List of streets in Freising

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The list of streets lists all street names in the municipality of Freising and provides an explanation of the origin of the name.

Street name District Naming
Abelestrasse Freising Eugen Abele , German pastor and local researcher, dealt in particular with the history of the Freising Domberg
Achering Achering -
Acheringer Hauptstrasse Achering -
Acheringer Strasse Pulling Road towards Achering
Adalbert-Stifter-Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Adalbert Stifter , Austrian writer, painter and educator
Adlerstrasse Sünzhausen Eagle
Adolf-Kolping-Strasse Attaching Adolph Kolping , priest, founder of the Kolping Society
Ahornweg Freising Maples
Albert-Brey-Strasse Freising Albert Brey; Pastor of St. George ; Involved in the handover of Freising to the American troops at the end of the Second World War; Located in the Steinpark on the site of the former General von Stein barracks
Albert-Sigismund-Strasse Freising Albrecht Sigismund of Bavaria , Prince-Bishop of Freising
Alexander von Humboldt Way Freising Alexander von Humboldt , German naturalist
Avenue street Freising-Neustift tree-lined short connecting path ( avenue )
Alois-Steinecker-Strasse Freising Alois Steinecker , building contractor from Freising
Alpine road Freising Alps
Old Academy Freising-Weihenstephan leads to the administration building of the Technical University of Munich in Freising, former academy building
Old Post Street Freising-Neustift Former road in the direction of Landshut on which the Imperial Post Office operated; Previously Neustiftergasse ; replaced by Landshuter Straße
Altenhauser footpath Freising-Neustift Former footpath to Altenhausen
Altenhauser Strasse Freising-Neustift Road from Freising to Altenhausen
Old mountain Haindlfing Former connection road towards Freising, which leads up from the Ampertal
At the Anger Attaching Anger
At the Angerbach Freising-Lerchenfeld after the Angerbach
Am Angerl Hohenbachern little anger
At the quarry pond Pulling Pullinger pond
On the embankment Pulling performs at the Munich-Regensburg railway along
At the Büchl Freising old town Büchl is a Bavarian word for hill, leading to a small elevation, the forge on Büchl is mentioned as early as 1263
On the high field Hohenbachern Hallway name Hochfeld
At the Hochrain Hohenbachern according to rain (border strip or ridge), cf. Field
At the court garden Freising-Weihenstephan Here was the courtyard garden of the Weihenstephan monastery
At the wood field Haindlfing opens up a small forest, wood was the name of a small piece of forest in community ownership
At the Isardamm Achering leads from the Acheringer Hauptstraße in the direction of the Isar
At the Kneipp garden Freising This is where the Kneipp club is located
At Kreuzfeld Hohenbachern old field name, possibly derived from the shape of a field
At the Kuhberg Freising-Tuching possibly after the cows that were driven from Tuching to Attaching
At the kitchen field Haindlfing leads to the kitchen fields,
At the Lohmühlbach Freising-Lerchenfeld after the stream that drives the former Lohmühle and runs here
At Mitterfeld Freising-Vötting Middle field , either geographically the middle field, or the middle field in three- field farming
At the Moosanger Pulling originally Am Anger (see above), but renamed with the incorporation to Freising to differentiate it from the street Am Anger in Freising
At Neugereuth Freising-Lerchenfeld Field name after reuten for gaining new soil through clearing
At the sheep farm Freising leads to the sheep farm
At the Schleiferbach Freising runs along the Schleiferbach that after a grinding mill is named
On the way to school Pulling leads to the Pullinger School
At the swimming pool Freising-Lerchenfeld Freising outdoor pool
At the Sonnenbichl Freising-Neustift Field name, Bichl / Büchl is a Bavarian word for hill, the Sonnenbichl was a hallway on the sunny side of a hill
At the Sonnenfeld Freising-Vötting Field name, a sun field was a field that lay fallow for several years during the three-field economy
At the sports field Attaching -
At the perennial garden Freising-Weihenstephan Street at Weihenstephan Sightseeing Garden
At the Stengerbach Freising-Lerchenfeld The Stengerbach, today the Angerbach, ran here
At the Strassfeld Tüntenhausen Field name, a field directly on the road
At the Vogelherd Freising here was fowling operated
At the bird sand Sünzhausen probably derived from field names
At the Forest Haindlfing short dead-end road at the edge of the forest
At the edge of the forest Freising runs along the forest surrounding Freising to the north
At the Weiherfeld Tüntenhausen Field name, possibly a pond for fire-fighting water was here
Am Wörth Freising The word Wörth describes an overgrown flat island. In this case, this island is formed by two charms of moss.
