List of abbreviations used in railways

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The use of abbreviations is widespread in the railway industry .

The German railways have special regulations for the use of abbreviations, in which the point usually used for abbreviations is generally left out. The following list contains both historical and current abbreviations from Germany and Austria.


a Acronym in the station plans: A ufstellgleis
A. Number of A chsen (abbreviation in show superfluous of trains ) (see also Ax )
A. Abbreviation for the Hamburg Railway Directorate (founded in 1884 as the Altona Railway Directorate, renamed to Rbd Hamburg in 1937)
A. in Days of specifications at: on working days (see W)
A. A rztwagen, former abbreviation in accident documents
A. Passenger carriage - generic letter : 1st class passenger car (also in combinations such as WLA, first class sleeping car)
A. as an abbreviation for a main branch of service of the Deutsche Reichsbahn: Bahn a nlagen
A. A nfangsfeld, block field of the fields track block or block relay of the relay block with a comparable function
A. A rbeitszug (deprecated)
AA A usrundungsbogen a arly
AAG A llaman- A ubonne- G imel train , ( fr. : Chemin de fer Allaman-Aubonne-Gimel)
AAR Association of American Railways, engl. A ssociation of A merican R ailroads
AAR A uftrags a b r echnung (accountancy term)
From A bnahme b eamter
FROM A ppenzeller B ahn
FROM a utomatic routes b lock
FROM Passenger carriage - generic letter: seating car with 1st and 2nd class seats (also in combinations such as WLAB, sleeping cars first and second class)
ABA A eneral B CONDITIONS FOR A nschlussbahnen
ABC Passenger coaches - generic letter: seating coaches with seats in 1st, 2nd and 3rd class (also in combinations such as WLABC, sleeping cars in first, second and third class; 1956 not applicable)
ABC grid Load limit grid on freight wagons
ABD A usfuhr b egleit d DOCUMENT
ABE A eneral B CONDITIONS FOR railway authorities E xpressgutbestätter
ABest A usführungs best immung
Dep Dep AHRT
Dep Dep anufacturing
Departure Dep ertigungs h ilfsstelle
Abfk Dep ertigungs k asse
Abbr Cast off ürzung
OJ A mts bl att
SECTION Upgraded line
Dist distances and
Dept Abt eil
ABW A Ussen b ogen w oak
abw v abw -calibrating v on
Abzw Abzw eigstelle
AC Alternating current / alternating voltage
ACM A uxillary C onverter M odule (auxiliary system inverter)
ACTS A broll c ontainer- T ransport s ystem
Adp Field Service Post
A print Expansion tank pressure
AE A usrundungs s hands
AEG A eneral E isenbahn- G Finances Act
AFB A utomaticsearch F AhR and B remssteuerung
AG A ufnahms g ebäude
AGAWA A us g leichs- and A us w ertungs a mt of DR
Like A onnection gl ice
Agla A us gl Oak's a mt for missing and surplus shipments
AGS A us g angs s chütz
AFZ A utomatisches F ahrgast z ählsystem
AH A bsperr h ahn
AISP A TLAs I nertiales S ensor p Aket
AIT A bnahme i nspektion T rubbed vehicles
AIW A bnahme i nspektion W agen
AiZ A utomation i m Z ug
AK Automatic clutch
AL A igle- L eysin train , ( fr. : Chemin de fer Aigle-Leysin)
ALB A bteilungs l pus B peration
ALB Hekurudha Shiquiperise , former Albanian railway administration
Allsta Provision for all common railway sta tistics
Alv A n l agen v erantwortlicher
Alwegbahn Sattelbahn (according to the Swedish Industrial A xel L Lenard W enner- G ren)
aMA a lleinarbeitender M it a rbeiter
AMA A chszahl m Elde a nLocated
AMK A utomaticsearch M ittelpuffer k upplung
Arrival Arr ure
Appendix anl age
Appendix Anh nec
Conn Connection ( changeover )
Conn older abbreviation for connection point
Rst At closing st elle
AOS Extension barrier opening switch
AP A bschnitts p ERIFICATION (at the station)
apl a Usser pl anmäßig
AQF A ctive Q uer f fletching
AQZ A ctive Q uer z entrierung
AR Passenger carriage - generic letter, first class seating car, additionally with a kitchen and dining room
AS A usfahr s ignal (ÖBB designation)
AS Automatic pantograph lowering device
ASAO A rbeits s rotection a n o rdnung
ASD A igle- S épey- D iablerets-Bahn , ( French : Chemin de fer Aigle-Sépey-Diablerets)
ASF A kkumulator- S chlepp f CAR
ASG A Driv s expensive g et up instrument
Asig A usfahr sig nal (DB identifier)
asm A are S eeland m obil AG
ASP A xle load s peed p rofile; ETCS term for axle load-dependent speed profile
ASR A usgangs s trom r ichter
ASS A utomatic S tromabnehmer s enkeinrichtung
at a ußergewöhnlicher T ransport
AT A usnahme t Arif
AT A usschalt t aste
AT A lumino t hermic welding (thermite welding)
AT A kkumulator t railcars
ATC A utomatic T rain C ontrol
ATO A utomatic T rain O peration; ETCS term for automatic train operation
ATP A utomatic T rain P rotection; ETCS term for automatic train protection system
ATV A eneral T arif v REQUIREMENTS
ATZ A utomatic T elephone such connotations of core
ouch au ßergewöhnlich
Onto again maybe
outgoing au ßergewöhnliche Send ung
Exec ausf AHRT
Extensive Exemplary Ahr sig nal (DR)
Extensive Exemplary Ahr v or sig nal (DR)
Auto HET Auto mated H ILFS e inschalt t aste (automated auxiliary intervention of a Wegübergangssicherungsanlage without actual key by occupying the vehicle sensor in front of the path transition)
ATP A dvanced T rain P rotection (ZugBesy control system with series 407)
Ausk ausk ure
AV A mts v or st and, title for the head of an office / Reichsbahn Office
Avsig A usfahr v or sig nal (German Railway)
Avst see AV
AVV A ENERAL V profitable for the V Before Using freight wagons, valid from 1 July 2006
Aw A usbesserungs w ork
Awanschl older abbreviation for A us w verifiable afterwards ussstelle
Awanst A us w calibration of circuit- st elle (German railway)
Ax (Number of) axles (as a measure of the train length)
Az A chs such ähler
Az A rbeits z ug
Az A rbeits for ugführer
AZE A n z EIGE e nit
AzFV A PPendix z u F ahrdienst v RULES and the signal book
AzGrT A chs z ähler g around posture t aste
AZS A chs such ähl s ystem
A / Erl Block relay with A nfangs- and Erl aubnisfeldfunktion


b Code letter (in connection with a passenger carriage - generic letter ) Carriages with handicapped accessible equipment
b at (as part of the station name, e.g. Leuben b Riesa)
Bad.St.B. Baden State Railways
B. B efehlsstellwerk
B. Abbreviation for Rbd Berlin
B. Passenger carriage - generic letter seat carriage, 2nd class
B. in traffic days specifications at: as needed
Ba B rofessional a EPARTMENT (as part of a follow-up organization Reichsbahn Office )
Ba B efehls a bgabefeld (block field on mechanical interlocking )
Ba B efehls a bgabe
BA B au a rt (of wagon)
BA B rofessional a rt
BA B rofessional a mt
BA Kreis b ogen a arly
BACC Blocco automatio a correnti codificate (Italian train control system)
Bath B ahn ä rztlicher D ERVICE
Bafesa Ba hn fe rnschreib s elbstanschluss a nLocation
BAM B aikal- A mur- M agistrale
Bapo Railway Police
BAR Berlin outer ring
BAR B edien- and A isplay r Fechner (Simis-C)
Basa Ba hn s elbstanschluss a nLocation
BAGAP B etrieblicher A larm- and G efahren a bwehr p lan
construction Upper construction material wagon, former abbreviation in accident documents
Building wall Build elle wall ert
baw b is a uf w eiteres
BB B eförderungs b CONDITIONS
BB B rofessional b remsung
BBD B UNDES b ahn d irektion
Bbf B betriebs b ahnho f
BBKK B undesbahn- B rofessional k entwine k aces, since association with the railroad-Betriebskrankenkasse ( RBKK ) only railway BKK
BBLDR B au b rofessional l Zeitung the DR
BbOR Title B and b ahn- O ber r at
BBp B called b ahn p ost
BbR Title B and b ahn r at
BBU B ahn b rofessional u Nfall, certain types of events were in railway operation commonly referred
BCU B rake C ontrol U nit (BSG)
BCU-GU B rake C ontrol U nit - G ateway U nit (higher-level brake computer )
Vol Area dispatcher BZ
BD B atterie d irectly
BD B undesbahn d irektion , even railway administration
BDE B ei d rear e inrichtung (at marshalling yards )
Bdl B ahnhofs d ispatcher l Zeitung, former name of a control center on large marshalling the Deutsche Reichsbahn in East Germany until 1990
Bdwg B au d ERVICE w a g s
BDŽ Balgarsky Darschawni Schelesnizi or Български Държавни Железници Bulgarian State Railways
BE B ettungs e rneuerung
BE Kreis b ogen s hands
Be B efehls e mpfangsfeld (block field on mechanical interlocking )
Be B efehls e mpfang
Bebu Be distribution outlet bu ch (öRil MaB from December 2015)
Bed-BÜSA Bed ienerüberwachte B ahn ü RANSITIONAL s icherungs a nLocation
Bedh Needs stop
Bef bef ehl
Bef Carriage or Carriage Book
BefBed Bef örderungs bed ingungen
Fix Bef Ehls st elle
Fix Command signal box
Companion Begl pus
beh beh andelt or beh eimatet
Beh Beh older, German name for container (also: large container )
Known Bek anntgabe or Bek anntmachungsblatt
Bel Bel adung
Ber Ber ichtigung or about ichtigungsblatt
Berü in electronic interlocking : Ber Eich ü overview
Re Subject ieb , and operating service as a total of all tasks for the carriage of persons and transporting goods by trains or shunting
Betra Subject iebs- and building a MANUAL (formerly "VBA" V erkehrs- and B au a MANUAL)
Enter Operating office
BEU B undesstelle for E isenbahn- U nfalluntersuchung
BEV B ahn e nergy v genaration
BEV B undes E isenbahn v enable
Bez District (as an addition for branches)
BezL Bez irks l pus
Bf B ahnho f
Bf-Do B ahnho f - D ERVICE o rdnung
BfK B ahnho f s k asse
Bfo B ahnho f sfahr o rdnung
Bfpl Book timetable
BFS B rofessional F seriously your system
Bfsb B ahnho fsb uch
Bfsk B ahnho fsk asse
BfVst B ahnho f s v or st rather
BFZ B rofessional F seriously your Z connotations of core
b G former auxiliary in the schedule : b eschränkte G epäckbeförderung
Bga B ereichs g Ueter a bfertigung
Bgl Construction track
BGL G eneral b rofessional l Zeitung the German Federal Railroad
BGL B rofessional g ewerkschafts l Zeitung FDGB in the German Railway in the GDR
Bgm B er gm eister, term for the shunting foreman on the run-off mountain
BGR B rofessional g Ueter r irective
BGS B au g slightest s perre
BGS B remse- G elöst- S chleife
BGT B rems g evices t Afel
BGT B lock g 'groups t aste
Bra Br ems h undertstel
Station Abbreviation for " station ", which is also common outside of rail operations
Bhm Station Mission
Bras B atterie h AuPt s chütz
BHV B undesbahn h AuPt v dministration
BI Title B undesbahn- I nspektor
BIDC B ureau i nternational de d ocumentation des c hemins de fer International documentation office of the railways
Image pl Bildf ahr pl at
Bing B rofessional i ngenieur
BIT B ahn I nfo T Afel (dynamic connection indicator)
Bk Block position
Bkm B rofessional k ilo m eter
BKU B üro- K ommunication U nternehmensweit (IT workplace provided by DB Systel )
BKr Arch crossing
Bksig B loc ksig nal
Bkvsig B loc kv or sig nal
Bkw Railway power station, see traction current
BKW B ereichs k ennungs w echsel ( LZB )
BKW B ogen k reuzungs w oak
Bl Bl ock connection
BLE B atterie l ade e nit
BLG B atterie l ade g et up instrument
blg b ahn l a g ernd
Bln Berlin
BLST B rofessional l eit st elle
Blst Bl ock st elle
BluStV Bl ock- u nd St ellwerks v orschrift, DV 412
Blw Bl ock w ärter
Bm B ahn m eisterei even turnpike
Bm B etriebsgrenz m ate minimum permissible diameter of wheel sets to wear, generally measure, below which requires immediate repair measures
BM B etriebliche M ommunications a Reichsbahndirektion
BM B back m ängel
bmt b rofessional m achines t echnisch
BMZ B Eton m ic z ug
BN B undesbahn- N orm or new B ahn- N orm (technical delivery conditions)
BOA B auto- and operation o rdnung for A nschlussbahnen
BOI Title B undesbahn- O about i nspektor
BORON Title B undesbahn- O about r at
BOS Title B undesbahn- O via s ekretär
BözM Local employee responsible for the company (for local switching areas)
Bp Railway police , also railway mail
BPA B ahn p ost a mt
BpDst B ahn p ost d ien st elle
BPost Passenger carriage - generic letter seated carriage, 2nd class, with additional post compartment
Bpw B ahn p ost w agen
BpW B ahn p olizei w ache
BR Passenger carriage - generic letter seat carriage, 2nd class, with additional kitchen and dining area
BR B au r eIHE
BR B rofessional r at
BR B ettungs r unification
BR British Railways former British State Railways
BR br uecke
BRA PZB setting value Br ems a rt
Brevo Br ems vo rschriften
Brh Br ems h undertstel
BRH PZB setting value Br ems h undertstel
Brk B e r Eich k asse
Brm Br ücken m eisterei
Brpr Brake test
Brtkm Br utto t may K ilo m eter (unit operating transport power from load weight plus weight of the freight wagon times actual distance traveled)
BRVS B ahn- R ollfuhr- V ersicherungs s chein
Brw Br ücken w orkshop
Bs Platform (mostly Bstg)
Bs Construction series
BS Operating location
BSA B undesbahn- S ozial a mt
Bsb B rofessional s tellen b escription
BSG B rems s expensive g et up instrument
BSL B ereit s tellungs l Zeitung
BST B rems st eller
Let B rofessional st elle
Bstg platform
E.g. B ahn s trom w ork
BSTR B ereichs st ell r Fechner (ESTW Siemens)
BSW B ahn- S ozial w ork
BT B au t echnical service
BT B efehls t aste (of automatic train control systems )
BTG B ordnetztrafo- T disconnector g erüst
BTM B alise T ransmission M odules
Btrh B e tr IEBS h old, stop a train from operational reasons
BT car Large container wagon
B au ü monitoring, B rofessional above sea monitoring
B rofessional Ü berwacher

