List of characters in Greek mythology / C

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The list of characters in Greek mythology includes characters from Greek mythology .

All figures known by name through literary or inscribed evidence are recorded. These include gods, demigods, hybrid beings or monsters, as well as human figures or animals that appear in myth. Nicknames, alternative names and group names are also included.


  • Name: German transcription of the name without accents or length characters. Names whose traditional transcriptions are formed with umlaut or begin with a U are listed here without umlaut and with the transcription Ou . Accordingly, z. B. Oedipus can be found under Oidipus or Uranos under Ouranos .
  • Greek: Ancient Greek spelling of the name.
  • Description: Contains a brief description of the figure in which it is classified as far as possible (god, nymph, satyr, son or daughter of ...).
  • Evidence: The detailed evidence is in the respective article and not in this list.

See also the general notes on the list of characters in Greek mythology .


Surname Greek description proof
Cassus (corrupt) Son of Aegyptus , how nearly 50 brothers were stabbed to death by the Danaid bride Helicta Hyginus : Fabulae 170.
Chadisia Χαδισία Amazon who went into battle “like a man”, after her the city on the Pontos RE . Roscher 1,868. Stephanos of Byzantium .
Chairesilaos Χαιρησίλαος Son of Iasios , father of Poimandros RE . Roscher 1,868. Pausanias 9,20,2.
Chairias Χαιρίας this is Eunomus , King of Sparta Roscher 1,868.
Chairon Χαίρων Son of Apollon and Thero , founder of Chaironeia in Boiotien RE . Roscher 1,868. Pausanias 9.40,3.
Chaitos Χαῖτος Son of Aegyptus , how nearly 50 brothers stabbed by the Danaid bride Asteria RE . Roscher 1,868. Library of Apollodor 2,1,5.
Chalastre Χαλάστρη, Χαλέστρα Name giver of the city of Chalastra in Macedonia at the mouth of the Axios RE . Roscher 1,868. Stephanos of Byzantium .
Chalbes Χάλβης Herald of Busiris , slain with his lord by Heracles RE . Roscher 1,868. Scholion Apollonios 4.1396.
Chaldaios Χαλδαῖος Son of Belos , 14th king after Ninos in the city of Nineveh RE . Roscher 1,868. Stephanos of Byzantium .
Chaldene Χαλδήνη Beloved of Zeus , mother of Solymos , the progenitor of the Solymer RE . Roscher 1,868. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Χαλκηδονία .
Chalis Χάλις Nickname of Dionysus , giver of the pure, unmixed wine, like Akratos RE . Roscher 1,868. Eustathios : Commentary on Iliad 1471.2.
Chalkaor Χαλκάορ Leader of the Amazons for Troy , "like a man" in battle, killed by Achilles RE . Roscher 1,868. Tzetzes Posthomerica 181.
Chalcedon Χαλκηδών Son of Kronos , namesake of the river and city of Chalcedon RE . Roscher 1.869 (1). Arrian at Eustathios .
Chalcedon Χαλκηδών Son of the seer Kalchas Roscher 1,869 (2). Hesychios of Miletus 4:21.
Chalcinos Χαλκῖνος Descendant of Cephalos in the 10th member, brother of Daitos RE . Roscher 1,869. Pausanias 1,37,6.
Chalkioikos Χαλκίοικος Epiclesis of Athena in Sparta , "the house of ore", also used independently RE . Roscher 1,869. Thucydides 1,128. Pausanias 4,15,5.
Chalkiope Χαλκιόπη Daughter of King Eurypylos of Kos , with Heracles mother of Thessalus RE . Roscher 1.869 (1). Library of Apollodorus 2,7,8.
Chalkiope Χαλκιόπη Daughter of King Aietes of Colchis , sister of Medea , wife of Phrixus RE . Roscher 1,869 (2). Library of Apollodorus 1,9,1.
Chalkiope Χαλκιόπη Daughter of Rhexenor or Chalcodon, wife of Aigeus RE . Roscher 1,869 (3). Library of Apollodorus 3,5,6.
Chalkiope Χαλκιόπη Daughter of Alkon Roscher 1,869 (4). Scholion to Apollonios of Rhodes 1.97.
Chalkis Χαλκίς Mother of the corybants , the orgiastic ritual dancers Roscher 1.869 (1). Scholion to Homer's Iliad 14.291.
