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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the municipality of Mohrkirch
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Mohrkirch highlighted

Coordinates: 54 ° 40 ′  N , 9 ° 43 ′  E

Basic data
State : Schleswig-Holstein
Circle : Schleswig-Flensburg
Office : Süderbrarup
Height : 38 m above sea level NHN
Area : 14.42 km 2
Residents: 958 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 66 inhabitants per km 2
Postcodes : 24405, 24392, 24891
Area code : 04646
License plate : SL
Community key : 01 0 59 060
Office administration address: Königstrasse 5
24392 Süderbrarup
Website :
Mayor : Karl-Jürgen Peters ( CDU )
Location of the community Mohrkirch in the Schleswig-Flensburg district
Ahneby Alt Bennebek Arnis Ausacker Bergenhusen Böel Böklund Bollingstedt Boren Borgwedel Börm Böxlund Brodersby-Goltoft Busdorf Dannewerk Dollerup Dörpstedt Eggebek Ellingstedt Erfde Esgrus Fahrdorf Freienwill Gelting Geltorf Glücksburg (Ostsee) Grödersby Groß Rheide Großenwiehe Großsolt Grundhof Handewitt Harrislee Hasselberg Havetoft Hollingstedt Holt Hörup Hürup Husby Hüsby Idstedt Jagel Janneby Jardelund Jerrishoe Jörl Jübek Kappeln Klappholz Klein Bennebek Klein Rheide Kronsgaard Kropp Langballig Langstedt Lindewitt Loit Lottorf Lürschau Maasbüll Maasholm Medelby Meggerdorf Meyn Mittelangeln Mohrkirch Munkbrarup Neuberend Nieby Niesgrau Norderbrarup Nordhackstedt Nottfeld Nübel Oersberg Oeversee Osterby Pommerby Rabel Rabenholz Rabenkirchen-Faulück Ringsberg Rügge Saustrup Schaalby Schafflund Scheggerott Schleswig Schnarup-Thumby Schuby Selk Sieverstedt Silberstedt Sollerup Sörup Stangheck Stapel Steinberg Steinbergkirche Steinfeld Sterup Stolk Stoltebüll Struxdorf Süderbrarup Süderfahrenstedt Süderhackstedt Taarstedt Tarp Tastrup Tetenhusen Tielen Tolk Treia Twedt Uelsby Ulsnis Wagersrott Wallsbüll Wanderup Wees Weesby Westerholz Wohlde Flensburgmap
About this picture

Mohrkirch ( Danish : Mårkær ) is a municipality in the Schleswig-Flensburg district in Schleswig-Holstein .

Geography and traffic

Due to its central location in the fishing region , the distances to Schleswig 21 kilometers, Flensburg 22 kilometers and Kappeln 15 kilometers are almost the same. Mohrkirch is located in the middle of ground moraines made of clay interspersed with boulders on boulder clay .

Until 1987 the passenger trains on the Kiel – Flensburg railway stopped in Mohrkirch.

The watershed between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea runs right through the municipality. To the south, the Mohrkirch Kiesperdieker and Flarup Au drain into the Schlei and consequently into the Baltic Sea . To the west, the Bondenau flows to the Treßsee and then as the Treene to the Eider towards the North Sea .

For the outflow of the Kiesperdieker Au to the southwest to the Oxbek , the 40-meter contour line at Appelberg was pierced in the Middle Ages and this water was thus diverted to the Baltic Sea. Later a weir and a connecting ditch were used to feed the Kiesperdieker water to Mohrkircher Au and thus to Mohrkirchmühle. Remnants of it can still be found in the area of ​​Babbestrasse.

The municipality includes Baustrup ( Bovstrup ), Kiesperdiek ( Kisberdam ), Krämersteen ( Kræmmersten ), Möllmark ( Mølmark ), Schrixdorf ( Skredstrup ) and Spenting ( Spending ) as well as residential areas such as Appelberg ( Abildbjerg ), Bommerlund, Compagnie, Eslingwatt (partly . Eslingvad ), Hosskoppeln ( Horskobbel ), Köhnholt (partly, Kønholt ), Jordmoos ( Hjortmose or Hjortmos ), Niekoppel, Nordschau ( Nordskov ), Norway ( Norge ), Pattburg ( Padborg or also Paddeborg ), Schmedeland ( Smedeland ) and Sweden ( Sverige ).


In 2018 an urn grave field from the Iron Age was discovered near Mohrkirch and archaeologically examined. Surface finds were already known in the area. In addition to the ceramic urns, the archaeologists found grave goods such as silver jewelry, needles made from animal bones and clothing.