Railroad Crossing
BUR B ordnetz u m r ichter
BüG Specially monitored track
Büz Construction supervision center
BUA B ahn u nterhaltungs a rbeiter
Buchfpl Book timetable
BüG specially monitored track
BÜSA B ahn ü RANSITIONAL s icherungs a nLocation
Busta Regulations of the Deutsche Reichsbahn for Sta tistics of B ahnbetriebs u nfälle
BuV B etriebs- u nd V erkehrsdienst
BUV B edarfsplan u msetzungs v agreemen ts
BUVB B undesbahn- U Nfall v ersicherungs b ehörde
Buvo B ahnbetriebs u Nfall vo rschrift
BV as an abbreviation for a main branch of the Deutsche Reichsbahn: B betriebs- u nd V erkehrsdienst
BVA B ahn- V ersicherungs a mt
BVB B au v orlage b erechtigter
BVO B etreuungsmanager v or O rt
Bvst B Rigade v or st rather older term for the German Reichsbahn for a shift supervisor at large railway stations
Bw Depot , also B rofessional w ork
BW Kreis b ogen w echsel
Bwb B au w ERKs b uch (see for civil engineering structures. DIN 1076 and Ril 804)
BWG B rems w irk g roup
Bww B ahnbetriebs w recite w ork
BZ Operations center
BZA B andbbahn- Z entral a mt
BzS for the B ahnbetrieb z uständige S adjusting (safety being)


c Code letter (in connection with a passenger carriage - generic letter ) Carriages with compartments in which the seats can be converted into berths (couchette cars)
CB Train type of DB AG: C argo B peration (freight train at close range)
CB Former train type: C ity B ahn (modernized regional passenger train)
CCCA C ustomer C are C enter- A gent
CCTV C losed C ircuit T ele v ision (video surveillance)
CCU-C C entral C ontrol U nit C omfort (ZSG for comfort functions)
CCU-D C entral C ontrol U nit D iagnostic (diagnosis computer)
CCU-G C entral C ontrol U nit G ateway (ZSG for gateway functions)
CCU-O C entral C ontrol U nit O peration (ZSG for operational functions)
CD Č eské d ráhy , Czech railways
C print Brake cylinder pressure
C v pressure Brake cylinder pilot pressure
Ce Former train type: container train for inland traffic
CEM C onférence e uropéenne des m archandises European freight train timetable conference
CES C onditional E mergency S top (conditional emergency stop)
CFL C hemin de F er L uxembourgeois , Luxembourg State Railways
CGDE C hristliche G ewerkschaft D eutscher E isenbahner
CSM C ommon S afety M ethod
CIM C onvention i nternationale concernant le transport des m archandises par chemin de fer , dt. International Agreement on Rail Freight Transport , see: Legislation for international rail transport
CIPCE C entre d ' i nformation et de p ublicité des c hemines de fer e uropéen , German information center for European railways
CIR-ELKE C omputer I ntegrated R ailroadind - E rhöhung the L ERFORMANCE in K ernnetz the E isenbahn
CIV C onvention i nternationale concernant le transport de v oyageurs et des bagages par chemin de fer , dt. International Convention on the Transport of Passengers and Luggage by Rail, see: Legislation for international rail traffic
CIWL C ompagnie i nternationale des w agon-lits et des grands express européens , German International Sleeping Car and Large European Express Train Company
CIS C argo I nformation S ystem; Swiss EDP program for freight wagon traffic
CJX Cityjet xpress; Name of the ÖBB for fast regional traffic on the Westbahn between Wien Westbahnhof and Amstetten (since 2019)
CLTO C onditional L evel T ransition O rder
CMI C ordless M ulticell I ntegration (transmission devices for cordless telephones in the ICE3)
COTIF Co nvention relative aux t ransports i nternationaux f erroviaires (COTIF), see: Legislation governing international rail traffic
Cs Abbreviation for Cottbus
CS C old S tandby; State of the STM
ČSD Č eskoslovenské s tátní d ráhy , the state railway of the formerCzechoslovakia
CSM C Eiling S peed M onitoring; ETCS term for maximum speed monitoring
CTS C ontainer t ransport s ystem
CUP C ontainer umschlag p latz
CZL Group security situation center


d Code letter (in connection with a passenger carriage - generic letter ) carriage with multi-purpose room or bicycle carriage
D. Passenger coaches - generic letter alone or after A and / or B: luggage coaches ; in the first place before A and / or B: double-deck car ; until 1928: 4th class passenger coach
D. Train type : fast (originally to identify the marshaling of D urchgangswagen)
THERE D except conveying a MANUAL
THERE D ouble a CHSE
DABKW d scrappy A Ussen b ogen K reuzungs w oak
Dagla D eutsches A us gl Eich a mt
DAZ D ERVICE a lter z ulage
DBA Express train of the British occupation forces
DB Deutsche Bahn AG
DB former German Federal Railroad
DB AG Deutsche Bahn Aktiengesellschaft
DBKW d scrappy B ogen K reuzungs w oak
DBMAS D eutsche B ahn M elde A nlagen S ystem
DBS D irektions b eschaffungs s adjusting the German Railway
DBV D eutscher B ahnkunden v erband , representing the interests of customers of railway operators and public transport providers
DC Direct current / direct voltage
DCPU D rive C ontrol P rocessing U nit (ASG)
DCU D oor C ontrol U nit (door control unit)
DD Passenger coaches - generic letter double-decker luggage coaches for vehicle transport ( motorail coaches )
DDB D okumentationsdienst the D eutsche B undesbahn
DDV Di enst d except v orschrift
DEAG D eutsche E isenbahn-Gesellschaft AG
DEC D eutsche E isenbahn- C onsulting GmbH
DEG D eutsche E isenbahner- G ewerkschaft
DEGT D eutscher E isenbahn- G Ueter t arif
DEGTT D eutscher E isenbahn- G üter- and T ier t arif
DELFI D urchgängige el ektronische F ahrplan i nformation
DEMT D eutscher E isenbahn- M ilitär t arif
DEPT D eutscher E isenbahn- P ersonen-, luggage and express parcels t Arif
OF THE D eutsche E isenbahn- R eklame GmbH
DETT D eutscher E isenbahn- T ier t arif
DEVK D eutsche E isenbahn- V ersicherungs k aces , the Association a. G.
DEVV D eutscher E isenbahn- V erkehrs v erband
Df with D amp f , addendum for train reports on electrically operated routes when driving without an electric locomotive
DFI d ynamic F ahrgast i nformation
DFG D achleitungs f Ehler detecting g et up instrument
EDI Remote data transmission
DG D deer g estell
Dg Former type of train : through freight train
DGS D ynamic G slightest s tabilisator
DH solid D ouble h erzstück
Dhb b ewegliche D ouble h erzstückspitzen
DHL D irektions h AuPt l ager
DIBKW double inside arch crossing switch
MRP list Dispo sitions list
DiV Di spatcher service v orschrift, Regulations no. 424 (later DV 420) of the German Railway
DK D iesel k raftstoff
DKB D rei k raft b Remse
Dksig Cover signal
Dkst Cover agency
DKTS D iesel k raftstoff t ank s adjusting
DKW D scrappy K reuzungsweiche
Dl D ispatcher lZeitung, the management was Deutsche Reichsbahn called to 1990
DL D urch l ass (crossing structure with a clear width of less than 2 m)
DLTR D oh l eitungs tr Enner
DM D iesel m otor
DMI D river M achine I nterface (human-machine interface, formerly MMI)
DMV D jerk m inthe v alve
DoSto Double deck car
DoT Do ppelgelenk t rubbed venture
Dp Posts
DP D anger p oint; ETCS term for danger point
DPost Passenger carriage - generic letter baggage carriage with post compartment
DR D deer r ichter
DR D eutsche R eichsbahn
DR D eutsche R eichsbahn the state railway of the German Democratic Republic.
DRB D eutsche R Eich b ahn (unofficial abbreviation)
DRBG D eutsche R eichs b ahn- G esellschaft (unofficial abbreviation)
DRE D eutsche R egional e isenbahn ,railway company founded in1994 as D eutsche R egionalbahn (DR) by the Deutsche Bahnkundenverband
Dre Abbreviation for Dresden
DRG D eutsche R eichsbahn- G esellschaft (unofficial abbreviation)
urgent help Former train type : urgent auxiliary locomotive
urgent help Former train type : dring Licher Help s z ug , takes precedence over all other trains
DRO Former DV DR : D ERVICE r ang o rdnung
Drs Draisine
DrS Dr the type ucktastenstellwerk S iemens
DS D ruck s chrift, succession term for service provision in the German Federal Railroad
DSA D oh s trom a bnehmer
DSA D ynamic S chrift a nzeiger
DSB Danske Statsbaner (Danish State Railways)
DSE D ata s PEICHER e nit
DSG D eutsche S sleeping car and dining car G mbH
DSK Data storage cassette (storage medium for electronic trip registration )
DSLF D ruck s rotection l ü f ter
Dst d ien st Licher Sonderzug
Dst Department
Dstg former train type : service freight train
Dstp Former train type : service passenger train
Dsts Former type of train : service train with wagons for special purposes
DSTW Digital signal box
German Former train type : D urchgangs- or quick t rubbed venture
DT D ouble t ROUP
DT D ouble t railcars
DT D ampf t railcars
D ruck ü Translate
Dua You rch a rbeitung (z. B. tamping work)
DUEWAG Düsseldorfer Waggonfabrik AG
Exec Runs through
Thorough Carrying Ahr v or sig nal, svw exit distant (as can only be operated at crossings)
DUS Express train for the American occupation forces with individual cars for German civil traffic
DV Service regulation
DVDR D smooth things v succumbed to the DR
Dvst D ERVICE v or st rather well services chief, old term for the head of a department
DW D ouble w oak
DWA Deutsche Waggonbau AG
D-way Slip path
DWV D ERVICE w ohnungs v orschrift
DWP D eutscher W agenbeistell p lan
Express train Former train type : D urchgangs train = Fast train from crossing car
Between D ERVICE tw eig


