Library of World Literature (Khudozestvennaya literatura)

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The Library of World Literature ( Russian Библиотека всемирной литературы Biblioteka wsemirnoi literatury ;. Scientific transliteration Biblioteka vsemirnoj literatury ; abbr. БВЛ / BWL) is one of the world literature dedicated 200-volume Russian book series , which in the years 1967 to 1977 by the publisher Chudoschestwennaja literatura ( "Schöngeistige Literatur") was published in the USSR . Numerous scholars and translators contributed to the series. The volumes are provided with detailed thematic introductions, comments and illustrations. The Library of World Literature appeared in three series, the first of the literature of the Ancient Near East , Greco-Roman Antiquity , the Middle Ages , the Renaissance , 17th and 18th centuries , the second of 19th century literature and the third dedicated to the 20th century . Various volumes are available online. A catalog on the library of world literature was published in 1979.


Preliminary remark: The following overview from - with minor deviations from the original - was primarily about the transparency of the works in the book series, not about a literal translation of the titles from Russian. Titles of specific individual works or the like were set in italics. The year of publication of the respective volume is given in brackets.

First row

Old Orient

  • 001 Poetry and Prose of the Ancient Orient. (1973)
Ancient Egyptian Literature , Sumerian and Babylonian Literature , Hittite Literature , Literature of Ancient China , Ancient Indian Literature , Ancient Iranian Literature , Hebrew Literature


  • 003 Homer : Iliad . Odyssey . (1967)
  • 004 Ancient texts. (1968)
  • 005 Ancient Dramas. (1970)

Middle Ages. Renaissance. 17th century

India; China; Japan
  • 018 Classical prose from the Far East. (1975)
Chinese prose from the 4th-18th centuries century
Korean classical prose
Vietnamese classic prose
Japanese classical prose
Rudaki , Nāsir-i Chusrau , Omar Khayyam , Rumi , Saadi , Hafiz , Jami
  • 022 Medieval romance and history. (1974)
Chrétien de Troyes : Yvain ou Le Chevalier au lion .
Chrétien de Troyes : Romance of Tristan and Isolde .
Chrétien de Troyes : Aucassin et Nicolette .
Wolfram von Eschenbach : Parzival .
Hartmann von Aue : Poor Heinrich .
Romeo and Juliet , Hamlet , Othello , King Lear , Macbeth , Antony and Cleopatra
Lope de Vega : Fuente Ovejuna ; El perro del hortelano ( The dog in the manger )
Tirso de Molina : El burlador de Sevilla o convidado de piedra ( The Seville Schalk or The Stone Guest )
Juan Ruiz de Alarcón : La verdad sospechosa ( The Suspicious Truth )
Pedro Caldéron : El príncipe constante ; La Dama duende ( Lady Leprechaun )
Agustín Moreto : No puede ser el guarder una mujer
The life of little Lazarus vom Tormes: and of his fate and adversity
Francisco de Quevedo : The Adventurous Life of Buscón
Luis Vélez de Guevara : El diablo cojuelo ( The Limping Devil )
Alonso de Castillo Solórzano : La garduña de Sevilla y anelo de las bolsas
Thomas Nashe : The Hapless Traveler or The Life of Jack Wilton

18th century

IV.-IX. Century; X.-XIII. Century; XIV.-XVII. Century; XVIII. century
A. Kantemir , W. Tredijakowski , M. Lomonossow , A. Sumarokow , W. Maikow , M. Cheraskow , I. Bogdanowitsch , M. Chemnizer , W. Kapnist , A. Radishchev , N. Lwow , M. Murawjew , Ju. Neledinski-Melezki , I. Krylow , N. Karamsin , I. Dmitrijew , G. Derschawin
MD Tschulkow : The attractive cook or the adventures of a depraved woman .
NI Novikov : painter . Third edition. 1775.
DI Fonwisin : A wealthy one . Notes from the first trip (letters from France). The story of the supposedly deaf and mute . Callisthenes . A friend of honest people or Starodum . A sincere admission of my actions and thoughts .
AN Radishchev . Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow .
IA Krylov . Kaib . A memorial speech in memory of my grandfather, spoken by his friend in the presence of his friends for a cup of punch .
NM Karamsin . Poor Lisa . Bornholm Island . Marfa, the governor or the submission of Novgorod .