Amperleite Erlau lies in the amperleite
Amperweg Haindlfing leads from Haindlfing into the Ampertal
Amselstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Blackbird , species of bird in the thrush family
Amselweg Pulling Blackbird , species of bird in the thrush family
District Court Alley Freising old town leads from Untere Hauptstraße to the former building of the Freising District Court
On the Goldach Attaching leads along the Goldach
On the Moosach Freising-Neustift The cul-de-sac to Moosach
At the mill Freising-Vötting branches off from Mühlenweg, which takes its name from the former mill
Angerbadergasse Freising old town Location of one of Freising's four baths, the Angerbad (after Anger )
Angerbrunnenstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Hallway name, location of drinking fountains for the cattle
Angererweg Freising-Neustift Joseph Angerer , Rococo sculptor
Angermaierstrasse Freising-Neustift Georg Angermaier (1858–1908), merchant and honored citizen of Neustift
Angerstrasse Freising Field name, Anger , former street to Munich
Annenhofstrasse Freising probably derived from an earlier farm name
Apothekergasse Freising old town after the nearby court pharmacy, in the 19th century also Morogäßchen after the merchant Leonhart Moro from Northern Italy who lived here
Aribostrasse Freising-Neustift Aribo von Freising , Bishop of Freising
Arndtstrasse Freising-Neustift Ernst Moritz Arndt , writer and member of the Frankfurt National Assembly
Asamstrasse Freising-Neustift Hans Georg Asam , Baroque church painter
Branch Branch -
Attachinger way Freising-Lerchenfeld named after the Attaching district to which it previously led
Auenstrasse Freising runs near the Isar floodplain
Bachinger moss Freising-Vötting Hallway name
Bachstrasse Freising-Vötting crosses the Moosach
Badgasse Pulling is near the bathing lake, spring road until 1981
Bahnhofplatz Freising Forecourt of Freising train station
Bahnhofstrasse Freising old town leads from the city center to the train station; Formerly Münchner Strasse
Bahnstrasse Pulling leads from the village center to the stop on the railway line
Baumgartnerstrasse Freising-Vötting Anton Baumgärtner , German teacher and local researcher
Mountain road Sünzhausen leads up a slope
Beaver Street Freising Ludwig Biber, builder and master mason, location of the brickworks, later bought by Alois Steinecker
Biernerstrasse Freising Stephan Bierner , Mayor of Freising
Birkenstrasse Pulling Birch trees , deciduous trees
Birknerstrasse Freising-Vötting Rudolf Birkner (1877–1938), professor at the teacher training institute, researching local history, founder and head of the city archive
Bismarckstrasse Freising-Neustift Otto von Bismarck , German politician and statesman
Flower Street Freising-Weihenstephan lies at the university gardens, in the Middle Ages the Oxenweg was probably the way to Dürnast
Bourdon Street Freising after the Bourdon military cemetery in northern France, where over 400 Freising people are buried
Curlew Trail Freising-Lerchenfeld Curlew
Brennergasse Freising old town after the merchant Franziskus Prenner (around 1750), before that Seehausgäßchen after the mayor Kaspar Seehauser (citizenship acquired in 1650)
Brunnhausgasse Freising old town Here a pumping station with a water wheel was operated in the Moosach to supply the Domberg with water
Brunnwiesenstrasse Pulling Field name, after the damp meadows around Pulling
Brücklangerstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Flurbezeichen, Anger on a bridge over an oxbow lake of the Isar
Buchenweg Freising Beech , deciduous tree
Burgrainerstrasse Freising Dominion Burgrain , exclave of the Hochstift Freising
Bohemian Forest Road Freising-Lerchenfeld Bohemian Forest , origin of many expellees who found a new home in Lerchenfeld
Mayor-Limmer-Weg Freising-Neustift Mathias Limmer, first and last mayor of Neustift before incorporation into Freising
Camerloherstrasse Freising Placidus von Camerloher , German composer
Carl-Dettenhofer-Strasse Freising Carl Dettenhofer; Involved in the handover of Freising to the American troops at the end of the Second World War; located in the Steinpark on the site of the former General von Stein barracks ; Hotelier of the Hotel Bayerischer Hof
Carl-Orff-Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Carl Orff , German composer
Christopher-Paudiß-Platz Freising old town Christopher Paudiß , painter; The space between the Heiliggeispital and the boys' school was previously called “Im Barthof”, but it was lost between 1920 and 1950. The square was created with the demolition of buildings in 1962.
Clemensweg Freising-Lerchenfeld Clemens Wenzeslaus of Saxony
Clement singer ring Freising-Lerchenfeld Clemens Wenzeslaus of Saxony , Prince-Bishop of Freising, allocated landless Freisingern plots in the moss
Causeway Seilerbrückl leads to the flood dam on the Isar
Deutingerstrasse Freising named after Martin Deutinger (Catholic theologian and philosopher) and Martin von Deutinger (Catholic clergyman and Bavarian historian)
Toompea Freising old town Name of all streets and paths on the Freisinger Domberg
Village street Attaching -
Dr.-Carl-Kraus-Strasse Freising-Weihenstephan Carl Kraus , German crop scientist and plant breeder
Dr.-Hans-Eisenmann-Strasse Freising-Weihenstephan Hans Eisenmann , politician
Dr.-Hans-Raum-Strasse Freising-Weihenstephan Hans Raum , German crop scientist and agricultural historian
Dr.-Holzner-Weg Freising-Vötting Georg Holzner , professor at what was then the Central School Weihenstephan
Dr.-Karl-Schuster-Strasse Freising-Weihenstephan Karl Schuster , German brewing scientist
Dr.-von-Daller-Strasse Freising-Neustift Balthasar von Daller , Catholic clergyman, teacher and member of parliament; previously Kasernenstrasse, as it led to the barracks in the Neustift monastery
Throttle path Freising-Weihenstephan Thrushes , a family of birds in the order of the passerine birds
Ducat way Untergartelshausen
Dürnasterweg Hohenbachern leads to Gut Dürnast
Dürneck Dürneck -
Dürnecker Strasse Pulling led to the construction of a new railway bridge to Dürneck
Düwellstrasse Freising Karl von Düwell ; Commander of the 1st Reserve Jäger Battalion, which was stationed in Freising
Eberhartsweg Tüntenhausen Saint Eberhard see Shepherd's Path
Eckerstrasse Freising-Neustift Johann Franz Eckher von Kapfing and Liechteneck , Prince-Bishop of Freising
Edenhofen Edenhofen -
Egilbertstrasse Freising-Vötting Egilbert von Moosburg , Bishop of Freising
Eichelberg Haindlfing Field name, acorn , fruit of the oak
Eichendorffstrasse Freising Joseph von Eichendorff , German romantic poet and writer
Oak path Sünzhausen Oak , tree
Kingfisher Trail Freising-Lerchenfeld kingfisher
Emil Erlenmeyer Forum Freising-Weihenstephan Emil Erlenmeyer , chemist
Emil-Ramann-Strasse Freising-Weihenstephan Emil Ramann , holder of the Chair for Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science at the University of Munich and Head of the Department Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry at the Bavarian Forest Research Institute, co-founder of soil science as a science.