E. Former type of train : express train
E. receiver
E. E ndfeld (Block field in most types of fields Distance block and relays with similar role at the relay block)
Ea E rlaubnis a bgabefeld (Block field in the Austrian fields route block and route block form A)
EA formerly for E isenbahn a ctie
I / O E domestic / A ssue
I / O Wsp E infahr- A usfahr- W Cancel repeat sp erre
EABKW e asy A Ussen b ogen k reuzungs w oak
EAM E lement a control m odule (Thales-eStw L90)
EAW E isenbahn a usbesserungs w ork
EB E nd b asa
EB E mergency B reaking; ETCS term for rapid braking
EBA E isenbahn- B and a mt
EBC E isen b ahn- C ert
EBCL E mergency B reak C onfidence L evel
EBD E isen b ahn d irection
EBD E mergency B rake D eceleration curve; ETCS term
EBest E inführungs best immung
Ebf E nd b ahnho f
EBf E nd b a f esa
EBH E isenbahn- B eamten- H ilfsgemeinschaft
EBI E mergency B rake I INTERVENTION supervision limit; ETCS term
EBL E isenbahn b rofessional l pus
EBO formerly B ahn o rdnung for the secondary e isenbahnen
EBO E isenbahn-building and B rofessional o rdnung
EBOA E isenbahn- B auto- and operation o rdnung for A nschlussbahnen
EBRL Railway-specific building regulations lists
EBuLa E lectronic Bu chfahrplan and La ngsamfahrstellen
EBÜT E inheits- B ahn ü RANSITIONAL t echnology
EC Train type: E uro C ity
ECE Former train type: EuroCityExpress
ECM E lektronik- C ontrol- M odule
ECM E ntity in C harge of M aintenance (for maintenance of a vehicle responsible agency)
ED Railway Directorate ( Prussian State Railways )
EDG electrodynamic track brake
EDITH E reignisgesteuerte staff di sposition i m T ransportbereic h (software for personnel deployment in rail transport)
EDK E isenbahn d deer k ran
EDS E isenbahn d ienst s ache
Ee E rlaubnis e mpfangsfeld (Block field in the Austrian fields route block and route block form A)
Ef Railway driver
EFF Railway vehicle driving license
SFAO E uropean Reisezug f ahrplan k onference
EFR E lectronic F ahrten r egistration
EFZ E uropean F ahrplan for Entrum
EF E isenbahn f ähre
Eg Former train type: E il g üterzug
EG E mpfangs g ebäude
Ega E il g ut a bfertigung
Egbf E il g üter b ahnho f
Egmp Former train type: E il g üterzug m it P ersonenbeförderung
EGT E inheits g qua lification t arif for drayage and utilities
EH e infaches H erzstück
EHfb e infaches H erzstück with f edernd b eweglicher frog tip
EHG E inheits h ILFS g erätewagen
EHgb e infaches H erzstück with g elenkig b eweglicher Herstückspitze
EHst E isenbahn h old st elle
EHZ E inheits h ILFS for ug
eHz e lectric H ei z ung
EIBV EI senbahn BE usage ordinance
Unified Introduction ahr sig nal
Monotonous Simp Ahr v or sig nal
EIRENE E uropean I ntegrated R ailway R adio E nhanced N etwork
EKIR E ingabe k ontroll- and I nterpretations r Fechner (Simis-C)
EKW E asy K reuzungs w oak
Evsig E infahr v or sig nal (German railway)
EIbb E lektrifizierungs- and I ngenieur b au b peration of the DR
EIBKW e asy I can b ogen k reuzungs w oak
Easy introduction AHRT
Input Input nec
inserted introduced Ahren
incl one icy
EinsDW one eitige D ouble w oak
a V EINV bought
EIU E isenbahn i nfrastructure u ompany
Ek E ilgut k urswagen
EK E isenbahn k reuzung (also non-public iron bahnübergang )
EK E rd k örper (earthworks on the railroad)
EKSA E isenbahn k reuzungs s icherungs a nLocated
EKÜS E isenbahn k reuzungs ü Bewachungs s ignal
EKVO E isenbahn k reuzungs v he o rdnung
EKW e asy K reuzungs w oak
el el ectrically
El electronic brake control
el Bel el ektrische Bel you tung
ELA E lectronic L SPEAKERS a nLocation
ElHz el ektrische H ei z ung
Electric locomotive e lectric L okomotive
EOLM E nd- o f- l oop- m arker; ETCS term
El signals Signal group from the signal book : Signals for electric train transport, see contact line signal
EltA El ek t rotechnical A mt
Discharge Entl adung
EOA E nd O f Movement A uthority, see ETCS
EOW electrically localized points
ep e lectro p neumatic
ep brake Electropneumatic brake
EP E isenbahn p anzerzug
EPA E lectronic P latzbuchungs a nLocation
EPLA E lectronic Pl atzreservierungs a nLocation the Deutsche Reichsbahn
EPostG E isenbahn PostG Finances Act
ERA E uropean R ailway A gency, the European Railway Agency
ERG E isenbahn- R eklame G mbH
Erl Erl aubnisfeld, Block field in the route block form C relay and the relay and automatic block system with comparable functions
Erma Erm ittlungs a EPARTMENT (for missing, supernumerary and damaged goods)
ERTMS E uropean R ail T raffic M anagement S ystem
IT E infahr S ignal (ÖBB designation)
IT E rdungs s Chalter
ESA E isenbahn- S ocial a mt
e Sch Threshold distance
IT F e nergy s parende F ahrweise (EBuLa functionality)
IT G E inscheiben s safety g las
IT G ETCS L evel 1 S ignal G eführt; ETCS Level 1 Limited Supervision as implemented by DB
ESHG G Finances Act on the H aftpflicht the E isenbahnen and trams for S achschaden (1940)
Esig Introduction ahr sig nal (DB identifier)
ESO E isenbahn- S ignal o rdnung
ES profile E rhöhtes S eitenbeschleunigungs profile; Speed ​​profile for sheet-fast operation
ESRA E lektronic- S ystem- R ailway- A pplication (brake bus)
E. St. E isenbahn st ation
Estgut E il st Ueck well
ESTW E lektronisches St ell w ork
ESTW-A Electronic interlocking - remote control area
ESTW-UZ Electronic signal box - sub-center
ESTW-Z Electronic signal box - control center
ESV E isenbahner- S port v erein
ESW E isenbahn S ocial W orks of the Deutsche Bundesbahn
Et Former train type: E il t rubbed venture
ET E inschalt t e y
ET E lektro t rubbed venture
ETA e lectrical T railcars with A kkumulatorenbatterien
ETCS E uropean T rain C ontrol S ystem
Eto Former train type: rail bus (in express train traffic)
ETS Steamer (the "microwave" in the ICE3)
ETSV E isenbahn- T URN and S port v erein
ETT E inheitlicher T ransit t arif
EUB Federal Railway Accident Investigation Office
EuK Earthing and short-circuiting device ( earthing rod )
EUK Railway accident insurance
EUV E isenbahn u Nfall v ersicherung
E isenbahn ü berführung (railway crossing a traffic route, contrary see SRs)
EVA E isenbahn v erkehrs a mt
EVB E nergy v ersorgungs b lock
EVC E uropean V ital C omputer
EVDR E ntwurfs- and V ermessungsbüro ( later OPERATION) of the Deutsche Reichsbahn
EVersA E lektrophysikalische V ersuchs a nstalt, predecessor of the Versa , since 2005 German Bahn AG, DB Systemtechnik
EVG E isenbahn- and V erkehrs g ewerkschaft
EVM E lektromos V onat M egállító berenezés (Hungary)
EVO Railway traffic regulations ( since 1938)
EVOBl E isenbahn- V he o rdnungs bl att
EVU E isenbahn v erkehrs u ompany
Evsig E infahr v or sig nal
EVZS for E ntstörungs v eranlassung for uständige S adjusting
EW e asy W oak (with straight through routes)
EW E nd w agen
E-car E lektromaschinensatz venture
EWH E isenbahn- W Aisen h ort
Ex ex pressed material
Ex Former train type: Ex presszug
Ext Former train type: Ex presszug with T rubbed venture
EZA E isenbahn- Z entral a mt
ECB e lectronic Z ug b ort
EZG E COHERENT Z usatzbestimmungen for the G üterverkehr
EZP E COHERENT Z usatzbestimmungen for P ersonenverkehr
EZMG Switchboard Russian design
EZO E isenbahn- Z oll o rdnung
E-train Former train type: E il train
EKrG E isenbahn kr euzungs g Finances Act


f Code letter (in connection with a passenger coach - generic letter ) Control coach with 36-pin control cable and / or ZWS; in connection with u a control car with 34-pin cable and / or ZWS
F. F speaker
F. Former train type : F ernschnell- or F ernstreckenzug
F. Abbreviation in station plans : F euergutrampe
fa F ernsprech a nschlussverbindung
fa F ahrstraßen a ESOLUTION
Fa field F ahrstrasse a uflösefeld, term from the railway safety technology
FA F CAR a usbesserung
Bland D ispatcher- F ernsprech- A nschlussverbindung
FADA Fa hr d ienstleiter a nLocated
Fahrl Catenary equipment vehicle, former abbreviation in accident documents
Fazu Fa hrstraßen to gschlussstelle
fb f edernd- b eweglich (e frog point)
Fb B ezirks f ernsprechverbindung
Fb F Ahr b peration
Fb F AHRT b ort
Fb. F eld b ahn
FB F ernbedien b rea
FB sheet F ernbedien b ereich- Journal
FB letter F ren b ediente- B rofessional st elle (n)
FbBz F ernsprech b ezirksverbindung with Basa- B e z irksfernsprecher
Fbe B ezirks f ernsprechverbindung for the e lectric traction
FBG F seriously your b edien g et up instrument
FBOA F est b rems o rtungs a nLocated
Fbt B ezirks f ernsprechverbindung the t echnical services
Fbu Accident communication link
Fbf F ern b ahnho f
Fbr waybill
Fbrv F ührer br ems v alve
FbV Driver's brake valve
FBOA Lockdown detection system
FbOB F ernsprech b ezirksverbindung with OB -Fernsprecher
F / B switch Drive / brake switch, drive brake switch
FbWZ F ernsprech b ezirksverbindung with OB -Fernsprecher with W ahl z usatz
Fd F ernsprech d ispatcherverbindung
Fdast F ahn d ungs a Ussen st elle
FD Former train type : F ern- D -Zug
Fdl F Ahr d ERVICE l pus
FDt Former train type : F ernschnell- T rubbed venture
FDÜS F ederspeicherbrems- and D rehgestell ü berwachungs s chleife
FES F REMD e in s peisung
FESA f este E isenbahn- S executing radio a nLocated
Feul Feu he l öschwagen, former acronym in accident records
FEW F orschungs- and E ntwicklungs w ork of the DR
Ff F ernsprech f ernverbindung
Ff F ahrstraßen f ESTABLISHMENT
Ff field F ahrstraßen f estlege field , term used in railway safety systems
FF F este F ahrbahn
FFst Radio remote control
FfZ Timetable for train registration offices
Fg F racht g üterzug
FGB F Ahr g ast b eirat
FGR Passenger rights
Food F racht well
Vehicle F ren g Ueter z ug
Fh F ernsprech h auptverbindung
FIS F ahrgast i nformation s ystem
Fk F Ahr k arte
Fk professional
Fk Corporate customer (note on ticket)
Fka F Ahr k species a dition
FKWA F s k CONFERENCE w echselsprech a nLocated
Fl Catenary
Fleiper traffic combined Fl ugzeug- egg senbahn- Per passenger traffic
Diligent traffic Fl ugzeug- egg senbahn freight
FLOI F irst L ine O f I ntervention; Intervention curve
FLM Fl eets m anagement
Flm F Ahr l eitungs m eisterei
Flu F ahrleitungs u nterhaltungsstelle
FM F ahr m otor
Fm F ernmelde m eisterei
fmdl f ern m ün dl i
FMT F rei m Elde t aste
FMW F ahrleitungs m ounting w agen
FMZ f requency m ultiplexe Z ugsteuerung
Fn F ernsprech n ahverbindung
FN F ahrpreis n acher annulment
FNB F ahrgast n ot b Remse
FNB F EADERSHIP force in the N oh b etreuung (Care affected travelers to an accident)
Fo F ernsprechbahnh o fsverbindung
Fos Signal telephone connection
Fp F est p oint , Vermarkungspunkt
Fpl Timetable
Fpla F ahr pl at a uftrag
Fplä F ahr pl to like change
Fplm F Ahr pl Toggle M elease
Fplo F ahr pl anan o rdnung
Fr. F ahrstraßen r ücknahmetaste, group key to redeem closed, but not yet fixed routes
FR F ührer r aum
FRA F AHRT r ichtungs a nzeiger
FRED F CAR R essourcen- E insatzplanung and D isposition (Software)
FMRCS F uture R ailway C ommunicatio S ystem
fr St. fr e'e Str corner
Early Frühh old
FR-W F ührer r aum w echsel
Fs F s s chreiber or F s s ETTER
FS F arranty s chiff
FS F ull S upervision; ETCS operating mode
Fsch F eder sch ienenzunge
fschrftl f s schr i dt i
Fs no. F s s chreib- N umme r
Fsp F eder sp eicher brake
FspBr F eder sp eicher br emse
Fspr F s spr echer
Fst F ernschreib st elle
FStgut F racht st Ueck well
FSÜ F AhR and S tillstands above sea monitoring
Ft Former train type : F ernschnell t rubbed venture
FT F rei t breed
FT F rei t aste (of automatic train control systems )
FT F ahrwegstell t Afel (at EOW)
FTA F Oerder t technic A PPENDICES
Fü-BÜSA F s u vised-Buesa
FEET F eder memory brakes ü berwachungs s chleife
Feet F ernschreib ü bermittlungs st elle
fUw f ahrbares U nder w ork
FV F ahrdienst v orschrift
FV F s v ransport
FV-DB F ahrdienst v the orschrift DB Netz AG
FV-NE F ahrdienst v the orschrift N maybe federally owned E isenbahnen
Fw F ahr w egsignal
Fw F ernmelde w orkshop
Tax F ern w ith st elle
Fpr Route check
FvBel F oh v erantwortlicher for bridges bel astbarkeit
Fweg Track
F Z traction
Vehicle F ahr for eug
Vehicle F Ahr z eug g et up instrument
Vehicle Vehicle condition
Vehicle Former train type : F ern z ug
FzH F Ahr z eiten- H eft
FZMP F Ahr z eit m ESS p oint
FzR F Ahr z eug r Fechner
Vehicle signals Signal group from the signal book : signals on individual vehicles
F-Btrh F ernmelde b e tr IEBS h elfer
F-Btrhm F ernmelde b e tr IEBS h AuPt m echaniker
F-Btrm F ernmelde b e tr IEBS m echaniker
F-Btrmt F ernmelde b e tr IEBS m on t EUR
F-Stream F ernmelde b e tr IEBS o over m echaniker


