List of churches in the Wismar Provostry

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Propstei Wismar

The Wismar Propstei belongs to the Mecklenburg parish of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany ( "Northern Church" ). Until the founding of the Northern Church at Whitsun 2012, the territory of the Wismar parish was the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mecklenburg .

The following districts and cities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are partially or entirely part of the church district and are marked with abbreviations in the list:

Existing buildings

place Parish church Agriculture
construction time particularities Illustration
Old Bukow Alt Bukow, Kirch Mulsow and Neuburg Village church Alt Bukow LRO
14th century Field and brick building, single-nave, four-bay, late Gothic. Altarpiece and window by Lothar Mannewitz, refurbished 1994–1997 Old Bukow Church 1.jpg
Alt Meteln Alt Meteln, Groß Trebbow and Cramon Alt Meteln village church NWM
14th century Brick building, single nave, free-standing bell cage, neo-Gothic interior, organ by Friedrich Friese III (1885), bell 1516, 2001 end of structural work Church in Alt Meteln.jpg
Bad little ones Tall beasts Community center Arche Bad Kleinen NWM
20th century
Plastered building, in the form of a ship with a wooden bell support Bad Small Community Center Arche 2009-04-21 003.jpg
Babylon New monastery Bäbelin village church NWM
15th century Brick / field stone building, transverse rectangular tower 1872, two-bay hall building, neo-Gothic furnishings, altar painting v. Gaston Lenthe, 18th century stained glass, renovated in 1996 Baebelin Church 2008-11-13 051.jpg
Bakendorf Gammelin, Warsow Bakendorf Chapel FO
19th century
Field stone building, classicist, free-standing bell cage with bell from 1730 Bakendorf Church 2009-01-05 060.jpg
Banzkow Plate Banzkow village church PCH
19th century
Brick building, 4-bay hall building, neo-Gothic by Theodor Krüger , octagonal tower top , epitaph 1696, organ by Friese 1884, altarpiece by Clara Müller 1902 Banzkow Church 2009-03-31 002.jpg
Barnin Crivitz Barnin village church PCH
19th century
Brick building, 1868–1869, neo-Gothic design by Theodor Krüger , wooden barrel vault, organ by Friese , altar painting by Theodor Fischer-Poisson Barnin Church 2009-04-16 005.jpg
Beidendorf Dambeck, Beidendorf Beidendorf village church NWM
13th century Brick building, nave 14th century, two bays, tower 15th century, 19th century renovation with pulpit altar and pulpit. Gallery, organ by Friedrich Friese III (1865), stained glass 1900, renovated in 1996 Church in Beidendorf.jpg
Bibow Was in Bibow village church NWM
14th century Brick building, single-nave, two-bay, half-timbered tower 1745, remnants of wall paintings from the 14th century, pulpit altar 1745, organ by Friedrich Friese III Bibow Church 2008-08-17 003cut.jpg
Biendorf Biendorf-Russow and Rerik Biendorf village church LRO
14th century
Field stone with brick, Renaissance pulpit 1665, boarded tower, altar with 19th century oil painting, outside the church Romanesque baptismal font
Boitin-Resdorf Boitin-Resdorf Chapel NWM
20th century
Brick building ChurchBoitinResdorf.JPG
Boltenhagen Boltenhagen Evangelical Church at Paulshöhe NWM
19th century
Brick building, neo-Gothic, altar painting 1873, baptismal font 1948, 2 bells from 1879 (west gable) and 1950s Boltenhagen Church 2009-01-02 028.jpg
Börzow Rye peat Borzow village church NWM
14th century Brick and field stone building, two-bay, square west tower, altar 1718, paintings 15th century, organ by Friese III (1865) Boerzow Church 2009-01-02 038.jpg
Boessow Boessow Village church Bössow NWM
14th century Brick building, pulpit from 1674 (foot and pulpit hood removed in 1962), neo-Gothic altar (removed in 1962), grave slab 1396, glass painting 14th century, four early Gothic panes in the choir. Church in Bössow.JPG
Borkow Dabel Borkow Chapel PCH