Erdinger Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld until the construction of the bypass roads connecting road to Erding
Erlau Erlau -
Erlauerstrasse Haindlfing leads to Erlau
Erlenweg Freising Alder , tree
Ash grove Pulling Ash , deciduous tree; Grove , small piece of forest
Eschenweg Seilerbrückl Ash , deciduous tree
Owl Way Freising-Lerchenfeld Owls , bird
Fabrikstrasse Freising Former location of the brewery equipment manufacturer Anton Steinecker (today Krones AG with a factory in Attaching)
Falkenstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Falcon , bird of prey
Fasanenweg Freising-Lerchenfeld Pheasant , species of bird
Feichtmayrstrasse Freising-Tuching Franz Xaver Feichtmayr , plasterer in the Neustift monastery church
Field drive Freising leads to the fields west of Freising
Feldhof Feldhof single yard in the middle of fields
Fellererstrasse Freising Carl Fellerer (1866–1955), councilor, pharmacist, local researcher and supervisor of the local history museum, re-establishment of the historical association after the Second World War
Ferdinand-Zwack-Strasse Freising Ferdinand Zwack (* 1877 in Waldmünchen; † 1944 in Freising), master carpenter, innkeeper, city councilor, founder of the general building cooperative Freising
Fichtenweg Freising Spruce , conifer
Finkengasse Pulling Finches , bird
Finkenstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Finches , bird
Fischergasse Freising old town Alley along the open Stadtmoosach where fishermen used to do their business
Lilac Street Freising Lilac , shrub
Lilac way Pulling Lilac , shrub
Hallway Pulling Hall
Franzheimer Strasse Attaching led to the demolished Franzheim settlement (because of the airport construction)
Freisinger Allee Airport Connection road from Nordallee to the B301 and thus towards Freising
Freisinger Strasse Haindlfing leads to Freising
Spring road Freising Spring , season
Furtnergasse Freising old town Here was the cellar of the Furtnerbräu (today's AOK), which in turn takes its name from a brewer Furthner
Fürstendamm Freising Flood dam built by Bishop Philipp von der Pfalz , who protected the city from the floods of Moosach and Isar
Ganzenmüllerstrasse Freising Theodor Ganzenmüller , mechanical engineer and university professor for brewery technology
Gartelshausen Gartelshausen -
garden garden -
Gartener Strasse Haindlfing leads towards the garden
gardenstreet Freising Bishop Ernst of Bavaria made an area for gardens available to freising residents who had no real estate; A path called Oberer Krautgarten runs parallel to it
Gaymannstrasse Freising Conrad Gaymann, founder of the Heiliggeistspital
General-von-Nagel-Strasse Freising old town Continuation of Landshuter Strasse into the city center, named in 1912 after Heinrich Joseph Freiherr von Nagel zu Aichberg (1833–1910); Commander of the 3rd Chevauleger Regiment in Neustift and popular member of the Freising Society; lived on Innere Landshuter Strasse, which was later named after him
General-von-Stein-Strasse Freising Hermann Freiherr von Stein , Bavarian General of the Artillery, General-von-Stein-Kaserne
Georg-Dätzel-Strasse Freising-Weihenstephan Georg Dätzel (1752–1847), clergyman (Jesuit) and natural scientist (mathematician), first head of the forest school in Weihenstephan after the monastery was closed
Gentnerstrasse Freising-Vötting Heinrich Gentner , German homeland researcher and Catholic priest
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Gerhart Hauptmann , German playwright and writer, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature
Giggenhauser Strasse Freising-Vötting leads towards Giggenhausen
Goethestrasse Freising Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , German poet
Graf-Moy-Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld named after the owners of the Countess von Moy'sches Hofbrauhaus
Warbler Trail Freising-Lerchenfeld Warblers , genus of songbirds
Gregor-Mendel-Strasse Freising-Weihenstephan Gregor Mendel , priest and important natural scientist
Gremertshauser Strasse Sünzhausen led to Gremertshausen
Griesbergweg Untergartelshausen Field name, gritty ie sandy fields
Griesfeldstrasse Freising-Vötting Field name, gritty ie sandy fields
Grottenau Freising-Neustift formerly also Krottenau , Grotten Au
Green tan Freising-Neustift Fire , light forest; after clearing, it will be used as a “green” field
Good anger Freising-Lerchenfeld Flurname, yielding Anger
Gutenbergstrasse Freising Johannes Gutenberg , inventor of letterpress printing with movable metal letters
Haggertystrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Pat Haggerty , chairman of the board of directors of Texas Instruments , Texas Instruments office
Haindlfinger Strasse Freising leads to Haindlfing , the southern part is Prinz-Ludwig-Straße
Hallbergmooser Strasse Attaching leads south out of the village, to the airport building direct road to Hallbergmoos
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz Freising-Weihenstephan Hans Carl von Carlowitz (1645–1714), author of the first independent work on forestry, Sylvicultura oeconomica, or haußwirthliche message and natural instruction for wild tree cultivation (1713). Summary of the forest knowledge that was generally lost in the Thirty Years' War and expansion through personal experience, formulated the principle of sustainability for the first time.