G Straight
G G erätewagen, former acronym in accident records
G Abbreviation in station plans : G leiswaage
Ga G Ueter a bfertigung
GA G leis a uswechslung
gag Former type of train : block train from covered wagons
GAUS G Conference of gang message
GAV G Ueter a bfertigungs v REQUIREMENTS (former name)
GAV (St) G Ueter a bfertigungs v REQUIREMENTS for St ückgut (former name)
GAV (W) G Ueter a bfertigungs v REQUIREMENTS for W agen charges (former name)
gb g elenkig- b eweglich (e frog point)
GB G num b lock (z. B. at CIR CARNATION)
GB g eneratorische B Remse
GB G eschäfts b rea
Gbf G üter b ahnho f
GBf G around network b a f esa
GBL G eneral b rofessional l Zeitung
GBV G Ueter b eförderungs v REQUIREMENTS (former name)
GBV (St) G Ueter b eförderungs v REQUIREMENTS for the St ückgutverkehr (former name)
GBV (W) G Ueter b eförderungs v REQUIREMENTS for the W agen cargo traffic (former name)
GC G Ross c ontainer
GCBf G roß c ontainer b ahnho f
GCE G Ross c ontainer e nit
GCUA G Ross c ontainer u mschlag a nLocated
GCUP G Ross c ontainer u mschlag p latz
GD Rank : G eneral d irector
GDBA G ewerkschaft D eutscher B undesbahnbeamten and - a nwärter, later G ewerkschaft D eutscher B undesbahnbeamten, A rbeiter and employee, since 1994 Verkehrsgewerkschaft Gdba
Gdg Former train type : large freight car train
GDI Guide de Dépannage Informatique
GDL G ewerkschaft d eutscher L okomotivbeamten and - a nwärter later G ewerkschaft d eutscher L okomotivführer
GDR G eneral Direction of the D eutschen R eichsbahn
GE G leis e rneuerung
GEB G roßnetz e nd b asa or
G ommission of E UROPEAN B suspect
GeFo GSM-R telephone control unit for fixed users
GeH Ge schwindigkeits H eft
GEIN G renz a gang report
GenK Gen eral k asse
Checked baggage
Luggage Luggage Aeck a bfertigung
Luggage Luggage Aeck k asse
sp Stored errt
died d ört
Weight g eschlossener E ilstückgut w agen
Gex Former train type : G epäck- and ex pressgutzug
signed drawn
GRP G read f aserverstärkter K Legending PLASTIC
Gfpl G üterzug f Ahr pl of
GFR G efahrenraum- Fri eimeldeanlage
Ggl G ay gl ice
Ggzg G e g s z u g
GH Abbreviation in station plans : G üter h alle
GK G Ueter k asse
GK G Ueter k leave
GK Corporate communications
GK G Ueter k ühlwagen
GKB G raz- K öflacher B ahn und Busbetrieb GmbH (Austrian private railway, until 2004 GKE)
GKB G roßnetz k notes b asa
GKDR former G Ueter k ursbuch the DR
Eq Gl ice
GL G Renz l ast
GL Chief Executive Officer
Glass Eq ice a onnection
Glan Eq ice on circuit
Glbz Eq ice b au z ug
Glp Gl ice p latte
GM G leis m agnet
GMF G slightest m ess f CAR
Gmp Former type of train : freight train with passenger transport
GMR G eschwindigkeits m dining and R egistriereinrichtung
GMTZ G leis m ess t rieb z ug
GNT G eschwindigkeitsüberwachung for N EIGE t technic
GPA G eschwindigkeits p RÜF a ection
GP G efahren p oint
GPE G eschwindigkeits p RÜF e inrichtung
GPH G eneral P urpose H andheld Mobile (GSM-R mobile phone)
GPS G lobal P ositioning S ystem
GRE G dig r äum e nit
Grh Gr uppen h ilfstaste (group key with counter for route auxiliary resolution)
Gs Track closure
GS Switchboard
Gsp G slightest sp errsignal
GSM G slightest s pot m achine
GSM-R G lobal S ystem for M obile Communication - R ail
GSM-RD Global System for Mobile Communication - Rail - Data (for ETCS from L2)
GSV G leit s chutz v alves
Gt G Ueter t railcars
GT G around posture t aste (button or key button with counter to the basic sites of WÜSA )
GTO G ATE T URN O ff thyristor
G-car g edeckter goods carriage
G eschwindigkeits ü berwachungseinrichtung, see Geschwindigkeitsprüfabschnitt
GWB G slightest w echsel b peration (at times also referred to as driving of the track opposite to the ordinary direction of travel on signal Zs 6 hereinafter)
Gwd Abbreviation for Greifswald
Gwg Freight wagons
GWÜ G Conference w ert ü berwachungsanlage
Gz G élénk for unge
Gz G Ueter z ug
GZV G Ueter for ugbildungs v REQUIREMENTS


H Code letter (in connection with a passenger carriage - generic letter ) Car that can be supplied with power via train busbar as well as its own axle generators; also the license plate number of non-converted regional railroad cars of the Reichsbahn design
Ha signal H auptsignal a nkünder, former signal group in the signal book
HAB H igh A b b remsung
HAFAS Ha Con F ahrplan- A uskunfts- S ystem
HAS H ilfs- A usschalt- T aste
Man Chief Accountant of DR
Man H ILFS b uch
Man H ilfs b lockfeld, block field at the Austrian field line block
HB H auptluft b ehälter
HB Central station (in Switzerland)
Hbf Central Station
Hbf H eimat b ahnho f
HBL H auptluft b ehälter l Zeitung
HBLDR Main staff for the operational management of the DR
Hbm H och b au m eisterei
Hbr H and br emse
HBU H ILFS b etriebe u mrichter
HdF Establishing functionality
Hdl H AuPt d ispatcher l Zeitung (up to 1996 with the German Railway )
Hdz H AuPt d ERVICE z weig
Hot Hot runner
HET H ilfs- E inschalt- T aste
RF signal Signal group from the signal book: F orm h auptsignal (to distinguish it from the light signals Holy because not identical night sign and meaning, DR 1958)
Hfbf H a f en b ahnho f
HfV H ochschule f ÜR V erkehrswesen until 1952 and since 1992 Faculty of the Technical University of Dresden
Ed H öchst g eschwindigkeit
Hg max highest top speed, e.g. B. in the timetable
Hgbf H AuPt g Ueter b ahnho f
Hgl H AuPt gl ice, see Track
HGST H ydraulic g slightest curve-dependent vehicle body st euerung, see tilting
HH Hand lock
Hhz High pressure steam heating
Hif Hi lfs f reimeldung
Hik Hi ldebrand K norr brake (Hik brake)
Hikg Hi ldebrand- K Norrland G üterzugbremse
Hikp Hi ldebrand- K Norrland P ersonenzugbremse
Auxiliary Former train type : auxiliary locomotive
Help Former train type : Help s z ug
Hilupre Hi lfs lu ft pre sser
Add Goes there
HK H AuPt k asse
St. Abbreviation for hall
HL H old l maybe plant
HL H and L holes
HL H AuPt l uftleitung
Hlast H öchst l ast
HLL H AuPt l UFT l Zeitung
Hi signal Signal group from the signal book: H AuPt l maybe signal (the German version of the common light signal system of OSShD )
HM H old m essage
HMI H uman M achine I nterface (MMI)
Hnbr non-automatic air brake ( H e n RY Br emse)
HOA H eißläufer o rtungs a nLocated
Hp H old p oint
Hp signal Signal group from the signal book: H au p tsignal , only for die main signals and light signals from the H / V system
HPR Title H AuPt p ersonal r at
HPV H AuPt p ersonal v ertretung
Hs H old s signal (name for form locking signals in the signal box and in planning documents)
Hs H ILFS s chütz
HS H AuPt s Chalter
HS H alb s chrankenanlage
HS H erz s Tück
HS H ot S tandby
HSLM H igh S peed L oad M odel (High Speed Load Model> 200 km / h)
Hsp H AuPt sp errsignal
Hst H old 's hiring
HT H ILFS t aste (sealed or key counter with the auxiliary route resolution)
H-board Signal of the signal book : Stop board (marking of the stopping place of the Zugspitze when trains stopping on schedule)
HU General inspection
HUR H ochspannungs u m r ichter
HV H and v Closure (for locally securing points )
HV H andverschluss v ormontiert
HV H AuPt v dministration
HVAC h eating v entilation a ir c onditioning system (air conditioning)
H / V signals Signal group from the signal book: H aupt- / V orsignalsystem
HVB H auptverwaltung the German Federal Railroad
HWA H AuPt w agen a mt
HWR H ILFS w echsel r ichter
H-car H olz- Wagen (turntable wagon ; since 1964 boxcar of the special design)
Hz H ei for clothes


i Code letter (in connection with a passenger coach - class letters ) Wagons of the former train class InterRegio (in connection with m)
I. I ndication supervision limit; ETCS term
i. A. on behalf
IAV I INFRASTRUCTURE a onnection v profitable
IBNR I nternational B ahnhofs n umme r
IBW I can b ogen w oak
IC Train type : InterCity
ICE Train type : Intercity-Express
IFZ I ntegrated F ahrzeug- Z ubringerbus
IGA I ntegrated G esamt- A rive
IGBT I nsulated G ate B ipolar T ransistor
IGT I nternational rail G Ueter t Arif
IH I Nstand h managemen t
IMU inductive message transmission
INA In duktionssicherung a nfahrender trains
INDUSI Indu ctive train si insurance, see point Zugbeeinflussung
Integra Train control system of the SBB
Interfrigo Société ferroviaire inter nationale de transports frigo rifiques , franz. for: International railroad company for refrigerated transport
IR Train type : I nter R egio (today in Switzerland, previously also in Germany)
IRISHMAN Type of train : I nter r egio- E xpress
IRISHMAN Infrared activation (of level crossings)
IRTN I nternational R ailway T elecommunication N etwork (international telephone network of the railways)
IS IS -Leitung
IS Is olation; ETCS operating mode
ISL IS - L Zeitung
IS line I nformation and S expensive line
ISR I ndirekte S ven r egelung
ISTP Information system transport management passenger traffic
IVC I ntelligent V ital C omputer
IvL I ngenieur v ermessung L ageplan (now also property plan ): plan, which is also railways and other property boundaries and infrastructure elements.
Ivmg Track marking plan, route plan