16th century Brick building without a tower, glass windows with paintings and coats of arms and their restoration in 1993, Nußbücker organ 1997 with musical mechanism, inauguration of the chapel with bell consecration in 2010. Borkow Church 2009-04-16 022.jpg
Bruel Brüel, Holzendorf, Tempzin, Penzin City Church of Brüel PCH
13th century Brick building, 14th century tower, stepped gable on the rectangular choir, several additions, last organ from Winzer 1843, baroque altar 1750, carved pulpit 1624, epitaph 1685 Bruel Church 2.jpg
Buchholz Retgendorf Buchholz village church (near Rubow) NWM
15./19. Century Brick building, tower from 1869, neo-Gothic interior Church in Buchholz.JPG
Cambs Zittow Cambs Chapel PCH
17th century
Half-timbered building with a small bell tower, flat wooden ceiling with naive painting, renovation and winter church installation 1977–1981 Village church Cambs 20090410.JPG
Carlow Carlow Carlow village church NWM
13./19. Century Brick building (nave and tower) neo-Gothic (1885/88); late Romanesque choir granite block construction 1260, pulpit u. Altarpiece 1695, triumphal cross group 1500, organ by Friedrich Friese (1888) Carlow Church01.jpg
Consrade Plate Consrade village church PCH
16th century Half-timbered building, three-sided east end, sacrament niche, renovated in 1831 and 1967, altar made of red granite u. bronze crucifix by Friedrich Press 1967, carved figures from altar v. 1500, cross over pulpit 17th century, 1900 installation of gallery organ by Runge Consrade Church.jpg
Cramon Alt Meteln, Groß Trebbow and Cramon Cramon village church NWM
14th century Brick building, tower 1844, simple furnishings, thorough renovation in 1823 and 1952–1956, organ by Friese III (1879), renewed by Nussbücker in 1966 with the old work, tombstone 1416 Cramon Church 2008-11-13 010.jpg
Crivitz Crivitz City Church of Crivitz PCH
14th century
Brick building, changed several times, choir with reticulated vault, carved altar from 1520, triumphal cross 15th century, wall paintings 14th to 17th century, baptismal font 13th century, Renaissance pulpit 1621 Church in Crivitz.JPG
Dabel Dabel Dabel village church PCH
14th century Field stone building, completely rebuilt in the 19th century, renovation in 1990, organ by Nußbücker 1995 with glockenspiel, carved triumphal cross group 15th century, part of a Gothic carved altar Dabel Church 2008-09-17 040.jpg
Dambeck Dambeck, Beidendorf Dambeck village church NWM
14th century Brick building on field stone foundation, three-sided east end, buttresses, tower basement brick, wooden 17th / 18th c. 19th century, pulpit altar 19th century, triumphal cross with evangelist symbols 16th century, Friese organ Church in Dambeck.jpg
Damshagen Damshagen St. Thomas Church NWM
14th century Brick building, neo-Gothic interior design 1856, decorated pulpit altar 1724, organ 1844, large bell from 1469, baptismal font made of granite 1230, stone coffins of the Bülow family 18th century. Damshagenkirche.jpg
Dassow Dassow Nikolaikirche Dassow NWM
13th century Brick building (granite cuboid (central nave), brick Gothic choir), tower also in brick at the beginning of the 16th century. Dassowkirche03.jpg
Demes Demes Church Demen PCH
13th century Single-aisled brick building with a retracted square choir, blind gable, around 1300, new altarpiece after a fire in 1956. Demen Church 2009-04-16 002.jpg
Demern Carlow Demern village church NWM
13th century Brick building, blind gable end of the 13th century, nave 1480, sloping wooden tower 17th / 18th century Century, carved altar around 1400, pulpit 1715, crucifix 2nd H. 15th century, wall paintings 1611. Demern Church 2009-01-02 066.jpg
Diedrichshagen Diedrichshagen Diedrichshagen village church NWM
15./19. Century Brick building Church Diedrichshagen.jpg
Mecklenburg village Mecklenburg village Dorfkirche Dorf Mecklenburg NWM
14th century Brick building Church Dorf Mecklenburg.jpg