Hans-Unterleitner-Weg Freising Hans Unterleitner , German politician
Haxthausen Haxthausen -
Haxthauser way Sünzhausen leads towards Haxthausen
Haydstrasse Freising Heinrich Hayd (1829-1892), Catholic theologian
Heckenstallerstrasse Freising Joseph Jakob von Heckenstaller , Vicar General and from 1803 to 1818 Vicar Apostolic of the Spiritual Government in Freising
Hecknerstrasse Freising-Neustift Georg Heckner (1837–1896), bought the Neustift church back from the military, built the rectory, first pastor of the new parish of St. Peter and Paul
Heiglstrasse Freising Thomas Heigl (1771–1829), building surveyor, building contractor, major in the vigilante group, mayor of Freising from 1813 to 1825
Heiliggeistgasse Freising old town Heiliggeistspital
Heinbogenstrasse Freising-Neustift Askanius Heinbogen (1705–1775), Askanius Heinbogen born in Freising, was the third abbot of the Neustift monastery from 1740 to 1775
Heinestrasse Freising Heinrich Heine , writer
Henkelstrasse Freising Theodor Henkel , pioneer of milk science
Herbergweg Freising former location of a youth hostel
Herderstrasse Freising-Neustift reminds of the Herdergassen, through which the cattle were driven into the moss
Hermannstrasse Freising-Neustift Hermann I, first provost of the Neustift monastery from 1142
Herrenweg Freising-Neustift Way of the Neustift Canons to Freising
Shepherd's Path Tüntenhausen leads to the church of St. Michael in which St. Erhard was previously venerated, the saint of cattle and shepherds
Hirtlederergasse Freising old town Short connecting street between Oberer Hauptstrasse and the Am Wörth district; The street had changing names (Schluderergasse, Diemermetzgergasse), depending on the owner of the eastern corner house on Oberen Hauptstrasse. The current name goes back to the farmer's leather man Johann Martin Hirt who ran a tannery in the western corner house in the 19th century.
Hittostrasse Freising-Vötting Hitto von Freising , Bishop of Freising
Hochackerstrasse Freising-Neustift more distant field in the three-field farming
Hochackerweg Freising-Neustift more distant field in the three-field farming
Hochfeldweg Freising-Weihenstephan more distant field of the Vöttinger in the three-field farming
Hofmillerstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Josef Hofmiller , German essayist, critic, translator and high school teacher
Hohenbachernstrasse Freising-Vötting leads to Hohenbachern
Hollerweg Altenhausen Holler , Bush in the genus elderberry
Holzgartenstrasse Freising led to the Freisinger Holz, a wood garden for fuel supply
Hummelgasse Freising old town Jakob Hummel, brewer and innkeeper of the former Hummelbräus named after him , first mentioned in 1670, previously after his predecessor Feyelgäßchen
Ignaz-Günther-Strasse Freising-Neustift Ignaz Günther , German sculptor and representative of the Bavarian Rococo
Imma-Mack-Platz Freising Maria Imma Mack ; Quarter square in the Steinpark on the site of the former General von Stein barracks
Innichnerstrasse Freising Innichen , twin town of Freising
Isarstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld leads from the Isar bridge to the B301
Ismaninger Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Road towards Ismaning
Itzling Itzling -
Itzlinger Strasse Tüntenhausen leads to Itzling
Hunting route Freising-Lerchenfeld reminds of the prince-bishops' hunt in the moss
Jahnstrasse Freising-Neustift Former location of the grounds of the Jahn sports club (see Lankesbergstrasse)
Jochamstrasse Freising Magnus Jocham , pastor and professor for moral theology, founder of the Kolping family Freising
Johann-Braun-Strasse Freising Johann Braun, farmer, economist, brewery owner ( Furtnerbräu ), honorary citizen of Freising
Johannisstrasse Freising When this street was built in the 1950s, a monument dedicated to Johannes Nepomuk was removed and the street was named after him
Josef-Scheuerl-Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Josef Scheuerl, autodidact in the field of local history research in Freising, author of many historical articles about Freising
Joseph-Bad-Strasse Freising Joseph Schlecht , German historian and teacher
Jägersteig Achering leads to the Isar floodplains
Jägerwirtsgasse Freising old town Named after the no longer existing Jägerwirt (Obere Hauptstraße 60)
Kammergasse Freising see Kammerhof
Kammerhof Freising Former Meierhof of the Prince-Bishops outside the city walls
Kantstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Immanuel Kant , philosopher of the Enlightenment
Karlwirt Crossing Freising old town no street name, but the name for the intersection at Johannisstraße , Vöttinger Straße , Wippenhauser Straße and Obere Hauptstraße ; Here was the Karlwirt
Karwendelring Freising Part of the northern bypass, named after the Karwendel in the county of Werdenfels, an area of ​​the Hochstift Freising
Katharina-Geisler-Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Katharina Geisler (* 1891), foster mother for 17 foster children who lived in Freising
Katharina-Mair-Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Followed the bacon dumpling uprising
Kepserstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Wilhelm Sixtus Kepser, from 1615 vicar general of the Hochstift Freising and founder of a foundation for an orphanage
Kesselschmiedstrasse Freising Former location of the boiler shop of the brewery equipment manufacturer Anton Steinecker (today Krones AG with factory in Attaching)
Lapwing path Freising-Lerchenfeld Lapwing , species of wader
Church point Achering Point at the church or owned by the church
Kirchenweg Freising-Vötting leads to the church of St. Jakob
Kirchgasse Freising old town connects the Ziegelgasse with the parish church of St. Georg
Klebelstrasse Freising-Neustift Georg Klebel (1852–1943), secondary school teacher, dedicated himself to the maintenance and renovation of the church in the desert of Oberberghausen
Kleiberweg Freising-Lerchenfeld Nuthatch , a species of bird in the nuthatch family
Kleinbachern Kleinbachern -
Little Wies Freising after a wayside shrine Kleine Wies , demarcation to the Wies Church
Klosterweg Altenhausen leads in the direction of Wieskirche where Augustinian monks looked after pilgrims for 50 years from 1903
Kochbäckergasse Freising old town Up until the 19th century, there were 3 buildings at the eastern end of the wide square on Obere Hauptstrasse (today the site of the war memorial). These houses were the Schmid auf der Schwemm , the Kupferschmidhaus and the Stadtkoch Koch am Bachl to the Stadtmoosach behind it. The baker on the opposite side of the street was accordingly called the cook-baker. At times, people also spoke of the Postman Alley , as the only Freising postman lived here.
