Louis Trousselier

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Louis Trousselier (1903)

Louis Trousselier (born June 29, 1881 in Paris ; † April 24, 1939 there ) was a French cyclist .

At the Olympic Games in Paris in 1900 , Louis Trousselier won the bronze medal in the points race . From 1902 to 1914 he was a professional racing driver. In 1903 he was third at Paris – Roubaix . 1905 was Trou-Trou's - as it was nicknamed - the most successful year. Never before had a cyclist achieved so many victories in one year - winner of the Tour de France (with five stage wins), winner of Paris-Roubaix , winner Paris-Valenciennes and winner of Brussels-Roubaix . In 1914 he resigned from cycling.

Trou-Trou in the Tour de France

Web links

Commons : Louis Trousselier  - Collection of images, videos and audio files