The place is closely linked to the development of the monastery of the same name. The place name is first documented as Moerker in 1391 . He either goes to Danish. mår for marten or altdänisch marth, morth for forest and -kær for Kratt back. In 1778 the Mohrkirchener Harde ( Mårkær Herred ) was formed from the majority of the repealed Mohrkirchen office . Originally there were two villages with Morhkirch-Osterholz and -Westerholz, which gradually grew together after 1881 through settlement around the station. Until the German-Danish War in 1864, the places were subordinate to the parish Boel (Bøl Sogn) in Mohrkirchharde (Amt Gottorf, Duchy of Schleswig ).

From 1907 to 1919 the second adult education center of the association for rural adult education centers in Schleswig-Holstein was operated in Mohrkirch-Osterholm under the direction of the director Heinrich Harms with an attached student hostel .

The political community Mohrkirch was formed on January 1, 1970 from the two formerly independent communities Mohrkirchosterholz and Mohrkirchwesterholz. The merger goes back to a spatial reorganization of the municipalities and offices in the district that was carried out in the early 1970s, with the aim of strengthening the economy and simplifying administration. The reorganization provided for the merging of the then 18 municipalities into six units with more than 2000 inhabitants if possible in the Süderbrarup Office. A merger with Böel was planned for Mohrkirch . In the office, however, amalgamations have only been carried out where the closeness to the citizen and the independence of local self-government, which is necessary for local development, has been preserved.

Due to its historical development, Mohrkirch does not form a closed townscape. The proportion of scattered houses and courtyards in individual locations is very large. Only in recent years has the connection between the former districts of Westerholz and Osterholz developed through the development of a new building area as today's center.

The widely scattered settlement area of ​​Mohrkirch is reflected in a large number of district and farm names. Very often these are the old names of the individual parcels into which the former monastery and later Domanialgut Mohrkirchen as well as an associated Meierhof were divided when the Mohrkirchharde was founded in 1778 . But also scenic features have been reflected in place names.

The place name Kiesperdieck ( Kisberdam ) comes from Danish. kirsebær for a church tree and dam for a pond. Kälberhagen ( Kalvehave ) was first documented in writing in 1680 and probably describes the former calf paddock of the monastery (Danish: kalv ≈ calf). The prefix in Appelberg ( Abildbjerg ) indicates an apple tree, the place was created as a Katenstelle zu Schrixdorf. Schrixdorf ( Skredstrup , Angeldän . Skrejstrup ) can be traced back to the personal name Skrik , possibly in connection with Danish. skrige for scream .


In 1391, Spenting was first mentioned in a document as "dat velt to Spentinghe" in the purchase letter of the Order of Antonites about the Moerker farm. According to stories, the village died out in the plague epidemic in 1349/50 and came into the possession of the noble Lembeck family, who sold it to the Antoniter Order in 1391 with the Moerker farm. Archaeological finds suggest that the village, which was first documented by name in the Middle Ages, was inhabited several centuries earlier (10 BC to 455 AD) and was one of the oldest settlements in Fishing . In the later history of Mohrkirch Monastery (until 1541) and the ducal estate (until 1778), Spenting was always used as the name of the Spenting Koppel cattle pasture. 450 years after the village died out, it was repopulated again in 1778.

Mohrkirchen Monastery

Mohrkirchen Monastery was founded in 1391 by Antonite monks from Tempzin Monastery , who apparently had resided in the area before. The first documented mention of the aristocratic court "Moerker" is in this context: The von Lembeck family, who lived here, sold the farm with a mill, ponds and extensive land to the convent of the Antonite Congregation. The Edelhof Morker was converted into a monastery. The only illustration shows a three-sided courtyard , the open side of which was closed by a wall. In the following decades, the monastery was bequeathed large stretches of land from the surrounding communities, and it also received patronage over the parishes of Norderbrarup and Böel .

When the Reformation was introduced in Schleswig-Holstein, the monastery was abolished and converted into an estate. In 1544 it fell to the Duchy of Gottorf . The building served as the office of the bailiff until 1778 . After the Treaty of Tsarskoye Selo , the royal estate was parceled out in 1778. The new tenants used the abandoned building as a quarry to build their houses. Most of the monastery documents were destroyed.