Dreveskirchen Alt Bukow, Kirch Mulsow and Neuburg Dreveskirchen village church NWM
13th century Brick building Dreveskirchen Church 1.jpg
Elmenhorst Kalkhorst, Elmenhorst Elmenhorst village church NWM
13th century Brick building Elmenhorst west.jpg
Friedrichshagen Gressow, Friedrichshagen Friedrichshagen village church NWM
14th century Brick building Friedrichshagen Church 1.jpg
Gadebusch Gadebusch, Roggendorf, Groß Salitz City Church Gadebusch NWM
13th century Brick building, dedicated to St. James and Dionysius Gadebuschkirche08.jpg
Gägelow Dabel Gägelow village church PCH
13th century Field stone construction Church in Gägelow.JPG
Gammelin Gammelin, Warsow Gammelin village church FO
15th h. Brick building Gammelin Church 2008-05-15 003.jpg
Goldebee Hornstorf, Goldebee, Lübow, Zurow Goldebee village church NWM
15th century Brick building Goldebee Church 2008-11-13 041.jpg
Goehren Zapel Chapel Göhren (near Crivitz) PCH
20th century (1950s) Half-timbered building, free-standing belfry Goehren bei Crivitz 2009-04-16 004.jpg
Gorslow Pinnow Görslow village church PCH
19th century Plastered building, late classicistic Goerslow Church 2009-04-16.jpg
Goldenstädt Uelitz Goldenstädt village church FO
15th century Brick / field stone construction Goldenstädt Church.jpg
Gressow Gressow, Friedrichshagen Gressow village church NWM
14th century Brick building Gressow Church 3.jpg
Grevesmühlen Grevesmühlen Nikolaikirche Grevesmühlen NWM
13th century Brick building Church in Grevesmühlen.JPG
Gross Brütz Gross Brütz Groß Brütz village church NWM
15th century Brick building, altar shrine from the 15th century, extensive neo-Gothic renovation in 1889, patronage box with coat of arms 1699 Gross Bruetz Church 2008-11-13 005.jpg
Big Eichsen Vietlübbe, Mühlen Eichsen, Groß Eichsen Johanniter Church Groß Eichsen NWM
14th century Brick building, altarpiece 1698, baroque organ Church in Groß Eichsen.jpg
Big wheels Groß Raden village church PCH
13./14. Century Brick building, early Gothic, medieval triptych with paintings from the 17th century, tower destroyed after lightning strike in 1891 and later only rebuilt up to the height of the nave Gross Raden Church 2008.jpg
Gross Salitz Gadebusch, Roggendorf, Groß Salitz Groß Salitz village church NWM
15th century Brick building, basilica, Friese organ Gross Salitz Church 2009-01-02 079.jpg
Greater Ticino New monastery Village church in Greater Ticino NWM
14th century Brick building Gross Tessin Church 3.jpg
Great Trebbow Alt Meteln, Groß Trebbow and Cramon Groß Trebbow village church NWM
15th century towerless brick building, inside pulpit with confessional and altar 17th century, carved crucifix 15th century, organ 1855 Friedrich Friese III. came from the Schwerin Castle Church in 1913, free-standing bell chair renovated in 2011, bell 1650 Gross Trebbow Church 2008-11-13 014.jpg
Herrnburg Herrnburg Herrnburg village church NWM
13th century Brick building Herrnburg Church with Zollhaus.jpg
Tall beasts Tall beasts Village church Hohen Viecheln NWM
14th century Brick building Hohen Viecheln Church 2008-11-13p.jpg
Hohenkirchen Proseken, Hohenkirchen Hohenkirchen village church NWM
15th century Brick building Church in Hohenkirchen.JPG
Holthusen Sülstorf, Pampow Holthusen Chapel FO
20th century Plaster construction Holthusen Chapel 2009-01-05 070.jpg
Hülseburg Gammelin, Warsow Chapel Hülseburg FO
19./20. Century Brick building, erected in 1860 as a burial chapel, conversion to church space 1951–1953, dismantling of the bell tower in 1970s, replaced by a free-standing bell cage, no longer used since 1989 due to disrepair, owner since 1997 Hülseburg Chapel 2009-01-05 052.jpg
Holzendorf Brüel, Holzendorf, Tempzin, Penzin Holzendorf village church PCH
15th century Brick building, choir extension in 1855, simple furnishings Holzendorf Church 2009-04-16 072.jpg
Hornstorf Hornstorf, Goldebee, Lübow, Zurow Hornstorf village church NWM
14th century Brick building Hornstorf Church 2008-11-13 066.jpg