Chalkis Χαλκίς Daughter of Asopos and Metope , namesake of the city of Chalkis RE . Roscher 1,870 (2). Diodorus 4.72.
Chalcodon Χαλκώδων King of the Abants of Euboia , son of Abas RE . Roscher 1.870 (1). Homer Iliad 2.541. Apollodor 3,10,9.
Chalcodon Χαλκώδων Heracles' comrade in arms against Elis RE . Roscher 1,870 (2). Pausanias 8.15.3.
Chalcodon Χαλκώδων Suitor of Hippodameia RE . Roscher 1,870 (3). Pausanias 6.21.7.
Chalcodon Χαλκώδων King of Kos , son of Eurypylos and Astypalaia , wounds Heracles RE . Roscher 1,870 (4). Library of Apollodorus 2,7,1.
Chalcodon Χαλκώδων Son of Aegyptus , how nearly 50 brothers stabbed by the Danaidenbride Rhodia RE . Roscher 1,870 (5). Library of Apollodor 2,1,5.
Chalkomedusa Χαλκομέδουσα Wife of Arkeisios , mother of Laertes RE . Roscher 1,870. Eustathios Commentary on Iliad 1796,34.
Chalcone Χάλκων King of Kos , son of Eurypylos and Clytia RE . Roscher 1.870 (1). Theocritus 7.6.
Chalcone Χάλκων this is Chalcodon , king of Euboia, father of Abas RE . Roscher 1,870 (2). Scholion to Homer's Iliad 2,526.
Chalcone Χάλκων, Χαλκώδων Father of Bathycles , Myrmidon RE . Roscher 1,870 (3). Homer Iliad 16,592.
Chalcone Χάλκων Leader and shield bearer of Antilochus , in love with the Amazon Penthesileia RE . Roscher 1,870 (4). Eustathios Commentary on Iliad 1697,54.
Chalcone Χάλκων, Χαλκώδων that is Chalcon , suitor of Hippodameia RE . Roscher 1,870 (5).
Chalkos Χαλκός Son of Athamas, inventor of shields RE . Roscher 1,870. Pliny the Elder Naturalis historia 7.57.
Chalybs Χάλυψ Son of Ares , namesake of the Chalybes RE . Roscher 1,871. Scholion to Apollonios of Rhodes 2,373.
Chamyne Χαμύνη, Χαμνος Epiclesis of Demeter in Elis , goddess of fertility and grain RE . Roscher 1,871. Pausanias 6,20,9.
Chamynos Χαμύνη, Χαμνος that's Chamyne , by the name of Demeter Roscher 1,871.
Chaon Χάων Trojan , brother or companion of Helena , killed unintentionally while hunting RE . Roscher 1,871. Servius : Commentary Aeneid 3,297.
chaos Χάος, Χάεος “Yawning emptiness”, disordered state of the world from which the first gods emerged RE . Roscher 1,871.
Charidemos Χαρίδημος last carnelian priest of Apollon Carneios , who ruled over Sikyon Eusebius : Chronicon .
Chariklo Χαρικλώ Naiade , wife of the centaur Cheiron , educator of Jason and Achilles Roscher 1,872 (1). Pindar : Pythia 4.103.
Chariklo Χαρικλώ Daughter of Kychreus , wife of the robber Skiron in Megara , mother of Endeis RE . Roscher 1,872 (2). Plutarch : Theseus 10.
Chariklo Χαρικλώ Nymph , with the shepherd of your mother the seer Teiresias RE . Roscher 1,872 (3). Library of Apollodorus 3,6,7.
Charila Χάριλα Orphan girls, having a festival in Delphi , after drought and famine RE . Roscher 1,872. Plutarch : quaestiones Graecae 12.
Charilaos Χαρίλαος, Χόριλλαος this is Chorillos , a satyr RE . Roscher 1,872. CIG 7461.
Charilaos Χαρίλαος, Χάριλλος this is Charillos , King of Sparta RE . Herodotus : Histories 8,131.
Charillos Χαρίλαος, Χάριλλος King of Sparta , a Eurypontide , son of Polydect, fights against Tegea RE . Pausanias 8.5.9.
Chariphemos Χαρίφημος Ancestor of Homer and Hesiod , one of the ten in line to Orpheus RE . Roscher 1,872.
Charippos Χάροψ, Χάροπος see Charops , diverse Roscher 1,872.
