List of known assassinations

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The list of known attacks lists attacks on individual persons in chronological order.


Antiquity before Christ

year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
680 BC Chr. Sennacherib King of Assyria On January 16, 680 BC In the course of a power struggle, the Assyrian king Sennacherib was killed by one or two of his sons. There are different traditions regarding the perpetrators and the course of events. According to the biblical tradition, he was murdered by his sons Adrammelech (also called Urdu-Mulissu ) and Sarezer, who fled to Urartu after the crime . It is also possible that his youngest son and successor Asarhaddon was involved in the act.
514 BC Chr. Hipparchus Tyrant of Athens Harmodios and Aristogeiton Athens In 514 BC Chr. Harmodios and Aristogeiton murdered the tyrant Hipparchus. A short time later, after the overthrow of Hipparchus' brother, the tyrant Hippias, in 510 BC. They were venerated as murderers of tyrants and later as champions of Attic democracy . In fact, their act was probably not based on political motives , but rather - as Herodotus and Thucydides handed down - personal motives in connection with homoerotic relationships between the participants.
336 BC Chr. Philip II King of Macedonia Pausanias Aigai In the summer of 336 BC During the wedding of his daughter Cleopatra to the Molossian prince Alexander von Epeiros , the Macedonian king Philip II was murdered by his bodyguard Pausanias. There are different views on the background to the fact. The oldest traditions of Aristotle and Diodorus name personal motives in connection with a satisfaction not granted by Philip for an abuse suffered by the military leader Attalus . There is also speculation about instigation by Philip's wife Olympias and his son Alexander . But there were also many other people and groups who could have had an interest in Philip's death. Philip II
227 BC Chr. Ying Zheng (Qin Shihuangdi) King of Qin , Emperor of China Jing Ke Qin In 227 BC Jing Ke from Wei State was hired by a close friend of Ying Zheng, Prince Dan of Yan , to assassinate Ying Zheng, the then king of Qin. The prince and his father, King Xi von Yan, feared the annexation of Yan by Ying Zheng and his vast army (which also happened in 222 BC). A disgraced Qin general named Fan Yuqi sacrificed himself to give Jing Ke access to the king by handing over his head. The assassination attempt failed, however: Jing Ke was overwhelmed when he drew his dagger and stabbed the king, and was executed. Qin Shihuangdi
221 BC Chr. Hasdrubal Carthaginian general New Carthage, now Cartagena In 221 BC The Carthaginian general Hasdrubal the Fair was probably murdered by an Iberian slave in his palace in the city of "New Carthage" which he founded . Titus Livius narrates vengeance as a motif for the previous killing of his former master, the Celtic king Tago , by Hasdrubal.
133 BC Chr. Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus Roman tribune Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serapio (leader) Rome In the middle of 133 BC In BC political opponents of the tribune Gracchus stormed a popular assembly under the leadership of his cousin Scipio Nasica and killed Gracchus and about 300 of his followers. The immediate motive for the act was the intention of the Gracchus to be re-elected as a tribune by the popular assembly, contrary to the Roman constitution, which excluded direct re-election. The actual background was the dispute between optimates and populars about the Gracchian reform .
91 BC Chr. Marcus Livius Drusus Roman tribune Quintus Servilius Caepio (alleged perpetrator) Rome In 91 BC The tribune of the people Marcus Livius Drusus was murdered because of a bill to grant citizenship to the allies. His brother-in-law, Quintus Servilius Caepio, who was presumably praetor that year, was suspected of the act . The murder of Drusus led to the outbreak of the alliance war .
72 BC Chr. Quintus Sertorius Leader of the Lusitanians Marcus Perperna Huesca In 72 BC The former Roman general and politician and leader of the Lusitanians fell victim to a conspiracy of his officers under the leadership of his deputy Perperna. Perperna and other officers murdered Sertorius during a feast in Perperna's villa in Osca. The background to this was a power struggle between Sertorius and Perperna over the leadership of the "special empire" on the Iberian peninsula that Sertorius had built and was largely independent of Rome .
52 BC Chr. Publius Clodius Pulcher Roman tribune Titus Annius Milo Via Appia at Bovillae On January 18, 52 BC The people's tribune and candidate for the office of consul Clodius was slain by Milo and his supporters in a violent, politically motivated conflict near Bovillae on the Via Appia. The background was power struggles at the end of the Roman Republic .
44 BC Chr. Gaius Julius Caesar Roman dictator Marcus Junius Brutus , Gaius Cassius Longinus and other conspirators Rome On March 15, 44 BC The Roman dictator Caesar was murdered by a group of senators around Brutus and Cassius during a senate session in the theater of Pompeius with 23 dagger stabs. The motive for the act was the fear of numerous senators that Caesar, who had recently been appointed "dictator for life", was striving for royal dignity. Gaius Iulius Caesar
41 BC Chr. Arsinoë IV. Egyptian Pharaoh Mark Antony Ephesus In the year 41 BC In BC Cleopatra had her sister Arsinoe murdered by her lover, the Roman general and triumvir Marcus Antonius, in her exile in the temple of Artemis in Ephesus . The motive for the act was that Cleopatra feared her sister, who had already been elevated to the rank of anti-queen during the Alexandrian War , as a potential opponent.

Antiquity after Christ

year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
41 Caligula Roman emperor Cassius Chaerea Rome On January 24, 41, the Roman emperor Caligula fell victim to a conspiracy. The mastermind behind the conspiracy was the military tribune of the Praetorian Guard Cassius Chaerea. The specific motive for the act was probably the regular humiliation of Chaerea by Caligula. In addition, following a power struggle between Caligula and the Senate and his increasing tyranny, the conspiracy also found ample support, especially among the patricians . Caligula
96 Domitian Roman emperor Flavius ​​Stephanus Rome The Roman emperor Domitian was stabbed to death on September 18, 96 by Flavius ​​Stephanus, a freedman and procurator of his niece Flavia Domitilla , in his bedroom. Stephanus was supported by Domitian's valet Parthenios and his freedman Maximus. It is unclear who, besides the people directly involved, also belonged to the circle of conspirators. The background to the act was the increasingly suspicious and brutal action by Domitian, even against his closest circle. In addition, the act took place with the approval of the Senate, which Domitian had largely disempowered. Domitian
192 Commodus Roman emperor Narcissus Rome On December 31, 192, the Roman Emperor Commodus was strangled in his bath by the athlete Narcissus in the course of an extensive conspiracy with the participation of his concubine Marcia . The exact motives are unclear. Commodus
217 Caracalla Roman emperor Iulius Martialis Carrhae The Roman emperor Caracalla fell victim to a conspiracy of the Praetorian prefect Macrinus on April 8, 217 . Macrinus saw his life in acute danger of death due to a rumor, probably spread by opponents or envious people, that a prophecy had promised him the imperial dignity, since Caracalla was very suspicious and always suspected conspiracies. Therefore, he instigated Caracalla's bodyguard, Iulius Martialis, to murder Caracalla during his march through Mesopotamia . When Caracalla stepped away from his bodyguard to urinate on the way from Edessa to Carrhae, Martialis took the opportunity to kill him. Caracalla
268 Gallienus Roman emperor Claudius Gothicus , Aurelian and other co-conspirators Milan The Roman emperor Gallienus was murdered near Milan in 268 at the instigation of a clique of officers around Claudius Gothicus and Aurelian. Gallienus, who was at war with the Goths , had gone to Milan to put down a revolt by his equestrian general Aureolus . Gothicus and Aurelian had already put an end to the revolt of Aureolus when Gallienus arrived, but now turned against the emperor and had him murdered. Gothicus succeeded Gallienus. Gallienus
275 Aurelian Roman emperor Caenophrurium near Byzantium In 275 the Roman Emperor Aurelian was stabbed to death while preparing a campaign against the Sassanids in Mesopotamia. His private secretary Eros is considered a mastermind. The motive was probably Aurelian's fight against corruption . Aurelian
337 Julius Constantius , Flavius ​​Dalmatius , Dalmatius , Hannibalianus and others Family members of the late Emperor Constantine the Great Several close relatives of Emperor Constantine were murdered by high-ranking officers after his death in order to secure the succession of his three sons Constantine II , Constans and Constantius II . Among the victims were the half-brothers of the late emperor Julius Constantius and Flavius ​​Dalmatius, as well as six nephews of the emperor, including Dalmatius and Hannibalianus. It is not clear who ordered the murders. Several opponents of the Emperor Constantius II, including Athanasius the Great and Julian , accused him of being responsible for the murder of his relatives. In contrast, Eusebius of Caesarea and Gregor of Nazianz, for example, took the view that the officers acted on their own initiative. Constantine the Great
454 Flavius ​​Aëtius Western Roman army master Valentinian III. Rome On September 21 or 22, 454, during an audience on the Palatine Hill in Rome, the Western Roman Emperor Valentinian personally killed his master Aëtius on the pretext that he was betraying him. The motive for the act was that the emperor saw no other way to free himself from the dominance of the overpowering but demonstratively loyal army master. In addition to Aëtius, his confidante, the Praetorian prefect Boethius was killed. The immediate result of the act was the separation of Dalmatia from the Western Roman Empire under the leadership of Marcellinus , a confidante of Aëtius, and the assassination of Valentinian a year later.
455 Valentinian III. Western Roman Emperor Rome On March 16, 455, two former followers of the army master Flavius ​​Aëtius killed the Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III when he wanted to attend a military exercise in Rome. This was obviously done out of revenge, because Valentinian had killed the overpowering Flavius ​​Aëtius with his own hands the previous year.
456 Ankō Japanese emperor Mayowa no Ōkimi The Japanese Emperor Ankō was murdered by his stepson Prince Mayowa, whose biological father, Prince Okusaka, the emperor accidentally killed.
493 Odoacer King of Italy Theodoric Ravenna The Italian King Odoacer was murdered by the Ostrogothic King Theodoric himself on March 15, 493 at his court. The official motive was personal revenge, but in fact power-political reasons were in the foreground. Odoacer had previously renounced the Western Roman imperial dignity, but extended his Italian kingdom to Dalmatia at the expense of the Eastern Roman Empire , which is why the Eastern Roman emperor had supported the Ostrogoths in their fight against him.
535 Amalasuntha Ostrogothic queen Theodahad (mastermind) Isola Martana in Lake Bolsena On April 30, 535, the Ostrogoth king Theodahad had his cousin Amalasuntha strangled in the bath after her imprisonment on the island of Martana in Lake Bolsena. Amalasuntha, daughter of King Theodoric the Great , had made Theodahad co-regent a year earlier after her son Athalaric , for whom she had ruled, had died. However, this overthrew them and had them eliminated. Amalasuntha
592 Sushun Japanese emperor Yamato no Aya no Ataikoma The Japanese emperor Sushun was murdered by the courtier Yamato no Aya no Ataikoma on the instructions of his uncle, the powerful noble Soga no Umako . Sushun had come to the throne through the support of the powerful Soga clan, but later felt their superiority as a hindrance and therefore wanted to overthrow the then reigning Ōomi of the Soga clan, Soga no Umako. This was prevented by the attack.

middle Ages

6th to 12th century

year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
644 Umar ibn al-Khattab 2nd caliph Piruz Nahavandi Mecca On November 3, 644, the caliph Umar was fatally wounded by the enslaved Persian army member Piruz Nahavandi during the Hajj in Mecca with six stitches and died four days later. Several advisers to the caliph were behind the act, including the captured Persian satrap Hormuzan as a suspected mastermind . The motive for the act was probably the Islamic conquest of Persia .
656 Uthman ibn Affan 3rd Caliph Medina On June 17, 656, the Caliph Uthman was lynched in his palace in Medina in the course of a rebellion by Egyptian rebels. The background was increasing internal tensions and power struggles within the caliphate . So the followers of the widow denied Muhammad Aisha and her son- Ali , the legitimacy of Uthman as caliph, others opposed the favor of Uthman's clan of the Umayyads in filling key positions and others fought against setting an authoritative Koran text by Uthman. The specific trigger of the rebellion in Egypt was the resistance of the population in the garrison town of Fustat against the governor appointed by the caliph. Uthman's assassination ultimately split Islam into Sunnis , Shiites and Kharijites .
661 ʿAlī ibn Abī Tālib 4th Caliph , 1st Imam of the Shiites Ibn Muljam Kufa On January 22nd, 661, the caliph Ali was assassinated by Ibn Muldscham, a Kharijite , and died two days later from his injuries. The background to the act was the breakup of Islam into Sunnis , Shiites and Kharijites. At about the same time, the Kharijites also carried out an attack on the Umayyad Muawiya , which, however, failed. Ultimately, he prevailed as the 5th caliph and founded the Sunni Umayyad dynasty.
797 Constantine VI Eastern Roman emperor Byzantium The Eastern Roman Emperor Constantine was captured and blinded by allies of his mother Irene during a power struggle and with her approval . He died of his injuries shortly afterwards. Irene had exercised the reign of her initially underage son for years and could only be ousted from power by him clearly after he came of age.
946 Edmund I. King of England Leofa Pucklechurch On May 26, 946, the Anglo-Saxon King Edmund was stabbed to death by the exiled criminal Leofa in his hunting lodge in Pucklechurch, South Gloucestershire , while attempting to rescue one of his officers during a scuffle . Edmund I.
969 Nikephorus II. Eastern Roman emperor Johannes Tzimiskes Byzantium

He restricted the generosity of the court and cut the salaries of the clergy. The high taxes and the devaluation of the Byzantine coins damaged his popularity and revolts broke out. His wife Theophanu began an affair with his nephew Johannes Tzimiskes, who murdered him on December 11, 969 in his bedroom.

978 Edward the Martyr King of England Wareham The English King Edward the Martyr was stabbed to death with a dagger on March 18, 978 during a visit to Corfe Castle near Wareham in Dorset . The sources name partly a servant of his stepmother Ælfthryth as the perpetrator , partly his stepmother personally. The background to the act was a power struggle for the English throne between Eduard and his stepmother, who wanted to bring her underage son Æthelred to the throne.
1040 Duncan I. King of Scotland Macbeth Elgin On August 14, 1040, the Scottish King Duncan was killed by his cousin and army master Macbeth during the Battle of Elgin. The background to the fact was a power struggle for the Scottish throne.
1066 Conan II. Duke of Brittany Wilhelm II. (Alleged instigator) Château-Gontier The Breton Duke Conan II was poisoned on December 11, 1066. The Duke of Normandy and later King William the Conqueror of England is considered to be the instigator .
1086 Knut IV. King of Denmark Odense The later canonized Danish King Canute IV was murdered on July 10, 1086 together with his brother Benedict because of his repeated interventions in the traditional legal system of the country by an angry crowd in the St. Alban's Church in Odense, which he built.
1092 Nizam al-Mulk Vizier of the Great Seljuks Hasan-i Sabbah (alleged mastermind) Nahavand According to prevailing tradition, the Seljuk vizier Nizam al-Mulk was murdered on October 14, 1092 on the way from Isfahan to Baghdad near the city of Nahavand by an Ismaili assassin sent by Hasan-i Sabbah , who approached his litter disguised as a dervish . The Seljuks had already sent two military expeditions against the increasingly powerful assassins under Hasan-i Sabbah. However, there are other accounts of the course of events and the background to the murder of Nizam al-Mulk.
1098 Thoros Ruler of Edessa Baldwin of Boulogne (alleged mastermind) Edessa Thoros of Edessa was murdered on March 9, 1098, presumably at the instigation of Baldwin of Boulogne, the later king of Jerusalem . Baldwin had previously been adopted by Thoros and made an inheritance. He became the first Count of Edessa after Thoros' death .
1121 al-Afdal Shahanshah Vizier of the Fatimids The vizier al-Afdal was murdered by assassins during the festival of sacrifice in 1121 - probably on behalf of the caliph al-Amir . The motive for the act was probably a power struggle, since under al-Afdal the actual power in the Fatimid Empire lay with the vizier, while the caliph was largely excluded from the government.
1130 Al-Amir 10. Caliph of the Fatimids The caliph Al-Amir was murdered by assassins on October 7, 1130 . The background to the act were political tensions between the Ishmaelite groups of the Nizarites and Mustalids . These date back to the time after the death of al-Amir's grandfather al-Mustansir in 1094, when the then vizier al-Afdal Shahanshah , bypassing and subsequently murdering the son Nizar, who was actually entrusted to the throne, was his younger brother al-Mustali , the father of al -Amir when caliphs prevailed.
1136 Harald IV. King of Norway Sigurd Slembe Mountains The Norwegian King Harald was murdered in bed by Sigurd Slembe on December 14, 1136 in Bergen. Ever since Sigurd I's death in 1130, there had been a power struggle in Norway between Magnus IV and Harald IV, which Harald was finally able to win in 1135 in a battle near Bergen. The following year, Sigurd Slembe, a new pretender to the throne, did not succeed in asserting himself against his sons Sigurd II and Inge Krogrygg , despite Harald's murder .
1148 Alfons Jordan of Toulouse Count of Toulouse and Margrave of Provence Raymond II of Tripoli (alleged mastermind) Caesarea Alfons Jordan was poisoned in Caesarea in April 1148 during the Second Crusade . His great-nephew Raimund II of Tripoli, who feared Alfons Jordan's claims to the county of Tripoli, was most likely behind the deed . However, Eleanor of Aquitaine and Melisende of Jerusalem , the sister-in-law of Raymond II of Tripoli, are also named as possible instigators of the crime.
1170 Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury Reginald Fitzurse , William de Tracy , Hugh de Morville, and Richard Brito Canterbury Thomas Becket was murdered shortly after his return from exile in France on December 29, 1170 in Canterbury Cathedral by the four knights Reginald Fitzurse, William de Tracy, Hugh de Morville and Richard Brito. The actual trigger for the act was that immediately before his return Becket had excommunicated the bishops of London , York and Salisbury , as they had carried out the coronation of the heir to the throne Richard as the new King of England in his absence and in his place . However, this was preceded by a long-standing dispute with Becket's father, King Henry II , about the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts . Assassination of Thomas Becket
1172 Vitale Michiel II. 38. Doge of Venice Marco Casolo Venice The Doge Vitale II. Michiel was stabbed to death by Marco Casolo on May 28, 1172 near the church of San Zaccaria . It is believed that it was a contract killing, possibly behind the ambassadors of Venice in Constantinople , Sebastiano Ziani and Orio Mastropiero , stood. The background to the act was a disastrously failed punitive expedition by Venice against Constantinople, to which the Venetian councilors had initially urged the Doge, but after its failure wanted to hold him accountable. The attack took place shortly before legal proceedings against the Doge were opened. His successors as the 39th and 40th Doge of Venice were Ziani and Mastropiero.
1183 Alexios II Comnenus Eastern Roman Emperor Stephanos Hagiochristophorites , Konstantinus Tripsychos and Theodorus Dadibrenos The Eastern Roman Emperor Alexios II was strangled with a bowstring by Stephanos Hagiochristophorites, the Hetairiarch Konstantinus Tripsychos and Theodorus Dadibrenos in October 1183 on the orders of his cousin and co-emperor Andronikos Komnenos on the grounds that divided rule was not good for the empire .
1192 Conrad of Montferrat King of Jerusalem Tire King Conrad of Jerusalem was murdered by two assassins on April 28, 1192 on the way home from a visit to the Bishop of Beauvais . There is uncertainty regarding the client and motives. Conrad of Montferrat

13th to 15th centuries

year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1204 Alexios IV Angelus Eastern Roman Emperor The Eastern Roman Emperor Alexios IV was strangled on January 28, 1204, a few days after he was deposed as emperor by Alexios Murtzuphlos . The background was power struggles for the Byzantine throne. Alexios IV had his uncle Alexios III six months earlier with the help of an army of crusaders . expelled and gained power, but could not keep the promises made to the crusaders. Over time there was increasing tension between the Crusaders and the citizens of Constantinople, which Alexios Murtzuphlos knew how to use for himself. Alexios IV Angelus
1208 Pierre de Castelnau Papal Legate Raimunds VI. of Toulouse (alleged mastermind) Saint-Gilles Pierre de Castelnau, legate of Pope Innocent III. , was on January 15, 1208 near the Abbey of Saint-Gilles, where he had previously had a dispute with Raymond VI. von Toulouse had led on the fight against the Cathars classified as heretical , probably murdered by a follower of Raymond. This was preceded by the excommunication of Raimund because of his refusal to give Castelnau the required support in fighting the Cathars. The death of Castelnau triggered the Albigensian Crusade
1208 Philip of Swabia Roman-German king Otto VIII von Wittelsbach Bamberg The Roman-German King Philip of Swabia was murdered on June 21, 1208 on the occasion of the wedding of his niece to Duke Otto VII of Andechs-Meranien by Otto VIII of Wittelsbach. Otto VIII sought an audience unannounced during the king's midday rest, suddenly drew his sword and fatally injured the king's carotid artery. The motive for the murder was probably the fact that Philipp canceled an engagement between his daughter Beatrix and Otto that had been agreed five years earlier . Although the deed apparently had personal causes, it gained global political importance against the background of the German throne dispute. Count Palatine Otto von Wittelsbach kills Philip of Swabia.
1214 St. Albert Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Acre The Patriarch Albert Avogadro, who later became St. Albert, was stabbed to death on September 14, 1214 in Acre by the Master of the Holy Spirit Hospital of the Order of St. John during a procession on the occasion of the Exaltation of the Cross . Avogadro had previously operated his dishonorable removal. The reasons that prompted the patriarch to do so are unknown.
1225 Engelbert von Berg Archbishop of Cologne , Imperial Administrator , Duke of Westphalia , Count von Berg Friedrich von Isenberg Gevelsberg The conspirator was slain by his cousin on November 7th in the ravine near Gevelsberg with over forty lashes. He was on the way from a Westphalian princes' convention on November 5th in Soest to Schwelm to consecrate a church there. The motive for the act is said to have been a dispute between his cousin Friedrich and the abbess of the Essen monastery, in which he was supposed to intervene on behalf of the Pope.
1231 Ludwig the Kelheimer Duke of Bavaria and Count Palatine by the Rhine Kelheim Duke Ludwig was murdered on September 15, 1231 on the bridge in the city of Kelheim. The perpetrator (s) and the background to the crime are unknown. The assassination of Ludwig des Kelheimer
1231 Jalal ad-Din Khorezm Shah Diyarbakir Ad-Din was murdered by a Kurd on August 17, 1231 after several military defeats against the Ayyubids , Rum Seljuks and Mongols while fleeing in Diyarbakir . The perpetrator, not known by name, presumably acted on behalf of the Seljuks.
1249 Friedrich II. Roman-German Emperor After an assassination attempt on Emperor Frederick II failed in 1246, members of his court again tried unsuccessfully to poison him in 1249. The background to the act was probably the intense disputes between the emperor and the pope over the balance of power in Italy. The perpetrators and the people behind the crime are not known. Friedrich's Chancellor Petrus de Vinea , who was then blinded and died shortly afterwards, was suspected of complicity . However, it is unclear whether Vinea, who was also considered a personal friend of the emperor, was actually involved in the crime or whether he fell victim to an intrigue. Friedrich II.
1250 Turan Shah Sultan of the Ayyubids Baibars , Faris ad-Din Aktay and others Fariskur The Ayyubid Sultan Turan Shah was murdered on May 2, 1250 by a group of Mameluke emirs led by Baibar, because he wanted to end their influence on the court. The Mameluks entered his rooms in Fariskur, where Baibars struck him with the sword. However, the sultan was able to flee seriously injured to a wooden tower on the bank of the Nile. After the Mamelukes set fire to the wooden tower, the Sultan tried to save himself by jumping into the Nile . Eventually Turan Shah was beheaded by Faris ad-Din Aktay. The Mameluks murder Sultan Turan Shah
1250 Erik IV. King of Denmark Abel (mastermind) Missunde The Danish King Erik IV was murdered on August 10, 1250 at the behest of his brother Abel in a struggle for power in Denmark. According to tradition, Abel, who was Duke of Schleswig , asked his brother to go to Schleswig for reconciliation talks. On the way back from this meeting he had the king beheaded on a boat on the Schlei and thrown his body into the water.
1306 Wenceslaus III King of Bohemia and Titular King of Poland Konrad von Bodenstein Olomouc King Wenceslaus III was murdered by the Thuringian knight Konrad von Bodenstein on August 4, 1306 in the house of the Olomouc cathedral dean . The exact circumstances are not known. The background to the act, however, is likely to be found in Wenceslas various political disputes with the Roman-German King Albrecht I , Pope Boniface VIII and the rebellious Poles under Władysław Ellenlang . Wenceslaus III
1308 Albrecht I. Roman-German king Johann of Swabia Koenigsfelden The Roman-German King Albrecht I was murdered on May 1, 1308 on the way home not far from his ancestral castle near Königsfelden by his nephew Johann von Schwaben. In addition to Johann von Schwaben, who is said to have split Albrecht's skull without a word, the barons Rudolf von Wart , Rudolf von Balm , Walter von Eschenbach and Konrad von Tegernfeld were also involved in the act. The motive for the murder was presumably a compensation payment owed by Albrecht under the Treaty of Rheinfelden , but not paid, for the renunciation of Johann's father to the regency in Austria. Albrecht I of Habsburg
1363 Simone Boccanegra 1st Doge of Genoa Genoa The first Doge of Genoa drove the Guelfan nobility that had ruled until then (including Fieschi , Grimaldi ) and thus attracted numerous enemies. After several unsuccessful attacks, Simone Boccanegra was finally poisoned in his palace, presumably on behalf of the Adorno and Fieschi families.
1369 Peter I of Castile King of Castile and León Heinrich of Trastamara Montiel The Castilian King Peter I, known as Pedro the Cruel, was murdered on March 23, 1369 by his half-brother Heinrich in a dispute for the throne. This was preceded on March 14th by a battle between the king's army and an army of his half-brother, which was supported by French units under the leadership of Bertrand du Guesclin . After his defeat Peter I fled to the castle of Montiel, where he was besieged by Heinrich. He entered into negotiations with du Guesclin, who should enable him to escape. But du Guesclin betrayed him and instead of helping him to escape, brought him to the tent of his half-brother, who stabbed him to death. Heinrich murders Peter I.
1407 Louis of Valois Duke of Orléans Raoulet d'Anquetonville Rue Vieille-du-Temple, Paris An armed band on behalf of the Duke of Burgundy Johann Ohnefurcht , led by his servant Raoulet d'Anquetonville, overpowered Ludwig's bodyguard and murdered him on the street in Paris. Assassination of Louis of Orléans
1419 Johann without fear Duke of Burgundy Tanneguy du Chastel and Jean Louvet Yonne bridge at Montereau Johann Feart was murdered during a conversation with the Dauphin , who later became King Charles VII of France. How far the Dauphin was involved is controversial. The act is considered revenge for the murder of Duke Ludwig von Orléans . Johann without fear
1437 James I. King of Scotland Walter Stewart, 1st Earl of Atholl and others Perth The Scottish King James I was murdered on February 21, 1437 by conspirators under the leadership of his uncle Walter Stewart in the Dominican monastery in Perth. Jakob had initially managed to escape into the sewer system. However, as the exit had been walled up three days earlier, the escape failed. After standing up to his chest in the sewer for two days, the conspirators found him and murdered him. James I (Scotland).
1451 William Douglas 8th Earl of Douglas King James II of Scotland Stirling Castle William Douglas, 8th Earl of Douglas, was stabbed to death on February 21, 1451 by the Scottish King James II, who had invited him to Stirling Castle with the assurance of safe conduct . The background to the act was the attempt of the king to break the supremacy of the noble family Douglas in Scotland.
1478 Giuliano di Piero de 'Medici Co-regent in Florence Francesco de 'Pazzi and Bernardo Bandini Baroncelli Florence Giuliano de 'Medici, co-regent of his brother Lorenzo il Magnifico , was stabbed to death on April 26, 1478 as part of the Pazzi conspiracy during Easter mass in the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore . Lorenzo was wounded and was able to flee to the sacristy. The conspiracy eventually failed. The background to the fact was the attempt by Pope Sixtus IV and several patrician families to end the de facto rule of the Medici over Tuscany . Portrait of Giuliano de 'Medici by Sandro Botticelli.