JDG J akobs d deer g estell
JDŽ J ugoslovenske D ržavne Ž eleznice State Railways of the Former Yugoslavia (1929–1953)
J ugoslovenske Ž eleznice State Railway of the Former Yugoslavia (1953-2004)
JRU J uridical R ecording U nit, see EFR or GMR


k Identification letter (in connection with a passenger carriage - generic letters ) Car with self-service restaurant or vending machine
K Abbreviation for the Cologne Railway Directorate
K.Bay.Sts.B. K öniglich Bay erischen St aat s - B guessed
KPEV Royal Prussian Railway Administration
K.Sächs.Sts.EB K öniglich Sächs ical St aat s - E isen- B guessed
kSStEb Royal Saxon State Railway
KWSt.E. K öniglich W ürttembergischen St aats- E isenbahnen
K washer Signal of the signal Buchs : signals for the train crew Zp 10: Time k ürzen
K car K lappdeckel venture
K Passenger carriages - generic letter narrow-gauge wagons (only in conjunction with A and / or B)
Kaw K raftwagen a usbesserungs w ork
KB K sheet b asa
KBD K ey b oar d
Kbf K notes b ahnho f
KBf K sheet b a f esa
Kbw K raftwagen b rofessional w ork
Kd K rice d ispatcher
Kdl K leinst d iesel l ok
KE K norr brake with E inheitswirkung , mehrlösige compressed air brake with a uniform, independent of the size of the brake cylinder control valve
KED K oyal E isenbahn- D irektion ( Prussian state railways )
Code Code number
Theatrical Version K ommando f reigabe
Kfe K raft f CAR e insatzstelle
Kg noted
KGC K ühl g Ross c ontainer
KIB K onstruktiver I ngenieur b au
KiN K undenbetreuer i m N ahverkehr
Kk brake K ounce- K norr brake
KKG K ompact k lima g et up instrument
Kkg K unze- K norr - G üterzugbremse
Kkp K unze- K norr - P ersonenzugbremse
Kks K unze- K norr - S chnellzugbremse
Kl Kl wagon
Cl Kl einwagen- A nhänger
Klb Local railroad
Klbf Kleinbahn - Bahnhof (unofficial abbreviation)
Klf Kl einwagen f ührer
Klimadeö Air conditioning with steam, electric or oil firing
Climates Electric air conditioning
KLK Kl eider k asse
KLL Kl eider l ager
Klh Kl einwagen with H andbetrieb ( hand lever Draisine )
Klv Kl einwagen with V erbrennungsmotor
KMC K ey M anagement C entre
KMS K ey M anagement S ystem
KOPS Kop pel s chütz
KoRil Ko nzern- Ri cht l inie (old acronym, now Ril)
KÖB K raftwagenbetrieb the east Austrian B undesbahnen
K leinlokomotive diesel ö operated l.
Kr kr euzung
Krbw Kr euzungs b au w ork
Circular traffic combined Kr aftomnibus- egg senbahn- traffic
KrM Kr euzungs m itte
KS K lein s elbstschalter (see also LSS)
KS K ouble s pule
KS-Bahn K leinprofil- S chnell ground
KSG K omfort s expensive g et up instrument
KSR K raft s STATEMENTS r egler
Ks signals Signal group from the signal book : Ks signal system
KTW K opf t rubbed w agen
KVB K ontrolle de la V itesse par B alise (French train control system)
KVB K entwine v genaration the B undesbahnbeamten
KVB K ölner V erkehrs- B etriebe AG
Kw K urs w agen
KW K reuzungs w oak
Concentration camp Code number
Kzpbr Z weikammerdruckluft br emse type K norr for P ersonenzüge


L. Acronym in the station plans: L needle honor
L0 ETCS L evel 0
L1 ETCS L evel 1
L1LS ETCS L evel 1 L imited S upervision
L2 ETCS L evel 2
L2oS ETCS L evel 2 o hne S ignale
L3 ETCS L evel 3
La Compilation of temporary furnished La ngsamfahrstellen and other special features
l a Length of the fillet at peaks and troughs
LAC L runs a ufbereitungs c ontainer
LAR L SPEAKERS a nLocated R eisezug
Run L ade on maybe
l b Arc length
LB L ärmschutz b AUWERK
LBB L avamünder B ahn , nostalgic train in Carinthia, Austria
LBS L EIT and B edien s ystem
LCM L ine C onverter M odules (mains power converter)
LD L to d rehgestell
ldB l eft d he B ahn
LdBf L pus d it station
LdD L pus d he D ienststelle
ldS l ast d urchgehende S chwelle
LDT Illuminated pushbutton
Le Abbreviation for Le ipzig
LeiBIT Lei tSystem B etriebliche I nformationsver t eilung (software for train movement)
LeiDis Lei tSystem Dis position
LeiDis-FI Lei tSystem Dis position - F lächen i nformation
LeiDis-N Lei tSystem Dis position - N etzdisposition
LeiDis-NK Lei tSystem Dis position - N etzdisposition K unde
LeiDis-S / K Lei tSystem Dis position - S trek and K notes
Leig Lei cht g üterzug , actually L judges egg lgüterzug
Leip lei daughters P ersonenzug
LEIVO Lei tung vo rschriften
LEL Locomotive Operations Management (Austria)
LEU L ineside E lectronic U nit , trackside electronic unit of a Eurobalise
LEW L okomotivbau- E lektrotechnische W orks in Hennigsdorf
LfD L eistungsverrechnung f ÜR D steps of
Loosely Slow speed signal
Lf signals Signals of the signal book : L angsam f ahrsignale
Lfst Speed ​​limit
l g Length of an intermediate straight line
Lg Former train type : L eerwagen- G üterzug
Lgg Former train type : L eerzug from g edeckten G üterwagen
Lgo Former train type : L eerzug from o ffenen G üterwagen
LHB L inke- H ofmann- B usch
Lhz Air heating
Li Light space
LIM L ine I nterference M onitor (vehicle protection)
Llv L okomotiv l eistungs- and V erbrauchstafel
LM L ight m elder
LNT L judges N ahverkehrs t railcars
LNTC ETCS L evel NTC; National train control system
LOA L imit o f A uthority; ETCS Bergiff
PRAISE Lo komotivbau B portable mountain
Locomotive locomotive
Lokbf Lok omotiv b ahnho f
Lokdl Lok omotiv d ERVICE l pus
Locomotive Engine driver
Lokkm Lok omotiv k ilo m eter
Lokltg Lok omotiv l ei t un g
Lokw Locomotive change
Lp P ersonenwagen - L eerzug
Lr Empty train
Lr Former type of train : L eer r eisezug
LRBG L ast R ELEVANT B alise G roup; ETCS term
Lrf Engine shunter
Lrv Former type of train : L eer r eisezug from (full) train
Lrz Former type of train : L eer r eisezug for (full) train
Ls Light blocking signal
LS L imited S upervision; ETCS operating mode
LS L ade s chütz
L washer Signals of the signal book : signals for the train crew Zp 11 (drive slower!)
LSE L nes s rails e nit
Lsp signal Signals of the signal book : L maybe sp errsignale
LSS L eitungs s chutz s Chalter (not: Lei s tungs-)
LSSMA L owest S upervised S peed within the M ovement A uthority; ETCS term
LST L EIT and S icherungs t technic
Lstr L ade str ate
LSW L Ärm s chutz w and
LTA L runs t -drying a nLocated
LTM L oop T ransmission M odule, see Euroloop
LTO L evel T ransition O rder
LTS L uganskij T eplowosostroitelni S awod (Lugansk Diesel Engine Construction) Luhansk Locomotive Works
LTÜ L ager t emperature above sea monitoring
L ademaß above are exceeded
LüK L ength above about K upplung
LüP L ength above about P uffer
LV L eistungs v agreemen ts (Group Allocation)
LVT L calibrates v erbrennungs t railcars
LW Couchette cars
LW L evel w echsel
LWÜ L on w ERKs above sea monitoring
LX L evel C Rossing; Railroad Crossing
Lz Former type of train : single moving locomotive ( L ok z ug)
L train L uxury train
LZB L inienförmige Z ug b eeinflussung
LZB-Tel. LZB telegram
Lzg Former type of train : used empty locomotive
Lzpr Former type of train : empty test locomotive
Lzv former train type : single traveling motor vehicle ( L ok z ug) v om (full) train
Lzz Former type of train : single driving vehicle ( L ok z ug) for (full) train


m Code letter (in connection with a passenger coach - generic letter ) long-distance coaches with a length of more than 24.5 m
M. M otor
M. as an abbreviation for a main branch of the DR : machine management
MA M achines a mt
MA Employee
MA M ovement A uthority; ETCS driving license
MaB M mployees a uf B etriebsstellen
MAS90 M Elde A PPENDICES S ystem 90
MÁV M agyar Á llam v asutak , Hungarian State Railways
Mb M Elde b uch
MBF M aides in B etreuungs f unction (supervisor at an accident)
Mbr M indest br em hundredths, see braking hundredths
Mbrh Minimum brake hundredth
MBS M odular B rems s ystem
MC Symbols for cross-sections and types according to the PPW standards
MCG M obile C ommunications G ateway (communication computer)
MCM M otor C onverter M odules (motor converter)
mdl m ün dl i
MDV former M edizinischer D ERVICE the V erkehrswesens in the GDR
MESA M obile E isenbahn- S executing spark a nLocation
MET Metropolitan
MFA M odular F ührerraum a nzeigegerät
MFD M odular F ührerraum d isplay
MFD M ulti f unction d isplay
MfE M inisterium f ÜR E isenbahnwesen
MFM M odular F ührerraumanzeigegerät M ehrsystem
MfV M inisterium f ÜR V of the DDR erkehrswesen
Mg M a g nets brake chien
MgBr M a g nets rails br emse
MGS M ikroprozessor controlled G leit s chutz
MilT Mil itär- T arif
MITROPA Central European sleeping and dining car AG
MIP M obile- I ntegrations- P latform
MIV M agnet- I mpuls- V alve
MKS M ore k anal s chreiber
MMI M ensch- M aschine- I nterface
MMS M ensch- M aschine- S NTERFACE
MORAINE M ' o bile R' a dio for Railway N etworks in E urope
MOW m echanical o rtsgestellte W oak
MP M elde p east
MRDT M ost R estrictive D isplayed T arget; ETCS term
MRSP M ost R estrictive S peed P rofile; ETCS term
MSS M otor s chutz s Chalter
Mst M elde st elle
m T Mass of the locomotive
MTD M achine t echnical d isplay
MTRS M obile T rain R adio S ystem (dual-mode GSM-R vehicle ZF device from Nortel Network)
MTW M edium t rubbed w agen
M table Signal of the signal book : M-board (at the main signal showing the stop, drive carefully past on verbal or verbal order)
Mufu Mu lti fu nktionsabteil
M. u. V. M ommunications u nd V erfügungen of the former Ministry of Transport of the GDR
Muz M ilitär u rlauber z ug
Mv M agnet v alve
MVB M ultifunction V ehicle B us
MW M edium w agen
M-car M annschafts- car
m Wg Mass of a car
m Zg Mass of a train
Mz M elde for ettel


n Code letter (in connection with a passenger coach - generic letter ) Local transport coaches with a length of more than 24.5 m, large area with central aisle in 2nd class (12 fictitious compartments), central or side aisle in 1st class, 2 central entrances and conventional DB push-pull train control line
N Former train type : N ahgüterzug in the former DB later N ahverkehrszug
N / A N ational A uthority
after nS in traffic days - on days that follow one of the days mentioned under nS
Nb N ahbedienungs b ezirk
Nb N precisely b ahn
NB N etwork b ezirk
NBA N ot b rems a nforderung
NbA N eu b au a mt the former German Federal Railroad
Nbf N precisely b ahnho f
Nbg N e b s g ebührenbuch
NBS N eu b au s treks
NBS N utzungs b RULES FOR S erviceeinrichtungen
NBÜ Emergency brake override
No Former train type : N ah e ilgüterzug
NE n maybe federally owned E isenbahn
NFA barriers n AH, f reap and a nrufbediente barriers, see railway crossing
NFLS N ot f all l eit s adjusting
Commercial vehicles N just f Ahr z eug
Ng Former train type : N ah g üterzug
Nhhz United N ieder- and H ochdruckdampf h ei z ung
Nhz N iederdruckdampf h ei for clothes
NL N one L eading; ETCS operating mode
NL N utz l ength
NLZ N etwork l eit z connotations of core
NM N just ride with S ignalisierung
Nmg N otfall m ana g he
NO N just ride without S ignalisierung
NP N on P ower; ETCS operating mode
NRB N otdienst R eisenden b etreuung ( DB Highway )
NRBC N eighbour RBC
Nuhz N iederdruck u mlaufdampf h ei for clothes
NS Nederlandse Spoorwegen , Dutch State Railways
nS in Days of specifications at: on working days that follow a Sunday or public holiday
NSG N ieder s pannungs g erüst
Nt Former train type : N ahschnellverkehrs- T rubbed venture
NTC N ational T rain C ontrol, see ETCS
NTkm N etto t may K ilo m eter
Nto Former train type : N ahschnellverkehrs rails o mnibus
NuBeL Nu tzungs- and Be stands l iste
NVR N ational V ehicle R egister (national vehicle registration register )
NVS N ew V ertriebs S ystem (software for ticket sales)
NW N eigungs w echsel
Nz N oh z ug


