Jonzac arrondissement

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Jonzac arrondissement
region Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Department Charente-Maritime
Sub-prefecture Jonzac
Residents 68,019 (Jan. 1, 2017)
Population density 39 inhabitants / km²
surface 1,740.05 km²
Communities 129
INSEE code 171

Location of the Jonzac arrondissement in the Charente-Maritime department

The arrondissement Jonzac is an administrative unit of the Charente-Maritime department in the French region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine . Jonzac is the sub-prefecture .

It comprises 129 communes in four cantons (constituencies).


  1. Jonzac
  2. Pons
  3. Les Trois Monts
  4. Thénac (with 4 out of 25 municipalities)


1. Agudelle (17002) 2. Allas-Bocage (17005) 3. Allas-Champagne (17006) 4. Archiac (17016)
5. Arthenac (17020) 6. Avy (17027) 7. Bedenac (17038) 8. Belluire (17039)
9. Biron (17047) 10. Bois (17050) 11. Boisredon (17052) 12. Boresse-et-Martron (17054)
13. Boscamnant (17055) 14. Bougneau (17056) 15. Bran (17061) 16. Brie-sous-Archiac (17066)
17. Brives-sur-Charente (17069) 18. Bussac-Forêt (17074) 19. Celles (17076) 20. Cercoux (17077)
21. Chadenac (17078) 22. Chamouillac (17081) 23. Champagnac (17082) 24. Champagnolles (17084)
25. Chartuzac (17092) 26. Chatenet (17095) 27. Chaunac (17096) 28. Chepniers (17099)
29. Chevanceaux (17104) 30. Cierzac (17106) 31. Clam (17108) 32. Clérac (17110)
33. Clion (17111) 34. Consac (17116) 35. Corignac (17118) 36. Coulonges (17122)
37. Courpignac (17129) 38th Coux (17130) 39. Échebrune (17145) 40. Expiremont (17156)
41. Fléac-sur-Seugne (17159) 42. Fontaines-d'Ozillac (17163) 43. Germignac (17175) 44. Givrezac (17178)
45. Guitinières (17187) 46. Jarnac-Champagne (17192) 47. Jonzac (17197) 48. Jussas (17199)
49. La Barde (17033) 50. La Clotte (17113) 51. La Genétouze (17173) 52. Le Fouilloux (17167)
53. Le Pin (17276) 54. Léoville (17204) 55. Lonzac (17209) 56. Lorignac (17210)
57. Lussac (17215) 58. Marignac (17220) 59. Mazerolles (17227) 60. Mérignac (17229)
61. Messac (17231) 62. Meux (17233) 63. Mirambeau (17236) 64. Montendre (17240)
65. Montguyon (17241) 66. Montlieu-la-Garde (17243) 67. Mortiers (17249) 68. Mosnac (17250)
69. Neuillac (17258) 70. Neulles (17259) 71. Neuvicq (17260) 72. Nieul-le-Virouil (17263)
73. Orignolles (17269) 74. Ozillac (17270) 75. Pérignac (17273) 76. Plassac (17279)
77. Polignac (17281) 78. Pommiers-Moulons (17282) 79. Pons (17283) 80. Pouillac (17287)
81. Réaux sur Trèfle (17295) 82. Rouffignac (17305) 83. Saint-Aigulin (17309) 84. Saint-Bonnet-sur-Gironde (17312)
85. Saint-Ciers-Champagne (17316) 86. Saint-Ciers-du-Taillon (17317) 87. Saint-Dizant-du-Bois (17324) 88. Saint-Dizant-du-Gua (17325)
89. Sainte-Colombe (17319) 90. Sainte-Lheurine (17355) 91st Sainte-Ramée (17390) 92. Saint-Eugène (17326)
93. Saint-Fort-sur-Gironde (17328) 94. Saint-Genis-de-Saintonge (17331) 95. Saint-Georges-Antignac (17332) 96. Saint-Georges-des-Agoûts (17335)
97. Saint-Germain-de-Lusignan (17339) 98. Saint-Germain-de-Vibrac (17341) 99. Saint-Germain-du-Seudre (17342) 100. Saint-Grégoire-d'Ardennes (17343)
101. Saint-Hilaire-du-Bois (17345) 102. Saint-Léger (17354) 103. Saint-Maigrin (17357) 104. Saint-Martial-de-Mirambeau (17362)
105. Saint-Martial-de-Vitaterne (17363) 106. Saint-Martial-sur- Ne (17364) 107. Saint-Martin-d'Ary (17365) 108. Saint-Martin-de-Coux (17366)
109. Saint-Médard (17372) 110. Saint-Palais-de-Négrignac (17378) 111. Saint-Palais-de-Phiolin (17379) 112. Saint-Pierre-du-Palais (17386)
113. Saint-Quantin-de-Rançanne (17388) 114. Saint-Seurin-de-Palenne (17398) 115. Saint-Sigismond-de-Clermont (17402) 116. Saint-Simon-de-Bordes (17403)
117. Saint-Sorlin-de-Conac (17405) 118. Saint-Thomas-de-Conac (17410) 119. Salignac-de-Mirambeau (17417) 120. Salignac-sur-Charente (17418)
121. Semillac (17423) 122. Semoussac (17424) 123. Soubran (17430) 124. Souméras (17432)
125. Sousmoulins (17433) 126. Tugéras-Saint-Maurice (17454) 127. Vanzac (17458) 128. Vibrac (17468)
129. Villexavier (17476)

Reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017

Arrondissement adjustments in 2017

As a result of the reorganization of the arrondissements in 2017, the arrondissement Saintes became the area of ​​the 17 municipalities Avy , Belluire , Biron , Bougneau , Brives-sur-Charente , Chadenac , Coulonges , Échebrune , Fléac-sur-Seugne , Marignac , Mazerolles , Pérignac , Assigned to the arrondissement of Jonzac, Pons , Saint-Léger , Saint-Quantin-de-Rançanne , Saint-Seurin-de-Palenne and Salignac-sur-Charente .

Former municipalities since the nationwide reorganization of the cantons