Korbinian crossing Freising old town no street name, but the name for the intersection of Mainburger Strasse , Isarstrasse and General-von-Nagel-Strasse ; the Korbinian pharmacy was located here from 1952 to 2016
Korbinianstrasse Freising-Weihenstephan Korbinian , first bishop of Freising
Kreutstrasse Untergartelshausen Field name after reuten for gaining new soil through clearing
Kreuzbachstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Nearby runs the Lohmühlbach, which used to be called Kreuzbach here and is still called that way further downstream
Kreuzeckstrasse Freising Kreuzeck , mountain in the Wetterstein Mountains
Krumbachstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Franz Krumbach , Mayor of Freising
Kulischstrasse Freising-Vötting Paul Kulisch , German agricultural scientist
Culture street Freising-Lerchenfeld reminds of the cultivation of Lerchenfeld
Koelblstrasse Freising-Neustift either after Peter Kölbl who lived here, or after Gschmeimacher Franz Xaver Kölbl, one of the founders of Lerchenfeld
Koenigsfeldstrasse Freising-Neustift Christian Konrad Graf von Königsfeld auf Zaizhofen, canon and second founder of the Heiliggeistspital
Körnerstrasse Freising-Neustift Theodor Körner , poet and playwright
Lageltshausen Lageltshausen -
Landshuter Strasse Freising-Neustift Road towards Landshut , replaced the Alte Poststraße in this function
Long point Freising-Weihenstephan from Point
Lankesbergstrasse Freising-Neustift Since 1922, named after Josef Jakob Lankes, the Vielfraß Jackl , the first sedentary resident in this area around 1867, Lankes was known for the massive consumption of raw meat and whole animals. Other names for the mountain Mantelberg ( mhd. Mantle for Föhre ) after the local Föhrenwäldern, Wiesberg, Ismeyerberg (after a landowner) or Jahnhöhe after a sports club that built its premises there (a side street is the Jahnstraße)
Lantbertstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Lantpert von Freising , Bishop of Freising and saint
Laubenbräugasse Freising old town Named after the Laubenbräu (Marienplatz 3)
Laubenweg Pulling probably leading to arbor colony
Laubsängerweg Freising-Lerchenfeld Warbler , songbird
Laurentiusweg Haindlfing Just like the parish church of St. Laurentius after Laurentius of Rome
Leberlestrasse Freising Hans Leberle , German brewing scientist
Lena-Christ-Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Lena Christ , Bavarian writer
Lenaustraße Freising-Lerchenfeld Nikolaus Lenau , Austrian Biedermeier writer
Lerchenfeldstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld -
Lerchenstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Larks , songbird
Liebigstrasse Freising Justus von Liebig , German chemist
Liesel-Beckmann-Strasse Freising-Weihenstephan Liesel Beckmann , professor of business administration and the first woman in Germany to have her own chair for this subject
Lindenstrasse Freising Linden , deciduous tree
Lintnerstrasse Freising-Weihenstephan Karl Lintner , professor of fermentation chemistry
Lise-Meitner-Strasse Freising-Vötting Lise Meitner , Austrian-Swedish nuclear physicist
Lohweg Sünzhausen Fire , light forest
Luckengasse Freising old town Created in the Middle Ages through the use of a vacant lot
Ludwig-Thoma-Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Ludwig Thoma , Bavarian writer
Luitpold plant Freising Sports grounds, fairground, named after Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria
Luitpoldstrasse Freising Access to the Luitpoldanlage
Country road Seilerbrückl reminds of the raft landing on the Isar ( rafting on the Isar )
Mainburger Strasse Freising leads to Mainburg , the southern part between the confluence of Alois-Steinecker-Straße and Korbiniankreuzung was called cattle market until it was renamed
Maistraße Pulling May month
Major-Braun-Weg Freising Alois Braun , officer and member of the Bavarian Freedom Campaign
Malvenstrasse Freising Mallow , genus of plants
Margarete-Reichl-Strasse Pulling Margarete Reichl (1913–1996), teacher at the school in Pulling, made an honorary citizen of Pulling in 1974 (taken over in 1978 when Freising was incorporated)
Maria-Wörther-Strasse Freising Maria Wörth , twin town of Freising
Mariabrunner Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld after the settlement of Mariabrunn between Lerchenfeld and Hallbergmoos, which had to give way to the airport
Marienplatz Freising old town In the past, Schrannenplatz and main square called
Martin-Luther-Strasse Freising Martin Luther , theological originator and one of the teachers of the Reformation
Marzlinger footpath Freising-Neustift Foot and bike path to Marzling
Marzlinger Strasse Altenhausen leads towards Marzling
Mauermayrstrasse Freising Martin Mauermayr , Mayor of Freising
Mauthstrasse Attaching Toll , here the territory of the Hochstift Freising ended and road tolls were collected at a toll station
