List of terrorist attacks in 2019

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The list of terrorist attacks in 2019 contains an incomplete selection of terrorist attacks that happened in 2019. Assassinations are dealt with separately in the list of known assassinations . The list of explosives attacks also includes non-terrorist attacks. The list of aircraft hijackings contains a list mostly with a terrorist background. Further terrorist attacks are listed in the article right- wing terrorism.

For a large overview, see the list of terrorist attacks .


The political or ideological classification of the perpetrators is given in the Political Orientation column : Fascist , racist , nationalist , National Socialist , socialist , communist , anti-imperialist , Islamist ( Shiite , Sunni , Deobandic , Salafist , Wahhabi ), Hindu . If the focus is primarily on state independence or autonomy , the prefix is autonomous , followed by the region or ethnic group and, if applicable, further characteristics of the perpetrators: Armenian , Irish ( Catholic ), Kurdish , Tyrolean , Chechen , Dagestan , Punjab ( Sikhist ), Palestinian .

  • When the number of victims is 20 or more, it is shown in bold . In addition , if the number of victims is 50 or more, it is underlined .
  • The dead / injured in brackets () represent the perpetrators killed / injured in the attacks.


Date / start Affected country attack Perpetrator Political orientation medium target dead Injured background
01st January 2019 Afghanistan Attacks in Nangarhar and Sar-i Pul Taliban , IS Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist, Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms Checkpoints 21 (+27) 23 War in Afghanistan
01st January 2019 Mali Stop in Mopti Dozo - extremists Firearms, arson Village, civilians 37 Conflict in Northern Mali (since 2012)
01st January 2019 Syria Stop in Deir ez-Zor IS Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms Military camp 20th 0 Civil war in Syria since 2011
01st January 2019 Burkina Faso Stop in Barsalogho Mossi - extremists , jihadists Firearms, arson Market, village 49 Maghreb uprising since 2002
02nd January 2019 Syria Attack in as-Suwar IS Salafist, Wahhabi Explosive devices, firearms SDF convoy 20th Civil war in Syria since 2011
0January 6, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Badghis Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms Checkpoints 21 (+15) 9 (+10) War in Afghanistan
0January 6, 2019 Syria Stop in Deir ez-Zor IS Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms SDF militiamen 23 (+9) 30th Civil war in Syria since 2011
0January 8, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Khost presumably Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Motorcycle bomb Civilians 2 23 War in Afghanistan
January 10, 2019 Afghanistan Stop series Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms Soldiers, police officers, militiamen 32 (+25) 21st War in Afghanistan
January 11, 2019 Iraq Attack in al-Qa'im IS Salafist, Wahhabi Car bomb market 2 25th Uprising in Iraq (after US withdrawal)
January 14, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Car bomb Residential area 4th 113 War in Afghanistan
15th January 2019 Kenya Attack in Nairobi al-Shabaab Wahhabi, Islamist Suicide bombers, firearms, hostage-taking Hotel complex 21 (+5) 28 Somali civil war
16th January 2019 Mali Attack in Ménaka Firearms Villages 34 0 Conflict in Northern Mali (since 2012)
17th January 2019 Colombia Attack in Bogotá José Aldemar Rojas Rodríguez ( ELN ) Marxist-Leninist Suicide bomber with a car bomb Police school 20 (+1) 68 Armed conflict in Colombia
18th January 2019 Syria Attack in Idlib Car bomb Militia building 15th 20th Civil war in Syria since 2011
20th January 2019 Mali Attack in Kidal Al Qaeda in the Maghreb Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms Military base 10 (+?) 25th Conflict in Northern Mali (since 2012)
January 21, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Wardak Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Suicide bomber with car bomb, assault rifles Military base 126 (+3) 58-70 War in Afghanistan
January 25, 2019 Central African Republic Attack in Ouaka Séléka Muslim Firearms funeral 18th 23 Civil War in the Central African Republic
January 26, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Baglan Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Explosive device Volleyball game 1 (+4) 20th War in Afghanistan
January 26, 2019 Yemen Attack in Hajjah Houthi Zaidite, anti-imperialist, anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic artillery Refugee camp 8th 30th Military intervention in Yemen since 2015
January 26, 2019 Syria Attack near al-Mayadin IS Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms Military convoy 20th 0 Civil war in Syria since 2011
January 27, 2019 Philippines Stop in Jolo Abu Sajaf Islamist, Islamic fundamentalist 2 explosives cathedral 22nd 102 Moro conflict
January 28, 2019 Yemen Stop in mocha Houthi Zaidite, anti-imperialist, anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic Motorcycle bomb Civilians 7th 26th Military intervention in Yemen since 2015
January 28, 2019 Nigeria Attack in Borno Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist Arson Village 60 0 Sharia conflict in Nigeria
29 January 2019 Pakistan Attack in Balochistan TTP deobandisch, Islamic fundamentalist Suicide bombers, firearms, grenades Police building 9 (+3) 22nd Conflict in Northwest Pakistan


Date / start Affected country attack Perpetrator Political orientation medium target dead Injured background
05th February 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kunduz Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms checkpoint 28 20th War in Afghanistan
11th February 2019 Nigeria Attack in Kaduna Fulani - extremists , Adara militiamen Firearms Villages 141 Communal conflicts in Nigeria
February 13, 2019 Iran Attack in Sistan and Balochistan Jaish ul-Adl salafist Suicide bomber with a car bomb Military bus 27 (+1) 13 Baluchistan conflict
February 14, 2019 India Attack in Pulwama Jaish-e Mohammed Islamic fundamentalist Suicide bomber with a car bomb Police convoy 40 (+1) 35 Uprising in Kashmir
15th February 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kandahar Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Suicide bomber with car bomb, firearms Security post 32 (+1) 0 War in Afghanistan
February 18, 2019 Syria Attack in Idlib probably IS Salafist, Wahhabi Car bomb, explosive device on bicycle Civilians 24 51 Civil war in Syria since 2011
February 21, 2019 Syria Attacks in Afrin and Jarabulus YPG Car bombs Civilians 6th 20th Civil war in Syria since 2011
February 21, 2019 Syria Stop in Deir ez-Zor IS Salafist, Wahhabi Car bomb Military bus 20th 1+ Civil war in Syria since 2011
February 22, 2019 Nigeria Attack in Borno Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist Missiles, firearms, explosives Village, barracks, airport 1 23 Sharia conflict in Nigeria
February 23, 2019 Mozambique Stop in Cabo Delgado Ansar al-Sunnah Islamist Firearms 4th 20th Islamist uprising in Mozambique
February 24, 2019 Yemen Attack in Sa'da Houthi Zaidite, anti-imperialist, anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic rocket market 12 60 Military intervention in Yemen since 2015
26th February 2019 Nigeria Attack in Borno probably Fulani - extremists Firearms, arson Village, barracks, airport 40 Communal conflicts in Nigeria
February 28, 2019 Somalia Attack in Mogadishu al-Shabaab Wahhabi, Islamist 2 suicide bombers with car bombs, firearms, grenades hotel 29 (+2) 80 Somali civil war
February 28, 2019 Iraq Attack in Mosul IS Salafist, Wahhabi Car bomb university 4th 26th Uprising in Iraq (after US withdrawal)


