Harrison Henry Atwood

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Harrison Henry Atwood

Harrison Henry Atwood (born August 26, 1863 in North Londonderry , Windham County , Vermont , †  October 22, 1954 in Boston , Massachusetts ) was an American politician . Between 1895 and 1897 he represented the state of Massachusetts in the US House of Representatives .


Harrison Atwood attended public schools in Boston. After studying architecture, he began to work there as an architect. At the same time he embarked on a political career as a member of the Republican Party . From 1887 to 1889 he was a member of the House of Representatives from Massachusetts ; in 1889 and 1890 he was a municipal architect in Boston. Atwood was both a member of the Republican state board (1887-1889) and the board of the Boston Metropolitan Party (1888-1894). In 1888 and 1892 he was a delegate to the respective Republican National Conventions , at each of which Benjamin Harrison was nominated as a presidential candidate.

In the congressional elections of 1894 Atwood was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the tenth constituency of Massachusetts , where he succeeded Michael J. McEttrick on March 4, 1895 . Since he was no longer nominated for re-election in 1896, he could only serve one term in Congress until March 3, 1897 . After the end of his time in the US House of Representatives, Atwood worked again as an architect in Boston. Between 1915 and 1928 he was a member of the state parliament several times. In 1918 he sought his return to Congress without success. From 1938 he lived in Wellesley Hills . Harrison Atwood died in Boston on October 22, 1954.

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