O Code letter (in connection with a passenger coach - generic letter) like coaches with the code letter m, but with fewer compartments than this
ÖA ö rtliche A ufsicht
IF O rts b atterie-telephone sets
OAB O Bursting A ufsichts b ehörde
IF O rtsstell b rea
OBAEDR O Bursting B auleitung for A utomation and E lektrifizierung the DR
ÖBB East sterreichische B UNDES b suspect
ÖBl ö rtlicher B rofessional l pus
OBEDR O Bursting B auleitung for E lektrifizierung the DR
OBL O over b rofessional l Zeitung
OBl O Berster B rofessional l pus
OBU O n b Oard U nit
Obw O via b au w ork
Obz O via b au z ug
Odl O over d ispatcher l Zeitung
OdLW O rt d is L evel w echsels
OEG O berrheinische E isenbahn- G esellschaft AG
Oelhz Oil heating
ÖEM Ö sterreichisches E isenbahn m inisterium
oG o hne G epäckbeförderung
Ogbf O rts g Ueter b ahnho f
Ohz O fen h eizung
OK o hne K opframpe
OK O over k ante
OIL O over l Zeitung
OLA O over l eitungs a nLocated
OLSP O over l eitungs s pannungs p rüfeinrichtung
ÖM ö rtlicher M mployees
OMW O superstructure m ESS w agen
OPH O perational P urpose H andheld Mobile (GSM-R company radio)
Public transport East PUBLIC P PERSONS n ah v RANSPORT
OPS O perational P urpose Handheld Mobile for s hunting (GSM-R radio operation)
Opsi electro -o ptical train si insurance
OS O n S ight; ETCS operating mode
EYELET O berleitungs s ChaLt e inrichtung
OSJD O rganisazija s otrudnitschestwa sh elesnych d orog (russ), organization for cooperation between railways
öRil also öRili: Ö rtliche Ri chtlinien
PLACE O berleitungs r evisions t railcars
O-car o ffener freight cars (up to 1970)
OO car large open freight car (until 1970)
OVBL O Bursting V erkehrs- and B rofessional l Zeitung the Directorate-General of the former DR
Ow O rts w agen
Owala O over wa gen la terne (tail lamps)
ÖZ ö rtliche Z usätze
OZA O RTS and Z tatus a bhängige diagnosis
özF ö reddish z uständiger F ahrdienstleiter
Ozl O over z ug l Zeitung

| - | ÖGEG | Austrian Society for Railway History


p Code letter (in connection with a passenger carriage - generic letters ) Carriages with open space and central aisle, air-conditioned
P Former train type : P ersonenzug
P P ermitted speed supervision limit; ETCS term
P P east
in Days of specifications at: Programmzug, on special arrangement
Pa P rüfungs a mt
PAV P PERSONS a bfertigungs v RULES
PB P neumatic B Remse
PBD SR P ermitted B reaking D istance S eed R eduction; ETCS term
Pbf P ersonen b ahnho f
Pbf P ost b ahnho f
PBV P PERSONS b eförderungs v RULES
PbZ Train type : P ersonenverkehr b pecial Z wake
PCS P assenger C ounter S ystem (AFZ)
PEG P rignitzer E isenbahn G esellschaft, German RU of the British Arriva Group
Pf Schnee pf lug , former abbreviation in accident documents
Pf signals Signal of the signal book : signal to whistle
PGT P lan of G performance and T iefbauarbeiten
PHK Swiss : P ensions- and H ILFS k asse
PIM P ower I nterface M odule
Piw Former type of train : passenger train in push-pull operation
PKP P olskie K oleje P aństwowe , Polish State Railways
Pl plan
pl pl moderate
PlD pl anmäßige D urcharbeitung
PM Illuminated push button " P heck M elder"
Pmg Former train type : P ersonenzug m it G üterbeförderung
Pn Pn eumatische brake control
Po Former train type : Po stzug
post Office Passenger carriage - generic letter post carriage
PPW Правила пользования вагонами, OSJD International Car Agreement
Pr Pr äsident
Pr Tongues pr üfer
Prw Former train type : workshop test train
PS P assive S hunting; ETCS operating mode
Ps former train type : S-Bahn train
Psiw Former train type : S-Bahn train in push-pull operation
PT P ost T rip, ETCS mode
Pto Former train type : rail bus (in passenger transport)
PU P eople u Nfall such causes. B. by rail suicide or walking on tracks
PVDR P OLITICAL V dministration of DR
PVI p lanmäßige v orbeugende I nstandhaltung
Pw P eople w agen
Pw P ost w agen
Pw P ack w agen
PWR P uls w echsel r ichter
PWV P eople w agen v REQUIREMENTS
PZB Punctual train control


q Code letter (in connection with a passenger coach - generic letter ) Control car with 34-pin control cable (only vehicles that have not been modernized)


r Identification letter (in connection with a passenger carriage - generic letters ) Car with high-performance brake (rapid brake) KE-GPR
r radius
R. Abbreviation for the Karlsruhe Railway Directorate (third letter used because K and A were already taken)
R. Abbreviation in station plans : combined head and side r ampe
R. R ückmelden
R. R egionalzug (Austria and Switzerland)
RA R Ampen a arly
RA Rank : R eichsbahn- A mtmann
Rabt R angier abt eilung
RAP R oll A way P rotection; ETCS term
Ra signals Signal of the signal book : signals for the shunting service
RAss Rank : R eichsbahn- Ass istant
RAV R calibrated track a rbeiter v genaration
RAW Reichsbahn repair shop , see repair shop
Raw Reichsbahn repair shop (after approx. 1945)
RB R egional b rea
RB official Swiss abbreviation for R angier b ahnhof
Rb R angier b egleiter
Rba R eichs b ahn a mt; R calibrated web b rofessional a mt
RBauD R eichsbahn baud direction
Rbbd R eichs b ahn b au d irection
RBC R adio B lock C entre, see ETCS
RBC Acc R adio B lock C entre Acc epting; taking over ETCS headquarters
RBC Hov R adio B lock C entre H anding ov er, transferring ETCS headquarters
Rbd R eichs b ahn d irection
Rbd Aw R eichs b ahn d irection of the repair shops
Rbf official German abbreviation for R angier b ahnho f
RBKK R eichsbahn- B rofessional k entwine k aces, since association with the Federal Railroad-Betriebskrankenkasse ( BBKK ) only railway BKK
RBL R echnergestütztes B rofessional l eitsystem
RBL R egionaler B etreuungsleiter
RBW R Eich b ahn- W erbung
RBZ R eichs b ahn z entrale
RD Rank : R eichsbahn- D irector
rdB r ight d he B ahn
RDS R Eich b ahn d ienstsache
RDZ R echnergestützte D ispatcher z connotations of core
RENFE Red Nacional de los Ferrocarriles Españoles Spanish State Railways
RES R calibrated track e ntwicklungs s adjusting
RES R eisenden E rfassungs S ystem
REX R egional ex press (Austria)
Rf R angier f AHRT
RFN Réseau Ferré de Nationale , French network operator
Rg R of g ierer
Rga R of g ier a rbeiter
Rgl R of g ier l pus
Rgl R egel gl ice
RGB R ichtungs g slightest b Remse
RGV R ame à G rande V itesse
RGV Service regulation of the DR : shunting device regulation
RHAss Rank : R eichsbahn- H AuPt ass istant
RHD Rank : R eichsbahn- H AuPt d irector
RHR Rank : R eichsbahn- H AuPt r at
RHS Rank : R eichsbahn- H AuPt s ekretär
Ri Ri rect
RI Rank : R eichsbahn- I nspektor
RIA R eisenden- I nformation A utomat
RIC R egolamento I nternazionale delle C arrozze Convention on the mutual use of passenger and baggage cars in international traffic
RID R èglement concernant le transport i nternational ferroviaire de marchandises D angereuses, regulation for the international transport of dangerous goods by rail (dangerous goods law)
Ril Ri CHT l inie
RiR R angieren i n R angierfunkgruppen (GSM-R)
RIS R eisenden- I nformation S ystem
RiScha Ri chtungs beautiful old
RIU R adio I nfill U nit
RIV R egolamento I nternazionale V eicoli , agreement on the mutual use of freight wagons in international traffic
RK R angier k upplung
RKV R calibrated track k entwine v genaration
RKW R calibrated track k raft w ork
Rl Shunting ladder
RMP R everce M ovement P rotection; ETCS term
RMP R Ueck m Elde p east
RN R egional n etwork
ROA Rank : R eichsbahn- O via a mtmann
ROAss Rank : R eichsbahn- O over ass istant
ROD Rank : R eichsbahn- O over d irector
ROI Rank : R eichsbahn- O over i nspektor
RoR R angieren o hne R angierfunkgruppen (GSM-R)
ROR Rank : R eichsbahn- O about r at
ROS Rank : R eichsbahn- O via s ekretär
Rottenf Rottenf ührer
RP R äumungs p ERIFICATION (on the free section)
RPZ R äumungs p ERIFICATION on Z eit (on the free section)
RR Rank : R eichsbahn- R at
Rs R ad s atz
RS Rank : R eichsbahn- S ekretär
RS4C Repitione Signali 4 Codici (Italian train control system)
RSO Répétition Signaux Optique (train control system of the SNCF)
Rsp R eichsbahn- Sp arkasse
Rsp R ückhalte sp erre
RSV R Ueck s Chlag v alve
Traveler crossing
RUAss Rank : R eichsbahn- U nder ass istant
Return Return trip
RUS Rank : R eichsbahn- U nder s ekretär
RÜW R oll u about w attening
RV R e v Ersing; ETCS operating mode
RVA R calibrated track v erkehrs a mt
RVD R verifiable ground central for the D eutsche Travel v ransport GmbH (1920 through 1945)
RVL R egionaler V ertriebs l pus
R-car R ungen- car
RZ R else z Entrum
RZ R ationalisierter Z ustand
Margin no R else z ug
RZA Reichsbahn Central Office
Re R else z ug gl ice