Jesendorf Jesendorf Jesendorf village church NWM
14th century
Brick building, baroque interior Church in Jesendorf.JPG
Kalkhorst Kalkhorst, Elmenhorst Kalkhorst village church NWM
14th century Brick building Kalkhorst village church1.jpg
Kirch Grambow Kirch Grambow Grambow village church NWM
13th century Brick building Kirch Grambow.jpg
Kirch Mulsow Alt Bukow, Kirch Mulsow and Neuburg Village church Kirch Mulsow LRO
14th century Brick / field stone construction Kirch Mulsow Church 3.jpg
Kirch Mummendorf Rye peat Mummendorf village church NWM
13th century Brick building Kirch Mummendorf Church 2009-01-02 049.jpg
Church piece Village church piece NWM
13th century Brick building, choir window with glass paintings, partly around 1300, carved altar around 1430 Kirch Stueck Church 2008-06-13.jpg
Kirchdorf (Poel) Kirchdorf on Poel Kirchdorf village church on Poel NWM
14th century Brick building Kirchdorf Poel Church.jpg
Kladow Crivitz Kladow village church PCH
18th century Plastered building, classicistic with older components, square medieval west tower with eight-sided pointed helmet Kladow Church 2009-04-12 004.jpg
Klütz Klütz Marienkirche Klütz NWM
13th century Brick building Kluetz StMarien Sued.jpg
Kraak Uelitz Johanniterkirche Kraak PCH
15th century Brick building Kraak Evangelical Church 2009-03-31 002.jpg
Langen Brütz Zittow Langen Brütz village church PCH
19th century Brick building Langen Bruetz Church 2009-04-16 002.jpg
Luebow Hornstorf, Goldebee, Lübow, Zurow Village church Lübow NWM
13th century Brick building Church in Lübow.jpg
Lübsee Rye peat Lübsee village church NWM
13th century Brick building Luebsee Church 2009-01-02 061.jpg
Meetzen Kirch Grambow Meetzen Chapel NWM
18th century Half-timbered construction Meetzen church 2009-01-02 075.jpg
Mirow Uelitz Mirow village church FO
19th century Brick building, neo-Gothic Mirow (community Banzkow) church 2009-03-31 002.jpg
Mills Eichsen Vietlübbe, Mühlen Eichsen, Groß Eichsen Village church Mühlen Eichsen NWM
14th century Brick building Muehleneichsen church.jpg
Müsselmow Brüel, Holzendorf, Tempzin, Penzin Müsselmow village church PCH
12./15. Century Brick building, tower above half-timbered, below almost two meter high field stones, after 1957 decay, from 1996 renovation Muesselmow Church 2009-04-16 077.jpg
Neubukow Neubukow-Westenbrugge City Church Neubukow LRO
13th century Brick building Neubukow Church 3.jpg
Neuburg Alt Bukow, Kirch Mulsow and Neuburg Village church Neuburg NWM
13th century Brick building Neuburg Church 2008-11-13 062.jpg
New monastery New monastery Neukloster monastery church NWM
13th century Brick church of the Sonnenkamp monastery Neukloster Church 13.jpg
Pampow Sülstorf, Pampow Pampow village church FO
19th century Brick building, neo-Gothic Pampow Church.jpg
Perfume Perfume Parum village church FO
15th century Brick building Parum Church 2009-01-05 029.jpg
Passee New monastery Passee village church NWM
14th century Brick building Passee Church 2.jpg
Peckatel Plate Peckatel village church PCH
18th century Half-timbered construction Peckatel Church.jpg
Penzin Brüel, Holzendorf, Tempzin, Penzin Penzin village church PCH
14th century Brick building Penzin Church 2009-04-16 059.jpg
Perlin Pokrent Perlin village church NWM
13th century towerless field stone building, extensive renovation in 1840/41 and 1891/92, triumphal cross 1649, Sauer organ 2009, free-standing bell cage with bell 1735 Perlin Church 2009-01-05 020.jpg
Pinnow Pinnow Pinnow village church PCH
14th century Field stone / brick construction Church in Pinnow (near Schwerin) .jpg
Plate Plate Plate village church PCH
19th century Brick building, neo-Gothic Church Plate.jpg
Pokrent Pokrent Pokrent village church NWM
14th century Brick building, tower in front with half-timbered tower, neo-Gothic furnishings from 1853–1856 preserved Pokrent Church 2009-01-05 002.jpg
Prestin Demes Prestin village church PCH