Early modern age

16th Century

year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1541 Francisco Pizarro Spanish conquistador Diego de Almagro (son) Lima Francisco Pizarro was murdered on June 26, 1541 in his palace in Lima by the son and other followers of his former partner Diego de Almagro . This was preceded by disputes between the Spaniards over the distribution of the conquests, during which the older Diego de Almagro was killed in 1538 at the behest of Pizarro's half-brother Hernando . Francisco Pizarro
1544 Manco Cápac II. Inca rulers Vilcabamba The Inca Manco Cápac II, half-brother and heir of Atahualpa , led the resistance against Spanish rule from 1536. In 1544 he was killed by followers of the younger Diego de Almagro , whom he had given refuge in Vilcabamba after the execution of their master in 1542. The background to the act was the offer of the city governor of Cusco , Alonso de Toro , to pardon the followers of Almagros, who were persecuted as traitors, if they succeeded in killing Manco Cápac. Manco Cápac II.
1566 David Rizzio Private Secretary to Queen Mary Queen of Scots Edinburgh The Italian private secretary of the Scottish Queen, David Rizzio, was stabbed to death in front of the Queen on March 9, 1566 at Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh by a group of Scottish nobles with the assistance of Mary Stuart's second husband, Lord Darnley . The background was a religious political dispute between the Catholic Queen and the Protestant nobility. Lord Darnley's support, who gave them access to the palace, was secured by the nobles by claiming that Rizzio was the queen's lover. However, there is no evidence that such a relationship existed. David Rizzio
1567 Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley Royal Consort of Scotland James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell (alleged perpetrator) Edinburgh Lord Darnley, the second husband of Queen Mary of Scots , was murdered on the night of February 9th to 10th, 1567 in Kirk o'Field Abbey in Edinburgh, presumably by the Earl of Bothwell, Mary Stuart's later third husband. That night, the house in which Lord Darnley had lodged was completely destroyed by an explosion. However, there is much to suggest that Lord Darnley and his servant were not killed in the explosion but were strangled while they were fleeing. Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley
1570 James Stewart, 1st Earl of Moray Scottish Peer and Regent of Scotland James Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh Linlithgow James Stewart, 1st Earl of Moray was shot and killed by James Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh on January 23, 1570 in Linlithgow, Scotland while riding by from a house with an arquebus . The background was a conspiracy against the regent, with the assassin acting either for personal motives or in favor of his clan . This act is the first documented assassination attempt with a firearm . James Stewart, 1st Earl of Moray
1584 William I of Orange Prince of Orange Balthasar Gérard Delft Wilhelm I, known as the silent one, was murdered on July 10, 1584 in Delft by the Catholic fanatic Gérard. Two years earlier, on March 18, 1582, the Biscay Jean Jaureguy had committed an assassination attempt on Wilhelm, in which Wilhelm was seriously injured, but survived. The background to the attacks were the religious and independence struggles of the Netherlands against Spain . The Spanish King Philip II had put a high bounty on Wilhelm. William I of Orange-Nassau
1586 Elizabeth I. Queen of England Anthony Babington , John Ballard and other conspirators Queen Elizabeth I of England was supposed to be murdered as part of the so-called " Babington plot " organized by young Catholic courtiers. The aim of the plot was to free the Scottish Queen Maria Stuart and to bring her to the English throne in order to achieve a return of England to Catholicism . However, the conspiracy was exposed early on and ultimately led to the execution of Maria Stuart, although it is doubtful whether she was involved in it. Queen Elisabeth
1589 Henry III. King of France Jacques Clément Saint-Cloud King Henry III of France was stabbed to death on August 2, 1589 by the fanatical Dominican monk Clément. At this time Heinrich besieged Paris with a Huguenot army under the leadership of his brother-in-law Heinrich von Navarra . The background was power struggles, especially with the powerful dukes of Guise . Henry III.

17th century

year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1605 James I. King of England Guy Fawkes London A group of Catholic conspirators around Robert Catesby planned to kill the Protestant English King James I, his family, the government and members of parliament on the occasion of the opening of Parliament on November 5, 1605 by means of an explosive attack in the Parliament building. The execution of the deed was entrusted to the explosives expert Guy Fawkes. However, the explosives were discovered early and the assassination attempt thwarted. The gunpowder conspirators
1610 Henry IV. King of France François Ravaillac Paris The French King Henry IV, a former Huguenot , was murdered on May 14, 1610 by François Ravaillac for religious reasons. Already on December 27, 1594, the student Jean Châtel had carried out an unsuccessful assassination attempt against Heinrich for the same motive. Assassination of Henry IV.
1628 George Villiers Duke of Buckingham John Felton Portsmouth George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, was stabbed to death by Felton on August 23, 1628 in Portsmouth. The background to the fact is unclear. Among other things, religious motives or a personal offense come into consideration. Portrait of George Villiers
1632 Johann II Baron von Viermund Imperial General Sergeant Werner Overlacker Cologne The imperial sergeant-general Freiherr von Viermund zu Neersen was shot on May 3, 1632 in front of the Jesuit Church in Cologne by Werner Overlacker, a former officer in his cavalry regiment. The motive for the act is not known.
1634 Albrecht von Wallenstein Generalissimo of the Imperial Army in the Thirty Years War Walter Deveroux Eger Wallenstein was murdered by Walter Deveroux in Eger on February 25, 1634. Shortly before , he had been deposed by the Emperor Ferdinand II , who suspected him of high treason because of his secret negotiations with Sweden and France . It is unclear whether the emperor was also privy to the plans to assassinate Wallenstein. Murder of Wallenstein
1657 Oliver Cromwell Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland Miles Sindercombe London With financial support from former Roundhead officer Edward Sexby , who fled to Flanders , Miles Sindercombe made several attempts to assassinate Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell, along with John Cecil , William Boyes and John Toope , a member of Cromwell's bodyguard. On January 8, 1657, they placed an explosive device in the palace chapel. On the one hand, however, they had already been noticed by the head of Cromwell's secret service, John Thurloe , and, on the other hand, John Toope had changed sides and betrayed the plan so that the explosive device could be defused. The background to the deeds was the disappointment of the former Cromwell supporters about the dissolution of the rump parliament by Cromwell and his since then established military rule. Oliver Cromwell

18th century

year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1757 Louis XV King of France Robert François Damiens Paris On January 5, 1757, Robert Damiens committed an assassination attempt on the French King Louis XV, but he was only slightly injured. The exact motive for the act is unknown. The background, however, was apparently the disputes between the king and the increasingly in opposition to this parlement , in particular a dispute with the Paris parliament over the dispensing of the sacraments to Jansenists and convulsionaries , in which Pope Clement XI. was involved. Damiens, who at that time worked for various magistrates in the Paris Parliament, was apparently very upset about this conflict and held Louis XV. for the main responsible for this situation. Louis XV
1758 Joseph I. King of Portugal Lisbon On September 3, 1758, King Joseph I was attacked and shot on the way to Ajuda . The perpetrators were caught and confessed under torture , on behalf of the Tavoras to have acted, a family of high nobility , in sharp opposition to the First Minister Sebastião José de Carvalho e Mello stood. On January 13, 1759, almost the entire Tavora family and their alleged co-conspirator, the Duke of Aveiro , were executed, their property confiscated and their name deleted from the register of nobility. Joseph I and his first minister took the attempted assassination as an opportunity to ban the Jesuit order and expel all Jesuits from Portugal. Joseph I.
1762 Peter III Russian tsar Alexei Grigoryevich Orlov St. Petersburg Tsar Peter III was strangled by Alexei Orlov on July 6, 1762, a few days after he was overthrown. The perpetrator was the brother of Grigory Orlov , the lover of Peter's wife Catherine the Great . The trigger for the fall and murder of Peter was obviously his decision to divorce Katharina after she had had a child from Orlov, which could have endangered the claims to the throne of Peter's son Paul . Emperor Peter III.
1792 Gustav III King of Sweden Johann Jakob Anckarström Stockholm King Gustav III von Sweden was shot by Johann Jakob Anckarström on March 29, 1792 during a masked ball at the Stockholm Opera . In addition to Anckarström were in the conspiracy against Gustav III. and the General Karl Fredrik Pechlin as the mastermind and the Count Adolph Ribbing and Clas Fredrik Horn involved. The background to this was a long-smoldering conflict between the Swedish aristocracy and the king, who had severely curtailed the rights of the nobility through two constitutional reforms in 1772 and 1789. Gustav III  of Sweden
1793 Jean Paul Marat French revolutionary Charlotte Corday Paris Jean Paul Marat, editor of the Ami du Peuple , one of the most important newspapers of the Jacobins , was stabbed to death with a kitchen knife in the bathtub of his Paris apartment on July 13, 1793 by Charlotte Corday, a supporter of the moderate Girondins . Marat had always published sharp attacks against the Girondins in his newspaper and, among other things, promoted the September massacre of 1792. The death of Marat
1800 Jean-Baptiste Kléber French general Suleiman al-Halabi Cairo The French general Kléber was murdered in Cairo on June 14, 1800 during Napoleon's Egyptian expedition by the Syrian student Suleiman al-Halabi as an act of revolt against French rule over Egypt . Kléber's murder
1800 Napoleon Bonaparte First consul of France Joseph Picot de Limoëlan , Pierre Robinault de Saint-Régeant and François-Joseph Carbon Paris On December 24, 1800, the royalists Joseph Picot de Limoëlan, Pierre Robinault de Saint-Régeant and François-Joseph Carbon carried out an infernal machine attack against Napoleon, at that time the First Consul of the French Republic, on Rue Saint-Nicaise in the center of Paris . The act failed because Napoleon's carriage drove past the cart with the explosive device before it exploded due to its high speed. However, the explosion killed 22 uninvolved people and injured over a hundred. 46 houses in Rue Saint-Nicaise were destroyed or uninhabitable. Since Napoleon had made himself the de facto sole ruler of France shortly before through the coup d'état of 18th Brumaire VIII , which naturally aroused resistance from staunch Republicans, suspicion initially fell on the Jacobins , who were then persecuted. Four alleged perpetrators were executed before the real perpetrators were discovered. Napoleon Bonaparte

19th century

1801 to 1850

year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1801 Paul I. Tsar of Russia Platon Alexandrowitsch Subow and Peter Ludwig von der Pahlen St. Petersburg Tsar Paul I was strangled by army officers Platon Subow and Peter Ludwig von der Pahlen on March 23, 1801 in the course of a conspiracy among aristocratic circles after he had refused to abdicate. The main reason for his murder was probably his change of sides in the war against Napoleon . Tsar Paul I.
1806 Jacob I. Emperor of Haiti Henri Christophe (mastermind) Pont-Rouge Jean-Jacques Dessalines, who had declared himself as Jacob I Emperor of Haiti after Haiti gained independence from France in 1804, was murdered on October 17, 1806 in the course of a power struggle on behalf of Henri Christophe. Christophe was then proclaimed president.
1809 Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor of France Friedrich Stapß Vienna On October 13, 1809, the 17-year-old German pastor's son Friedrich Stapß tried to stab the French Emperor Napoleon, whom he held responsible for the misery of Germany , with a kitchen knife on the occasion of a troop parade in Schönbrunn Palace . However, General Jean Rapp had him arrested before he could get close enough to Napoleon. Napoleon asks Stapß
1812 Spencer Perceval British Prime Minister John Bellingham London On May 11, 1812, the bankrupt Liverpool merchant John Bellingham shot and killed British Prime Minister Spencer Perceval in the lobby of the House of Parliament . A few years earlier, Bellingham had been in prison for a long period of time in Russia, and on his return to England had tried in vain to get compensation from the British government. Assassination attempt on Spencer Perceval
1819 August von Kotzebue writer Karl Ludwig Sand Mannheim The well-known writer and Russian consul August von Kotzebue was stabbed to death on March 23, 1819 by the fraternity member Karl Ludwig Sand. The background to this was the fact that Kotzebue had often published biting criticism of the fraternity and its political goals in the journals he edited. Sand therefore saw Kotzebue as a "traitor to the fatherland". Kotzebue's death
1819 Carl Friedrich Emil von Ibell Nassau District President Karl Löning Langenschwalbach On July 1, 1819, the fraternity member Karl Löning carried out an assassination attempt on the Nassau District President Carl von Ibell in Langenschwalbach, but it failed. In view of the temporal proximity and the similarity of the procedure to Karl Ludwig Sand's assassination attempt on Kotzebue , the act of Löning is likely to have been one of the first acts of imitation in history. The attack on Ibell and the previous attack on Kotzebue served as justification for the Karlovy Vary resolutions .
1820 Charles Ferdinand de Bourbon Duke of Berry Pierre Louis Louvel Paris The Duke of Berry, nephew of King Louis XVIII. and third in line to the throne after his father and his childless older brother, was stabbed to death on February 13, 1820 by the saddler Pierre Louis Louvel while leaving the Paris Opera . Although he worked in the king's stables, he was a staunch opponent of the Bourbons . Louvel hoped that the deed would end Bourbon rule in France, as the Duke of Berry had no male offspring at the time (his son Henri was not born until seven months later). The assassination attempt on the Duke of Berry
1828 Shaka King of the Zulu Dingane KwaDukuza King Shaka was stabbed to death on September 22, 1828 by his half-brothers Dingane and Mhlangana and his advisor Mbopa in a struggle for power. Shortly before, Shaka had 7,000 of his subjects executed as a token of mourning over the death of his mother and ordered them to starve for three months. This had weakened his support among the Zulu and given his opponents a boost. After the fact, Dingane also murdered Mhlangana and had himself proclaimed king. Shaka Zulu
1831 Ioannis Kapodistrias President of Greece Konstantinos and Georgios Mavromichalis Nafplion Count Ioannis Kapodistrias, the first president of Greece after independence from the Ottoman Empire , was shot on October 9, 1831 by the brother and son of the Beys of Mani , Petros Mavromichalis, who had been imprisoned by him . The background to the disputes between Kapodistrias and Mavromichalis were political differences regarding the future organization and orientation of independent Greece, which in turn were based on the different interests of the signatory powers Russia and Great Britain . Ioannis Kapodistrias
1832 Archduke Ferdinand Austrian heir to the throne Franz Reindl Baden near Vienna On August 9, 1832, the retired Captain Reindl shot Archduke Ferdinand, the later Austrian Emperor Ferdinand I, in Baden, who was only slightly injured. The reason for the attack was Ferdinand's refusal to pay Reindl a sum of money he had asked for. Emperor Ferdinand I.
1835 Louis-Philippe I. King of France Joseph Fieschi Paris On July 28, 1835 , the French King Louis-Philippe survived, slightly injured, a machine attack carried out by the Corsican Joseph Fieschi together with Théodore Pépin and Pierre Morey on the occasion of the celebrations for the anniversary of the July Revolution on the Boulevard du Temple . Marshal Édouard Mortier and eleven other people were killed in the attack . The motive for the assassination was probably Fieschi's personal problems in the first place. In response to the attack, the government passed the so-called September Acts . In the following years, five more attacks on King Louis-Philippe followed, but none of them was harmed. Fieschi's assassination attempt
1840 Dingane King of the Zulu Zulu Nyawo , Sambane and Nondawana Lebombo Mountains The Zulu King Dingane was murdered in January 1840 by Zulu Nyawo, Sambane and Nondawana, followers of his half-brother Mpande , who had overthrown him with the support of the Boers , in the Hlatikhulu Forest in the Lebombo Mountains near today's town of Ingwavuma .
1840 Victoria Queen of Great Britain Edward Oxford London On June 10, 1840, the British Queen Victoria was assassinated by the 18-year-old, apparently mentally confused, unemployed waiter Edward Oxford. He shot twice on Constitution Hill in London at the Queen, who was driving by with her husband Prince Albert in an open carriage, but missed his target. Queen Victoria
1842 Victoria Queen of Great Britain John Francis London On May 29, 1842, the carpenter John Francis committed an assassination attempt on the passing British Queen Victoria on the Mall in London, but no shot was fired and he managed to escape. The queen then rode past the same spot the following day, albeit at a higher speed, in the hope of provoking the perpetrator to make a second attempt, which was also successful. On that occasion, Francis was arrested. The motive for the act is not known. Queen Victoria
1844 Joseph Smith American presidential candidate Carthage, Illinois On June 27, 1844, Joseph Smith, then a presidential candidate, was murdered by a crowd while on remand in a prison in Carthage, Illinois . The reason for his arrest and probably also for his murder was his attack on the freedom of the press when, in his capacity as Mayor of Nauvoo, he wrote the newspaper Nauvoo Expositor , the first and only edition of which was critical of him and the Mormon movement he founded had closed. This made him the first US presidential candidate to be murdered during the election campaign. Joseph Smith
1844 Friedrich Wilhelm IV. King of Prussia Heinrich Ludwig Czech Berlin The Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm IV and his wife Elisabeth Ludowika survived an assassination attempt by Heinrich Ludwig Czech unharmed on July 26, 1844. Czech until his resignation in 1842, mayor in Storkow , Brandenburg , been. In this capacity, he came into conflict with the local citizens and the superior district administrator over administrative reforms, which later led to his requests for reinstatement being rejected. This prompted him to attempt the assassination attempt on the king in order to make his "matter a world thing" and to restore his "trampled honor" . Friedrich Wilhelm IV. And his wife Elisabeth Ludovika
1848 Pellegrino Rossi Papal Prime Minister Santo Constantini Rome On November 15, 1848, after only two months in office, the papal prime minister, Count Pellegrino Rossi, was shot on the steps of the staircase of the Palace of the Cancellaria of Santo Constantini on the occasion of the opening of the Chamber of Deputies. The deed was the prelude to the revolution in the Papal States . Pellegrino Rossi
1849 Mariano Rivera Paz Former President of Guatemala Roberto Reyes and Agustín Pérez Sampaquisoy In 1849, Mariano Paredes , head of the Jutiapa department and former President of Guatemala, was murdered by Roberto Reyes and Agustín Pérez on the way to taking office in the village of Sampaquisoy. In addition to Rivera, the new head of administration of the Jalapa department , Gregorio Orantes , was killed in the attack. Mariano Rivera Paz
1850 Friedrich Wilhelm IV. King of Prussia Max Sefeloge Berlin Confused lone perpetrator who hit the king with a bullet in the arm

