List of places in Thuringia / O

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The list of places in Thuringia contains all places in the state of Thuringia in alphabetical order.

Cities, villages and small settlements named by name (for example Allzunah ) are included. Settlements founded in the modern era (for example the Gebesee settlement southwest of the eponymous city) and city districts that did not previously exist as an "independent" location (for example Erfurt-Herrenberg ) are not included. Places that have been merged with other places to form a new place are also listed (for example Pirk and Lerchenhügel for the new place Birkenhügel ). The first column of the table contains the town, the second the municipality to which it belongs, and the third the district or urban district in which the town is located. Places with the same name are again sorted alphabetically according to the destination word ( Dörnfeld an der Heide stands before Dörnfeld an der Ilm ) and, for places without a destination word, alphabetically according to the name of the associated municipality. If this is also identical, it is sorted according to the name of the district. The list is divided into partial lists according to the first letter:

List of places in Thuringia
place local community district
Obendorf Grave field Schmalkalden-Meiningen
Oberalba Dermbach Wartburg district
Oberarnsdorf Nobitz Altenburger Land
Oberbodnitz Oberbodnitz Saale-Holzland district
Oberböhmsdorf Schleiz Saale-Orla district
Upper Evil Upper Evil Kyffhäuserkreis
Oberdorf Bleicherode Nordhausen
Oberdorla Bailiwick Unstrut-Hainich district
Oberellen Barley Wartburg district
Obergebra Bleicherode Nordhausen
Obergeißendorf Berga / Elster Greiz
Upper Neus Gneus Saale-Holzland district
Obergrochlitz Greiz Greiz
Obergrünberg Ponitz Altenburger Land
Obergrunstedt Grammetal Weimar Country
Oberhain Koenigsee Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
Oberharles Meiningen Schmalkalden-Meiningen
Oberhasel Uhlstädt-Kirchhasel Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
Oberheldrungen Oberheldrungen Kyffhäuserkreis
Oberhof , city Oberhof Schmalkalden-Meiningen
Oberilm Stadtilm Ilm district
Oberkatz Kaltennordheim Schmalkalden-Meiningen
Oberköditz Koenigsee Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
Oberkoskau Tanna Saale-Orla district
Oberkossa Starkenberg Altenburger Land
Oberkrossen Uhlstädt-Kirchhasel Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
Oberlemnitz Bad Lobenstein Saale-Orla district
Oberleupten Nobitz Altenburger Land
Oberlind , former town Sonneberg Sonneberg
Oberlödla Lödla Altenburger Land
Oberloquitz Probstzella Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
Oversize field Ober Maßfeld-Grimmenthal Schmalkalden-Meiningen
Obermehler Nottertal-Heilinger Heights Unstrut-Hainich district
Obermolbitz Rositz Altenburger Land
Oberndorf Apolda Weimar Country
Oberndorf Arnstadt Ilm district
Oberndorf Power village Greiz
Oberneubrunn Lock bottom Hildburghausen
Oberneusulza Bad Sulza Weimar Country
Obernissa Grammetal Weimar Country
Obernitz Saalfeld / Saale Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
Oberoppurg Oberoppurg Saale-Orla district
Oberorschel Lower Orschel Eichsfeld
Oberpöllnitz Triptis Saale-Orla district
Oberpörlitz Ilmenau Ilm district
Oberpreilipp Rudolstadt Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
Tearing over Ilmtal Wine Route Weimar Country
Oberrod Schleusingen Hildburghausen
Oberrohn bad Salzungen Wartburg district
Oberröppisch Gera Gera
Oberroßla Apolda Weimar Country
Oberrothhof Schleid Wartburg district
Upper ax throwing Hohenstein Nordhausen
Oberschöbling Koenigsee Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
Oberschönau Steinbach-Hallenberg Schmalkalden-Meiningen
Oberspier Sondershausen Kyffhäuserkreis
Upper Town Upper Town Hildburghausen
Oberstein Arenshausen Eichsfeld
Obersynderstedt Blankenhain Weimar Country
Obertopfstedt Topfstedt Kyffhäuserkreis
Obertrebra Obertrebra Weimar Country
Oberweid Oberweid Schmalkalden-Meiningen
Oberweimar Weimar Weimar
Oberweißbach , former town Schwarzatal Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
Oberwellenborn Unterwellenborn Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
Oberwillingen Stadtilm Ilm district
Headwind Floodplain Hildburghausen
Oberwirbach Bad Blankenburg Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
Oberzella Vacha Wartburg district
Oberzetzscha Altenburg Altenburger Land
Fruit field smiths Schwarzatal Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
Oxen Oxen Wartburg district
Oehrenstock Ilmenau Ilm district
Oelknitz Rothenstein Saale-Holzland district
Oils Krolpa Saale-Orla district
Oils Katzhütte Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
Oepfershausen Wasungen Schmalkalden-Meiningen
Oerlsdorf Föritztal Sonneberg
Oesterbehringen Hörselberg-Hainich Wartburg district
Oesteröda Stadtilm Ilm district
Oetter Oetter Weimar Country
Oettersdorf Oettersdorf Saale-Orla district
Ohrdruf , city Ohrdruf Gotha
Olbersleben Buttstädt Sömmerda
Oldis life On the jewelry Kyffhäuserkreis
Ollendorf Ollendorf Sömmerda
Oil base Weida Greiz
Öpitz Poessneck Saale-Orla district
Oppershausen Oppershausen Unstrut-Hainich district
Oppurg Oppurg Saale-Orla district
Orlamünde , city Orlamünde Saale-Holzland district
Orlishausen Sömmerda Sömmerda
Oschitz Schleiz Saale-Orla district
Oßla Wurzbach Saale-Orla district
Oßmannstedt Ilmtal Wine Route Weimar Country
Oßmaritz Bucha Saale-Holzland district
Easter grains Grains Unstrut-Hainich district
Osterode Harz Gate Nordhausen
Osthausen Osthausen-Wülfershausen Ilm district
Ostramondra Ostramondra Sömmerda
Ottendorf Ottendorf Saale-Holzland district
Ottenhausen Weissensee Sömmerda
Otterstedt Great, really Kyffhäuserkreis
Otticha Gera Gera
Ottmannsdorf Triptis Saale-Orla district
Ottmannshausen At the Ettersberg Weimar Country
Ottstedt Magdala Weimar Country
Ottstedt am Berge Grammetal Weimar Country
Otzbach Geisa Wartburg district