Charis Χάρις, Χάριτες one of the Charites , grace, grace personified, wife of Hephaestus RE . Roscher 1,872. Homer : Iliad 18,382.
Charisios Χαρίσιος Son of Lycaon , founds Charisiai, one of the 50 wicked people whom Zeus exterminated RE . Roscher 1,884. Pausanias 8.3.1.
Charites Χάριτες Goddesses of grace and celebration, Euphrosyne , Thalia , Aglaia RE . Roscher 1,872-884.
Charmas Χάρμας Father of Euandros from Arcadia , otherwise Hermes is given as the father RE . Roscher 1,884. Scholion , Dionysius 348.
Charmophron Χαρμόφρων Epithet of Hermes , patron god of travelers and shepherds, "the heart-pleasing one" RE . Roscher 1,884. Hesychios of Alexandria .
Charmos Χάρμος Son of Aristaios in Sardinia, brother of Callikarpos RE . Roscher 1,884. Diodorus 4.82.
Charon Χάρων old ferryman, brings the dead across the Acheron to Hades RE . Roscher 1.884-886 (1). Diodorus 1.92.
Charon Χάρων Participants in a boar hunt on ancient Corinthian vases in the Vatican RE . Roscher 1.886 (2). CIG 7374.
Charopos Χάροπος, Χάροψ Ruler of Syme , husband of the nymph Aglaia , father of Nireus RE . Roscher 1.886 (1). Homer : Iliad 2,671.
Charopos Χάροπος, Χάροψ this is Charops , husband of the Oie RE . Roscher 1.886 (2).
Charops Χάροψ King of Thrace , father of Oiagros , grandfather of Orpheus RE . Roscher 1.886 (1). Diodorus 3.65.
Charops Χάροψ Trojan , son of Hippasus, brother of Sokos, killed by Odysseus RE . Roscher 1.886 (2). Homer : Iliad 11,426.
Charops Χάροψ Nickname of Heracles in Boiotien , with a statue at Laphystion, place of Kerberos RE . Roscher 1.886 (3). Pausanias 9,34,4.
Charops Χάροπος, Χάροψ Husband of the Oie, after her the Demos Oie in Attica RE . Roscher 1.886 (4). Harpocration sv Οἰῆθεν
Charops Χάροψ The hunter's dog Aktaion , one of 35 to 81 animals RE . Roscher 1.887 (5). Hyginus : Fabulae 181.
Charops Χάροψ, Χάροπος this is Charopos , husband of the nymph Aglaia RE . Roscher 1.887 (6).
Charybdis Χάρυβδις Sea monster that lives with the Scylla in the Strait of Messina RE . Roscher 1,887. Homer : Odyssey 12.73.
Cheirimachos Χειρίμαχος Son of Elektryon and Anaxo , brother of Alcmene RE . Roscher 1,888. Library of Apollodorus 2,4,5.
Cheirogastores Χειρογάστορες Cyclops , with a single eye on his forehead, assistant to Proitos in Tiryns RE . Roscher 1,888. Hekataios at Julius Pollux 1,5,50.
Cheirogonia Χειρογονία Nickname of Persephone , related to the goddess of childbirth RE . Roscher 1,888. Hesychios .
Cheiron Χείρων, Χίρων Centaur , son of Cronus and Philyra , tutor of several heroes RE . Roscher 1,888-892. Homer : Iliad 11,832.
Chelidon Χελιδών, Χελιδονίς Daughter of Pandareos , sister of Aedon, desecrated, transformed into a swallow RE . Roscher 1,892. Antoninus Liberalis 11.
Chelidonis Χελιδών, Χελιδονίς this is Chelidon , daughter of Pandareus RE . Roscher 1,892.
Chelon Χελώνη Virgo, despises Zeus' marriage to Hera, transformed into a turtle by Hermes RE . Roscher 1,892. Servius : Commentary on Aeneid 1.505.
Cherias Χερίας this is Eunomus , King of Sparta Roscher 1,892.
Chersibios Χερσίβιος Son of Heracles and Megara , brother of Polydorus , Aniketus , Patroclus RE . Roscher 1,892. Scholion , Pindar : Isthmia 3,104.
Chersidamas Χερσιδάμας, Χιροδαμας Son of King Priam of Troy , killed by Odysseus RE . Roscher 1.892 (1). Homer : Iliad 11,423.
