Nová Cerekev

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Nová Cerekev
Coat of arms of Nová Cerekev
Nová Cerekev (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Kraj Vysočina
District : Pelhřimov
Area : 3519 ha
Geographic location : 49 ° 25 '  N , 15 ° 7'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 24 '58 "  N , 15 ° 6' 59"  E
Height: 560  m nm
Residents : 1,106 (Jan 1, 2019)
Postal code : 394 15 - 394 96
License plate : J
Street: Čížkov - Střítež
Railway connection: Horní Cerekev – Tábor
Status: Městys
Districts: 7th
Mayor : Zdeněk Rajdlík (as of 2018)
Address: Nová Cerekev 276
394 15 Nová Cerekev
Municipality number: 548456
Website :

Nová Cerekev (German Neu Cerekwe , also New Zerekwe ) is a minority town in the Czech Republic . It is located eight kilometers west of Pelhřimov and belongs to the Okres Pelhřimov .


Nová Cerekev is located in the southwest of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands . The town is located at the eastern foot of the Na Vrších hill (612 m) on the left bank of the Cerekvický brook ( Cerekwe ). The Hejlov (609 m) rises to the south-east and the Orlov (674 m) to the south. The Tábor - Pelhřimov railway line runs along the northern periphery .

Neighboring towns are Litohošť and Čížkov in the north, Stanovice and Dubovice in the Northeast, Vlásenický Dvůr and Vlásenice in the east, Novy Dvur and Proseč-Obořiště the southeast, Chmelná in the south, Hanuška, Hatě, Čekal and Moraveč in the southwest, Peklůvko, Vysoká Lhota and Zlátenka in the west and Němkovičky and Leskovice in the northwest.


The place was probably founded in the 12th century. Some traditions assume that it was founded in 1224 by Bishop Pilgrim of Prague . The first written mention of Cierkev comes from 1330. The place name was derived from the earlier wooden church. The existence of a pastor in Cierkev has been documented since 1379, who also owned the Čížkův farm . Until the Hussite Wars , Cierkev belonged to the possessions of the diocese of Prague . Since 1543 the Leskovský von Leskovec owned Cerekwe, which formed an independent rule with the Čížkův manor. In the same year Ferdinand I. elevated Cerekwe to a town and renewed the privileges to hold two annual markets and a weekly market on Tuesdays. The center of the gated town was the large market, around which most of the houses of Cerekwe and the town hall with tower and bell were built on the gable side. In 1466 Georg von Podiebrad bequeathed Cerekwe including Čížkov to Václav von Leskovec. The northern suburb formed the Jewish quarter. Between 1760 and 1765 the Woracziczky von Pabienitz owned Cerekwe. The next owners were the lords of Rokos, who also owned the Pavlov estate and Wenzel Schulz, who had a castle built in Čížkov, and after him the Auersperg counts . Instead of the earlier brush factory, the Jew Gabriel built a potash factory in the 18th century. In 1790 a fire broke out there, which covered the entire eastern part of Cerekwe, including the church and the rectory, and reduced it to rubble. After the reconstruction, the church received a wooden bell tower. The rebuilding of the town hall was rejected by higher authorities and Cerekwe also had to relinquish his rights there after the establishment of the Pelhřimov criminal court . The owners of the Cerekwe estate, the Italian family di Arielli, had meat banks built on the market in 1796, which were later acquired by the Jewish community and turned into a Jewish private school, teaching the German language and the Jewish religion. On June 4, 1822, a fire broke out in a town house when grease was let out, which quickly spread and affected the church, the bell tower, the rectory, the school and 99 residential buildings. Five adults and three children died. 17 houses were saved from the conflagration during the extinguishing work. When it was rebuilt, the market was redesigned in that the houses were now built around the front of the square. In 1827, 27 residents died when the Red Ruhr broke out. Other landlords were the Baron von Jeník and from 1828 the Oppelt family, who leased the property to the father of the writer František Jaromír Rubeš . In 1835 the Prague citizen Martin Ringhoffer bought the estate. This was followed in 1841 by his son-in-law Ferdinand Walser. In 1836 the town had 1024 inhabitants, of which 839 were Catholics, 151 Jews and 34 non-Catholics.

After the abolition of patrimonial the market Nová Cerekvice formed from 1850 with the districts Chmelná a municipality in the district administration Pelhřimov. 1852–1853, the builder Stephan Walser, a brother of the landowner Ferdinand Walser, built the primary school building. He also planned and directed the renovation of the synagogue in 1855. In 1888 the train station was built north of the Jewish quarter. At the end of the 19th century the place name Nová Cerekev / New Cerekwe prevailed. In 1930 Chmelná broke up and formed its own municipality. In 1961 Stanovice was incorporated. Chmelná was incorporated in 1975 together with its district Myslov. In 1980 Markvarec and Proseč-Obořiště with the district Částkovice were connected to Nová Cerekev. Since October 10, 2006 Nová Cerekev has again the status of Městys .

Community structure

The Městys Nová Cerekev consists of the districts Částkovice ( Tschastkowitz ) Chmelná ( Chmelna ) Markvarec ( Markwaretz , older Mark Warts ) Myslov ( Mislow ), Nová Cerekev ( New Cerekwe ) Proseč-Obořiště ( Prosetsch Woborschischt even Prosetsch Neuhof ) and Stanovice ( Stanowitz ), which at the same time also form cadastral districts.


Synagogue in Nová Cerekev
  • Church of St. Thomas Becket at the market. It was modeled on the Church of St. Jakobus in Prague, it received its baroque form in 1758 under Antonia Theresia Woracziczky von Pabienitz. Adam Woracziczky auf Prčice had a family crypt built in the church, which was later renewed by Franz Helfried Count Woracziczky. The Lords of Rokos had pillars and arches as well as iron bars built into the dome of the church.
  • stately granary, it was later converted into a weaving mill and then into a residential building, today it houses the municipal administration
  • Synagogue , built in 1855 in the Moorish style by the master builder Stephan Walser
  • Jewish cemetery , here is the final resting place of the painter Alfred Justitz (1879–1934)
  • Market fountain
  • Marian column on the market
  • Proseč-Obořiště Castle, it was created by rebuilding a fortress that has been documented since 1398. It was built in the Renaissance style in the 16th century and redesigned in Baroque style in the 18th century
  • Havlíček oak near Proseč-Obořiště, the 500-year-old and 22 high tree has a trunk circumference of 5.60 m. It is named after Karel Havlíček Borovský , who met the forester's daughter Julie Sýkora at the oak.
  • Chapel of St. Rochus in Proseč-Obořiště
  • Pachtův Špejchar in Stanovice, a native of the 16th century storage building has remnants of Sgraffitoputz on
  • Chapel of the Virgin Mary's Cradle Festival in Stanovice, built 1905–1906 in place of a previous wooden building

Web links

Commons : Nová Cerekev  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. Český statistický úřad - The population of the Czech municipalities as of January 1, 2019 (PDF; 7.4 MiB)
  3. Antonin Profous: Místní jména v Čechách: Vznik jejich, Původ, význam a změny. Vol. I.-IV., Prague