List of personalities from the city of Utrecht

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The following list contains the personalities born in Utrecht and those living temporarily, listed chronologically according to the year of birth. The list does not claim to be complete.

Coat of arms of the municipality of Utrecht

Personalities born in Utrecht

Hadrian VI.
Godart van Roadstead
Henricus Regius
Isabelle de Charrière
Godert Alexander Gerard Philip van der Capellen
Theo van Doesburg
Gerrit Thomas Rietveld
Johan Willem Beijen
Fred Kaps
Frans Andriessen
Anja Meulenbelt
Herman van Veen
Sylvia Kristel
Marco van Basten
King Willem-Alexander
Wesley Sneijder
Ibrahim Afellay

Until 1600

1601 to 1800

1801 to 1850

1851 to 1900

1901 to 1950

1951 to 1975

From 1976

Famous people associated with Utrecht

See also