Date / start Affected country attack Perpetrator Political orientation medium target dead Injured background
01st March 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Helmand Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Suicide bombers, firearms, hostage-taking Military base 23 (+20) 15th War in Afghanistan
01st March 2019 Syria Attack in Idlib IS Salafist, Wahhabi Suicide bomber restaurant 8 (+1) 22nd Civil war in Syria since 2011
03rd March 2019 Syria Attack in Hama Ansar al-Tawhid salafist Firearms soldiers 27 (+5) 0 Civil war in Syria since 2011
0March 6, 2019 Iraq Attack in Machmur IS Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms Militiamen 7th 30th Uprising in Iraq (after US withdrawal)
0March 6, 2019 Nigeria Attack in Borno Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist Land mine truck 5 20th Sharia conflict in Nigeria
0March 7, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul IS Salafist, Wahhabi mortar Shiite memorial service 11 (+2) 95 War in Afghanistan
0March 7, 2019 India Attack in Jammu Hizbul Mujahideen autonomist, Islamist grenade Bus stop 2 32 Uprising in Kashmir
0March 9, 2019 Democratic Republic of Congo Attack in Butembo May-May Firearms Ebola Treatment Center 1 1 Kivu conflict
March 10, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Badghis Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms Outposts, security guards 20th 10 War in Afghanistan
March 13, 2019 Somalia Attack in Bay al-Shabaab Wahhabi, Islamist Explosive device market 8th 40 Somali civil war
15th March 2019 New Zealand Attack in Christchurch Right-wing extremist right-wing extremist, islamophobic, xenophobic Firearms 2 mosques 51 49
16th March 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Faryab Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms Checkpoints 22nd 20th War in Afghanistan
17th March 2019 Mali Stop in Ténenkou presumably al-Qaeda in the Maghreb Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms Military base 23 0 Conflict in Northern Mali (since 2012)
18th March 2019 Netherlands Attack in Utrecht Gokmen Tanis Islamist Firearms Passengers in tram 4th 6th
March 21, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul IS Salafist, Wahhabi 3 explosives Mosque, hospital, electricity meter 6th 23 War in Afghanistan
March 21, 2019 Niger Attack in Gueskérou Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist knife Civilians 8th 20th Sharia conflict in Nigeria
March 22, 2019 Chad Attack on Lake Chad Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist Firearms soldiers 23 0 Sharia conflict in Nigeria
23 March 2019 Somalia Attack in Mogadishu al-Shabaab Wahhabi, Islamist Suicide bomber with car bomb, firearms Government buildings, civilians 15 (+5) 20th Somali civil war
23 March 2019 Mali Stop in Mopti Dozo - extremists Firearms Village, Fulani civilians 160 70+ Conflict in Northern Mali (since 2012)
23 March 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Laschkar Gah Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Explosives Stadium, event 4th 31 War in Afghanistan
23 March 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Helmand Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms Security outpost, military convoy, security forces 65 38 War in Afghanistan
March 28, 2019 Somalia Attack in Mogadishu presumably al-Shabaab Wahhabi, Islamist Car bomb restaurant 15th 20th Somali civil war


Date / start Affected country attack Perpetrator Political orientation medium target dead Injured background
0April 1, 2019 France Attack in Bastia 2 explosives Government building 0 0 Corsica conflict
02nd April 2019 United States Attack in Opelousas Holden Matthews Arson Churches 0 0
03rd April 2019 Burkina Faso Attack in Aribinda Firearms, kidnapping Village 62 0 Maghreb uprising since 2002
03rd April 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Badghis Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms Military base, police headquarters, security forces 30th 22nd War in Afghanistan
0April 6, 2019 Nigeria Attack in Maiduguri probably Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist 2 female suicide bombers Civilians 3 (+2) 45 Sharia conflict in Nigeria
0April 8, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kandahar Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms Checkpoints 20th 8th War in Afghanistan
0April 9, 2019 Egypt Attack in Shimal Sina IS Salafist, Wahhabi Suicide bomber Civilians 7 (+1) 26th Sinai uprising
April 12, 2019 Pakistan Attack in Quetta Lashkar-e-Jhangvi , IS Deobandic-fundamentalist, Salafist, Wahhabi Suicide bomber market 20 (+1) 48 Conflict in Northwest Pakistan
April 13, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kunduz Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms, explosives city 6th 50 War in Afghanistan
April 16, 2019 Nigeria Attack in Borno Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist Firearms soldiers 2 (+52) 20+ Sharia conflict in Nigeria
April 18, 2019 United Kingdom Attack in Derry New IRA autonomist, Irish Republican Incendiary bombs, firearms Police officer, journalist 1 3+ Northern Ireland Conflict
April 21, 2019 Sri Lanka Stop series National Thowheeth Jama'ath Islamist 7 suicide bombers, explosives Churches, hotels, residential complex 259 500+
April 23, 2019 United States Attack in Sunnyvale Isaiah Joel Peoples islamophobic vehicle Civilians 0 8th
April 27, 2019 Syria Attack in Aleppo Haiʾat Tahrir ash-shame Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms soldiers 22 (+8) 24+ Civil war in Syria since 2011
April 27, 2019 United States Stop in Poway John T. Earnest ( right-wing extremist ) right-wing extremist, anti-Semitic Firearm (noun) synagogue 1 3
April 30, 2019 Nigeria Attack in Madagali Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist Firearms, arson Village 23 0 Sharia conflict in Nigeria


Date / start Affected country attack Perpetrator Political orientation medium target dead Injured background
04th May 2019 Israel Attack in the south Hamas , Islamic Jihad in Palestine Palestinian-nationalist, Sunni-Islamist, Islamic-nationalist, Islamic-fundamentalist, anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic Missiles, mortars 19 (+10) 270-400 + Israeli-Palestinian conflict
05th May 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Pol-e Chomri Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Suicide bomber with car bomb, suicide bomber with firearms Police station 13 (+9) 55 War in Afghanistan
05th May 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Farah Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms Military post 25th 2 War in Afghanistan
0May 8, 2019 Pakistan Attack in Lahore Jamaat-ul-Ahrar Islamist Suicide bomber shrine 13 (+1) 24 Conflict in Northwest Pakistan
0May 8, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Suicide bomber, car bomb, firearms Counterpart International offices 9 (+4) 24 War in Afghanistan
May 10, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Badghis Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms Security post, soldiers 24 (+?) 11 (+?) War in Afghanistan
May 13, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Jalalabad 3 explosives Civilians 3 20th War in Afghanistan
May 14, 2019 Syria Attack in Aleppo Haiʾat Tahrir ash-shame Salafist, Wahhabi Missiles Refugee camp 10 30th Civil war in Syria since 2011
May 14, 2019 Niger Attack in Tondikiwindi IS Salafist, Wahhabi soldiers 28 0 Maghreb uprising since 2002
15th May 2019 Democratic Republic of Congo Attack in Ituri presumably FRPI Firearms market 21st 11 Conflict in Eastern Congo
May 18, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Herat Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Motorcycle bomb Market, civilians 5 21st War in Afghanistan
May 18, 2019 Syria Attack in ar-Raqqa 2 car bombs Military headquarters 20th Civil war in Syria since 2011
19th May 2019 Iraq Attack in Baladruz IS Salafist, Wahhabi Explosive device Militiamen in bus 7th 26th Uprising in Iraq (after US withdrawal)
19th May 2019 Chad Attack in Sila Ouaddai farmers, Arab shepherds 22nd 28
May 21, 2019 Syria Attack in Hama Haiʾat Tahrir ash-shame Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms soldiers 26 (+18) 0 Civil war in Syria since 2011
May 21, 2019 Central African Republic Attack in Ouham-Pendé Séléka Muslim Villages 50+ Civil War in the Central African Republic
May 22, 2019 Somalia Attack in Mogadishu al-Shabaab Wahhabi, Islamist Suicide bomber with a car bomb checkpoint 20 (+1) 32 Somali civil war
May 22, 2019 Nigeria Attack in Borno IS Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms, execution Military base, soldiers 29 0 Sharia conflict in Nigeria
May 24, 2019 Pakistan Attack in Quetta Explosive device mosque 3 28 Conflict in Northwest Pakistan
May 24, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul Booby trap mosque 4th 20th War in Afghanistan
May 24, 2019 France Stop in Lyon IS Salafist, Wahhabi Explosive device bakery 0 13
May 25, 2019 Nigeria Attack in Borno Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist Firearms Convoy, soldiers, civilians 25+ Sharia conflict in Nigeria
May 26, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Sar-i Pul Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms soldiers 8 (+9) 33 (+13) War in Afghanistan
May 28, 2019 Thailand Attack in Pattani Explosive device market 2 22nd Conflict in southern Thailand since 2004
May 28, 2019 South Sudan Attack in Bahr al-Ghazal Nuer - extremists Shepherds 34 18th Civil war in South Sudan since 2013
May 30, 2019 Iraq Attack in Kirkuk probably IS Salafist, Wahhabi 6 explosives Shopping centers, ice cream parlors, butchers 5 20th Uprising in Iraq (after US withdrawal)