13th century towerless field stone building, altarpiece 1697 was restored in 1962, free-standing bell cage with bell 1478, bell from 1720 was stolen in 2004, Pressentin's grave chapel Prestin.jpg
Proseken Proseken, Hohenkirchen Proseken village church NWM
13th century Brick building Proseken Church 1.jpg
Rehna Kirch Grambow Rehna monastery church NWM
13th century Brick building Aerial view of the Rehna Monastery a.jpg
Rerik Biendorf-Russow and Rerik Rerik Church LRO
13th century Brick building Rerik I.JPG
Retgendorf Retgendorf Retgendorf village church NWM
14th century Brick building Church in Retgendorf.JPG
Roggendorf Gadebusch, Roggendorf, Groß Salitz Roggendorf village church NWM
13th century Field stone construction Church in Roggendorf.jpg
Rye peat Rye peat Roggenstorf village church NWM
14th century Brick building Roggenstorfkirche.jpg
Ruchow Ruchow village church PCH
Field stone building, massive tower with wooden top and pointed helmet, interior fittings mostly 17th century, shortening of the top of the tower due to Dilapidation after 1960, reconstruction of the wooden tower in 1997/98, wall paintings from the 13th century. Ruchow Church 2009-04-16 026.jpg
Russov Biendorf-Russow and Rerik Russow village church LRO
13th century Brick building Russow Church 1.jpg
Ruthenbeck Zapel Ruthenbeck village church PCH
15th century Field stone / brick construction Church in Ruthenbeck.JPG
Schlagsdorf Schlagsdorf Schlagsdorf village church NWM
13th century Brick building Schlagsdorfkirche01.jpg
Schoenberg Schoenberg Laurentiuskirche Schönberg NWM
14th century Brick building Schoenberg Church.jpg
Schwerin Berno parish Berno Community Center SN
20th century Plastered construction, residential and commercial building Schwerin Berno Community Center 2009-04-10.jpg
Schwerin Cathedral parish Schwerin Cathedral SN
13th century Brick building Schwerin 20090410.jpg
Schwerin Nikolaigemeinde (shelf) Shelf Church of St. Nikolai SN
18th century Brick building, baroque Shelf Church St. Nikolai Schwerin.jpg
Schwerin Pauls Congregation Paulskirche Schwerin SN
19th century Brick building, neo-Gothic Schwerin Paulskirche 01-2.jpg
Schwerin Petrine Congregation Petruskirche Schwerin SN
20th century Schwerin-Mueßer Holz Petruskirche 2008-03-13.jpg
Schwerin Castle parish Castle Church (Schwerin) SN
16th century Plaster construction Schwerin castle church interior.jpg
Schwerin Reconciliation Church Schwerin Reconciliation Church SN
21st century Schwerin-Lankow Church of Reconciliation 2008-03-13.jpg
Selmsdorf Selmsdorf St. Mary's Church (Selmsdorf) NWM
19th century Yellow brick building, neo-Gothic Selmsdorf St. Marien 1.jpg
Sternberg Sternberg town church PCH
14th century
Brick building, early Gothic, five bays, three aisles Sternberg City Church 2009-03-04 002.jpg
Stralendorf Perfume Stralendorf village church FO
15th century Field stone construction Stralendorf Church 2008-05-23 184.jpg
Sukow Pinnow Sukow village church PCH
19th century Brick building, neo-Gothic Sukow Church 2009-04-16 003.jpg
Sülstorf Sülstorf, Pampow Johanniterkirche FO
13./15. Century Brick building Suelstorf Church.jpg
Sülte Sülstorf Sülte village church FO
19th century
Brick building, neo-Gothic, bell 1792 Suelte Church 2009-03-31 004.jpg
Sülten Sülten village church PCH
13th century Brick building, Gothic, first mentioned in 1287 Suelten Church 2009-04-16 048.jpg
Tempzin Brüel, Holzendorf, Tempzin, Penzin Tempzin Monastery Church PCH
15th century Brick building Tempzin monastery church 2009-04-16 054.jpg
Tramm Zapel Tramm village church PCH
16th century Field stone construction Church Tramm.jpg
Uelitz Uelitz Village church Uelitz FO
18th century Brick building Uelitz Church 2009-03-31 003.jpg
Vietlübbe Vietlübbe, Mühlen Eichsen, Groß Eichsen Village church in Vietlübbe NWM
13th century Brick building Vietluebbe Church.jpg
Vorbeck Pinnow Vorbeck village church PCH
14th century Brick building Vorbeck Church 2009-04-16 a.jpg
