Roscher 3.492 (1) - (3). Apollonios : Argonautika 3,847.
Nychios Νύχιος Aithioper , companion of Memnon , fights for Troy Roscher 3,492. Quintus of Smyrna : Posthom 2,364.
Nyktaia Νυκταία this is Nyktimene , daughter of Nykteus Roscher 3,492. Statius : Thebais 3,507.
Nykteis Νυκτηίς Daughter of Nykteus , with Polydoros mother of Labdakos Roscher, 3.492 (1). Tzetzes : Chiliades 6,564.
Nykteis Νυκτηίς this is Antiope , mother of the twins Zethus and Amphion Roscher, 3.492 (2). Ovid : Metamorphoses 6,111.
Nyktelios Νυκτέλιος Nickname of Dionysus Roscher 3,492. Etymologicum magnum 609.20.
Nykteus Νυκτεύς King of Thebes , brother of Lycus , husband of Polyxo , father of Antiope Roscher 3,492-497 (1). Hyginus : astronomica 2.21.
Nykteus Νυκτεύς Father of Callisto Roscher 3.497 (2). Libraries of Apollodorus 3,8,2,2.
Nykteus Νυκτεύς Father of the Nyktimene Roscher 3.497 (3). Statius : Thebais 3,507.
Nykteus Νυκτεύς Father of Hyrmine , mother of Augias Roscher, 3.498 (4). Scholion , Apollonios Rhodes 1,172.
Nykteus Νυκτεύς Ross on the four-horse team of Pluton , with Orphnaeus, Aethon, Alastor Roscher, 3.498 (5).
Nyktimene Νυκτιμένη Daughter of King Epopeus of Lesbos , transformed into an owl Roscher 3.498. Hyginus : Fabulae 204.
Nyktimos Νύκτιμος one of the 50 sons of Lykaon Roscher, 3.498 (1). Pausanias 8.3.1.
Nyktipolos Νυκτιπόλος Epithet of Dionysus -Zagreus and Hecate -Brimo Roscher 3.499 (1) - (2). Apollonios : Argonautika 4.1020.
Nymphaia Νυμφαία this is Ariadne on a pointed amphora , next to Dionysus Roscher 3.499. CIG 4.7479.
Nymphegetes Νυμφηγέτης Nickname of Apollo and Poseidon Roscher 3,500 (1) - (2).
nymph Νύμφη a nature spirit, a priestess, a female deity, a personification Roscher 3,500-567. Homer : Iliad 18,492.
Nymphenomena Νυμφενομένη Nickname of Hera in Plataiai Roscher 3.567. Pausanias 9.2.7.
Nymphia Νυμφία Nickname of Aphrodite in Hermione , with Temple of Theseus Roscher 3.567. Pausanias 2,32,7.
Nymphios Νυμφίος Nickname of Zeus Roscher 3.567.
Nymphogenes Νυμφογένης Tritone , a hybrid of humans and fish Roscher 3.567.
Nysa Νύσα Nurse of Dionysus , also Makris called Roscher 3.567. Hyginus : Fabulae 182.
Nysaios Νυσαῖος Epithet of Dionysos from Nysagebirge Roscher 3,568. Diodorus 1.27.
Nyseides Νυσηίδες Nymphs of the Nysa Mountains , wet nurses of Dionysus Roscher 3,568. Homer : Iliad 6,132.
Nysus Νῦσος Educator and namesake of Dionysus Roscher 3.569 (1). Hyginus : Fabulae 167.
Nysus Νῦσος Father of the fifth Dionysus Roscher 3.569 (2).
Nysus Νῦσος Father of Eurynome , mother of Agenor and Bellerophon Roscher 3.569 (3). Hyginus : Fabulae 157.
Nyx Νύξ Goddess and personification of the night Roscher 3,569-576. Euripides : Orestes 176.