June 2010

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This article covers breaking news and events in June 2010.

Daily events

Tuesday June 1, 2010

  • Besao / Philippines : At least 15 people are killed and 15 others are injured in a bus accident.

Wednesday June 2, 2010

Yukio Hatoyama

Thursday June 3, 2010

  • Dhaka / Bangladesh : In a major fire in which the flames spread over six residential buildings, at least 117 people are killed and more than 40 others are injured.
  • Moscow / Russia : Start of the Mars-500 flight simulation .
  • Sitges / Spain : The Bilderberg Group meets for its 58th conference.

Friday 4th June 2010

Naoto Kan

Saturday 5th June 2010

Sunday June 6, 2010

Jerzy Popiełuszko

Monday June 7, 2010

Tuesday June 8, 2010

Wednesday June 9, 2010

Mark Rutte

Thursday June 10, 2010

David Grossman (2007)

Friday June 11, 2010

Interim leadership of South Africa against Mexico

Saturday June 12, 2010

Robert Fico

Sunday June 13, 2010

Monday June 14, 2010

Tuesday June 15, 2010

TMA-19: Wheelock, Yurchichin, Walker

Wednesday June 16, 2010

Thursday June 17, 2010

Friday June 18, 2010

Matti Vanhanen

Saturday 19th June 2010

Sunday June 20, 2010

Juan Manuel Santos

Monday June 21, 2010

Tuesday June 22, 2010

Mari Kiviniemi

Wednesday June 23, 2010

Thursday June 24, 2010

Julia Gillard (2007)

Friday June 25, 2010

Saturday June 26, 2010

Sunday June 27, 2010

Jóhanna Sigurdardóttir

Monday June 28, 2010

Pierre Nkurunziza
Petr Nečas

Tuesday June 29, 2010

Wednesday June 30, 2010

Christian Wulff
Benigno Aquino III.

