Lindsay Shoop

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Lindsay Shoop (born September 25, 1981 in Charlottesville , Virginia ) is a former American rower . She is an Olympic and three-time world champion.

Shoop started rowing in 2002. In her first major international championship participation in 2005 in Gifu , she was fourth in the world championship with the American eighth and together with Caroline Lind sixth in the two-man world championship without a helmsman . In 2006 she started the World Cup season together with Anna Goodale in a double without a helmsman, but then moved to eighth, at the World Championships in Eton she won the gold medal with eighth. 2007 was similar: at the first World Cup she was seventh in the uncontrolled two with Goodale, at the World Cup finals in Lucerne and at the World Championships in Munich she was eighth. In 2008 Shoop only rowed internationally at the World Cup regatta in Lucerne and at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing and won each time with the US eighth. At the 2009 World Championships , Shoop won her last title with eighth, then she retired.

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