Adult education center with student dormitory (1907–1919)

As early as 1905, the association for rural adult education centers in Schleswig-Holstein was commissioned at the association meeting on November 19 to set up a second association-owned adult education center in addition to the adult education center in Albersdorf . Because of the good transport connections to the railway line, which was completed in 1902, and because of the proximity to the former Oersberg educational institution of Claus Jürgensen , the decision was made to build it in Mohrkirch. The school was inaugurated on June 2nd, 1907. It offered space for up to 45 students and had an adjoining student residence to accommodate the students, or mostly female students. Due to the brisk advertising activity of the then headmaster and director Heinrich Harms throughout the country, the school was well attended and was able to keep operating successfully until the end of the First World War . From 1919, the educational system was rebuilt in the Weimar Republic . This also ended the operation of Schleswig-Holstein's second adult education center in Mohrkirch-Osterholz.


Community representation

Of the eleven seats in the municipal council, the CDU and the SPD have each had four seats since the 2013 local elections, the FWG electoral community has two seats and the SSW one seat.

coat of arms

The coat of arms was approved on August 7, 1972.

Blazon : "A blue Antonius cross in gold , each accompanied by a green oak leaf."

The blue Antonius cross, also called the Egyptian cross, in the coat of arms refers to the cross that the Antonites wore on their black costume and that was also included in the seal of the monastery. The cross as a symbol for Mohrkirch was preserved even after the secularization and found its way into the seal of Mohrkirchharde, founded in 1778. To this day, the cross represents alongside the other Angeliter Harden Mohrkirch in the coat of arms of the landscape. The oak leaves accompanying the cross in the coat of arms indicate the formerly rich population of oak trees in this region. The colors gold and blue indicate that Mohrkirch is located in the Schleswig region.

The coat of arms was designed by the Brunsbüttel heraldist Willy "Horsa" Lippert .


The flag was approved on August 13, 1996.

In the middle of a yellow flag cloth is the blue Antonius cross of the municipal coat of arms, accompanied by two green oak leaves.


The municipal area is mainly used for agriculture. The proportion of forest areas after the last afforestation is above the district and state average.


The list of cultural monuments in Mohrkirch includes the cultural monuments entered in the list of monuments of Schleswig-Holstein.



  • Johannes Callsen: The Mohrkirchen farm. Edelhof, monastery, domain estate. 1360-1778. KEK Verlag, Freienwill 1983

Web links

Commons : Mohrkirch  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Mohrkirch  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. North Statistics Office - Population of the municipalities in Schleswig-Holstein 4th quarter 2019 (XLSX file) (update based on the 2011 census) ( help on this ).
  2. ^ Berthold Hamer: Topographie der Landschaft fishing , Vol. 2, Husum 1995, p. 65
  3. ^ M. Mørk Hansen: Kirkelig Statistics over Slesvig Stift: Med historiske og topografiske bemærkninger , Kjøbenhavn 1864, Volume 2, Page 384
  4. ^ Mohrkirch near Süderbrarup: 2000 year old urns and grave supplements discovered at Schleswig-Holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag on June 6, 2018
  5. Construction workers can find 2,000-year-old urns at on June 6, 2018
  6. Berthold Hamer: Topography of the landscape fishing , Vol. 2, Husum 1995, pp. 64-67
  7. ^ Wulf Pingel: "Landvolks Bildung - Landes Wohl" The institutionalization of German folk high schools between Königsau and Eider in the years 1769-1921 , Flensburg 1999, S118
  8. In the municipality register of June 6, 1961 and in the change notification in the systematic register of name and border changes of municipalities from June 6, 1961 to April 25, 1970, page 451, the spelling can be found without a hyphen
  9. ^ Berthold Hamer: Topography of the landscape fishing , vol. 1, Husum 1994, p. 401
  10. ^ Berthold Hamer: Topography of the landscape fishing , Vol. 1, Husum 1994, p. 368
  11. Berthold Hamer: Topography of the landscape fishing , vol. 1, Husum 1994, p. 51
  12. ^ Berthold Hamer: Topography of the landscape fishing , Vol. 2, Husum 1995, p. 248
  13. Johannes Callsen, The laying of a power cable opens a view of Spenting, a historical settlement in fishing in: YEARBOOK of the Heimatverein der Landschaft ANGELN 83rd year 2019/20, Sörup 2019, pp. 135–142
  14. ibid. P. 142
  15. Mohrkirchen Monastery
  16. ^ Wulf Pingel: "Landvolks Bildung - Landes Wohl" The institutionalization of German folk high schools between Königsau and Eider in the years 1769-1921 , Flensburg 1999, pp. 126-138
  17. Schleswig-Holstein's municipal coat of arms