s Code letter (in connection with a passenger coach - generic letters ) for baggage coaches : side aisle; for sleeping cars: special type
s Gauge
S. S anitäter former acronym in accident records
S. rail
S. route
S. in traffic days - information: on Sundays and public holidays (see also W , A )
SA S rails a uszugsvorrichtung
SA Pantograph
Sakra S icherungs a ufsichts kra ft
SAL Signal Alerte Lumineux (light alarm signal SNCF and SNCB)
Gently S ignal- Req orderungs- T aste
SAT S ven a through bfertigung T rubbed driver
SATR S trom a bnehmer tr ennschalter
SB S ignal b uch
SB S chnell b remsung
SB Self-setting
SB S tand B y; ETCS operating mode
Train S tadtschnell bahn , see also Schnellbahn
SBB S chweizerische B UNDES b suspect
SBD S ervice B reac D eceleration curve; ETCS full braking process curve
Sbk s elbsttätiges B loc k signal
Sbk s elbsttätige B loc k imagine
Sbk S elbst b loc k (in contrast to central block)
Sbkvsig Advance signal of an automatic block signal
SBI S ervice B reac I INTERVENTION supervision limit; ETCS full brake application curve
SBL S tab for operative B rofessional l Zeitung the DR
SBM S egment b rems m anager
SBR S chotter b ett r agreement machine
SBS S chnell b rems s chleife
SBS Special provisions for the operation of the Berlin S-Bahn (DB guideline 432)
SbV S ammlung b etrieblicher V RULES
S-Bw S -Bahn -B rofessional w ork
SC ServiceCenter
Sch Sch utzsignal
Sch Track sch otter
Sch Sch wave
Harm Former train type : Schad wagenzug
Harm severely damaged or damaged cars
Sleep former train type : Sch ove l okomotiv ( z ug) e
Shrapo Schr sank p east
Schravo Service vo rschrift for Schra nkenwärterdienst, Regulations of the DR no. 456
Schrp Schr sank p east
Schrw Schr sank w ärter
Schw Abbreviation for Schwerin
Schww Sister ellen w ork
Sch-Tfz Sch ove t rubbed f Ahr z eug
SCI-RBC S tandard C ommunication I nterface-RBC
SCMT Sistema di Controllo della Marcia del Treno (Italian Train Besy)
Sdb S trek d ispositions b rea
Sdz S on d he z ug
Send Send ung
SEV S chweizerische E isenbahn- and Verkehrspersonal- V erband
SEV Rail replacement services
Sf S ignal f ahrttaste (group key for the signal traveling position)
SF Former main branch of the DR : signaling and telecommunications
SF S ystem F ailure; ETCS operating mode
Sfm S ignal- and F ernmelde m eisterei
Sfp S ignal- and F ernmelde p east
SFS S chnell f Ahr s treks
Sfw S ignal- and F ernmelde w ork
SGV S rails g Ueter v RANSPORT
Sh S chutz h old signal
Sh S ignal h ALT
SH ' S' h unting; ETCS operating mode
SHHV S ee h AFEN h interland v ransport
SHP Samoczynne hamowanie pociągu (Polish ZugBesy)
SIAC Systèm Informatique d 'Aide à la Conduite (TGV diagnosis system)
SIBAS Si emens- B ahn- A utomatisierungs s ystem
SichV Dienstvorschrift DR: General V RULES for yourself erungsanlagen
Sifa Safety driving circuit
Sig sig nal
sigabh sig nal dependent ängig
Sigabh Sig nal dependent ängigkeit
Sigm Sig nal m eisterei
Sigw Sig nal w orkshop
SIL S aftey I ntegrity L evel
SIM S ubscriber I Denty M odule
Sipo Si versicherungs po sten
Sizu Si gnal to gschlussstelle
SK S aug k rice
SKl / Skl S chwer- Kl einwagen
SKS S pure k tolerance s chmierung
Slz S STATEMENTS l okomotiv ( z ug) e
SL ' S' l eeping; ETCS operating mode
Sm S ignal m aster
SMS S hort M essage S ervice (GSM short message services)
SN S ignal- N achahmer
SN S ystem N ational; ETCS operating mode
SNB S chienennetz- N utzungs b CONDITIONS
SO S rails o berkante
SoM S tart o f M ission; ETCS term for the beginning of a journey
So signals Signal of the signal Buchs : so -effective signals, see crosstalk
Sp S ChaLt p east
Sp Locking signal
sp later
SPA Sp rach a ssue
SpDrL Sp urplan- Dr ucktastenstellwerk the type L orenz (Schaub-Lorenz, ITT, Alcatel, Thales)
SpDrS Sp urplan- Dr ucktastenstellwerk the type S iemens
Lock blocking clothes
Lock Sperrf AHRT
SpM Sp ERR and M eldeeinrichtung
Sp signals Signal from the signal book : signal for push-pull locomotives and trains on the wrong track
SPUS Spu rkranz s chmierung
SR Passenger carriages - generic letter company (formerly S alon-) wagons
SR S eiten r ampe
SR S taff R esponsible; ETCS operating mode
SRE S chnee r äum e nit
Ss S trecken s switch field, block field at the Austrian field line block
SSA s chranken- and s ignalabhängige A larmeinrichtung
SSD S rails s teg d ämpfer (noise control apparatus on the track)
Ssp S EY sp erre
SSP S atic S peed P rofile; ETCS speed profile of the route
SSTF S nits s elective T ürfreigabe F ernverkehr
ST S Chlag t aster (at EOW)
St. S chnellzug t Locomotive
St. St ädteschnellverkehrs t rubbed venture
St. St örung
St. St ückgut
StGa St Ueck g ut a bfertigung, see cargo
STI French for TSI
StL St stretch l list
STM S pecific T ransmission M odule, see ETCS
Stm St arkstrom m eisterei
sturgeon sturgeon clothes
St str corner
Strebu Stre cken bu ch (ÖRil Zp from December 2015)
Stream Str corners m aster
Strw Str plug w echsel (The number of route changes to the open road)
StTK St ändige T Arif k ommission of the German railway administrations
Deputy GD Rank : Deputy Director General of DR
Stw St Affel w agen
Stw St ell w ork
Tax office St your w a g s
Stwm St ell w ERKs m aster
Stww St ell w ERKs w ärter
S roads a nd dont u berführung (road bridge crossing railway, contrary see EÜ)
Sv signals Railway signaling of the code of Signals : light signals ( S ignal v onnectivity) of the train Berlin , see Sv signaling system
Sv S ignal v erschlussfeld (old Austrian term for Ba and Be fields)
SVG S trom v ersorgun g
SvL S uper v ised L ocation; ETCS on-board unit prevents passage of this location
SVT S chnell v erbrennungs t railcars
Sw S ignal w erker (see signal master (railway) )
Sw S ignal w orkshop
SW S Tütz w and
S-car S chienen- car
S-Btrh S ignal b e tr IEBS h elfer (and see following signal Meister (railway) )
S-Btrhm S ignal b e tr IEBS h AuPt m echaniker
S-Btrm S ignal b e tr IEBS m echaniker
S-Btrmt S ignal b e tr IEBS m on t EUR
S-Btrom S ignal b e tr IEBS o over m echaniker
SZB S ignalisierter Z ugleit b peration
SŽD Sovetskije zheleznye dorogi - former Soviet state railway


T Traction vehicle (mostly traction vehicle)
T T rubbed venture
Ta T arif a mt
Ta T atbestands a Recording
Ta Telegraph termination link
TAB Technical supervisory authority for trams
TauVo Tau glichkeits vo rschriften
TAS T ransport A utomatic S ystems
TAV T echnikbasiertes A bfertigungs v learn
Tb Locomotive attendant
Telegraph District Association
T rubbed vehicle b peration
T al b remsstaffel
T eil b lock (z. B. at CIR CARNATION)
T echnical B erechtigter
TB 0 T ÜR b lockierung from 0 km / h
TBL T ransmissie B aken- L ocomotief (Dutch train control system)
TBNE T arifverband the B undeseigenen and N maybe federally owned E isenbahnen in Germany

T arifverband German B undesbahn - German N maybe federally owned E isenbahnen

TBV T unnel b egegnungs v offered
TBw T rubbed dare b rofessional w ork
TCB T rafo C ontrol B ox (transformer control box)
TCDD T ürkiye C umhuriyeti D evlet D emiryollari (Turkish Republican State Railway)
TCN T rain C ommunication N etwork (control system)
TCU T raction C ontrol U nit (ASG)
TD T rubbed d rehgestell
TDe Former train type : T ransit- D urchgangs e ilgüterzug
TDg Former train type: T ransit- D urchgangs g üterzug
TE T echnical E nit of Railways
TE T raktions e nit
TE T iefen e ntwässerung
TEA T unnel e ntwässerungs a NNEXES
TEA Former train type: T rans- E urop (e) - E xpress
TEEM Former train type: T rans- E urop (e) - E xpress- M archandise's former network of international freight trains with high average speeds
TEF Former train type: T rans- E urop- F racht- Z ug
TEIV T ranseuropäische- E isenbahn- I nteroperabilitäts v egulation
TEN T rans E uropean N etwork; Trans-European Networks
Tf Telegraph remote connection
Tf T rubbed vehicle f ührer
Tf-A Driver instructor
Tfv T ari f directory
Tfz T rubbed f Ahr z eug
Tfzf Locomotive ride
Tfzf T rubbed vehicle f ührer (Austria)
Tfzf-NWK T rubbed vehicle f ührer- N oh W UCHs K raft
TGV-2N2 Double-deck TGV
TGV POS TGV series for "Paris - Eastern France - Southern Germany"
TGV-PBKA TGV series for "Paris – Brussels – Cologne / Amsterdam"
Th Telegraph main connection
Th. Partial booklet
TIU T rain I nterface U nit; ETCS term
Tk telecommunications
TK T rubbed k opf
TLg Former train type: T ransit l eerwagenzug
TLgo Former train type: T ransit l eerzug from o ffenen G üterwagen
Tls DR T ransit l eit s adjusting the DR
T o T üren o ffen
Tp Telex post connection
TP Transport management
Transsib Trans-Siberian Irish Railway
Trapo colloquial for transport police
TR ' T' r ip; ETCS operating mode
TRIT Positioning system for DSB
TRU T rainbourne R ecording U nit
TS T race s Chalter
Ts Ts signal (signals for partial journeys and push locomotives)
Ts T asten s perrfeld, key lock (block field on mechanical interlockings)
Tsp T asten sp erre (establishment of the fields block )
TSG T rain S ignalling G ATEWAY
TSI T echnical S pecification for I nteroperability; Technical specifications for interoperability
TSI CCS T echnical S pecification for I nteroperability C ommand C ontrol S ignalling; Technical specifications for interoperability for train control, command and signaling
TSM T arget S peed M onitoring; ETCS term
TSR T emporary S peed R estriction; Temporary speed limit
TU T raktions u mrichter
TÜSA T hermischer Ü about s trom a uslöser
TVA T arif- and V erkehrs a nzeiger
TVM Transmission Voie-Machine (French train control system)
TVT Combustion tower railcars
Tw T rubbed w agen
TW T rafo w agen
T-car T hermos dare
TWR T raktions w echsel r ichter
T z T üren z u
Item T rubbed z ug


u Code letter (in connection with a passenger carriage - generic letters ) Carriages with conventional push-pull train control line (34-pin cable)
u unoccupied
ü overtaken by
U Hour digit of a time
U Transition bend
UA Transition curve start
Üa former train type : Ü bergamont respect to and from A nschlussstellen the free section
U batt Battery voltage
Ub U hear b ezirksverbindung
Üg / Ür Former train type: Ov he g abezug between adjacent B ahnhöfen
passed to hand over
transfer accepted
Üc Transmission code (of written orders, abbreviation from December 2015)
UE Spiral end
Üe Former type of train: express car transfer freight train
u e Cant
Uf U hear f ernverbindung
u f Cant deficit
Ufw Converter plant, see traction current
Ühgl Ü about h olungs gl ice
UIC U nion i nternationale des c hemins de fer , the International Union of Railways
UiG U nternehmens i nternal G appro val
UIRR U nion I nternational des sociétés de transport combiné R ail- R oute , the International Union of Combined Road-Rail transport
Ültg Reconciliation
AROUND Transition arch center
U.N. ' U' n fitted; ETCS operating mode
ÜS Monitoring signal
ÜSA Ü about s trom a uslöser
Practice Ü about l ince st elle
ÜL Ü monitoring l euchte
ÜLS ü about l asteter S chienenweg
Uml uml Zeitung
Umltg Uml ei t un g
Change U Nfall m elde st elle
UNIFE Un ion de I ndustries F errovaires E uropeenes (Association of the European Railway Industry )
UNISIG Union Industrie of Signaling (Association of ETCS Manufacturers)
Unt Unt ersuchung
unv unv erändert
ÜS Ü berwachungs s ignal (a Bü)
ÜSA Ü about s pannungs a bleiter
USM U niform s pot m achine
Practice Transfer point
UT U nwirksamkeits t aste
uu Code letter (in connection with a passenger carriage - generic letter ) Car with a conventional push-pull train control line with a 36-pin cable
Etc. Transshipment wagon
Etc. U nterhaltungs w ork
Etc. U nder w ork
UZ U ntersuchungs such connotations of core