Date / start Affected country attack Perpetrator Political orientation medium target dead Injured background
0June 1, 2019 Syria Attack in ar-Raqqa probably IS Salafist, Wahhabi Suicide bomber with car bomb, car bomb Checkpoint, civilians 10 (+1) 20th Civil war in Syria since 2011
02nd June 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul IS Salafist, Wahhabi 3 explosives Students on the bus, first responders, security guards, journalists 2 27 War in Afghanistan
02nd June 2019 Syria Attack in Aʿzāz Car bomb Market, mosque 21st 45 Civil war in Syria since 2011
03rd June 2019 Sudan Attack in Khartoum TMC , Janjawid Arab nationalist Firearms and stabbing weapons, vehicles demonstration 118 650+ Protests in Sudan 2018–19
0June 6, 2019 Syria Attack in Hama probably Haiʾat Tahrir ash-shame Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms soldiers 53 (+48) 0 Civil war in Syria since 2011
0June 7, 2019 Democratic Republic of Congo Attack in Ituri Hema -military officers, Lendu -military officers Firearms Villages 240+ Conflict in Eastern Congo
0June 9, 2019 Nigeria Attack in Sokoto Firearms Villages 25th 0 Communal conflicts in Nigeria
0June 9, 2019 Nigeria Attack in Niger Firearms Villages 70 0 Communal conflicts in Nigeria
0June 9, 2019 Cameroon Stop in diamaré Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist Firearms Village 37 (+?) 0 Sharia conflict in Nigeria
June 10, 2019 Mali Stop in Mopti probably Fulani - extremists or jihadists Firearms Village, Dogon civilians 35 Conflict in Northern Mali (since 2012)
June 12, 2019 Nigeria Attack in Borno Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist Firearms Military base 20th 0 Sharia conflict in Nigeria
June 12, 2019 Saudi Arabia Attack in Abha Houthi Zaidite, anti-imperialist, anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic rocket Abha International Airport 0 26th Military intervention in Yemen since 2015
June 14, 2019 Nigeria Attack in Zamfara Firearms ( drive-by shooting ), arson Civilians, buildings 34 0 Communal conflicts in Nigeria
June 15, 2019 Syria Attack in Hama probably Haiʾat Tahrir ash-shame Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms Government-friendly militiamen 26 (+9) 0 Civil war in Syria since 2011
June 15, 2019 Somalia Attack in Mogadishu al-Shabaab Wahhabi, Islamist 2 suicide bombers Parliament building 8 (+2) 26 (+1) Somali civil war
June 16, 2019 Nigeria Attack in Borno Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist 3 suicide bombers public viewing 30 (+3) 40+ Sharia conflict in Nigeria
17th June 2019 Mali Stop in Mopti probably Fulani - extremists Firearms Villages, Dogon civilians 41 Conflict in Northern Mali (since 2012)
18th June 2019 Syria Attack in Hama Haiʾat Tahrir ash-shame Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms soldiers 41 (+89) 0 Civil war in Syria since 2011
June 21, 2019 Iraq Attack in Baghdad probably IS Salafist, Wahhabi Suicide bomber mosque 10 (+1) 30th Uprising in Iraq (after US withdrawal)
June 23, 2019 Saudi Arabia Attack in Abha Houthi Zaidite, anti-imperialist, anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic drone Abha International Airport 1 21st Military intervention in Yemen since 2015
June 24, 2019 Ethiopia Attacks in Bahir Dar and Addis Ababa probably Amharen militiamen Firearms 50 23 Coup attempt in Ethiopia 2019
June 25, 2019 Nigeria Attack in Borno Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist Firearms Villages 29 0 Sharia conflict in Nigeria
June 27, 2019 Iraq Attack in Kirkuk probably IS Salafist, Wahhabi Explosives buses 1 24 Uprising in Iraq (after US withdrawal)
June 28, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Baglan Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms Civilians 25th 2 War in Afghanistan
June 28, 2019 Syria Attack in Hama probably Haiʾat Tahrir ash-shame Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms Soldiers, militiamen 51 (+45) 0 Civil war in Syria since 2011
June 28, 2019 Philippines Attack in Indanan probably Abu Sajaf / IS Islamist, Islamic fundamentalist / Salafist, Wahhabi 2 suicide bombers Military camp 6 (+2) 22nd Moro conflict
June 29, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Baglan Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms Checkpoints 26 (+?) 8 (+?) War in Afghanistan
June 30, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kandahar Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist 4 suicide bombers with car bombs Government building 53 (+4) War in Afghanistan
June 30, 2019 Mali Stop in Mopti probably Dogon - extremists Firearms Villages, Dogon civilians 23 300+ Conflict in Northern Mali (since 2012)


Date / start Affected country attack Perpetrator Political orientation medium target dead Injured background
01st July 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Car bomb, firearms Ministry of Defense 40 (+5) 100+ War in Afghanistan
01st July 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Juzjan Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms soldiers 50+ War in Afghanistan
05th July 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Faryab Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist mortar Market, residential area 9 30th War in Afghanistan
05th July 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Ghazni Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Land mine mosque 2 20th War in Afghanistan
07th July 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Ghazni Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Suicide bomber with a car bomb Government building 14 (+1) 180+ War in Afghanistan
0July 9, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kunduz Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms Security guards 20 (+?) 0 War in Afghanistan
July 10, 2019 Syria Attack in Hama Haiʾat Tahrir ash-shame Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms Government-friendly militiamen 57 (+44) 0 Civil war in Syria since 2011
11th July 2019 Syria Attack in Afrin PKK autonomist, Kurdish-socialist Car bomb checkpoint 13 30+ Civil war in Syria since 2011
11th July 2019 Libya Attack in Benghazi Car bomb funeral 4th 33 Civil war in Libya since 2014
12th July 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Nangarhar probably IS Salafist, Wahhabi Suicide bomber wedding 9 (+1) 40 War in Afghanistan
12th July 2019 Somalia Attack in Kismayo al-Shabaab Wahhabi, Islamist Suicide bomber with car bomb, firearms hotel 26 (+4) 56 Somali civil war
15th July 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kunduz Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Explosive device Civilians on trucks 11 35 War in Afghanistan
18th July 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kandahar Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist 2 suicide bombers with car bombs, firearms Police headquarters 11 (+4) 83 War in Afghanistan
19th July 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul Explosive device university 6th 24+ War in Afghanistan
July 22, 2019 Somalia Attack in Mogadishu al-Shabaab Wahhabi, Islamist Suicide bomber with a car bomb Checkpoint, Mogadishu Airport 16 (+1) 28 Somali civil war
28th July 2019 United States Attack in Gilroy Santino William Legan Firearms Folk festival 3 (+1) 13
28th July 2019 Nigeria Attack in Maiduguri Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist Firearms funeral 65 (+10) Sharia conflict in Nigeria
28th July 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul Suicide bomber with a car bomb Campaign Office 20+ 50+ War in Afghanistan
July 30, 2019 Pakistan Attack in Quetta Motorcycle bomb Police station 4th 20+
July 31, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in the west presumably Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Explosive device Bus, civilians 32 20+ War in Afghanistan