Second row

19th century

Ukrainian literature - Belarusian literature - Moldovan literature - Latvian literature - Lithuanian literature - Estonian literature - Komi literature - Karelian literature - Jewish literature - Georgian literature - Armenian literature - Azerbaijani literature - Dagestan literature - Ossetian literature - Balkar literature - Tatar literature - Bashkir Literature - Kalmyk literature - Mari literature - Chuvash literature - Kazakh literature - Uzbek literature - Karakalpak literature - Turkmen literature - Tajik literature - Kyrgyz literature
  • 103 AS Pushkin : Poems. Seals. Fairy tale. (1977)
  • 104 AS Pushkin : Eugene Onegin . Dramatic works. Novels. Fairy tale. (1977)
  • 105 Russian poetry of the 19th century. Volume 1 (1974)
W. Schukowski , W. Pushkin , A. Merslyakov , M. Milonow , A. Turgenew , A. Wojeikow , D. Dawydow , I. Krylowv , K. Batjuschkow , N. Gneditsch , F. Glinka , P. Katenin , K. Rylejew , A. Bestuschew , W. Kjuchelbeker , A. Odojewski , P. Wjasemski , Je. Baratynski , A. Delwig , N. Jasykow , I. Koslow , A. Poleschajew , D. Wenewitinow , S. Schewyrew , A. Chomjakow , N. Zyganow , M. Suchanow , F. Tumanski , A. Rottschew , A. Weltman , A. Podolinski , S. Stromilow , N. Kukolnik , W. Benediktow , P. Jerschow , K. Aksakow , A. Kolzow
  • 106 Russian poetry of the 19th century. Volume 2 (1974)
F. Tyuttschew , K. Pavlova , Je. Grebenka , I. Mjatlew , E. Guber , Je. Rostoptschina , I. Turgenew , N. Ogarjow , A. Pleschtschejew , A. Maikow , A. Fet , A. Grigoryev , Ja. Polonsky , A. Tolstoy , Kosma Prutkow , I. Aksakow , L. Mei , N. Shcherbina , A. Rasorenow , I. Nikitin , N. Dobrolyubow , M. Michailow , W. Kurotschkin , D. Minajew , W. Bogdanow , P. Weinberg , L. Palmin , A. Shemchuschnikow , A. Ammossow , A. Nawrozki , P. Lavrov , I. Fedorow (Omulewski) , L. Trefolew , I. Surikow , S. Droschschin , D. Sadownikow , A. Borowikowski , P. Jakubowitsch , W. Figner , A. Barykowa , A. Apuchtin , K. Slutschewski , N. Minski , W. Solowjew , S. Nadson , K. Fofanow , M. Lochwizkaja , L. Radin
William Blake , Walter Scott , Samuel Taylor Coleridge , William Wordsworth , Robert Southey , Thomas Moore , George Gordon Byron , Percy Bysshe Shelley , John Keats

Third row

20th century

Mrs. Warren's trade ; Candida ; The devil student ; Caesar and Cleopatra ; Pygmalion ; House heart death ; Saint Joan (among others)

References and footnotes

  1. Chudoschestwennaja literatura / Художественная литература / Hudožestvennaâ literatura (Russian); Khudozhestvennaya Literatura (English)
  2. The titles of the works etc. included in the individual volumes would have to be supplemented (following the example of volume no. 5: Ancient Dramas).
  3. Le Couronnement de Louis (French)
  4. Le Charroi de Nîmes (French)
  5. Samson Agonistes (English)
  6. Михаил Дмитриевич Чулков (Russian)
  7. Что делать? (Russian)
  8. Молодая гвардия (Russian)


  • Elena Kalašnikova and Mascha Dabić (eds.): "Translators are the horses of the Enlightenment": In conversation: Russian translators of German literature : (Transculturality - Translation - Transfer) 2014 ( partial online view )
  • Harald Kittel (Ed.): Translation - Translation - Traduction. 3rd subband . DeGruyter 2011 ( partial online view )

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