Maximus von Imhof Forum Freising-Weihenstephan Maximus von Imhof , Augustinian hermit and natural scientist
Max-Eyth-Strasse Freising Max Eyth , engineer and writer
Max-Lehner-Strasse Freising Max Lehner , Mayor of Freising
Max-Reger-Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Max Reger , German composer, organist, pianist and conductor
Meichelbeckstrasse Freising-Neustift Karl Meichelbeck , monk of Benediktbeuern Abbey, author of the two-volume history of the Diocese of Freising ("Historia Frisingensis")
Meisenstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Titmouse , songbird
Michael-Wening-Strasse Freising-Neustift Michael Wening , court copper engraver for Elector Ferdinand Maria of Bavaria
Michaelsweg Tüntenhausen leads to the Church of St. Michael
Milan way Achering Milan , bird of prey
Milky Way Freising Access road to the Weihenstephan dairy , which was newly built on the site of the Schlütergut
Middle ditch Freising old town follows the course of Freising's former city ​​fortifications
Moltkestrasse Freising-Neustift Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke , Prussian Field Marshal General, Chief of the General Staff in the victories in the German-Danish War, the Prussian-Austrian War and the Franco-German War (1870/71)
Moosgasse Hohenbachern leads down to the Freisinger Moos
Moosstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld leads east into Erdinger Moos
Mooswiesenstrasse Pulling leads to the Freisinger Moos
Moserweg Freising-Neustift Joseph Moser (1846–1921), member of the community council of Neustift and long-time peddler at the grammar school and lyceum in Freising
Mozartstrasse Freising Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart , composer of the Viennese classical music
Murstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Christian Mur (1635–1721), valet, gunsmith and telescope maker (together with his son-in-law Johann Sterr), both co-founders of an orphanage that existed until 1802
Möhlestrasse Freising Albertine Möhle (1867–1914), niece of Albert Schönmetzler (Schönmetzlerstraße), benefactress, donated for the new town hall and for poorer citizens
Mühlenweg Freising-Vötting leads to the mill on the Moosach
Münchner Strasse Freising leads in the direction of Munich (former B 11 , today St 2350 )
Neulandstrasse Freising newly reclaimed land for the herb gardens (see Upper herb garden)
North avenue Airport The airport's northern tree-lined access road
Walnut Path Hohenbachern In Hohenbachern, a number of walnut trees grow along the main road
Obere Domberggasse Freising old town western driveway to Toompea
Upper main street Freising old town western part of the main street, until the division into Obere-, Mittlere and Untere Hauptstraße part of the Hauptgasse, during the 3rd Reich Adolf Hitler Straße, then Captain Snow Straße (American city commander), Mittlere Hauptstraße was added to the Obere Hauptstraße
Upper herb garden Freising Bishop Ernst of Bavaria made an area for gardens available to freising residents who had no real estate; runs parallel to Gartenstrasse
Upper Pfalzgrafstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Continuation of Pfalzgrafstraße (see below)
Upper ditch Freising old town follows the course of Freising's former city ​​fortifications
Obervellacher Strasse Freising Obervellach , twin town of Freising
Local road Hohenbachern -
Ottostrasse Freising Otto von Freising , Bishop of Freising and one of the most important historians of the Middle Ages
Pallhausen Pallhausen -
Pallottinerstrasse Freising begins at the Pallottine Church of St. John the Baptist
Parkstrasse Freising leads north along the Luitpoldanlage (see above)
Pellhausen Pellhausen -
Pettenbrunn Pettenbrunn -
Petuelstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld The Petuel family , owners of the Hacklbräu , development of Lerchenfeld
Pfalzgrafstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Arnold Pfalzgraf (* 1640 in Bonn; † July 11, 1712), Mayor of Freising between 1685 and 1712, donated for the hospital and for the orphanage of Christian Mur and Johann Sterr
Pfarrweg Sünzhausen Church of St. George and parish hall
Pförrerauweg Freising-Lerchenfeld leading towards Pförrau, by pen at the Au, at the exit Freising center is the Pförrerhof
Philipp-Dirr-Strasse Freising Philipp Dirr , carpenter and sculptor at the time of Prince-Bishop Veit Adam
Piesing Piesing -
Pimsfeld Pulling Hallway name Pims
Oriole Path Freising-Lerchenfeld Oriole , songbird from the oriole family
Plantation Freising after the oak plantation laid out in 1848 on the instructions of Ludwig I (Bavaria) , today known as a restaurant with a large beer garden
Plantation path Freising led to the plantation like this
Platschkyberg Freising-Neustift After the Neustift monastery was dissolved , the carpenter Karl Platschky acquired a large part of the monastery hill on which the road lies.