v Code letter (in connection with a passenger coach - generic letter ) Long-distance coach with compartments, air-conditioned
V2 Signal v orschrift ÖBB
V3 Operation v orschrift ÖBB
VA V erkehrs a mt
VAA V erkehrs a breaking-voltage a mt
VB V oll b remsung
VB V erkehrs b peration
VB v orgezogene B edienstelle (at EOW)
VBC V irtual B alise C over; ETCS term
Vbf V erschiebe b ahnho f
vBrw v erkürzter Br ems w ec
VCU V ehicle C ontrol U nit
VND V ereinfachter N flat ground d ERVICE
VDE V erein D eutscher E isenbahnverwaltungen
Ve Ve shove
Ve signal former signal group in the signal book, driving v erbots- and - e rlaubnissignale
sell verk honors
Sales Verk ehrshalt
Loss Verl adung
Verm Verm ent
VersA V ersuchs A nstalt, since 2005 Deutsche Bahn AG, DB Systemtechnik
Use administration
Delay dir eichnis
vFB v ereinfachter F ernbedien- B rea
VkK V he k EHRs k asse
VKM V ehicle K eeper M arking (vehicle owner identification)
VL Traffic management
Vl V orspann l okomotive
Vl signals Former signal group of the signal book: light pre-signals (of the old light signal system to differentiate from the Hl signals, DR from 1959)
VLZ V erkehrs l eit z connotations of core
v speed
v failure Failure speed (the speed driven in the event of an LZB failure)
v e Design speed
v Fz Maximum permitted vehicle speed
v gz Scheduled speed of slow moving trains at one point
v is Is speed
v lim Limit speed
v max Top speed
v min After an LZB failure: lowest value from v failure and PZB monitoring speed
v PZB train type Maximum speed of the corresponding PZB train type
v should Target speed (e.g. with AFB)
v goal Target speed that should be fallen below after a path has been completed
v perm locally permissible speed of the fastest train
VMEV V erein M itteleuropäischer E isenbahn v ADMINISTRATIONS
VMZ v m ax Z ug , maximum allowable speed of the train
Pres Command of caution
Vsig V or sig nal
v pl v or Pl to
Vpr Vice President
Vr Vr 0, Vr 1, Vr 2 - Signal concept of V o r signal
vS in Days of specifications at: on working days that lie ahead Sundays and public holidays
VS V oll s chrankenanlage
VS V or s ignal
probably expected
Vst Board of Directors , V or st rather
VstV V or st eher- V ertreter
VT Combustion railcars , see railcars
V traction Diesel traction
vun v on u nd n oh
V erkehrs above sea monitoring
V car V 'll kill dare
Vz V or z ug
VzG V erzeichnis locally z ulässiger G eschwindigkeiten (see route number )


W. W agen charge
W. Wagenwirtschaft
W. W arning supervision limit; ETCS term
W. W ärterstellwerk
W. W ee
W. in Days of specifications at: Weekdays (see also S )
W. one-way Westinghouse brake
Wa Switch filtering button
Wa W pus a bfertigung
WA W calibrate a arly
DARE W calibrate a uffahr g 'groups t aste
WAN Wa gen n orm
What W recite a usbesserungs s hiring
WHAT W recite a bnahme s hiring
WAT W ecker a bschalt t aste
WAT W calibrate a uffahr t aste
Wa signals Signal of the Code of Signals : Wa rnsignale when working in the danger zone of the tracks
WB W irbelstrom b Remse
Wbr automatic compressed air br emse of the type W estinghouse with single control valve
Wbs W agen b rofessional s adjusting
Wdb W agen d ERVICE b uch
We W calibrate e ntsperrtaste (taped group key in track the switchboard for switching of switches in case of faulty track release)
WE W agen s hands
WE W oak s hands
WE W oak e nit
Continue Weiterf AHRT
Wg W a g s
Wg W calibrate g roup key
Flat share Passenger carriages - generic letter society car ("Tanzwagen")
Wgd W a g s d ERVICE
Wgl W a g s l adung
Wgm W a g s m eister
Wgm W a g s m essage
Wgp W a g s p Rüfer
Wgs W agen g rence s hiring
Wgsch W ie g e sch a
WGT W calibrate g 'groups t aste
Wh W calibrate h ilfsauflösetaste (taped group key with counter in track layout interlockings for each auxiliary route resolution of switch sections)
WHT W calibrate h ILFS t aste
Whz W Hot water h ei for clothes
Whz W calibrate h ei for clothes
Whzkd W Hot water h ei z ung with K ohle- or D ampfheizung
Whzküös W Hot water h ei for clothes on hlwasserumlauf or Ö lbefeuerung, s elbstregelnd
Whzo W Hot water h ei for clothes with Ö lbefeuerung
Whzöde W Hot water h ei z ung with east L-, D ampf- or e lectrical heating
Whzöd-f W Hot water h ei z ung with east L-, or D ampfheizung with antifreeze
Whzos W Hot water h ei for clothes with Ö lbefeuerung, s elbstregelnd
Whzv W armwasser- (cooling water) and exhaust additional h ei such clothes in railcars
Wl W oak itself l aufaus- or -einschalttaste
WL Passenger carriages - generic letter sleeping car (only in connection with A and / or B)
Wm W agen m eisterei
Wm W erkgrenz m ate
WM W oak m itte
Wn signals Signal of the signal book : turnout signals
WON W agen o rdnungs n umber
Wp W agen master p east
Wpbr automatic compressed air br emse of the type W estinghouse with rapid-control valve
WR Passenger cars - generic letter dining car
WR W echsel r ichter
Ws W eichenent s törtaste (group key in interlocking without Auffahrzählwerk with counter, for switching from ascended switches)
Wsb W calibrate s tell b ude
Wsp W Cancel repeat sp erre (term used in railroad safety technology)
WT W achsamkeits t aste (of automatic train control systems )
WT W oak alternate t Afel (at EOW)
WT W irksamkeits t aste
WTB W ire T rain B us (train bus)
WU W Cancel repeat u ntersuchung
W eg ü transition
WUD W agen u ntersuchungs d ERVICE
WÜSA W eg ü RANSITIONAL s icherungs a nLocation
Desolation W agen ü handing st elle
Anger W ecker u nterbrecher t e y
Wv W calibrate v orschrift
Wv W calibrate v erschlussfeld (old Austrian term for Ff and Fa-fields)
Ww W oak w ärter
Ww W oak w ork
WZD w ffective Z ug d ata
WzV W arte such ince v REQUIREMENTS


Code letter (in connection with a passenger carriage - generic letters ) S-Bahn wagons with open spaces in 1st and 2nd class, train busbar for power supply, central entrances and high-performance brake (see also: x wagons)
Crossing (one train with another)
X car
Work car (other freight car )


Code letter (in connection with a passenger coach - generic letter ) like type n, but only 11 fictitious compartments and push-pull train control line of any type


Code letter (in connection with a passenger carriage - generic letter ) Carriages with power supply from the train busbar
Z ug
Z ustimmungs a bgabefeld (block field on mechanical interlocking )
Z ug a n k ünder (auxiliary equipment in the interlocking for timely connection of the substitute signal)
Z ug a uflöse b ahnho f
Z entral a breaking-voltage st elle
Z entral b atterie
Z ugangs b erechtigter (to infrastructure)
Z wipe b remsstaffel
Z SUMMARY b etriebsdienstlicher A INSTRUCTIONS
Z ug b ildungs b ahnho f
Z ug b ahn f unk
Z connotations of core B au B rofessional L Zeitung the DR
Z connotations of core B ildstelle the DR
Z entral b loc k
Z ug b rems m anager
Z connotations of core B eschaffungs s adjusting
Z ug b eeinflussungssystem S Bahn Berlin
Z connotations of core B peration sl Zeitung
Z connotations of core B rofessional w estate l intercom
Z ug c hef
Z ug d isponent
Z ug d ispatcher
Z ug d ata s ingabe
Z ug d ata s insteller
Z eitmultiplexe D ouble traction s control
Z ustimmungs e mpfangsfeld (block field on mechanical interlocking )
Z ug e ntfernung; For trains with notification
Z connotations of core e lectronic F racht b e- and - a refractive
Z connotations of core E inschalt s hiring
Z connotations of core E nergy v genaration
Z ug f ührer
Z ug f unk
Z ug fe rtigsteller
Z entrales F ESEARCH i nstitut of V erkehrswesens
Z ug f olge st elle
Train type
Z u gf ührer
Z ug G astronom
Z calibrate g abe-block system, Austrian standard design of the route block
Zg signals
Signals of the signal book : Signal on trains and small cars
Tongue device
z I
z ur I nstandsetzung
Z ustimmung i m e inzelfall
Z entral k leaving the DR
Z entraler co ordinator
Z ug l pus
Z ug l ength
Z ug l eit b peration
Z ug l eit b rea
ZLB 01
( Z ug l eit b rea ) Supporting system GPRS - ( GSM -) base
Z ug l eit- B ahnho f
Z ug l EIT F Ahr d ERVICE l pus
Z connotations of core L Zeitung the DR
Z ug l to m essage
Z ug l to m Elde s adjusting
Z ug l -lowering r
Z ug l to s -adjusting
Z ug m essage
Z ug m elder
Z ugschluss m essage
Z ugnummern m Elde a nLocated
z max
maximum pulling force
Train registration book
Z ug m Elde p east
Train registration office
Zm signals
Signals of the signal book : train alarm or danger signal
Z eitmultiplexe M ehrfachtraktions s control
Z connotations of core O superstructure e rneuerung
Z ugbildungs p lan
Z ug p ersonal
Zp signals
Signals of the signal book : signals for the train crew
Z ug rev isor
Z connotations of core R egel w ERKs d ATABASE
Z ug sch affner
Z wipe S ignal
Z ugsammel s Rails
Z usatzbestimmungen to S ignal- and B etriebsvorschrift
Z entral s expensive g et up instrument, Z entrales S expensive g et up instrument
Z ug s expensive g et up instrument
Z wipe sig nal
Z ug s expensive l Zeitung
z should
Target tensile force
Z ug s icherungs s ystem
Zs signals
Signals of the signal book : additional signals for main signals
Z entral st ell w ork
Z ugsammel s rails and mrichter
Z ug t echniker
Z connotations of core T ransport l Zeitung
Z connotations of core T rans p ortleitung
z U
z ur U ntersuchung
Z ug above sea monitoring
To g b egleitpersonal
' Train' be einflussungs sy stem
Zugg attung
Zugm elder
Train preparer
zust ändig
Z entral v erkehrs a mt
Z ug v orbereitungs m essage
Z wipe v ors sig nal
Z connotations of core V erkehrs- Ü monitoring
Z entralstelle for W erkstättendienst
Z wei w ege b Agger
Z carriage
Z isterne wagon ( tank wagon )
double- winged
twig icy
Z connotations of core W EG and G eschwindigkeitserfassung
Z eitmultiplexe W endezug s control
Z ugsteuerung, Z ugsicherung and S ignalgebung


Technical owner (by Betra point 4.2 )

See also


  • Reichsbahndirektion Dresden [print]: Abbreviations
    * Part 1: in traffic with offices outside the Reichsbahn and in internal official traffic of the Reichsbahn .
    * Part 2: in the internal traffic of the Reichsbahn .
    * Part 3: of laws and ordinances in internal official traffic of the Reichsbahn .
    September 1930.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Harald Bosch: Abbreviations from the railway sector. Retrieved December 28, 2019 .
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al DV V3, operating regulations, ÖBB , pages C1 / C2
  4. ^ Conference of those responsible for bridge loading (FvBel) of the Deutsche Bahn in Fulda . January 27, 2017. Retrieved July 25, 2018.
  5. ^ Reichsbahndirektion Dresden [print]: Abbreviations , part 2, p. 3.
  6. ^ Reichsbahndirektion Dresden [print]: Abbreviations , part 2, p. 3.
  7. Eisenbahndirektion Mainz (ed.): Official Journal of the Royal Prussian and Grand Ducal Hessian Railway Directorate in Mainz of February 23, 1918, No. 9. Announcement No. 135, p. 57.
  8. ^ ÖBB M22 service on locomotives
  9. Bound, but with a separate page number, the copy of "Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (Hg.): Official Gazette of the Reichsbahndirektion in Mainz dated November 8, 1930, No. 53", in the Mainz City Library , signature: Z 14: 4 o / 27-1930.