1851 to 1900

year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1852 Isabella II Queen of Spain Martin Merino y Gomez Madrid On February 2, 1852, the priest Martin Merino tried to stab the Spanish Queen Isabella II in the royal city palace in Madrid. The Queen had just left the palace chapel and was about to make her way to the Basilica of Our Lady of Antocha , where a thanksgiving service was to be read for the birth of Infanta Maria Isabel de Borbón , when Merino approached her and stabbed her twice. The queen was only slightly injured as corset bars intercepted the stitches. Isabella II
1853 Franz Joseph I. Emperor of Austria János Libényi Vienna The Hungarian apprentice tailor and former hussar János Libényi tried on February 18, 1853 in Vienna on the Kärntnertor bastion to kill Emperor Franz Joseph I with a targeted knife. The impact was intercepted by the emperor's adjutant , so that he was only slightly injured. The motive for the act is not known, it could have been national Hungarian motives . Assassination attempt in 1853
1855 Napoleon III Emperor of France Giovanni Pianori Paris On April 28, 1855, the Italian supporter of the Risorgimento Giovanni Pianori fired two shots at Napoléon III on the Champs-Élysées in Paris. from. The attack failed. The background to the fact was France's role in the Italian unification process. Napoleon III
1855 Napoleon III Emperor of France Edouard Bellemare Paris On September 8, 1855, the trained shoemaker Edouard Bellemare, who worked as a clerk, carried out a pistol attack on Napoléon III in front of the Théâtre-Italien on Rue Marsollier in Paris. The emperor also survived this assassination attempt. A motive for the act is not known, the perpetrator was apparently deranged. Napoleon III
1856 Isabella II Queen of Spain Ramón Fuentes y Gómez Madrid On May 28, 1856, there was a probably not serious attempted assassination of the Spanish Queen Isabella II. In February or March of that year, Pedro Redondo y Marqués , who had already had a criminal record , instigated Ramón Fuentes to carry out a pistol attack on the queen against payment of 1,000 duros . He had previously tried to win Manuel Collado y Herrera for this act. However, Collado and Fuentes informed the authorities in advance of the details of the impending assassination attempt, so that Fuentes was arrested, as expected, at the crime scene on Calle del Arenal in Madrid. With the exception of Pedro Redondo, all those involved were acquitted in the subsequent court proceedings. Isabella II
1856 Ferdinand II. King of the Two Sicilies Agesilao Milano Naples On December 8, 1856, the Calabrian soldier Agesilao Milano carried out an assassination attempt on King Ferdinand II. The king and his family and members of his government attended mass on the occasion of the Feast of the Feast of the Conception and then rode off a formation of his soldiers on the Marsfeld , when Milano stepped out of line and stabbed the king with his bayonet . This was slightly injured. This assassination strengthened the king in his tough actions against the reform forces in his kingdom. He withdrew to Caserta and had Naples explained the state of siege . Ferdinand II, King of the Two Sicilies
1858 Napoleon III Emperor of France Felice Orsini , Simon Francis Bernard , Thomas Allsop , Carlo di Rudio , Giuseppe Andrea Pieri and others Paris On January 14, 1858, the Italian Republican Count Orsini, together with a group of accomplices, carried out an assassination attempt on Emperor Napoléon III with four self-made explosive bombs. The imperial couple remained unharmed; there were eight dead and over 150 injured. In the subsequent court hearing, Orsini stated that he wanted to punish Napoleon for breaking the Carbonari oath and to draw attention to the situation in Italy (in particular the continued occupation of a large part of the Apennine peninsula by Austria-Hungary ). After the attack, there were secret negotiations between Napoleon and Camillo Benso von Cavour , which ultimately promoted the unification of Italy. Napoleon III
1860 II Naosuke Taïro the time of the Tokugawa - shogunate in Japan Arimura Jisaemon Edo On March 24, 1860 a group of 18 samurai from the lower ranks carried out an assassination attempt on the Tairō Ii Naosuke, in the course of which Arimura Jisaemon beheaded the Tairō. The background was a power struggle between reformers of the Mito school and conservative supporters of the Tairo. The latter had removed over a hundred high shogunate officials from their offices as part of the Ansei purges and had eight of them executed. The Sakuradamon Incident
1861 Wilhelm I. King of Prussia Oskar Becker Baden-Baden The student Oskar Becker committed an assassination attempt on the then Prussian King Wilhelm I in Baden-Baden on July 14, 1861, and injured his neck slightly. Becker was of the opinion that Wilhelm I stood in the way of an unification of Germany . Assassination attempt on the Prussian king in Baden-Baden
1861 Amalie of Oldenburg Queen of Greece Aristides Dossios Athens On September 18, 1861, the student Aristides Dossios tried unsuccessfully to assassinate Queen Amalie of Greece. Dossios belonged to the anti-monarchical movement Golden Youth from an early age . The attack took place against the backdrop of the revolutionary events that led to the overthrow of King Otto of Greece in the following year . Queen Amalie of Greece
1863 Konstantin Nikolajewitsch Romanow Russian Grand Duke and Viceroy of Poland Warsaw In 1863, two days after his arrival in Poland, an assassination attempt on Grand Duke Constantine was carried out in Warsaw, in which he was injured. The motive for the assassination was Polish aspirations for independence from Russian rule. Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich
1865 Abraham Lincoln President of the United States John Wilkes Booth Washington, DC On April 14, 1865, shortly after the Northern Virginia Army of the Southern States under General Lee had surrendered, the actor John Wilkes Booth shot at the Ford's Theater in Washington at the US President Lincoln and fatally injured him in the head. Lincoln originally invited Vice President Andrew Johnson , General Ulysses S. Grant, and Secretary of State William H. Seward to the theater performance and there were plans to assassinate them too. With all three absent from the performance, Booth could only kill Lincoln. Booth's co-conspirator Lewis Powell attempted to stab Secretary of State Seward, who had stayed home because of illness. Assassinations on Johnson and Grant were no longer carried out. Booth and his nine co-conspirators were sympathizers of the southern states and dissatisfied with their defeat in the civil war . Assassination attempt on Lincoln
1866 Alexander II Tsar of Russia Dmitri Vladimirovich Karakosov St. Petersburg On April 16, 1866, the Russian nihilist Karakosow, who came from the lower nobility, tried to shoot Tsar Alexander II. The assassination attempt failed: the first shot missed its target and a farmer named Kommissarow prevented him from taking a second. The attack was revolutionary. Emperor Alexander II of Russia
1866 Otto von Bismarck Prussian Prime Minister Ferdinand Cohen-Blind Berlin On May 7, 1866, the assassin shot five times at the then Prussian Prime Minister Bismarck; this remained unharmed. With the assassination, Cohen-Blind wanted to prevent the impending war between Prussia and Austria , for which he blamed Bismarck. Cohen-Blind shoots Bismarck
1867 Alexander II Tsar of Russia Paris On June 6, 1867, a Pole named Berezowski committed an unsuccessful assassination attempt on the Tsar Alexander II at the world exhibition in Paris , when he was accompanied by Napoleon III. returned from an army display. The motive for this attack may have been Polish independence efforts. This and the previous assassination attempt by Karakosov caused the tsar to refrain from his reform course and return to a comprehensive police surveillance system. The mild punishment of Berezowski by the French judiciary, which in Russia was interpreted as an expression of benevolence towards the Polish independence movement, led to a noticeable cooling of Russian-French relations. Alexander II of Russia
1870 Juan Prim i Prats Prime Minister of Spain José Paúl y Angulo (alleged mastermind) Madrid On the evening of December 27, 1870, several men opened fire on the coach of the Spanish Prime Minister Juan Prim and wounded him fatally. The background to the crime has never been fully clarified, but is likely to be found in the dispute over the naming of a successor to the resigned Queen Isabella II . The Republican MP Paúl y Angulo is considered to be the backer. However, an involvement of General Serrano and the Duke of Montpensier was suspected, but never proven. General Juan Prim i Prats
1868 Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh Second born son of Queen Victoria of Great Britain Henry James O'Farrell Clontarf On March 12, 1868, Irishman Henry James O'Farrell shot Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh , in the back with a pistol during a public picnic in Clontarf, Australia . Alfred was not seriously injured and was able to continue his world tour a month later. The background to the act is likely to have been Ireland's aspirations for national independence . Duke Alfred of Edinburgh and Saxe-Coburg and Gotha in admiral's uniform
1868 Michael III Prince of Serbia Topčider On June 10, 1868, a trader named Kosta Radovanović shot and killed Michael III in Topčider's park. and his cousin, Princess Anka Obrenović (later Anka Konstantinović). Anka's daughter Katarina Konstantinović, Michael III's lover, was injured. It is unknown whether the liberal opposition or supporters of the overthrown Prince Karađorđević were behind the crime . Michael Obrenović
1872 Amadeus I. King of Spain Madrid On July 18, 1872, assassins shot a carriage in which Amadeus I and his wife were sitting. Both were unharmed. The background to the act was political turmoil in the country torn by the Carlist Wars . Due to this attack, among other things, Amadeus decided to abdicate as king and return to his Italian homeland. Amadeus, Duke of Aosta
1874 Otto von Bismarck German Chancellor Eduard Kullmann Bad Kissingen On July 13, 1874, the Catholic journeyman cooper Eduard Kullmann carried out an assassination attempt on Chancellor Otto von Bismarck in Bad Kissingen. Bismarck only suffered a minor gunshot wound to his hand. The background to the act was the Kulturkampf . Eduard Kullmann shoots Bismarck
1875 Gabriel García Moreno President of Ecuador Faustino Rayo and others Quito On August 6, 1875, the Ecuadorian President was murdered at the gate of Quito Cathedral by blows with a machete and several pistol shots by Faustino Rayo and three accomplices. The motive of the assassination provided the extradition of the country, forced in the eyes of the opposition by the president, to the yoke of the Catholic Church, there in particular the devotion to the Sacred Heart . Gabriel García Moreno
1878 Fyodor Fyodorovich Trepov Governor of Saint Petersburg Vera Ivanovna Sassulitsch St. Petersburg The student Vera Sassulitsch, a follower of the Narodniki , shot the governor of Saint Petersburg General Trepov on January 24, 1878, out of indignation at the punishment he had imposed on the political prisoner Yemelyan Bogolyubov . Fyodor Fyodorwitsch Trepov
1878 Wilhelm I. German emperor Max Hödel Berlin On May 11, 1878, the socialist journeyman plumber Max Hödel carried out a revolver assassination attempt on Kaiser Wilhelm I, who was traveling along Unter den Linden in an open carriage with his daughter . All shots missed the Kaiser and no one else was injured. King Wilhelm I of Prussia
1878 Wilhelm I. German emperor Karl Eduard Nobiling Berlin On June 2, 1878, the farmer Karl Eduard Nobiling carried out an assassination attempt on Kaiser Wilhelm I, in almost the same place as Max Hödel three weeks earlier . Nobling shot a double-barreled shotgun at the Kaiser driving past in an open carriage from the window of a house on Unter den Linden . Wilhelm I survived this attack, seriously injured. Since Nobling attempted suicide immediately after the crime and injured himself so badly that he could hardly be questioned, the motives for the crime are unclear. Although Nobling had contact with socialist agitators before the act , there is much to suggest that the act was not politically motivated. Nevertheless, Bismarck used this and the previous Hödel assassination attempt to enforce the socialist law in the Reichstag . Kaiser Wilhelm I.
1878 Nikolai Vladimirovich Mesentsov Head of the Tsarist Secret Police Sergei Kravchinsky St. Petersburg Nikolai Mesentsow, head of the Tsarist secret police , was stabbed to death on August 16, 1878 by the anarchist Sergei "Stepniak" Kravchinsky in the street in Saint Petersburg. The act came in response to the execution of Ivan Kowalski .
1878 Alfonso XII King of Spain Madrid On October 25, 1878 and December 30, 1879 were assassinations on the Spanish King Alfonso XII in Madrid. perpetrated, but failed. Alfonso XII  from Spain
1878 Umberto I. King of Italy Giovanni Passannante Naples On November 17, 1878, the anarchist Giovanni Passannante tried to murder the Italian King Umberto I and his Prime Minister Benedetto Cairoli with a saber during a parade in Naples; however, this failed. King Umberto I of Italy
1879 Dmitri Nikolayevich Kropotkin Governor of Kharkov Grigori Goldenberg On February 21, 1879, the Russian revolutionary Grigori Goldenberg, son of a Jewish merchant from Berdychiv and a member of the Narodnaya Volya , shot the governor of Kharkov, Prince Dmitri Kropotkin, a cousin of the anarchist Peter Kropotkin .
1879 Alexander II Tsar of Russia Alexander Konstantinowitsch Solowjow St. Petersburg On April 14, 1879, the Russian revolutionary Alexander Solovyov fired five shots at Tsar Alexander II. The attack failed; the tsar was unharmed. Soloviev belonged to the conspiratorial association Narodnaja Wolja and campaigned, among other things, for the abolition of the Tsar's sole rule. Alexander II of Russia
1879 Alexander II Tsar of Russia Moscow On December 1, 1879, Narodniki attempted an explosives attack on the train of Tsar Alexander II; this failed.
1880 Alexander II Tsar of Russia St. Petersburg On February 17, 1880, the Narodniki tried again to assassinate Tsar Alexander II with explosives, this time on the Winter Palace . However, this attempted murder also failed.
1880 Michael Loris-Melikow Russian general and politician On March 3, 1880, an assassination attempt by Russian nihilists on General Michail Loris-Melikow failed. Loris-Melikow was unharmed. Michael Loris-Melikow
1881 Alexander II Tsar of Russia Nikolai Ryssakov , Ignati Grinevitsky and others St. Petersburg On March 13, 1881, a group of revolutionaries from the Narodnaya Volya, led by Nikolai Ryssakov, carried out a bomb attack on Tsar Alexander II. After the tsar survived the detonation of a first explosive device that Ryssakov had thrown on his carriage, he was fatally wounded shortly afterwards by a second explosive device thrown by Ignati Grinewizki. The assassination attempt on the emperor Alexander II
1881 James A. Garfield President of the United States Charles J. Guiteau Washington, DC On July 2, 1881, the mentally ill Charles Guiteau shot at American President Garfield when he was about to board a train with his two sons at a station in Washington. One of the two shots hit the president in the back and seriously injured him. The president died eleven weeks later on September 19 of an infection caused by non-sterile instruments. The attack was personally motivated: after he had supported Garfield in the election campaign, Guiteau had repeatedly unsuccessfully requested his appointment as consul general in Paris . The assassination attempt on President Garfield
1882 Lord Frederick Cavendish Chief Secretary for Ireland Dublin On May 6, 1882, Lord Frederick Cavendish and Undersecretary for Ireland Thomas Henry Burke were murdered in Phoenix Park in Dublin by members of the Irish nationalist underground group, Irish National Invincibles . Lord Frederick Charles Cavendish
1883 Wilhelm I. German emperor Franz Reinhold Rupsch and Emil Küchler Rudesheim am Rhein In 1883 August Reinsdorf planned an explosives attack on Kaiser Wilhelm I, Crown Prince Friedrich and the other federal princes present on the occasion of the inauguration of the Niederwald monument near Rüdesheim. However, the execution failed because the fuse got wet. The perpetrators were anarchists . Wilhelm I. with the later Friedrich III.  and the later Wilhelm II, on his lap the later Crown Prince Wilhelm
1887 Alexander III Tsar of Russia Alexander Ilyich Ulyanov and others St. Petersburg In 1887 a group of the Narodnaja Volja around Lenin's brother Alexander Ulyanov and the brothers Bronisław Piłsudski and Józef Piłsudski planned an assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander III. However, the assassins were discovered early on and were no longer able to carry out the attack. Emperor Alexander III  from Russia
1891 Nicholas II Tsarevich of Russia Tsuda Sanzo Ōtsu On May 11, 1891, the Japanese policeman Tsuda Sanzo slightly injured the heir to the Russian throne and later Tsar Nicholas II in an assassination attempt on the occasion of a state visit to Japan . Sanzo tried to stab the Tsarevich with his saber; he was overpowered by two rickshaws . Nicholas in Nagasaki in the spring of 1891
1893 French National Assembly Auguste Vaillant Paris On December 9, 1893, V. threw a nail bomb at parliamentarians from the stands of the parliament building. He pleaded guilty to the trial and was executed
1894 Marie François Sadi Carnot President of France Sante Geronimo Caserio Lyon On June 24, 1894, Carnot was stabbed to death by the Italian anarchist Caserio after a speech in Lyon . The background to the act was the protest of the socialists against the laws passed by the Carnot government to curb the anarchist attacks and the agitation of the trade unions . Marie François Sadi Carnot
1896 Naser al-Din Shah Shah of Persia Mirza Reza Kermani Tehran On May 1, 1896, the Shah Naser al-Din was shot by Mirza Reza Kermani after visiting a mosque near Tehran. As a motive, Kermani stated that the social and economic situation in Iran could only be changed if the absolutist rule of the Qajars was ended. Nāser ad-Dīn Shāh
1897 Antonio Cánovas del Castillo Prime Minister of Spain Michele Angiolillo Mondragón On August 8, 1897, the Italian anarchist Michele Angiolillo shot and killed the Spanish Prime Minister Cánovas in the spa complex of Santa Agueda de Gesalibar in Mondragón because of his tough crackdown on anarchists, socialists and republicans. Don Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
1898 José María Reina Barrios President of Guatemala Edgar Zollinger Guatemala City On February 8, 1898, the Guatemalan President José María Reina Barrios was shot while leaving a hotel in downtown Guatemala City by Edgar Zollinger, a British man of Swiss origin, who had recently arrived from Costa Rica . Zollinger himself also fell victim to a bullet shortly after the crime. Whether this came from a police officer who was chasing him or a mysterious third party is controversial. The background to the crime is also unclear. While one theory suspects the interior minister and successor Reinas Manuel José Estrada Cabrera behind the attack , according to another version Zollinger is said to have had a personal motive for revenge. José María Reina Barrios
1898 Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary Empress of Austria Luigi Lucheni Geneva On September 10, 1898, Empress Elisabeth, known as "Sisi", was stabbed to death in Geneva by the anarchist Luigi Lucheni with a file he had sharpened on her way from the Hotel Beau-Rivage to the pier . Lucheni said he originally wanted to murder Prince Henri Philippe d'Orléans during interrogation . However, since he changed his travel plans at short notice and did not arrive in Geneva, Lucheni chose Elisabeth as his victim, whose presence he happened to read in a newspaper in which she was listed as a guest under the title 'Countess von Hohenems'. The assassination attempt on Empress Elisabeth

20th century


year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1900 Edward VII Prince of Wales , Crown Prince of the United Kingdom and the Empire of India 15 year old teenager Brussels North Railway Station On April 4, 1900, the prince and his wife, Alexandra , were on their way from one of the French canal ports to the relatives of Alexandra in Denmark in a saloon car . As the train was about to leave Brussels North Station, the assassin shot the prince through a car window, but he was not injured. Alexandra and Edward VIII. 1903
1900 Umberto I. King of Italy Gaetano Bresci Monza On July 29, 1900, the Italian King Umberto I was murdered by the anarchist Gaetano Bresci in Monza with three shots. The trigger for the act was the bloody suppression of a demonstration against high bread prices in Milan two years earlier, for which the responsible general Fiorenzo Bava Beccaris was awarded by the king. King Umberto I of Italy
1900 Wilhelm II. German emperor Selma Schnapka Wroclaw On November 16, 1900, the lunatic, threw peddler Selma Schnapka during a visit of Kaiser Wilhelm II. In Wroclaw on the ride from the station to Breslauer Kürassier barracks an ax after the car in which the emperor and his cousin, the Hereditary Prince Bernhard of Saxe Meiningen , sat. The ax ricocheted off the left rear wheel of the car and fell onto the road. Nobody was hurt. Wilhelm II.
1901 Nikolai Pavlovich Bogolepov Russian Minister of National Education Pyotr Vladimirovich Karpovich St. Petersburg On February 27, 1901, the Russian Minister for National Education Nikolai Bogolepow was seriously injured by a shot in the neck when the relegated Moscow student Peter Karpovich was assassinated . He succumbed to his injuries two weeks later. The attack was related to serious student unrest in Russia and the government's crackdown on it, in particular a government decree passed last year on the initiative of Finance Minister Sergei Witte according to which protesting students were to be conscripted into the army as a punishment. On the basis of this ordinance, shortly before the attack, Bogolepov ordered the forced conscription of 183 students from the University of Kiev to the army. Nikolai P. Bogolepov
1901 Wilhelm II. German emperor Diedrich Weiland Bremen On March 6, 1901, the 20-year-old worker Johann Diedrich Weiland in Bremen threw an iron strap on the carriage of Kaiser Wilhelm II. The Kaiser was hit in the cheekbone under the right eye and was slightly wounded. Weiland was apparently deranged. More detailed background information is not known. Wilhelm II.
1901 William McKinley President of the United States Leon Czolgosz Buffalo On September 6, 1901, the Polish-born American anarchist Leon Czolgosz fired two shots at close range at the American President William McKinley at the Pan-American exhibition in Buffalo. McKinley succumbed to severe internal injuries a few days later. The act was inspired by the assassination attempt by Gaetano Bresci on the Italian King Umberto I in the previous year. Leon Czolgosz shoots President McKinley at the Pan-American exhibition.
1902 Dmitri Sergeyevich Sipyagin Russian Minister of the Interior Stepan Valerianowitsch Balmaschow St. Petersburg On April 2, 1902, the Kiev student Stepan Balmaschow murdered the Russian Interior Minister Dmitri Sipjagin in the Mariinsky Palace in Saint Petersburg. Like the attack on Education Minister Nikolai Bogolepov in the previous year, this attack was motivated by the serious student unrest across Russia and the government's crackdown on it. Dimitrij Sipjagin
1903 Aleksandar and Draga Obrenović King and Queen of Serbia Dragutin Dimitrijević and other officers Belgrade On June 11, 1903, the Serbian King Aleksandar Obrenović and his wife Draga fell victim to a conspiracy of officers around Dragutin Dimitrijević. Because of his friendly attitude towards Austria , his marriage to the widowed and scandalous Draga and the appointment of his brother Lunjevic Obrenović as heir to the throne, the king incurred the rejection of the political and military elite. Aleksandar and Draga Obrenović
1904 Nikolai Ivanovich Bobrikov Governor General of Finland Eugene Schauman Helsinki On June 16, 1904, the Finnish nationalist and assistant chamberlain in the Finnish Senate, Eugen Schauman, son of Lieutenant General and former Finnish Senator Fredrik Waldemar Schauman , shot the Russian Governor General of Finland General Nikolai Bobrikow in the building of the Senate in Helsinki. Bobrikov died of serious injuries the following day. The background to the act was the Finnish aspirations for independence and Bobrikov's policy of increasing Russification of Finland. Governor General Nikolai Bobrikov
1904 Vyacheslav Konstantinovich von Plehwe Russian Minister of the Interior Yegor Sergejewitsch Sosonow , Iwan Platonowitsch Kaljajew and others St. Petersburg On July 28, 1904, the Russian Interior Minister Vyacheslav von Plehwe was killed in a bomb attack on the way from the police department to the Warsaw train station in St. Petersburg. The attack was prepared by Yevno Asef and Boris Savinkov and carried out by Yegor Sosonov with the participation of Ivan Kalyayev. Plehwe had previously been condemned in a manifesto of the Social Revolutionary Party for “crimes against the people and the fatherland, against civilization and humanity”. WK of Plehwe
1905 Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov Russian Grand Duke Ivan Platonowitsch Kalyayev Moscow On February 17, 1905, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov, an uncle of Tsar Nicholas II , was killed by a bomb in the Moscow Kremlin by the Social Revolutionary Ivan Kaljajew. Kaljajew had already attempted an assassination attempt on Grand Duke Sergei at the Bolshoi Theater two days earlier , but broke it off because his wife and nephew were also in the carriage. Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov
1905 Abdülhamid II. Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Zareh Istanbul The Armenian Revolutionary Federation wanted to kill Abdülhamid II in the Yıldız Hamidiye Mosque by bombing it. A total of 26 people died, including the assassin. The sultan survived the assassination attempt. Yıldız assassination
1906 Alfonso XIII and Victoria Eugénie King and Queen of Spain Mateu Morral Roca Madrid On May 31, 1906, the wedding day of King Alfonso XIII. and Victoria Eugénie von Battenberg, the Spanish anarchist Mateu Morral dropped a bomb from a balcony onto the carriage in which the newlyweds drove from the monastery of San Jeronimo back to the palace . Numerous onlookers and members of the royal guard were killed. The bridal couple survived unharmed. Assassination attempt on King Alfonso XIII.  and Victoria Eugénie
1907 Manuel Lisandro Barillas Bercián Former President of Guatemala Florencio Reyes Morales and Bernardo Mora Mexico city In 1907, the former Guatemalan President Manuel Lisandro Barillas Bercián was assassinated in Mexico City by Florencio Reyes Morales and Bernardo Mora. The Guatemalan government under President Manuel José Estrada Cabrera was apparently behind the attack . Background indeed was that Barillas, who under President Estrada to Mexico had been forced to go into exile, had organized from there in 1906 an uprising against the Guatemalan government, which ultimately triggered a Central American war. This war could only be ended with the mediation of the Presidents of the USA and Mexico, Theodore Roosevelt and Porfirio Díaz . Manuel Lisandro Barillas Bercián
1908 Karl I. and Ludwig Philipp King and Crown Prince of Portugal Alfredo Luís da Costa and Manuel Buiça Lisbon On February 1, 1908, the militant republicans Alfredo Luís da Costa and Manuel Buiça fired several shots at the carriage on the Praça do Comércio in Lisbon, in which the Portuguese King Charles I and his family were returning from the summer residence of Vila Viçosa drove from the Cais do Sodré jetty to the city ​​palace . The king was dead immediately, the heir to the throne Ludwig Philipp was fatally injured and died 20 minutes later in the marine arsenal. The king's younger son, Prince Manuel , was slightly injured by a shot in the arm. The background to the act was the massive loss of reputation of the monarchy in Portugal under Charles I and the tough course of action pursued by Prime Minister João Franco against the increasing number of republicans. King Charles I of Portugal
1909 Itō Hirobumi Japanese General Resident in Korea To Chung-gun Harbin On October 26, 1909, Itō Hirobumi, who had been Prime Minister of Japan four times between 1885 and 1901 and was the first Japanese General Resident in Korea since 1906, was shot dead by the Korean nationalist An Chung-gun at the train station in Harbin in Manchuria . Itō Hirobumi had previously sounded through military pressure and the Japan-Korea Protectorate Treaty of 1905 to gain considerable influence on Korean foreign and domestic policy and finally to persuade the Korean Emperor Gojong to abdicate in favor of his son Sunjong . Hirobumi