Chersidamas Χερσιδάμας Son of Pterelaus RE . Roscher 1,892 (2). Library of Apollodorus 2,4,5.
Chersis Χέρσις Graie , daughter of Phorkys and Keto , together with Pemphredo, Enyo, Deino RE . Roscher 1,892. Hesiod : Theogony 270.
Chesias Χησιάς Epiclesis of Artemis on Samos , with temple in Chesion RE . Roscher 1.892 (1).
Chesias Χησιάς Nymph on Samos , with Imbrasos mother of Okyroë RE . Roscher 1,892 (2). Athenaios 7.283.
Chesloimos Χέσλοιμος Son of Mestraimos, thus son of Aegyptus RE . Roscher 1,892. Josephus 1,6,2.
Chethimos Χέθιμος eponymous hero of the island and the tribe of Cyprus, son of Jovanes RE . Roscher 1,893. Josephus 1,6,1.
Chettaios Χετταῖος Son of Chanaan, the inhabitants of the land of Chanaan are called Chettaioi after him RE . Roscher 1,893. Josephus 1,6,2.
Chias Χιάς, Χιόνη Daughter of Niobe and Amphion , after her one of the 7 gates of Thebes RE . Roscher 1,893. Hyginus : Fabulae 69.
Chimaira Χίμαιρα Hybrid , "goat", daughter of Echidna and Typhon , sister of Hydra RE . Roscher 1.893-895 (1). Homer : Iliad 6,180.
Chimaira Χίμαιρα Nymph , lover of the shepherd Daphnis Roscher 1,895 (2). Servius : Commentary Eclogae 8,68.
Chimaireus Χιμαιρεύς Son of Prometheus and Kelaino , brother of Lycus , host to Paris RE . Roscher 1,895. Tzetzes , Scholion : Lykophron 132.
Chione Χιόνη Daughter of Boreas and Oreithyia , with Poseidon mother of Eumolpos RE . Roscher 1,895 (1). Lycurgus 160.
Chione Χιόνη Daughter of Arcturus, stolen by Boreas , mother of Hyrpa RE . Roscher 1,895 (2).
Chione Χιόνη Daughter of Neilos and Kalirrhoë , "Snow" RE . Roscher 1,895 (3). Servius : Commentary on Aeneid 4,250.
Chione Χιόνη Daidalion's daughter , with Apollon and Hermes mother of Philammon , Autolycus RE . Roscher 1,895 (4). Hyginus : Fabulae 200.
Chione Χιόνη Lover of Dionysus , mother of Priapus RE . Roscher 1,895 (5). Scholion , Theocritus 1.21.
Chione Χιόνη Nymph , eponymous for the island of Chios RE . Roscher 1,895 (6). Stephanos of Byzantium .
Chios Χίος Son of Poseidon and a nymph , snow fell from the sky when he was born Roscher 1.896 (1). Pausanias 7.4.6.
Chios Χίος Son of Oceanus , eponymous hero of the island of Chios RE . Roscher 1.896 (2). Stephanos of Byzantium sv Χίος .
Chitons Χιτώνη, -νία, -νέα Epiclesis of Artemis , girls danced in Syracuse for flute RE . Roscher 1,896. Stephanos of Byzantium sv.
Chlamos Χλέμος Lycian , son of Peisenor, fighting for Troy , of Meriones killed RE . Roscher 1,896. Quintus of Smyrna 8.101.
Chloe Χλόη Epiklesis of Demeter , the goddess of fertility and grain RE . Roscher 1,896. Athenaios 14.10.
Chloris Χλῶρις, Χλωρίς this is nymph Flora , goddess of flowers RE . Roscher 1.896 (1).
Chloris Χλωρίς, Χλῶρις Daughter of Orchomenos, with Ampykos mother of the seer Mopsus in Thessaly RE . Roscher 1.896 (2). Hyginus : Fabulae 14.
Chloris Χλωρίς Daughter of Amphion , with Neleus mother of Pero and Nestor RE . Roscher 1.896 (3). Homer : Odyssey 11,281.
Chloris Χλῶρις, Χλωρίς this is Meliboia , daughter of Niobe and Amphion RE . Roscher 1.896 (4). Pausanias 2,21,10.
Chnas Χνάς eponymous hero of the land of Phenicia , identified with Agenor or Phoinix RE . Roscher 1,897. FHG 1,17,254.