Date / start Affected country attack Perpetrator Political orientation medium target dead Injured background
0August 1, 2019 Yemen Series of stops in Aden Houthi , IS Zaidite, anti-imperialist, anti-Zionist; Salafist, Wahhabi 2-5 suicide bombers with car and motorcycle bombs, drones, rockets Military parade 51 56 Military intervention in Yemen since 2015
03rd August 2019 United States Attack in El Paso Patrick Wood Crusius ( White Supremacist ) right-wing extremist, racist Firearm Shopping mall, civilians 22nd 24
05th August 2019 Egypt Attack in Cairo probably hasm movement Islamist Suicide bomber with a car bomb Cancer Research Institute, Transport 20 (+1) 49 Sinai uprising
05th August 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Herat presumably Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Explosive device Civilians 4th 25th War in Afghanistan
07th August 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Car bomb Police station 15 (+1) 140+ War in Afghanistan
August 10, 2019 Norway Attack on Bærum mosque near Oslo Philip Manshaus ( right-wing extremist ) right-wing extremist 2 shotguns, pistol mosque 0 1 (+1)
16th August 2019 Pakistan Attack in Quetta Explosive device mosque 5 20th
17th August 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul IS Salafist, Wahhabi Suicide bomber wedding party 92 (+1) 142 War in Afghanistan
19th August 2019 Burkina Faso Stop in Koutougou JNIM Salafist, anti-western Firearms soldiers 24 7th Maghreb uprising since 2002
19th August 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Jalalabad 10 explosives Restaurants, civilians 0 123 War in Afghanistan
23 August 2019 Iraq Stop in Diyala probably IS Salafist, Wahhabi Motorcycle bomb Market, civilians 4th 30th Uprising in Iraq (after US withdrawal)
August 31, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kunduz Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms, suicide bombers Infrastructure, police station, security forces, civilians 25 (+57) 80+ War in Afghanistan


Date / start Affected country attack Perpetrator Political orientation medium target dead Injured background
02nd September 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Pol-e Chomri Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Firearms Soldiers, civilians 8 (+21) 40 (+13) War in Afghanistan
02nd September 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Suicide bomber with car bomb, firearms Residential and office complex, civilians 16 (+5) 119 War in Afghanistan
03rd September 2019 Mali Stop in Mopti JNIM Salafist, anti-western Explosive device Bus, civilians 20th 15th Maghreb uprising since 2002
05th September 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Suicide bomber with a car bomb Checkpoint, NATO soldiers 12 (+1) 40+ War in Afghanistan
0September 8, 2019 Burkina Faso Attacks in Center-Nord probably JNIM Salafist, anti-western Land mine, firearms Vehicle, food convoy, civilians 29 6th Maghreb uprising since 2002
13th September 2019 Syria Attack in Afrin probably PKK / YPG autonomist, Kurdish-socialist Car bomb, mortar Party office 0 27 Civil war in Syria since 2011
17th September 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Charikar Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Suicide bomber on motorcycle Ashraf Ghani's election campaign event 26 (+1) 42 War in Afghanistan
17th September 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Suicide bomber Ministry of Defense 22 (+1) 38 War in Afghanistan
19th September 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Qalati Ghilji Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Suicide bomber with a car bomb hospital 39 (+1) 140+ War in Afghanistan
September 30, 2019 Mali Attacks in Mopti Ansar ul Islam salafist Firearms Military outpost 25 (+15) 60 Maghreb uprising since 2002


Date / start Affected country attack Perpetrator Political orientation medium target dead Injured background
01st October 2019 Mali Stop in Mopti probably jihadists jihadist Firearms Military bases 25 (+15) Conflict in Northern Mali (since 2012)
03rd October 2019 France Attack on the Paris Police Prefecture Mickaël Harpon ( Islamist ) Islamist, Salafist knife Police officers 4 (+1) 2
04th October 2019 Burkina Faso Attacks in Aribinda presumably al-Qaeda in the Maghreb Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms Gold mine 20th Maghreb uprising since 2002
0October 7, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Jalalabad probably Taliban / IS Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist / Salafist, Wahhabi Suicide bomber with a car bomb Military recruits in minibus 14 (+1) 37 War in Afghanistan
0October 9, 2019 Germany Attack in Halle (Saale) 2019 Stephan Balliet ( right-wing extremist ) right-wing extremist Firearms, explosives Synagogue, local 2 2 (+1)
October 16, 2019 Afghanistan Stop in Laghman Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Suicide bomber with a car bomb Police building 3 36 War in Afghanistan
18th October 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Nangarhar probably IS Salafist, Wahhabi Explosive device mosque 73 36 War in Afghanistan
October 28, 2019 India Attack in Sopore grenade 0 20th Uprising in Kashmir


Date / start Affected country attack Perpetrator Political orientation medium target dead Injured background
01st November 2019 Mali Attack in Ménaka IS Salafist, Wahhabi Firearms Military base 54 3 Conflict in Northern Mali (since 2012)
02nd November 2019 Syria Stop in Tall Abyad probably PKK autonomist, Kurdish-socialist Car bomb market 13 30+ Conflict between the Republic of Turkey and the PKK
0November 6, 2019 Burkina Faso Attacks in Fada N'Gourma probably IS Salafist, Wahhabi Land mine, firearms Bus convoy, miners, military vehicles 37+ 64 Maghreb uprising since 2002
0November 6, 2019 Thailand Stop in Yala probably PULO autonomist, Islamist Firearms checkpoint 15th 5 Conflict in southern Thailand since 2004
November 10, 2019 Syria Stop in Tall Abyad probably PKK autonomist, Kurdish-socialist Car bomb Bakery, soldiers / militiamen 8th 26th Conflict between the Republic of Turkey and the PKK
November 11, 2019 Syria Attack in Qamishli IS Salafist, Wahhabi 3 car bombs Business park, hotel 6th 21st Civil war in Syria since 2011
November 13, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Kabul probably Taliban / IS Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist / Salafist, Wahhabi Suicide bomber with a car bomb Canadian security convoy 12 (+1) 20+ War in Afghanistan
16th November 2019 Syria Attack in al-Bab probably PKK autonomist, Kurdish-socialist Car bombs Bus stop, taxi stand 19th 50 Conflict between the Republic of Turkey and the PKK
18th November 2019 Mali Stop in Gao Islamists Islamist Military patrol 43 (+17) 29 Conflict in Northern Mali (since 2012)
23rd November 2019 Syria Stop in Tall Abyad probably PKK autonomist, Kurdish-socialist Car bomb City center 10 25th Conflict between the Republic of Turkey and the PKK
November 26, 2019 Syria Attack in Tell Halaf probably PKK , YPG autonomist, Kurdish-socialist Car bomb Village 17th 20th Conflict between the Republic of Turkey and the PKK
29th November 2019 United Kingdom Attack in London Usman Khan ( Islamist ) Islamist knife Civilians 2 (+1) 3


Date / start Affected country attack Perpetrator Political orientation medium target dead Injured background
01st December 2019 Burkina Faso Attack in Hantoukoura Jihadists jihadist church 14th Maghreb uprising since 2002
0December 6, 2019 United States Attack in Pensacola Mohamed Saeed Alshamrani Firearm (noun) Naval base 3 (+1) 8th
December 10, 2019 United States Jersey City attack Black Hebrews Firearms, pipe bomb Kosher grocery store 4 (+2) 3
December 11, 2019 Afghanistan Attack in Bagram Taliban Deobandic fundamentalist, Pashtun, Islamist Suicide bomber with car bomb, car bomb, firearms Bagram Air Base 2 (+1+) 80 War in Afghanistan
December 11, 2019 Niger Stop in Inatès Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist Firearms, explosives, mortars Military base, soldiers 71 12 Maghreb uprising since 2002
December 11, 2019 Democratic Republic of Congo Stop in Beni Allied Democratic Forces Islamist Stabbing weapons Military base, soldiers 22nd ADF conflict
December 24, 2019 Burkina Faso Attacks in Aribinda Boko Haram Wahhabi, Islamist Firearms Military base 42 (+80) Maghreb uprising since 2002
December 28, 2019 Somalia Attack in Mogadishu al-Shabaab Wahhabi, Islamist Suicide bomber with a car bomb checkpoint 84 (+1) 150+ Somali civil war
December 28, 2019 United States Attack in Rockland County Grafton E. Thomas knife Hanukkah celebration , Jewish civilians 0 5