year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1911 Pyotr Arkadievich Stolypin Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Grigoryevich Bogrov Kiev On September 14, 1911, the Russian Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin was shot in a theater in Kiev by the Social Revolutionary Dmitry Bogrov. A bomb attack had already been carried out on him five years earlier, in which 27 people died and Stolypin was easily injured and his daughter was seriously injured. Stolypin's house in St. Petersburg destroyed after the 1906 assassination attempt
1912 Theodore Roosevelt President of the United States John's closet Cabinet shot at Roosevelt at close range during an election rally on October 14, 1912 . He was only slightly injured and gave his campaign speech before going to the hospital. Theodore Roosevelt
1912 José Canalejas Méndez President of Spain Manuel Pardiñas Serrano Méndez was walking along the Puerta del Sol in Madrid and was looking at the new literary publications in the window of a bookstore when he was shot by the anarchist Serrano on November 12, 1912. The perpetrator then turned the gun on himself. Méndez's murder led to a serious crisis within the Partido Liberal. José Canalejas Méndez
1913 Franz Schuhmeier Austrian politician Paul Kunschak Vienna On February 11, 1913, the Social Democratic member of the Austrian Reichsrat and Lower Austrian Landtag, Franz Schuhmeier, was shot dead by Paul Kunschak on his return from an election rally in Stockerau in the hall of the Vienna Northwest Station. The mentally confused Kunschak was the brother of the later President of the National Council Leopold Kunschak . Franz Schuhmeier
1913 George I. King of Greece Alexander Schinas Thessaloniki On March 18, 1913, the Macedonian anarchist Alexander Schinas killed King George I of Greece in Thessaloniki. The details of the crime are not known. There are theories according to which Schinas was a Bulgarian , German or Turkish agent. King George I of Greece
1914 Gaston Calmette Editor-in-chief of the newspaper " Le Figaro " Henriette Caillaux Paris On March 16, 1914, Henriette Caillaux, the wife of French Finance Minister Joseph Caillaux , fired several shots at Gaston Calmette, editor-in-chief of the conservative newspaper "Le Figaro", who died shortly afterwards from his injuries. The motive for the attack was Calmette's threat to publish love letters that Henriette Caillaux had written to her future husband when he was still married to another woman. Cover picture of the Le Petit Journal depicting the attack.
1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie Austrian heir to the throne Gavrilo Princip Sarajevo On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were shot in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Serbian " Black Hand " . This attack was one of the triggers of the First World War . Gavrilo Princip shoots Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife
1914 Grigory Efimovich Rasputin Russian monk Kinia Gussowa Pokrovskoye On June 28, 1914, Kinia Gussowa stabbed the monk Rasputin at the instigation of the monk Iliodor in his hometown Pokrovskoje. Rasputin survived, however, seriously injured. Motive for the attack was a violent church dispute: Rasputin, who thanks to several miraculous healings of at hemophilia suffering Tsarevich Alexei at the court of Tsar . Nicholas II great influence had initially appointing Iliodor was bishop of Tobolsk prevented and led later that Bishop Hermogen was transferred from Saint Petersburg to the province of Grodo and Iliodor - with the status of abbot being withdrawn - to a remote monastery in the Vladimir district. Grigory Rasputin
1914 Jean Jaurès Member of the French National Assembly Raoul Villain Paris On July 31, 1914, the French nationalist Villain shot and killed the socialist Jean Jaurès sitting there through the window of the “ Café du Croissant ” in Paris. Jaurès was one of the most prominent pacifists shortly before the First World War . After his assassination, the socialists also turned to war. Jean Jaurès
1916 Karl Reichsgraf von Stürgkh Prime Minister of Austria-Hungary Friedrich Adler Vienna On October 21, 1916, the pacifist socialist politician Friedrich Adler, son of the chairman of the Social Democratic Workers' Party (SDAP) Victor Adler , shot and killed Kk Prime Minister Karl von Stürgkh during lunch in the restaurant of the Vienna Hotel Meissl & Schadn . Background indeed been made since the adjournment of the Reichstag in March 1914 largely absolutist out war policy of Austria under the government Stürgkh. Count Karl Stürgkh
1916 Grigory Efimovich Rasputin Russian monk Felix Felixowitsch Jussupow , Wladimir Mitrofanowitsch Purischkewitsch , Dmitri Pawlowitsch Romanow Petrograd On December 30, 1916, the monk Grigori Rasputin was murdered by a group of noblemen under the leadership of Felix Jussupow in his palace and thrown into the Moika Canal. The exact course of events has not been clarified because, at the insistence of Tsar Nicholas II's closest relatives, neither a police investigation nor a conviction of the perpetrators took place. The motive for the act was that Rasputin, thanks to several miraculous healings of Tsarevich Alexei , who suffered from hemophilia, had a great influence, especially on Tsarina Alexandra , and this influence of the declared war opponent Rasputin, according to the Russian upper class, was responsible for the defeats of the Russian army in the First World War was. The murdered Rasputin
1918 Mojsej Markowitsch Goldstein (W. Volodarskij) Russian revolutionary S. Sergeev Petrograd On June 20, 1918, the revolutionary Moisei Goldstein, known under the code name V. Volodarsky, at that time a member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and Commissioner for the Press in Petrograd, was shot by right-wing social revolutionaries . The attack was planned by Grigory Semyonov and carried out by S. Sergeyev. W. Volodarsky
1918 Wilhelm von Mirbach-Harff German diplomat Jakow Grigoryevich Bljumkin and Nikolai Andrejew Moscow On July 6, 1918, the Extraordinary Envoy and Plenipotentiary Minister of the German Empire in Soviet Russia Wilhelm von Mirbach-Harff was shot by the left Social Revolutionaries Bljumkin and Andrejew in the building of the German legation in Moscow. The party of the left Social Revolutionaries rejected the peace treaty of Brest-Litovsk concluded between Soviet Russia and the German Reich and hoped to revise it through the attack on von Mirbach-Harff. Wilhelm von Mirbach-Harff
1918 Hermann von Eichhorn German Field Marshal General Left Social Revolutionaries Kiev On July 30, 1918, the German field marshal and army group commander Hermann von Eichhorn was murdered by left-wing social revolutionaries in occupied Kiev. The motive for the act - as in the case of the assassination attempt on the German ambassador Wilhelm von Mirbach-Harff three weeks earlier - was probably the rejection and the desire for a revision of the peace treaty of Brest-Litovsk on the part of the left Social Revolutionaries. Hermann von Eichhorn
1918 Moissej Solomonowitsch Uritski Russian revolutionary Leonid Kannegiesser Petrograd On August 30, 1918, the young cadet Leonid Kannegiesser shot and killed the former head of the secret police (Cheka) of Petrograd Moissej Solomonowitsch Urizki. With his act, Kannegiesser wanted to avenge the execution of some friends and other officers by the Cheka. Moissei Uritski
1918 Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR Fanny Kaplan Moscow On August 30, 1918, Lenin was shot when he was leaving a Moscow factory after a speech. Lenin was shot twice and seriously injured. The Social Revolutionary Fanny Kaplan was arrested as the perpetrator and, after interrogation by the Cheka, shot without trial. Kaplan cited the violent dissolution of the constituent assembly in January 1918 as the trigger for their decision to kill Lenin . But there are doubts as to whether Kaplan was actually the perpetrator. This attack and the attack on Moissej Uritsky on the same day served the Bolsheviks as justification for the so-called Red Terror . Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
1918 Nicholas II (Russia) Last Russian emperor With the toleration of the Bolshevik party and state leadership (including Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Jakow Mikhailovich Sverdlov ) by guarding soldiers Ekaterinburg The royal family was executed on July 17, 1918, during the evacuation of the city of Yekaterinburg , with the approval of the Bolshevik party and state leadership by the soldiers guarding them. The corpses were then placed in a disused shaft. A day later, two of the dead were cremated and the others buried in a pit disguised as a pavement. It is certain that Vladimir Ilyich Lenin as party leader and head of government as well as the then head of state Sverdlov , chairman of the secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Russia (Bolsheviks) and chairman of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee (GZEK), as well as other members of the party and state leadership, will advance the shootings had agreed and then everyone approved it. Nicholas II and Alexej.jpg
1919 Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg Founder of the KPD Horst von Pflugk-Harttung , Heinrich Stiege , Ulrich von Ritgen , Rudolf Liepmann and Hermann Souchon Berlin On January 15, 1919, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, the initiators of the founding of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD), were arrested by Freikorps soldiers in an apartment on Mannheimer Strasse in Berlin-Wilmersdorf . After interrogation and mistreatment in the headquarters of the Guard Cavalry Rifle Division in the Hotel Eden, Liebknecht was initially shot on the banks of the New Lake in the Tiergarten by shots from Lieutenant von Pflugk-Harttung, Lieutenant Stiege, Lieutenant von Ritgen and Lieutenant Liepmann and a short time later a few Meters from the entrance of the Eden Hotel , Luxembourg was murdered by Lieutenant Souchon when he was shot in the temple. Both murders were carried out on orders from Captain Waldemar Pabst . The murder of Liebknecht and Luxemburg was related to the violent suppression of the Spartacus uprising by the provisional imperial government under Friedrich Ebert . Rosa Luxemburg
1919 Kurt Eisner Prime Minister of the Free State of Bavaria Anton Graf von Arco on Valley Munich On February 21, 1919, the first Prime Minister of the Free State (Republic) of Bavaria, Kurt Eisner ( USPD ), was on leave of absence from the Volkisch - nationalist student and lieutenant Anton Graf von on the way to the constituent session of the Bavarian state parliament, where he wanted to offer his resignation Arco on Valley shot at close range with two shots. There are various theories about the motives for the attack. It is possible that von Arco, who had been excluded from the Thule Society because of his Jewish mother, wanted to prove his national convictions by murdering the Jewish social democrat Eisner. As a result of the attack on the same day in the state parliament, the bar waiter Alois Lindner was shot at the SPD chairman Erhard Auer , injuring Auer and killing Major Paul Ritter von Jahreiß . An unknown perpetrator also shot the Conservative MP Heinrich Osel . The session of the state parliament was then postponed. Kurt Eisner
1919 Emiliano Zapata Mexican revolutionary leader Jesús Guajardo Chinameca On April 10, 1919, the Mexican revolutionary leader Emiliano Zapata died in a hail of bullets on the hacienda of Colonel Jesús Guajardo. Colonel Guajardo had ambushed Zapata on the orders of General Pablo González and President Venustiano Carranza under a pretext because Zapata was continuing his fight in southern Mexico after the victory of the Carranza-led revolution against Carranza. Zapata's corpse
1919 Hugo Haase Chairman of the USPD Johann Voss Berlin On October 8, 1919, Hugo Haase , chairman of the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), was seriously injured in an assassination attempt in Berlin by two shots by the allegedly deranged worker Johann Voss and died on November 7, 1919. The assassination attempt is in connection with the to see revolutionary events in Germany and especially Berlin after the end of the First World War . In these disputes, Haase stood for a strengthening of the power of the workers 'and soldiers' councils and for negotiated solutions in dealing with the revolutionary People's Navy Division and the rebels of the Spartacus uprising . Hugo Haase


year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1921 Talaat Pasha Turkish politician Soghomon Tehlirian Berlin On March 15, 1921, the former Turkish Interior Minister and Grand Vizier Talaat Pascha, who was in exile in Germany, was murdered by the Armenian student Soghomon Tehlirian near his apartment in Berlin-Charlottenburg . The motive for the act was Talaat's joint responsibility for the Armenian genocide , in the course of which Tehlirian had lost several relatives. Mehmed Talât
1921 Matthias Erzberger Former German finance minister Heinrich Tillessen and Heinrich Schulz Bad Griesbach in the Black Forest On August 26, 1921, the two former naval officers Tillessen and Schulz shot dead Matthias Erzberger, a Reichstag member of the German Catholic Center Party and former Reich Finance Minister, while walking near Bad Griesbach . The Reichstag MP Carl Diez , who was accompanying the Erzberger, was seriously wounded in this attack . The two perpetrators belonged to the nationalist environment and were members of the Consul organization , the Oberland Freikorps and the Teutonic Order . As early as January 26, 1920, the former ensign Oltwig von Hirschfeld tried to shoot Erzberger while leaving the courthouse in Berlin-Moabit, but injured him only slightly. The motives for the attacks on Erzberger were his support for the Versailles Treaty and his politics as finance minister, which made him the target of right-wing extremist propaganda. Matthias Erzberger
1921 Hara Takashi Prime Minister of Japan Tokyo On November 4, 1921, Japanese Prime Minister Hara Takashi was stabbed to death by a switchman in Tokyo station . Hara Takashi
1922 Walther Rathenau German Foreign Minister Erwin Kern and Hermann Fischer Berlin On June 24, 1922, Erwin Kern and Hermann Fischer, members of the right-wing extremist organization Consul , shot Reich Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau. The assassination attempt on Rathenau was the first of the so-called Fememorde in the Weimar Republic , which was not only politically motivated (Rathenau was the epitome of the " fulfillment politician "), but also decidedly anti-Semitic . Walther Rathenau
1922 Michael Collins Irish independence fighter Dennis O'Neill (controversial) Béal na mBláth On August 22, 1922, Michael Collins, at that time Commander in Chief of the Army of the Young Republic of Ireland in the Irish Civil War , was ambushed with his motorcade in the village of Béal na mBláth near Bandon in County Cork. Collins was the leader of the proponents of the Anglo-Irish Treaty , which gave the Republic of Ireland independence but remained part of the British Empire as Dominion . The attack was carried out by members of the opposing parties. Whether Dennis O'Neill, mentioned in some history books, was actually the shooter, cannot be determined with certainty in view of the fact that the fatal shot was fired in the course of a half-hour exchange of fire. Michael Collins in state
1922 Gabriel Narutowicz President of Poland Eligiusz Niewiadomski Warsaw On December 16, 1922, a week after his election as the first constitutionally elected President of the Second Polish Republic , Gabriel Narutowicz was shot by the painter and nationalist Eligiusz Niewiadomski on the way to an art exhibition on the steps of the Zachęta . As a representative of a center-left coalition, Narutowicz had previously been the target of nationalist agitation. Gabriel Narutowicz
1923 Alois Rašín Finance Minister of Czechoslovakia Josef Šoupal Prague
1923 Franz Birnecker Member of the works council of Semperit AG Members of the Ostara Defense Formation Vienna On February 17, 1923, Franz Birnecker, social democratic works council member of Semperit AG, was shot by members of the monarchist , paramilitary defensive formation Ostara while trying to rush to the aid of fellow members of the Baumgartner Sportklub . Birnecker was the first victim of political violence in the Republic of Austria. The attack leads to the establishment of the social democratic, paramilitary republican protection alliance .
1923 Juan Soldevila y Romero Archbishop of Saragossa Los Solidarios ( Buenaventura Durruti , Francisco Ascaso , Gregorio Jover and others) Saragossa / Spain On June 4, 1923, Los Solidarios , one of the best-known anarchist grupos de afinidad close to the largest Spanish trade union, the CNT , murdered Juan Soldevila y Romero, Archbishop of Zaragoza. The attack was intended in retaliation for the role of the church, and specifically the archbishop, in the suppression of the CNT and the funding of pistolero groups against striking workers. An indirect consequence of the attack a few months later was the establishment of the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera . Juan Cardinal Soldevilla y Romero
1923 Francisco "Pancho" Villa Mexican revolutionary leader Jesus Salas Barrazas and others Parral On July 20, 1923, the former Mexican bandit and revolutionary leader Pancho Villa was shot with 47 bullets by a group of gunmen under Jesus Salas Barrazas in Parral, Chihuahua . Villa's secretary Miguel Trillo, his personal assistant Daniel Tamayo and Claro Hurtado were also killed in the attack, while Rafael Medrano and Ramón Contreras were injured. The background to the attack is unclear. However, there is some evidence that the Mexican government under Álvaro Obregón was behind the attack . Pancho Villa
1924 Ignaz Seipel Austrian Federal Chancellor Karl Jaworek Vienna On June 1, 1924, Karl Jaworek carried out an assassination attempt on the Catholic prelate and Austrian Chancellor Ignaz Seipel at Vienna's Südbahnhof . Seipel then resigned as Federal Chancellor. Seipel was criticized because his policies had led to a sharp drop in real income and a sharp rise in unemployment. Ignaz Seipel
1925 Hugo Bettauer writer Otto Rothstock Vienna On March 10, 1925, the writer, journalist and editor of the magazine "Er und Sie" Hugo Bettauer was so badly injured in his office in Vienna by the National Socialist dental technician Otto Rothstock with six bullets in the chest that he suffered his injuries on March 26th he laid. The assassin named the alleged immorality of Bettauer as the motive for the act, who among other things carried out sexual education in his magazine and advocated the impunity of homosexuality among adults and modern divorce law. Rothstock was close to the NSDAP and Brettauer was of Jewish origin; possibly the act was (also) anti-Semitically motivated. Hugo Bettauer in the 1910s
1926 Benito Mussolini Italian dictator Gino Lucetti Rome On September 11, 1926, the anarchist Gino Lucetti carried out a bomb attack on Benito Mussolini in front of the Porta Pia in Rome, but he was unharmed. Benito Mussolini
1926 Benito Mussolini Italian dictator Anteo Zamboni Bologna Six weeks after Gino Lucetti's assassination attempt on October 31, 1926, the 15-year-old anarchist Anteo Zamboni tried to shoot Mussolini in Bologna on the occasion of a parade commemorating the march on Rome . He missed Mussolini and was lynched by nearby fascists . Mussolini took this and the previous attack as an opportunity to dissolve the remaining parties and limit political freedoms. Benito Mussolini
1928 Zhang Zuolin Chinese general in the Beiyang Army , warlord and ruler of Manchuria Kômoto Daisaku Huanggutun District Zhang, at that time the most powerful man in China with Japanese support, was killed on June 4, 1928 during a train ride from Beijing not far from his Manchuk residence Mukden by a bomb placed on the railway line by a colonel of the Japanese Kwantung Army . The Huanggutun incident is seen as one of the decisive factors for the subsequent ending of the warlord era and the reunification of China.
1928 Álvaro Obregón President of Mexico José de León Toral Mexico city The assassin, a Catholic candidate for the priesthood, murdered Mexican President Obregón, who had just been elected for a second term, in a restaurant in Mexico City on July 17, 1928. The trigger for this was the anti- Catholic policy in Mexico that Obregón had pursued during his first term in office. Alvaro Obregón
1928 Stjepan Radić Co-founder and chairman of the Croatian Peasant Party Puniša Račić Parliament in Belgrade After the assassination, King Aleksandar had all political parties outlawed and declared a royal dictatorship .


year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1930 Horst Wessel SA leader Albrecht Höhler Berlin On January 14, 1930 the SA leader Horst Wessel was shot in Berlin by the Communist Red Front member Albrecht Höhler; he died on February 23 of his injuries. The shots were fired in the course of a fistfight between several Red Front members and Wessel who were in connection with rent debts that Wessel had with the widow of a communist. Wessel was posthumously stylized as a “national martyr” by Reich Propaganda Minister Goebbels . Horst Wessel
1930 Hamaguchi Osachi Prime Minister of Japan A right-wing extremist Tokyo On November 14, 1930, a young right-wing extremist assassinated Japanese Prime Minister Hamaguchi Osachi in Tokyo train station , in which he was injured. After Hamaguchi's health deteriorated in April of the following year, after initially recovering well, he resigned from office on April 14, 1931 and died a few months later as a result of the assassination attempt. Osachi Hamaguchi
1931 Ernst Henning Member of the Hamburg Parliament Albert Jensen , Hans Höckmeier and Otto Bammel Hamburg On March 14, 1931 , on the way back from a party event in Kirchwerder , the KPD member of the Hamburg parliament, Ernst Henning, was attacked and shot in the bus by SA men Jensen, Höckmeier and Bammel. Henning's party colleague Louis Cahnbley and an uninvolved vocational school teacher were injured.
1931 Fritz von Twardowski Counselor in Moscow Judas Miranowitsch Stern, Sergej Sergejewitsch Wassiljew Moscow On the morning of March 5, 1932, several shots were fired at von Twardowski during a revolver attack in Moscow. He was injured by a graze shot in the neck and a bullet in the hand. Ambassador Herbert von Dirksen was the target of the attack . The perpetrator, Judas Miranowitsch Stern, was sentenced to death and shot together with the instigator, Sergej Sergejewitsch Wassiljew, after a two-day trial in the same year. Fritz von Twardowski
1932 Paul Doumer President of France Pavel Timofejewitsch Gorgulow Paris On May 6, 1932, the French President was shot by the young Russian right-wing extremist Pawel Gorgulov at a book fair in the Hotel Salomon de Rothschild in Paris and died in hospital on May 7. The assassin was sentenced to death on July 27th. He was guillotined on September 14th in Paris after a petition for insanity was rejected .
1933 Theodor Lessing German writer Rudolf Max Eckert , Rudolf Zischka and Karl Hönl Marienbad On August 30, 1933, the National Socialists Eckert, Zischka and Hönl shot the German writer and philosopher Theodor Lessing from a window in the Czech town of Marienbad , who died of serious injuries the following day. Because of his Jewish origins and his socialist worldview, Lessing became a target of National Socialist agitation. In particular after the publication of an article in which he warned against the election of Paul von Hindenburg as Reich President , there were massive protests against him. Theodor Lessing
1933 Anton Cermak Mayor of Chicago Giuseppe Zangara Miami On February 15, 1933, the Italian-American Giuseppe Zangara shot and killed the Mayor of Chicago Anton Cermak in Belmont Park in Miami during a speech by the newly elected President Franklin D. Roosevelt and injured him so badly that he succumbed to his injuries two weeks later. It is generally assumed that Zangara actually aimed at Roosevelt, but missed it and therefore only killed Cermak by accident. But there is also the theory that the attack was actually against Cermak. At the end of 1932, he had messed with the Chicago outfit (the Chicago mafia ) and in particular with Al Capone's successor Frank Nitti and therefore left Chicago. Anton Joseph Cermak
1933 Engelbert Dollfuss Austrian Federal Chancellor Robert Dertil Vienna On October 3, 1933, Engelbert Dollfuss was struck down with two shots and wounded in the arm by the National Socialist Robert Dertil.
1933 Mohammed Nadir Shah King of Afghanistan Abdul Khaliq Hazara Kabul On November 8, 1933, the Afghan King Mohammed Nadir Shah was murdered by the student Abdul Khaliq Hazara during the graduation ceremony of a high school in Kabul. The background to the attack may have been Nadir Shah's modernization policy and his close relationship with the British . Mohammed Nadir Shah
1933 Ion Duca Prime Minister in the Kingdom of Romania three members of the Iron Guard Sinaia On December 10, 1933, the Liberal Prime Minister Duca disbanded the Iron Guard and arrested thousands; 19 days later he was shot on a train platform.
1934 Augusto César Sandino Nicaraguan rebel leader Members of the National Guard Managua On February 23, 1934, after a banquet given for them by President Juan Bautista Sacasa , Nicaraguan rebel leaders Sandino and several of his officers were shot dead in front of the Presidential Palace in Managua by members of the National Guard under the orders of Anastasio Somoza García . Augusto César Sandino
1934 Bronislaw Pieracki Polish Minister of the Interior Hryhorij Maciejko Warsaw On June 15, 1934, a member of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists tried to carry out a bomb attack on Bronisław Pieracki, Minister of the Interior in Kozłowski's cabinet , in front of a nightclub in the Wołowski Palace in Warsaw . When the flawed bomb failed to explode, he fired a revolver three times at Pieracki. Two shots hit him in the back of the head; he died in hospital the same day. The assassin managed to escape abroad. Bronislaw Pieracki
1934 Ernst Röhm , Gregor Strasser , Gustav von Kahr , Kurt von Schleicher and numerous other people Members of the SA leadership and members of the opposition Members of the SS and SD Munich As part of the so-called Röhm Putsch , at least 200 SA leaders and members of the opposition were killed in the days from June 30 to July 2, 1934, including SA leader Ernst Röhm, ex-Reich organizer of the NSDAP Gregor Strasser, and the former Bavarian Prime Minister Gustav von Kahr and ex-Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher murdered by members of the SS and SD on behalf of Adolf Hitler . Ernst Röhm
1934 Engelbert Dollfuss Austrian Federal Chancellor Otto Planetta Vienna On July 25, 1934, the SS man Otto Planetta and a second unknown perpetrator shot and seriously injured the Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss in the course of the Nazi coup attempt known as the " July Coup " during the occupation of the Federal Chancellery. Since he was denied medical help, Dollfuss bled to death. The attack is to be seen in the context of the political conflicts of that time in Austria. In the previous year, the Dollfuss government had switched off the National Council and banned the NSDAP in Austria. As a result, on October 3, 1933, the National Socialists carried out an assassination attempt on Dollfuß, in which Dollfuss was only slightly injured. Engelbert Dollfuss
1934 Alexander I. King of Yugoslavia Vlado Chernozemsky Marseille On October 9, 1934, the Yugoslavian King Alexander I and the French Foreign Minister Louis Barthou were shot in Marseille by the Bulgarian IMRO member Chernosemsky, known as “Vlada the Chauffeur”, on behalf of the Croatian Ustasha leader Ante Pavelić . Background indeed was the endeavor of the Croatian nationalists , their land from the I. Alexander founded the Kingdom of Yugoslavia to resolve. The assassination attempt on Alexander I.
1934 Sergei Mironovich Kirov Soviet politician Leonid Vasilyevich Nikolayev Leningrad On December 1, 1934, Leonid Nikolayev shot the high party functionary of the CPSU and long-time confidante of Stalin Sergei Kirov in front of his office in the Smolny Institute in Leningrad. The background to the offense is unclear. According to Nikolayev's own statements, it was a relationship act, as Kirov allegedly had a love affair with his wife Milda Draule . In the trial against him, however, he was accused of political motives. The attack was one of the triggers for the Stalinist purges in the following years.
1935 Huey Long US Senator Carl Austin Weiss Baton Rouge On September 8, 1935, the Senator and former Governor of the US state of Louisiana Huey Long was seriously injured in an assassination attempt by the doctor Carl Austin Weiss in the Louisiana State Capitol in Baton Rouge and died two days later. Huey Long
1936 Wilhelm Gustloff Head of the NSDAP / AO in Switzerland David Frankfurter Davos On February 4, 1936, the Jewish medical student David Frankfurter shot and killed Wilhelm Gustloff, head of the NSDAP foreign organization in Switzerland, in his apartment in Davos. Frankfurter fled the persecution of Jews to Switzerland in 1933 and witnessed the abuse of Jewish relatives on a later visit to Germany. As in the case of Horst Wessel , Gustloff was declared a “national martyr” by Nazi propaganda after his death.
1936 Moritz Schlick Professor at the University of Vienna Hans Nelböck Vienna On June 22, 1936, the philosophy professor Moritz Schlick was shot by his former student Hans Nelböck on the Philosophenstiege in the University of Vienna. Nelböck gave the theses of anti-metaphysical positivism represented by Schlick and a dispute over a student named Sylvia Borowiczka as the motive for the act. However, the justification of a petition for clemency formulated two years later (after the “Anschluss” of Austria) also allows the conclusion that anti-Semitic motives may have existed, because Schlick was of Jewish descent. Moritz Schlick
1936 Edward VIII King of Great Britain Jerome Bannigan London On July 16, 1936, the King of Great Britain was threatened with a revolver by the Irish anarchist Jerome Bannigan while riding in London. The police then overpowered the assailant and arrested him. The revolver fell to the ground, a shot was released and injured the king's horse in the hind leg King Edward VIII (as Duke of Windsor)
1938 Ernst Eduard vom Rath German diplomat Herschel Grynszpan Paris On November 7, 1938, the Polish Jew Herschel Grynszpan fired five shots at the Legation Secretary Ernst Eduard vom Rath in the rooms of the German Embassy in the Palais Beauharnais in Paris . He died two days later from his serious injuries. The background to the fact is not entirely clear. One motive was certainly that Grynspan's parents, who had lived in Hanover for 27 years , had been deported to the Polish border shortly before as part of the so-called Poland campaign . However, there are also indications that vom Rath and Grynspan had known each other for a long time from the homosexual milieu. In his interrogations, Grynspan stated that he had been sexually abused by vom Rath. Ernst Eduard vom Rath
1939 Armand Călinescu Romanian Prime Minister Dumitru Dumitrescu , Cezar Popescu , Traian Popescu , Ion Moldoveanu , Ion R. Ionescu and Ion Vasiliu Bucharest On September 21, 1939, the Romanian Prime Minister Călinescu was stopped by members of the Iron Guard on his way back from the Cotroceni Palace near today's metro station Eroilor in the Bucharest district of Cotroceni and murdered with over twenty shots. In addition to Călinescu, his bodyguard and driver were also killed in the attack. The attack was organized by Horia Sima , the leader of the Iron Guard, and presumably also monitored by him on the spot. Călinescu was seen by the Iron Guard as one of the main responsible for the repression of this group and in particular for the arrest and extra-legal execution of Sima's predecessor Corneliu Codreanu and several of his supporters in November 1938. Armand Călinescu
1939 Adolf Hitler German dictator Georg Elser Munich On November 8, 1939, the carpenter Georg Elser attempted to kill Hitler by bombing him during a speech in the Bürgerbräukeller . For this purpose, Elser had hollowed out a pillar behind the lectern and placed a time bomb in it. The attack failed, however, because due to the weather, Hitler did not have to return to Berlin by plane but by train and therefore spoke shorter than usual. Hitler left the Bürgerbräukeller 13 minutes before the explosion, in which eight people died and 63 were injured, some seriously. Bürgerbräukeller after the attack