Choirile Χοιρίλη, Χορίλη Nickname of Hecabe , wife of King Priam in Troy RE . Roscher 1,897. Suda .
Choiros Χοίρος Mainade , companion of the Dionysian trains RE . Roscher 1,897. CIG 8378.
Chomisdaites Χωμισδαίτης Epiclesis of Heracles RE . Roscher 1,897. Suda sv Χῶν .
Chon Χῶν Egyptian deity, identified with Heracles RE . Roscher 1,897. Etymologicum magnum 816.29.
Choraios Χοραῖος Father of Kallithea, the wife of Atys RE . Roscher 1,898. Dionysius of Halicarnassus 1.27.
Choranthe Χοράνθη Mainade , companion of the Dionysian trains RE . Roscher 1,898.
Choreia Χορεία Mainade , companion of the Dionysian trains RE . Roscher 1,898. CIG 8387.
Chorillos Χόριλλος Satyr , hybrid , demon in the wake of Dionysus RE . Roscher 1,898.
Choro Χορώ Nereid , daughter of Nereus and Doris , nymph of the sea RE . Roscher 1,898 (1). CIG 7398.
Choro Χορώ Mainade , companion of the Dionysian trains RE . Roscher 1,898 (2). CIG 7461.
Chorochartes Χοροχάρτης, Ὀροχαρης Satyr , hybrid , demon in the wake of Dionysus RE . Roscher 1,898.
Choronike Χορονίκη, Χωράν Mainade , companion of the Dionysian trains RE . Roscher 1,898 (1). CIG 7452.
Choronike Χορονίκη Muse , patron goddess of the arts RE . Roscher 1,898 (2). CIG 7815.
Chromia Χρομία Daughter of King Itonus , wife of Endymion RE . Roscher 1,898. Pausanias 5: 1, 2.
Chromios Χρόμιος Son of King Pterelaus of Taphos RE . Roscher 1,898 (1). Library of Apollodorus 2,4,5.
Chromios Χρόμιος Son of King Priam in Troy , killed by Diomedes RE . Roscher 1,898 (2). Homer : Iliad 5,160.
Chromios Χρόμιος Son of Neleus , brother of Nestor RE . Roscher 1,898 (3). Homer : Odyssey 11,286.
Chromios Χρόμιος fight for Troy , killed by Teukros RE . Roscher 1,898 (4). Homer : Iliad 8.275.
Chromios Χρόμιος Lycians , fighting for Troy , slain by Odysseus RE . Roscher 1,898 (5). Homer : Iliad 5,677.
Chromios Χρόμιος from Mycenae , fights against Troy , slain by Eurypylos RE . Roscher 1,898 (6). Quintus of Smyrna 6,616.
Chromios Χρόμιος this is Chromis , ally of the Trojans RE . Roscher 1,898 (7). Homer : Iliad 17.218.
Chromis Χρόμις from Mysia , fights for Troy , conquered by Achilles RE . Roscher 1.899 (1). Homer : Iliad 2,858.
Chromis Χρόμις Companion of Phineus , kills Emathion at the wedding of Perseus RE . Roscher 1.899 (2). Ovid : Metamorphoses 5,103.
Chromis Χρόμις Centaur , hybrid creature , slain by Peirithoos at the wedding RE . Roscher 1,899 (3). Ovid Metamorphoses 12,333.
Chromis Χρόμις Satyr , hybrid , demon in the wake of Dionysus RE . Roscher 1,899 (4). Virgil Eclogae 6.13.
Chronos Χρόνος Personification of time, of lifetime, in the myths of the Orphics RE . Roscher 1.899 (1).
Chronos Χρόνος Ross des Helios , one of four RE . Roscher 1,900 (2). Scholion , Euripides : Phoenicians 3.
Chrysanthis Χρυσανθίς Woman from Argos , Demeter tells of the robbery of Persephone at Lerna RE . Roscher 1,900. Pausanias 1,14,2.
Chrysaor Χρυσάωρ Son of Medusa , brother of Pegasus , with Kallirrhoë father of Geryon RE . Roscher 1,900 (1). Hesiod : Theogony 278.
Chrysaor Χρυσάωρ, Χρυσάορος Epithets of gods: Apollon , Demeter , Artemis , Zeus , Orpheus , Perseus RE . Roscher 1,900 (2).
Chrysaor Χρυσάωρ Son of Glaucus , "golden sword", eponymous hero in Caria , father of Idrieus RE . Stephanos of Byzantium sv Χρυσαορίς .