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Taliban kill 21 Afghan security forces, threaten city: Official. In: Channel NewsAsia . January 1, 2019, accessed on January 12, 2019 .
  2. ^ Afghan forces use artillery to repel multiple Taliban assaults that kill at least 21. In: The Washington Post . January 1, 2019, accessed on January 12, 2019 .
  3. ^ Afghan special forces fight IS; Taliban kill 15 policemen. In: The Washington Post . January 1, 2019, accessed on January 12, 2019 .
  4. 37 dead after an armed attack on the village. In: The time . January 1, 2019, accessed January 12, 2019 .
  5. Dozens killed in worst Burkina Faso violence in years. In: Channel NewsAsia . January 4, 2019, accessed January 12, 2019 .
  6. New army chief in Burkina Faso: In the vicious circle of terror. In: . January 12, 2019, accessed January 12, 2019 .
  7. Twelve civilians killed in attack by suspected jihadists in Burkina Faso. In: MSN . January 12, 2019, accessed January 12, 2019 .
  8. ^ Taliban storm security posts in west Afghanistan, kill 21. In: Reuters . January 7, 2019, accessed January 12, 2019 .
  9. IS counterattack in east Syria leaves 32 dead: Monitor. In: Channel NewsAsia . January 8, 2019, accessed January 12, 2019 .
  10. نحو 55 من قوات سوريا الديمقراطية قضوا وأصيبوا خلال أحد أعنف هجمات تنظيم “الااالة الطقظملامية” شرق نرتة يلعن الإسلامية شرق نرتة يلعن السل ياية شرق نرتر يلعن لسل ياية ”شرق نرتر. In: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights . January 8, 2019, accessed January 12, 2019 (Arabic).
  11. Afghan official: Bomb blast kills 2 in eastern province. In: The Vancouver Sun . January 8, 2019, accessed January 12, 2019 .
  12. ^ Afghan official says bomb blast killed two in eastern province. In: Toronto Star . January 8, 2019, accessed January 12, 2019 .
  13. Jump up ↑ Dozens of dead in multiple Taliban attacks in Afghanistan. January 10, 2019, accessed January 12, 2019 .
  14. ^ Taliban attacks kill 32 security forces in Afghanistan. In: Daily Sabah . January 10, 2019, accessed January 12, 2019 .
  15. At Least 30 Afghan Troops Killed In Taliban Attacks. In: Radio Free Europe . January 10, 2019, accessed January 12, 2019 .
  16. Six people die in explosions in Iraq. In: Nau . January 11, 2019, accessed January 12, 2019 .
  17. Over 100 people injured after a serious bomb attack in Kabul. In: Luxemburger Wort . January 15, 2019, accessed January 15, 2019 .
  18. Kenya: At least 14 dead in attack on hotel complex. In: . January 16, 2019, accessed January 16, 2019 .
  19. Gunmen kill more than 30 Tuaregs in ongoing Mali violence. In: Reuters . January 16, 2019, accessed January 17, 2019 .
  20. Al menos nueve muertos y 48 heridos por la explosión de un coche bomba en Bogotá. In: ABC News . January 17, 2019, accessed January 17, 2019 (Spanish).
  21. Blast rocks Hayat Tahrir al-Sham headquarters in Syria's Idlib. In: Daily Sabah . January 18, 2019, accessed January 19, 2019 .
  22. ^ Peacekeepers killed in attack on UN northern Mali base. In: France 24 . January 20, 2019, accessed January 21, 2019 .
  23. Taliban attack kills more than 100 security personnel in central Afghanistan: defense ministry source. In: Reuters . January 21, 2019, accessed January 21, 2019 .
  24. Attack on a special forces base in Afghanistan: the number of victims rises to over 120. In: Sputnik . January 21, 2019, accessed January 21, 2019 .
  25. ^ UN says 18 killed in Central African Republic attack. In: The Tribune . January 29, 2019, accessed February 16, 2019 .
  26. ^ Blast in volleyball ground kills 5 in Afghanistan. In: Yeni Şafak . January 26, 2019, accessed February 16, 2019 .
  27. ^ Houthis shell camp for displaced women, children among 8 killed and 30 hurt in attack. In: Saudi Gazette . January 26, 2019, accessed March 30, 2019 .
  29. Jolo blast death toll climbs to 22: military. In: ABS-CBN Corporation . February 1, 2019, accessed February 16, 2019 .
  30. ^ Rare blast hits Yemen port town of al-Mokha. In: Euronews . January 28, 2019, accessed February 16, 2019 .
  31. Nigeria: Deadliest Boko Haram attack on Rann leaves at least 60 people murdered. In: Amnesty International . February 1, 2019, accessed February 16, 2019 .
  32. ^ Nine persons killed, 22 others injured in attack on DIG office in Balochistan's Loralai. In: Samaa TV . January 29, 2019, accessed February 16, 2019 .
  33. 28 Afghan Security Officers Killed in Taliban Attack in Kunduz. In: Al Bawaba . February 5, 2019, accessed February 16, 2019 .
  35. Iran suicide bombing 'kills 27 Revolutionary Guards'. In: British Broadcasting Corporation . February 13, 2019, accessed February 16, 2019 .
  36. Pulwama attack: Death toll mounts to 49, as four more CRPF men succumb. In: The Kashmir Walla . February 15, 2019, accessed February 16, 2019 .
  37. 'No One Survived.' A Taliban Attack Kills 32 at Remote Afghan Post. In: The New York Times . February 16, 2019, accessed February 19, 2019 .
  38. At least 24 dead in the attack in Idlib. In: Wiener Zeitung . February 18, 2019, accessed February 19, 2019 .
  41. Troops fight off Boko Haram in NE Nigeria before polls. In: France 24 . February 23, 2019, accessed March 23, 2019 .
  44. Death Toll From Kaduna Attack Rises To 40. In: Channels TV . March 2, 2019, accessed on March 23, 2019 .
  45. Somali militant siege ends, at least 29 civilians dead. In: Reuters . March 1, 2019, accessed on March 23, 2019 .
  46. ^ Two dead, 24 wounded in blast in central Mosul. In: Reuters . February 28, 2019, accessed March 23, 2019 .
  47. At least 23 Afghan security forces killed in Taliban attack. In: Al Jazeera . March 1, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  48. ^ Rival jihadists say IS suspects executed in Syria's Idlib. In: France 24 . March 2, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  49. Jihadists Kill 33 Regime Forces In Northwest Syria. In: Channels TV . March 3, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  50. ^ Militants kill seven Iraqi Shi'ite paramilitaries in northern Iraq. In: Reuters . March 7, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  51. Nigeria: Roadside bomb blast blamed on ISWA kills 5 people near Maiduguri. March 6, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  52. Islamic State claims attack on Shiite memorial service in Kabul, killing three. In: The Washington Post . March 7, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  53. Death Toll in Jammu grenade attack rises to 2. In: Tehelka . March 8, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  54. One death in attack on Ebola treatment center in Congo. In: . March 10, 2019, accessed March 11, 2019 .
  55. 20 Afghan Security Force Members Killed In Badghis. In: TOLOnews . March 10, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  56. ^ Eight killed in blast at Somali market: official. In: Al Jazeera . March 13, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  57. 49 dead in terrorist act in New Zealand. In: . March 15, 2019, accessed February 15, 2019 .