year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1940 Leon Trotsky Former CPSU chairman Ramón Mercader Coyoacan On August 20, 1940, Mercader, an agent of the Soviet secret service NKVD, murdered Trotsky on behalf of Stalin . Trotsky lived in exile in a heavily secured estate in Mexico . Mercader sneaked into the property through his engagement to Trotsky's secretary Sylvia Ageloff and injured Trotsky so badly with an ice ax that he died in hospital the next day. Trotsky had lost a power struggle against Stalin in the 1920s; he was expelled from the Politburo in 1926 and from the CPSU in 1927 and banned in 1928. Since he was still agitating against Stalin from there, the secret service had him pursued. An assassination attempt had already been made on May 24, 1940 under the leadership of David Alfaro Siqueiros . Leon Trotsky
1941 Karl Hotz Lieutenant Colonel and Field Commander of Nantes Gilbert Brustlein, Parti communiste français , Jeunesse Communiste de Paris Nantes Shot in Nantes on October 20, 1941. This was followed by the shooting of 48 French hostages, the execution of 48 people after three follow-up trials, the deportation and murder of at least 14 other people, and the shooting of 95 hostages after one of the subsequent trials. The act and its consequences are considered to be the trigger for the armed struggle of the Resistance .
1942 Reinhard Heydrich High officer of the Gestapo Jan Kubiš and Jozef Gabčík Libeň On May 27, 1942, Kubiš and Gabčik carried out an assassination attempt on the head of the Reich Security Main Office and Deputy Reich Protector in Bohemia and Moravia, Reinhard Heydrich, in the Prague suburb of Libeň . He was seriously injured and died a week later. Kubiš and Gabčik were agents of the British special unit SOE and acted on behalf of the Czechoslovak government in exile under Edvard Beneš and the British government . The Nazi regime carried out acts of revenge such as the  destruction of Lidice  and  Ležáky  . The assassination was filmed in 1976 as Operation Daybreak . Heydrich's car damaged in the attack
1942 François Darlan Admiral Darlan was head of government under Marshal Pétain from February 10, 1941 to April 18, 1942 . Algiers (Algeria) On December 24, 1942, a young man shot and killed Darlan at his headquarters in Algiers ; he was executed two days later. On December 21, 1945, the appeal chamber of the Court of Appeal in Algiers rehabilitated him and received the death sentence. The act was done in the interests of the liberation of France. François Darlan
1944 Franz Kutschera High officer of the SS Bronisław Pietraszewicz , Stanisław Huskowski and Michał Issajewicz Warsaw On the morning of February 1, 1944, the SS auxiliary officer of the Warsaw District in the General Government was shot dead in his car by Polish militant scouts (" Szare Szeregi ") in the square in front of his office . Franz Kutschera
1944 Adolf Hitler German dictator Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg Rastenburg On July 20, 1944, General Staff Officer Stauffenberg attempted to kill Hitler by bombing Hitler at a staff conference at the Fuehrer's headquarters in Wolfsschanze in East Prussia . Since the staff conference took place earlier and not in the Führer's bunker but in a lightly built barrack, the bomb did not have the expected effect. Of the 24 participants in the meeting, four died, two were seriously injured and five - including Hitler - were slightly injured. Destroyed camp barracks after the attack
1944 Walter Edward Guinness British Secretary of State for the Middle East Eliahu Hakim and Eliahu Bet-Zuri Cairo On November 6, 1944, the British Minister of State for the Middle East, Walter Guinness, was murdered in Cairo by the Jewish Lechi members Hakim and Bet-Zuri. The radical Zionist underground organization Lechi accused Guinness of being primarily responsible for “closing the gates of Palestine to the Jewish refugees by rejecting Heinrich Himmler's proposal to allow up to a million Jewish people to leave Hungary for delivery of Allied goods and weapons to Palestine " to be.
1946 Ahmad Kasravi Iranian linguist , historian and lawyer Hossein Emami Tehran On March 11, 1946, the Iranian linguist, historian and lawyer Ahmad Kasravi and his assistant were victims of an assassination attempt by Hossein Emami and another member of Fedajin-e Islam . A high-ranking Islamic cleric had previously issued a fatwa against Kasravi for his writings critical of Islam . On April 28, 1945, the founder of the Fedayeen-e Islam, Navvab Safavi , carried out an assassination attempt on Kasravi, but it failed. The assassin Emami also carried out the successful assassination attempt against the Iranian court minister Abdolhossein Hazhir three years later . Ahmad Kasravi
1946 Ananda Mahidol King of Thailand Bangkok On June 9, 1946, King Ananda Mahidol of Thailand was killed while handling handguns . It is still unclear whether it was an accident , suicide or an assassination attempt. There is a theory that it was a conspiracy involving his private secretary. King Ananda Mahidol on a contemporary postage stamp
1946 Mahmud an-Nukraschi Pasha Prime Minister of Egypt (under King Faruq ) a member of the Muslim Brotherhood Cairo The assassin, disguised as a soldier, killed him with two shots on December 28, 1948. Pasha had banned the Muslim Brotherhood just three weeks earlier.
1947 Karol Świerczewski Polish Deputy Minister of Defense Members of the UPA (disputed) at Baligród On March 28, 1947, the Polish Army General and Deputy Minister of Defense Świerczewski was shot dead in an ambush allegedly by members of the UPA . Karol Świerczewski
1947 Aung San Head of Government of Burma U Saw (alleged mastermind) Rangoon On July 19, 1947, five supporters of the former Prime Minister of the colonial government U Saw Aung San and six other members of the government shot dead during a meeting of the Executive Council (cabinet of the transitional government) in Rangoon. The background was power struggles in the wake of Burma's aspirations for independence. Aung San
1948 Mahatma Gandhi Leader of the Indian independence movement Nathuram Godse New Delhi On January 30, 1948, the fanatical , nationalist Hindu Nathuram Godse shot and killed Mahatma Gandhi. The motive was Gandhi's advocacy for reconciliation and equality between Hindus and Muslims in India. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
1948 Folke Bernadotte Swedish diplomat Lechi Jerusalem On September 17, 1948, the Swedish diplomat and UN mediator Bernadotte and the UN observer Colonel André Serot were shot by members of the Jewish extremist organization Lechi in Jerusalem. Before that, Bernadotte had campaigned for a right of return for Palestinian refugees to Israel , for an international administration of Jerusalem and for a cession of the Negev to the Arabs. Count Folke Bernadotte
1949 Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Shah of Iran Nasser Fakhr Araï Tehran On February 4, 1949, Fakhr Araï, a member of the communist Tudeh party , shot and slightly injured Mohammad Reza Pahlavi five times during an official visit to Tehran University . Mohammad Reza Shah in hospital after the assassination attempt on February 4, 1949
1949 Abdolhossein Hazhir Court Minister of the Shah of Iran Hossein Emami Tehran On November 4, 1949, Hossein Emami, a member of Fedajin-e Islam and already involved in the assassination attempt against Ahmad Kasravi , ambushed Hazhir as he entered a mosque. He stabbed him so badly that he soon died. The motive for the act was the accusation of Islamic circles that Hazhir was a British spy. Abdolhossein Hazhir


year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1951 Ali Razmara Prime Minister of Iran Chalil Tahmasbi Tehran On March 7, 1951, the Iranian Prime Minister Haj Ali Razmara was fatally wounded with three gunshots by Khalil Tahmasbi, a member of Fedajin-e Islam , on his way from parliament to the memorial service for Ayatollah Fajz in the Soltani mosque . Shortly before, Ayatollah Abol-Ghasem Kashani , the spiritual leader of the Fedayeen-e Islam, had issued a fatwa against Razmara. The background to this was a power struggle between Razmara and Mohammad Mossadegh , which was sparked primarily by the attitude towards the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC). Hash Ali Razmara
1951 Abdallah ibn Husain I. King of Jordan Mustafa Shukri Usho Jerusalem On July 20, 1951, the Palestinian tailor Mustafa Shukri Usho shot and killed the Jordanian King Abdallah I in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The motive for the act was Abdallah's moderate stance towards Israel and in particular his recognition of the United Nations' partition plan for Palestine . Abdallah I.
1951 Liaquat Ali Khan Prime Minister of Pakistan Syed Azbar Khan Rawalpindi On October 16, 1951, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan, was assassinated by the Muslim fanatic Syed Azbar Khan during a speech in Rawalpindi. The motive for the crime is unknown, as the perpetrator was killed on the scene. Liaquat Ali Khan
1952 Konrad Adenauer German Chancellor Jakob Farshtej , Elieser Sudit and Josef Kronstein Bonn On March 27, 1952, a package bomb addressed to Konrad Adenauer exploded in the Munich police headquarters and killed the police officer Karl Reichert . The suspected perpetrators were Jakob Farshtej as the head of the group, Elieser Sudit as the bomb maker and Josef Kronstein as the carrier of the package bomb. The group was associated with the Jewish underground organization Irgun Tzwa'i Le'umi . Since all three directly involved left Germany immediately, the public prosecutor closed the investigation and the case was treated with the greatest discretion in order to avoid anti-Semitic reactions. According to information published later by Elieser Sudit, the person who commissioned this attack was the former commandant of Irgun and later Israeli prime minister and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Menachem Begin . Konrad Adenauer
1956 Anastasio Somoza García President of Nicaragua Rigoberto López Pérez Leon On September 21, 1956, the young poet Rigoberto López fired five shots at the head of state of Nicaragua Anastasio Somoza during an election rally in León and seriously injured him. López was shot dead by the bystanders by the national guards at the scene , and Somoza died eight days later in the US military hospital Hospital Gorgas in the Panama Canal zone. The background to the act was the resistance to Somoza's dictatorial rule in Nicaragua. Anastasio Somoza García & Juan Perón
1957 Rudolf Kasztner Knesset candidate of the Mapei Tel Aviv On March 3, 1957, Rudolf Kasztner, at that time candidate of the Israeli Labor Party (Mapei) for a mandate in the Knesset, was gunned down by three assassins on his doorstep in Tel Aviv. He died ten days later. The motive for the act was Kasztner's controversial role in the rescue of Jews from Hungary in 1944.
1957 Carlos Castillo Armas President of Guatemala Romeo Vásquez Sánchez Guatemala City On July 26, 1957, Guatemalan President Carlos Castillo Armas was shot dead by Romeo Vásquez Sánchez, a soldier in his bodyguard, in the Presidential Palace in Guatemala City. The exact motives for the crime are unclear, as Vásquez himself died shortly after the crime, presumably by suicide . There is a theory that Vásquez is said to have acted at the instigation of the dictator of the Dominican Republic , Rafael Trujillo .
1957 Lew Rebet Nationalist Ukrainian politician Bogdan Staschinski Munich An agent of the KGB killed Rebet on October 12, 1957 at Karlsplatz  8 in Munich at the tram stop at the time with a pistol-like weapon that sprayed hydrogen cyanide gas. Lew Rebet
1959 SWRD Bandaranaike Prime Minister of Ceylon Talduwa Somaran's Thero Colombo On September 25, 1959, the Buddhist monk Talduwa Somarans Thero killed the Prime Minister of Ceylon SWRD Bandaranaike. Some politicians, including members of the government, were suspected of being behind the crime. SWRD Bandaranaike
1959 Stepan Bandera Nationalist Ukrainian politician and partisan leader Bogdan Staschinski Munich An agent of the KGB killed Bandera on October 15, 1959 in the entrance of his house at Kreittmayrstrasse 7 with a pistol-like weapon that sprayed hydrogen cyanide gas. He was still alive when he was found, but died a little later. Stepan Bandera


year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1960 Asanuma Inejirō Chairman of the Socialist Party of Japan Yamaguchi Otoya Tokyo On 12 October 1960, the chairman was the Socialist Party of Japan (SPJ) Inejiro Asanuma during the Japanese television NHK transmitted campaign speech in Hibiya Hall year 17 in Tokyo by the nationalists Yamaguchi Otoya with a Wakizashi stabbed -Sword.
1960 Rómulo Ernesto Betancourt Bello President of Venezuela Agents of the Dominican Republic Secret Service Caracas On June 24, 1960, the Venezuelan President Rómulo Betancourt was bombed during a parade in Caracas on the occasion of the anniversary of the Battle of Carabobo, which he survived, seriously injured. The attack was staged by the Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo and carried out by agents of the Military Intelligence Service of the Dominican Republic (SIM) and right-wing extremist Venezuelans. The background to the act was Trujillo's political and personal aversion to the socialist President Betancourt.
1961 Patrice Lumumba Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo Moïse Tschombé (alleged mastermind) Katanga Province On January 17, 1961 , Katang soldiers under Belgian command murdered the first Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo, Patrice Lumumba. The background to the fact were power struggles after the independence of the Congo from Belgium. Just two weeks after independence, on July 11, 1960, the resource-rich province of Katanga under the leadership of Moïse Tschombé - like the province of South Kasai - declared its independence from the Republic of the Congo. In September Lumumba was overthrown in a coup by Colonel Joseph Mobutu in agreement with President Joseph Kasavubu and shortly thereafter captured and extradited to Chombé. Patrice É.  Lumumba
1961 Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina Rulers of the Dominican Republic Luis Amiama Tió , Pedro Livio Cedeño Herrera , Antonio de la Maza Vásquez , Luis Salvador Estrella Sadhalá , Amado García Guerrero , Antonio Imbert Barrera , Roberto Rafael Pastoriza Neret and Huáscar Antonio Tejeda Pimentel Santo Domingo On May 30, 1961, Rafael Trujillo, dictator of the Dominican Republic, was attacked by a group of assassins consisting of General Antonio Imbert, Lieutenant Amado García, entrepreneur Antonio de la Maza, Luis Amiama, Pedro Livio Cedeño, Salvador Estrella and Roberto Pastoriza and Huáscar Tejeda killed by machine gun fire. In addition to the actual attackers, the then Defense Minister General José René Román Fernández , General Juan Tomás Díaz as well as Modesto Díaz Quezada and Luis Manuel Cáceres Michel belonged to the group of conspirators. With their deed, the conspirators wanted to end the more than 30-year-old dictatorship of Trujillo.
1961 Charles de Gaulle President of France Pont-sur-Seine Perpetrated on September 8, 1961 by six men (presumably OAS members) with a bomb.
1962 Charles de Gaulle President of France Jean-Marie Bastien-Thiry and other members of the OAS Petit-Clamart On August 22, 1962, Colonel Bastien-Thiry, together with eleven other members of the Organization de l'armée secrète (OAS), carried out an assassination attempt on French President Charles de Gaulle. This failed because due to the darkness, the agreed signal was not seen in time. The assassins fired a total of 187 shots at de Gaulle's motorcade, but just missed it. The motive for the attack was the dissatisfaction of Bastien-Thire and the OAS with de Gaulle's Algeria policy . This assassination attempt served Frederick Forsyth as a template for his novel The Jackal . Charles de Gaulle
1963 Medgar Evers American civil rights activist Byron De La Beckwith Jackson, Mississippi On June 12, 1963, the black American civil rights activist Medgar Evers was shot and killed for racist motives by the white fertilizer salesman Byron De La Beckwith in Jackson, Mississippi. De La Beckwith was acquitted in two lawsuits in 1964. This sparked protests and prompted several artists to erect a musical monument to Evers. For example, Bob Dylan's song Only a Pawn in their Game and Nina Simone's song Mississippi Goddamn deal with the attack and its aftermath.
1963 John F. Kennedy President of the United States Lee Harvey Oswald (alleged perpetrator) Dallas On November 22, 1963, US President John F. Kennedy was shot dead in an open convertible while driving through Dallas / Texas . According to the prevailing opinion, Oswald was a lone perpetrator. A final clarification was and is not possible, among other things, because Oswald himself was assassinated two days later. Assassination attempt on John F. Kennedy
1963 Lee Harvey Oswald Suspected Kennedy assassin Jack Ruby Dallas Two days after the assassination attempt on John F. Kennedy , on November 24, 1963, the nightclub owner Jack Ruby shot and killed the alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald on the occasion of his transfer to the state prison in front of the camera. Lee Harvey Oswald
1965 Hassan Ali Mansour Prime Minister of Iran Mohammad Bokharaii Tehran On January 22, 1965, a few days before the first anniversary of the White Revolution , the Iranian Prime Minister Hassan Ali Mansour was shot three times by Mohammad Bokharaii, a member of Fedayeen Islam , in front of the parliament building in Tehran. Behind the attack were conservative Islamic circles, above all Ayatollah Khomeini , who was exiled by Mansour, and Akbar Hāschemi Rafsanjāni, who later became President of the Islamic Republic of Iran . The specific trigger for the act was the approval of the Status of Forces Agreement with the USA by the Mansour administration. Hasan Ali Mansour
1965 Malcolm Little (Malcolm X) American civil rights activist Thomas Hagan , Norman Butler and Thomas Johnson New York City On February 21, 1965, Hagan, Butler and Johnson, supporters of the leader of the Nation of Islam Elijah Muhammad , shot and killed American civil rights activist Malcolm X while performing at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights, New York . The motive for the act was Malcolm's break with the Nation of Islam and his public criticism of the extramarital affairs of Muhammad. Photo from the crime scene
1965 Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Shah of Iran Reza Shams Abadi Tehran On April 10, 1965, the guard Reza Schams Abadi carried out an assassination attempt on Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in ​​front of the Marble Palace in Tehran. The Shah survived unharmed, probably because, contrary to his custom, he did not come to the Marble Palace on foot that day, but in the car. The guards Mohammad Ali Babaian and Ayat Lashgari fell victim to the attack, and the Shah's valet was injured. At first, several members of a Maoist group were accused of being behind the attack. Two of them were sentenced to death and a third to life imprisonment, but all three were pardoned by the Shah a short time later. Today it is known that the Islamist underground organization Fedayeen-e Islam was actually behind the attack. Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
1966 Maximiliano Hernández Martínez Former dictator of El Salvador Cipriano Morales Jamastrán Honduras Hernández, who lived in exile in Honduras, was killed with 17 stab wounds on May 15, 1966 in the dining room of his house by his driver, Cipriano Morales. Hernández had come to power in a military coup in El Salvador in 1931 and ruled as a dictator until his overthrow in 1944. Among other things, he had bloodily suppressed a peasant uprising in western El Salvador in early 1932, killing an estimated 25,000 people. Maximiliano Hernández Martínez
1966 Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd Prime Minister of South Africa Demetrios Tsafendas Cape Town On September 6, 1966, the parliamentary clerk Demitrios Tsafendas stabbed Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd with four stabs in the plenary hall of the South African Parliament in Cape Town. The motive for the act was probably the apartheid policy developed and implemented by Verwoerd . Tsafendas was the son of a Greek and a Mozambican woman and was therefore considered a hybrid under the South African racial laws.
1968 Martin Luther King American civil rights activist James Earl Ray Memphis On April 4, 1968, the American civil rights activist Martin Luther King was shot dead by an assassin on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. James Earl Ray, who had several criminal records and who had confessed to the act immediately after his arrest in London , but later revoked the confession, was convicted for the crime . Despite numerous conspiracy theories, the prevailing opinion to this day assumes that Ray committed the act as a lone perpetrator for racist motives. Martin Luther King
1968 Rudi Dutschke German Marxist student leader Josef Bachmann Berlin On April 11, 1968, the right-wing extremist unskilled worker Josef Bachmann shot and seriously injured the Marxist student leader Rudi Dutschke three times in front of the SDS office on Kurfürstendamm in West Berlin. Eleven years later, on December 24, 1979, Dutschke drowned in the bathtub of his apartment due to an epileptic fit . The epileptic seizure was a late consequence of the brain injuries sustained in the assassination attempt. Rudi Dutschke
1968 Robert F. Kennedy US Senator Sirhan Bishara Sirhan los Angeles On June 5, 1968, following a speech at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles , the US Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was shot and critically injured by the Palestinian immigrant Sirhan Bishara Sirhan. Kennedy died the next day. The motive for the act are emphatically Israel-friendly statements by Kennedy. Robert F. Kennedy