Platschkyweg Freising-Neustift see Platschkyberg
Prandtlstrasse Freising-Vötting Ludwig Prandtl , a physicist born in Freising
Prechtlstrasse Freising Johann Baptist Prechtl (* 1813 Lauterhofen / Upper Palatinate; † 1904 ibid.), Pastor, clergyman, researching the history of the city of Freising and the surrounding area, founder and first chairman of the historical association
Prinz-Ludwig-Strasse Freising connects Ziegelgasse and Haindlfinger Strasse, became part of Haindlfinger Strasse in 1910; After Ludwig III. (Bavaria)
Prelate-Michael-Höck-Strasse Freising Michael Höck , German clergyman and Nazi opponent
Pullinger Hauptstrasse Pulling -
Rabenweg Freising-Lerchenfeld Raven , bird
Raiffeisenstrasse Attaching Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen , social reformer
Row path Freising-Neustift row-like arrangement of the adjoining houses
Run away Freising-Lerchenfeld Memory of the horse races that used to take place here
Richard-Strauss-Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Richard Strauss , German composer
Riegerauer way Freising-Lerchenfeld Riegerau, district of Marzling
Beef market Freising old town Former place of the cattle market
Ringweg Pulling from the course of the path until 1981 Starenweg
Roider-Jackl-Weg Freising-Lerchenfeld Roider Jackl , Bavarian folk singer
Rosenstrasse Freising Roses , bush
Rosenweg Pulling Roses , bush
Rotkreuzstrasse Freising Location of the BRK
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Rudolf Diesel
Saarstrasse Freising Reminder of the accession of the Saarland to the Federal Republic
dead end Freising old town Dead end (although not for pedestrians)
Schießstättstrasse Freising named after the shooting range of the Royal Privileged Fire Rifle Society Freising , which has been located here for centuries
Schlesierstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Silesia , formerly a German region in what is now Poland, expulsion after the Second World War
Schlossstrasse Hainlfing leads to Haindlfing Castle
Schneggstrasse Freising Johannes Schnegg , German brewing scientist
Schulstrasse Attaching former school
way to school Sünzhausen former school
Schwalbenweg Freising-Lerchenfeld Swallows , songbirds
Schönbichlstrasse Freising Schönbichl Palace near Kranzberg
Beautiful view Freising-Neustift lies on the slope edge
Schönmetzlerstrasse Freising Albert Schönmetzler (* 1829 in Grönenbach ; † 1909 in Freising), donated for needy citizens, donated money for the construction of the town hall, uncle of Albertine Möhle (see Möhlestrasse)
Seilerbrücklstrasse Freising named after the district
Settlers Way Freising-Neustift named after the new settlers
Sighartstrasse Freising-Neustift Joachim Sighart , Roman Catholic theologian, philosopher and art historian
Škofja Loka Street Freising Škofja Loka ; Twin town of Freising
Summer street Pulling Summer , season
Sondermüllerweg Freising old town Location of the special mill (later Breymühle)
Sonnenfeldweg Freising-Vötting Corridor name, see: Am Sonnenfeld
Sonnenstrasse Freising-Neustift possibly due to the orientation to the south
Sonnenweg Pulling see Sonnenstrasse
Spanngässchen Freising old town after the cloth shearer Sebastian Spann who lived here in the 19th century
Spechtweg Freising-Lerchenfeld Woodpeckers , bird
Sperberweg Freising-Lerchenfeld Sparrowhawk , bird
Sporrergasse Freising old town Franz Sporrer , Mayor from 1848 to 1853, builder of the Hotel Bayerischer Hof
St.-Erhard-Strasse Attaching Filial church St. Erhard
St.-Georg-Strasse Sünzhausen According to Saint George like the Church of St. George
St.-Norbert-Strasse Freising-Neustift Norbert von Xanten , founder of the Premonstratensian Order who was also resident in Neustift Monastery
St. Ulrich Street Pulling Ulrich von Augsburg , Bishop of Augsburg, Ortskirche St. Ulrich, until 1981 Vöttinger Strasse, renamed due to the incorporation
St. Valentin Street Altenhausen According to Valentin von Raetia like the St. Valentin branch church
St. Aegidius Street Pulling Saint Egidius , abbot of Saint-Gilles Abbey, namesake of the first Pulling church
Starenweg Freising-Lerchenfeld Star , bird
Steinbergerhof Attaching -
Stone width Freising-Weihenstephan Field name, field with its broad side bordered on the road, soil of poor quality (stony)
Stieglbräugasse Freising old town named after the Stieglbräu , whose name goes back to the fact that the dining room was elevated and could only be accessed via a staircase.
Stieglitzweg Freising-Lerchenfeld Goldfinch , bird
Sudetenlandstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Sudetenland , the origin of many expellees who found a new home in Lerchenfeld
Südallee Airport Southern access road (cargo center, FOC of Lufthansa)
Südring Freising-Lerchenfeld Freising southern bypass
Sünzhauser Strasse Pulling to the neighboring town of Sünzhausen
Valley path Haindlfing leads into a valley on the edge of the Ampertal valley
Tannenweg Freising Fir trees , conifer
Thalhauser footpath Freising is in the extension of Thalhauser Straße (see below)
Thalhauser Strasse Freising leads towards Thalhausen
Theodor-Scherg-Strasse Pulling Theodor Scherg (1873–1952), clergyman and senior teacher, held the parish of Pulling from his retirement in 1934, until 1981 Giggenhauser Straße (renamed because of the street of the same name in Freising)
Therese-von-der-Vring-Strasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Therese von der Vring , expressionist painter from Freising
Tevor-Moore-Strasse Freising Trevor Moore; City Commandant of Freising after the Second World War; Located in the Steinpark on the site of the former General von Stein barracks
Tuchinger Strasse Freising-Tuching opens up the Tuching district
Ulmenweg Pulling Elms
Under the oaks Freising Continuation of the plantation path towards the plantation (see above)
Lower Domberggasse Freising old town Driveway to Toompea
Lower main street Freising old town Eastern part of the main street, until the division into Obere, Middle and Untere Hauptstraße part of the main street, during the 3rd Reich Hindenburgstraße
Lower Isarau Freising-Lerchenfeld is on the Isarau
Lower Schwabenau Freising-Lerchenfeld see Zur Schwabenau
Lower ditch Freising old town follows the course of Freising's former city ​​fortifications
Untergartelshauser Weg Tüntenhausen Connection path to Untergartelshausen
Veit-Adam-Strasse Freising Veit Adam von Gepeckh , Bishop of Freising
Veitsmüllerweg Freising named after the Veitsmühle, which was owned by the St. Veit Abbey .
Villanystrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Villány in Hungary, the place of origin of the Danube Swabians, who settled in Lerchenfeld after the expulsion
Vimystrasse Freising leads past the Vimy barracks , in memory of the heights of Vimy fought over in the Battle of Loretto in World War I.
Viscardistraße Freising-Tuching Giovanni Antonio Viscardi , Italian-Graubünden master builder of the Baroque, builder of the Neustift Church
Vöttinger Strasse Freising-Weihenstephan leads from the city center to Vötting
Waidhofener Strasse Freising-Neustift Waidhofen an der Ybbs , former property and today's twin town of Freising
Forest settlement Freising opens up a settlement in the forest on Haindlfinger Strasse north of Freising
Forest road Freising the forest begins north of the road
Forest path Sünzhausen leads north into a forest
Wallbergstrasse Freising Wallberg
Maintenance avenue Airport opens up the hangars in the south-west of the airport site
Weihenstephaner Berg Freising-Weihenstephan Driveway to Weihenstephaner Berg
Weihenstephan footpath Freising-Weihenstephan leads from the city center to the Weihenstephaner Berg
Weihenstephaner Steig Freising-Weihenstephan leads from Vötting to the Weihenstephaner Berg
Weihenstephaner Strasse Freising-Weihenstephan Access road in the northeast of Weihenstephaner Berg
Weihenstephaner Ring Freising Part of the northern bypass in the area of ​​the university facilities
Weiherstrasse Achering leads towards Pullinger Weiher
Weinmillerstrasse Freising Magdalena Weinmiller took in persecuted people in her house and provided food for concentration camp prisoners who were driven through the city; Located in the Steinpark on the site of the former General von Stein barracks
Wheat Lane Freising old town mentioned as early as the 15th century, several interpretations: after a citizen Konrad Waizz (according to Johann Baptist Prechtl); like the nearby Luckengasse, there was vacant land where wheat may have been grown; after the waizzer (torturer) in the prison located there at that time
Weldenstrasse Freising-Lerchenfeld Ludwig Joseph von Welden , Bishop of Freising
Wendelinstrasse Freising-Neustift Wendelin , Catholic saint
Wendelsteinstrasse Freising Wendelstein , mountain in the Bavarian Alps
Werdenfelser Strasse Freising-Neustift Werdenfelser Land , former property of the Freising Monastery
Wettersteinring Freising Part of the northern bypass road, after the Wetterstein Mountains , formerly located in the Freising area
Widmannstrasse Freising-Tuching Widman (1661–1721) was the first abbot of Neustift Abbey
Wies Wies Wieskirche north of Freising
Wiesenthalstrasse Freising-Neustift leads from the Neustift Church north through the Wiesental
Wippenhauser Strasse Freising leads in the direction of Wippenhausen , formerly also known as the Ölstrasse, as flax was grown on the slopes to the east and linseed oil was extracted from it
Xaverienthal Xaverienthal Solitude near Altenhausen ; This was actually in Grünthal, but the restaurant operated by Xaver Eieresser was advertised by him as Xaverienthal (after his first name). In 1865 the name was adopted by the authorities.
Zeisigweg Freising-Lerchenfeld Siskin , species of bird in the finch family
Zellhausen Zellhausen -
Zellhauser Strasse Tüntenhausen connects Tüntenhausen with Zellhausen
Zentralallee Airport Highway-like main access road to the airport , accompanied on both sides by rows of trees
Ziegelgasse Freising old town led to the clay pits outside the city, which provided the raw material for making bricks
Zimmermannstrasse Freising-Neustift Johann Baptist Zimmermann , German painter and plasterer of the Baroque and Rococo, a. a. Neustift monastery church
Zollinger Strasse Tüntenhausen Bundesstrasse 301 , leads from Freising via Zolling further north
Zugspitzstrasse Freising Zugspitze , the highest mountain in Germany, formerly in the field of Freising Monastery located
To the Xaverienthal Altenhausen leads to the Xaverienthal like that
To the motorway maintenance office Attaching Location of the motorway maintenance depot on the A 92; also Franz-Steidl-Straße after a fatally injured police officer (not officially renamed)
To the Isar Achering leads to the Isar floodplains
To the mill Attaching Former location of the hair powder mill on the Goldach of the prince-bishop's court
To Schwabenau Freising-Lerchenfeld from mhd . schwab or schwaib for fluctuating swamp floor , as it is located directly on the Isar
Zurnhausen Zurnhausen -
Branch road Freising Term for dead ends that were later extended to the next street


Individual evidence

  1. Statement on the subject of the renaming of "Christopher-Paudiß-Platz" (October 25, 2008)
  2. a b c d e f g Street names in Weihenstephan
  3. ↑ Royally privileged fire rifle society Freising