See also

Web links

Commons : June 2010  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. hindustantimes.com : 15 people killed in Philippines road accident ( Memento from June 5, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (English)
  2. ^ Spiegel.de: Attacks in Kabul - Taliban terror sabotaged Karzai's peace conference (accessed on June 3, 2010).
  3. tagesschau.de: Japan's Prime Minister Hatoyama resigns ( Memento from June 3, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (accessed on June 2, 2010).
  4. spiegel.de: Northern England - gunman shoots twelve people (accessed on June 2, 2010).
  5. ↑ Fire disasters in residential buildings in the past 15 years. In: nachrichten.at . June 14, 2017. Retrieved September 28, 2018 .
  6. ^ Diepresse.com: 58th "Bilderberg" Conference: The Secret of Sitges (accessed on July 5, 2010).
  7. bilderbergmeetings.org: Press release on the 58th Bilderberg Conference (accessed on July 5, 2010).
  8. spiegel.de: Change in Japan - Naoto Kan elected as the new head of government (accessed on June 4, 2010).
  9. kicker.de: Großwallstadt reaches European Cup - Kiel is champions (accessed on June 6, 2010)
  10. spiegel.de: Börne Medal of Honor for Reich-Ranicki - "I am an outsider" (accessed on June 6, 2010)
  11. kicker.de: Schiavone makes history (accessed on June 5, 2010)
  12. de.reuters.com: Slovenes approve border dispute agreement with Croatia (accessed on June 7, 2010).
  13. kicker.de: French Open: Söderling mourns the chances - revenge! Nadal again the King of Paris (accessed June 6, 2010)
  14. Solidarnosc priest Popieluszko is beatified on June 6th on kath.net (accessed on September 21, 2013)
  15. bundesregierung.de: Strengthening the pillars of our future ( Memento from July 4, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (accessed on June 24, 2010).
  16. tagesschau.de: First conviction against Union Carbide employees - prison sentences after toxic gas disaster in Bhopal ( Memento from June 10, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (accessed on June 8, 2010).
  17. spiegel.de: Klamme department store chain - investor Berggruen takes over Karstadt group (accessed on June 8, 2010).
  18. de.reuters.com: Ten NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan (accessed June 8, 2010).
  19. ^ First gay marriage in Portugal. In: Welt Online . June 7, 2010. Retrieved June 28, 2017 .
  20. 60 dead in attack in Pakistan. In: rp-online.de . December 19, 2010, accessed June 9, 2010 .
  21. tagesschau.de: Order worth billions at the ILA - Emirates buys 32 more Airbus A380s ( Memento from June 9, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (accessed June 8, 2010)
  22. telegraaf.nl: Tweede Kamer Verkiezingen 2010 (accessed on June 10, 2010).
  23. stern.de : 40 wedding guests died in a bomb explosion ( Memento from June 13, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  24. tagesschau.de: Brazil and Turkey vote against - Security Council resolves sanctions against Iran ( Memento of June 10, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (accessed on June 9, 2010).
  25. faz.net: Peace Prize Winner David Grossman - The Caller in the Desert (accessed on June 13, 2010).
  26. https://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idAFTRE65A5PA20100611
  27. Small particles found in the sample container of the Hayabusa ( English ) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency . June 6, 2010. Retrieved October 1, 2009.
  28. kicker.de: Tshabalala scores first World Cup goal - Marquez mimes spoils the game (accessed on June 11, 2010).
  29. sueddeutsche.de: USA: Tidal wave destroys camping site "Wie ein Tsunami" (accessed on June 12, 2010).
  30. faz.net: Slovakia - Opposition wins parliamentary election (accessed June 14, 2010).
  31. Another 39 dead in Mexico's drug war. In: focus.de . June 13, 2010, accessed June 1, 2019 .
  32. tagesspiegel.de: Iraq - 15 dead in attack on central bank in Baghdad (accessed on June 14, 2010).
  33. zeit.de: After the parliamentary elections - Belgium is falling apart (accessed on June 14, 2010).
  34. faz.net: Space - Hayabusa capsule brings asteroid dust (accessed on June 14, 2010)
  35. https://web.archive.org/web/20100616002051/http://www.kleinezeitung.at/nachrichten/chronik/2373866/mehr-40-tote-bei-schiffsunglueck-lösungen.story
  36. diepresse.com: Judgment: Arigona Zogaj now has to leave Austria (accessed on June 14, 2010)
  37. rian.ru: Manned Soyuz TMA-19 spacecraft in low-earth orbit (accessed November 20, 2010).
  38. ^ Koehler said goodbye with military honors. In: Spiegel Online . June 15, 2010, accessed March 18, 2017 .
  39. ^ Nzz.ch: London apologizes for "Bloody Sunday" - the 1972 deathshots in Northern Ireland "not justified" (accessed on June 16, 2010).