year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1970 Daniel A. Mitrione American CIA agent Guerrillas of the Tupamaros Montevideo On August 10, 1970, members of the Uruguayan guerrilla organization Tupamaros shot dead CIA agent and security advisor to the Uruguayan interior authorities, Daniel A. Mitrione, after they had held him hostage for ten days. After the kidnapping of Mitrione, Claude L. Fly and the Brazilian Vice Consul Aloysio Mares Dias Gomide , the Tupamaros initially tried to persuade the government to release 150 like-minded prisoners. After the negotiations failed, they shot Mitrione. The other two hostages were later released.
1972 George Wallace Governor of Alabama Arthur Bremer Laurel In May 1972, the Governor of the US state of Alabama and then candidate for the Democratic Party nomination for president, George Wallace, was shot and seriously injured by Arthur Bremer during an election rally. As a result of the attack he remained paralyzed and dependent on a wheelchair. The attack was apparently not politically motivated, but rather through Bremer's desire to become famous. George Wallace
1972 Sheikh Abeid Amani Karume Vice President of Tanzania Zanzibar City On April 7, 1972, the former President of the People's Republic of Zanzibar and Pemba and - since its union with Tanganyika - Vice-President of Tanzania Sheikh Abeid Amani Karume, was shot dead by four assassins during a backgammon game at the headquarters of the Afro-Shirazi Party (ASP). The Marxist politician Abdulrahman Mohammad Babu , who was largely disempowered by Karume and who then left Tanzania, was suspected of being the mastermind behind the act .
1972 David Mark Berger , Zeev Friedman , Yossef Gutfreund , Eliezer Halfin , Josef Romano , André Spitzer , Amitzur Schapira , Kehat Shorr , Mark Slavin , Yakov Springer and Mosche Weinberg Members of the Olympic team of Israel Members of the Palestinian terrorist organization Black September Munich During the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich on September 5, 1972, eight terrorists from the Palestinian terrorist organization Black September broke into the Olympic Village and took the 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team hostage. The hostage takers demanded the release of 232 Palestinians imprisoned in Israeli prisons, the two German terrorists Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof and the Japanese terrorist Kōzō Okamoto . While the hostages Romano and Weinberg died right at the beginning of the hostage-taking, all the others died during an unsuccessful rescue operation at the Fürstenfeldbruck airfield . crime scene
1973 Luis Carrero Blanco Prime Minister of Spain Members of the ETA Madrid On December 20, 1973, the Spanish Prime Minister Luis Carrero Blanco was the victim of a bomb attack by the Basque terrorist organization ETA. The detonation of the remotely detonated explosive charge under his armored car was so violent that the car was thrown 35 meters into the air, over the church of San Francisco de Borja and a five-story apartment building, and hit a balcony on the second floor of this building. In addition to Carrero Blanco, his driver and bodyguard were also killed in the attack. Four other people were injured. There are also reasonable suspicions that the CIA was also involved in the assassination in addition to the ETA , as Carrero Blanco had drawn displeasure from the US government almost three months earlier during the Yom Kippur War when he banned the American armed forces to operate from bases in Spanish territory. Memorial plaque for Carrero Blanco at the site of the attack
1975 Faisal ibn Abd al-Aziz King of Saudi Arabia Faisal ibn Musa'id Riad On March 25, 1975, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was shot dead by his nephew Faisal ibn Musa'id during an audience in the presence of representatives of the government of Kuwait . The exact motives are unknown. According to one theory, it was supposed to have been revenge for the death of Faisal bin Musa'id's brother Chalid , who died during violent protests against King Faisal's modernization policy (especially against the introduction of television in Saudi Arabia). However, this event was many years ago. King Faisal
1975 Ross McWhirter Political activist Member of the IRA Enfield On November 27, 1975, Ross McWhirter, co-founder and editor of the Guinness Book of Records , was shot dead by an IRA member in his home in Enfield, London . The trigger for the attack was that, after a series of IRA bombings in London, McWhirter advocated greater surveillance of Irish people in the UK and offered a reward of £ 50,000 for information that would lead to the arrest and conviction of IRA members. who carried out the attacks.
1975 Gerald Ford President of the United States Lynette Fromme Sacramento On September 5, 1975, the 26-year-old Lynette Fromme, a supporter of the violent criminal Charles Manson , tried to shoot the American President Gerald Ford in Capitol Park in Sacramento. Before she could fire a shot, however, she was overpowered by Secret Service agents . The motives for the attack are unknown. Gerald Ford
1975 Gerald Ford President of the United States Sara Jane Moore San Francisco Just 17 days after Lynette Fromme's attempted assassination attempt in Sacramento , 45-year-old housewife and “revolutionary” Sara Jane Moore committed an assassination attempt on US President Gerald Ford in front of the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco on September 22, 1975 The shot missed because the passerby fell into Oliver Sipple Moore's arms. Moore said he wanted to "cause chaos" by murdering Ford. Gerald Ford
1976 Christopher Ewart-Biggs British Ambassador to the Republic of Ireland Member of the IRA Sandyford In 1976, British Ambassador to the Republic of Ireland, Christopher Ewart-Biggs, died when his car hit an IRA-laid land mine in Sandyford, a suburb of Dublin .
1976 Jean-Marie Le Pen Chairman of the Front National Paris On November 2, 1976, a bomb attack was carried out on Le Pen's apartment building in the 15th arrondissement . Nobody got hurt. The perpetrator or perpetrators could never be identified.
1976 Orlando Letelier Chilean diplomat and politician Washington, DC On September 21, 1976, Letelier was murdered by a car bomb in Washington DC. The attack was carried out on the orders of the dictator Augusto Pinochet by agents of the Chilean secret police DINA. Orlando Letelier
1977 Enrique Valdevira Ibáñez , Luis Javier Benavides Orgaz , Francisco Javier Sauquillo Pérez del Arco , Serafín Holgado de Antonio and Ángel Rodríguez Leal Union lawyers José Fernández Cerrá , Carlos García Juliá and Fernando Lerdo de Tejada Madrid On January 24, 1977 members of a late-Frankist right-wing extremist terrorist group stormed a law firm specializing in labor law, which worked for the Comisiones Obreras union and whose members belonged to the - then still banned - Communist Party of Spain and opened fire on those present there. In this attack, known as the Atocha bloodbath (after the street where the offices were located), lawyers Valdevira, Benavides and Sauquillo, law student Holgado and law firm employee Rodríguez were killed and four other people were injured. In addition to the actual perpetrators Fernández, García and Lerdo, the secretary of the Frankist union Sindicato Vertical del Transport Privado de Madrid Francisco Abadalejo Corredera and three other people were identified as accomplices. According to an official report by Italian authorities from 1990, Carlo Cicuttini , a member of the neo-fascist Movimento Sociale Italiano party and the terrorist group Ordine Nuovo who had fled to Spain, was also involved in the attack. Memorial to the victims
1977 Kamal Jumblat Lebanese Druze leader Baaqlin On March 16, 1977, the Lebanese Druze leader and opposition politician Kamal Jumblat was shot in his car near the village of Baaqlin south of Beirut . The perpetrators are unknown, but it is believed that they were agents of the Syrian secret service . Kamal Jumblat
1977 Mary Ngouabi President of the Republic of the Congo Brazzaville On March 18, 1977, the Congolese President Marien Ngouabi was shot in his residence in Brazzaville. Ngouabi's predecessor, Alphonse Massemba-Débat , who was overthrown in a coup in 1968 , was convicted and executed as the mastermind . However, this was rehabilitated in 1991.
1977 Émile Cardinal Biayenda Archbishop of Brazzaville Brazzaville On March 23, 1977, the Archbishop of Brazzaville Émile Cardinal Biayenda fell victim to a tribal dispute.
1977 Siegfried Buback German Attorney General Christian Klar , Knut Folkerts and Brigitte Mohnhaupt Karlsruhe On April 7, 1977, RAF terrorists shot and killed the Federal Prosecutor General Siegfried Buback, his driver Wolfgang Göbel and the judicial officer Georg Wurster at an intersection in Karlsruhe . The terrorists Klar, Folkerts and Mohnhaupt were convicted for this act. However, the details of the act have not yet been conclusively clarified. Memorial stone at the crime scene
1977 Jürgen Ponto Board spokesman for Dresdner Bank Susanne Albrecht , Brigitte Mohnhaupt and Christian Klar Oberursel On July 30, 1977, the spokesman for the Dresdner Bank board, Jürgen Ponto , was murdered by RAF terrorists Albrecht, Mohnhaupt and Klar while attempting a kidnapping in his house in Oberursel (Taunus) . Susanne Albrecht, whose father was a college friend of Pontos, gave herself and her accomplices access to Ponto's house. After Ponto resisted the attempt to kidnap him, Klar and Mohnhaupt shot him.
1977 César Augusto Guzzetti Foreign Minister of Argentina Members of the urban guerrilla Montoneros Buenos Aires On May 5, 1977, members of the Peronist urban guerrilla Montoneros shot at the Foreign Minister and Vice Admiral César Guzzetti when he was in a doctor's office. Guzzetti was hit in the face and seriously injured. As a result of the act, Guzzetti remained silent and paralyzed for the rest of his life . He died in 1988 of long-term consequences of the crime.
1977 Hanns Martin Schleyer German employer president Stefan Wisniewski and Rolf Heissler Hem On October 18, 1977, employer president Hanns Martin Schleyer was murdered in Hem near Lille after weeks of being held hostage by RAF terrorists . According to the terrorist Peter-Jürgen Boock , who was involved in the kidnapping of Schleyer but was not an eyewitness to his murder, Wisniewski and Heissler were the perpetrators. In return for the release of Schleyer, the terrorists had demanded the release of 11 imprisoned RAF members, including Andreas Baader , Gudrun Ensslin and Jan-Carl Raspe , from the German government. The government did not respond to this. After the GSG 9 had ended the hijacking of the Lufthansa aircraft “Landshut” at Mogadishu airport in the early morning of October 18, 1977 and the terrorists Baader, Ensslin and Raspe had committed suicide that same night in the Stuttgart correctional facility (so-called death night of Stammheim ), the kidnappers shot Schleyer. Hanns Martin Schleyer
1978 Larry Flynt American publisher Joseph Paul Franklin Lawrenceville After a court hearing in Gwinnett County , Georgia , Larry Flynt, editor of the pornographic magazine Hustler , and his attorney Gene Reeves Jr. were shot outside the Lawrenceville courthouse on March 6, 1978. The shooter is the racist murderer Joseph Paul Franklin , who admitted the shots. However, he was never brought to trial by the public prosecutor because of an existing life sentence . As a result of the gunshot wounds, Flynt has been paralyzed from the waist down since the attack. Larry Flynt (2009)
1978 Aldo Moro Chairman of the Christian Democratic Party of Italy Mario Moretti Rome On May 9, 1978, the chairman of the Democrazia Cristiana and former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro was murdered with eight shots by the terrorist of the Red Brigades, Mario Moretti, after being held hostage for 55 days . The Red Brigades tried to use the kidnapping of Moro to force the release of imprisoned like-minded people, but the government did not respond. Aldo Moro in captivity
1978 Georgi Markov Bulgarian writer and journalist Francesco Giullino London On September 11, 1978, Francesco Giullino, an Italian-born Dane who worked as an agent for the Bulgarian secret service, carried out an attack known as an umbrella attack on the Bulgarian writer and journalist Georgi Markov, who lived in London. He used a converted umbrella (the so-called Bulgarian umbrella ) to inject the victim with a small ball of poisonous ricin . The motive for the murder was Markov's public criticism of the communist regime in his home country.
1978 George Moscone and Harvey Milk Mayor and Councilor of San Francisco Dan White San Francisco On November 27, 1978, resigning San Francisco City Councilor Dan White shot and killed Mayor George Moscone and City Councilor Harvey Milk. This was preceded by a dispute over White's request to reinstate him as a city councilor. Moscone had refused this, among other things on Milk's recommendation. Harvey Milk
1979 Airey Neave British MP Irish National Liberation Army London On March 30, 1979, Airey Neave, MP and Northern Ireland spokesman for the British Conservative Party , fell victim to a car bombed by the Irish National Liberation Army while leaving the parking garage of the Palace of Westminster .
1979 Lord Louis Mountbatten British Grand Admiral ret. D. Thomas McMahon Sligo On August 27, 1979, the IRA terrorist McMahon carried out a bomb attack on Lord Mountbatten's yacht Shadow V in the bay off Sligo . In addition to Mountbatten, three other people died - including his 14-year-old grandson Nicolas Knatchbull - and several other family members were injured, some seriously. Mountbatten


year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1980 Walter Rodney Guyanese historian and politician Gregory Smith Georgetown On June 13, 1980, the Marxist Guyanese historian and politician Walter Rodney fell victim to a bomb attack in the Guyanese capital Georgetown. The suspected perpetrator was NCO Gregory Smith, the alleged mastermind was the then Guyanese President Forbes Burnham .
1980 Anastasio Somoza Debayle Former President of Nicaragua Enrique Haroldo Gorriarán Merlo , Hugo Alfredo Irurzún and others Asunción On September 17, 1980, the former Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza was murdered in exile in the Paraguayan capital Asunción together with his Colombian financial advisor Jou Baittiner and his driver César Gallardo by members of the Argentine guerrilla organization Ejercito Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP) led by Enrique Gorriarán. His murder was probably initiated by the Sandinista , who had overthrown him a year earlier. The Cuban government under Fidel Castro may also have been involved in the attack.
1980 John Lennon Musician Mark David Chapman new York Late in the evening of December 8, 1980, the deranged Mark David Chapman shot the singer and ex- Beatle John Lennon five times in front of his apartment in the Dakota Building in New York. The crime scene of the murder of John Lennon
1981 Ronald Reagan President of the United States John Hinckley, Jr. Washington, DC On March 30, 1981, insane college student John W. Hinckley Jr. fired six shots at President Ronald Reagan outside the Washington Hilton Hotel. Reagan was slightly injured by a ricochet. In addition, his press secretary James Brady was seriously injured and security officers Thomas Delahanty and Timothy McCarthy were slightly injured. Hinckley was obsessed with the actress Jodie Foster and wanted to impress her with an assassination attempt based on the model of the main character in the film Taxi Driver . He had intended to assassinate Reagan's predecessor, Jimmy Carter , a few years earlier , but had been arrested for illegally possessing weapons and prevented from carrying it out. Assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan
1981 Heinz Nittel Vienna City Council Hesham Mohammed Rajeh Vienna On May 1, 1981, Heinz Nittel, Vienna City Councilor, President of the Austrian-Israeli Society and co-founder of the Jewish Welcome Service Vienna , was in front of his house in Vienna- Hietzing by the Iraqi Hesham Mohammed Rajeh on behalf of Bahij Younis , a member of the Palestinian terrorist organization Abu Nidal , shot. Younis was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment on three jury trials in 1981 and was released early in 1995. Memorial plaque on Vienna City Hall
1981 Heinz-Herbert Karry Hessian Minister of Economics Members of the Revolutionary Cells (alleged perpetrators) Frankfurt am Main On May 11, 1981, the FDP politician and Hessian Minister of Economic Affairs, Heinz-Herbert Karry, was fatally wounded in his sleep with six gunshots by strangers in his home in Frankfurt-Seckbach . Later, a letter of confession from the revolutionary cells emerged in which they assumed responsibility for the attack. The perpetration of the Revolutionary Cells has not yet been clearly proven. The background to the act was probably Karry's vehement support for the construction of the West Runway at Frankfurt Airport . Heinz-Herbert Karry
1981 John Paul II Pope Mehmet Ali Agca Rome On May 13, 1981, during a general audience , the Turkish right-wing extremist Mehmet Ali Ağca fired three shots at close range at Pope John Paul II, who was driving across St. Peter's Square in a popemobile , and seriously injured him. Agca did not comment on the background to the crime herself. An investigation committee of the Italian parliament came to the conclusion in 2006 that the attack had been organized by the Russian secret service GRU in cooperation with the Bulgarian secret service and the Stasi on behalf of the Soviet state and party leader Leonid Brezhnev . The motive is likely to have been the public partisanship of John Paul II for the anti-communist trade union Solidarność in his home country Poland . John Paul II in St. Peter's Square
1981 Anwar as-Sadat President of Egypt Chalid al Islambuli Cairo On October 6, 1981, four members of the Islamist organization Al-Jihad, led by Lieutenant Khalid al Islambuli, carried out an assassination attempt on Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat during a military parade in Cairo. In addition to Sadat, ten other people, including the Cuban ambassador to Egypt, an Omani general and a Coptic Orthodox bishop, fell victim to the attack. 28 other people, including Sadat's Vice President Husni Mubarak and Irish Defense Secretary James Tully , were injured. Before the act, the spiritual leader of al-Jihad, the mufti Umar Abd al-Rahman, issued a fatwa justifying the act. In it, Sadat was accused of being an illegitimate ruler because he did not rule on the basis of Sharia law . The concrete background to the act, however, is likely to have been the peace treaty concluded with Israel two years earlier . Anwar as-Sadat
1982 John Paul II Pope Juan María Fernández y Krohn Fatima On May 12, 1982, John Paul II was assassinated again. The perpetrator was a sedevacantist priest who had been expelled from the Pius Brotherhood in 1979 . The Pope survived the attempted murder with minor injuries, the perpetrator was caught and sentenced to six and a half years in prison. The motive for the crime was the papal support for resolutions of the Second Vatican Council , which the perpetrator rejected as modernist .
1982 Bachir Gemayel President-elect of Lebanon Habib Tanious Shartouni Ashrafiya On September 14, 1982, the Lebanese President-elect Bachir Gemayel was murdered along with 25 other people in a bomb attack at the headquarters of the Kata'ib party. The bomb was planted by the Lebanese Christian Shartouni. The alleged mastermind behind the attack was the Syrian secret service . Shartouni himself cited the motive for the act that Gemayel wanted to sell off Lebanon to Israel . This statement refers to the fact that Gemayel is said to have met shortly before with the Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in order to prepare the conclusion of a peace treaty between the two countries. Bachir Gemayel
1983 Benigno Aquino, Jr. Filipino Senator Rogelio Moreno Manila On August 21, 1983, when he returned from exile, the Philippine Senator Benigno Aquino was shot dead at Manila airport immediately after leaving the plane. At the time of his murder, Aquino was accompanied by members of the Filipino armed forces who had arrested him on the plane and led him to a military vehicle. The security forces shot dead the communist Rolando Galman at the scene , and only hours after the crime , the government of President Ferdinand Marcos accused the general secretary of the Communist Party, Rodolfo Salas , of being the mastermind behind the attack. However, later investigations came to the conclusion that Aquino had become the victim of a military conspiracy and that the real assassin was the military policeman Rogelio Moreno. Sixteen members of the armed forces, some of them senior, were finally sentenced to life imprisonment by a special court after the fall of Marcos in 1986. The motive for the act was probably Aquino's sharp criticism of the government. Benigno Aquino, Jr. on the 500 peso bill
1984 Indira Gandhi Prime Minister of India Beant Singh and Satwant Singh New Delhi On October 31, 1984, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was interviewed by Beant Singh and Satwant Singh, members of her Sikh , in the front yard of her house in New Delhi on the way to an interview that Peter Ustinov wanted to conduct with her as part of the documentary film series Ustinov's People - Bodyguard, shot. The background to the act was the violent crackdown by the Indian military , known as Operation Blue Star , against separatist Sikhs, who under the leadership of Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale had holed up in the Golden Temple in Amritsar and in which, according to eyewitness reports, 2,000 Sikhs were allegedly killed and some of them of the temple was completely destroyed. Indira Gandhi
1986 Olof Palme Prime Minister of Sweden Stig Engström (according to the Swedish Public Prosecutor's Office) Stockholm On February 28, 1986, the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was shot dead on the way home after going to the cinema in downtown Stockholm. The search for the culprit lasted until June 2020, when graphic designer Stig Engström, who died in 2000, was named as the most likely culprit by the Swedish public prosecutor's office and the investigation closed. Olof Palme
1986 Karl Heinz Beckurts Member of the Management Board of Siemens AG Members of the RAF (alleged perpetrators) Straßlach On July 9, 1986, Karl Heinz Beckurts, member of the Management Board of Siemens AG, and his chauffeur Eckhard Groppler were killed in a bomb attack in Straßlach near Munich . A “Mara Cagol Command” of the RAF confessed to the attack. However, the culprit is uncertain. Memorial stele for Beckurts and Groppler
1986 Gerold von Braunmühl German diplomat Members of the RAF Bonn On October 10, 1986, the German diplomat Gerold von Braunmühl was shot by two people in front of his home in Bonn-Ippendorf . According to a letter of confession left near the scene of the crime, the perpetrators were members of an "Ingrid Schubert Command" of the RAF. Horst Ludwig Meyer and his wife at the time Barbara Meyer were suspected . However, there is no evidence of the perpetrator.
1986 Georges Besse French industrialist Nathalie Ménigon and Joëlle Aubron Paris On November 17, 1986, Nathalie Ménigon and Joëlle Aubron, members of the " Pierre Overney Command " of Action Directe in Paris, shot the director of the Renault works in France, Georges Besse. The background to the act were mass layoffs at Renault, for which Action Directe Besse was responsible.
1987 Rashid Karami Prime Minister of Lebanon Samir Geagea and other members of the Forces Libanaises On June 1, 1987, the Lebanese Prime Minister Rashid Karami was killed when an explosive device detonated in his helicopter. All the other people who were on board the helicopter, including Interior Minister Abdullah al-Rasi, survived the attack. In 1999 the leader of the Forces Libanaises (FL), Samir Geagea, and ten other members of this Christian militia were convicted for this and other attacks. The lack of the rule of law in this procedure makes it doubtful whether the allegation is actually justified.
1987 Leopold Wagner Governor of Carinthia Franz Rieser Klagenfurt On October 6, 1987, the Carinthian governor and SPÖ politician Leopold Wagner was seriously injured by two gunshots in the toilet of the Klagenfurt Volkskeller by a former work colleague, the secondary school teacher Franz Rieser, because he felt that he had been passed over when filling a post.
1987 Thomas Sankara President of Burkina Faso Ouagadougou On October 15, 1987, Thomas Sankara, President of Burkina Faso, was murdered together with 12 other officers in a coup of his former companion Blaise Compaoré .
1988 Dulcie September Representative of the ANC in France Paris On March 29, 1988, unknown persons shot dead the ANC representative Dulcie September in front of the ANC office in Paris. It is considered likely that the South African government was behind the attack . Dulcie September plaque, Paris
1989 Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou Chairman of the DPK-I Mohammed Jafar Sahraroudi , Hadji Moustafawi and Amir Mansur Bozorgian Vienna On July 13, 1989, the chairman of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan-Iran (DPK-I), Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou, together with his two companions, the DPK-I central council member Abdullah Ghaderi-Azar and the Iraqi university professor and mediator Fadhil Rassoul , joined in negotiations Representatives of the Iranian government shot dead by members of the Iranian negotiating delegation in Vienna. The background to this was the violent clashes over Kurdish aspirations for autonomy in Iran.
1989 Alfred Herrhausen Spokesman for the Board of Management of Deutsche Bank AG Members of the RAF bad Homburg On November 30, 1989, the spokesman for the board of Deutsche Bank, Alfred Herrhausen, was murdered by an explosive device set off by a light barrier while driving to work near his home in Bad Homburg . His driver Jakob Nix was slightly injured in the attack. In a phone call to confess and a letter of confession found two days after the crime near the scene of the crime, a "Wolfgang Beer Command" of the RAF confessed to the attack. However, the perpetrators are still unknown to this day after the investigations into two people accused of the crime were closed in 1992 for lack of evidence. Memorial at the site of the murder


