List of members of the Vienna State Parliament and members of the Vienna City Council (18th electoral term)

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List of members of the 18th Viennese state parliament and municipal council in the legislature from 2005 to 2010. After the Vienna parliamentary and municipal elections on October 23, 2005 accounted for 55 of 100 mandates in the SPÖ, 18 to the People's Party, 14 to the Greens and 13 on the FPÖ.

Surname fraction Constituency annotation
Aichinger Fritz ÖVP Remaining mandate
Aigner Wolfgang ÖVP Currency ring
Al-Rawi Omar SPÖ Meidling Sworn in on November 18, 2005 as a replacement for a mandate elected to the city senate
Anger cook Ines ÖVP Floridsdorf
Antonov Waltraut GREEN Remaining mandate Sworn in on November 18, 2005 as a replacement for a mandate elected to the city senate
Bacher-Lagler Norbert SPÖ Remaining mandate from January 25, 2007
Baxant Petr SPÖ Remaining mandate
Bluma Susanne SPÖ Floridsdorf from June 24, 2009 for Erika Stubenvoll
Blind Kurth-Bodo FPÖ Until June 25, 2008
Brown Renate SPÖ Resignation of the mandate after the election to the city council on November 18, 2005
Cammerlander Heidemarie GREEN Leopoldstadt
Canon Christoph GREEN Remaining mandate
Cortolezis hit Katharina ÖVP Resignation of the mandate after the election to the city council on November 18, 2005
Dampier Karl SPÖ Until December 31, 2007
German Christian SPÖ Liesing
Dworak Bernhard ÖVP Remaining mandate
Ebinger Gerald FPÖ Remaining mandate
Eisenstein Herbert FPÖ Simmering From October 29, 2008 for Harald Stefan
Ekici Sirvan ÖVP center Sworn in on November 18, 2005 as a replacement for a mandate elected to the city senate
Ekkamp Franz SPÖ Dobling
Ellensohn David GREEN Resignation of the mandate after the election to the city council on November 18, 2005
Faymann Werner SPÖ Resignation of the mandate after the election to the city council on November 18, 2005
Feldmann Barbara ÖVP Dobling
Floigl Veronika SPÖ Danube city From January 24, 2008 for Karl Dampier
Florian Schütz Peter SPÖ Favorites From October 25, 2007 for Christian Hursky
Frank Henriette FPÖ Favorites On November 18, 2005 for Eduard Schock , from November 20, 2006 for Heinz-Christian Strache
Frauenberger Sandra SPÖ by January 25, 2007, resignation of the mandate after election as city councilor
Gaál Kathrin SPÖ Favorites
Gerstl Wolfgang ÖVP Penzing
Gretner Sabine GREEN Remaining mandate
Gudenus Johann FPÖ Remaining mandate
Günther Helmut FPÖ Remaining mandate From June 25, 2008 for Kurth-Bodo Blind
Rooster Johannes SPÖ Resignation of the mandate after the election to the city council on November 18, 2005
Harwanegg Volkmar SPÖ Favorites
Hatzl Eva-Maria SPÖ Simmering from March 26, 2009
Hatzl Johann SPÖ First President of the State Parliament, until October 29, 2008
Duke Johann FPÖ until November 20, 2006
Hi Alfred ÖVP Favorites
Holzmann Ernst SPÖ Simmering From October 29, 2008 for Johann Hatzl
Hora Karlheinz SPÖ Leopoldstadt
Hufnagl Heinz SPÖ Meidling Third President of the State Parliament
Hundstorfer Rudolf SPÖ until January 25, 2007
Hursky Christian SPÖ Ottakring Until September 26, 2007
Jerusalem Susanne GREEN Remaining mandate
Young Wolfgang FPÖ Liesing
Kato Sonja SPÖ Country road Sworn in on November 18, 2005 as a replacement for a mandate elected to the city senate
Kenesei Günter ÖVP Remaining mandate
Klicka Marianne SPÖ Favorites
Copy Harry SPÖ Floridsdorf From October 29, 2008 First President of the State Parliament
Korosec Ingrid ÖVP Remaining mandate
Korun Alev GREEN Country road Until October 28, 2008
Kowarik Dietbert FPÖ Remaining mandate from November 20, 2006
Krotsch Nicole SPÖ Remaining mandate from November 20, 2006 for Andreas Schieder
Lachkovics Eva GREEN Country road from October 29, 2008 for Alev Korun
Lasar David FPÖ Florisdorf
Laschan Claudia SPÖ Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus
Laska Grete SPÖ Resignation of the mandate after the election to the city council on November 18, 2005
Lindenmayr Siegfried SPÖ Inside west
