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legal form
founding 1913
resolution 1913
Seat France
Branch Automobile manufacturer

HP was a French manufacturer of automobiles .

Company history

The company started producing automobiles in 1913. The brand name was HP . The vehicles were also exported. Production ended again in the same year.


The only model was a cycle car . A single-cylinder engine with a displacement of 703 cm³ and 6 hp provided the drive . The built-in engine came from De Dion-Bouton . The original price in England was £ 125 .


  • Harald H. Linz, Halwart Schrader : The International Automobile Encyclopedia . United Soft Media Verlag, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-8032-9876-8 .
  • George Nick Georgano (Editor-in-Chief): The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile. Volume 2: G – O. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago 2001, ISBN 1-57958-293-1 . (English)
  • George Nick Georgano: Cars. Encyclopédie complète. 1885 à nos jours. Courtille, Paris 1975. (French)
  • George Nick Georgano: The New Encyclopedia of Motorcars, 1885 to the Present. 3. Edition. Dutton Publishing, New York 1982, ISBN 0-525-93254-2 . (English)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Harald H. Linz, Halwart Schrader : The International Automobile Encyclopedia . United Soft Media Verlag, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-8032-9876-8 .
  2. a b c d Georgano: The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile.
  3. a b Georgano: Cars. Encyclopédie complète. 1885 à nos jours.