year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
1990 Oskar Lafontaine Chancellor candidate of the SPD Adelheid Streidel Cologne On April 25, 1990, the mentally disturbed Adelheid Streidel carried out a knife attack on the SPD chancellor candidate Oskar Lafontaine during an election campaign event of the SPD in the town hall in Cologne-Mülheim and injured him critically. Oskar Lafontaine
1990 Wolfgang Schäuble Federal Minister of the Interior Dieter Kaufmann Oppenau On October 12, 1990, Federal Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble ( CDU ) was gunned down by the schizophrenic Dieter Kaufmann during an election campaign in Oppenau, Baden-Württemberg and has been paralyzed since then . The bodyguard Klaus-Dieter Michalsky was injured in the attack. Wolfgang Schäuble
1991 Detlev Rohwedder President of the Treuhandanstalt Members of the RAF Dusseldorf On April 1, 1991, the President of the Treuhandanstalt Detlev Rohwedder was shot dead by strangers with an assault rifle from a distance of 63 meters at the window of his house in Düsseldorf-Niederkassel. His wife Hergard was slightly injured. At the scene of the crime there was a letter of confession with which a “Kommando Ulrich Wessel ” confessed to the crime. The perpetrators have not yet been identified. Detlev Rohwedder
1991 Rajiv Gandhi Former Prime Minister of India Thenmuli Rajaratnam Sriperumbudur On May 21, 1991, the former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was killed in a suicide bombing by the Tamil woman Thenmuli Rajaratnam while campaigning in support of a member of parliament of the Congress Party in Sriperumbudur near Madras . The assassin was assigned to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The motive for the attack is said to have been the role of the Indian peacekeepers deployed during Gandhi's government in the civil war in Sri Lanka . Rajiv Gandhi memorial stone
1992 Giovanni Falcone Italian public prosecutor Giovanni Brusca a leader of the Cosa Nostra Capaci near Palermo On May 23, 1992 Giovanni Falcone, his wife Francesca Morvillo and three bodyguards were killed by a bomb, an activist fighting the Cosa Nostra and a symbol in the fight against organized crime in Sicily. The bomb with 500 kg TNT was deposited in a tube under the motorway and detonated remotely. Drawing by Giovanni Falcone
1992 Sadegh Sharafkandi Chairman of the DPK-I Kazem Darabi and Abbas Rhayel Berlin On September 17, 1992, the Iranian Kazem Darabi and the Lebanese Abbas Rhayel murdered the chairman of the Kurdistan-Iran Democratic Party (DPK-I), Sadegh Scharafkandi, on behalf of the Iranian secret service VEVAK in the Greek restaurant "Mykonos" in Berlin-Wilmersdorf Representatives of the DPK-I in France and Germany , Fatah Abdoli and Homayoun Ardalan , as well as the interpreter Nouri Dehkordi . Scharafkandi and his companions were at the invitation of the Federal Chairman of the SPD Björn Engholm as guests of a congress of the Socialist International in Berlin. Three years earlier, Sharafkandi's predecessor, Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou , was the victim of an attack by the Iranian government in Vienna . Memorial plaque for the victims of the Berlin Mykonos attack
1993 René Bousquet French police chief of the Vichy regime and alleged Holocaust supporter Christian Didier Paris Bousquet was shot dead by Christian Didier on June 8, 1993. Bousquet died on the scene. Didier received psychiatric treatment in previous years.
1993 Ugur Mumcu Turkish journalist and writer Ankara On the morning of January 24, 1993, Mumcu, an investigative journalist who mainly wrote for the Cumhuriyet newspaper , was murdered in a bomb attack outside his home in Ankara. The bomb exploded in his car. The crime has not yet been resolved and the perpetrators have not been caught. There are numerous theories about the motive and the perpetrators, ranging from the so-called " deep state " to CIA and Mossad to Iran . The day after his death, tens of thousands of people protested in various major cities in Turkey.
1993 Chris Hani General Secretary of the SACP Janusz Walus Boksburg On April 10, 1993, the General Secretary of the South African Communist Party (SACP) and Chief of Staff of the Umkhonto we Sizwe Chris Hani was shot in Boksburg by the Polish immigrant Janusz Waluś at the instigation of the right-wing extremist politician Clive Derby-Lewis . The motive for the act was the attempt to bring about the failure of the negotiations between the government and the ANC to end apartheid by killing Hani, who is popular with the black population .
1993 Monica Seles Tennis player Günter Parche Hamburg On April 30, 1993, the mentally disturbed Steffi Graf fan Günter Parche stabbed the tennis player and then world number one Monica Seles with a knife in the back during a tournament match at Rothenbaum in Hamburg against Magdalena Maleewa while changing sides. As a result of the assassination, Seles did not play any tournaments for two years and was never able to return to her previous form. Monica Seles
1993 Ranasinghe Premadasa President of Sri Lanka Colombo On May 1, 1993, Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa was assassinated by an LTTE suicide bomber on his way to a May rally in Colombo . The background to the act was the civil war between the Tamils and Sinhalese in Sri Lanka.
1993 Helmut Zilk Mayor of Vienna Franz Fuchs Vienna On December 5, 1993, the mayor of Vienna, Helmut Zilk, was seriously injured in the hand in a letter bomb attack by right-wing extremist terrorist Franz Fuchs. The letter bomb addressed to Zilk was one of nine letter bombs in the first series that Fuchs sent. In addition to Zilk, pastor August Janisch and TV presenter Silvana Meixner were injured by letter bombs from this series. In the years that followed, up to his arrest in 1997, Fuchs dispatched five more series of letter bombs and carried out an attack that killed four Roma .
1994 Luis Donaldo Colosio PRI presidential candidate Mario Aburto Martínez Tijuana On March 23, 1994, Luis Donaldo Colosio, presidential candidate of the Mexican Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), was murdered with two gunshots at the end of a campaign appearance in Tijuana, Baja California . The investigation came to the conclusion that the mechanic Mario Aburto Martínez had shot Colosio as a lone perpetrator. Aburto was sentenced to 42 years in prison. Both Colosio's bereaved relatives, Aburto's family and various other groups still reject the results of the investigation and argue that the Mexican government at the time was behind the attack.
1994 Juvénal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi Kigali On April 6, 1994, the plane in which the Rwandan President Juvénal Habyarimana, his Burundian counterpart Cyprien Ntaryamira and the chief of staff of the Rwandan army Déogratias Nsabimana returned from a meeting of African heads of state in Dar es Salaam to Kigali, fell from two ground while approaching Kigali airport -Air missiles hit. All inmates were killed. The background to the attack was the existing tribal conflicts between Hutu and Tutsi in both Rwanda and Burundi . Both presidents were Hutu, but were considered moderate. It is still unclear whether the attack was carried out by Tutsi or radical Hutu. It marked the beginning of the genocide of the Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda, which killed an estimated 800,000 people. Juvénal Habyarimana
1994 Andrés Escobar Colombian national soccer player Humberto Muñoz Castro Medellin On July 2, 1994, Andrés Escobar, a defender of the Colombian national football team , was shot six times in the parking lot of the “El Indio” nightclub in Medellín by Humberto Muñoz. The motive for the act was that Escobar had scored an own goal ten days earlier in the last preliminary round match at the 1994 World Cup against hosts USA , which meant that Colombia lost this game 2-1 and was eliminated from the tournament. It is unclear whether Muñoz, who worked as a bodyguard and driver for two suspected drug trafficking entrepreneurs, carried out the attack as a disappointed fan or on behalf of the Colombian gambling mafia.
1995 Yitzhak Rabin Prime Minister of Israel Jigal Amir Tel Aviv On November 4, 1995, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin was shot dead by the extremist Jewish student Jigal Amir after speaking at a rally for the Oslo peace process in the Square of the Kings of Israel (now Rabin Square) in Tel Aviv . Amir viewed Rabin as a traitor and the peace process as a threat to the very existence of the State of Israel. Location of Rabin's murder
1998 Galina Wassiljewna Starowoitowa Russian human rights activist, ethnologist and politician Yuri Kolchin and others St. Petersburg On November 20, 1998, Starovoitova was shot dead in her stairwell in Saint Petersburg. According to official information, the attack was organized by the GRU contract killer Yuri Kolchin. The masterminds behind the murder have not yet been identified.
1999 Luis Maria Argaña Vice President of Paraguay Pablo Vera Esteche , Luis Rojas , Fidencio Vega and Reinaldo Servín Asunción On March 23, 1999, the Paraguayan Vice President Luis Maria Argaña was stopped by a vehicle while driving through Asunción in the Diagonal Molas López street and shot by the four assassins Pablo Vera, Luis Rojas, Fidencio Vega and Major Reinaldo Severin. In addition to Argaña, his bodyguard was also killed in the attack and his driver was injured. The man behind the attack is said to have been the former Paraguayan general and politician Lino Oviedo . Oviedo was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in 1996 for a failed coup attempt against then President Juan Carlos Wasmosy , but was pardoned in 1998 by his successor Raúl Cubas Grau . This was sharply criticized by the opposition and also by Argaña. The opposition parties threatened impeachment proceedings against Cubas, which would have made Argaña president. The death of Argaña exacerbated the political crisis and forced Cubas to resign six days after the attack and, like Oviedo, to leave the country.
1999 Wasken Zarkissyan Prime Minister of Armenia Nairi Hunanjan and others Yerevan On October 27, 1999, the Armenian Prime Minister Wasken Sarkissjan and Karen Demirtschjan , the assembly president , were in the Armenian National Assembly when a group of assassins led by Nairi Hunanjan entered and shot both politicians and three others. The attackers surrendered to the police on October 28, and 40 hostages were released. Wasken Sarkissjan on an Armenian commemorative stamp

21st century


year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
2000 Željko Ražnatović Founder of the Serbian Volunteer Guard Belgrade On January 15, 2000, Željko Ražnatović, founder and leader of the paramilitary "Serbian Volunteer Guard" during the Yugoslav wars , was shot together with two bodyguards in the Hotel Intercontinental in Belgrade. Since 2001 , Dragan Nikolić , Dobroslav Gavrić , Milan Đuričić and Zoran Nikolić have been charged as alleged perpetrators . However, the judgments were always overturned by the Supreme Court of Serbia.
2000 Said Hajjarian Reform politician and former secret service employee Said Asgar Tehran On March 12, 2000, Said Hajjarian was shot in the face by Said Asgar at close range on a street in Tehran. He survived but has been paralyzed since then. The right-wing offender was later sentenced to fifteen years in prison, four co-defendants received sentences between ten and less than seven years, and three other men were acquitted. Said Hajjarian in 2015
2000 Žika Petrović Director of the airline JAT and confidante of the Milošević family Belgrade On the night of April 25, 2000, the 61-year-old JAT director Žika Petrović was shot dead in front of his house in Belgrade. In media reports there was talk of two perpetrators who escaped undetected. Petrović was the fourth murder victim in a series of attacks on people close to Slobodan Milošević since the beginning of the year. The case has not yet been resolved.
2001 Laurent-Désiré Kabila President of the Congo Rashidi Mizele Kinshasa On January 16, 2001, the Congolese President Laurent-Désiré Kabila was assassinated by his bodyguard Rashidi Mizele in his palace in Kinshasa. The background to the crime has not yet been clarified. The assassin was shot dead by other bodyguards immediately after the crime. Statue of Laurent-Désiré Kabila
2001 Ahmad Shah Massoud Leader of the Afghan Northern Alliance Dahmane Abd al-Sattar and Rachid Bouraoui el-Ouaer Tachar Province On September 9, 2001, Ahmad Shah Massoud, military and religious leader of the National Islamic United Front for the Rescue of Afghanistan (Northern Alliance), was killed in a suicide bombing by Al-Qaeda members Dahmane Abd al-Sattar and Rachid Bouraoui el-Ouaer in the northern Afghan province of Tachar to the victim. Al-Sattar and el-Ouaer pretended to be Belgian journalists and detonated an explosive device hidden in the camera during an interview with Massoud. The motive was the religious and political disputes between the various parties in the Afghan war . Massoud's tomb
2001 Peter Bossard , Monika Hutter-Häfliger , Jean-Paul Flachsmann and 11 other people Members of the government and cantonal councils of the Swiss canton of Zug Friedrich Leibacher train On September 27, 2001, the commercial clerk Friedrich Leibacher disguised himself as a policeman during a meeting of the Cantonal Council and got access to the parliament building of the Canton Zug and shot the members of the Cantonal Council Peter Bossard, Monika Hutter-Häfliger and Jean-Paul Flachsmann, the President of the Cantonal Council, with a total of 91 shots Herbert Arnet and the cantonal councilors Martin Döbeli , Dorly Heimgartner , Kurt Nussbaumer , Rolf Nussbaumer , Konrad Häusler , Erich Iten , Karl Gretener , Willi Wismer , Heinz Grüter and Käthi Langenegger . Then Leibacher shot himself. The motive for this act of violence, which became known as the “Zug assassination” , was evidently that Leibacher, who had previously been noticed for years through excessive use of legal remedies, felt cheated by the rule of law and felt himself to be the victim of a plot by a “Zug mafia”. The government building - seat of the cantonal and government council
2002 Marco Biagi Adviser to the Italian Government Members of the Red Brigades (alleged perpetrators) Bologna On March 19, 2002, the professor of labor law and advisor to the Italian government Marco Biagi was shot dead by strangers in Bologna. The attack is attributed to the left-wing extremist Red Brigades. The alleged motive for the act was Biagi's participation in the relaxation of protection against dismissal planned by the Berlusconi government .
2002 Pim Fortuyn Dutch politician Volkert van der Graaf Hilversum On May 6, 2002 the fanatical vegan and animal rights activist Volkert van der Graaf shot and killed right-wing populist politician Pim Fortuyn in the parking lot of a radio studio in Hilversum . According to van der Graaf, he wanted to "protect Muslims" by the act. Pim Fortuyn
2002 Jacques Chirac President of France Maxime Brunerie Paris On July 14, 2002, the 25-year-old right-wing radical Maxime Brunerie attempted to shoot President Jacques Chirac during the parade on the French national holiday. However, he was overwhelmed by three spectators and prevented from carrying out the act. The motive was obviously Brunerie's endeavor to end his life in a spectacular way after a failed love affair and thereby become famous. Jacques Chirac
2003 Zoran Đinđić Prime Minister of Serbia Zvezdan Jovanović Belgrade On March 12, 2003, the Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić was shot by Zvezdan Jovanović, the deputy commander of the police special unit “ Red Berets ”, from 180 meters from the rear window of a building in the courtyard of the government headquarters. Đinđić's bodyguard was also seriously injured in the attack. In addition to Jovanović, the commander of the “Red Berets” Milorad Ulemek was convicted as a mastermind and ten other people were convicted as accomplices. The motive for the act may have been the extradition of the former head of state Slobodan Milošević to the Hague War Crimes Tribunal . Zoran Đinđić
2003 Sergei Yushenkov Chairman of the Liberal Russia Party Moscow On April 17, 2003, unidentified persons shot and killed Sergei Yuschenkov, the former Russian Minister for Information and Chairman of the Liberal Russia Party, in front of his apartment in Moscow.
2003 Alichan Guliev Russian journalist Moscow On July 19, 2003, journalist Alichan Gulijew, known for his coverage of Chechnya, was shot dead at his front door in Moscow.
2003 James E. Davis Member of the New York City Council Othniel Askew new York On July 23, 2003, New York City Councilor James E. Davis was shot dead by Othniel Askew during a city council meeting at New York City Hall . Askew had been Davis's rival for the Democratic Party's nomination for the city council two years earlier , which Davis eventually won. The exact motives for the act are not clear, since Askew was shot immediately after the assassination by Richard Burt , a bodyguard of the city council chairman Gifford Miller .
2003 Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim Shiite leader Najaf On August 29, 2003, Shiite leader Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim , who had only returned from exile to Iraq a few months earlier after the fall of Saddam Hussein, fell victim to a bomb attack immediately after a Friday prayer in the Imam Ali mosque in Najaf. In addition to al-Hakim, over a hundred other people were killed in the attack. The perpetrators have not yet been identified. Presumably they were former members of Saddam Hussein's secret service .
2003 Anna Lindh Swedish Foreign Minister Mijailo Mijailović Stockholm On September 10, 2003, Mijailo Mijailovic, the son of Serbian immigrants, carried out a knife attack on the Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh in the Nordiska Kompaniet department store , in which she was seriously wounded and died the following day. The motive for the act is unclear. Anna Lindh
2003 Aqila al-Hashimi Iraqi politician Baghdad On September 20, 2003, six unidentified perpetrators fired multiple shots at Iraqi politician Aqila al-Hashimi near her home in western Baghdad. Al-Hashimi succumbed to her serious injuries five days later. She was one of three women and the sole representative of the former regime, which after the fall of Saddam Hussein in the United States used 25-member Iraqi Governing Council was appointed.
2003 Pervez Musharraf President of Pakistan Amjad Farooqi (alleged mastermind) Rawalpindi On December 14, 2003, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf was bombed, but it failed. The explosive charge attached to a bridge in Rawalpindi exploded a few minutes after Musharraf's convoy passed the bridge. This was the third attack on Musharraf since he came to power in 1999. A few days later, on December 25, another attempt followed, in which two suicide bombers blew themselves up. This attempt to kill Musharraf also failed, but sixteen passers-by and Musharraf's companions died. The alleged mastermind of two assassination attempts in 2003, the Al-Qaeda - terrorist Amjad Farooqi, was killed by Pakistani security forces of 2004. Two more attacks on Musharraf followed in 2007, but they also failed. The background to all the attacks was the religiously and politically tense situation in Pakistan, particularly in connection with the war in Afghanistan . Pervez Musharraf
2003 Romano Prodi President of the European Commission Bologna On December 22, 2003, two pipe bombs detonated in front of and on December 27, 2003 a letter bomb in the private apartment of the President of the European Commission Romano Prodi in Bologna. Prodi survived both attacks unharmed. The perpetrators have not yet been identified. The Italian police assume that they were Italian anarchists . Romano Prodi
2004 Roger Kusch Justice Senator of Hamburg Yvonne C. Hamburg On February 11, 2004, the 42-year-old schizophrenic Yvonne C. injured the Hamburg Justice Senator Roger Kusch lightly on the thigh with a knife during an election campaign in a pedestrian zone in Hamburg's Neugraben district . Roger Kusch
2004 Chen Shui-bian and Lu Hsiu-lien President and Vice President of Taiwan Chen Yi-hsiung Tainan On March 19, 2004, the day before the presidential elections in Taiwan, two shots were fired at the Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian and his Vice President Lu Hsiu-lien during an election campaign event in Tainan, while they were standing in an open jeep drove a crowd. Both were slightly injured. A police investigation concludes that the act was perpetrated as a lone perpetrator of the unemployed Chen Yi-hsiung, who blamed President Chen for his economic misery. The suspected attacker committed two days after publication of photographs of a surveillance camera on which he can be seen at the crime scene, suicide . However, the results of the investigation are questioned by the majority of Taiwanese. Some of President Chen's opponents accuse him of having orchestrated the attack himself in order to increase his sympathy ratings just before the election. However, there is no evidence to support this claim. Chen Shui-bian
2004 Mirwais Sadik Afghan Minister Herat On March 21, 2004, the Afghan Minister of Civil Aviation and Tourism Mirwais Sadik was shot dead by soldiers in his car in Herat in front of the home of the military commander of Herat Province Saher Naib Sada . According to Sada, the motive for the act was that Sadik wanted to release him from his command. Sadik was a son of the provincial governor Ismail Khan , who ran a large private army and was obviously fighting a power struggle with the commander of the Afghan national army . In addition to Sadik, two security guards, an intelligence officer and a relative of Sadik were also killed in the attack. As a result of the unrest triggered by the attack, which resulted in numerous deaths, Ismail Khan was forcibly removed from the position of governor of Herat province by President Hamid Karzai .
2004 Akhmat Kadyrov President of Chechnya Shamil Salmanowitsch Basajew (mastermind) Grozny On May 9, 2004, during Victory Day celebrations, Chechen President Akhmat Kadyrov was killed in a stadium in Grozny with a landmine installed under the stands . Reuters journalist Adlan Khassanov was also killed in the attack . The Chechen rebel leader Shamil Basayev was the mastermind behind the attack. Akhmat Kadyrov
2004 Paul Klebnikov American journalist and writer Moscow On July 10, 2004, the Russian-born American journalist and writer Paul Klebnikov was shot dead by unknown perpetrators in Moscow in front of the publishing house of the Russian Forbes magazine, of which he was the editor. In 2006, Chechens Kazbek Dukuzov and Valid Agayev and others were charged with the crime. After an initial acquittal, which was overturned by the Supreme Court, the case has been on hold since February 2007, as one of the suspects (Dukuzov) who was released after the acquittal has not reappeared to this day. Paul Klebnikov
2004 Viktor Yushchenko Ukrainian politician In September 2004, the Ukrainian presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned with the dioxin TCDD , but survived with severe scarring on his face and body. According to the attending physicians from the Rudolfinerhaus in Vienna and at the University Hospital in Geneva , Yushchenko took 2 to 5 milligrams of dioxin by mouth. There is “suspicion of third-party negligence”. The official investigation by the Ukrainian Public Prosecutor's Office has so far yielded no results. Yushchenko himself accuses the deputy head of the Ukrainian domestic intelligence service Volodymyr Sazjuk , with whom he had dinner the evening before the first symptoms of intoxication, and the staff who served him at this meal, of the act. Viktor Yushchenko
2004 Theo van Gogh Dutch director and publicist Mohammed Bouyeri Amsterdam On November 2, 2004, the Moroccan Islamist Mohammed Bouyeri murdered the Dutch director and publicist Theo van Gogh in the Linnaeusstraat in Amsterdam. Bouyeri initially fired several shots at Van Gogh and finally cut his throat when he was already on the ground. With two stab wounds, he then attached a five-page letter of confession to the body. The crime was related to van Gogh's film Submission , which he produced together with the Islamic critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali and which deals with the oppression of women in Islam. After the film was broadcast on August 29, 2004, both Van Gogh and Hirsi Ali received death threats. The letter of confession that was pinned to van Gogh's body also contained a death threat against Hirsi Ali. Theo van Gogh
2005 Rafiq al-Hariri Lebanese politician Beirut On February 14, 2005, the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri fell victim to an explosive attack on his convoy of vehicles on the Corniche in Beirut . In addition to Hariri, 22 other people were killed in the attack and over 100 people were injured. The explosion devastated a branch of the HSBC bank and a hotel. The perpetrators and the background to the crime have not yet been conclusively clarified. Years of investigations by the International Independent Commission of Inquiry of the United Nations (UNIIIC) under the leadership of the UN special investigators Detlev Mehlis and Serge Brammertz finally resulted in the establishment of the special tribunal for Lebanon , based in The Hague , which took on the legal processing of the case. Rafiq al-Hariri
2005 Lakshman Kadirgamar Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka Colombo On August 12, 2005, Sri Lanka's Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar was shot dead by a sniper near his home in Colombo . The perpetrator could not be identified. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) were suspected of being responsible for the attack and for their part suspected the army of trying to create an excuse for the termination of the three-year ceasefire.
2005 Brother Roger Founder of the Taizé Community Taizé On August 16, 2005, a mentally ill woman stabbed the founder of the Taizé Community, Brother Roger, with several knife stabs during the evening prayer in the Church of Reconciliation in Taizé , and injured him fatally. Brother Roger
2006 Anna Politkovskaya Russian journalist Rustam Machmudov (alleged perpetrator) Moscow On October 7, 2006, the Russian journalist and human rights activist Anna Politkovskaya was murdered with four shots in the elevator of her apartment building in Moscow. According to investigations by the Russian public prosecutor's office, the assassination attempt was allegedly carried out by the Chechen Rustam Machmudov. In addition to Machmudov, who was initially able to evacuate abroad and was only arrested in 2011, his brothers Ibrahim and Jabrail Machmudow, the lieutenant colonel of the Russian domestic intelligence service FSB Pavel Ryaguzov and the officer in the Ministry of the Interior Sergei Hadschikurbanov were charged as accomplices. The exact background and the masterminds of the act are so far unknown. However, there is much to suggest that the motive for the act is to be found in Politkovskaya's reporting on the Chechen war .
2006 Alexander Litvinenko Russian author Andrei Lugowoi (alleged perpetrator) London On November 1, 2006, the former Russian FSB agent , author and Putin critic Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned with polonium-210 while in exile in London . On November 23, 2006, he died in hospital as a result of poisoning. According to previous investigations by the British public prosecutor's office, Litvinenko was poisoned with tea containing polonium at a meeting with Russian businessmen and former KGB employees Andrei Lugowoi and Dmitri Kowtun in the bar of the Millennium Hotel in Lugowoi in London . Grave of Alexander Litvinenkos
2007 Itchō Itō Mayor of Nagasaki Tetsuya Shiroo Nagasaki On April 17, 2007, after a campaign event for his third re-election, the mayor of Nagasaki Itchō Itō was gunned down by Yakuza member Tetsuya Shiroo in front of his campaign office in the immediate vicinity of Nagasaki train station and died the following day from the consequences.
2007 François al-Hajj Lebanese Brigadier General Baabda On December 12, 2007, the Lebanese Brigadier General François al-Hajj fell victim to a bomb attack in Baabda in Mount Lebanon . The perpetrators and the details of the crime are so far unknown.
2007 Benazir Bhutto Pakistani opposition leader Rawalpindi On December 27, 2007, the Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was murdered while leaving an election rally in Rawalpindi. According to the findings of the Pakistani investigative authorities and a commission of inquiry from Scotland Yard , one or more people shot at Bhutto's armored vehicle before a suicide bomber blew himself up in the immediate vicinity of the vehicle. Bhutto, who was looking out of the vehicle's sunroof at the time of the attack and waving to her supporters, was shot twice and thrown against the sunroof by the blast, causing her skull to fracture. In addition to Bhutto, 24 other people were killed in the attack. While the Pakistani government accused the Islamist tribal leader Baitullah Mehsud , who is close to al-Qaeda , of being the mastermind behind the attack, Bhutto's Pakistani People's Party (PPP) and other groups suspect the Pakistani government under President Pervez Musharraf behind the attack. Two months earlier, immediately after Bhutto's return from exile, a serious suicide attack had occurred in Karachi on the way from the airport to the mausoleum of the founder of the state, Muhammad Ali Jinnah , in which 136 people were killed and at least 450 injured. Bhutto survived this attack unharmed. She herself blamed supporters of the former military ruler Mohammed Zia ul-Haq for this. Benazir Bhutto
2008 José Ramos-Horta President of East Timor Rebels under Alfredo Alves Reinado Dili On February 11, 2008, the President of East Timor, José Ramos-Horta, was seriously injured in an attack by men of the rebel leader Alfredo Reinado in front of his house in the east of Dili. The rebels had entered the house of Ramos-Hortas and were awaiting his return when they were spotted by incoming guards. In the subsequent firefight, among others, rebel leader Reinado was killed. Ramos-Horta, who returned home shortly afterwards, was seriously injured by a rebel with two bullets in the chest and back. Ramos-Horta's bodyguard, Lieutenant Celestino Fili Gama , who drove his car into the line of fire, also suffered serious injuries. A short time later, another group of rebels tried to assassinate Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão , but this failed. José Ramos-Horta
2008 Ruslan Yamadayev Chechen politician Aslanbek Dadajew and Elimpascha Chazujew Moscow On September 24, 2008, the Chechen politician Ruslan Jamadayev was shot ten times in his car by Dadayev and Khazoyev on the Smolensk bank in Moscow. Yamadayev was on his way back from a conversation in the Kremlin . Colonel General a, who is also in the vehicle . D. Sergei Kizyun was critically injured. Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov was suspected of being behind the crime, but there is no evidence. Ruslan Yamadayev
2009 Stanislaw Markelow Russian lawyer Nikita Tichonow and Evgenia Chassis Moscow On January 19, 2009, Nikita Tikhonov and Yevgenia Chassis shot and killed the lawyer Stanislav Markelov on the street in downtown Moscow. Markelow was known, among other things, as legal advisor to the journalist Anna Politkovskaya . Immediately before the fact Markelov had announced at a press conference, against a release of at a murder Chechen sentenced Colonel Yuri Budanov use. At the time of the attack, Markelov was accompanied by the journalist Anastassija Baburowa from Novaya Gazeta , who was also killed in the process. Stanislaw Markelow
2009 Natalia Estemirova Russian journalist Gasi yurt On July 15, 2009, the Russian historian, journalist and human rights activist Natalia Estemirova was kidnapped in front of her home in Grozny and found murdered in a forest near the village of Gasi-Yurt in Ingushetia late that afternoon . The perpetrators and the exact motive for the act are so far unknown. Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov is suspected of having commissioned the crime, but there is no evidence.
2009 Silvio Berlusconi Prime Minister of Italy Massimo Tartaglia Milan On December 13, 2009, after an election campaign in Milan, the 42-year-old, probably mentally confused, Massimo Tartaglia threw an alabaster statuette of the Milan Cathedral in the face of the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and injured him slightly. Silvio Berlusconi