  40. sueddeutsche.de: Drug War - More than 40 dead in one day (accessed on June 16, 2010).
  41. stern.de: Southern France - Heavy rains claim eleven deaths (accessed on June 16, 2010).
  42. welt.de: Misfortune - eleven dead in a train collision in northern Mexico (accessed on June 16, 2010).
  43. spiegel.de: Southeast Asia - More than a hundred people die in storms (accessed on June 17, 2010).
  44. https://www.stern.de/news/bis-zu-70-tote-nach-grubenunglueck-in-kolumbien-befuerchtet-3279294.html
  45. EU summit in Brussels gives the green light - accession negotiations with Iceland can begin ( Memento from June 18, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  46. tagesspiegel.de: Middle East conflict - Israel wants to ease Gaza blockade (accessed June 17, 2010).
  47. ^ Diepresse.com: Oil spill: BP has to pay $ 20 billion (accessed on June 17, 2010).
  48. https://www.diepresse.com/575161/turkei-22-tote-bei-gefechten-mit-pkk-rebellen
  49. Finland's future head of government: Hard-working and honest Finland's future head of government is called Mari Kiviniemi / She replaces Matti Vanhanen, who is involved in a party donation scandal. (Accessed June 22, 2010).
  50. ^ Zeit.de: Albertinum reopened as Haus der Moderne (accessed on June 19, 2010).
  51. de.reuters.com: Twelve dead in US drone attack in Pakistan (accessed June 19, 2010).
  52. ^ Abendblatt.de: More than 130 dead in floods (accessed on June 21, 2010).
  53. focus.de: Crown Princess Victoria married on June 19, 2010 (accessed on June 19, 2010).
  54. derstandard.at: Israel does not allow German ministers to enter Gaza (accessed June 19, 2010).
  55. https://www.bbc.com/news/10360154
  56. stern.de: Election in Colombia - Santos wins in the shadow of Uribe (accessed on June 21, 2010).
  57. A Tour of the Rain and the Spectacle. In: tagesanzeiger.ch . June 21, 2010. Retrieved May 29, 2017 .
  58. ^ Dacapo for Komorowski versus Kaczynski ( Memento from July 21, 2010 on WebCite ) (accessed on June 21, 2010).
  59. focus.de: China - Dozens of miners killed in mining accident (accessed on June 21, 2010).
  60. tagesspiegel.de: Accident - Many dead in train accident in the Congo (accessed on June 22, 2010).
  61. derstandard.at: Northeast Brazil - 32 dead after floods (accessed on June 22, 2010).
  62. stern.de: Mari Kiviniemi new Prime Minister - Finnish Parliament elects Vanhanen's successor (accessed on June 22, 2010).
  63. ^ Nationalstiftung.de: German-Polish “bridge builders” are honored (accessed on June 24, 2010; PDF; 87 kB).
  64. https://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2010/s2935655.htm
  65. spiegel.de: Catalonia - Spanish express train races in youth group - several dead (accessed on June 24, 2010).
  66. stern.de: Tennis in Wimbledon: Longest match in the world ends at 70:68 (accessed on June 24, 2010).
  67. Official Documents: 2010 Muskoka Summit. In: g8.utoronto.ca, University of Toronto . Retrieved April 3, 2017 .
  68. spiegel.de: Basic judgment of the BGH - Die and let die (accessed on June 25, 2010).
  69. derstandard.at: Oppositionist wins election in Somaliland (accessed on July 3, 2010).
  70. zeit.de: Referendum - Kyrgyz people vote for a new constitution (accessed on June 28, 2010).
  71. derstandard.at: Election in Guinea - Former Prime Minister Diallo won first round (accessed on July 3, 2010).
  72. zeit.de: Peter Wawerzinek wins 34th Ingeborg Bachmann Prize (accessed on June 27, 2010).
  73. welt.de: Brakes fail - 25 dead in a serious bus accident in Bolivia (accessed on June 28, 2010).
  74. Iceland legalizes gay marriage: Prime Minister marries woman. In: n-tv.de . June 28, 2010. Retrieved June 28, 2017 .
  75. sueddeutsche.de: For “Ötzi” there is a finder's reward of 175,000 euros ( memento from June 30, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (accessed on June 28, 2010).
  76. taz.de: Election in Burundi - Nkurunziza's saddle wobbles (accessed on July 4, 2010).
  77. news.orf.at: Over 20 dead in floods in Romania (accessed on June 29, 2010).
  78. hzg.de : The shutdown of the research reactor FRG-1 and new perspectives for materials research ( Memento from September 22, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  79. de.rian.ru: Compressed gas cylinder exploded in Hyderabad, Pakistan: 18 dead (accessed on June 28, 2010).
  80. ^ Faz.net: Czech Republic - Klaus appoints Necas as new Prime Minister (accessed June 28, 2010).
  81. diepresse.com: Hungary has a new president (accessed on June 29, 2010).
  82. Christian Wulff elected Federal President (accessed on September 21, 2013).
  83. industriemagazin.net, Weka Holding GmbH & Co. KG : 518 million euros fine, 22 million euros for voestalpine ( Memento from July 5, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  84. focus.de: Philippines - Benigno Aquino sworn in as new President (accessed on June 30, 2010).