Ludwig-Faymann Martina SPÖ Favorites
Ludwig Michael SPÖ by January 25, 2007, resignation of the mandate after election to the city council
Lueger Angela SPÖ Until January 15, 2008
Madejski Herbert FPÖ Remaining mandate
Mahdalik Anton FPÖ Danube city
Maresch Rudiger GREEN Danube city
Margulies Martin GREEN Remaining mandate
Matiasek Veronika FPÖ Remaining mandate
Matzka-Dojder Anica SPÖ center Sworn in on November 18, 2005 as a replacement for a mandate elected to the city senate
Bricklayer Ernst SPÖ Favorites
Mayer Alois SPÖ Hietzing
Meidlinger Christian SPÖ Floridsdorf from January 25, 2007
Mörk Gabriele SPÖ Danube city from January 25, 2007
Neuhuber Alexander ÖVP Remaining mandate
Nevrivy Ernst SPÖ Danube city from June 26, 2006 for Norbert Scheed
Niedermühlbichler Georg SPÖ center
Novak Barbara SPÖ Remaining mandate
Oxonitsch Christian SPÖ Club chairman
Parzer Robert ÖVP Danube city
Peterka Christian SPÖ Floridsdorf January 27, 2010 for Günther Reiter sworn in
Petrides Hedwig SPÖ Leopoldstadt Sworn in on November 18, 2005 as a replacement for a mandate elected to the city senate
Nurse Ernst SPÖ Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus
Sigrid mushroom GREEN Remaining mandate
Polkorab Rosemarie SPÖ
Praniess-Kastner Karin ÖVP center Sworn in on November 18, 2005 as a replacement for a mandate elected to the city senate
Puller Ingrid GREEN center
Ramskogler Sonja SPÖ Ottakring Sworn in on November 18, 2005 as a replacement for a mandate elected to the city senate
Reindl Thomas SPÖ Danube city
Reischl Hannelore SPÖ Liesing
Rider Günther SPÖ Waiver of mandate on January 27, 2010
Rieder Sepp SPÖ Resignation of the mandate after the election to the city council on November 18, 2005
Riha Monika ÖVP Remaining mandate from January 25, 2007
Ringler Marie GREEN Remaining mandate
Rubik Silvia SPÖ Penzing
Rudas Laura SPÖ until January 24, 2007
Scheed Norbert SPÖ until June 22, 2006
Chic Rudolf SPÖ Resignation of the mandate after the election to the city council on November 18, 2005
Schieder Andreas SPÖ until October 30, 2006
Schinner Katharina SPÖ Floridsdorf from January 25, 2007
Shock Eduard FPÖ Favorites Renunciation of mandate as city council on November 18, 2005, resumption on November 20, 2006
Schreuder Marco GREEN center Sworn in on November 18, 2005 as a replacement for a mandate elected to the city senate
Schrödl Karin SPÖ Danube city
Schubert Ingrid SPÖ Danube city
Cobbler Godwin SPÖ Inside west
Sima Ulli SPÖ Resignation of the mandate after the election to the city council on November 18, 2005
Smolik Claudia GREEN Inside west
Sharp Gerhard SPÖ Floridsdorf From January 24, 2008 for Angela Lueger
Strong Rudolf FPÖ Remaining mandate
Stefan Harald FPÖ Until October 28, 2008
Stiftner novel ÖVP Liesing
Strache Heinz-Christian FPÖ until November 20, 2006
Straubing Sybille SPÖ Remaining mandate
Strobel Elfriede SPÖ until December 31, 2006
Strobl Friedrich SPÖ Currency ring
House full of Erika SPÖ Second President of the State Parliament, resigned on June 24, 2009
Fall cup Kurt SPÖ Hernals
Troch Harald SPÖ Simmering
Tschirf Matthias ÖVP Country road Club chairman
Ulm Wolfgang ÖVP Inside west
Valentin Erich SPÖ Brigittenau
Vana Monika GREEN Resignation of the mandate after the election to the city council on November 18, 2005
Vassilakou Maria GREEN Inside west Club hostess
Cousin Heinz SPÖ Liesing Sworn in on November 18, 2005 as a replacement for a mandate elected to the city senate
Vitouch Elisabeth SPÖ Remaining mandate
Wagner Kurt SPÖ center
Walter Norbert ÖVP by January 25, 2007, resignation of the mandate after election to the city council
Wehsely Tanja SPÖ Brigittenau from January 25, 2007
Wehsely Sonja SPÖ Hietzing
Wolf Franz Ferdinand ÖVP
Really serious SPÖ Country road Sworn in on November 18, 2005 as a replacement for a mandate elected to the city senate
Czernohorszky Jürgen SPÖ Penzing formerly Wutzlhofer
Yilmaz Nurten SPÖ Ottakring
Zankl Inge SPÖ Meidling

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