year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
2011 Salman Taseer Governor of the Punjab Province Mumtaz Hussain Qadri Islamabad On January 4, 2011, the governor of the Pakistani province of Punjab Salman Taseer was shot dead by his bodyguard Mumtaz Hussain Qadri near his home in Islamabad. The perpetrator gave Taseer's comments on the blasphemy law and the Asia Bibi case as the motive for the act . Salman Taseer
2011 Gabrielle Giffords MPs in the US House of Representatives Jared Lee Loughner Casas Adobes On January 8, 2011, the Democratic MP in the US House of Representatives Gabrielle Giffords was critically injured by a targeted head shot at close range during a question and answer session in a shopping center in Casas Adobes, a suburb of Tucson . Then the probably mentally confused assassin Jared Loughner fired numerous more shots at the audience, killing six people and injuring 13 others, some seriously. Arizona federal judge John McCarthy Roll was among the fatalities . Gabrielle Giffords
2011 Shahbaz Bhatti Pakistani Minister Islamabad On March 2, 2011, unknown persons shot and killed the Pakistani Minister for Minorities, Shahbaz Bhatti, while driving to his work in Islamabad. Bhatti was the only Christian in the Pakistani government. He had repeatedly spoken out in favor of reforming the blasphemy law and stood up for Christian Asia Bibi , who was sentenced to death on the basis of this law . A group called "Tehrik Taliban Fidayan Mohammad Punjab" actually claimed responsibility .
2011 Rola El-Halabi German - Lebanese professional boxer Hicham El-Halabi Ulm On April 1, 2011, the stepfather of the German-Lebanese professional boxer Rola El-Halabi, Hicham El-Halabi, shot his stepdaughter. The reason for this was that she was in a relationship with a non-Muslim, already married Greek. As a result, Hicham wanted to put his daughter in a wheelchair in revenge. Rola survived and can box again today. Rola El-Halabi
2012 Daud Rajha Defense Minister of Syria Damascus On July 18, 2012, the Syrian Defense Minister Daud Radschha fell victim to a bomb attack on the participants in a meeting of the Supreme Security Council. In addition to Rajha, several other members of the Supreme Security Council were killed or injured. Among others, the deputy defense minister and former head of the Syrian military intelligence service Assef Shawkat , brother-in-law of the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad , as well as the assistant to the vice president and minister without portfolio Hasan Turkmani died . The interior minister Mohammed Ibrahim al-Schaar and the head of the general secret service Hafes Makhlouf , a cousin of the president and close confidante of his brother Maher al-Assad , were probably also killed. The Free Syrian Army claimed responsibility for the attack . The background to the attack is the civil war in Syria .
2012 Mohammed Nasser Ahmed Defense Minister of Yemen Sanaa On September 11, 2012, unknown persons carried out a bomb attack on the Yemeni Defense Minister Mohammed Nasser Ahmed. The defense minister was slightly injured, seven of his bodyguards and six passers-by were killed.
2012 Hassan Sheikh Mohamud President of Somalia Mogadishu On September 12, 2012, three suicide bombers blew themselves up in a hotel where Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was staying. The president survived unharmed, and three soldiers were killed. The Islamist terrorist group al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack . Hassan Sheikh Mohamud
2012 Malala Yousafzai Pakistani civil rights activist Atta Ullah Khan Mingora On October 2, 2012, Taliban extremist Atta Ullah Khan shot 14-year-old Pakistani civil rights activist Malala Yousafzai when she tried to get on a bus. She survived seriously injured. Malala Yousafzai
2012 Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz President of Mauritania Nouakchott On October 13, 2012, Mauritanian soldiers shot at the Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz. Abdel Aziz suffered a minor injury to his arm. Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz
2012 Wissam al-Hassan Lebanese intelligence chief Beirut On October 19, 2012, terrorists bombed a Christian party headquarters in Beirut. The Lebanese secret service chief Wissam al-Hassan was killed.
2012 Jyrki Katainen Prime Minister of Finland Turku On October 23, 2012, a man in the pedestrian zone in front of the University of Turku attempted to stab Finnish Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen, who was at an election rally there. The assassination failed, however, as Katainen's bodyguards overpowered the man. Jyrki Katainen
2012 Abdullah al-Khalidi Syrian Air Force General Damascus On October 29, 2012, Syrian rebels killed Air Force General Abdullah al-Khalidi. At the same time a sergeant major from the Luftwaffe secret service was also killed. The background to the attack is the civil war in Syria .
2012 Ahmed al-Jabari Palestinian head of Hamas Gaza On November 14, 2012, Israeli soldiers shot at the car of the head of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas Ahmed al-Jabari, who was killed in the process. Another Hamas member was also killed.
2012 Hector Camacho, Sr. American professional boxer San Juan On November 20, 2012, strangers shot at the car of a friend of former boxing world champion Hector Camacho. Camacho was at the time as a passenger in his friend's car. The driver was killed in the shooting, and Hector Camacho died on November 24 of cardiac arrest as a result of the attack. Hector Camacho, Sr.
2012 Bargeeta Almby Swedish missionary Lahore On December 3, 2012, strangers shot the Swedish missionary Bargeeta Almby on her way to work on a motorcycle. As a result of the injuries sustained, she died on December 12th.
2012 Asadullah Chalid Afghan head of intelligence Kabul On December 6, 2012, a suicide bomber blew himself up in a guest house where the Afghan intelligence chief Asadullah Chalid was staying. He survived with injuries to the lower body. Asadullah Chalid
2012 Nadia Sedikki Head of Women's Department in Lagham Province Administration Jalalabad On December 10, 2012, Nadia Sedikki, head of the women's division of the Lagham Province Administration, was shot dead by strangers on her way to work.
2013 Sakine Cansız , Fidan Dogan and Leyla Söylemez Kurdish PKK members Paris On January 9, 2013, PKK members Sakine Cansız, Fidan Dogan and Leyla Söylemez were shot dead by strangers in their office in the Kurdistan Information Center in Paris.
2013 Ahmed Dogan Party leader of the DPS Sofia On January 19, 2013, a 25-year-old member of the Turkish minority in Bulgaria tried to shoot DPS party leader Ahmed Dogan with a gas pistol when he was giving a speech at a party congress. The attack failed because the gun jammed and the police were then able to overpower the man. Ahmed Dogan
2013 Abdi Farah Shirdon Saaid Prime Minister of Somalia Mogadishu On January 29, 2013, a suicide bomber blew himself up outside the office of Somali Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon Saaid. The Prime Minister survived unharmed, five people were killed and several injured. The Islamist terrorist group al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack .
2013 Parujr Ajrikjan Armenian presidential candidate Yerevan On February 1, 2013, a stranger shot the Armenian presidential candidate Parujr Ajrikjan while he was in front of his home. He survived with a serious shoulder injury.
2013 Lars Hedegaard Danish critic of Islam Copenhagen On February 5, 2013, during a scuffle in Copenhagen, a stranger shot the Islam critic Lars Hedegaard, who was unharmed. The perpetrator was hunted down in an immediately triggered large manhunt.
2013 Chokri Belaïd Tunisian opposition politician Tunis On February 6, 2013, Tunisian opposition politician Chokri Belaïd was believed to have been shot dead by members of the Islamist Ennahda party while trying to leave his home. This led to riots across the country. Around 1,000 Tunisians protested in front of the Ministry of the Interior, shouting "Shame, shame!" And "Where is the government?" In Mezzouna , the Ennahda party office was set on fire, and in Gafsa , demonstrators devastated the party's offices. Chokri Belaïd
2013 Hasan Shatiri Iranian representative for development and building in Lebanon Damascus On February 14, 2013, the Iranian representative for development and building in Lebanon Hasan Shatiri was attacked and killed in his car by Syrian rebels on the way from Damascus to Beirut. The attack is said to have targeted Hezbollah .
2013 Nikolai Nesterenko Anapa mayoral candidate Anapa On February 22, 2013, Anapa mayoral candidate Nikolai Nesterenko was shot by a stranger while he was in his car on an election campaign tour. His driver was killed and he suffered one wound on his arm and one on his body. The attack failed because the perpetrator was able to flee.
2013 Mohamed Yusuf al Magariaf President of Libya Tripoli On March 5, 2013, strangers shot at the car of Libyan President Mohamed Yusuf al Magariaf as he was on his way home. Protesters had previously stormed the building where the MPs were meeting during a parliamentary session. Magariaf survived unharmed. The background to the attack was that the demonstrators wanted to force the parliamentarians to pass a law that forbids former officials from the era of long-term ruler Muammar al-Gaddafi to be politically active. Mohamed Yusuf al Magariaf
2013 Khalif Ahmed Erig Somali security chief Mogadishu On March 18, 2013, an al-Shabaab terrorist blew up a car laden with explosives on a busy street in front of the presidential palace. The Somali security chief Khalif Ahmed Erig was killed.
2013 Rudiger Butte District Administrator of the Hameln-Pyrmont district Hans B. Hamelin On April 26, 2013, Rüdiger Butte was gunned down by a 74-year-old man with a single shot from a revolver at around 10 a.m. in his office in the district of Hameln-Pyrmont; he died on the scene. The perpetrator came from Nienstedt ; he then killed himself .
2013 Wael al-Halki Prime Minister of Syria Damascus On April 29, 2013, a bomb exploded near the convoy of Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halki. The prime minister survived unharmed, six people were killed.
2013 Enrico Letta Prime Minister of Italy Luigi Preiti Rome On April 29, 2013, the 49-year-old tiler Luigi Preiti shot at the guards in front of the Palazzo Chigi and shouted “Kill me!” He injured two carabinieri and a pregnant passerby. The attack was aimed at Prime Minister Enrico Letta, who was meeting with his ministers just a kilometer away. Enrico Letta
2013 Zara Shahid Hussain Pakistani politician Karachi On May 18, 2013, the politician Zara Shahid Hussain was shot dead by two men in front of her home. The background was that the MQM party had insulted party members of the PTI party , to which Hussain belonged, and the violence was now escalating.
2013 Nand Kumar Patel Chairman of the Chhattisgarh National Congress of India Chhattisgarh On May 25, 2013, Maoist rebels set off a bomb in front of a convoy of politicians from the Indian National Congress and then shot at the convoy. The Congress chairman was killed by Chhattisgarh Nand Kumar Patel.
2013 Mohamed Brahmi Tunisian opposition politician Ariana On July 25, 2013, the Tunisian opposition politician Mohamed Brahmi was shot dead by strangers outside his home in Ariana. Thousands of Tunisians protested against politically motivated violence across the country. In Menzel Bouzaine , demonstrators set fire to the local headquarters of the Islamist Ennahda party . Mohamed Brahmi
2013 Ali Mohammad Jattack Pakistani politician Quetta On August 9, 2013, unknown persons shot at the vehicle of the former Pakistani regional minister Ali Mohammad Jattack as it drove past a mosque in Quetta. Several people who came out of the mosque at the time were killed and 27 injured. Jattack was unharmed.
2014 Anja Niedringhaus German photographer Banda Khel On April 4, 2014, the German photographer Anja Niedringhaus was shot dead by a police officer while she was driving through the streets in a car convoy to report on the presidential elections in Afghanistan . Before the act, the perpetrator is said to have shouted "Allahu akbar".
2014 Roy Ravana Junior Fijian athlete Fruitridge On June 9, 2014, the athlete Roy Ravana Junior was killed by 2 young people on behalf of the Noreno street gang.
2014 Oleh Babayev Ukrainian politician Kremenchuk On July 26, 2014, the Ukrainian politician Oleh Babayev was shot dead near his home. Oleh Babayev
2015 Boris Efimowitsch Nemtsov Russian politician Moscow On February 27, 2015, Nemtsov was shot four times. Boris Nemtsov
2015 Henriette Reker German politician Frank S. Cologne On October 17, 2015, Reker was seriously injured by knife wounds during an election campaign for the mayoral election in Cologne. Henriette Reker
2016 Jo Cox British politician Thomas M. Birstall On June 16, 2016, after a public consultation on Market Street in Birstall, Cox was shot and stabbed by 52-year-old Thomas M. Cox died of the consequences that same day. The act was allegedly related to the British referendum on leaving the EU ( Brexit ). Cox campaigned for Great Britain to remain in the EU.
2016 Pavel Grigoryevich Sheremet Belarusian journalist Kiev On July 20, 2016, Sheremet was killed by a car bomb on his way to work. Pavel Grigoryevich Sheremet (2014)
2016 Andrei Gennadjewitsch Karlow Russian diplomat Mevlut A. Ankara On December 19, 2016, Karlov was shot and killed. Andrei Gennadjewitsch Karlow (2016)
2017 Kim Jong-nam Eldest son of Kim Jong-il Sepang On February 13, 2017, Kim Jong-nam was poisoned at Kuala Lumpur Airport in Malaysia after a liquid was splashed on his face. A few days later the nerve gas VX was detected.
2017 Denis Nikolayevich Voronenkow Russian politician Kiev On March 23, 2017, Denis Nikolayevich Voronenkov was shot dead in the center of Kiev. The assassin later died in hospital from injuries inflicted by Voronenkov's bodyguard. Denis Nikolayevich Voronenkow
2017 Loukas Papadimos Former Vice President of the European Central Bank and former Greek Prime Minister Athens A letter bomb exploded on May 25, 2017, injuring Loukas Papadimos and one of his security guards. Papadimos was operated on immediately. Loukas Papadimos 2007
2017 Daphne Caruana Galizia Maltese journalist and blogger Bidnija On October 16, 2017, Daphne Caruana Galizia was killed in a car bomb.
2017 Andreas Hollstein German politician (CDU) and mayor of Altena Altena Andreas Hollstein was injured in the neck by a xenophobic attacker with a knife on November 27, 2017 and operated on immediately. Andreas Hollstein 2017
2018 Oliver Ivanović Kosovar Serb politician Severna Kosovska Mitrovica On January 16, 2018, Oliver Ivanović was shot dead by an unknown person in Mitrovica in northern Kosovo . Oliver Ivanović 2011
2018 Ján Kuciak Slovak journalist Miroslav Marček Trnava On February 21, 2018, Ján Kuciak and his girlfriend were shot dead in his home by the hit man and former soldier Miroslav Marček.
2018 Sergei Viktorovich Skripal Russian colonel of the Russian military intelligence service GRU and agent of MI6 Salisbury On March 4, Sergei Viktorovich Skripal and his daughter fell victim to the poisonous substance Novichok . Both were in mortal danger. Two Russian nationals and members of the GRU are suspected .
2019 Paweł Adamowicz Mayor of the Polish city ​​of Gdansk from 1998 until his death Stefan W. Danzig On January 13, 2019, a knife attack was carried out on Paweł Adamowicz during a charity event. He died in the hospital the next day. Paweł Adamowicz 2018
2019 Nipsey Hussle US-American rapper los Angeles Nipsey Hussle was shot dead outside his Marathon Clothing clothing store in Los Angeles on March 31, 2019 . Nipsey Hussle 2011
2019 Walter Lübcke German politician Stephen E. Wolfhagen - Istha Walter Lübcke was killed with a head shot in front of his house on June 2, 2019.
2019 Fritz von Weizsäcker German physician, son of the former Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker Gregor S. Berlin On November 19, 2019, Fritz von Weizsäcker was stabbed to death by the mentally ill Gregor S. during a lecture in the Schlosspark Clinic .
2019 Selimchan Changoshvili Chechens with Georgian citizenship Vadim S. Berlin On August 23, 2019, Selimchan Changoshvili was shot dead by Vadim S. in Berlin's Kleiner Tiergarten . According to the German Federal Prosecutor General, the act was commissioned by Russia.


year Victim position Perpetrator place Brief description image
2020 Abdalla Hamdok Prime Minister of Sudan Khartoum On March 9, 2020, Abdalla Hamdok survived an explosion near his vehicle convoy . A security officer was slightly injured. Abdalla Hamdok in 2017
2020 Hisham al-Hashimi Iraqi historian and terrorism expert Baghdad On July 6, 2020, Hisham al-Hashimi was shot in his car by at least one assassin. al-Hashimi later died in hospital.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Waterson, James, The Ismaili Assassins. A history of medieval murder (Yorkshire, 2008) 79
  2. ^ Wolfram Siemann: 1848/49 in Germany and Europe. Event, coping, memory. Schöningh, Paderborn u. a. 2006, p. 212.
  3. Apuntes juridicos con todos los detalles referentes al delito ya la persona del regicida D. Martin Merino y Gomez. 1852, Retrieved July 18, 2012 (Spanish).
  4. a b Napoleon III. In: Brockhaus' Konversationslexikon, Retro-Bibliothek. Retrieved August 6, 2012 .
  5. L'Affaire PIANORI! In: December 12, 2007, accessed April 28, 2019 (French).
  6. ^ Annuaire historique universel ou histoire politique pour 1855 . Lagny, 1856, pp. 312 (French, full text in Google Book Search [accessed on March 14, 2020]).
  7. Causa sobre supuesto atentado contra SM la Reina en la calle del Arenal, el día 29 de mayo último . In: El Faro Nacional . tape 2 . Madrid 1856, p. 149 ff . (Spanish, full text in Google Book Search [accessed August 26, 2020]).
  8. Patrick Kingston: Royal Trains . London 1985. ISBN 0-7153-8594-1 , p. 140.
  9. Politische Rundschau. (PDF; 223 kB) In: Liechtensteiner Volksblatt. November 23, 1900. Retrieved August 9, 2012 .
  10. 3-10 Assassination of Prime Minister HARA. In: Retrieved April 3, 2019 (English, Japanese).
  11. Short message . In: Erich Alsringhaus (ed.): Socialist press service . Socialist Press Service, Berlin March 5, 1932, p. 7 ( Digital copy [PDF; accessed on April 26, 2015] Quote from the report: "Counselor von Twardowski was injured by a grazing shot in the neck and by a bullet in the hand. ... Under the circumstances, his condition is satisfactory.").
  12. Ulrich Gutmair: Katja Petrowskaja on memory - I had two grandmothers. In: March 29, 2014, accessed March 28, 2019 .
  13. Behind closed doors . In: The Compass . tape 31 , no. 61 . Der Kompass, Curityba June 2, 1932, p. 1 , col. 1 ff . ( Digital copy [PDF; accessed on April 27, 2015] Der Kompass was a German-language newspaper that appeared three times a week in Curitiba ( Brazil ) from 1902 to 1938 and was completely digitalized. Quoting from the article behind closed doors :
    “The attack on the German embassy counselor in Moscow, from Twardowski has learned of the court order. Judas Miranowitsch Stern and Sergej Sergejewitsch Wassiljew have already been shot and the carbines of the GPU executors have already been cleaned.… On March 5th, Judas Stern fired 5 shots from the Nagan revolver German listening car with the identification number 279 ... ... which were the subject of a two-day court hearing. We know the outcome of this trial. What we did not find out, however, is whether the trial clarified the motives for this reprehensible act. ... ... Stern stated literally: 'Me I confess guilty to the fact, but I have to declare that the wording of the indictment is incorrect not at them. This formulation (of the indictment) is the result of a non-European (uncivilized) preliminary investigation method. ' Stern also does not recognize the signature, which is supposed to be his on the preliminary investigation files! ”).
  14. The Moscow Trial . In: Erich Alsringhaus (ed.): Socialist press service . Socialist Press Service, Berlin April 6, 1932, p. 1 f . ( Digital copy [PDF; accessed on April 26, 2015] Quotation from the report: “The two-day trial that ended with the death sentence against the two defendants Stern and Wassiljew did not provide any clarification whatsoever about the motives for the crime, even though the Soviet government has made the greatest effort to evaluate this act progaganistically for their purposes. ").
  15. ^ George Andrew MacMahon: attempt on the life of King Edward VIII. In: The National Archives. Retrieved January 3, 2013 .
  16. Take off your beard . In: Der Spiegel . No. 49 , 1961 ( online ).
  17. Лев Ребет - демократ в ОУН і перша жертва КГБ. Article on Lew Rebet. In: . October 12, 2011, accessed June 13, 2020 (Ukrainian).
  18. Bandera: Always afraid . In: Der Spiegel . No. 44 , 1959 ( online ).
  19. Rudolf Balmer: Le Pen - a terribly political family. In: . March 24, 2017, accessed July 7, 2020.
  20. Miguel González: Un informe oficial italiano implica en el crimen de Atocha al 'ultra' Cicuttini, relacionado con Gladio . In: El País . December 2, 1990 (Spanish, [accessed December 10, 2019]).
  21. Leading reformer shot in Iran . In: BBC News , March 12, 2000, accessed March 13, 2020.
  22. Iran jails Hajjarian gunman . In: BBC News , May 17, 2000, accessed March 13, 2020.
  23. Tagesschau 20 years ago, April 26, 2000 . In: , accessed on May 2, 2020.
  24. ^ Belgrade: Milosevic confidante shot . In: Spiegel Online , April 26, 2000, accessed on May 2, 2020.
  25. ^ Wolfgang Libal: Renewed hearing in the Arkan murder case before the Belgrade District Court: 49 murders and no verdict yet . In: Wiener Zeitung Online , February 3, 2003, accessed on May 2, 2020.
  26. Jan-Eric Lindner: Doctors: Kusch assassin suffers from schizophrenia. In: . February 16, 2004, accessed January 7, 2020 .
  27. Afghanistan - Minister killed in attack. In: Focus Online. March 21, 2004, accessed May 9, 2020 .
  28. ^ Civil war in Syria: Assad's followers die in attack. In: Spiegel Online. July 18, 2012, accessed July 18, 2012 .
  29. Assad's closest confidante die in an attack. In: Focus Online. July 18, 2012, accessed July 18, 2012 .
  30. Several dead in an attack on the Minister of Defense. In: Spiegel Online. September 11, 2012, accessed September 11, 2012 .
  31. Somalia's president survives attack two days after the election. In: September 12, 2012, accessed March 12, 2020 .
  32. Dead and injured in Mogadishu. In: Stern . January 29, 2013. Retrieved January 29, 2013 .
  33. Ten dead in attack in Mogadishu. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . March 18, 2013, accessed March 18, 2013 .
  34. ↑ The perpetrator was a convicted gun fanatic ., April 26, 2013. Retrieved April 27, 2013.
  35. ^ Lower Saxony - man shoots district administrator of Hameln-Pyrmont. In: Spiegel Online . April 26, 2013, accessed July 15, 2020.
  36. Damascus: Syria's head of government survives bomb attack. In: April 29, 2013, accessed December 10, 2018 .
  37. Fabio Ghelli: What drove the desperate man from Rome? In: The time . April 29, 2013, accessed May 1, 2013 .
  38. Reform politician killed in attack. In: . May 19, 2013, accessed April 18, 2020 .
  39. ^ Rebels kill politicians in India. In: . May 26, 2013, accessed February 3, 2020 .
  40. ^ Afghanistan - war photographer Anja Niedringhaus shot. In: . April 5, 2014, accessed September 24, 2019 .
  41. Alleged murderer of Jo Cox: "My name is: Death to the traitors" . In: Spiegel Online . June 18, 2016, accessed June 20, 2016.
  42. Russian spy: Highly likely Moscow behind attack, says Theresa May. In: . March 13, 2018, accessed November 22, 2019.
  43. Poland - Gdansk Mayor Adamowicz dies after a knife attack. In: Spiegel Online . January 14, 2019, accessed November 14, 2019 .
  44. ^ Sudan PM survives assassination attempt in Khartoum . In: Africanews , March 9, 2020, accessed March 10, 2020.