Chrysas Χρύσας River god Chrysas in Sicily , with a sanctuary near Assoro , on the road to Henna RE . Roscher 1,900. Cicero : Verres indictment 4,44,96.
Chryse Χρύση Place of worship of Apollon Smintheus Roscher 1.901 (1). Homer : Iliad 1.30.
Chryse Χρύση Nymph of the island Chryse near Lemnos , "the golden one" RE . Roscher 1.901 (2). Scholion , Iliad 2,722.
Chryse Χρύση Daughter of King Almos from Orchomenos , with Ares mother of Phlegyas RE . Roscher 1.901 (4). Pausanias 9.36.
Chryse Χρύση Daughter of Pallas , "the golden one", with Dardanos mother of Idaios and Deimas RE . Roscher 1.901 (5). Dionysius of Halicarnassus 1.61.2.
Chryse Χρύση Bakchantin who begins to race, seized by the deity Roscher 1,901 (6).
Chryseis Χρυσηίς Daughter of the Apollo priest Chryses , prisoner of Agamemnon RE . Roscher 1.901 (1). Homer : Iliad 1,366.
Chryseis Χρυσηίς one of the 50 daughters of King Thespios , with Heracles mother of Onesippos RE . Roscher 1.902 (2). Library of Apollodorus 2,7,8.
Chryseis Χρυσηίς, Κρηνηίς Okeanide , daughter of Okeanos and Tethys RE . Roscher 1.902 (3). Hesiod Theogony 359.
Chryses Χρύσης Son of Minos and Pareia, in Paros , killed by Heracles with three brothers RE . Roscher 1.902 (2). Pausanias 3,1,2,5.
Chryses Χρύσης Son of Chrysogeneia, priest of Apollo in Chryse , father of Chryseis RE . Roscher 1.902 (3). Strabo 13,612.
Chryses Χρύσης Son of Agamemnon and Chryseïs, lives on the island of Zminthe RE . Roscher 1.902 (4). Hyginus : Fabulae 121.
Chrysippe Χρυσίππη Danaide , one of nearly 50 who stabbed the bridegroom Chrysippus RE . Roscher 1.902. Library of Apollodor 2,1,5.
Chrysippus Χρύσιππος Son of Aegyptus , how nearly 50 brothers stabbed by the Danaidenbride Chrysippe RE . Roscher 1.902 (1). Library of Apollodor 2,1,5.
Chrysippus Χρύσιππος Son of Pelops and Axioche , lover of Laios RE . Roscher 1,902-905 (2). Scholion , Euripides : Orestes 5.
Chrysippus Χρύσιππος Founder of the city of Chrysippa in Cilicia RE . Roscher 1.905 (3). Stephanos of Byzantium sv Χρύσιππα .
Chrysippus Χρύσιππος Son of Aiolos and the Laistrygonin Telepora RE . Roscher 1.905 (4).
Chrysis Χρυσίς Amazon who went into battle “like a man” on a vase from Nola near Naples RE . Roscher 1.905 (1).
Chrysis Χρυσίς Bakchantin , seized by the deity, begins to race on the Meidias vase RE . Roscher 1.905 (2).
Chryso Χρύσω, Χρυσώ Demon of gold, comparable to Pluton and Sidero RE . Roscher 1,905. Hesychios of Alexandria .
Chrysochoas Χρυσοχόας Son of King Neilos and Garmathone, released from the underworld by Osiris RE . Roscher 1,905. FHG 3,502,2.
Chrysogeneia Χρυσογένεια, -γόνη Daughter of Almos , with Poseidon mother of Chryses and Minyas RE . Roscher 1,905. Pausanias 9.36.1.
Chrysogons Χρυσογόνη, -γένεια this is Chrysogeneia , daughter of Almos RE . Roscher 1,905.
Chrysocomas Χρυσοκόμας, -κομος Nicknames of deities: Apollo , Dionysus , Hymenaios , Eros , "the golden-haired one" RE . Roscher 1,905. Euripides : Trojans 254.
Chrysolaus Χρυσόλαος Son of King Priam of Troy RE . Roscher 1,905. Hyginus : Fabulae 90.
Chrysomallos Χρυσόμαλλος Aries, son of Poseidon and Theophano, wears the golden fleece "tuft of wool"
Chrysomede Χρυσομέδη Nickname of the bakchant Chalkomede RE . Roscher 1,905. Nonnos : Dionysiacs 34,119.
