University of Paris-South

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Université Paris XI
motto Comprendre le monde, construire l'avenir
founding 1971
Sponsorship state
place Antony , Bures-sur-Yvette , Cachan , Châtenay-Malabry , Clamart , Gentilly , Gif-sur-Yvette , Le Kremlin-Bicêtre , Orsay , Le Plessis-Robinson , Sceaux , Les Ulis and Villejuif
management Alain Sarfati
Students 27,307 (2011)
Annual budget EUR 450 million
Networks LERU
University of Paris-South (Orsay)

The University of Paris-Süd or University of Paris 11 is a university in the Paris metropolitan area .


The university was founded in 1971 and comprises five faculties , three Instituts Universitaires de Technologie ( IUT ) and an engineering school (the Institut de Formation des Ingénieurs de Paris-Sud , IFIPS ).


The locations are spread across the three departments of Essonne , Hauts-de-Seine and Val-de-Marne and are in the municipalities of Antony , Bures-sur-Yvette , Cachan , Châtenay-Malabry , Clamart , Gentilly , Gif-sur-Yvette , Le Kremlin-Bicêtre , Orsay , Le Plessis-Robinson , Sceaux , Les Ulis and Villejuif .

University professor

see also category: University professors (University Paris-Süd XI)


Web links

Commons : University of Paris-South  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence