Hammer mill (Overath)

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Hammer mill
City of Overath
Coordinates: 50 ° 56 ′ 28 ″  N , 7 ° 17 ′ 57 ″  E
Height : 96 m above sea level NN
Area : 213 km²
Hammer mill (Overath)
Hammer mill

Location of Hammermühle in Overath

Image of hammer mill

Hammermühle is a district of Overath in the Rheinisch-Bergisches Kreis in North Rhine-Westphalia , Germany . The living space was the location of a flour mill , a hammer mill , an ironworks and a hydroelectric power station .

Location and description

The hamlet of Hammermühle is located above the Agger between the federal highway 55 (which is called Kölner Straße here ), the Cologne - Gummersbach railway line and the A4 motorway junction . It is a 213,000 m 2 , fully built-up industrial area . The Burghof commercial and industrial park and the Diepenbroich commercial area are nearby .


The hammer mill on the Agger near Overath was first the location of a ban mill , the Großbernsauer mill . In the course of its history, the mill was used as a grain, oil , hammer and saw mill, as well as a hydroelectric power station and was also called Unteracher Mühle .

On November 12, 1667, the Bergisch Duke Palatine Philipp Wilhelm granted Johann Adolf Freiherr von Wylich zu Großbernsau permission to build an ironworks with an attached hammer mill by the mill. For this purpose the moat of the mill was extended in response to protests and complaints from the Altbernsauer owners of the Altmühle, and the Diepenbroich brook also supplied water. The ore for the ironworks came from the Kaltenbach ore district in Ostberg .

In 1719 the hammer mill was taken out of operation, but leased again a few years later and mentioned again in 1769. In the 18th century the hammer mill was converted into a flour mill.

The watermill is shown on the chart of the Duchy of Berg by Carl Friedrich von Wiebeking as a mill symbol from 1789, but it is not labeled. The map shows that the place was part of the Honschaft Burg in the parish of Overath at that time .

In 1806, with the Napoleonic occupation, the mill obligation was lifted and the operators got into financial difficulties as a result. The settlement area near the hammer mill is recorded on the topographical survey of the Rhineland from 1817 as Hammer M. with a mill symbol. The Prussian first recording from 1845 shows the residential area under the name Hammer. From the Prussian new admission of 1892 the place is regularly recorded on measuring table sheets as Hammer M. or Hammermühle .

1822 four people lived in a hammer - mill categorized place that after the collapse of the Napoleonic administration and its replacement for the mayoralty Overath in district Mülheim on the Rhine belonged. Also for the year 1830 four inhabitants are given for the place called Hammer-Mühle .

The population list of Overath for the year 1843 shows three residents for Hammermühle No. 43: The 28-year-old miller Heinrich Bonn and the maids Catharina Frings (26) and Gertraud Tente (29), all Catholic. Also in 1845, according to the survey of the government district of Cöln, categorized as a mill and called Hammer-Mühle , the place had a residential building with three residents, all of whom were Catholic. The municipal and Gutbezirksstatistik the Rhine Province leads hammer mill 1871 with a dwelling house and ten inhabitants.

The address book from 1885-88 indicates an owner J. Schuhmacher. In the municipality lexicon for the province of Rhineland from 1888, a house with eleven inhabitants is given for Hammermühle . In 1895 the place had a house with 16 inhabitants, in 1905 one house and eleven inhabitants are given.

A sawmill was set up in 1895, and in 1910 electricity was generated in the plant using water power from a generator . The hydroelectric power station was the first public power supply in Overath to supply the town with electrical energy . In 1913, the Marialinden district was also connected to the local power grid.

The power plant was shut down in the second half of the 20th century and the name was transferred to the industrial park that was created on site . Only a house and parts of the mill ditch remained from the mill.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Herbert Nicke : Bergische Mühlen. On the trail of the use of hydropower in the land of a thousand mills between Wupper and Sieg . Galunder, Wiehl 1998, ISBN 3-931251-36-5 , pp. 274 f .
  2. ^ Wilhelm Fabricius  : Explanations for the Historical Atlas of the Rhine Province ; Second volume: The map of 1789. Division and development of the territories from 1600 to 1794 ; Bonn; 1898
  3. Alexander A. Mützell: New topographical-statistical-geographical dictionary of the Prussian state . tape 2 . Karl August Künnel, Halle 1821.
  4. Friedrich von RestorffTopographical-statistical description of the Royal Prussian Rhine Province , Nicolai, Berlin and Stettin 1830
  5. Berthold Gladbach, Peter Lückerath: The Overather population in name tax and residents lists from the 15th to the 20th century , p. 135. Ed .: Bergischer Geschichtsverein Rhein-Berg, Bergisch Gladbach 2016, ISBN 978-3-932326- 75-2 .
  6. Overview of the components and list of all the localities and individually named properties of the government district of Cologne: by districts, mayor's offices and parishes, with information on the number of people and the residential buildings, as well as the Confessions, Jurisdictions, Military and former state conditions. / ed. from the Royal Government of Cologne [Cologne], [1845]
  7. Royal Statistical Bureau Prussia (ed.): The communities and manor districts of the Prussian state and their population . The Rhine Province, No. XI . Berlin 1874.
  8. Königliches Statistisches Bureau (Prussia) (Ed.): Community encyclopedia for the Rhineland Province, based on the materials of the census of December 1, 1885 and other official sources, (Community encyclopedia for the Kingdom of Prussia, Volume XII), Berlin 1888.
  9. Königliches Statistisches Bureau (Prussia) (Ed.): Community encyclopedia for the Rhineland Province, based on the materials of the census of December 1, 1895 and other official sources, (Community encyclopedia for the Kingdom of Prussia, Volume XII), Berlin 1897.
  10. Königliches Statistisches Bureau (Prussia) (Ed.): Community encyclopedia for the Rhineland Province, based on the materials of the census of December 1, 1905 and other official sources, (Community encyclopedia for the Kingdom of Prussia, Volume XII), Berlin 1909.

Web links

Commons : Hammermühle (Overath)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files