  58. Many dead in New Zealand: horror after terrorist attack on mosques. In: . March 15, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  59. Taliban kill 22 Afghan forces in attack on checkpoints. In: The Washington Post . March 17, 2019, accessed March 20, 2019 .
  60. Gunmen raid Mali military camp, 16 soldiers killed. In: Africanews . March 17, 2019, accessed March 20, 2019 .
  61. mes / dpa: perpetrators from Utrecht are said to have targeted tram passengers. February 3, 2020, accessed on April 3, 2020 (German).
  62. Bomb blasts around Afghanistan capital kill 6 during Nowruz celebrations. March 21, 2019, accessed March 23, 2019 .
  63. Niger: huit morts et une vingtaine de blessés dans une attaque terroriste dans l'extrême sud-est. March 23, 2019, accessed March 23, 2019 (French).
  64. Boko Haram fighters kill 23 Chadian soldiers - security sources. In: Reuters . March 22, 2019, accessed March 23, 2019 .
  65. ^ Associated Press: Five killed in Islamist attack on government building in Somalia . In: The Guardian . March 23, 2019, ISSN  0261-3077 ( online [accessed March 23, 2019]).
  66. Horror at the massacre in Mali. In: . March 24, 2019, accessed March 25, 2019 .
  67. At least 134 Fulani herders killed in central Mali's worst violence yet. In: Reuters . March 23, 2019, accessed March 25, 2019 .
  68. 4 Dead, 30 Hurt in Southern Afghanistan Attack. In: Voice of America . March 23, 2019, accessed March 25, 2019 .
  69. ^ Taliban Said to Have Killed 65 Afghan Forces. In: Voice of America . March 24, 2019, accessed March 25, 2019 .
  70. 12 Killed in Mogadishu Restaurant Blast. In: Voice of America . March 28, 2019, accessed March 29, 2019 .
  71. France launches terror probe after 2 bombs found in Corsica ahead of Macron's visit. In: RT (TV station) . April 2, 2019, accessed April 28, 2019 .
  72. 'Evil Acts': Son Of Sheriff's Deputy Is Chief Suspect In Black Church Arson Cases. In: National Public Radio . April 11, 2019, accessed April 28, 2019 .
  73. Burkina Faso: 62 people killed in northern town. In: Anadolu Ajansı . April 4, 2019, accessed April 6, 2019 .
  74. Numerous deaths from violence in Burkina Faso. In: The time . April 4, 2019, accessed April 7, 2019 .
  75. 13 Soldiers Killed In Badghis, Clashes Ongoing. In: TOLOnews . April 4, 2019, accessed April 6, 2019 .
  76. At least 3 killed in suicide attack in NE Nigeria. In: Xinhua . April 7, 2019, accessed April 7, 2019 .
  77. The Latest: Afghan officials say 20 troops killed by Taliban. In: WRAL transmission mast . April 8, 2019, accessed April 12, 2019 .
  78. 4 policemen, 3 citizens killed in suicide attack in Egypt's North Sinai: ministry. In: Xinhua . April 9, 2019, accessed April 12, 2019 .
  79. Pakistan: Deadly explosion rips through Quetta market. In: Al Jazeera . April 12, 2019, accessed April 13, 2019 .
  80. Taliban offensive kills 6 in Kunduz, more than 50 injured. In: Business Standard . April 13, 2019, accessed April 14, 2019 .
  81. Nigeria: 52 Boko Haram fighters killed in attack on MNJTF in Cross Kauwa, Chad army says. In: The Defense Post . April 18, 2019, accessed April 27, 2019 .
  82. Lyra McKee murder: Journalist shot dead during Derry rioting. In: British Broadcasting Corporation . April 19, 2019, accessed April 27, 2019 .
  83. Terror in Sri Lanka: 13 arrests - Minister: "I saw body parts everywhere". In: Focus . April 21, 2019, accessed April 21, 2019 .
  84. ^ Police: Sunnyvale crash driver targeted family thinking they were Muslim. In: The Mercury News . April 26, 2019, accessed April 28, 2019 .
  85. Militants kill 22 soldiers in north Syria. In: . April 28, 2019, accessed April 28, 2019 .
  86. ^ Suspect, 19, named after gunman opens fire in synagogue - killing one and injuring several. In: Daily Star . April 28, 2019, accessed April 28, 2019 .
  87. Boko Haram kills at least 23 villagers in NE Nigeria attack: source. In: Xinhua . April 30, 2019, accessed May 2, 2019 .
  88. Netanyahu pledges 'massive strikes' in Gaza as death toll rises. In: Al Jazeera . May 5, 2019, accessed on May 6, 2019 .
  89. Taliban kill 13 Afghan police in attack on compound. In: Associated Press . May 5, 2019, accessed on May 6, 2019 .
  90. Afghan official: Taliban storm checkpoint, killing 20 troops. In: Associated Press . May 6, 2019, accessed May 10, 2019 .
  91. Pak Taliban Claims Suicide Blast At Sufi Shrine In Lahore That Killed 10. In: NDTV . May 8, 2019, accessed May 10, 2019 .
  92. ^ Five killed in attack on charitable group in Afghanistan. In: CNN . May 8, 2019, accessed May 10, 2019 .
  93. 24 soldiers killed in Taliban attack in W. Afghanistan. In: Xinhua . May 10, 2019, accessed on May 15, 2019 .
  94. ^ Blasts rock Afghanistan's Jalalabad, killing 3, wounding 20. In: The Times of India . May 13, 2019, accessed May 31, 2019 .
  95. Rocket strike on Syria refugee camp kills 10 civilians: UN In: Reuters . May 16, 2019, accessed on May 17, 2019 .
  96. At least 17 Niger soldiers killed in ambush near Mali border: security source. In: Xinhua . May 15, 2019, accessed on May 17, 2019 .
  97. 21 people confirmed dead in DRC's tribe conflict area. In: Xinhua . May 20, 2019, accessed on May 20, 2019 .
  98. Three children killed in roadside blast in western Afghanistan. In: Al Jazeera . May 18, 2019, accessed on May 20, 2019 .
  99. Syria: 20 YPG / PKK terrorists killed in Raqqah bombings. In: Anadolu Ajansı . May 18, 2019, accessed on May 20, 2019 .
  100. Bomb attack on Shiite Militiamen kills 7 in eastern Iraq. In: The Stars and Stripes . May 19, 2019, accessed on May 20, 2019 .
  101. 22 killed in intercommunity conflicts in eastern Chad: local media. In: Xinhua . May 21, 2019, accessed on May 21, 2019 .
  102. ^ Dozens killed as rebels launch counterattack in Syria. In: Al Jazeera . May 21, 2019, accessed on May 23, 2019 .
  103. Central African Republic Massacres Leave More Than 50 Dead. In: The New York Times . May 23, 2019, accessed May 31, 2019 .
  104. At least 21 dead in suicide attack in Mogadishu. In: . May 22, 2019, accessed May 23, 2019 .
  105. ^ Islamic State claims killing, execution of 29 Nigerian soldiers. In: The Observer . May 22, 2019, accessed May 31, 2019 .
  106. Explosion targets mosque in Pakistan's Quetta. In: Al Jazeera . May 24, 2019, accessed May 25, 2019 .
  107. ^ Deadly explosion hits mosque in Afghanistan's Kabul. In: Al Jazeera . May 24, 2019, accessed May 25, 2019 .
  108. Lyon bomb blast suspect pledged allegiance to Islamic State - French judicial source. In: Reuters . May 30, 2019, accessed May 31, 2019 .
  109. Militants kill at least 25 Nigerian soldiers, some civilians in ambush: sources. In: Reuters . May 25, 2019, accessed on May 26, 2019 .
  110. Afghan Forces Suffer 'Heavy Casualties' in Sar-i-Pul Clashes. In: ATN News . May 27, 2019, accessed May 30, 2019 .
