District Court Neustadt an der Aisch

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The district court Neustadt an der Aisch was a Bavarian district court of the older order that existed from 1812 to 1879 and was based in Neustadt an der Aisch in today's district of Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim . In the Kingdom of Bavaria , the regional courts were judicial and administrative authorities, which were replaced in administrative matters by the district offices in 1862 and in legal matters by the local courts in 1879 .


The district court Neustadt bordered on the south by the district court Erlbach , to the east by the district court of Herzogenaurach , in the northeast on the district court Hochstadt , on the north by the rule of court Burghaslach , in the northwest to the rule court Schwarzenberg , on the west by the district court Markt Bibart and southwest to the District Court of Windsheim .


Tax districts

In 1811, 16 tax districts were formed as part of the municipal edict (see below). In 1812, the Neustadt an der Aisch regional court was established in the course of the administrative restructuring of Bavaria . This was added to the Rezatkreis , whose capital was Ansbach . On January 20, 1813, the places Sintmann, Sintmannsbuch and Mitteldorf came from the district court of Höchstadt to the district court of Neustadt, and on October 1, 1813 Weisendorf.

Rural communities

In 1813 the rural communities came into being . With the second community edict (1818), the rural communities received more powers. At the same time, some of the previously existing rural communities were split up. In the same year there were some reshuffles of rural communities. In 1818 there were 55 rural communities:

  • Abtsgreuth with Mittelsteinach and Undungsmühle;
  • Retirement home with a granulator;
  • Baudenbach ;
  • Beerbach with Pechhütte;
  • Bergtheim ;
  • Birkenfeld with powder mill and Weiherhof;
  • Pear tree ;
  • Boxbrunn with Ailersbach, Biengarten and Mechelwind;
  • Dachsbach with tube mill;
  • Demantsfürth with Voggendorf;
  • Dettendorf with Chausseehaus and Upper Saxony;
  • Diebach ;
  • Diespeck with Bruckenmühle, Kleinerlbach, Klobenmühle, Neumühle, grinding mill and scythe hammer;
  • Dietersheim ;
  • Eggensee with Lower Saxony and Wulkersdorf;
  • Frankenfeld ;
  • Gerhardshofen with Eckenhof, Forst, Kleehof and Vahlenmühle;
  • Göttelhöf with Aichen, Altenbuch, Burgstall and Sengersberg;
  • Gutenstetten with Haag and Kleinsteinach;
  • Hambühl with Obermühle and Untermühle;
  • Herrnneuses with Hohenwürzburg and Oberstrahlbach;
  • Hesselberg with Mohrhof;
  • Kairlindach ;
  • Kästel with Emelsdorf, Linden and Sintmannsbuch;
  • Langenfeld with Hohenholz and Lamprechtsmühle;
  • Losaurach with Mosbach;
  • Mailach with Sichardshof and Weidendorf;
  • Mönchsberg with courtyards;
  • Münchsteinach with Agelmühle and Weihermühle;
  • Neuebersbach with Pirkachshof;
  • Neustadt an der Aisch with the Fallmeisterei, Kohlenmühle, Lohmühle, Obermühle, Riedfeld, Rößleinsdorf and Unterstrahlbach;
  • Oberhöchstädt ;
  • Oberlindach with Schmiedelberg;
  • Oberroßbach with Rimbach and Unterroßbach;
  • Pahres with goat farm;
  • Peppenhöchstädt with Gottesgab and Rohensaas;
  • Rauschenberg ;
  • Reinhardshofen with Rappoldshofen;
  • Rennhofen with Bottenbach;
  • Rezelsdorf with Sintmann;
  • Rockenbach ;
  • Rossbach ;
  • Sauerheim with Mitteldorf;
  • Schauerheim with Hasenlohe;
  • Schellert ;
  • Schornweisach with Eselsmühle, Hohenmühle and Wallmershof;
  • Stübach with marriage and Hanbach;
  • Tragelhöchstädt with Egelsbach and Nonnenmühle;
  • Traishöchstädt with Arnshöchstädt and Göttelbrunn;
  • Uehlfeld ;
  • Ullstadt with book yard and meadow mill;
  • Unteresselbach ;
  • Unterschweinach with Oberschweinach, Stöckach and Stöckacher Mühle;
  • Weisendorf ;
  • Willmersbach .

Further development

On October 31, 1819, the community of Obersteinbach came from the district court of Markt Bibart and the community of Taschendorf with Butzenmühle and Obertaschendorf from the district court of Höchstadt to the district court of Neustadt. On August 4, 1823, the hamlet of Hombeer came from the district court of Höchstadt to the rural community of Altershausen of the district court of Neustadt. On February 12, 1827, the communities of Langenfeld, Obersteinbach, Taschendorf and Ullstadt were handed over to the Markt Bibart district court . At the same time, the communities of Biengarten, Boxbrunn, Hesselberg, Kairlindach, Oberlindach, Rezelsdorf, Sauerheim, Weisendorf were handed over to the Herzogenaurach Regional Court . On October 11, 1832, the place Lerchenhöchstädt was also handed over to the district court of Markt Bibart.

In 1840 the district court of Neustadt an der Aisch was 4 12 square miles in size. There were 18,809 inhabitants (17,555 Protestants, 502 Catholics and 752 Jews), 121 localities (1 town , 4 markets , 10 parish villages , 7 parish villages , 37 villages , 24 hamlets and 38 deserted areas ) and 46 parishes (1 magistrate 3rd class, 4th class) Market and 41 rural communities).

See also



  1. a b H. H. Hofmann, p. 181.
  2. For more information, see the individual local articles.
  3. E. Vetter (1846), p. 194.