Chrysonea Χρυσονόη see Kleitos , son of Mantios Roscher 1,905.
Chrysopator Χρυσοπάτορ Epithet of Dionysus and Perseus RE . Roscher 1,905. Nonnos 47,471. Lycophron 838.
Chrysopeleia Χρυσοπέλεια Dryad , ancestress of the Arcadians, with Arkas mother of Elatos and Apheides RE . Roscher 1,905. Library of Apollodorus 3,9,1.
Chrysor Χρυσώρ Phoenician blacksmith god, identified with Hephaestus RE . Roscher 1,906. FHG 3,566.9.
Chrysorthe Χρυσόρθη Daughter of Orthopolis from Sikyon , with Apollon mother of Koronos RE . Roscher 1,906. Pausanias 2.5.5.
Chrysothemis Χρυσόθεμις Danaide , one of nearly 50 who stabbed the groom Asterides RE . Roscher 1.906 (1). Hyginus : Fabulae 170.
Chrysothemis Χρυσόθεμις Wife of Staphylos, mother of Parthenos, Molpadia , Rhoio RE . Roscher 1.906 (2), (3).
Chrysothemis Χρυσόθεμις Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytaimnestra , sister of Iphianassa , Orestes RE . Roscher 1.906 (4). Homer : Iliad 9,145.
Chrysothemis Χρυσόθεμις Hesperide , a nymph , tends the miracle tree with golden apples RE . Roscher 1.906 (5). CIG 8487.
Chrysothemis Χρυσόθεμις Son of Karmanor from Crete, singer in competition with Philammon and Thamyris RE . Roscher 1.906 (6). Pausanias 10.7.2.
Chthon Χθών personifies the fertile ground and the depths of the earth RE . Roscher 1,906. Euripides : Hecabe 70.
Chthonia Χθονία Daughter of Phoreneus or Kolontas, built a Demeter sanctuary in Hermione RE . Roscher 1.906 (1). Pausanias 2,35,3.
Chthonia Χθονία Daughter of Erechtheus and Praxithea , sacrificed for the good of Athens, wife of Bute RE . Roscher 1.907 (2). Libraries of Apollodorus 3,15,1.
Chthonia Χθονία Daughter of the giant Alkyoneus , transformed into a kingfisher with her sisters RE . Roscher 1.907 (3). Eustathios : Commentary on Iliad 776 : 37.
Chthonia, Chthonioi Χθονία, Χθόνιοι θεοί Nickname of goddesses "belonging to the earth", from the underworld or for fertility RE . Roscher 1,907. Herodotus : Histories 6,134.
Chthonios Χθόνιος Centaur , hybrid creature , killed by Nestor at the wedding of Peirithoos RE . Roscher 1.907 (1). Ovid : Metamorphoses 12,441.
Chthonios Χθόνιος Son of Aegyptus , how nearly 50 brothers were stabbed by the Danaid bride Bryke RE . Roscher 1.907 (2). Library of Apollodor 2,1,5.
Chthonios Χθόνιος Son of Poseidon and Syme , under whose leadership Symi was settled RE . Roscher 1.907 (3). Diodorus 5.53.
Chthonios Χθόνιος Division , developed from sown dragon teeth, ancestor of the Thebans RE . Roscher 1.907 (4). Library of Apollodorus 3,4,1.
Chthonios Χθόνιοι θεοί this is a chthonioi , epithet of a deity of the underworld RE . Roscher 1.907 (5). Orphic Hymn 69.2.
Chthonios Χθόνιος Gigant , son of Gaia , tries to overthrow the Olympian gods RE . Nonnos of Panopolis , Dionysiacs 48,21.
Chthonophyle Χθονοφύλη Daughter of Sicyon , with Hermes mother of King Polybos RE . Roscher 1,908. Apollonios of Rhodes 1,115.
Chthonophylos Χθονόφυλος Giant on the Pergamon Altar RE . Roscher 1,908.
Chum Χούμ Son of Chanaan, ancestor of the Ethiopians, brother of Mestraïmos RE . Roscher 1,908. Eusebius : Evangelica 9.17.
Chytros Χύτρος Son of Aledros, grandson of Akamas, the city of Chytroi on Cyprus after him RE . Roscher 1,908. Pliny the Elder NH 5,31,35.