  111. Ramadan market bombing: Thai army ramp up efforts to find perpetrators. In: Bernama . May 29, 2019, accessed May 31, 2019 .
  112. ^ South Sudan community clashes leave 22 dead. In: Xinhua . May 30, 2019, accessed May 31, 2019 .
  113. ^ At least 34 killed in ethnic clashes in South Sudan. In: Gulf Times . May 30, 2019, accessed June 5, 2019 .
  114. At least five dead in blasts in Iraq's Kirkuk: medical sources. In: Reuters . May 30, 2019, accessed June 5, 2019 .
  115. ^ Raqqa suicide car bomb attack kills 10 in northern Syria. In: Middle East Eye . June 1, 2019, accessed June 5, 2019 .
  116. ^ Three bombings in Afghan capital; two killed, two reporters injured. In: The Stars and Stripes . June 2, 2019, accessed June 5, 2019 .
  117. ^ Dozens killed in a bomb attack in northwestern Syria. In: Yeni Şafak . June 3, 2019, accessed June 5, 2019 .
  118. ^ Sudan crisis: Official admits to 46 protest deaths. In: British Broadcasting Corporation . June 6, 2019, accessed June 27, 2019 .
  119. Militants kill 21 regime forces in Syria's northwest. In: al-Arabiya . June 7, 2019, accessed June 11, 2019 .
  120. Fighting kills at least 50 eastern DR Congo. In: Vanguard . June 13, 2019, accessed June 15, 2019 .
  121. ^ Armed group kills 25 in fresh Nigeria attack. In: CGTN (TV station) . June 11, 2019, accessed June 15, 2019 .
  122. Bandits go berserk in Niger, kill 70, sack 8 villages. In: Vanguard . June 14, 2019, accessed June 15, 2019 .
  123. Death toll of Boko Haram attack in Cameroon's Far North region rises to 37. In: Xinhua . June 12, 2019, accessed June 15, 2019 .
  124. Mali attack: '100 killed' in ethnic Dogon village. In: British Broadcasting Corporation . June 10, 2019, accessed June 11, 2019 .
  125. ISIS attacks Nigerian soldiers, kills commander, 20 others. In: Nigerian Tribune . June 15, 2019, accessed June 17, 2019 .
  126. ^ Yemen's Houthi rebels attack Saudi Arabia's Abha airport, injuring dozens. In: The Defense Post . June 12, 2019, accessed June 17, 2019 .
  127. '34 killed ', houses burnt as Zamfara boils again. In: The Cable (Nigeria) . Retrieved June 17, 2019 .
  128. Syria flare-up kills 35 fighters, including 26 pro-regime forces. In: Arab News . June 15, 2019, accessed June 15, 2019 .
  129. 10 killed, 26 injured in Mogadishu car bombing. In: Xinhua . June 16, 2019, accessed June 17, 2019 .
  130. Deaths in attack on football fans. In: . June 17, 2019, accessed June 17, 2019 .
  131. ^ Gunmen kill 41 people in central Mali: mayor. In: Reuters . June 18, 2019, accessed June 20, 2019 .
  132. ^ Dozens killed in heavy fighting in northwest Syria. In: Al Jazeera . June 18, 2019, accessed June 20, 2019 .
  133. Mosque attack leaves at least 10 dead, 30 wounded in Baghdad. In: Yeni Şafak . June 21, 2019, accessed June 21, 2019 .
  134. ^ Yemen's Houthis hit Saudi airport, killing one, wounding 21: Saudi-led coalition. In: Reuters . June 23, 2019, accessed June 26, 2019 .
  135. More than 50 killed in attacks in western Ethiopia: regional official. In: Reuters . June 26, 2019, accessed June 27, 2019 .
  136. Boko Haram Kills 20 Farmers In Borno. In: Sahara Reporters . June 26, 2019, accessed June 26, 2019 .
  137. One dead, at least 24 wounded as bombs hit buses in Iraq's Kirkuk. In: Reuters . June 27, 2019, accessed June 28, 2019 .
  138. 27 civilians, killed in Taliban attack in Baghlan: MoI. In: Khaama Press . June 29, 2019, accessed July 6, 2019 .
  139. Nearly 100 dead in northwest Syria fighting: monitor. In: France 24 . June 28, 2019, accessed July 6, 2019 .
  140. Death toll in Sulu twin bombings in southern Philippines reaches 8. In: Xinhua . June 29, 2019, accessed July 6, 2019 .
  141. 24 killed after Taliban militants attack pro-government militias in N. Afghanistan. In: Xinhua . June 29, 2019, accessed June 30, 2019 .
  142. Fighting rages across Afghanistan as peace talks continue. In: Reuters . June 30, 2019, accessed June 30, 2019 .
  143. ^ Attack on Mali Fulani village kills 23 - local mayor. In: Reuters . July 1, 2019, accessed on July 3, 2019 .
  144. Gun battle ends in Afghan capital after Taliban blast wounds 105. In: Reuters . July 1, 2019, accessed July 1, 2019 .
  145. Taliban Captured Qushtepa District, Killing Dozens. In: Ariana Television Network . Retrieved July 2, 2019 .
  146. Mortar attacks kill 4 civilians, wound 36 others in Afghanistan's northern Faryab province. In: Xinhua . July 5, 2019, accessed on July 6, 2019 .
  147. Blast in Afghan mosque kills 2, wounds 20 in eastern Ghazni province. In: Xinhua . July 6, 2019, accessed on July 6, 2019 .
  148. ^ Taliban launch major attack in central Afghanistan amid intra-Afghan summit in Qatar. In: Reuters . July 7, 2019, accessed on July 7, 2019 .
  149. At Least 20 Afghan Troops Killed in Taliban Attack in Kunduz Province - Source. In: Sputnik (news portal) . July 9, 2019, accessed on July 13, 2019 .
  150. ^ Fierce fighting in Syria's north-west claims more than 100 lives. In: The National (Abu Dhabi) . July 12, 2019, accessed on July 13, 2019 .
  151. Car Bomb Explosion in Afrin, Syria Kills 11, Wounds 25 - Reports. In: Sputnik (news portal) . July 11, 2019, accessed on July 13, 2019 .
  152. ^ Four killed as car bomb targets funeral in Libya's Benghazi: sources. In: Reuters . July 11, 2019, accessed on July 13, 2019 .
  153. Suicide bomber kills five at wedding party in eastern Afghanistan. In: Reuters . July 12, 2019, accessed on July 13, 2019 .
  154. 26 killed in hours-long al-Shabab hotel victories in Somalia. In: Al Jazeera . July 13, 2019, accessed on July 13, 2019 .
  155. Roadside Bomb Kills 11 'On Way To Shrine' In South Afghanistan. In: Radio Free Europe . July 15, 2019, accessed on July 16, 2019 .
  156. 12 killed, scores wounded in Afghanistan Taliban car bombing. In: Reuters . July 18, 2019, accessed on August 7, 2019 .
  157. At least eleven dead in an attack on police headquarters in Kandahar. In: Deutsche Welle . July 18, 2019, accessed August 7, 2019 .
  158. Terror in Afghanistan: Severe explosion in front of the university in Kabul . In: Spiegel Online . July 19, 2019 ( [accessed July 19, 2019]).
  159. Numerous dead after the bomb attack in Mogadishu. In: The time . July 22, 2019, accessed August 7, 2019 .
  160. Shootings at the festival - FBI classifies another case as domestic terrorism. In: SPON . August 7, 2019, accessed August 7, 2019 .
  161. At least 65 dead in attack on funeral procession. In: The time . July 29, 2019, accessed August 7, 2019 .
  162. ^ Afghan vice-presidential candidate's office sees deadly attack. In: British Broadcasting Corporation . July 29, 2019, accessed August 7, 2019 .
  163. Several killed in blast outside police station in Quetta. In: Al Jazeera . July 30, 2019, accessed August 7, 2019 .
  164. Bus strikes roadside bomb in Afghanistan, 32 killed. In: New York Post . July 31, 2019, accessed August 7, 2019 .