Wamckow Demes Wamckow village church PCH
15th century Field stone building, rectangular and without a tower, free-standing belfry, wooden beam ceiling painted on the inside, marbled walls and chairs Wamckow Church 2009-04-16 008.jpg
Was in City Church Warin NWM
19th century
Brick building, organ taken from a Rostock church in 1838, altarpiece 1853, 4 bells 1998 Warin Church 2009-04-16 063.jpg
Warsow Gammelin, Warsow Warsow village church FO
13th century Field stone construction Warsow Church 2008-04-28.jpg
Weitendorf Weitendorf Chapel NWM
15th century Brick building, polygonal choir, alliance coat of arms walled in above the entrance, services until 1982 Weitendorf Gaegelow Chapel 1.jpg
West Bruges Neubukow-Westenbrugge West Bruges Church LRO
13th century Brick building Westenbruegge Church 2.jpg
Wismar Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Church Wismar HWI
14th century Brick building RK 0401 04341 Wismar HeiligenGeistKirche.jpg
Wismar St. Marien, St. Georgen Marienkirche Wismar HWI
13th century Brick building, destroyed except for the tower Wismar St. Marien 2008-06-10.jpg
Wismar St. Marien, St. Georgen Georgenkirche Wismar HWI
13/21 Century Brick building Wismar St. Georgen 2008-06-10 059.jpg
Wismar St. Marien, St. Georgen New Church Wismar HWI
20th century
Brick building, emergency church by Bartning Wismar New Church 2009-04-21 010.jpg
Wismar St. Nikolai Nikolaikirche Wismar HWI
14th century Brick building Wismar StNikolai.jpg
Wismar Wismar-Wendorf House of Encounter Wendorf HWI
20th century Plaster construction Wismar Wendorf House of Encounters 2009-04-21 006.jpg
Wittenförden Wittenförden Wittenförden village church FO
19th century Brick building, neo-Gothic, 1854–1856 by Theodor Krüger Wittenfoerden Church 2008-11-17 001.jpg
Wittiness Witzin village church PCH
13th century Field stone building, Romanesque / Gothic, interior wood furnishings 1862, organ 1894 Edmund Bruder from Wismar built, bell 1469 Witzin Church 2009-04-16 030.jpg
Woserin Dabel Woserin village church PCH
13th century Field stone construction Woserin Church 2008-09-17 049.jpg
Zapel Zapel Zapel village church PCH
15th century Field stone construction with a lattice tower Church in Zapel.JPG
Zaschendorf Brüel, Holzendorf, Tempzin, Penzin Zaschendorf village church PCH
17th century Half-timbered construction Zaschendorf Church 2009-04-16 080.jpg
Zickhusen Alt Meteln, Groß Trebbow and Cramon Zickhusen village church NWM
19th century Plastered building, classicistic Zickhusen Church 2008-11-13 018.jpg
Zittow Zittow Zittow village church PCH
13th century Field stone / brick tower Church in Zittow.JPG
Zurow Hornstorf, Goldebee, Lübow, Zurow Zurow village church NWM
14th century Brick building Zurow Church.jpg

Former churches

place Parish church Circle
Construction time
particularities Illustration
Schwerin -
Neumühle Chapel SN
20th century Barrack, built in 1935/36 as a labor barracks between Ludwigslust and Wöbbelin (later location of the Wöbbelin concentration camp ), after 1945 storage shed in Uelitz, 1951 purchase and construction as an emergency church in Neumühle; Not used as a chapel since 2004, demolished after 2004
Wismar Bantzkow's Atonement Chapel 1433 Canceled in the middle of the 19th century.
Wismar St. Mary to the Willows before 1324 demolished after 1945.


  • Friedrich Schlie : Art and History Monuments of Mecklenburg , Volume 2, 1899
  • Horst Ende , Christian Molzen, Horst Stutz: Churches in Northwest Mecklenburg, Publisher: District Northwest Mecklenburg, Grevesmühlen 2005.
  • Zerniner Employment Initiative (ZEBI) e. V. and START e. V. (Ed.): Village and town churches in the parish of Wismar-Schwerin . Edition Temmen, Bremen / Rostock 2001, ISBN 3-86108-753-7

Web links

Commons : Churches in the Wismar Church District  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ The future of the guard barracks of the Wöbbelin concentration camp is still uncertain -