Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México

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Mexico City and Metropolitan Area

The Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México , abbreviated ZMVM , is the metropolitan region around the Mexican capital Mexico City ( Ciudad de México ). In addition to the capital with 16 administrative districts, it includes 41 agglomeration communities in the Valley of Mexico , one of which is in the state of Hidalgo , the rest in the state of México . According to the 2010 census carried out by the Mexican National Institute for Statistics and Geography INEGI , the area has about 22 million people. H. around a fifth of the Mexican population. According to the UN in 2012, it is one of the most populated agglomerations in the world and the second largest in Latin America (7954 km²), only surpassed by the dual state metropolitan region of San Diego-Tijuana (12,496 km²).

The region suffers from severe environmental problems . The water supply of the population is threatened by overuse of groundwater , lowering of the groundwater level , the risk of flooding and a lack of sewage treatment plants . Air quality is affected by smog due to frequent inversion weather conditions. Additional problems arise from the confusing distribution of political responsibilities between the state-wide federal government , the state of México and the administrations of the respective municipalities .

Institutional structure

16 administrative districts (Delegaciones) of Mexico City
40 Municipios of the State of México
1 Municipio of the state of Hidalgo

Additional municipalities and regions

The following 18 municipalities are not yet fully integrated into the general urban planning of Mexico City, but are taken into account in the majority of urban projects to improve air and water quality:

In addition, the following planning regions (Spanish: Región natural ), which are provided with Roman numerals and mainly serve statistical purposes, are partly in the metropolitan area of ​​Mexico City:

Individual evidence

  1. ^ INEGI: Delimitación de las zonas metropolitanas de México . First edition November 2004. ISBN 970-13-3675-5
  2. ^ The World's Cities in 2016 UN . P. 11
  3. ^ Mexico City's Water Supply. Improving the Outlook for Sustainability. National Academy Press. Washington, DC 1995

Web links

Commons : Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México  - Collection of images, videos and audio files