  165. Death toll rises to 49 in attacks in Yemen's Aden. In: Anadolu Ajansı . August 1, 2019, accessed on August 7, 2019 .
  166. Attacks on police officers: More than 50 dead in attacks in Yemen. In: . August 1, 2019, accessed August 7, 2019 .
  167. El Paso and Dayton: Deep wounds after massacres in the USA. In: . August 4, 2019, accessed August 7, 2019 .
  168. Deaths after a ghost ride in Egypt: Car bomb attack in Cairo. In: . August 5, 2019, accessed August 7, 2019 .
  169. Blast In Herat Kills Four Civilians. In: TOLOnews . August 5, 2019. Retrieved September 29, 2019 .
  170. ↑ In front of the police station in Kabul: At least 14 dead after the attack. In: . August 7, 2019, accessed August 7, 2019 .
  171. Norway mosque shooting probed as terror act. In: British Broadcasting Corporation . August 11, 2019, accessed on August 18, 2019 .
  172. ^ Bombing at Quetta seminary kills five. In: Pakistan Today . August 16, 2019. Retrieved September 29, 2019 .
  173. Afghanistan: 63 dead from attack at wedding party. Retrieved August 18, 2019 .
  174. Afghanistan: IS claims attack on wedding for itself . In: Spiegel Online . August 18, 2019 ( [accessed August 18, 2019]).
  175. Burkina Faso leader laments 'dark stain' after attack kills 24 ... In: Reuters . August 20, 2019 ( [accessed August 24, 2019]).
  176. Blasts hit Afghan city Jalalabad on independence day celebrations. In: Al Jazeera . August 19, 2019, accessed September 1, 2019 .
  177. Kurdistan24: Nearly 40 injured in motorcycle bombing in Iraq's Babil. Accessed August 25, 2019 .
  178. 4 killed, 30 wounded in motorcycle bombing south of Iraqi capital - Xinhua | Retrieved August 24, 2019 .
  179. Taliban attack in Afghanistan: "Not ready for peace". In: . August 31, 2019, accessed August 31, 2019 .
  180. 20 Security Force Members Killed In Kunduz Battle. In: TOLOnews . September 1, 2019, accessed on September 1, 2019 .
  181. Highways Remain Closed As Clashes Continue In Baghlan. In: TOLOnews . September 2, 2019, accessed on September 29, 2019 .
  182. Massive Kabul blast kills 16 as Taliban steps up attacks. In: Al Jazeera . September 3, 2019, accessed on September 3, 2019 .
  183. JNIM apologizes for killing Civilians in central Mali. In: Long War Journal . September 13, 2019, accessed on September 29, 2019 .
  184. ^ US, Romanian Soldiers Killed In Kabul Attack. In: TOLOnews . September 5, 2019, accessed September 5, 2019 .
  185. Dozens killed in Burkina Faso attacks. Retrieved September 17, 2019 .
  186. Activists: Car Bomb in Afrin Leaves Several Wounded. In: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights . September 13, 2019, accessed on September 29, 2019 .
  187. Many dead in attack on Afghan president. In: . September 17, 2019, accessed September 17, 2019 .
  188. Many dead in attack on Afghan president. In: . September 17, 2019, accessed September 17, 2019 .
  189. ^ Attack in Afghanistan: Car bombed dead in front of the clinic In: . September 19, 2019, accessed September 20, 2019 .
  190. At least 25 killed in Mali militant attack. In: British Broadcasting Corporation . October 1, 2019, accessed October 2, 2019 .
  191. Mali says 25 soldiers killed in attacks by suspected jihadists. In: Reuters . October 1, 2019, accessed on November 17, 2019 .
  192. ^ Mali: Dozens killed and missing in attack on army camps. In: Deutsche Welle . October 1, 2019, accessed on November 17, 2019 .
  193. Several killed in attack on Burkina Faso gold mine site. October 6, 2019, accessed on September 17, 2019 .
  194. Army recruits targeted by suicide bomb in eastern Afghanistan. In: Al Jazeera . October 7, 2019, accessed November 17, 2019 .
  195. ^ Taliban truck bomb kills police, wounds children in Afghanistan. In: Al Jazeera . October 16, 2019, accessed November 17, 2019 .
  196. Blasts collapse roof at Afghan mosque, killing at least 62 at Friday prayers. In: Reuters . October 18, 2019, accessed November 17, 2019 .
  197. Grenade attack hits Kashmir ahead of visit by EU lawmakers. In: Reuters . October 28, 2019, accessed November 17, 2019 .
  198. ^ Islamic state claims responsibility for Mali attack. In: Reuters . November 2, 2019, accessed November 17, 2019 .
  199. ^ Over a dozen killed in car bomb attack near Turkey-Syria border. In: Al Jazeera . November 3, 2019, accessed November 17, 2019 .
  200. ^ Thirty-seven killed in attack on Canadian miner Semafo convoy in Burkina Faso. November 6, 2019, accessed on September 17, 2019 .
  201. ^ Insurgents attack security checkpoint in Yala, 15 killed. In: Bangkok Post . November 6, 2019, accessed November 17, 2019 .
  202. ^ Turkey says at least 8 killed by car bomb in northeast Syria. In: The Washington Post . November 10, 2019, accessed November 17, 2019 .
  203. Three blasts kill at least 6 in Syrian town near Turkey. In: Al Jazeera . November 11, 2019, accessed November 17, 2019 .
  204. Afghanistan: Kabul car bomb kills 12, including kids. In: Al Jazeera . November 13, 2019, accessed November 17, 2019 .
  205. Deadly car bomb blasts rip through bus terminal in Syria's al-Bab. In: Al Jazeera . November 16, 2019, accessed November 17, 2019 .
  206. Many dead in attack on patrol. In: . November 19, 2019, accessed November 21, 2019 .
  207. Car bomb kills at least 10 people near Syria's border with Turkey. In: Reuters . November 23, 2019, accessed November 29, 2019 .
  208. Turkey says car bomb kills 17 near Syria's Ras al Ain. In: Reuters . November 26, 2019, accessed November 29, 2019 .
  209. Stabbings Around London Bridge Kill 2 in 'Terrorist Incident'. In: The New York Times . November 30, 2019, accessed November 30, 2019 .
  210. DER SPIEGEL: Burkina Faso: attackers kill 14 people in church - DER SPIEGEL - politics. Retrieved January 20, 2020 .
  211. ^ Pensacola shooting: Saudi student kills three at US naval base. In: British Broadcasting Corporation . December 8, 2019, accessed December 10, 2019 .
  212. ^ Suspect in Jersey City Linked to Black Hebrew Israelite Group. In: The New York Times . December 11, 2019, accessed December 13, 2019 .
  213. Taliban claim suicide car bombing at Bagram military base, killing 2 and wounding over 70. In: ABC News . December 11, 2019, accessed December 13, 2019 .
  214. Scores of soldiers killed in Niger base attack. In: Al Jazeera . December 11, 2019, accessed December 13, 2019 .
  215. Militants kill 22 in eastern Congo despite claims of security progress. In: Reuters . December 15, 2019, accessed December 22, 2019 .
  216. ^ Terrorists kill 35 civilians in Burkina Faso attack. In: euronews . December 25, 2019, accessed December 28, 2019 .
  217. ^ Truck bomb kills at least 90 in Mogadishu: international organization. In: Reuters . December 28, 2019, accessed December 28, 2019 .
  218. 5 stabbed in 'act of domestic terrorism' at Hanukkah party; suspect held on $ 5 million bail. In: USA Today . December 29, 2019, accessed December 30, 2019 .